Tuesday 6 August 2013

Live Day 31


10.46am, John gives Keeva a "face product" Keeva asks "is this a brand or what?" she seems to be well into labels. John's allocating his stuff to other housemates on the assumption he's leaving. Little does he know he ain't gonna go! 

KEEVA (in a sad tone): John, I don't want you to go. 

John asks if £11 is expensive for wax, everyone agrees that yes it is. Dave gets some for £3 and he thinks that is expensive. Ife morphing into Diana Ross.......It's not a good look. Monobrow is having his naked shower. Thank God for censorship and LF avoiding it.

11.13am, Mario, Ife and John in bathroom, talking about the beaver (Justin Bieber) John seems convinced he is going tonight.

AAAAHHHHHHH......Corin without her eyebrows!!!!!! John is showering in his boxers

11.22am, BR...Josie in bed with Keeva, discussing nice Irish men...I think Keeva is offering to find one for Josie. Keeva is telling Josie that she is a member of a rugby club and she could take Josie there sometime, cos there are lots of fit guys there. Josie swoons. Josie says she has been out with 3 boxers.

Ben prefers brunettes to blondes....Josie says...'but what about me tho?' 

BEN: You are beautiful but you are not my type and I am not yours.

11.38am, Ben says that he doesn't think that John will go then asks what he will be leaving for him. Asks John for the razor and spot cream
11.40am, Caoimhe gets out of bed for a piece of toast as John has joined Josie in bed for a friendly hug and a bit of teasing. She considerately offers to make Josie some but she's alright and shall wait for dinner. (SC) He molests her with tickles and she responds by screaming on BB & laughing. 'You just had to push it, didn't ya?' jokes John. This is the cute bit that was shown on HL's where Josie asks John if this is his way of saying he loves her and he replies yeah he does loves her with a huggy headlock.  

JOSIE: Why don't you be nice like that then? 

11.52am, Ben says that the public did agree with John's views on Rachael as they got rid of her and that he will just "edge" the vote. Nathan deserves to stay says Ben. Ben (to Steve and Dave on the sofas): "If Nathan goes it will affect us practically and if John goes it will affect us politically". Ben has come to really appreciate Nathan.

12.11pm, Josie & John remain in the bedroom, in bed together. Josie seems to have discarded her anti-thumb sucking liquid. Josie has a secret confession that she would like to cook a meal for everyone. John is rather glad that he might not be there for that. Josie sniggers with her thumb in her mouth.

Josie whispers to John in bed......'you know when I told everyone I could cook, well I can't.' The garden is now open for housemates. Josie screams very very loudly. More tickling and play fighting in the bedroom between Josie & John. Josie tells John that when they are lying in bed together it must look like Beauty and The Geek. John starts mocking perky never-endingly cheerful Corin wittering on again as soon as she leaves the BR.

12.25pm, John is howking out his nostrils (thanks for that close up)

12.34pm, John asks Steve if his left arm gives him pain and is it as functional as the other - Steve says yes it does pain him. Ben says that Corin is like a "demented fishwife" as Corin comes into the garden wearing her pink pillow cases (bra) from earlier. She says she is loving being able to chill in the garden. Steve asks Corin if she needs a hand to push her tits together. She says no thanks they are alright. Dave talks about someone he knew that had water melon sized breasts and that it hurt her back. Corin says that she really wants to read a magazine now & thinks she may read the rules folder instead.
12.50pm, Josie comes out with a purple duck feather cushion and uses it as a pillow for her head. The cameraman gives us a treat by showing Nathan from the crotch up (as he has a quick rummage with Little Nathan) Josie says she used to have a flat stomach & Dave says it looks flat from 'ere. Steve says thats because she is lying down!!!!


John and Dave are floating around the pool; Dave does an enormous yawn and John checks out his chest while Josie reckons really they're all up for eviction. (SC) She supposes she'd better do her dirty washing as she doesn't want anyone to pack that up for her. 

Corin tries to convince Mario to take his top off as he must be boiling in all the clothes he's wearing, 'you can get a bit of sun.' Instead he favours straddling Nathan's behind to creepily ask 'how are you doing down there?' Nathan's having a lovely time but stock footage of Bob Righter is displayed but the audio remains on as Mario must do something grotesque to violate Nate 'how about now?' Seahorse doesn't sound all that ecstatic that two have become one! 

From what I can gather he simulates taking Nathan up the bum as the 'bad man' is warned off. (SC) Mario's disturbing advances aside, Nathan had struck up a firm friendship with the moley. Ife's whinging that BB still haven't given back her leather jacket when she'd asked before Caoimhe and Josie. Keevs is searching for a needle and would like Mario to sew for her but he can only do so badly. She needs to sew buttons back onto her shirt; Mario has a look knowing these are there somewhere because Sunshine used them. (SC) 

He wonders if they'll get new HM's tonight 'how crazy will that be?' and Caoimhe shows him the top that she's talking about, BB had confiscated it from her. She didn't get it from Madrid but River Island - a secret she doesn't want anyone to know, so Mario will say the 'beautiful' t-shirt is from Madrid. She'd prefer for it to be said that it is vintage Chanel then changes her mind to it being from the vintage scarf design that begins with an M. Mars' guess is Massimo but that's not it - I think she means Hermes. (SC) 

"LOL..she is doing a Nadia heels in the day.." (Roxyd1982)

"Man in drag does come to mind. She thought she was a diva but you have to have a talent and personality to be one of these!!" (ktnim) 
Lots of soundcutting whilst Mario changes from a pair of jeans into flowery shorts, exposing his baggy white pants and the b*llocks (one bigger than the other) they contain! He chuckles at the sight of a bandage-mouthed Ife in the bathroom and reads that something is the matter 'what have you done now? Have you said something else to somebody? Have you snapped at somebody? Is this just to prevent..' I'm not sure why she is so wound up or in such a strop but apparently she'd snapped at a few people earlier and now will not speak. Who sneezed in her crunchy nuts?? 

