Josie mumbles under her breath that she was only joking as he goes on that Sunshine got too carried away and started to get angry in a sense. Rachael was one that Caoimhe couldn't really work out; one day she'd shaved her lady garden.
JOSIE: (Caoimhe is in great company there) Don't even f**king get on that one! My f**king lady garden is not a garden!
Caoimhe had put on some of Rachael's baby oil (not knowing it belonged to her) believing it to be Govan's as he kept using it! Rachael had got really snotty about it and tskked 'Caaaaaoimhe, can you not ask????' She'd stammered back an awkward apology but felt like absolute sh*t! Josie's been caught a few times using other peoples' things; Caoimhe comments that she and Josie are very alike in that way.
John doesn't care what anyone else says but Rachael had the potential to be a naaaasty piece of work! 'I believe she had the potential to be a nasty girl.' Caoimhe can't believe the remark Rachael had made about the other people not getting in. She had called them rejects and this was something else that the angry John I love, brought up 'don't you worry! I got it all out! Calling them f**king rejects! People that I had to f**king spend 3 days with.. had more respect for them, than what I had for her.'
Rachael had sat and ha-ha-haaaaed about the 'rejects' as she termed them; John was sooooooo angry 'how dare you f**king call them rejects? Not happy about that!' (SC) John's speaking about having a cheeky phone call in for reassurance or a letter or something. Josie keeps picking up and using some hair clips that aren't hers; Caoimhe wants to borrow one to clip back the top as her hair is a f**king state! She reckons they belong to Corin to stick her wigs on.
For some reason, John represents himself as being very similar to Nathan in a lot of ways as they share views and are both very black and white. Immediately, Josie and Caoimhe rubbish this as he is NOTHING like Nathan - they are emphatic that he is not similar to Seahorse in any way. Self-admittedly, he's not where women are concerned but some of the things Nathan says John thinks that he's right.
JOSIE: (the world absolutely needs moral men) Yeah you might agree with 1 or 2 things but that don't mean you're similar!
Nathan had also told John that he felt this way last night. Caoimhe is begging Britain and Ireland to see Nathan's true colours 'and kick him right out!!' not wanting to be stuck in the house with an awful human being.
JOHN: (calls upon his Josie, as hers is the opinion that he values) Obviously you've got the same views, Jose.. what are you seeing that I'm not seeing? I haven't seen him do a thing wrong other than the Shabby thing.
CAOIMHE: Cos it's all fairly sly! He's patronising!
JOSIE: (the only things Nathan should have taken off the menu was his own ignorance and injustice) He just gets eggy all the time.. like I wanted to get involved in the shopping and he went off his off! (John knows as he was there) I was laughing inside, I was p*ssing myself .. well I was laughing at the table. Did you see me?
Her hee-hee-ing, Caoimhe felt would have p*ssed Nathan off even more; Josie didn't think there was any need for Nathan to be like that as he could've just asked people if they wanted to get involved. She also found fault with him for not letting her add honey to the curry as he saw it as sacrilege!
JOSIE: (should have told him to shove it) If I wanna put a bit of f**king honey on my chicken, I'll put honey on my chicken.. I'm a girl who likes my food, yeah? So if I wants to put a bit of honey on me chicken, I will do it.
John asks straight out if they believe Nate is a womaniser; Josie and Caoimhe agree this is obvious as it's all he goes on about! Caoimhe will tell them exactly what Nathan is but John splices in that he doesn't hear all the smoking convos as he's not a smoker. Josie is still up for flirting with John but is unwilling to flirt again with Nathan because of the way he is.
JOHN: (he knew so) Remember I told you, I was a little bit scared? Because I felt that he really didn't.. it's cos I'm smart.
Now looking back, Josie thinks John might have been right which comes as a sad announcement to him.
JOHN: (does not like this scenario one bit) Ahhhhh, Johnny's not so f**king stupid after all! You made me look like a right d*ck on TV!
Josie retorts that John realises things at the time but she doesn't cotton on until after, as she's a bit slow and she doesn't over-analyse everything like him!
JOHN: (grousing) Everyone thinks I'm an idiot in here but I'm not!
“Love how John ignores Caoimhe and all he wants (Jose has finally admitted Nathan likes her) is for her to tell him everything, I love how protective of her he is, I knew all along he liked her but this was when I knew he loved her.” (Marhearsyou)
Caoimhe had not been party to that particular discussion John had with Josie so wants the 411. He fills her in, that he'd been playing around with Jose in the spa and had been watching the way Nathan was with Josie. Caoimhe had told Josie as well; so he'd asked Josie if she thought Nathan liked her but she cracked the sh*ts. She hadn't realised until Nathan kept putting John down all the time!
This is news to John, 'what??? Did he really?' Caoimhe edifies him further of a hilarious situation that John would sit on the couch, Josie was in the middle of him and Nathan and Nathan would be rubbing Josie's back! After John had said this to Josie, she started clicking on as Nathan kept throwing out Crabeyes etc.
JOHN: (poor, sweet Johnny) This is why I get f**ked off about looks! He had no reason to target me like that.. he targeted me purely and I think you's know why he targeted me. He made that up for one pure reason and if you's can't see why he did that and singled me out.. I never once said.. he's got a monobrow for f**ks sake! I never said nothin' about that, never, not once! But he took the p*ss out of the way I looked, why the f**k would you take the p*ss out of what I looked like? Why would ya? I never take the p*ss out of what anyone..
CAOIMHE: Because he wanted to get to his little hands on Josie!!
JOHN: (unequivocal) Exactly.
All of Nathan's criticisms of John were based on jealousy and he was in no position to be so hypercritical of John's appearance, considering his own was thoroughly sickening! His wealth of unpleasant innuendo showed me that he was less of a man than John.. not MORE as he regarded himself to be!
Josie doesn't think it is that but John can't see what other reasons Nathan would have to put him down; she doesn't know. Caoimhe gets them to listen to her that Nathan's thing is: when he's in a bad mood everyone has to be in one and everyone feels it. Then when he's in a good mood, they're expected to be in a good mood as well and it's all 'I'm having a great time! You know, cheer up - kid! Kid, Kid, Kid!! .. F**k off!'
Josie reminds Keevs that she'd told her about feeling really uncomfortable (with and around Nathan) one day.
JOHN: (tetchy as it would have been a load off his mind) Why don't you tell me anything? You don't even make me feel better, Jose!
Sometimes she doesn't come to him because he goes on and on but he thinks that when he's right about something the least she could have said was 'hey John, you were right about that.' But Josie didn't want to be like 'oh.. um.. yeah John.. like, thinking I was something I wasn't!' He is spirited to know what she had seen and seems concerned that the put downs were behind his back - though it's not a tremendous, ground-breaking surprise to him.
“When Josie she said was uncomfortable you could see him slowly getting angry,and yes ready to say something!!” (RoxyD1982)
“He is respectful to women and his morals are high but I think when it comes to Josie you say she didn't always practise what she preached but it must have been very intense in that house and with those feelings for John and sometimes emotions take over. I think she struggled to deal with how she felt about John and was scared because of her insecurities. I think she knew this and couldn't help how she acted, I also think John could handle his feelings a lot better than Josie, John was and is a lot more emotionally strong which is good and helped their relationship develop.” (KatStevens)
Josie assures him they were to his face but Nathan was a bit bitchy towards him; John felt it was undeserved as it came out of nowhere that he was suddenly calling him Crabeyes. Essentially, Nathan was stabbing John in the back but right to his face! She tells him again that she'd mentioned feeling uncomfortable to Caoimhe and that sometimes she won't approach John about things, because she knows that he'll over-analyse it until it comes out of his ass! She HATES that talk.
