Saturday 17 August 2013

Live Night 31 Part 2

Yipeeee, Rachel went for her first wee - an announcement which is half a percentage less gross than it could have been!! Before coming in she thought she'd be scared to use the toilet but is now more worried about someone walking in mid-way through. Which is why the HM's utilise the knock system for the most part to avoid that very terror from happening because they have no lock. The self-diagnosed control freak Keeley is not buzzin' that there are flies invading the house but the flies are :D Rachel is made up with the memory foam mattresses on their beds. 

While putting on make up Rachel and Keeley discuss how nice everyone is (as previously blogged about on HL's blog) and there being a lot of love in the house. They also converse about their Caoimhe preconceptions and how Keeley feels cagey around her as she didn't behave well (meaning prior to them entering the house obviously). Rachel wonders if Caoimhe has warmed more to her because of the Scouse/Irish link. In Keeley's eyes, Caoimhe has behaved in a way that's not nice from what they have watched of her so she's still a bit cagey. 

At least they know they are pure safe in the studios and that they will not see any spooky apparitions; Rachel declares that the hotel they were staying in was haunted. Keeley believes that's just to get more guests; she has no faith in the existence of ghosts but Rach does after seeing a psychic. Psychics intrigue Keeley but not clairvoyance; they split their sides at how full on Derek Acorah is as he always finds angry ghosts never a nice one. The spirits he comes across are usually axe murderers not a little old woman named Flo. 

Mario pesters John to ask Andrew if he's a virgin but Caoimhe shoots that down as it's not an appropriate first night question. 

JOHN: (not going to let anyone steamroll Andy into answering anything personal) I don't think you should ask him Jack sh*t. Just let him explain what he wants to explain. 

Mario is going to give him a biology lesson with his big testicle (which will frighten the real academic straight back to his Maths books) but just hopes that a gay man is delivered at some point. John wouldn't have thought 3 would be banged straight in tonight but this is exactly what Mario had ventured was likely; they both are confident that all the new guys will stay. Josie comes through to the living room, handing her little man a glass of squash with a chirpy 'alright boys?' 
CAOIMHE: (to Andrew about Josie) She's a little gem, this one. 

Ben seconds this that he can't go wrong with Josie as everyone loves her. (SC) John gets his own back on her for showing him up earlier in front of the peepsicles who are inexperienced in the Gibson ways of humour. He does so by snitching to Dr Geeky that Govan had been nearly crying in the hut over some serious sh*t and Josie was p*ssing herself laughing on the ground. From her body language, he can read that she's now going to explain the reason but give a different reason that's irrelevant.  

JOSIE: (hushes him up) No it wasn't.. Cos Govan used to roll his eyes (unintentionally) like Andie Peters, that's why I laughed. 

JOHN: (really enjoys her and ribbing her) But he didn't mean it though, he was being deadly serious. So if you've got a funny look on your face when telling a serious story, don't worry about talking to her at all. She'll be in fits laughing. 

JOSIE: (urges him to speak no more of it) John, stop showing me up! 

JOHN: That's what she does. 

John, Ben and Caoimhe are examining Andrew on the couch about his family (as shown on the HL's) Andrew is at a loss when Josie asks 'does he (his older brother) look like us?' because it had been said that she and he look the same. John crows as no, he doesn't resemble Josie but does Andy. This is also where Josie makes an official acclamaton of her Andrew love and the sofa crowd are telling him how sweet he is. They make a point that he didn't chastise them for how messy the yard is or John for arguing; Andrew pronounces that John's doing well. 

JOHN: He's been watching. He knows. People must come in here and think 'when he's gonna go? When's he ready to fire?' 
Caoimhe is straight in to ask a question she's not allowed to - who has had the worst story in the paper? Andrew doesn't read the trashy rags that would be printing that sort of gossipmongering anyway and his life has been so hectic as studying takes up so much of his time. He wanted to come on BB as he's always had a feeling that people have never really gotten on with him and theorised that under the microscope he might find out why that is. 

JOHN: (unfeigned) Yeah for sure. You're alright. If you need anything man, you let me know. 

It's not that he wanted her to look silly in front of their new room mates but they'd always toy with each other, even if the other didn't want them to. Their disses were flirtatious for the most part and when it mattered, they would say the right thing the way a best friend is meant to. Because in each other they had found someone they 'could always be with, argue and agree with.' (Pete's Dragon - It's not easy) The song lyrics are bang on that it's not easy to find someone who cares or magic in pairs .. if only they had taken the advice 'now that you have him, hold him, treasure him from day to day.' Another cliche that applies to them is the one which says 'there's a lot of people you can live with (and they proved that in BB) but only one you can't live without.' 