Through gestures she interprets why her mouth is on strike, he accepts this as normal from her and throws some of his laundry into the tub. John is speaking about the hardcore fans like Mario (SC) 

JOSIE: (scarecrow suits her!!) I'm just sick of looking like a scarecrow, I've gotta be honest. (SC) Look at my bags! 

John is detailing to Dave how people get right into it on the forums and probably know more than what they do and the names of producers etc. (SC) He wouldn't have thought that they'd be able to get hold of that sort of information but these people know everything. More SC's to shut John down as he continues to disclose things BB would rather he didn't. 

Caoimhe says for Josie to wear something if she wants but Josie thinks that is what has given her 2 black eyes because she doesn't really wear sunglasses. (SC) Keevil calls across to see what the guys are discussing to do with fans; John expounds that they are talking about the forums. (SC) John reckons he's rated 3000 comments probably; Josie is agog! Caoimhe had went on thisisBigBrother.com or something. 

JOHN: I'm not here to pat wombats, I did my research. 

JOSIE: (wiping her nose) I haven't done any of this! Why did I not do this?  

JOHN: (gives the rascal such pleasure to play with her) You probably just don't care. That's the story of your life!
He went on everything but BBSpy was the main forum he had checked out as they seemed to know the most facts but there wasn't a lot of people talking backwards and forwards on that. (SC)

JOSIE: Are they horrible about you on the forums? 

JOHN: Oh yeah! (SC) 

Josie didn't know the half of how horrible forum posters could be about her and John especially on the main BB forum on Digital Spy. And they still are about Josie even now 3 years after she was on the show!! I just hope she doesn't look at their vile comments because they would make me cry my eyes out if those vitriolic, reprehensible things were being said about me. Having people who don't even know me judge and evaluate my character and the way I look online - would be soul destroying.. if she sees anything, I hope it just spurs her on to be even happier and more successful. Shake those hateful haters off! 

The unforgiving forum members will never become kinder, they are so consumed with their own bile and obsession with Josie and/or John that they spend hours online talking about someone they purport to despise. Seems like a waste of time to me! And don't even get me started on the odious, noxious Court thread - they've had me snorting flames so much I can't even bare to look ever again. They get their kicks out of being deplorable and moronic b*tchasses and it is beyond pitiable.   

They also had no idea just how much they were and would be talked about especially on JJJAT which has 200+threads dedicated entirely to them.If they looked over those, I wonder how crazy we came off to them? Certifiable no doubt!! Hopefully our love for them would have shone through all of the crazy.. I know they appreciated our appreciating and support of them throughout and up until their break up. As John went on forums before and has spoken about DS since it is probable that he is an active reader at least, if not a guest poster from time to time!! Mental to muse that we may have spoken with him online and not even known it! I remember him saying that his Mum def read all of JJJAT at the time he and Josie were together. 
John reports from his findings that the HM who seemed to get the most acknowledgement was BB9's Rex Newmark. (SC) He'd seen lots of 'I hate this/I love this.. PS - I love Rex' on his reading, John didn't know who he was but had heard people talking about him before. Caoimhe questions if he was the blind guy; Josie tells her that he 'bullied that Rachel apparently', John is still saying that he was the most talked about but he doesn't know why. 

Josie has watched a lot of Big Brother but can't remember who everyone is with her bad memory. Dave consults Baron to see if he can recall who Rex is; John re-emphasises how posters get riiiiight into it and especially on Youtube. 'You'll cop it on there.. I don't think you (Josie) will but I will cop it.' 

JOSIE: (her brain is turned off to all these practicalities of the process) Er.. I haven't thought about this all through. I haven't. 

John laughs that there'll be some horrendous things written about them and Dave adds that his wife beaters will be commented on. (SC as Caoimhe starts to speak about her mother watching) 

JOSIE: I've just looked at this as like a mini break. (Baron sniggers) 

The advantage John feels they have is that Big Brother is not as big as it once was 'so Big Brother 5, 6 and that they would have copped it massively but it wore off towards the end.. like the last Big Brother, unless you did your research - you probably wouldn't even have known who was in it.' 

No, Josie didn't watch the last BB (10) this is exactly what John means and how Kris had copped it for being a player on the previous series. (SC) Caoimhe can't recollect who Kris is; John is verbalising how it is only people who get massively into BB. Josie has moved to sit nearer John beside the pool and is freaked out when John brings up how there are people watching 24/7. "How pretty does Josie look especially next to the ghoul?" (ktnim) 
Josie remarks how she thinks she's alright but everyone on the outside world think she is a nutter; this is the same for John. The way the water distorts his reflection makes it appear that he has a bobble head on a teeny tiny body.  

JOSIE: Yeah, you are a bit of a weird one aren't you, John? (John doesn't know) Yeah, you are, yeah. (popping her thumb in her gob, John spins around the pool the water carrying him) I don't think I am. I think I'm just normal. 

Josie had not prepared herself mentally for what BB and after the programme would hold in store for her life. None of this would have ever occurred to her as she it never crossed her mind to do extensive studying of the show, the way John had beforehand (though this was advised strongly to him by producers as it varied drasticaly to the Aussie version). She was naive to all this when entering the house but now she is switched on and more media savvy after all that she has experienced in her post-BB life. Many lessons have been learned and some she is still to be taught but she's right to be more wary now. 