John had already noticed this but was made to feel like a d*ckhead 'cos what was I meant to say.. "oh he's calling me Crabeyes because like.." cos then I'll look like a d*ck! I'll look like an arrogant little f**ker!' Josie also reckons she would have looked like one too; Caoimhe did feel for Josie in that situation. John wants to be told why Josie was made to feel uncomfortable but all she'll say is that Caoimhe's seen it.
JOHN: (desperate for them to let him have it; he's there to learn) Well can you tell me? Or do I have to f**king sit here like a stunned mullet?!
Caoimhe starts to explain what Josie had to deal with, with f**king Nathan but Josie is ready to inform John herself. That when she and John have a cuddle, it'll just be a cuddle and that's it but Nathan is constantly rubbing her arm and back. Caoimhe could see the look on Josie's face; Josie wanted John to shut up when they went in the Diary room and was going on about what could happen between Nathan and Josie.
John didn't know Josie felt that way because John had asked in the spa that day if she thought Nathan fancied her. And she'd barked back 'no he doesn't! No he doesn't' but she hadn't told John that she didn't fancy Nathan (leading him to believe that she liked Nathan that way?) he kept checking if she was sure 'because I'm pretty sure that he's getting f**ked off with the time that we're spending together.. I could see it!'
“This is so interesting, it sheds new light on the whole situation. Thank you so much Diddididi. Love that John is cross with her for not telling him she did not fancy Nathan. This must've been one of the many pivotal moments in their developing relationship.” (Sketchley-Lane)
John now susses this is why Nathan was trying to make John look like a d*ckhead in bed and that. 'And I was like "I don't even care, mate.. like if I had a girlfriend, (with wide unblinking eyes) you could f**k her on the bonnet of my car, mate - I don't give a f**k!" It doesn't make you any better than what I am.. like I don't believe in that sh*t.' He thought he was just seeing things when Nathan kept putting him down, 'because I came to you and asked you about it and you said I was looking in to sh*t.'
“Some how I think John James would have a slight problem now with Nathan f**king his girlfriend over a bonnet of his car!!” (RoxyD1982)
Was John fooling himself with this apparent non-jealousy gene of his? I could believe he hadn't encountered it before with other girls he was seeing because he hadn't been in love with any of them! But as his passions grew deeper for Josie, it was all too evident that there were instances where he came across jaundiced with jealousy. If Nathan or any man had tried to f**k Josie anywhere (when they were together) it wouldn't have been a pretty sight when John had finished with them!!
don't know if he was jealous
at this point, I think he was more angry that Josie was uncomfortable
because of Nathan. Josie's right though she did flirt with him but
that doesn't mean he had the right to touch her if she didn't want
him to.” (joanne19852010)
JOSIE: (Damn it, that's her right) That was before I knew, John! Gets on my nerves, you do. (John titters) Well you do because.. sometimes if I feel something I will not tell you. I won't. Because you just go on about it too long and you read into the situation too much!
JOHN: (hoped she would confide in him if she valued his best friendship) Well that was a situation I was worried about.. cos I said to ya, I said.. cos I could see that.. just certain things, that he was getting a little bit p*ssed off with the time that we were spending together and that. You could see it! Oh you can see it now too?
Josie not always choosing to turn to John with her troubles could have been problematic in their relationship.. John is a worrier and more so where Josie was concerned because he cared about her so greatly. If he could see something was playing on her mind but she wouldn't talk it over with him, that would have made him more anxious and feel helpless. When it comes to feelings, Josie battles with them internally while John has to address and dissect them.
Cut to Corin stirring and sniffing in her sleep before getting back to John, telling Josie he'll be her friend and that 'but I'm not playing that sh*t!'
JOSIE: (oooh .. not even a little bit!!) Do you think I like that, do you?
John doesn't pretend or believe that he talks to Josie or acts in a way that.. Josie interrupts him to say that because she's always unsure of everything she doesn't bother saying anything - knowing that she might be right or wrong. This is why John had said to her that he would hate to be a girl 'because you're pretty much saying that you're being used!' (by Nathan) She insists that she's not.
JOHN: (despised a very single and available Seahorse hitting on singleton Josie) Yeah, because you're the only single girl in the house.. so you're pretty much saying if there was another one.. (Caoimhe tells him it's not that) I'd hate to feel like that! I'd hate to feel as though I was the only single girl in the house and that everyone's only giving me attention, just because I'm the only single girl in the house! I'd feel like sh*t!!
With John, he gave Josie attention not because of her relationship status but because he was attracted to her, self-acknowledged that he was only happy around her and he didn't want to miss out on knowing her.Nathan just wanted to wear Josie like a sock now that his eye candy (and future girlfriend) was not around the house.
That's how Josie had felt and this is what John means. Caoimhe states the obvious to John that it was Nathan doing it and she really really began to f**king dislike him when he'd sat up one morning. This proves it, because he kicks off at night (as he can't sleep with everyone talking) to which they are all in agreement and John got it the biggest from Nathan out of everyone. Then come morning time, they might want to lie in bed and snooze after the 9am alarm as they'd gone to bed later.
But Nathan sits up and they have to listen as he shouts at the top of his voice and paints them a profane word picture about how he's had 'a f**king w*nk! And talking in a very, very vulgar manner about how he needs to release sperm and blah blah blah blah blah and f**king go somewhere, have a w*nk, have sex.. all he can think about is sex! And we have to listen to it!' John states that this is everything he is the absolute complete opposite to. (John sounds like the Anti-Nathan)
JOSIE: (because John wasn't born to live like that bawdy brute) That's the thing, why do you think I have a flirt with you and not Nathan?
JOHN: (with his cute, sad eyes) Well.. I thought you didn't flirt with Nathan and.. (cuts across to the sleepers for 20 seconds)
Josie expresses that while she would talk to John, the more Nathan would rub her back. This makes her laugh nervously and Caoimhe adds that it was creepy the way Nathan used to do it. Josie didn't know what to do with herself because she's not used to attention on the outside world but does hang out with a lot of men. Caoimhe has Josie howling with her impersonation of how she'd see Josie sat rigid with discomfort and she'd been like 'oh God, poor thing!'
It made Josie feel a bit guilty as she does it with Ben and John James but doesn't want to with Nathan because of how he's been chatting. John is processing all this and appears to be on the verge of an interior explosion of white hot rage over how Nathan has made Josie feel! Josie knows John isn't like Nathan in terms of the vulgarity which completely disgusts Caoimhe.
JOHN: (about to have some sort of manic episode) Don't get me started on this sh*t. I'm the number one..
JOSIE: (HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT) I could easily just lie in bed with you all night and have a cuddle.. and I know that it wouldn't be like.. but I couldn't do that with Nathan because..
Caoimhe reads her mind that Nathan would be f**king groping Josie's arse! They don't have to tell John as this is what he means 'look how, look how you's looked at Ben like that! You think it's vulgar, you think it's creepy and you think that I'm a weird unit cos I think that I am.. but why would I want girls to think that of me? That's the number one thing that you don't want! Why wouldn't you want to be respectful to a certain level? Why would I want to be added to that creep list?'
This is why he's the complete opposite because they think it's vulgar and feel uncomfortable 'why would I wanna make a girl feel like that?'
I bet John's mum couldn't have been prouder of her angel, she raised a fine young man to be a gentleman in this world of douches! Josie's sub-conscious may have been conspiring to have that cuddle all night long with her dear chap and she didn't have to wait too much longer for it. Though John was always very courteous and almost reverential of Josie, when he knew they had something real .. his hands couldn't hold back from a grope of Josie's arse now and then!! And she loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! ;)
John may be a weird unit in some ways but I find it praiseworthy that John has such sexual morality in this day and age. He was never creepy or vulgar with Josie despite wanting to do unspeakable things to her.. so it was unavoidable that their talks were soon carnally suggestive with wanton overtones.
JOSIE: (wanted to spend eternity in John's arms) John James, you can sit there and rub my back for about 10 hours! I wouldn't ever feel uncomfortable.