It was unmistakable that Josie was the answer to John's wishes, you could see it in his demeanour that he loved her truly and she was a jewel in his heart. They were both beguiled by how truly truly scrumptious each other was and how their hearts beat so unruly (unashamedly ripping off Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Truly Scrumptious here and exposing my cheesy musical guilty pleasures in the process too!!) .. No matter what is said of their love now, it was more than just a summer romance and these times they'll hopefully always remember. Surely it is unachievable to go through all that they did only to forget it all.. but that by no means is to say that they dream every night of being side by side.  
Keeley telling the group that Josie had a superwoman costume packed in her case. Josie laughs it up 'I didn't pack my suitcase by the way, my friend packed it.' 

JOHN: (mirthful) You tried to hide it? (she buries her head in the cushion, shame-faced) Ahhhh no. 

What happened was, she went out on a bender just before BB and was absolutely annihilated so couldn't pack her case, her friend had to do it for her...sound the housemates are 'talking about adult stuff'. It's 3am, I think we could have handled it... but everyone is LOLing at her side of the story. (ad break) 

John rolls in the aisles that if they've seen him bumming around wearing a hoody for 20 days 'that's why!' because they only got to keep what they could put on in a couple of minutes. Another SC for more talk of an adult nature despite it being sooooo late and so starts this disturbing footage of Steve fondling Rachel's bust already, her head in his armpit and he doesn't have any top on! It's peculiar to see them cuddling closely like she's been there for 5 weeks not 5 hours and it sends the wrong signal out to people watching. We rarely see Stevie boy so tactile let alone up and chatty at this time in the morning! 

John looks like he is in full on analysis mode until his jaw hits the floor over something. It's either to do with the crude content of their conversation or he got a load of Steve copping a feel of Rachel and it's exactly the kind of gruesome garbage he didn't want to see! When the sound returns Rach and Keeley are imitating some heckles 'they're gonna f**king hate ya!' before they'd come in as the crowd had passed them but they'd seen so many faces today and everyone was wishing them luck. The taunts were most unnerving and made Rachel want to hide in the corner and she felt scared that the crowd just come to boo. 

JOHN: (shaking his head with consternation) What, they booed you guys? They booed you guys? 
They hadn't but Rachel felt they would have if they got the chance to; Josie bets they must get so p*ssed off at work all week that the mob (she didn't use that term I did!!) come to let it all out! Rachel is glad they didn't get the boos as what they heard called out was enough; she didn't realise that the guy who gears the audience up would shout out 'what do you do if you don't like em?' There had been a roarrrrrr of jeering in response, so they must have overheard the crowd filling the stands and be whipped into shape by the warm up man. Rachel ripping the p*ss out of the booing masses +25 pts

She remembers looking down at the throng on launch night and how passionate they were with a vein going in their neck! Dave had got the short end of the stick being sent in straight after they'd been instructed to boo, so they were chomping at the bit for him! Rach wants to be in the crowd to be the one person going 'Wooooo!!' When the doors open on Josie's exit she plots to peg it! Followed by another long dip in sound as they discuss people outside the house who need their privacy respected.
What on earth were they saying during that?? Josie, John and Corin's faces were  it looks like it was something to do with the collective group of losers after Launch Night. Josie didn't like how BB got their hopes up, only to send them all packing as it was really cruel. At the same time Rach wouldn't have rather been anywhere else even though she didn't get in on that first night. John enquires if they'd been given a little party afterwards at least but funnily enough nobody had been in the party mood; they all went straight back to the hotel. (SC as the ladies disclose information that they shouldn't be!!) 

Everyone in the lounge raucously cracks up at another one of mad Scouser's anecdotes and there's a real feel good energy. The worst thing for Keeley had been all the commiserations from people being dead nice about her not getting in. All 81 had already been given train tickets home for the next morning if they didn't get in but nobody had recognised them as they traveled back. (SC) Steve is snickering so abundantly that his bare belly is shaking like a bowlful of jelly :D Rachel was so overwhelmed with the support she'd received, as they are the people who count not the ones who boo. 'Imagine going up to someone you'd never met before in your life and going BOOOOOOOOOOOO!! It doesn't happen in the real world, don't let them get to ya.'  

JOSIE: (making her more afraid) I'm just gonna run. I'm putting me Adidas trainers on, I'm just gonna peg it! But we were saying, we'd rather have a boo than no one have nothing to say. Imagine getting in a crowd and no one gives a sh*t about you, I'd rather have the boos. 
Eventually BB reminds them all that they are not permitted to talk about such things; they are weeeeeally sowwwy but it happens maybe 5 times a day as it's the one thing they've all got in common. Keeley's a bit nervous about a task but she's not a nervous person, she thinks it's because she's really competitive and doesn't want to let herself down. Josie can imagine her with a Rambo bandana on and going all GI Jane on the task. John clarifies if Keeley had said she was really competitive then nods as he deliberates on this. 

JOSIE: You and John James are sooooo alike it's unreal! You even look like each other!! 

