Tuesday 13 August 2013

Live Night 31 part 1


11.26pm, Ben eager to pair John up with one of the girls so he can have Josie all to himself


BEN: *mutter mutter*

JOHN: Umm yeah I guess so.

BEN: *mutter mutter*


BEN: *mutter mutter* is she your type?

JOHN: Ummmmm, isn't she 31 or something?

11.28pm, Aww bless John sat with his arm around Josie, she's been nervous about this for ages already.

11.39pm, Josie tells Rachel the Liverpool accent is sexy; Caoimhe agrees and asks her if shes single. Keeley bragging she had been a serial dater all her life and had terrapins, telling them she has a bf (was in same lock down with Mario and Jose) Josie is really hitting it off with all newbies.

11.47pm, SHRIEKAGE for crisps and champagne. John comes up to Josie and pinches a crisp before rather intently scarfing his own. All 3 of the newbies only auditioned this year but Mario has 5 times. Keeley asks John what he does and John wants Ben to answer, how sweet. John used to do steel welding but is now in retail. He tells Keeley he wants to stay in UK after his eviction to stick around til Josie leaves. Awwwww <3
JOHN: Have you been to Australia?

KEELEY: No, it doesn't appeal to me.

John talking about tourist attractions; gives Ife a little hug. Keeley saying she has loads of friends and reckons she was the standby standby cos she only got the call yesterday. Corin asking Keeley how it was for those who didn't get in; Keeley answers that she was ok but it was the young kids she felt sorry for, who it meant the world to. Corin screeches a toast "TO SEA'ORSE!"; Keeley looks slightly taken aback.

12.14am, Rachel and John talking; he doesn't think she looks 29 at all 'that's awesome!' Rachel wait till you see me without my slap on it will be like a slap in the face - 'you'll think its a new, NEW HM.' John laughs.

12.25am, JOHN: She walked in and said 'which bed is mine then? She's so small, but she's so intimidating!"


Starts out with Ben's impression of Andrew shown on HL's; John creases up that Andy had advised Ben 'don't you think you should get more involved in the tasks? You might regret your time here if you don't.' Because of this Ben fears that he'll be out Friday if not before; John alleviates these concerns assuring that the intruders won't get to nominate on their first week.

JOHN: (jesting with Ife) Uh! I'm doing my doona cover, is that alright? Is that alright? (they share a huggle) Aw little Ifster. 

IFE: John are you gonna be good this week, yeah? (he agrees he will be) Be positive, John. I don't like you when you're a negative person.
John tells her he's sorry and that it really makes him think; Josie lies on bed hugging and giggling with Ben. Ben is glad that she'll never see him as a freak again; Josie just perceives him as different. 

DAVE: He's different alright!

JOSIE: I didn't call you a freak, Benjaminge! (her earrings fall out)

Ben is still reeling that Andrew had said to him 'don't you think you come in here to get involved?' Quiff looked at Josie but she hadn't seen. This is when John and Ben plan to team up as shown on HL's - John goes as far as to tell him 'you can do whatever you want!' words that Johnny would come to regret but they high five on it after their kissle (mixture of kiss and cuddle). 

JOHN: (to Dave) Benny goes 'me and you are cool?' I said 'yep' and he goes 'good! Cos she's a b*tch!' and then he goes 'from hell!!' (snicker snigger snort) 

Ben's b*tching of the b*tch is given a boat load of encouragement by Dave and John, leaving him to feel he is really developing in hilarity when he sneers that the best was when Keeley had not meant to be rude but pried as to how Dave earns his money. 'The new girl's been laying into all of us! I've been told I need to get a haircut.' 

"This lot are being very huggy with each other. Text book again. Ben and John shake hands and say they are never going to have an argument again. This is sooooooooooo funny. Re-grouping." (Cornchips)

Now they (the old HM's - Ben, Dave, John, Ife, Josie) are actively acknowledging they'll be closer now. They are all overtly physical and reaffirming. Rachel chats with Caoimhe and doesn't feel uneasy in front of the cameras 'I can't believe I'm in here!' Keevs still feels like that even after the month she's been there but acknowledges that Rach will get used to it. They work out 5 HM's have gone - 4 evicted and Shabby left; Caoimhe can't believe Nathan went but knew John James would stay. Apparently she now feels bad because she was the one who swapped his name.
Perve cam zooms in on Josie's ample rear; Josie calls it mental that Keeley had only been notified yesterday and came to the Studios on the train this morning. She and Mario have been speaking about her; seemingly if they could have anyone from their group come into the house they would have picked her.

KEELEY: Is it weird? Do you feel like I'm intruding? (Mario and Jose don't) 

Meanwhile in the bedroom, John's lifted his little Ifester off the ground to spin her around in another squeeze. She's relieved that he loves her as she didn't know if he'd be cross that she was telling him what he did wrong.  Ben the smiling assassin is instilling his poisonous view of Keeley to Dave 'genuinely, genuinely she's got cruel eyes. Look at her eyes! Seriously, it's not me being like a Lloyd George mystic.. I'm saying look at her eyes. There's real venom in those eyes!' Dave laughs along that it's funny.

"Although I haven't warmed to Keeley either, and she's overtly assertive and head-strong for being in a new environment/home, I think this could go against Ben. Or maybe this is Keeley's immediate downfall." (WHATM-er)

As they moan and groan in the bedroom, the cameras cross over to Keeley emphasising that her eyes actually look lovely and chocolatey! Josie must have started what she considered talking John up to Keeley as he gives the pretense that he's peeved 'why do you always have to show me up on TV like that? You always try and show me up!' Josie doesn't want to row as she thinks Keeley will give him a run for his money.

JOHN: (hoodwinks) She's not impressed now and you've upset her.

JOSIE: I think she already knows! (John chortles but Keeley doubts he'd even try it) 

She is lying on the top of the sofa with John leaning against her leg. Ben and Dave check out what alcohol BB has provided for them and are impressed that it is Prosecco; he won't let up about the venom in her eyes. (SC) John is stunned and dismayed at the ego on this girl after Keeley was 'straight in and bang!' that he needs to sort out his attitude.
JOHN: (counts them off on his fingers) Alright so.. so far, we need a tidy up a little bit, Ben needs a haircut and I need to sort out my attitude.

KEELEY: I'm nice aren't I? 