John is the man he has become because of people 'like that' (Nathan) (SC) But he's also aware that probably 90% of the population as far as men are concerned are like that 'some of my best mates are like that but that doesn't mean that I have to be as well.' Caoimhe doesn't think the population are quite as bad as Nathan but she views him as a 'typical lad!'
Those in the bedroom have their sleep disturbed by a gang of camera men running around in the camera runs. Shabby had told Caoimhe one of the best things about being there was that she'd learnt never to do that again because she now knows how it feels. She'd said that she was never the person that would chase anyone; Caoimhe confessed that she has been that chaser and it is heart-breaking to keep going back when treated like sh*t. 'But Nathan wouldn't learn that.'
JOHN: (not about to give the man a standing O) Well full credit to him. He's probably pulled quadruple the amount of girls that I've been with! Easily. I'm sure he has.
Caoimhe calls this meaningless sex and John doesn't care about that. Another cut to the bedroom where Corin is lying awake and John explains to Josie that whatever she had just said is exactly why he is the way he is 'because I don't agree with it. I see things from your point of view not their point of view. Just because you can get 40,000 roots a day or whatever - doesn't mean you should.'
Josie believes John will have thousands of girls queuing up for him because of how he is.
Surely the lion's share of womanhood would rather be with someone like John,who is considerate with a respect for women as opposed to a pent up perve i.e. NATHAN!! (Even Rachael pursued John before settling for Nathan as John made it clear he was not interested) John knew he could have girls falling at his feet and could get sex on tap anytime if that was what he wanted. And sometimes, that must have been tempting to not take anyone up on but I bet he'd force himself not to want it as it would have meant nothing to him.
I'm sure John came in for a lot of ridicule from the friends he mentioned who didn't share his same attitude towards sex. Those same mates were most likely mockers of his relationship with Josie, feeling that John (Guss King numero uno) should have been with someone more to their standards appearance-wise. It may have been tough for him to shrug off if this were a constant source of disparagement because John found Josie jaw-droppingly gorgeous! That was probably hard for some of the loys to get their head around. When really if they'd given Josie a chance and gotten to know her, I predict they would have fallen in love with her too!!
It is so commendable that he rebelled from being a clone of his buddies in order to fit in with his peers. He shunned their standings on females and followed his own mind and heart, to be the man he wanted to become. One who didn't resort to salty savour talk to score chicks.. instead he took time to figure out what was important and held tight to the things that mattered most to him.
This alone meant that he emitted the musky scent of a man with an excellent moral code. Deep down I think he's quite old-fashioned in that he'd sooner scope out the woman with whom he could share his life (which he once described Josie as being) and that one night stands were a misguided waste of time.
JOHN: (Nathan's serial drama life being a big ol' bowl of PORNflakes is repellent to him) Because of people like that I refuse.. I'd rather have no sex ever than be like that. Cos I just think it's demeaning and that's another reason why I wouldn't um.. with the whole head job thing.. it wasn't to do with the fact that I didn't like it, I just felt it was demoralising to women to stick your c*ck in their mouth! Some women.. some women like it.. and if they like it by all means, go for your life! But I just don't .. blokes that sit there and like say 'get on it!' or whatever to a girl or 'you should suck me c*ck!' I just think it's demoralising to women.. to just sit there and like come on their face or something. That's just my views! And I probably shouldn't think like that cos I'm supposed to be a bloke.. I'm supposed to be a bloke, so I should be all up for it but I'm not. I just don't think like that, I never have. (SC)
The cameras flit back and forth between the bathroom and bedroom for over 2 minutes as the bathroom conversation is too sexually explicit for air? John doesn't really respect it but understands that the majority of men are like that but oh well.. 'what the f**k can I do about it? All's I can do is not be like that cos I disagree with it.' Caoimhe checks if he can now see why she has such a strong bad feeling against Nathan.
John can as he knew Nathan had views towards stuff that could really turn into something nasty between 'me and him. But at the end of the day, he's not gonna take it seriously.. he's just gonna bag me and put sh*t on me and make me look like I'm some sort of p*ssy and that's basically what he did. He basically just shot me down in flames and started taking the p*ss about what I look like and that's his way of pretty much trying to make me look like an idiot!' John sat there and couldn't really be f**ked as he wouldn't take the p*ss out of the way someone looked.
The only concession John can make for Nathan's insalubrious ways is that blokes are pre-disposed with those inclinations.. even though he thinks this is totally disgusting!! It's not that John didn't enjoy these sexual acts but he'd never have forced or demanded any girl to do something pornographic to him. If it was something they wanted to participate in, he was happy for them to go for it if it was their own choice. Josie made her randy mare persuasions known repeatedly and I'm sure it was to John's immense gratification! ;)
John's heart and morals are in the right place but his insecurities cause him to combust sometimes. Josie felt John looks like the better person at the end of the day as Nathan had tried to make him look an idiot in that situation; John voices that it worked in a way as Nathan had bashed him for not being able to go for more than 1 minute! It doesn't bother John but he cops that sh*t all the time but Josie urges him to listen to her common sense and reasonable discourse.
JOSIE: (because John hadn't risen to Nathan badmouthing him) It didn't work John, because.. at the end of the day it just made him look like a d*ck!
CAOIMHE: (wants to viciously attack Corin out of the blue) The thing about Corin is right ......
Thus evoking resounding reverberations of revelry from Josie; John nudges her to go on as she has the right person in the room. Caoimhe has to laugh tonight at how Corin gets all the male attention, listing all the guy HM's that f**king love her: Steve, Nathan, Dave and Ben.
CAOIMHE: (she means this in a super bitchy way) Because she f**king walks around topless with a thong on and..
John grants that he said right from the very beginning that Corin was an attractive girl but he refuses to look pathetic 'she's taking them all for an absolute ride!' They are united on this, Caoimhe commentates that they love it, love her and lick her f**king arse! He knows and it makes him feel sick but 'what do you do about that? What do I do about that?'
Caoimhe would never reduce herself to f**king flaunting flaunting herself around in a f**king G-string to get male attention! John asks if Caoimhe believes this is why she is doing it; he didn't think Corin would get her boobs out but he saw them the other day.
JOSIE: (identifies their hypocrisy behind castigating Corin) Erm.. we can't really talk about getting our t*ts out!!
She and Caoimhe chuckle but Caoimhe emphasises that it was for a joke, lasted a split second and she actually really regrets doing that; Josie doesn't. But Caoimhe wouldn't be walking around getting her t*ts out in front of people, although she has getting changed in the bathroom infront of the mirror by 'accident and stuff!'
It annoyed John how Corin claimed that Benny was only joking and he'd scoffed 'come on Corin, let's be f**king serious! You know that Benny likes you like.. if he thought he had any..'
JOSIE: Hold on, John James you tried to tell me that Ben fancied me as well.
Caoimhe can guarantee him that Ben does not fancy Corin and Josie exposes Ben for only doing stuff to wind up John.
JOSIE: (blowing the whistle on Ben) Ben will say something to you cos he knows you like a row and will get argumentative..
But John isn't convinced as he'd asked Ben one on one in a serious conversation as Ben wanted to have a serious conversation with him. Ben bid John not to wind him up about Corin in front of Mario because Mario was getting upset which John understood and thought was fair enough. Josie recognises that Ben also winds up Mario but she and Caoimhe think that's hilarious.
John feels sorry for Mario so does Josie but she finds it kinda funny at the same time; Ben had been playing with Josie's toes the other day in bed and kept looking up at Mario, going 'what, what?' and then winked at Josie. Josie thinks Ben's funny as he likes winding people up like her 'I love winding people up but I don't feel like I can properly wind people up in here, cos I've lost all my f**king brain cells!'