John has a laugh and Steve agrees that John's like that bigging himself up over things. He owns up to having to still go in the Diary room to talk about missing soccer kicks, not smashing garbage bins and failing tasks. I don't think they were alike really Keeley was out to win I think although she seemed a nice enough girl. The only similarity I can think of is that they both not afraid to say what they thought generally, maybe that's why they didn't get on so well. I couldn't understand why John didn't like her, she was supposed to be bossy maybe that evaded me but I couldn't see that she was, organising yes but dictating to people no. She was quite supportive to Josie over the Keevil carry on I liked all three of the new comers.” (Maria June Williams)

John did say that similarities collide and they sure did that, she was outspoken and also didn't like any injustice like John but I can't see where else they were similar. She did use Steve to further her place in the house which is something John wouldn't have done. They were both attractive but certainly not each others types. She hated to admit she was wrong as did John but when push came to shove they would own up. Injustice... she didn't like John and Keeva whispering in bed about Josie and Steve. John didn't like how the house seemed against Pepper without finding out all the facts. She stuck up for Ife over the parrot convo about John crying. Apologies..she did say sorry to Keeva after the bedroom debacle. John apologized to Josie often, to Ben after the Ben day row. (Beckie Rodriguez)

Though I can see where Josie was coming from on this first night, time proved that John and Keeley had far more differences than similarities in their traits. One of the biggest being that she knew she was incredibly talented in some areas and was obnoxious and a jerk about it, while John detested arrogance in any form so wouldn't subtly undermine anyone the way Keeley would. Aesthetically yes they both had pretty faces and hot bodies but John didn't brag about the totty he'd bagged a lot like Cruella, in fact he played down his sexual expertise. 
They were both attractive and well off but since when were they personality traits. Keeley knew she was attractive, John didn't own it the way she did. They also acquired their wealth. Very differently. John swayed between keeping himself to himself and fits of rage. Keeley kept her cool and was good at integrating and interacting with the group. She said something if she felt like it was necessary but I don't feel it was in the same way as John and personally got the impression it was for air time. In my opinion Keeley very much let her head rule whereas John was emotionally driven and was ruled by his heart.” (Muddy)

The only real similarity between John and Keeley personality wise is that they both like having things their own way and the only reason they didn't clash more I think is because John didn't care about being the boss of the house and Keeley's main focus while in there seemed to be her desire to be seen as the Baroness even though it was pretty much an empty title that didn't actually mean much of anything.“ (Kay Tee) 

Rachel and Keeley each admit they've been watching BB tucked up in bed; they can't say anything more or they'll get into trouble. Josie doesn't know if she could have watched the series but of course she would have if Keeley had got in from their group. Andrew suspected he'd be the same but couldn't resist tuning in. 

JOSIE: (stops herself) Was it weird..? Oh no, you can't say. For f**ks sake! 

Corin knows they can't but expects Keeley had been like 'OMG, there's Josie and there's Corin!! We've seen them. And now you're here!! People will be saying that about you guys!!' She gets so excitable that she has to address herself in the 3rd person 'God, Corin chill out!' and lays back on the sofa above Josie. What a f**king embarrassment she made of herself when her name was read out, she'd just cried and then walked straight past everyone before thinking she better go back to wave. That's why she wants to see her Mum knowing she'd have been on the edge of her seat as everyone was rooting for their family. 'OMG. I'll never get over that as long as I live.' 

Rachel questions how it felt to be photographed as she pictures that they wouldn't have been able to see from the flashes to walk straight. It's all a blur to Caoimhe and her microphone fell out, John calls to mind that they can't speak about it but they carry on regardless. All Josie could think of to do was her thumbs up pose; Corin thought she'd be milking it but didn't (SC) Keeley felt she looked a right d*ck as she was stuck in the middle of Caoimhe and a girl she'd got close to in her group, she was almost knocked over when Caoimhe reached across to hug her friend after her name was called out. 
'Corin is still wittering on about nothing of substance. Hair or make-up or some bloody thing...or something that catches her eye and makes her buzz!!!!' This sounds like John's literal HELL. Somebody mentions that it is 3.30am so John makes his way to the bedroom, Rachel and Andrew follow suit and get a peck on the cheek from Josie as she wishes the two of them good night, before she goes out for a fag. 

John passes back through the lounge and Keeley requests to borrow some of his caps if her hair gets a bit sh*t; he allows her access as he has all sorts of colours. 'Good night guys.' Baroness Barbie doesn't know where she is or what she's thinking; Corin's succinct  Scary Poppins Manchesterised advice? ''Just take it all in and buzz off it like.. cos this buzz is.. lovin' it!" It doesn't feel strange to her to have the outsiders come inside as she feels normal and like she knows them anyway; it's brill to have more people. It made Keeley feel better seeing them all at the window as they came out, to see that they were excited about it. 

In the bedroom, Ben is heralding Rachel that when the cameras are heard to move around, (as this just happened) this means they like the conversation. He's impressed that she's coping so well (marginally freaking out that she's not?) with the transition but to be honest she'd been expecting worse and for them to be a bit frosty. Dave is reiterative that they were all looking forward to it as the house atmosphere had gone a bit flat; Mario had literally been jumping up and down like a spaniel with excitement. They'd known it was different to the other Friday evictions. (SC)

JOHN: (in the background has just discovered that his caps have been taken) Actually Jose stole all my f**king hats.. b*tch! She took 'em!