John's got his puzzled face on, he's trying to work Keeley out; it's like a dictatorial imp from the Fairy Forest landed in their living room! Mario tells blonde newbie that he and John have been bed buddies for the past however many nights 'he's a bit free with his hands but it's alright.' Then jokingly gosses that they had a bit of a snog in the DR last night and that John initiated it. 

KEELEY: Did ya feel it? (whatever it is) 

Mario and his deep seeded need for attention, nah's that it was cold, cold, COLD and disappointing. John is used to the being gross and appropriate Mario so pokes fun of himself 'yeah I tried my hardest, but what can you do?' (SC) The Hayden Panettiere lookalikey just doesn't know what she's allowed to say. John lays across Josie while getting giddy with the new boy as he heard he likes Star Wars.

JOHN: (the force brings together these two padawans) Wahoohoo! My young friend, we will have plenty to talk about then!! Uh you missed out on the be.. you love Robocop and Terminator and that? Ah you missed out on the best task! (slaps at his knees to reinforce how great it had been as they had the robot walking around and had to play Robot wars; Andrew had seen it that day) You'd have loved that!

Mario's promise date with Titan had been cancelled by BB (aw!) 'they stitched me right up!' John establishes that none of the new HM's smoke (until Rachel returns to her smokey ways from their 'corrupting' influences) Keeley apologises that she didn't bring cigs in...she didn't have time as she's just been on hols in Bulgaria. She hadn't washed any of her stuff so had to last night!

JOSIE: (stifles a shriek) Ow John! (he plays the innocent 'what?') Your bony elbows! (he repositions them on her lower spine)  
"Hee he. He always pinned her down when he was feeling insecure:-) (resther)

Same as they'd had to do last time, Keeley and the others had to go through and write down every piece of clothing (long SC) realising that Andrew wasn't out with them on Launch night (due to his exams) Josie asks where they got him from. Corin and Ife are discussing the perilous cooking situation in the closet not knowing what to do about the food thing as no one can cook; Ife can just about manage rice, to turn the cooker on and heat frozen pizzas. It keeps hitting Corin how gutted she is about Nathan and her tummy flips. 

But Ife tells Corin this now she is going nowhere near the shopping list; they're already penciling in new guy to do it for them (Maths geek Andrew + shopping list = good for HM's) They beg to be let out into the garden for a cig as Caoimhe is going to f**king freak and are absolutely starving (they want toast or cereal or something). John is still sitting on top of a sofa, resting his (bony) elbow in Josie's ar*e!! Ife's had a stroke of genius that they put pizzas in the oven as the new people may not have eaten all day 'you know what the food's like in that canteen place - shockingly bad! No offence Big Brother' then wonders if they even have any pizzas.

"Keeley has committed quite a lot of errors. She has gone into the house, taken the floor on a number of occasions, spoken to the hm's as if they  are friends and she knows them (Ben's hair, John's attitude for example) she has said the bedroom is a tip, demanded to know which bed she is sleeping in. for someone who is supposedly successful she has no idea whatsoever on how to appeal to people - especially to a group that has already bonded. Its not surprising the originals are reacting imho. The other two are faring much better." (Cornchips) 

Even if John was attracted to Keeley when she walked out of the UFO and took off her helmet, she got off on the wrong foot with him by insulting him and his mates forthwith. It was superb to see John getting on with Andrew and over something nerdy, it doesn't get any geekier than Star Wars (LOVE IT!)! You will notice that John had attached himself to Josie here, convincing her that he'd run off with no other Sheila .. not exactly the sign that their relationship would crumble now. He knew he had a good thing going and where his bread was buttered ;)  
Davo wants to prise out of Rachel if any of his 18th anniversary curry meal was shown on the previous night's HL's but she hadn't had a chance to see it! She aww's in all the right places when he recites back his message from his honey that he'd heard through Titan. After he'd listened to it he went and cried like a baby for 10/15 minutes as he's not talked to his wife for 33 days. Mario cuts in to ask her which star sign she is (he learns that he is still the only Libra). 

RACHEL: Cancer.

MARIO: (her Scouse dialect is indiscernible to him) Can't say? Why?

RACHEL: No, Cancer!   

Monk makes sure he gets back to proclaiming how lush and amazing his dinner had been as they'd got hold of a wedding picture too and a picture of Donna in a love heart. 

RACHEL: Aw that's nice. That's really nice. 

He discloses that what she'll find while she's in there is how high the high's are only to then be brought back down as low as they can; they all have to learn to adapt and deal with that. Ben begins to bend her ear too about how tough it is sometimes especially if they're sensitive, which they all are in different ways. 'Are you very emotional?' she is kind of (SC after Josie 'YEAHHHHHH's that the blinds are coming up so they can go out to the garden. 

Keeley and Andrew are introduced to the bitching snug by Mario 'this is where everyone goes to have a good b*tch.' (SC)

JOHN: (picking up a used tissue from the floor) We're probably the dirtiest HM's that you've ever come across! 
Keeley, always saying things in the most pretentious way possible comments that she's never come across any before so she can't really compare (their filthiness). They expect that the house looks cleaner on TV; Keeley could sleep in there and would like to get a duvet with a few of them under but John peepees her plan because they ring bells if HM's slumber in the nest. She's going to seek permission from BB for them to have a big snug sleepover. 

JOHN: (tips her off of Stevo's Jurassic Park velociraptor sounding snores)' If you can't deal with Stevo's snoring then..This is awesome! I want everyone in here. 

Dave asks forgiveness beforehand as he also snores and Keeley warns that she's prone to a little grunt herself. They hear Jose shout loudly 'I LOVE YOU!' from the bench so Dave wonders what that was. Corin thought she'd be an absolute wreck with Nate leaving but they are elated that at least he went out to cheers and wasn't hated. She still feels a bit sick and Ife will miss Nathan being a bit of a big brother to her in the house as he always told her not to stress and keep her chin up. 

Corin's well gonna have to go to Bradford to see his Gran's kitchen (!!) She plans to have a 'proper laugh' tomorrow; though why she has to schedule happiness I cannot fathom!! Ife considers that they are all gonna have so fun together when they're out and that's when they'll know they've made friends for life. But in there, it's just literally survival of the fittest because they were all hanging off the chairs when eating chickpeas and rummaging through bins! 