It's cute how John didn't think Josie would cop it, he always believed that she would be universally loved and adored, as this was the way he felt about her. But if anything, she now cops it more than him (apparently he did during BB) because she has continued to carve a path for herself of sorts in the media circus (and very terrific she was too on the trapeze!). 

I do think Josie is a nutter and John a weird one (his friends thought he was an weird unit too) and that is why I identify with them and embrace their wackiness. John and Josie also found a kindred spirit in each other as their zany characteristics drew them together and sparks flew. Their emotional entanglement was inevitable from the word  go and it made their wildest dreams come true. 
This will be the worst eviction night for Mario by far, apart from the one he was in (he specifies to Nathan). (SC) Seaspawn is sure whoever goes will be alright, he knows he will be but he doesn't wanna go. Ife and Mario had gone in the Diary room together last night to say that they don't think Nathan's had the full experience yet; he hasn't and isn't ready to turn it in yet 'it's just gonna get better and wilder and I wanna be involved.' 

Mario asks if he has any feeling about whether or not he's staying or going. Nathan shrugs that it's better not to think about it and he's not ready to get himself into a state of mind where he's going, no way! He's gonna er just see how it goes (SC) IF Davina says his name he'll just go out 'pleasant as always.. pleasant, polite, chirpy, cheeky and get on with my life. And if someone wants to give me a cookery show, sod it!' (SC) None of which are adjectives to which I would use in summing up Nathan's personality. 

He lays on the couch all shaggy and bushy like he wouldn't be out of place in an erectile dysfunction commercial. Mario realises that Nathan's friends/loonies will be coming down to the studios today; Nathan hopes they're all free and mentions that they don't swear as badly as him 'no one does.' Mario is curious if John's will be there as he can't imagine BB will fly them all the way from Australia; Nathan doesn't know how it's gonna go 'but we gotta think positive ain't we, kid?' 

Mario would absolutely love for his mum to be outside the house when he does leave but as she lives in the States he doesn't think she will be able to afford the flight. He confides that despite all the rumours about him he doesn't come from a wealthy background. (SC) Nate is sure BB would sort it out for him but same with John's friends 'how do they know when he is coming out?' It's alright for his as theoretically they can get his F&F down every week. Mario wonders if all his friends had been there the Friday when he and the boys were up for eviction. (SC)  

He speculates that his mates wouldn't have given him any support anyway but just laughed haaa haaaaaa 'you got voted out in week 2!' Cos they're all huge BB fans they used to plot out which week they guessed they'd be evicted in. (SC) Off the back of winning a bet with his buds, they'd have to buy them a drink of their choice all night or they'd have a mystery drink without any say in what it is. 
NATHAN: (unethused) That's what you need, pal (just wants to doze off but Mario won't stop blathering, SC) 

Mole man will be looking forward to actually getting drunk; Nathan doesn't think it will take much now they've not been drinking. On the outside Nathan has no limit and will stay on it for 3 days him, easily.

Back outside and JJJ appear to be having a bit of a minor disagreement as Josie reminds John that she'd said to him 'it'll all be alright tomorrow.. and what happened? It was all alright.' but Shabby left because she was made to look like a bully (SC) Josie refers to something being a big part (of Shabby's decision to walk out?) John's voice is less distinct where he can't wear a microphone in the pool but I think he's asking if Nathan knows it. 

JOSIE: Shabby's strong, she can take that (John knows she is) that was a big part.. (SC) 

Switching to the manky Manc (is he from Manchester? I don't think he is now and that spoils my pun so I'm leaving it the way it is, we can pretend he resides there) who has for now been left to snooze in peace. 'Has he given up on being cheeky and fun time?' (WHATM) The camera angle hovered above his nostrils, then resting upon his hairy, hairy chest and leg is not the most flattering portrait of the pillock! It would be a taxing task to make his appearance more complimentary though, wouldn't it? :D Ooooosh mean me! But what makes him more repellent to me is that beneath his level of unattractive-ness there is a hideous personality to coincide with it.  

Over to Baldilocks in the bathroom now un-bandaged as she washes her garments but she still has an arse on with everyone! She grimaces at something shuddersome discovered on her bandana/hanky. Scene change again to pool side where Josie is flustered with frustration that John presumes things; he doesn't care but she does. 

One thing people say about him is that he's normally not wrong; he guesses there might be some kind of merit to this 'that is one thing I am good at, if I'm good at nothing else.' 
The quarrel steps up a gear..at the time when I'd watch their squabbles I didn't know whether to laugh my eyelashes off at their silliness or be concerned that there would be a nuclear fall out. 

JOSIE: You obviously did!

JOHN: (becoming fractious) Well replay the tape (SC, Jose lies back down)

JOSIE: (obviously he requests an apology when she sees that she was incorrect) No you can come say sorry to me. 

He shakes his head with a defiant 'nope' because she'd presumed to know something about his life. 

JOSIE: (it's a butt load of bum nuggets as far as she's concerned)  No I don't presume to know anything about your life. I presumed that.. what I said is that I think you're angry inside cos it's not..

JOHN: That's presuming! When you think, you presume. 

She concedes to that but still considers that it's not normal to go around picking arguments with every single person in the house over something so irrelevant.

JOHN:(doing his quick annoying backchat verbal)  Normal to who? What's normal? What's normal? (she breaks into a smile as he's stumped her) What's normal? 

Well to her that's not normal! 
This doesn't hold much credence to him and he retaliates that the 'Josie Gibson opinions mean about 2/5ths of f**k all really.' (SC) I'm surmising that he means if he was to base what is normal or not on the Josie Diane Shirley Gibson patterns of normality. He doesn't want her to come to him just because she's got an opinion. 