He still isn't sold because he told Ben to cut the sh*t (as no one else was there) when he questioned if he fancied Corin; Ben in his vocabulary that he uses pretty much said he did. He knows Corin has a girlfriend but Caoimhe is honest that she doesn't think Ben fancies women.
JOHN: (wonders who pays attention to that sappy, romantic crap?) Ohhh he massively does! He loves 'em, he loves them!! He's a right charmer on the outside, no doubt about it. Everything he does in here, is how he would behave on the outside. Even on his dimming lights and music on entry .. and get some scarves and pulls their chair out before dinner and flowers on their pillow. No doubt about it. You can't walk around with a haircut like that and not do that!
Josie is of the opinion that Ben goes for older women. But John realises it could be similar to how Nathan treats Josie, in that Corin is a very beautiful-looking girl so Ben likes getting attention off her. Caoimhe is hugely taken aback that John construes Corin as very beautiful and queries if he really does.
He comes clean that Corin's personality takes the fizz off what she looks like but when he originally saw her he considered her to be attractive. 'She is attractive with or without makeup.' Josie is right there with John on this. Caoimhe calls upon them to take away Corin's make up and hair and fake tan as she's never seen Corin's real look without any of that. John concedes to this but Josie has seen Corin sans cosmetics and says she is still pretty.
See John speaks of how attractive Corin is but he can never go more than 10 seconds without looking at Josie, when in the same room as her!! It was only Josie that set his heart a-flutter in that house. Truth be told, I don't think Corin is as aesthetically pleasing as anyone in BB did and often introspectively compared her to a common streetwalker!
JOHN: (has to face the ugly truth as he gets really into how pretty Corin is) She's definitely pretty, yeah. (Caoimhe bitterly complies that she is but she prefers natural prettiness) But see I saw her before we came in and I thought.. people were looking at her, and I looked at her and I went 'nah!! No deal! No good.' (so had Keevs) But then when I came in here I thought 'yeah, she has got a very, very pretty face.' And obviously she's got a fit body but um.. I think as time's gone on she's become less attractive probably because of her personality. Cos that would sh*t me up the f**king wall! If my girlfriend was like that, I would.. have to put an end .. I would have to put a stop to that. I couldn't deal with that.
He can only pretend to laugh for a little bit longer and can't pretend it's funny anymore. Caoimhe, the ticking time bomb, doesn't even say anything now when Corin asks 'are you alright, babes?' every 10 minutes so now she just goes YEP. 'What am I supposed to do? Go yeah, are you okay babes, you just asked me 2 minutes ago!? But I haven't really changed my mood since then.'
John makes the sweeping declaration that Ben doesn't fancy her, fancy her but just does in there and fancies the attention of a gorgeous woman in there. 'That all the blokes idolise and want and chase after.. not want .. but pay.. give attention to, to a certain point.' John thinks Ben likes being the number one guy that's getting her attention and going out of his way to get it.
Caoimhe is forlorn that she won't get any male attention at all now because they already think she's a lesbian anyway. John lets it slip that Govan was a big fan of Caoimhe's (so maybe John was not the first love-lorn young man to walk through the door) right from the very beginning. He is staggered that Josie didn't know 'he didn't tell you? (holds up a penitent hand) Sorry Govan!'
Her interest has been captured so Keevil is keen for John to spill the bean on what Govan had said. Govan had wanted to go through the rating list and was like 'Caoimhe yeah!!'
CAOIMHE: (conceited) What did he give me a ten?
John reminds her of the night they played the lighter game and he knew Govan was going to pass his to Caoimhe, as his look gave it away. She remembers him looking away with bashful, bulging eyes stuttering 'I just think you're really beautiful!' John quizzes the girls on who they'd even want male attention from.
This is what Caoimhe is saying she's so happy she's not getting any as she doesn't want any at all in there!!
JOHN: (he wasn't going to confirm to having this chemistry with Josie while he was on display, vulnerable and exposed) I don't think it's the right chemistry.
Yet he was entranced by all the things Josie did!! Not the right chemistry my medulla oblongata!!!! He must have flunked science at school :P
If Nathan tried to flirt with Caoimhe, she'd be physically sick!! Josie asks if they've ever seen Andi Peters, the children's TV presenter but neither have. John guesses that Josie is about to say Govan looks like him and he's right on that Andi really reminds her of Govan. Caoimhe brings up again how she'll always remember his comment about her being really beautiful; she'd tried to give him an awkward hug after.
John tries to work out who the guys are left in the house if he goes - Ben, Dave, Nathan, Steve and Mario. Keevs leaves JJJ alone together, to make them all a drink of squash. John told BB that he's not entirely happy .. and thinks he's a little bit of a weirdo actually because he's not happy about the happy families! Whereas this is all Josie wants.
He can't stand it! John thinks this is what's driving him the way he is as he wants people to step up. Josie tries to throw words into his mouth under the misconception that he wants trouble or negativity in the house. When he doesn't, no, no, no - he wants honesty 'if you've got a problem with something, say it! If you don't like the way something's being done - say it!'
JOSIE: (That's a frozen pile of poo) But the thing is, I would never turn round to Nathan and say 'oh when you kept stroking my back, stroking my back, stroking my back you're making me feel..' (John talks over her 'Nah nah nah' understanding why she wouldn't want to do that) because I would not want to hurt his feelings.
He can appreciate her reasoning behind not taking this up with Nathan, and considers himself a hypocrite because he did pretty much the same thing with Sunshine. But like Josie had said to him about the way he dealt with the situation, if she had have come up to him one on one, like right now in the shower and ask outright if he liked her, he would say 'listen Sunshine, I think you're a really good bird but this, this and this and um.. this, this and this.. um and I would have explained to her.'
But because Sunshine had said it in front of a crowd, he was put in a position where he didn't know what he was meant to do. They overhear chuckles from the cameramen behind the mirrors.
JOHN: (only kinda terrifying for him) You gotta stop laughing in there!! .. I was put in a position where I had to shut her down.
Neither John nor Josie were ever comfortable about this type of conversation particularly because they didn't reciprocate the attraction to Nathan or Sunshine. So if John didn't feel the way for Josie she did for him, it would have killed him to do so but he would have taken her aside (and without mics) and broken it to her gently. NOT cranked up the flirting, started holding her hand, jumping into bed with her more and cuddling up to her closely - those would have been the wrong signals to give out to a girl that you didn't have genuine feelings for!!
What made them lovelier, was that they weren't there with the intention of scoping out the hotties to have a short-lasting hook up with. Destiny threw them into each others' path by putting them together in the BB house - I firmly believe that. And it gave them a once in a lifetime shot at happiness :) so even though it ended, I am glad that they had that overwhelming, all-consuming, happiness if only for a short moment.
Nathan and Corin are out at the carousel for a ciggie, their ears must have been burning! She thinks that being up must make the nominees feel like nobody likes them; Nathan doesn't as Caoimhe swapped him so at least it is only one person. You should have a listen in at the convo in the bathroom, mate! :P Nathan has noticed that even Josie is getting the same way now. (As what? As who??)
Corin detects that as Caoimhe was alone when Shabby left, Josie took her under her wing straightaway. But she has a prophecy that if they stick together like that, Nathan knows what John James is like blowing up!
NATHAN: (his insinuation is that John will be ousted from the house in the eviction) They should be just enjoying their time. Especially John James!!
Cozza screams with fright at the sight of some mite! Nathan had tried speaking to John 3 or 4 times throughout the day, saying for him to keep his chin up but got nowhere; Caoimhe is still like this with Corin too. Caoimhe has John and Josie laughing back indoors as someone honestly believes that the pronunciation for 'psychopathic' is psychoPATRICK!!
JOHN: (The men slobber over Corin like a cartoon hobo watching a pie cool on a window sill) Um.. the only reason the sun shines out of Corin's arse is because of what she looks like!