The girls neighhhh at Steve's punny play on words for them to stop horsing around! Ife sticks the blonde mullet on Stevey that Nathan left behind and he, If and Coz shout out to him 'SEAHORSE WE LOVE YOU!' Ife bets "he'll be having a wicked time" .. (yeah, bonking with Rachael!!) and that he'll be appearing on Big Mouth right now. Josie's sure he'll be absolutely mullered; Corin predicts he'll be loving all the women screaming for him! 

JOSIE: I feel like we've just entered the house again, do you? 

No, Steve feels like intruders have just crashed his pad; Ife's tickled that Ben's already started his moaning because Keeley had insulted him for being a socialite. The first thing Keels said to Keevs was that she was pushing past her to get to a girl on the other side when they were stood together on launch night. 

IFE: She's been put in for a reason. (though contrary to popular opinion she was not a heartless ogress)
Josie thinks John's met his match in Keeley, whom Steve labels a little pocket rocket. Ife vows that she will not get back to how she was the other night and is not going to explode again. Smoking the dog ends makes Ife feel like a tramp on the street; luckily enough Josie's been having them without filters and Caoimhe makes very thin ones. Josie finds it very hard not to ask them any questions, wanting to know what's going on in the news. 

Big Daddy Cool is off to munch some toast and have a coffee, as much as he likes the new HM's - nothing will disrupt his nocturnal routine. He likes them and that and loves them to pieces but 'I'm going to go back in my kitchen to have my toast and coffee. Alright?' Ife observes that no matter how they've all been feeling today and with the little digs here and there, the originals have gelled since the newbies arrived. (Long SC)  the "intruders" have had the effect of bringing a fractious house together. They feel connected straight away as although they don't know the ins and outs of each other they know a hell of a lot more than they know about the new lot. 

Ife had looked at Dave and needed a cuddle as the newies know more than they do. Josie affirms that Keeley is alright really; Caoimhe loves Rachel 'she's lovely!' Josie thinks it's funny that they have another mixed-race Rachel, she'd chatted with her in the toilets (during The Barn??) and she'd waved to Ife when they were waiting. They're pleased others are getting the chance to be in there to have that experience. 

JOSIE: 'Ere! I love Andrew, oh he's lovely! 

With no tact, Caoimhe had asked Andrew if he was gay or straight and he'd changed the subject real quick after 'he's only 19, he might still be confused.' He'd cracked Josie up in a flash, Ife leaves to wash her hands so Caoimhe and Josie alone at the smoking area - OMG'ing on the way in that Nathan has left his pink shorts! She bets he'll be speaking to her Terry though he is in Great Yarmouth. 

Caoimhe schemes to start feeding Keeley up; Josie's idea is to inject fat in all the dinners. This is actually one moment where Caoimhe has me laughing with the things she will say to Keeley 'would you like some more butter on your toast? Lovely, buttery toast! Do you want a taste? Have another piece there. Three sugars in your coffee was it?' Then she appraises that Ife 'isn't happy .. not happy.' Josie jokes that John James is trying to be all nice 'somehow I don't think he'll be finishing his little argument with Corin.' 
JOSIE: (here's how it went down) It was funny when he told us that 'I'm gettin' angry now.' 'What are you lovin' it?' 

Josie is a bit whispery when chuckling that Keeley had told John he needed to sort his attitude out. Ben makes them both laugh, he knew he'd been moaning the past couple of days but appreciates them all now. Caoimhe calls it hilarious and amazing then gobs on the floor and excuses herself! It's vulgar because that's not what girls do but at least she didn't do so as often as Wolfy, the wasp whisperer. Manners cost nothing, sugar! 

JOSIE: Ife's from another planet, isn't she? Bless her. 

CORIN: (comes back to join them) I think we can't believe it, can we like?  

Caoimhe promptly gets up and goes to the nest, asking the new waifs and strays if they like the snug. So Josie repeats what Keeley had said to John about his attitude, complete with titters. Maybe not the most sensible or loyal idea since she's speaking to Corin, a John hater! Ife feels a little bit drunk but in a good way then mentions Nathan nicely leaving his filters for them. 

CORIN: (jogs her memory that she is meant to be in mourning of her mate though she'd forgotten all about him when the game-changer came about, in the shape of fresh friends) Ohh don't make my stomach flip!

Josie is soooo shocked with it as she 100% thought John was going and now feels a little bit guilty because she hadn't spent time with him (wanting to spend the last days with John). Ife had given John her 2 cents earlier that he was a nice guy and she's seen it but thinks he had become paranoid the last few days, attached himself to people and picked up on their vibes. 

JOSIE: (looks very pensive and wistful between her smiles) Hang on, I haven't got those sort of vibes. 
Ife doesn't mean her for one minute but that he agreed along with people because of his paranoia; he'd told her that he is happy and would have hated to leave there not his happy self. When the paranoia sets in, it's even made Ife question herself so because John chose to speak to certain individuals it brought out this side of him (namely Caoimhe). Now he's going to make the most of it as they all got a reality check. 

The only time Josie has been down is when she had to wear the f**king robot suit; Ife acquiesces that most of the time she's upbeat and ready for a laugh. Ife won't shut up with her motivational clap trap, thinly disguised as gossiping that it's good new people have been brought in as it's made them all closer together. 'So no matter what, we're gonna become united.. if that makes sense.' Mario had intimated that they'll all try to get through one day without bitching and the 3 unfamiliar faces all nodded 'yeah.'  

Ife can't add up how many hours are in a day but she hazards a guess that they get on well for 20 and then for 5 they're bitchy, so in a 1 hour show the worst bits are collected, picking up on all the bitchy parts. Josie doesn't view herself as being very bitchy at all and she's not outside either as she can't be bothered with it; Ife and Corin do not feel they are either. Though Ife accords to snapping frequently; Corin has gone off on one twice in there now (once that day and the other with the bedroom) but didn't think anything would get to her in there but obviously it does as it is all magnified. She doesn't regret what happened as she is going to stand up for herself and stuff.   