Even after 30 days of being in BB, Dave still has times when he thinks it is weird to think that all these people are watching them. Ben knows she can't answer their questions but goes on to say how he hasn't really watched the programme before (long SC) It's cool to Dave that a couple of people around Ben's age have been brought in; he checks if she doesn't mind being called Rach and she's okay with anything. Ben doesn't care so long as it's not a 4 letter word and it is meant with good grace. 

On the other side of the room, John strikes up a conversation with Andrew appreciating that it's hard to take it all in. Ben was worried that the show would be boring for the watchers and Dave teaches that some days are really intense in there (even compared to the hard situations he's gone through in lands he's journeyed to). Intermittently in there they've talked about how nice the atmosphere is when visiting the Diary room and when they're out BOOM it's all blowing up. In the real world, Ben testifies that he's uber relaxed, happy go lucky and very laid back. 
JOHN: (Ben puts all his relaxed energy into being lazy there too) You're very laid back in here

He is but Ben has his days where he's really stressed and hopes he doesn't come across as a real misery guts to the public. They all get the moments when they feel down for different reasons, for Dave it's missing his family and Ben, his friends. 

As part of Rachel's air stewarding she sometimes makes 6 flights to and from destinations such as Poland in one day (2/3 hours flying time each way) which is a long day. John has moved to sit by Andy's bed so they can have a natter. Morocco is the most exotic location she has flown to with Ryanair but she's only waved at it not been out to explore. 

J and A confabulate how everything about the house looks so much bigger on TV and the lay out is completely different to how Andy expected from the episodes he'd seen. The Mole comes to sit with them observing that the bedroom is the coldest room in there, John puts a friendly arm around his shoulders. HM's are told to wear their microphones at all times; John owns up to being the person the message is aimed at 'that's me!' so leaves to retrieve it. John calls it awesome for them to come in, in that fashion to make their grand entrance. He eyes up the spic and span assemblage of foot wear by the girls bed 'that is one hell of a shoe collection!' 

John turns round to spot Josie making a beeline for his quilt as hers has gone 'don't think about stealing mine, Jose!' she mimics him. Awwww he walks over to her and they get all cutesy with a cuddle, as arms are flung around bodies but it is only shown in the mirror reflection so the picture is a teeny tiny blur. 

He couldn't have been more H'OBVIOUS that Keeley didn't hold a candle to her or her own prettiness. Isn't it lovesome how they could both make each other feel better, just with a smile and a hug? There was nowhere on Earth they'd rather be in those moments.. I want that spark and that passion that they used to have together!! How can they not miss it? They were the perfect union of opposites, John the yin to Josie's yang...

Andrew had weighed up the pros and cons of coming on BB so by the time he got the call up he was ready to say YES. If he wasn't doing his exams he'd have been at the launch too and was the one person missing as there was supposed to be 82 of them. The other 81 thought the MIA man had cold feet and bottled it! Mario commends him for doing well not having to stand out there that night and still getting in. Andrew thought the BB opportunity was all over for them as they weren't happy when he rang up to inform them, so he was really down about it in the run up to his examinations. 

John moisturises his face while Josie tries to track down her quilt; she doesn't understand what's gone on and asks Ben if he has a double duvet. John points out that Corin's is clearly a single; Josie makes out that his looks like a double one - it is but he doesn't want a double. 

JOHN: (sheet swaps, asking Josie for assistance) Can you help me do this? Or Corin's gonna flip. (she helps a brother out)

JOSIE: Uh, that's all well and good for you!

He chuckles and thought she'd already got hers, then jogs back across to talk to Mandrew (Mario and Andrew) (SC) John's summoned to the DR just as he begins to tell Andrew about his single-handed pizza-making exploit trouble while the rest were in the task room. 

JOHN: Good night, cos I could be in trouble. I might be exited. (puts on a hoody over his clothes before doing so)

Josie takes his place next to Mario to mix with the men, Mario clowns 'oh here's the maneater!' but she insists she's not one. In the garden, STEVE IS STILL WIDE AWAKE, with his arm around Keeley this time; he certainly can't keep his hands off the new girls. Despite his palm being so low down her back, she's not exactly leaning away from him so can't be feeling too uncomfortable with how hands on he is. At any rate, I doubt Dion (Steve's wife) would give her blessing to this; if my husband's fingers were roaming all over some other girl, I would tear him down like a lion to a gazelle. She asks about the carousel horse names, which are Jan and Amber-Rose but the HM's changed them to Flo-rida and Rachael (after she left) thinking they'd be good as 10p machine rides. 
Corin had tricked John in the coin-operated ride task that he'd sworn but she lied, then it unraveled that he actually had. After one of the rides broke down, she and Dave flipped a coin to see who would win and get the prize. None of the 3 really wanted to budge as they were the 3 most competitive in the house; when Nathan tossed it she chose tails and it did land that side of the coin. But she cursed in triumph which meant that the prize was lost anyway; Keeley can't follow their gabbings of the little story. 