JOSIE: Yeah but if I've got an opinion, I'm initially going to think I'm right, aren't I? Cos I wouldn't have the opinion, if I didn't think I was right. (John replies with his opinion on her opinion of opinions! Ha!) Yeah of course it is, if you've got an opinion you think you're right.

He agrees that a person will believe they're right until they are proven wrong (SC) I think he's telling her that he admits when his view wasn't correct where she does not. 'You sat there and told me, yes you are. Yes you are!' 

JOSIE: (WOW that's a slap in his face on what he believes is his last day) Yes, you are an angry man. Yes you are. (SC) 

John can see that she's laughing so the debate is not as heated or serious as the transcript might imply. He equates what she had TOLD him to being like him saying to her that she's not funny when she knows she is. It's just one of their standard spats maybe brought about by the heat of the sun in the garden.. or maybe they bickered because they were both too nervous about how tonight would go down .. and neither saying the things they really wanted to say to each other. But because both would often make presumptions about the other, in one conversation these 2 could manage to hurt the 1 person they cared most about.. 

Sweet damn, they would frustrate me with how stubborn they could be! And sometimes as much as Josie felt John would pick arguments, she did the same herself on occasion. Just because John would get angry now, it does not mean he is out and out an angry man about every aspect of everything - so it was unjust for him to be typecast as such. The trouble with them was that they always felt they were in the right (at least momentarily) but neither were mistake-free .. I hated them fighting. 
How utterly wretched would they have each felt, if they had spent the entire day sniping and then John had been out that night? Their last day in the house as a pair, would have been wrecked and for what? To make complete asses of themselves because they weren't able to have the conversation that they actually needed to have, in the event of his eviction. When they were anxious or paranoid or confused etc. they would run so hot and cold with each other and it just wasn't fair to do that. 

Sometimes I question if they were indeed just beyond repair.. and were never going to have the capacity to give each other the emotional support required in times of strife. I know they wanted to please their partner so badly but maybe when all is said and done.. they just couldn't. "How can you love someone so much, but not know how to love them?" (If only) I think this movie quote sums up a large portion of their relationship.. so maybe they always had an expiration date :( 

In finding each other, they lucked out! But maybe they just didn't know how to do the boyfriend and girlfriend thing?.. It's hard to let go of the fairy tale we wanted for them entirely and for all anyone knows, it has been for John and Josie too.. especially as their love for another seemed to persist higher than the sky.. I realise I'm making this sound very 'Gone with the wind'.. but that's because their love did go with the wind :( 

(AD BREAK? Or jump ahead in live feed)
Caoimhe has got in on the chat  'is that paranoia or is it arrogance?' Josie and her decide that it is arrogance, he's unpleased with their assessment. 

JOHN: (with a raised brow) Just haven't got time for clowns. But obviously um.. a lot of girls especially think that I'm arrogant. But I'm actually not.

CAOIMHE:  (quizzing John about his routine with overnight visitors, if he's staying at his mum's house) So say you did bring a girl back to your little house on Mum's erm.. turf. You bring her home for a night, you have a lovely night together err.. do you (SC) What would you do? Would you go get her breakfast? 

JOHN: (makes himself sound like a player!!) Sometimes I have 2 numbers.. I have one for um.. one for like if you meet girls at clubs and you get her number, so you have 2 phones (SC in between it sounds like Keevs asks if he would take a girl home) Yup (SC) I don't slam her (shakes his head in another SC) 

Again, I'm only able to pick up parts with the bad sound and SC's but it seems that John either did this for only about 3 months or hasn't done something in 3 months. 'Just whenever it felt right, there'd be no time..' Caoimhe wants to clarify that he'd never bring a girl home. 

JOHN: (he's no Romeo ho) I never have done that, no. (Caoimhe oh's) A one night stand you mean? (that is what she was getting at) Nah. (SC just after Caoimhe starts to pose a question 'so you would bring her home for..'
I don't know about anyone else, but to me it is very reassuring and refreshing that as rare as they are, men like John James are out there. And they aren't the arrogant players of the world that they are written off as.. they are the ones who treat a woman like a lady and don't go out to stick their tongue down the throat of the first bird they see! Neither do they rush the girl back to their joint to show them their male organs of love.. Other Jack the Lads may look all disapproving their way, judging them for being p*ssies but really they could have all the women those casanovas will never get, because they have no respect for anyone they take home to shag. 

Some blokes just don't realise that not everything should be turned into an excuse to grope us! We are won over more by the gentlemen not the play boys that we encounter, so they'd do well to learn from the John's of this earth. So what is it really that John does - 'weird' or commendable? I know the way I view it and I'm sure I'm not alone in these thoughts. 

It might sound stupid but I consider him to be sort of an enchanted creature because he is so different and doesn't want to do as society does or live the way he is expected as a lad. There are enough soul-less assh*les inhabiting the planet, so thank goodness for fellas like you, Parton. N.B I am only perceiving him as a sweetie pie on the assuming that he has not changed in this respect with his morals towards women or these thoughts are subject to change. I sincerely hope he is the same person. 
The ins and outs of John's sexual habits are swapped for Dave determining if Ben would be deemed as a Monarchist. Politically, Ben is neither a Capitalist or a Communist he's a 'romantic right-winger, maybe that's the way to term me.. I'm a Paternalist.' Thatcher, though a Capitalist through and through is one of Ben's heroes and he agrees with Lloyd George (an 'interventional Liberalist') on a lot of things but not everything. His political hero is actually a guy whom he was named after Benjamin Disraeli he was a romantic Tory leader in the 1870's; he thought that beauty and cosmetic changes could often bring about greater good.  