(Loooong SC in the snug) Mario shows Keeley the jewelry Shunshine had made for him (she'd noticed some of the others wearing the same) she thinks they actually look really, really nice. He unfolds how never in this or any alternate universe had he ever met a vegan before who wouldn't eat vegetables, only crisps and bread! Andrew hopes he'll get to know everyone; it'd be good to be close friends with just 1 person though they could leave at any time. (SC)   

Caoimhe claims his friendship by sharing how she, Sunshine and Shabs got to eat the popsicles and penguin bars during the great joke hunt. Another brilliant one for her was the suit sponges where she and Shabby had to drain the pool; no matter how much they rolled around hugging on the grass they didn't manage it as BB started to fill the pool again. The fish out of water Andrew 'looks like he'd rather recite pi to a thousand decimal points' as he keeps looking around nervously either for someone else to chat to or else a way out of the madness. She was delighted at getting to wear the little Ireland Jersey when they did the Germany vs England World Cup mini task. 
Andrew figures his family would have been more nervous than he was coming in. Caoimhe would love to know what her Mum is doing and thinking. Rachel wishes she could tell them stuff so swiftly changes the subject, declaring that day to have been the hottest of the year thus far. Caoimhe forgot the cameras after a few days but still gets moments where she's like 'OMG I'm on Big Brother!' and has begun to disremember the outside world. 

She'd been lucky to come in after her 3rd year of Uni as it worked out that her exams finished at the end of May (Andrew was still doing his in June so couldn't come in from the beginning) and then she got 2 weeks to relax before entering. Caoimhe loves it at Trinity and has 1 more year of study because she'd deferred a year when she worked in Spain. Andrew really likes Oxford University and doesn't think he'd be settled anywhere else. 

Josie is imparting to Rachel how she hadn't banked on Gove being evicted when he was as she found him hilariously funny. If the worst comes to the worst for her, she'll emigrate to New Zealand 'or Australia!' ;) Being there is win/win for Dave and he'd felt so rested the other week when he was up because if he stayed or went it was great. BB announces that the store room is  now open for John and newcomers to collect their suitcases and new bedding for everyone which excites them. 

Andrew is confused as to why John had to pack up all his stuff but it is routine. They both make to exit the nest at the same time so John courteously holds back 'no you go, man. You go.'  

CORIN: How much do you love the suitcases? Aren't they lovely like? I hope we get to keep 'em. 

She expresses how embarrassing it can be to wash their knickers and use the mangle on them. Corin and John exchange a civil moment when she passes him his suitcase and he replies 'ta' before dragging it out.. without even so much as a 'you're dead to me' look. Though had either burst into flames, neither were ready to forgive and extinguish one another!! 
CORIN: (he holds the door open for them) Cheers, John.    

A little part of Josie has just died now that attractive females have moved into the house abashed that her flirtlings with John may just go by the wayside. As shown on the HL's Ben pooh poohs how insanulous (both ridiculous and insane) this is as there's no worries about John with her because John can't stand Keeley. 

JOSIE: You don't know that. 

BEN: (levels with her) He told me that! So there's no worries there. 

JOSIE: (the refutations keep coming) I'm not a jealous person...he's not my boyfriend or anything. 

MARIO: Yeah remember you two separated. 

JOSIE: Steve, don't worry Big Daddy Cool, you'll always be me 'usband. Always. (He states 'that's right') Don't you bl**dy leave me for some other Sheila, mind. (then nervously laughs)

Steve won't be letting anyone come in there and upset his lifestyle because he's going back into HIS kitchen to make himself some of HIS coffee. Josie overcompensates with the laughter as though it is the funniest thing to have ever happened and trebles it. Then relies on her thumb sucking because her comforter John is nowhere to be seen. Mario's so drained, Steve's dead tired and can't believe how much sweat he's sweated out; he's really not happy with Big Brother at the minute as it's too hot to the point where he could collapse.  

A person who wasn't jealous, would not bring up somebody that is not their boyfriend constantly or try to talk themselves into not being jealous.. Oh wait, Josie did both of these things.. I thereby conclude that she was in fact jealous when it came to John and didn't want her feelings to get hurt. John always wanted to be her 'usband in the 'ouse, he didn't want to lose Big Blue Eyes to anyvbody so Keeley wasn't going to be the oppressive exception, and it just warmed my frickin' 'eart <3   
Josie enlightens the nesters that Keeley is actually alright but Ben recommences his Keeley criticising to Caoimhe and Josie over her least offensive offense (that she cast aspersions on his occupation). Though this was nothing compared to the madness she caused him over the needing a haircut rudeness. First of all, he probably does but can't have it properly done as he's not with a hairdresser; secondly he has thick difficult hair so won't let her do it and lastly, he tries to do the best he can with it. Josie snuggles up to Ben .. though he's not nearly the man she wants to be snuggling with!

Ben seemingly without irony illuminates the girls that he can't deal with people who are hard. It's weird, weird, weird having outsiders here in their penthouse, stomping around their yard. He then takes an outrageously cheap shot about Andrew to Keevil, over how majorly socially dysfunctional he is - this coming from a social sociopath!!! Caoimhe tips her head back to have a good, long laugh; I don't know what pumps the black sludge through them because they're too heartless to possess one. 

For the third time that evening, Josie summarises to Steve this time how she'd wet herself when Keeley scolded John 'you young man need to sort your attitude out.' Ben cackles that he and John are going to re-bond like they never have before (over their mutual dislike of Keeley probably) and kisses the top of Josie's head in his excitedly constipated state. (SC) Josie hopes none of them think they can come in and rule the roost as they'd all said that. The three of them share a mutual love for Rachel. Ben's elated that they're finding out some of what's been shown on TV as they let things slip and he believes there's been a real thing over him not being into tasks (which he's not!) because Andrew had said the purpose of being there was to do the tasks. Andy's really looking forward to getting stuck into them; Ben wanted to die! 

Benjaminge really hoped for an elderly lazy diva who just cooked and laughed the whole time to come in. This is where he goes on to predict that the late arrivals will cause real trouble (see HL's blog) and how John is not at all superficial though will clash with Keeley. 

BEN: (brings word) He's not gonna be you know swayed physically, otherwise he'd have liked Rachael. Rachael was like stunning. That's ordinary, fact. (here he nicknames Keeley Cruella as previously blogged too) 

JOSIE: (scandalised) Oh my God! You're calling her Cruella already. 
There is a sound dip where he says something else vicious and disgraceful because Josie is even more horrified but Caoimhe snort sniggers like a sow. 

JOSIE: (affronted on his behalf) Don't say that about my new husband! I like Andrew. 

BEN: I'm your husband.  