It's difficult to follow the bedroom babbling as their mics are all amped to the max and they talk over one another. But the gist is Dave can't believe Nathan's gone as he was just getting to know him, Ife is copying how John goes 'Jose, Jose, Jose' and Mario is a little bit sad about the Seahorse sunken ship though he knows they'll meet again. Out again, Keeley chastises Corin and crew for being tight over their smoking addiction when the non-smokers only got about £35 to spend on their treats. 

The tiredness hits Keeley and Rachel so they retire to bed; Rachel wants to be told if she gets out of line and won't be offended. She runs to use the outside bog which Corin shouts over she'll love as it has a proper bidet and bum drier in!! (Information didn't know.. and maybe didn't want to either) There's nowt else to do so Ife, Corin and Steve follow inside.

As shown on HL's Ife's not happy that they'd been looked at like scabs when she and Corin wash in the bathroom. Ife guesses the non-smokers can't relate to the extraordinary and minging measures the smokers have to take like going through the bins. She does feel bad that they spent a lot of money on tobacco and she's always in the Diary room b*tching about the mess, so would hate for anyone to think she is not clean and tidy. But things are looking up as Keeley's brought in 180 separate eyelashes she said the girls could use. 

Josie giggles with Caoimhe off camera about Govan having the knobbliest knees and she's had to wedge them out of her ass! (SC's one after the other) Keeley brushes her teeth and is filled in that 2 days ago the bathroom was spotless until BB poured black and blue paint in through the shower! 
The bedroom is still jazzed and energised, Rachel and Keeley are still pinching themselves that they are in BB and came down on a spaceship. Synchronously Ife is waiting for the Diary room and everyone in the bedroom bids a genial good night to the new HM's. This is followed by the usual Waltons rendition around the room. Kuku is not granted admittance as she soon gets into bed with Mazza; Josie and Caoimhe are giggling away in their double bed. 

Noisiness pursues and Steve puts newbies on guard that this is what they will have to put up with, conveniently forgetting his own thunderously deafening snores!!! John winces with pain off camera as Ife had injured him somehow 'oh that hurt! That was right on.. (SC)' he appears to be holding his manhood !!!!!!! Mario jumps on Dave as he had been earwigging and his name was mentioned to Andrew, so pins him down in bed.

DAVE: (desirous for the deviant to get away) Ahh ahh get off me, mole I'm a man of the cloth!

MARIO: (I don't like the filthy little way his mind works) The cloth's coming off!

John throws himself down in between Caoimhe and Josie in bed, sprawling his legs across Josie to make himself more cosy. (SC) Rachel is called to the Diary room while Ife was waiting all HM's cheer, she skips off excitably. Josie smells that someone has blown off, John is quick to deny it was him 'not me!'  - which is right: whoever smelt it dealt it or whoever denied it supplied it? :D They assume it was Wizard because it's alwaaaaays him! 

Caoimhe is inviting John back into their bed as he is now sat upon his own, rifling through his cosmetic bag. Josie assesses that he was frightened away by Caoimhe's f*nny! In the living room area, John and Mario are having another cug (cuddle hug) and when they come back in, Mar tickles Josie's toes. 
JOSIE: (bawls out) What are you doing, Mar?

A parp is let rip, firstly Baron gets the blame but then the fingers point towards Bento (who seems spark out) Mario affirms that it was not him because Ife would kick up a stink and poke him in the ribs! Dave is affirming to Andy that it will take a couple of days to get the swing of the Diary room protocol . 

Ife is still moaning that they lost the robot task after she got astro turf burns on her feet running away from the Chaserbot 'there's no way we were gonna win that!' they still enjoyed it and for Mario it was worth it just to see Titan. Dave calls out to Johnno but he's in the bedroom toilet, when out he wants to know if they're starting their training in the morning. 

DAVE: (his family would have been proud of him nonetheless) I might only be able to do 5 minutes, I'll see how much I can do. You gotta get me fit!

They shall start up an exercise regime this time and Andrew, Ife and Keeley want to get in on it. John banters with Jose but she doesn't hear so quizzes what he'd been blaming her for. I can't really make out what he says but she replies 'you haven't given me nothing, John!' Mario grunts loudly that Ife has cold hands 'it's like a knife in the ribs!' 

IFE: I've got a warm heart. 
John takes a dive out of the toilet and Dave starts heehawwwwing liquored up on the Lord, the river of joy is bubbling up in his belly. Ife is certain she knows what he's laughing at and goes over to whisper with him. Mario nightmarishly murmurs out 'Johnny' like a serial killer in a slasher horror movie. There's something real creepy about the creep. 

JOHN: Oh, are we having chats? 

He lays himself flat out on top of Dave's front with a leg cocked across; Dave hugs him back, glad John is still there but sad Seahorse has gone. He ruffles John's hair playfully teasing him for being so confident that he was going, so his bubble was popped. The Rock says via John James that there ain't no way and The Rock means NO WAY, Dave will be going this week! Monk tickles him so John lands back on top before saying his Good Night's to Dave and Andy. 