When there was an Indian mutiny against British rule, Disraeli was inclined to believe that they felt disconnected from other countries. So he created Queen Victoria, empress of India, consolidating the link. (SC) Ben considers himself to be a pragmatist and believes in fine-tuning to make everyone a bit happier; he's half-joking that he was named after Disraeli. His father changes his mind that sometimes he was and sometimes named after composer Benjamin Britten but Ben admires them both so is proud to be associated with either. (SC) Ben's father wasn't remotely purist but believes that before the war we produced beautiful buildings and since we have crap tower blocks. Dave went to visit the Sistine chapel describing it as the most phenomenal, phenomenal piece of work especially when compared to the buildings that have been erected now. (SC)  

The garden will be out of bounds in 15 minutes for BB to carry out essential maintenance work. Ben continues with his drivel about municipal housing and it being inhumane to make people live in it. (SC) He strongly attaches weight to the belief that if people are put in cages their inner animal will thrash against it but in buildings with craftsmanship and love they will be more civilised. Dave doesn't know about that conceiving they'd wreck it; Ben has faith in human nature (SC and a too close for comfort shot of his crotch and Ben makes a having-a-poo face

Dave doubts anyone would spend millions and millions and years and years of work to restore buildings for the 'drop outs of society'; Ben thinks there should be a partnership with the state and private sector. Ben states that it is all very well doing things on the cheap but people should be employed to do so. He decides the money should be found through philanthropy, taxation, national assets and private companies to fund these projects and not allowing them to make an obscene profit. Not all of his ideas are cost-effective but he thinks they are right; Dave doesn't even see that they are possible in this day and age. (SC's) 
The Ben hands to ears 'what what?' is performed by Dave, who then approximates how much air time he'll get on the HL's off the back of his anniversary meal. Ben feels it depends on what Dave said as he is a very funny and interesting man and what else happened, citing it as a very boring day. Dave thinks they'll stick a bit of his argument with Caoimhe on; Ben also had a fisticuff with John and a disagreement with Baron (who got upset at Ben's comments about WW2 and took it very personally thinking he was attacking the Armed Forces.) 

John solicits for Ben to chuck him a cushion over so he can lie out on the grass, after his abysmal throw outs him as the worst cushion thrower ever, John remarks 'you weren't on the soccer team, were ya?' Dave has come to the realisation that Benjy wasn't on any teams. 

BEN: (squinting in the sun) I was in a gang of one, Johnny.

This humour is lost on Johnny to start with 'when?' until Dave jokes that Ben had been the leader, coach, goalie, mid-field and striker. Something Ben bets John wouldn't expect of him because he's never been a team person is that he's always had a gang (and when he says that he means he's always led a group of mates and has never been a follower; John can tell that as he towels his legs down). 'I'm a prophet Johnny, ahead of my time.' John humors him with a hee haa - not akin to a donkey. 

Steve is telling tales to Mario of his player days, he had to make the most of it when he was young as he won't have any more girlfriends now - his wife is it. In those days, a young lad could do what they want and get away with it 'but not anymore, not anymore.' Mario has 2 completely different groups of friends: 1 where he's the only gay in his straight set (the only gay who has outed himself, he has doubts about some of their sexuality) where they are all of similar age 28/29 and a lot in serious relationships and are married/have mortgages/kids (he feels the odd one out as he doesn't have any of those things) and then his group of gay friends 'which are all gay'  (NO. REALLY. WOULDN'T HAVE GUESSED IT.)   
One of Mario's best friends is the same as him in that he doesn't have a mortgage or girlfriend but he still lives with his parents and plays video games. Mario keeps telling him that he's never going to get a girlfriend!

Ife's friend little Amber, looks like Twiggy in her good days with pale skin, blonde hair and bright blue eyes. (SC) Return to Mario, who says he can barely look after himself let alone give a nice child a new home but they would be dressed in the latest fashions so that would be awesome. John comes past asking 'what are you doing Mars? Where've you been?'

He's been washing clothes with Ife i.e. watching her do it and contributing by boiling kettles of water for her so there's hot water in the bath. He asks Steve about what his childhood was like - it was pretty much a little English boy running around the countryside 'quintessential, if you think about it! Nothing too untoward.' Farmy-type stuff was happening and he gets us to picture a nice little village with white railings, a brook, couple of pubs and a post office; it sounds like his Grandparent's village. 

MARIO: Was it like The Darling Buds of May? 

It wassssss and I've said before that I have a lovely love for this show :) (SC) 

STEVE: Everyone was your Auntie in them days. 

Like he says, he had a very good childhood and wasn't spoiled in any shape or form but they had it hard at times. John is shown to be chatting with Josie as she lays sprawled across her bed but only for a split second. As it changes to Ben lovin' it like Corin as she checks with If that the paint came out of her top.. in case you were wondering, it did perfectly. End of the afternoon live feed.  
2.16pm, Ben is in the bedroom with some of the others trying to compose a comic musical version of all of the housemates. Ife Dave, John and Josie are joining in. Ben can do all sorts of things with music and as such he says it makes him more passionate than John and means he likes it more than John. Ife says 'you cannot compare love'. Ben is being an arse. John has 2TB of mp3s.

Alright so the argument is basically thus: Ben thinks that dedicating more time into a chosen subject means that he "loves" it more than anyone else. They are all thinking up different examples to prove him wrong - but Ben refuses to agree. The basic point people are trying to get him to understand is you cannot declare you love something more than someone else because love is not measurable.

2.33pm, Caoimhe is now tucked up in bed with JJJ who are having fun and giggles talking about boogies. John has just put a hair clip on Josie's nose and made her eyes water!!! Basically John just let the cat out the bag that he's loaded there. He spent 16k in 2 weeks I think he said plus MJ tickets and flights for 4, 2 business class and 2 economy as well as hotels. It was £12k to travel europe for 2 months, not for his auditions but he flew business class. John has a Mazda RX8 - are they around 24k here? He has a small house....he doesn't like them, too much to clean. John saying the prize fund is not an issue because he spent a lot of money coming over here.