Josie agrees he'll always be that 'number one' .. his ranking must have bumped up because John is still not in sight! She'd tried to ask Rachel about Govan but she can't say and Josie doesn't understand why not. What makes Ben nervous is that the papers aren't being kind about them because they're looking at all of them like 'I know something about you, that you don't know!' 

BEN: (people want the lies) We've been done over in the press big time, I can just tell!

Nothing and no one was going to sway John, whether they looked like Rachael (1) or Cruella Keeley .. he'd have been uninterested in anyone else because he didn't feel that heartfelt passion for them like he did for Josie. Ben wasn't starting to eclipse John and wasn't ever really her number 1 - so how could she speak of such things! Because the new arrivals had unsettled the little darlin' so completely and she needed John to hush her with his sweet-sounding 'it's okay, it's okay's rather than having some ding dong do the consoling, of things only John could give her reassurance of. 

"The heart is a mysterious muscle, you never really know what's going on in there." (How I Met your Mother) That's about the size of it! Some of the public neither understood or believed the feelings that Josie and John has for each other and sometimes they didn't themselves! Though throughout the JJJAGGERS had hearts full of hope that their relationship would be right out of a harlequin romance.. Once JJJ worked it all out and just let their heart lead them, it was GO time :D First Josie put herself out there and then John to get his girl. Squee, squeeee.  
In the bedroom, John is trying to undo Rachel's smaller suitcase for her 'why do they make it so hard?' Mario tries to help him with the latch but can't do it either. Ben decided before he came in not to get involved with anyone in there but Caoimhe is right that he does slightly fancy Rachel. Keevs is not cheerful that Keeley won't like them staying up all night giggling (when really she says she can survive off 4 hours sleep); Josie divulges that Keeley runs a whole big travel agents. (SC) 

John still can't get into the Da Vinci code of locks 'I hate this suitcase!' he feels bad that he can't do it and clues them in on Ben the lockpicker's bang trick. Keeley also has a go and Rachel, to no avail as the clasp is not budging. Over to the nest, Ben is really tired but won't go in to bed now that Goldie Hawn (his next new nickname for Keeley) is in there. Caoimhe's celebration of Ben love is repugnant and complete with sickening nose sounds!! 

Nice one Mario, he turned it to the left and the latch clicked up on Rachel's case after he remembered how to do it! After lifting it and feeling how heavy it is with all her crap in he enquires if they'd gotten to pack their own cases as the originals had theirs packed for them. They can't answer but Rachel had been so excited that the next time she saw it would be when she opened it in the house. Keeley starts to let slip how all her mates had been phoning her 6pm the night before to get the news off her, until Rachel cautions her to be careful. She's sorry and didn't realise she was running her mouth off; Mario relates to how she feels as he couldn't reveal things when he was the mole. 

Josie knows it sounds weird as the new lots are all lovely people 'but how much do we love each other now?' They concur that they'd all just clicked and Ben felt he'd connected with Caoimhe right from the start over humour but then daggers were drawn with Shabby. Ben through force of habit fusses that the new 'uns are devoid of humour, he knows they joke about him loving old ladies but he really wants someone in whose had an amazing life who he can learn off and laugh with. The ladies feel they do have a laugh with him and that they can be his 2 little old women; this is why he loves them already and appreciates them so much. 

Ben had been about to make a joke but stopped himself, when Dave was explaining who was who to Andrew as it was said of Caoimhe 'she's always squeezing everyone's spots!!' (SC) Josie wanders out telling someone that Ben's being a little git; he continues to grouse about the arrogant invaders in the house (lots of long SC's). Shortly after Keevs leaves and Dave comes to natter with the twatter about what has been said in the papers about them. 
To avoid a furore over a drawer, Keeley gives up a drawer in favour of the bed shelf so that Rachel doesn't have to rob one and can have 2 to herself. Half the stuff Mario had brought was confiscated by BB, he wasn't thinking when he packed (before BB re-packed it) as he was hungover as hell. He and John notify Andrew that the single beds raise and this is what BB do to Benny as he doesn't want to do anything, so has to be slid out! 

JOHN: It's real funny when he goes up!

Ben feels entitled to go for it now as he's been in there long enough so the fangs are out! Believing that being direct is one thing but out and out rudeness is inexcusable [about Keeley] and how within 1 hour she'd said 4 or 5 impertinent and unpleasant things. He'd wanted to retort 'have you always worn a wig?' 

BEN: (the stuffy, pretentious, smug son of a snoot won't let anyone hear the end of it) I'm never gonna cut it now, b*tch! Honestly. 

Something Keeley had a go at Caoimhe over was something that hit a raw nerve but would have made Dave laugh. Like Dave had thought, Caoimhe is now inclined to think likewise that the thing with her and Shabby would have looked strange in the press. Ben knows that the trio will be a bit judgmental and Keeley in particular won't understand why he wants to go to bed early and get up late. He makes fun knee-slapping of Andrew banging out his little breaking news announcement that he got his Maths GCSE aged 12 'what's that got to do with all the tea in China?' 

Ben's sniffed out that they are all die-hard fans unlike himself and Dave who came in partly for the experience, the church and to have a laugh. Mario refers to the periods of boredom in the house and how sometimes they'll wake at 9am but before they know it it's 6pm and they wonder where the hell the time went .. but other days every minute feels like an hour. 

Dave determines that off the back of being saved, Johnny James will be ready and primed for a fight (as the public kept him even after all the arguments he's had).
BEN: And more than that, he'll know he's on safe ground because the public like slash fancy him so much that they're not gonna mind if he has a fight.

He has no problem with it so long as it is not directed towards him anymore (Johnny scares the Quiff off him!) Dave noticed that Seahorse was gutted tonight and looked devastated to be evicted but not so much as John would have been in Ben's eyes. In a way Ben would have found certain things easier if Nathan stayed over John, but Nathan had things to get on with in the outside world and will enjoy his bit of time in the limelight. It was nice to hear him receive a good cheer with not many boos as he's done nothing wrong but was just up against someone that the public seem to really like. 

DAVE: I think it would be the same if Ife was up against Josie or something. 

It's like Dave is having trouble understanding why the voters like John and that he'd now need to find some other sex-fueled, depraved animal to replace Nathan! He decides that it is tougher to be up against one person especially Nathan which is why he'd spoken of it as the Battle of the heavyweights, thinking that Nathan's a cool guy and would have gone far. But things change so fast there 'one minute you're thinking someone's the favourite and the next minute they're gone!'