A violent thwackkk emanates as John fell over off camera, some hoohoohoo *coughcough* DAVO, others like Corin show concern asking if he's alright. It sounded like a hard bump to the ground as he jumped off Dave's bed. 

CAOIMHE: (doing this intentionally just to screw with him) Are ya gettin' angry now? Are ya gettin' angry? 

JOHN: (chuckling at the raw deal he's getting) Oh it's all a real good laugh isn't it guys? (then to Josie) What do you want? Oh it was you that started laughing? 

JOSIE: Oh no, no, no. 

Ife calls for John's attention, she got the sense that she and Dave had the very same thought simultaneously and they both laughed, so she went over to check and he had! I couldn't tell you what is is because of the SC's but Dave is out of bed, John grumbles that he's high on the Lord again! 'Oh here he goes!' 
Ben is awoken by Mario and Dave clambering all over him which he likens to an orgy. Dave gives the nod that Ife is fully aware of the situation and what is about to kick off. She's weirded out that they'd had the same thought; Dave catcalls that John's about to pop and the cyclone's about to come through. 

JOHN: Why's everyone pick on me?

Jose and Dave are imitating the Welsh 'what ya doooin'?' phrase which I think is from the sitcom Gavin and Stacey. The boisterous individuals tell John to get to bed as Mario, Ife and Dave are in bed together, Dave has snatched his quilt. 

JOHN: (*dingdingding* that's the sound of round 2) Ahh, whose the wise guy?! Are we trying to hide it in here are we? 

In all fairness, Dave tells him he might be taking back the wrong one as one of the duvets is Dave's. Mario clenches the occasion to be vulgar that John's making him hard and he likes it gentle, when John drags the cover away. John reprimands Mario for having Dave's which he makes out is lies and unsubstantiated rumours. 

JOHN: You've gotta be careful with the Mole! (Dave attempts to grab the duvet back off John) No he threw yours onto the hammock, I saw him!

MARIO: That is complete and utter b*llocks! That is character assassination!

JOHN: We know when you're up to something, Mole! (SC)

Steve raises his voice for them to get some sleep, knowing they'll be knackered in the morning. Dave's having a go on Steve's wheelchair at 3.30 in the morning (it's actually closer to 4 now); Ife asks if he's drunk on the juice.  
MARIO: (threatens) Right everyone get to bed, or I will strip naked!! 

IFE: (already too familiar with his baubles) Quick, let's get to bed!!!!

JOHN: (tunefully) Good night everyonnneeeeee!

Dave is back at M&I's double to listen to the whisperings as he can't decipher them from the other side of the room. Ife temporarily forgot that Nathan had went as she was about to go and tell him what they were speaking about. (Long SC) Ife thinks she regrets shaving her hair off as her head is so cold, even with the bristles re-growing. Over the other side, Josie is joking with John that she and Caoimhe are having an interesting conversation 'why don't you see yourself out of it!' Then both girls jape for him to jog on!! (SC)

JOSIE: Joking. You had your opportunity to come over and chat. (SC)

Mario snips at John as he's now trying to sleep, Caoimhe and Josie get in on him being jibbed and retort that they're gettin' angry now! (SC's as John and Caoimhe banter with the doona stealer) Josie berates Caoimhe for taking it too far sometimes but she and Dave share their reciprocated amorous feelings about being great friends presently. 

DAVE: (it's more a mutually beneficial alliance) Yeah, we are.. for now.

JOSIE: Imagine if you put her face up again....'I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!!!'

The roars ring out in that corner of the bedroom, none are more gleefully so than John James. Caoimhe mickey-takes how Dave loves everyone 'God loves us all, so I love everyone!' but Dave takes it in spiritual spirits in his intoxicated state in the GLORY. 
He's gamely on the receiving end of raillery about being hammered by the Lord. 

As Rachel's not back yet from the Diary room, Dave witticises (new word!!) that she'd gone back up in the UFO. John is interested if Dave wants to start running the next day as part of their new fitness plan; he'll do whatever John thinks will help. Ife agrees that she is getting involved with this too and will work on their core exercises and muscle definition but won't do the entire routine. It's a done deal, Ife wants to do some sort of assault course as running back and forth is SO boring!

DAVE: (a lot of quips can be forgiven when they're frolicsome)We can use Johnny James to set up the assault course, he's used to assaulting people!

JOHN: (not on board with the bon mots) Oh, come on now! Come on now, that was a low! 

Josie and Caoimhe are chatting in low tones while laying in bed about Josie's plan to go to the gym when she gets out to become fit; they've been locked in a hushed convo for ages. Caoimhe telling Josie that there's this idea that best friends can't be lovers but it doesn't have to be that way... INTRIGUING ;) What a conundrum!! 

Dave cuts them off after voicing his happiness that they're all £960 in today, for Keevs to go in the Diary room and find out what's happening with this wedding. She and Mario had gone in again as she was really embarrassed about getting down on one knee like an eejit, so BB should give her an answer at least. BB answered for her to wait and see, so that's something she supposes. Dave and Johnny James are going to facilitate the ceremony if it goes ahead apparently!