Caoimhe reviles the amount of lick-arseing that went on from Sunshine to Corin as it was cringeworthy 'which lipstick should I wear today hun? The black one or the purple one?' When it was clear to Caoimhe, that Corin could not stand that girl! See Josie thinks that Corin is alright but she just saw a different side to her the other day; John is not bothered about that side. Caoimhe is uncompromising that there's a fake side (because who can really keep smiling and being optimistic all the time?) to Corin but has tried her hardest to give her a chance as she's had a hard life.
She'd spotted Corin have a go at Sunshine during the egg task when Sunny was the Queen and being annoying; Corin had really kinda flipped at her. Out at the bench, Nathan's not saying Caoimhe should change her personality and Corin surveyed that she had fun with Shabby. She beholds toothpaste upon her hoody but think it's just as well that Nathan enjoy his experience; he is cocksure that he'll be there a while.
CORIN: (had to transcript this as Corin needs subtitles when she speaks) There's no point coming in here having a sh*t time. Like what the hell's the point in that? You may as well stay at home, carry on paying your council tax - hadn't ya? Innit?
Nathan is in complete agreement; Corin hates that sh*t hostile feeling anyway and it makes everybody feel sh*t. She is conscious to everyone having their off days but they snap out of it but doesn't know how someone could be constantly down as it's draining. Nathan considers the BB house the perfect place to snap out of it and for Caoimhe to come into her own. She'd seemed alright..ish to him that morning and even made him a coffee but then nothing!
Caoimhe hadn't even spoken to him after the meal at all (which he would have made and served up) and then John James threw the task today! Corin declares that he didn't; Nathan believes it because Josie had told him after the event.
CORIN: (she's got her eye on Parton) He says he did but there's no way on earth did he throw that task today! I think he held on, he held on until he could.
She controverts that if anyone were to throw it they would have made it completely, blatantly obvious and fallen off it straight away! Nathan can't understand why Josie is saying he had thrown it then; Corin states that it's because John told her so - when really she observed that John fell off the television each time it got faster as he lost control. Nathan puts out there that possibly John is just trying to make it out that he threw it because he lost; Corin thinks this is what happened.
Nathan doesn't know because he can't judge the guy at all. Corin makes the case that if she was to purposely fail she would have done so immediately after getting on. She is adamant that John was gripping on for his life though she does believe John would have felt proper guilty picking someone off the board.
NATHAN: (John was his roadblock) But look at him now. He's in no better position is he? He's either destroying himself or p*ssed off at everyone or don't know what he's doing. He's not a happy bunny that's for sure!
Corin is scornful that John could be scared of being up so is deliberately moping around to look sad, as it might do him some favours. Now Nathan supposes that she's right when she brings up how John had only lost by 3 seconds, thinking someone losing on purpose would make sure they had a comfortable loss.
NATHAN: He's a strange one, in't he?.. I just can't judge him at all.
As John is so competitive, Corin doubts that he would have thrown the Stay on TV task just for his own pride. The day before John had put himself forward as the most competitive saying he'd never quit (on the children's coin-operated ride task, never televised) so she thinks John has made himself out to be someone he's not. This is what Nathan means 'so what's he doing then?' he just can't work John out.
Still in the bathroom, Josie is explaining how she comes from a small town where all they do is talk about one another and she just doesn't have time for it anymore. John knows as he's on the Neighbourhood Watch; Caoimhe asks if he's actually but John nah's.
JOSIE: (why is that not so shocking?) He's f**king the President! (not in a way that would indicate John has had sexual relations with the President of the USA!!) What you on about? He knows when Number 64's mowed their lawns.
Caoimhe can just f**king imagine John's Mum being apart of it too and that she's real fussy and fusses all over him.
JOHN: (And he's her special boy) She's the female version!
Josie doesn't reckon she'll get on with John's Mum (neither does Caoimhe) John is surprised that Josie feels like that 'you don't reckon you would?' Caoimhe would say that no girl is good enough for her (golden boy) John James.
JOHN: No, no nah that's a lie. She's very much.. she always sticks up for the girlfriend.
JOSIE: Oh, is it?
JOHN: (nods in the affirmative) Always.. cos she knows what I'm like. She knows that I'm argumentative, she knows that I can p*ss people off, she knows I go over the top, she knows that I can become aggressive. She's not an idiot. She knows that I'm like that.
"Like the way John says "nah nah nah nah thats a lie, she always sticks up for the girlfriend" when he's talking about his Mum, after Josie says she thinks she wouldn't get on with his Mum. He then gave a part smile and looked straight at Josie awww we know what he was thinking it was written all over his face." (Mamajean)
This is something I have given considerable thought to - John's mother and how she would have reacted to what went on between him and Josie. Did she feel for Josie at all? Did Helena feel John was at fault to any degree or did she blame Josie entirely for everything that went wrong between them? She would have had a very weary, broken-hearted man arrive back on her doorstep, not knowing how his relationship would play out. Mrs Parton would have only heard John's versions of events since Josie didn't live in Australia.. so she saw them together for only a matter of weeks while she was in the UK .. just as their relationship was really heating up.
Part of me feels why would she have wanted her son to have thrown him back into what she may have seen as a perilous pit? Presumably John talked things through with her in detail (as he often said he told his Mum everything) but would she have tried to help him see Josie's side? (as his account would be a one-sided version of events) Or would she have condemned Josie so harshly and denied him permission to return to England? (keeping him away from Josie for good?) I envisage mother mode kicking in at the sight of a son in searing pain and her turning the air blue, tearing apart the b*tch who broke her boy's heart to pieces :(
Would she have different opinions and reactions had she lived in the same country? As then she'd have seen more of how John in turn treated Josie with her own eyes, which could have evoked empathy towards Josie as well as John..
This is just like Josie's Auntie Janet, whenever she sees her she'll ask Josie 100, 000, 001 questions! Even though there's so many people in the house, Nathan feels it is worse if you're on your own in there. He hopes Caoimhe will pick up tomorrow after the shock of losing Shabby yesterday as he doesn't wish bad on her by no means. Nate doesn't think it can be doing her head any good 'cos God knows what she's thinking!'
They'll see what Caoimhe's like tomorrow but in order to do herself a favour she needs to snap out of it sharpish 'cos she's just gonna do her own head in big time, mate.' He sees it as a shame as they could see moments of glory when she was having a right laugh. Corin would bet 1 million pounds that John held on for all he had but the machine actually threw him off. Nathan doesn't know but he hates seeing Josie like this as well; they don't know what's up with her. He observes that they're only a month in and the house is already taking a toll on people.
Corin implies that HM's may not have been themselves at first but a month in, this is who they are and Nathan continues that 'the act's sorta worn off.' Initially everyone is getting to know each other but now things have evened out and they've spent a hell of a long time together. He asks if she thinks cracks are forming (in characters) but she skirts around that people are more themselves now even moreso than a week or 2 days ago.
She doesn't think this thought really applies to John James as he hasn't really changed much and will leave the same. Nathan is definite that no one could come in there and keep an act up for a month; he hopes this isn't the case with Josie as 'she's a belter!' Corin doubts Josie has a bad bone in her body.
NATHAN: (Talk about egotistically and pompously revealing his true thoughts, overconfident that he will stay!! Thank heavens for karmic retribution!) Maybe she's just taken it harder that John's going. She's close to John in't she? Regardless of their little tiffs.
Corin thinks it's a strange one that they're so close but have their arguments and that they'd know what was going on if at home watching. As even being in the house, they don't see half of what happens in there but she's not interested!! Nathan thinks that's the right way to go about it (that she won't lose any sleep over anyone talking about her and then going silent if she walks in the room) but he hates that and thinks 'sad b*stards!' This is what started putting him off Shabby and Caoimhe as they'd stare straight through him if he came into the bathroom. Ben had been scared to spend time in there.