Strangely enough John had his fiercest fight yet with his best friend the very next day. It wasn't because he felt that he was safe enough to lash out after being kept in. Though his emotions were maybe all over the place and the smallest things can make a person snap in that pressure cooker, so he took it out on the person he was closest to but unintentionally. Dave and Ben had a glaring gap in their John knowledge as they weren't privy to how tender-hearted he was with Josie or how entertaining the public found him - particularly when compared to a coarse crustacean from the ocean (Seahorse). Oh how I loved 89% day which 9th July should now be known as! The sweet taste of divine victory :D 
Josie gives Keeley a hand wheeling back out her suitcase so she requests her help in hanging out her wet clothes, Josie is glad to oblige. Mario takes Andrew through all the single girls: Josie and Rachel - realising they are it as Keeley and Caoimhe have boyfriends, Corin a girlfriend and Ife a fiance (Mario remarks that she's not too bothered about hers as she sleeps in bed with him). 

JOHN: (off screen) Don't be like that Mario! 

Ife justifies that she does because he's soooo gay; believe them they'll get touchy feely in this place after a while and that even she and Caoimhe (the most awkward non-touchy feely people) have. They get to the point where they crave human touch because they feel so alone and it's weird, warning Andrew (bless him he's got his slippers on already) not to freak out if they hug him. Mario calls Ife a scramp (mix of scum and tramp) then makes her smell his clean knickers that little thief John had packed into his suitcase!?? Andrew feels completely calm and like it's a dream because everyone's been so welcoming. 

Ife didn't want to pounce on the new guys as she's not a pouncer though this Mario is, so she'll very much wait until there's time to talk. Man, Mario could do with a pizza!

JOHN: (he GOTS to know!!!) Are you talking about pizza, Mario? I thought they would've given us a pizza!! 

Instead they got cheap, cheap, cheap Cava not champagne which Mario berates BB for giving them 'not happy with that Big Brother!'. Would he have been happier with a more expensive tipple for drink-having purposes? I didn't realise Mario was so notoriously shallow about his liquor. John didn't bother with it as everyone gets so excited over alcohol. 

JOHN: (he honours the temple of his body) I'm not interested in champagne, I'd rather drink water! And I'm not a massive beer drinker either to be honest. And they give you like one can, like what's the point? Do you know what I mean? I'd rather give it to someone else and let them have it. I'm not a massive drinker anyway, period. 
Andy would prefer to be given vodka or whisky but BB won't provide spirits; John advises him to give it a whirl as BB will tell them to be quiet if they don't like it. As they'd asked him on entering what he drank, he thought brilliant and that he'd be getting these and mixers! Outside Josie and Keeley hang her clothes out, it was the BEST feeling in the world to know that she's not the most hhhhated person in the UK (because of her 7 year old fan shouting to her). Keeley imagines that there's a fair few who won't like her but everyone's different and they can only be themselves. 'That's what makes the world go round innit, that we're not all the same.' I'm with blondie on this one. 

Steve's not yet had a love chant over the wall but when they were on the crane (dinner in the sky) school kids were calling out 'Steve, Steve, Steve!!' In the bathroom, Caoimhe concedes that the story has changed about her pushing Keeley out of the way to hug someone on launch night, but that is the jist of it. She's moved Caoimhe's shoes and lined them all up perfectly under the bed she had shared with Shabby, as a hint to get those f**king shoes away from her new bed! (as it is now Keeley and Rachel's double)

Ben is going to start retaliating if there's much more of that where Keeley is concerned. Dave surmises that they'll be able to read between the lines and gauge how they're being portrayed outside if they listen to the questions the newbies are asking. Ben has dubbed Keeley "Goldie Hawn", Andrew "Stephen Hawkings" and Rachel "Sinitta". Caoimhe asked Andrew if he's seen Shabby saying she misses her so much and Andrew really wanted to tell her 'but I just can't.' Dave schemes to get some information out of him definitely; he's going to prime young Andrew tonight as he's sleeping next to him. 

Meanwhile, Ife is grilling Rachel as to whether she'd made a twat of herself when she came in as Mario said she'd walked in like there was something wrong with. Rachel hadn't watched the night back but what she does know is that the big, tall twins were so funny. Dave is relating to Caoimhe how he explained roughly to Keeley in 2 minutes what he did and she'd roasted him on how he earned money (SC) Ben entreats Caoimhe and Dave for the three of them to stick together and seals it with a kiss on each cheek. 

Steve gives Keeley fair warning about Benny boy because he'll be on her bed as she'd taken in a lot of love by turning to see a kiss here and there but it's nice. Ben accounts that they have had the odd teething problem as they're not going to get on with people 100% of the time and are all set in their characters, but on the whole they've been lucky as most of them actually like each other. Keeley bids herself to become the Baroness after she hears Steve alluded to as the Baron; the boys say she can be whatever she likes though this means she's Steve's wife!
As far as Steve's aware anyway, they've picked a good group of people. Ben feels really stupid around Andrew; Keeley hadn't wanted to embarrass him but his achievements are great - all of his focus had been on mathematics because he just loved it that much. He's a real thinker and dead passionate for a young lad, they keep forgetting he is only 19 which is the youngest they've had in the house that series. Ben's making tracks for bed but before he goes he ensures that Keeley doesn't want any water or anything. Steve's old flower is going to leave them alone to chat to which Steve's reply is 'okay, cool', wanting to work his magic on Keeley but keeps being interrupted. 

The next interruption is Ife, she's just found fly spray that Mario had been trying to hide which they've really needed as flies literally fly around their head in the house. 

KEELEY: (the fly epidermic is disturbing but not surprising to her as evidenced by her sarcasm) Well I wonder why, cos there's like food.. 

Mario had hid it when Ife was desperate for it because there's no ventilation in the bedroom. She offers out her drawer exclusively used to house her wigs to the new Baroness but Keeley has a case for her toiletries so won't need it (plus she's already sorted a clothes area and shoes area by her bedside). Ben and John are hugging some more, Ben because he's loved this guy from day one and thinks the world of him and John as he appreciates what they've got so much more.  