It sounds like Josie confides quietly to Caoimhe 'he knows I like him' but Dave waffles over them too uproariously about needing to find someone to give Caoimhe away. Then we see the Diary room door before Rachel hops merrily out and unleashes her dulcet brogue onto the others. She's going to have to get used to the BB silences in there as she chats when she gets nervous but now feels like she really is on Big Brother. Only a few hours ago she'd been giddily and anxiously repeating 'can you believe we're gonna be in there? And they're all in there!!' and now she is too. (SC) Even if they are booted out tomorrow, nobody can take their ONE night away from them. 
Mario lands the honour of being the resident BB expert when Rachel asks who it is. He and his mates used his gold BB7 chair to watch BB in; he can fit 2 friends in it with him to watch too. Rachel considers the chance for Mario to come in was not meant to pass him by but Dave disagrees believing the raffle to have been already set up 'Mole was always coming in.' (SC)  

JOHN: (unbelieving) I highly doubt they had 86 mole outfits waiting (SC) all different shapes and sizes. 

The reality is that only a third of the people out there would have fit through the vent to do the task Moley did. 'The big fat loving machine, the black guy - he wouldn't have got through there!' (SC) 

JOHN: He is on fire!! (Ife exclaims that she had said in unison that Dave was on a roll) Did you really? The wizard's not here to pat wombats!

Dave is sorry to disappoint those guys but there was only ever going to be one mole and there was only 1 microphone with the sticker on. 'That old woman could have been spinning that tombola til dawn, there was only one name coming out!' The thought had crossed Rachel's mind too that it was all rigged. (SC) Dave is still droning on that BB were not going to leave it to chance as they already had set the tasks up; Rachel adds that they must have known who they wanted in the house but wonders if the tombola contained 10 names of those who could fit the bill. 

They can't tell Dave that they had 80 sets of stickers with names printed on as Mario's mic had 2 with his name on and the Mole suit had his name on too. Andrew tries to disprove their cynical theories that perhaps it was a one size fits all costume but Dave wouldn't have got in it. So Ife yells out that they may have had a small, medium and large ready and waiting. Josie is speaking to Caoimhe about wanting to go to Africa . 
Rachel giggles that it would have been funny if whoever was chosen was instructed to breathe in as the outfit wouldn't zip up! 

DAVE: His personality fitted the mole, do you know what I mean? 

JOHN: (guffaw) HA! 

DAVE: They couldn't have picked a better mole. (SC) They probably looked at him and thought 'he's ideal!' They probably built the whole thing around him, around his personality. 

MARIO: Are you trying to say I have a rodent-like personality? 

Rachel asks if he ever expected to have the nickname 'Mole' in his lifetime as it's likely to stick for the next 5 years. Dave (jokes) that the epitaph on his gravestone will be 'Sometimes it's tough to be a little mole.' They chortle that he's a good boy and a good mole. Whenever something dubious happens in the house or shoes go missing, Mario goes straight back to being the mole and is straight away questions. Rachel won't stand for their Mole-est views; Mario tells her he has been unfairly painted with this mole brush, this will tarnish him forever. 

JOSIE: Does anyone seriously know if George Lamb is already married? (SC)

I never got the sexual appeal in the lanky Lambchop that is Georgie Porgie. He doesn't exactly have the kind of legs you could sink your teeth into - so what is the *it* that he has? Truthfully, I wouldn't even go there if I hit rock bottom in my life :S 
Rachel 'oopsss, just testing!' when Caoimhe enlightens her of how embarrassed she was after she proposed to her boyfriend, making out like she hasn't seen it herself. Caoimhe is disconcerted because she's not received an answer and it's not a Leap year but the best way to find out (if it was positive) would be by the plasma screen. Dave quotes the lyrics to her of You Can't Hurry Love about it not coming easy, having to wait as it's a game of give and take. Not helpful, Monk - funny but NOT helpful. Is he trying to make her feel better or worse? :D 

Josie had a tear in her eye when Caoimhe got down on one knee to the camera (long SC) Scouser bets Keev's boyfriend is made up as it's not everyday you get proposed to on TV; Steve thanks God for that. But she continues that it does happen on Jerry Springer where a Reverend comes to marry them all; Keevil plants her face in her pillow utterly mortified. Dave is offering up himself to perform the ordinance as he had been ordained with oil in America at a conference out there. So he thinks they can pull it off in there with Johnny James as his right hand man to deal with the rings and Dave will do the ding dongs, Mario's the best man. 

Rachel sits up to see if Caoimhe truly would get married in the BB house, of courseeee but they'd have to get her a dress. She'd left that up to BB but importuned upon it being vintage designer and for Josie to have an electric blue bridesmaid dress like Jose wanted. Ben's going to be the man of honour, Mario the gay of honour 'and John James is gonna be the flower boy!'