Nathan considers them all to have become a tight group now and that the fewer people there, the more bonding that should be going on. Corin doesn't think it will work out that way on this type of show unless they had 10 people who wanted to have a laugh, like themselves (!!) but she cites it would make for sh*t TV though be mint for them. She's not bothered but realises that she and Nathan could be being bitched about (WHILST they bitch in the backyard).
NATHAN: That's half the beauty of it though, in't it? That's what I mean, ignorance is sorta bliss.. it leaves you free to get on with your own sh*t!
Oh friggin' frack!! Did they need to show a close up of Nathan getting tactile with his tackle as he discloses that bad vibes bring people down?? You didn't wanna picture that but I screencapped it anyway and let me tell ya there's nothing less sexy than a man in lime green boxers rubbing his bits and bobs! For him, life is too short for aggro; he waves into the bathroom on his way back to the bedroom. John gets short with our woman 'They are Jose! They are!!' trying to get through to her as she is oblivious to something John can see. What really p*ssed Caoimhe off was how they'd not sympathised with her over Shabby leaving and nominated her to get her out too!
Josie thinks that only happened as people thought she wanted to go though Caoimhe knows BB won't allow HM's to use that as a reason when nominating. She'd love to f**king know what reasons were given and would say it was because she walks round wearing a face like a slapped arse most of the time!! Josie laughs that she's alright :D
John returns to Josie as he's not saying everyone but most of the people asking him questions about what was gonna happen next - were going in the back of their minds '1 down, 10 to go!' And Caoimhe would say they were delighted as Shabby was a big threat (John agrees wholeheartedly that she was massively so) and that's why she got nominated but Josie thought it was cos of her tantrums. Caoimhe contests that Shabby's wobblers were used as an excuse to nominate Shabby when really they were scared she would win.
It is John's belief that some thought Shabby was liked on the outside - he doesn't mention names as Caoimhe already knows who they were but Josie gripes that she doesn't.
JOHN: (gonna want to smack her upside the head so she will see the light) You don't! You don't f**king know anything but I know that Caoimhe does!! It was constantly mentioned 'Ooh Shabby, she fought the baying crowd!' Come on Jose you gotta f**king switch on. You need to switch on!
JOSIE: (defecating on his deductions) But the thing is, do I really wanna switch on? Cos I don't give a sh*t!
Caoimhe and John would love to be the same as Josie but can't switch it off; John can't switch off lickers. And Caoimhe can't enjoy herself in an environment where it's full of f**king sh*t! Nobody has been properly rude to Josie in there so she hasn't really got an excuse to dislike anyone 'the only person that has been rude to me in here, is one of me number one muckers!' (meaning John)
But John goes the opposite way as this is something he respects (if someone comes up to him saying 'you're f**king this, that and the other!!') Josie feels hard saying any bad stuff about anyone in there but Shabby made John 'more of a fan not less' (of hers) as she wasn't scared to say how it was.
JOHN: (Don't get emotional, you're not Spanish!) I'm more a fan of people like that even if I disagree with what she says. I'm more of a fan of people like that and less of a fan of the lickers, that I know have the same opinion but too scared to voice them.
Caoimhe hates that this situation is destroying her and John feels as though 'it is turning me into everything that I'm against.' Josie feels so sorry for those two; John tells her Shabs was the same 'that's why she left!'
CAOIMHE: (her life is turning into an angsty existential black and white movie) I left this nervous person behind many f**king years ago, yeah? This worried, little panicked person. And it's all come back and I can't deal with it.
She couldn't f**king read the task rules out today; Josie says again that she feels so sorry for them.
JOHN: (now the lassy is getting it he doesn't want to live in a house full of LIES) That's what I've been saying, Jose. It's been driving me insane. That's why I said 'don't feel bad if I do happen to leave on Friday night' because it's killing me in here! Seriously. It's eating away at me.
Josie would not give a sh*t if someone had a bit of sh*t on the end of their tongue from brown-nosing somebody so much! 'I don't care cos I think .. do you reckon I'm a bit self-obsessed?' They say no and the sound is cut as John explains what he would rather someone does. He'd prefer for a person not to pretend and have to tread on eggshells to avoid nominations and this is what he respects.
JOSIE: (Forsooth Sir) Oh that's why you respect me then is it? Cos I've called you a w*nker about 3 million times in here!
John mm's that this is only play play but this is why he respects people like Shabby, as she even stuck her 2 cents in and straight up told Steve that she disagreed. John had actually agreed with Steve but respected her as no one would stick up to Steve because of who he is.
Cut to the bedroom, then back to John saying 'they're are the sort of people in life I respect and I think they're the sort of people that should be on the show. Because she was f**king real as much as people wanna say that she wasn't or she was a raincloud or whatever.. at the end of the day, regardless of that fact she was real.' Shabby had proved it to him by walking (brings up how he and Josie had argued about walkers) and this is why he has more respect for her than any licker that will stay six weeks and avoid what happens on Monday's because they lick arses.
JOHN: (this makes him even more of a catch) I respect her more than I will ever, ever respect anyone that does that. Because she's walked, she's proved to everybody that she wasn't just talking the talk, she walked the walk as well. She proved that her feelings and her emotions and her morals were more important than the show. How can you not respect that?
This is a reason why John is so respected for walking away from his relationship with Josie and any media links or ties. If he was in the country, purely for fame he'd have grinned and beared it all the way through so that he'd set himself up for life. It proved that while he did love Josie his emotions and feelings were so hurt that he couldn't face staying under such scrutiny from the media. Had he been faking a loving relationship, he would have carried on under a sham pretence..
I think he had also hoped that Josie would follow suit and walk away from all their media arrangements to prove that she felt the same for him. So would have lost a lot of respect that he had for her because she continued to fulfill their obligations and discussed private matters and aspects of her feelings and their relationship. Saying this, I'd guess that Josie felt because he left her it meant that he didn't truly love her anymore or he'd want to be there with her regardless and fight for what they did have together.
I felt indescribably sad for them both in this distressing time of turmoil but do believe it was slightly easier for John as he did have somewhere he could run back to and disappear from it all. Josie could have stopped and torn up contracts but where could she go to escape for good? Her home is England so it would have been harder for her to just take off and start afresh somewhere and I think she felt duty-bound to see their commitments through. Though how hard must it have been for her to do it all alone when they were originally meant to have done these things as a couple.
Josie clears up that she didn't say she didn't respect this. To John, this gets the utmost respect as Shabby stood by what she said and gave away everything because of her morals. (John did this himself by giving away his love for Josie, losing his new home and friends he'd made, a new career and lifestyle, some of his popularity also diminished and he also sacrificed something far too precious.. what could have become a very happy future for himself here with Josie)
After reflecting on John's address, Caoimhe now wants to go tomorrow as she's done what she's had to do now. Why couldn't she just flush herself down a plughole??
JOHN: (I find his sarcasm sexy) You could have f**king told me that before I f**king went flying off the f**king TV!! (giggles)
But Caoimhe had begged him before not to do that; John doesn't care really and tells her it doesn't matter and for her to do what she has to do. She asks if he'd be really p*ssed off if she did that; John shakes his head as everyone has the right to do what they want.
JOSIE: If you feel that panicky.. do you feel that bad in here do you, Keevs?
Caoimhe does and John exclaims that real life is more important than what happens in there. Josie is starting to think there is something wrong with her (long SC) she wants to determine why they care so much and she doesn't. John answers that he cares more about real life than the show but Josie is just there to have a nice time and experience she couldn't give a sh*t who is brown-nosing who.
John is too but these are his morals and there are things on the outside that he will not stand for, so he won't stand for them in there. Caoimhe predicts that if she walks the eviction will probably be called off; John tells her not to talk about that sh*t.
Josie knows she has her favourite people in there and her least favourites but she doesn't dislike them 'why don't I care?' John thinks it's good and he and Caoimhe wish they could be like that.