His car is 90K (Import cars are incredibly expensive in Australia, they tax them to death, so whatever it is here, double it.) Sounds like he's told Josie and Caoimhe that he's loaded that why he's not interested in the money. I see Josie is still sucking her thumb she can't get over that his car cost 90.000 somethings though he says it is worth half now and wants a new one when he gets back. Shes asking if he is a millionaire but he tells her he's not. Caoimhe asking bluntly how much he's got in the bank if it's not an inappropriate question......yep it is. He hasn't answered but they are pressing him.

He has no idea how much money he has in pounds, or in fact Aus dollars. He avoids answering by telling Caoimhe he has money scattered. He seems a bit uncomfortable IMO. Josie says she wishes John hadn't told her now. John's money is the compensation received from his dad's death at work IIRC
In a magazine article it said he plays with his Xbox or whatever all day and would often not go out with his mates to play on his machine................

3.02pm, Mario just massaged Josie's breasts before she left the room - Josie is on her way to the kitchen to cook anything John's heart desires as long as it is a cheese sandwich or beans on toast.

3.12pm, Ife asks John if he believes in soul mates;he says he doesn't think there is one person...there could be 2 or 4 or... Ife says I never said one, soul mates, it could be more than one. In that case yes John does believe in that. Ife presses her point home with mums, dogs, anything.

I can't even tell you how loudly and giddily I awwwwwwww-ed reading this back on WHATM thread. The fact that this pumpkin chocolate chip muffiny man believes in soul mates (no matter how many) makes him even more of a dear boy than I already considered him as. Some things you just know in your heart, like John knew early on Josie was his/one of his soul mate(s).. so I'm unequivocally making a presumption that John would slap my wrists for, but this suggests to me that his relationship with Josie would have been extremely profound and meaningful for him, at least. 

So feeling the way he did about Josie, it must have gutted him so wholly that he has lost Josie as his soul mate, now she's out of his life :'( Wonder what has happened to his conviction, does he still have it or have his experiences with Josie caused him to crossing out his faith in their existence? I know how he would have done whatever it took to make Josie happy, he just gave up somewhere along the way or felt that it was an impossible mission. 

John feels that very few people would admit the real reason that they are on BB. He was unemployed at the time of auditions. John thinks that Corin's "bolt-ons" (breast implants) helped her get in. Josie talks about a hot coconut curry called a chicken Ceylon
3.44pm, Ben can't believe some who ate crisps all the time had such good skin. Josie says Sunshine took multi vits though. Ben says that wouldn't have helped because she ate crap....crisps and bread, bread being a carbohydrate and crisps being, well...carbohydrate and salt.

4.42pm, Steve has already guessed something will be lowered into the garden..BB really suck at these twists.

4.52pm, Nathan dances over to Josie and tries to grope her boobs. Nathan starts a play fight with Josie who doesn't want it, then he goes on to imitate a monkey. Guess he's happy chappying today! Corin is doing a perky look at me boobs pose - auditioning for NUTS again.

5.06pm, John will get Daily Star centrefolds according to Ben and Dave.

JOHN: (about Mario as Mole) Do you believe they rigged it for you to come in?(Sound cut)

5.13pm, The tension is building nicely between John and Corin. I'll be luvin it when this kicks off. Mario scampers back to the shade making hissing noises; Dave and Nathan call him a vampire. Josie and Caoimhe banter with John while in the pool.
5.33pm, And they're off! Oh great they have cut the sound for the entire argument! Corin going at John - SC's throughout so she must be swearing a lot. John laughing at her.

CORIN: When have I ever, ever took the p*ss out of you? (blahblahblah shown on HL's) 

Corin says the joke will be on John he asks 'why will it be on me? I'm fine, I'm great.'  She says we will see.

Corin doing all the mouthing off from what I can see. Corin has totally lost her mask. I can not lipread but even I can tell Corin is repeating d***head over AND over again at John James. Corin is the one who keeps coming back for the argument, she could always walk away! 

CORIN (to John looking like a harpy): No, I'm quite happy to get it off my chest. You're a d**khead. you're a d**khead. 

Corin looks the aggressor from what I can see - John giving it back of course.

John telling her to move on and just leave the room. 
Corin saying he is being angry and argumentative with people. I love the way she argues, from a doorway, wagging her head from side to side and swearing. She goes onnnnnnn that his voice plays, plays, plays 'pack your suitcase, pack your suitcase.' 
JOHN: Is that all you got? (chuckles to himself villainously) 

Can't wait to see her face later, she has soooo cooked her goose.

Nathan and Mario in the BR keeping their heads down! Mario says to John that he didn't see that arguing coming and that he thought they were joking to begin with. John isn't ranting or going over it again. He's just continuing packing. That was so funny, her permanently surprised eyebrows nearly hit the roof! Good for John telling it like it is her voice must be sending them berserk by now. 

"This is the REAL Corin. Can't stand her at all, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh." (orwells_farm)

"The joke is on you Corin. your boyfriend was kicked out!!!" (jjjjenny)

5.47pm, Mario is chomping on the bed, looks like biscuits. Consoles John by telling him that if he goes all the girls will be after him. Notice that John has just got on with his packing - he hasn't felt the immediate need to dash off and recount the whole nasty business.

Daft lot, how can they believe that Nathan will stay. Ife says to Mario that the argument was pointless and that it was bit nasty. John at the pool now telling Josie and Caoimhe what happened, t
he new battery song was mentioned apparently but not by John. 