Keeley wants to take it all in as she loves the decor in the awesome place; Steve specifies that some of it is weird once you start looking round the walls in the bathroom especially, it contains some bizarre images and trippy sh*t on the story wallpaper. She loves the parrot (she'd like it in her apartment) and though it hasn't done 'owt yet it has an electric mechanism in its jaw so they think it will, despite it doing naff all thus far. Mario looks after Davina McCall with a feather duster, he too wants it after the show; he must be BB mad as he also has the BB7  gold diary room chair.  

She's scared of going in the Diary room; Steve's not nervous about anything but had felt like a plonker talking to a wall, noting that she will get used to it as they did. (SC) She's absolutely buzzin' as Corin would say and we hear their chat about Nathan being one of his favourites but scenes from John, Josie, Caoimhe, Dave and Ben are shown in the bedroom. He also gets on well with good old Dave (currently cuddling with John) Corin and everyone really as they've been there a while now.   
Keeley has a squiz through the welcome pack Bible and says for Steve to sod off after he talks about everyone getting tattoos of the BB eye. Steve is now in full gooey mode that it would look pretty fit on her as she's not liking the idea and nah's. The house map illustrations make it look massive as Keeley pinpoints what is where. It's like the f**king Borrowers are in when they hear noises down the camera runs! Keeley has her gob smacked (figuratively) that they are without hair appliances and that BB won't give a monkeys that they are new; she doesn't know what she'll do without a hairdryer!

She scuffs the floors up dragging her emptied case to the stinky (from the fish off their latest shopping delivery) store room. Neither Keels or Keevs can cook and now that Nathan and his big portions are gone they wonder how they'll cope but have been eating rice, curries, soups and roast dinners etc. Corin comes out of the Diary room wearing the 'missing Nathan' look she had to wipe her tears on her top because she had no tissues; BB made it worse asking if she was alright when she clearly wasn't. Keeley is called into the DR to pay her first visit she wails screechily that she doesn't know what to do, while the clean towels are being passed round. 

After being notified that Corin is upset, Josie gets straight up from bed to find and console her with a kiss and a cuddle. Coz feels a right d*ck; Josie had also felt a wally because she was the same when Govan left as she gets really attached to people. Corin's just going to really miss him but doesn't know why as she barely spoke to him but it won't be the same without his banter. Josie empathises with the horrible dark feeling you get but she's getting better with it even though it's only going to get worse as they're in there nominating their friends.

JOSIE: (guilt stricken) How sh*t is that? What a sh*t thing to do. I always pride myself on being quite a loyal person, do you know what I mean? I feel like crap (as she'd nominated Nathan and now he's out) Absolute crap. 

Corin feels proper bad as she knows the new HM's just want to have a good time but her stomach is flipping over Nathan; she yuckfully removes her eye make up with her own saliva. Josie felt a bit panicky when Govan was taken away from her and was really looking forward to sharing the experience with him after meeting him. She's not too upset about Nathan leaving as he had such a good response it's when they get booed 'that's when I start breaking me heart. I hate that, hate that.'
Realising she may be being selfish as she wanted Nathan here to enjoy his company, Corin acknowledges that once he's walked out the doors he'll be having a mint time. It's not like she'll never see him again but it's still sh*t as she wanted him around longer. After some of the sh*tholes Rachel's lived in the BB house is like a palace to her honest to God! :D #BLAMETHEHADDOCK that's what Rachel always does if there's a fishy smell. 

Josie gives Corin a plus side that her eyes look really nice after she's shed a tear (hers are the same) SC as Coringe re-applies her cried away eyebrows so she can be pretty again. The girls, Ben and Dave laugh over how funny it is to Josie that Keeley's been putting everyone to rights already 'everyone's scared of her, Cor! I'm not, cos I know her but it's funny.' Corin's just glad there's a bit of energy as it's still gonna be good and she's still gonna make new friends and have a laugh despite being Nathan-less.   

They giggle that John has totally met his match in little Keeley; Josie had just been cracking up on the sofa that Keeley knows how to put people in their place because of her occupation. 

CORIN: (after Josie's been filling her in) Good. I'm enjoying this. 

It's so weird having new HM's because Josie feels so much closer to everyone in there; Corin too. 

Recently Josie has spoken out about feeling like she's missing a gene when it comes to having a natural instinct in nurturing and crap like that.. (and I can't help but wonder if it is because she wasn't shown a great deal of it from her own mother) but here she taps into that innate sense of succoring and commiserating with her friend, the busty dullard. 

So while in some instances she may need to get sensitivity training, in others it comes freely to show compassion to those she's closest to. Often she would care deeply, particularly for her itty bitty fittie but not know how to demonstrate that without feeling a fool or worrying that she was making a wally of herself. This I think is a quality that John loved about her but also discontented him just as much. 
John is trying to get out of changing his bed linen and asks If whether they have a spare rubbish bag. He is sent out to the kitchen sink as there are some in the top drawer and at the same time Ben and Andrew make small talk about University. It turns out Southampton uni (my home town) was the second choice that Andy had applied to because it is close to where he lives, Bournemouth. When he gets his degree he'd quite like to be a Maths teacher as all throughout his life he's had a succession of fantastic, inspirational ones and he'd like to instill that in others. 

Ife loves the TV series 'Numbers' and how one of the characters helps the FBI with numbers; Andrew's seen it and says it would be awesome to do something like that but thinks the job opportunity is quite far-fetched. I.e the mathematics behind the wind velocity to work out where the snipers are is over exaggerated for TV purposes like CSI. 

Now that Rachel has landed one of the 3 incredibly sought after spots in the house, she hopes that it won't be taken away by a BB twist - such as the public voting 1 of them out so only 2 newbies stay. John wouldn't worry about it as there's nothing she can do; Rach is just glad it's gotten her in there. (Long SC as John shows Rachel the steps that lead outside the house and tells her how they hear yelling in the backyard)

Ife, Josie, Mario, Dave, Corin and now Caoimhe are around the smoking area. Mario doesn't think they'll be anymore HM's for now as these 3 have brought the total back up to 12. Dave determines that the entrance was always going to be special and that the way they came in was flippin' amazing is as they'd never ever come in on a spaceship as part of Robot week before. Mars is very happy with the ones they've got but is not done obsessing with the fact that they didn't get a single gay guy. What was he expecting a male stripper-gram? 

IFE: (rebukes) Mario, they can't just tender your needs.