JOHN: (he thinks her odd and confused which she is but he hides this!! :P ) Jose, are you like that on the outside world? (Josie yeps) Well then bravo to you, I'm not. I'm not friends with lickers on the outside, I'm not friends with brown-nosers on the outside, I'm not friends with dogs on the outside.
Because Josie doesn't care she doesn't see anyone as those things which John again expresses is good but he tries to read people. On the outside, Caoimhe has her few close friends who are really close - half the time she's away with the fairies in her own little world, happy, not caring, laid-back as f**k, if someone p*sses her off she has a little b*tch and is also very confident. She has issues with low self-esteem but in there her nerves are getting the better of her and she feels like her confidence is gone.
John's not gonna f**king change in here but has to a certain extent and it's eating him up everyday; Josie thinks she's quite lucky.
JOHN: (acclaims her for being better than Mary Poppins!) You are the person that is perfect for this show but they need people like us (him and Caoimhe) in order to make it .. interesting. Cos imagine if they were all like you Jose. Imagine 14 people walking around saying 'I don't care, I don't care! No one's a licker, no one's a brown-nose..' no one would do anything! Everyone would just be sleeping and having a little bit of a laugh.. there'd be no arguments at all because no one would give a f**k enough to argue. That's why they put pr*cks like me in the house! Because if they don't.. nothing will ever get said. They'll just be a bunch of people walking around doing a Corin.
Josie denotes that just because she doesn't care it doesn't mean that she won't stick up for herself. John knows she does as he's been in arguments with her! Caoimhe invites Josie out for a fag so John plans to head to bed; she checks if he's really tired or whether he wants to continue the conversation later. She is ignored as he mosies over to Josie thinking it might be kinda lovely to initiate some flirtations with her by stroking her hair.
He and his terrible folly are pushed off and told 'don't keep touching my hair, right?' but h'obviously John saunters back towards her telling her 'you're on your last warning now!' And then he goes in for the tummy tickle and more hair scrufflage!
JOSIE: (playfully reprimands Parton Pops to watch it) Don't be horrible to me!
JOHN: I'll let it go.
JOSIE: (bummed out) You might be gone on Friday (John puts an arm around her) and one of your last things will be messing up my hair.
JOHN: (feels so right when he holds her tight) Awwww. (she blocks the door by sticking her bum out at John) Get movin'!
Josie resolutely plunges her posterior back again so he cheekily slaps it and tries to take another little swipe as he likes it ;) but misses! After they 'fornicate' via their flirty back and forth, he lifts his leg Karate Kid style as though to kick her.
JOSIE: (swapping witticisms as John couldn't kick her into next Tuesday) Oh is that how you kick? You look like a little Shetland pony!!
They kick it out and get their kicks from mimicking how each other kicks and then swap a few Samurai slap moves which elicits their childish laughter throughout. John sits on the sofa so Josie goes in for a few knee taps and he attempts to dodge and deflect them. Then their burning loins take over and the hungrily horny badgers get handsy 'any excuse to touch one another' (marhearsyou) before John overpowers her and tips her over the couch after they grapple! Josie lets out a crazy giggle scream as they make their feelings out with feeling one another up :D
Just as she gets up to walk away unscathed, John makes more mischief as casually hurling her across the sofa did not seem to be adequate reparation 'what's this?' and flings a couch cushion square in the back of her head!!
JOSIE: (jesting) Oh, you're so immature! Grow a pair!!
They giggle and then go their separate ways .. that should 'hold' them for a while so the fruits of their peppy efforts paid off ;) 'Aww this playfighting so cute lol' (redladybug91) John's joy burst forth like a flower in spring but they definitely float each others boats and want to eat the other up buffet style! ;) Not much longer until they were able to tap it like a maple tree!!
Josie goes outside to have a smoke with Caoimhe she encourages Caoimhe not to listen to John James, as he'll make her feel about 50 times worse about the situation. And that being in there the situation probably seems about 3 million times worse than it actually is; Caoimhe now decides not to walk tomorrow as it would be f**king cowardly. Caoimhe assures Josie that she has it in her head that Nathan is going to go and doesn't see how the public could kick out John.
Caoimhe is left outside alone, rolling Josie a fag as she has rushed back indoors to use the toilet. She comes back and admits to feeling a bit out of order as she did go in the Diary room calling John a paranoid mess. 'But I was only doing it cos I cared about him, I wasn't doing it in a nasty way. (Caoimhe believes John may possibly have issues) Cos I thought there was something wrong with him cos he was so paranoid.'
CAOIMHE: (matter of fact) No. He's just unhappy here and he's finally admitting it I think, that he can't take it.
Josie thinks John has suffered more because of his metabolism 'like imagine being permanently hungry all the time, all the time! He cannot seriously be like that on the outside world.' Caoimhe considers that he is and that he gets a lot of it from his Mum by the sounds of it but she does genuinely understand where John's coming from. She's finding it really difficult and hates this feeling of panicking which Josie regards as being added to because Shabby is gone.
Caoimhe wishes she had left with Shabby and deliberates that BB persuaded her Caoimhe was being influenced. Josie yawns as Keevs blah blah blahs but empathises with that panic-stricken feeling because when Govan went she got a bit panicky and thought 'what the f**k am I gonna do now?' Keevil is also panicking about her situation on the outside as she couldn't get over the Ife incident and is really, really, really p*ssed off with what she said; Josie is surprised Ife said that.
Ife is classed as a funny one because she had told Caoimhe that she talks to people for her own personal needs and basically utilises peoples' personalities to get what she wants.
JOSIE: (has different emotional connections with HM's) But everyone does that in a certain respect, don't they? Cos I go to John James if I want a flirt, you if I want a laugh, go to Nathan if I want feeding, go to Ben if I want a laugh.
Before Caoimhe couldn't give a f**k because she had Shabby and was happy but now she's really seeing people for what they are. When this happens to Josie she just keeps her distance but for Caoimhe this would mean keeping her distance from the majority of the group. Josie comments that Friday's not going to be a good day and wishes BB did something to bring them all together as a group. Caoimhe is hopeful that the Diary room thing this morning (her proposal) won't be shown if things have gone to sh*t outside and Dave has f**ked off.
JOSIE: (snap out of it sister!) But if Dave is the way that you're telling me he is.. and you're the way that you're telling me you are with your friends.. why.. You can't help it that Shabby was a lesbian! Why would it be an issue? (yawns) That's what I think. If someone had a crush on you.. well fell in love with you.. understandable, you're a good looking girl!
Caoimhe looks at the state of herself in the mirror but Josie finds her naturally pretty so she can't help that and hasn't done anything wrong at all. 'But it's like how you're coming across like you've done this massively bad thing wrong. You haven't done nothing wrong. Nothing. Why do you keep thinking that you do then?' Keevil knows she hasn't done anything wrong and doesn't feel bad so Josie quizzes why she feels Dave won't be there. She is worried about what is being said and so she should be - the demon seed!
JOSIE: (wants Caoimhe to put this baby to bed) But people have said a lot of things in here - they're not right. That's certainly not right. Why are people reading into other peoples' relationships anyway? That's between them. Your relationship's your relationship - it's got nothing to do with no one else.
This is met by mm's of consensus from Caoimhe throughout and she doesn't want to burden anyone with it anymore. Josie bolsters that she's not burdening anyone but she wouldn't even rise to it.
JOSIE: (trying to convince herself that she doesn't have feelings for John) It's like when people say 'you and John James blatantly fancy each other!' No we don't but.. why'd you care?.. Like I wouldn't mind if it was you, cos obviously we're close but why would you care? Not you, cos obviously we talk but why do they care? (long pause) I know there's some parts I love about John James but I certainly know I don't fancy him. He looks gorgeous in a football kit but.. f**k me! I couldn't fancy someone that goes on like that. (immediately contradicts that) My ex was like that.. (changes her mind) no he wasn't.. not like that, no. But negative, very negative. But then he'll be really negative and then have a laugh and that.. and I like that.