Dave tells Mario, John might have the edge to stay but Mario can't call it. 
Corin said to John 'I am off to the Dr now for my first bitch.' He said OK. She said "I'm getting angry now" and it went from there - his version to the girls in the pool. John says he can hear Corin in the DR from the LR; she is saying "he is going on and on and on and on" 

John and Josie teasing each other about when they marry the won't let the other smoke.

Ife says it's disgusting people being angry cos people are happy. Mario explaining why people find Corin false. Ife wanting to know why people don't talk to her to find out, Mario replies that Corin isn't one for long talks.

People are shouting 'get John out' over the wall. Josie says she thinks John's going because these people are shouting but John just finds it funny. Ife points out they are not the population. 

Ife whinging at Mario about John having a go at Corin "just because she's happy." Mario says that there are people who thinks she's one dimensional and he struggles to have a conversion with her. Ife tells him he should get to know her better like she has. Goes on to say something about having huge respect Corin's story.

Davina feels sick as she's terrified of Titan and makes Emma feel how fast her heart is beating. She's not sure if she can tell us that there is 1 boy and 2 girls coming in as the 3 new HM's but divulges so all the same. Emma has to drag Dav over to go head to helmet with the beast because she is so frightened of it. She literally screams when getting near the 7 ft 3" (against Davina's 5 ft 7") tyrant and cowers into Emma's arms and is almost crying when his stats are read out as having man crushing hands! 

We are shown portions of Emma's exclusive interviews with the new 'uns. #HM1 Manager of a travel agents Keeley answers that Caoimhe is going to drive her crazy; she's encountered her before as she was stood beside her on launch night. She'd tried to make chit chat with her but had been ignored by the ignorant Keevil! Having watched her in the house, she comes across just as arrogant so there could possibly be fireworks between the 2. 

As tonight the house will lose the Northern monkey man with the mega brow or their Aussie pouting hunky they have representatives from the 2 camps onscreen with George. For John, there's a cardboard cutout of his Mum and George jeers that she's the love of his life. They speak to Helena, John's yummy mummy over the phone despite it being 3am down under. She's not really surprised that he's up for eviction 'he's been a bit overbearing, hasn't he?'

GEORGE: He's been a proper pain in the backside, hasn't he?

HELENA: He has! (George asks if he has a temper that bad with her at home) He has his moments, yeah. (He asks if she'd seen the kiss with Josie and the crowd wooo) I have but did they actually kiss though? 

She hadn't thought so as from the pictures they've got their lips didn't actually connect. After he questions if she'd like it if John brought Josie back to Melbourne she sweetly replies 'I would, yes! (to audience awwws) I don't think she'd like it here though.' Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee she was a JJJ-er from the start!
Crazy how cute it is that even John's Mamsy was rooting for John and Josie to get their act together from the start <3 She knew her son and how he wanted to be around Jose all the time. Helena sounded almost disappointed that their 'kiss' hadn't been real and as though she was willing them to get a move on and John to get his swervvvvveee on. He obliged 17 days later :D 

Nathan's Aunt feels he's more subdued in the house than usual as he has nobody to bounce off; they nickname him the Giant tigger outside. Shabby is back wearing a billboard as a campaign to get herself back in the house; she wants to tell Caoimhe a little thing or two. 

HM #2 is Rachel she's just moved into a cozy little flat and was made up with a rug she purchased for £20 and was admiring it, when a private number called her which she expected to be the landlord. But it was BB saying they want her and she OMG-ed that they picked her!! Emma can't wait to see Rachel in there :D 

Sunshine has a small chat with Willis to say that she's gutted she had to leave a week ago, wishes she was back in but doesn't bear any grudges to Shabby for stealing her thunder. She pimps out her twitter and boasts about getting her degree results which was a FIRST. 

HM #3 is Andrew who thinks he will get on best with Mario he also likes Corin as she's really bubbly and sweet. He has a bit of a crush but she's an older woman!

Atomic Kitten's Liz McClarnon has met Ife a few times and she's really nice.. too nice, seems the same in the house but thinks she'll stand up to people. She also loves Corin. Her recipe for a perfect housemate is John's body and basis of the face but with Mario's eyes, Ben's great lips - the mash up looks a cross between Verne Troyer and The Rock. Dave is doing her head in a little bit and Nathan's gotta go. 
6.08pm, John says it's strange people you don't know knowing your name; seems convinced he is going tonight. Hopefully that will lead him to just ignoring Corin for the next few hours on the basis that it doesn't really matter to him anymore. It is usually how he works, he is more likely to argue with those he cares about than those he couldn't give a stuff about. John says that he has just got to wait now until 10pm until he goes; laughing at his friends saying he would get booed, he says he will just suck it up. His brain doesn't even think about it being two people; Steve reminds him what's happened in the past and that there is still a big chance. Dave and Keeva think John will stay because young girls fancy him.

Josie telling Caoimhe she feels like crying. 

JOHN: If you listen carefully you can hear Corin (ranting about him in the DR).

Corin is really annoying. I'm surprised she lasted that long without much conflict. Josie cuddles up to John on sofa, John laughs that Corin is going at it! Dave and Caoimhe take turns listening at the door eventually Coz comes out. Keeva reveals she could hear her in the DR. Corin confirms, 'yeah I was shouting my head off.' 

LOL John saying he had 2 supporters shouting 'Nathan out' but everyone else was shouting him out. Corin could hear the crowd from the diary room. John's currently under estimating the power of the fan girl vote :P Corin doing an impression of John's impression of her to Nathan, Mario and Ben - she still looks furious, talking so loudly John laughs.

DAVE: If that's BBLB tonight is gonna be the feistiest night ever!