MARIO: (the absolute girl pants honestly reckons he has rapier sharp wit - what a twit!) Alright, sorry. I totally forgot - its all about you.

Corin wouldn't want her Rachel in with her if BB offered to bring her in but her girlfriend wouldn't want to come in anyway. For 'fun' Ife and Corin are going to time themselves tomorrow sorting the pots and pans, kitchen, garden and living room with Josie giving the bathroom a scrub down. Keeley steals their thunder there the next morning!!! They've picked up that the new HM's are buzzing to do the tasks like they were when they first came in. 
JOSIE: (she won't be competing over who is more competitive) Now we couldn't give a sh*t!

Keeley had done Josie's hair before she came in on Launch Night. Speak of the Cruella, she comes out of the Diary room, wiggling her bum and flicking her hair 'check me out!! I've just been in the Diary room. It's a bit weird in't it?' John asks if it was like she imagined it in there, it's weird for Rachel who lets slip that she's seen them sitting in the chair when watching the show. Keeley wants to see what she looks like sat in that amazing chair; did they ask her what the atmosphere was like in the house? OF COURSE they did! She just really wants to tidy up surveying the state of the place. 

JOHN: (perseveres with his joke about the runt of the litter) Benny, Benny really likes cleaning up, yeah (!) (Keeley falls for it) No he does, he does.. no he doesn't! 

They insist on Keeley not even bothering to encourage Ben to come and have a tidy up. John, as one of Ben's best friends in there explains how he has a real good go at him over it! This is how she will approach it the next day, 'Ben will you do me a massive favour? I'm gonna do this and then will you just do that?' John's skeptical as they've tried that don't worry about that but she still wants to go ahead and see. 

JOHN: He'll say yes but then he'll go and lie in the sun for 3 hours, so as long as..

He predicts that Ben will get really angry and does an impression to illustrate this 'oh for God's sake, I'll be in soon!' then mocks his efforts at vacuuming when they had half an hour to use it. Keeley still plans to go for it tomorrow as her first task, John calls for her to come and get him first so he can watch. 

JOHN: (Keeley's Benjy conquest will be most enjoyable for him) While you're there, can you ask him to try a bit harder on the tasks? Since you're on a role. (Yeah, she will SC) Have you not been watching? I'm the most confrontational person in the house! You mustn't have been watching if you don't think I've said something, yeah. I'm onto him every day about team work. (SC) 
Corin, Ife, Steve and John get across to the girls how BB won't give any advice in the Diary room but will listen to them, make them feel nice, answer their questions with another question, leave long pauses and they'll hear the microphone click off to indicate awaiting a HM response. It's actually bigger than Keeley thought. 

RACHEL: (No kidding she's happy as a lark) My face is gonna get tired from smiling, I'm sure. 

Steve doesn't know the exact number of tattoos he has but it's £4.5K worth; the biggest is on his back but is not yet finished as there's colouring in left to do. He'd like to have his entire body done with the exception of his face but he'd even considered getting that mutilated too! Ife had one done when she was about 17 it's a bit grey and is just a tribal squiggle; Corin got her Nike tick on her arm when she was only 15. 'The Corin-bot blink circuit is malfunctioning.' (SC) At the time she loved it and thought she was so cool at school but obviously wishes she didn't have it now; she started getting it removed but it was too expensive and painful. Caoimhe has a heart on her back with wings but it doesn't really mean anything. 

John has none (AT THE TIME, NOW HE HAS THE GINORMOUS ACHILLES ON HIS ARM) but is fascinated by them and looks at Steve's tattoos all day, trying to work out what they mean and represent as they tell a story. He keeps looking behind when sat on the couch, possibly trying to see where his Jose is. Then tells Ifester that he'll try and get into massage but he's sh*t as she is sick of being the untrained house masseuse and wants one of her own. Keeley's had 2 bad sexual experiences with massage so BB quickly cut away. Ben is orating to Andrew about loving films set in Oxford such as Shadowlands which is about CS Lewis and terribly sad and tragic. They wonder what on Earth is happening in the lounge on hearing the raucous laughter. Keeley is exhibiting how she could just feel it (a widger??) against her back (long sound cut again to respect the privacy of people being spoken about outside the house) 

Even though it is muted, Keeley clearly stages it for their benefit and the orgasmic moans the massage man was making and the horror registers itself on her listener's faces. Andrew doesn't think he'll be able to sleep because he's too excited. No one wants to fill Nathan's gap in the kitchen unless they take John up as he can make toast :D teeeheeee! Keeley's not a good cook but a good learner so is willing to try; Rachel puts the 3 new ones forward to make breakfast as their initiation which the others don't mind remotely! Ife's annoyed that she wasn't called in to say lovely things in a farewell message to Nathan like Corin was. She and Mario are taking his leaving worse than any of the others and miss him already; it's hit them really hard. 
JOSIE: (after seeing how organised her corner of the bedroom is) OMG, who's that neat freak? Is that you Keeley? I knew it was you!!  

John is taking his little bro through washing and for him to just chuck it in someone's load; he hopes they get a good task tomorrow to take their mind off sh*t. Andrew doesn't think he'll be very good at them but wants to try; Dave tells the dude that the majority of them are team players and that he'd have loved the wheelchair task. Davo still burns around in Stevo's wheel chair (SC) With Dave's monk robes, John fancies dressing up as Jedi's with Andrew and also recognises that he'll be going right off on the shopping list. 

Long long long SC in bedroom whilst Rachel removes her make up then tells those in there 'you's are lovely!' She and Keeley are acquainted with the Narnia wardrobe and briefed of their suspicions about a secret bedroom through it, as it wasn't boarded up at the back when they first arrived. Mario clarifies to Keeley that the carpet isn't minging because they're that dirty but they've only been given the hoover twice since they've been there. Rachel forgets which way it is to the bathroom and stops to be reminded of directions. It stinks! Keeley loves the way they all forewarn her 'you're not gonna like this, Keeley!' 

Rachel lends out some jim jams to the neat freak as she has loads and Keeley is still waiting for hers to dry. 

RACHEL: (to herself after washing her face) Do you know what, did I even bring a towel in here? How do you turn it (the taps) off? Yeah a towel would have been a great idea! (dries her face on her PJ top) How do you turn it off? (figures it out) Oh. (walks back out bashfully) I forgot to take my towel in. 

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END OF PART 1, part 2 still to come... 

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