JOHN: (throws half a diva tizzy) Don't just throw me in a role! I already had a role. I was assistant to the Wizard. That's right. (Dave elaborates that John will be his deacon) That's right. Don't try and make me the flower girl!

Rachel imagines Caoimhe's fella now watching them all chatting about their pre-planned nuptials (when he may or may not want any part in a sham televised marriage). They are all game for it! Would John and Josie really have gone through with a staged wedding for fun on BB, like they joked about? If they had, what would you have thought watching it? "I think they might have just for fun and I probably would have gone oh dear lol xx “ (Susan Scales)

I don't think so not off their own back it would have been far to cheesy. I would have been watching through my fingers way way too embarrassed for the pair of them... if it had been a task now that's another matter I don't think Johnnyboy would have thrown a mega strop like he did in the Miss Haversham task he would have been on it like tramp on a sandwich and I would have been grinning from ear to ear like a ruddy Cheshire Cat....don't know why I can accept one scenario and not the other Sweetcheeks .” (Chaunty Lindsay)
What a brass don't know if I could of watched..well maybe from behind a cushion embarrassed for them..” (Margaret Still)

I think they would have only been too happy to go through with a ceremony, Josie was well up for it. It wouldn't have been a legal marriage, but it would have been for real as Dave was a licensed minister, but I think they were a bit shy of doing so as they hadn't known each other very long and it would have been too much of a pantomime on tv.” (Maria June Williams)

OMG the thought makes me feel sicjk at how cringey it all was. I actually hope with all my heart it was just cringy flirting and that's all. “ (Vicki Cockburn)

People in love get to be ridiculous, so had a mock wedding gone ahead I would have been singing and dancing!!! So long as they just mucked around and didn't take it too seriously or then I'd be right there with you guys and your cushions :D If Josie really wanted it, John would have consented as he'd have done anything for his baby bear. 

Josie laughs that she can always blame it on alcohol (like the Jamie Foxx song) 'that's  the story of my life! "I was druuuunk!" Rachel's too as alcohol makes them do strange stuff that you'd never ever do sober . Caoimhe recounts how one night herself and Shabby stole all the alcohol and she'd got so wasted BB told a HM to look after her all night. (Long SC because Rachel brings up Kinga and the wine bottle incident!!!

In between sound dips, Josie asks John I'm presuming 'why do you keep making out I'm..(SC)? Rachel responds that he's asking because he's hoping she's like that ;) (long long long SC for adult content) LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT? LIKE WHAT???? Why must BB torture us so, so that we'll never know?? They are frightful beasts! H'obs Mario's moley ears pick up at the distasteful topic and immerses himself. Have not a clue how Ben, Corin, Keeley and Steve were managing to sleep through all the bedroom bedlam. 

Rachel was never my favourite person in the house but she was great in there - lovely through and through :) From the off she fit right in like she'd been there all along, much more than Andrew and Keeley did. Loved that she felt at home enough to crack jokes and banter with everyone straight away.
Josie is asking if the new lot were allowed to bring in food or not. Rachel and Andrew didn't even think to but Rach would have definitely bought in some ciggies for them her mind wasn't overwrought with crazy thoughts. She makes Josie howl 'oh Rach you are funny!' as Rachel's motor mouth runs away with her about everything that had and hadn't crossed her mind in the lead up to entering BB. 

Rach sweetly thanks the HM's for being so nice to them; Josie awws. Mario returns the thanks to her for being a nice new HM. The love that she's feeling from them is definitely multiplied by 10 so she's waiting for an argument, prepared for that to be x10 too. Caoimhe joshes that she still has to clean the kitchen tomorrow. (SC) 'And you can wash my dirty knickers as well while you're at it!' She's just messing and lets Rachel know that. 

Rachel bean spills that she had been coming back from work and would fall asleep in front of the tv listening to them all so it's now dead weird being there. (SC) 

JOSIE: Is my voice that soothing, is it Rach? .. You mean we're on TV 24 hours a day?!!!

Caoimhe remembers Rachel from when she first saw her at the audition and thinking she was so nice and so pretty. Steve scolds her to stop creeping but Caoimhe wanted her to know. 

RACHEL: (on top of that purity was HERPES!!) Are you messing? I had a pure piece of herpes on me face! (at the auditions, she knew she'd get that from stressing out) 
And everyone had been doing the fake kissing mwah mwah thing, when you don't really know someone so she was trying to avoid bodily contact. She LOL's at the amount of funny FB statuses that could have been had by now if they were outside; she'd gotten her sister to de-activate her account but not until she saw her in the house. Rach desperately wants to stop herself talking worried that she's stopping those still awake from falling to sleep. So they all say Night again to anyone conscious.

Caoimhe's happy that she and Dave have connected the past couple of days and become really close; she 'says' she's serious. 

DAVE: I love you, I told you that. (turns his back on her bed) (SC) I wish you were going for a last fag. (so that he could get to sleep) 

This puts a stop to the chitchats and the room falls silent. (END OF LIVE FEED) 

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