John giggles then asks Josie if she's ok as she looks like she is going to break down crying any moment. Dave seems to think that John has already been evicted - "I thought it'd be a close one..." he likens it to the cruxifiction of our Lord because he had to face the baying crowds. Dave says he had no idea it would go like this.

JOHN: The Lord didn't notify you?

DAVE:No I had no notification.

JOHN: I didn't need the lord to tell me that!

6.31pm, Corin says something to Steve (with John in the room) then walks off and John snipes: "As long as you're lovin' it!'. John's great, he's really pushing it and can hear all the sh*t Corin is talking to Ife. So rude. It's pretty obvious that Corin wants Nathan to stay and thinks that maybe having an argument with John will help him out the door. Steve asks John if he's enjoyed his month, John has for sure and would do it all over again. Lots of sound cuts.

John feels Corin is wrong to make the judgement that he hasn't had a good time cos he isn't happy and buzzing. John says everyone gets out of it what they want, no one likes the same sorts of things or wtte. Josie can understand why people might not like John as he can turn but he's a good guy too. Caoimhe saying John's impression was funny.

“With Corin, she is obnoxiously loud and unrealistically positive about everything. She barely contributes to the house or experience, and her motives for being there seem to be questionable (Nuts deal maybe?). His annoyance over her is a reflection of what most of the house feel, but don't express.

Ultimately, you can't lump all these experiences into one. Yes, John can push things, be outspoken and argumentative. No he doesn't just push it with just women - he's had numerous arguments/conflicts with Ben. I think he's a great housemate, who's generally decent. He just has mild issues with anger and frustration and might be a tad too insensitive and outspoken at times.” (tre)

6.49pm, Josie giving John a message for Govan, she looks like she is trying hard to not cry. She is trying to keep herself together cuddling up (she was earlier for a bit) to not make it harder for him. She kept trying to get him to come into the BR and the Kitchen and told Caoimhe that he was determined to sit out there on the sofas.

Josie didn't think people would like her because she is an attention seeker. Caoimhe says she is not. Josie says people will like her because she is a funny little Irish one, Caoimhe doubts they will be showing that....... sound cut. Ben asks John if he'll be back for the final; John's touring America after he leaves BB – (Vegas and New York etc.) so he's not sure if he'd come back for final.

JOHN: If I'm saved its going down with Corin. (he thinks he's said everything Josie and Caoimhe think about her)

Corin told John that his time in the house has been wasted.
JOHN: Why come into a room when you can hear someone, if you have got something to say, say it to me? Are you getting angry now? (to Corin in the kitchen)

She said "I am not angry" then went off into the garden and "nah nah nah" loudly. Josie tells John to shut his mouth on the moaning because he is going off on a tack now. John reports back how Corin says to him 'I'm getting angry now' so he'd responded 'as long as your lovin it lovin it!' followed by laughter from Josie, Keeva and Dave. 

7.23pm, Josie asks John what he'll do if he stays; He feels there's not a chance but if there was a miracle he'd carry on as he has been. John thought he was seeing things with Corin but then he realised that others could see it too. Govan almost convinced him that Corin was genuine.

JOSIE: I can't believe you're still going on..... (then suggests they practice his interview)

They are really sure he is going and trying to be supportive. John reckons that the two hours Corin spends putting on her make up and the two hours she spends taking it off is her downtime and she spends the rest of the time buzzin. Jose tells John she can't believe he's wasting what might be his last few hours having a strop about Corin - he finds that funny. Josie manages to keep him smiling about it even though he is obviously pissed off. She does well with him in that respect, she deflects him from himself.

7.35pm, Josie has convinced herself that John is gone because of all his conflicts and will be shocked if he stays (she's preparing herself for the worst). Oh no - Ife wants to give John one of her inspirational talks privately - run John; he's resisting. Ife trying to tell him not to allow himself to be the mouthpiece for other people and not to gravitate towards Keeva as she'll make his paranoia worse. 

JOHN: You are a smart girl, you know what is going on. (and s/c)

Ife isn't honestly saying give Corin a chance she's been through a terrible thing, to a young man who lost his father how utterly patronizing.

7.52pm, Mario asks for a kiss on the lips from John if he goes 'How about one now?'
JOSIE: Poor Ife, I haven't got a clue what she's going on about most of the time.

KEEVA: Neither do I! Most of the time I just zone out when she's talking to me.

8.19pm, Corin looks like she is biting her lip. John asleep/snoozing/dozing on the sofa.

8.42pm, Mario trying to shove a can of deodrant up John's buttocks as he lies on the sofa behind Ben and Josie. John telling Nathan that the voting has probably just stopped at 8.30.

JOHN: I'm 100% going.

They can hear something in the garden... they think it's Titan back. John reckons there's a crane lifting something in.

DAVE: You are all boring. Please leave the big brother house. We have 13 new housemates..including Mr T!

John saying he wants to sit on the corner and that he will chuck things over the wall from Tesco.

9.24pm, Josie and John joking with each other think they are running through his eviction interview. (the audio has been left on LF but visuals gone but should be off completely during eviction show. Singing Delilah) “Eww no way uhhhhh” from Josie she's laughing about what John will say to Davina if he's asked about fancying her.

Josie trying to remember her best mates number and has just said of the numbers!! Josie says the flies in there have the sheer audacity to land right on their faces. Her toothpaste is giving her stringy stuff in her mouth. Caoimhe is feeling claustrophobic; Josie can't breathe and wants to brush her teeth. John is concerned about her boogers and there's a playful banter between them.

Sunshine Martyn (twitter) sunshinemartyn At the studio with Nathans auntie and best friend they are lovely, JJ doesn't have any friends and family here so I'm acting as them for him

AFTER 40 MINS of unintentional sound from the house – someone dobbed the whatm-ers being able to hear it still in. 

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