Caoimhe claims that she's never negative on the outside and blames this place for changing her and bringing out the worst in her character. They are ready for bed so start to walk back into the house, Josie has a sister like that whereas she's more about the positivity 'good things happen to positive people, Keevs! That's why we're here!' As they enter the lounge, John has come out shielding his eyes from the bright light.
JOSIE: (clowns) What the f**k do you want? We thought we got rid of you!
He's wanting to know what the time is, Caoimhe goes to check on the kitchen clock - it is 2.30am 'it's half two, you'll do!' and chuckles to herself as he goes back to bed. She's so pleased with her wittiness she finds Josie in the bathroom and grins about saying the phrase to John James and how there's a facebook group with that name. Josie likes that after she catches onto what Caoimhe had actually said!
JOSIE: (doesn't have quite the same drollery) It's half four I'm p*ssed out of my face! You'll be alright!!
Caoimhe has a concern that people can't sometimes understand her accent but Josie says she can be quite quiet 'I'm a loud mouthed cow!' Josie brushes her teeth vigorously and slides down the sloped seating by the sink and explains that she starts waking up about now which is a nightmare! She proceeds to scrub them for at least a solid 5 minutes and then begins scour her tongue too, hoisting a leg up on the work top to aid her super cleansing. I'd go as far as to say she is the Michael Jordan of teeth brushers!! :D
Josie would be right out the fire exit door if something was to happen, she then asks what time BB wake them up - Caoimhe thinks it is between 9, half 9 and quarter to 10. They agree that the mornings always go so quickly, where Caoimhe places the broom down it falls against Josie as she continues with her teeth sterilising, so she quickly apologises. Jose really wants to wash her face but can't believe she has run out of all her bl**dy cucumber wipes. They both go to the smelly bedroom and Caoimhe hopes Jose doesn't mind her sleeping in her bed again. (answered by silence)
Caoimhe complains that the smell in the room is disgusting from people farting. The girls say good night to each other then Josie turns back to whisper 'Night Peanut head' to John but I don't hear a reply. Unable to bear the snores and farting sounds right in her ears, Caoimhe wants to go down to her old bed as it is furthest away. John's ears have also pricked up not wanting Josie to move away from him so he asks what they're talking about. My man doesn't want to miss out on any Josie time :(
Dave wakes up and asks if he's loud, John quips that he's like the A-train and on noticing that Josie is getting up from the bed wants to know if Josie is going down the other end of the room too. Caoimhe tries to get Josie to stay in her bed but she follows behind anyway. How are JJJ supposed to have their nightly flirtlings now?
JOHN: (holds him responsible for chasing his friendo away) Look what you did Wizard! You and your fart!
Josie finds it comfier down in the other bed; John is disturbed by the camera commotion as it swivels around onto his single bed.
JOHN: (zooming is the sincerest form of filming flattery) What the f**k do you want? (waves before displaying his peace sign) Good night, camera man!
JOSIE: (Caoimhe is in great company there) Don't even f**king get on that one! My f**king lady garden is not a garden!
Caoimhe had put on some of Rachael's baby oil (not knowing it belonged to her) believing it to be Govan's as he kept using it! Rachael had got really snotty about it and tskked 'Caaaaaoimhe, can you not ask????' She'd stammered back an awkward apology but felt like absolute sh*t! Josie's been caught a few times using other peoples' things; Caoimhe comments that she and Josie are very alike in that way.
John doesn't care what anyone else says but Rachael had the potential to be a naaaasty piece of work! 'I believe she had the potential to be a nasty girl.' Caoimhe can't believe the remark Rachael had made about the other people not getting in. She had called them rejects and this was something else that the angry John I love, brought up 'don't you worry! I got it all out! Calling them f**king rejects! People that I had to f**king spend 3 days with.. had more respect for them, than what I had for her.'
Rachael had sat and ha-ha-haaaaed about the 'rejects' as she termed them; John was sooooooo angry 'how dare you f**king call them rejects? Not happy about that!' (SC) John's speaking about having a cheeky phone call in for reassurance or a letter or something. Josie keeps picking up and using some hair clips that aren't hers; Caoimhe wants to borrow one to clip back the top as her hair is a f**king state! She reckons they belong to Corin to stick her wigs on.
For some reason, John represents himself as being very similar to Nathan in a lot of ways as they share views and are both very black and white. Immediately, Josie and Caoimhe rubbish this as he is NOTHING like Nathan - they are emphatic that he is not similar to Seahorse in any way. Self-admittedly, he's not where women are concerned but some of the things Nathan says John thinks that he's right.
JOSIE: (the world absolutely needs moral men) Yeah you might agree with 1 or 2 things but that don't mean you're similar!
Nathan had also told John that he felt this way last night. Caoimhe is begging Britain and Ireland to see Nathan's true colours 'and kick him right out!!' not wanting to be stuck in the house with an awful human being.
JOHN: (calls upon his Josie, as hers is the opinion that he values) Obviously you've got the same views, Jose.. what are you seeing that I'm not seeing? I haven't seen him do a thing wrong other than the Shabby thing.
CAOIMHE: Cos it's all fairly sly! He's patronising!
JOSIE: (the only things Nathan should have taken off the menu was his own ignorance and injustice) He just gets eggy all the time.. like I wanted to get involved in the shopping and he went off his off! (John knows as he was there) I was laughing inside, I was p*ssing myself .. well I was laughing at the table. Did you see me?
Her hee-hee-ing, Caoimhe felt would have p*ssed Nathan off even more; Josie didn't think there was any need for Nathan to be like that as he could've just asked people if they wanted to get involved. She also found fault with him for not letting her add honey to the curry as he saw it as sacrilege!
JOSIE: (should have told him to shove it) If I wanna put a bit of f**king honey on my chicken, I'll put honey on my chicken.. I'm a girl who likes my food, yeah? So if I wants to put a bit of honey on me chicken, I will do it.
John asks straight out if they believe Nate is a womaniser; Josie and Caoimhe agree this is obvious as it's all he goes on about! Caoimhe will tell them exactly what Nathan is but John splices in that he doesn't hear all the smoking convos as he's not a smoker. Josie is still up for flirting with John but is unwilling to flirt again with Nathan because of the way he is.
JOHN: (he knew so) Remember I told you, I was a little bit scared? Because I felt that he really didn't.. it's cos I'm smart.
Now looking back, Josie thinks John might have been right which comes as a sad announcement to him.
JOHN: (does not like this scenario one bit) Ahhhhh, Johnny's not so f**king stupid after all! You made me look like a right d*ck on TV!
Josie retorts that John realises things at the time but she doesn't cotton on until after, as she's a bit slow and she doesn't over-analyse everything like him!
JOHN: (grousing) Everyone thinks I'm an idiot in here but I'm not!
“Love how John ignores Caoimhe and all he wants (Jose has finally admitted Nathan likes her) is for her to tell him everything, I love how protective of her he is, I knew all along he liked her but this was when I knew he loved her.” (Marhearsyou)
Caoimhe had not been party to that particular discussion John had with Josie so wants the 411. He fills her in, that he'd been playing around with Jose in the spa and had been watching the way Nathan was with Josie. Caoimhe had told Josie as well; so he'd asked Josie if she thought Nathan liked her but she cracked the sh*ts. She hadn't realised until Nathan kept putting John down all the time!
This is news to John, 'what??? Did he really?' Caoimhe edifies him further of a hilarious situation that John would sit on the couch, Josie was in the middle of him and Nathan and Nathan would be rubbing Josie's back! After John had said this to Josie, she started clicking on as Nathan kept throwing out Crabeyes etc.
JOHN: (poor, sweet Johnny) This is why I get f**ked off about looks! He had no reason to target me like that.. he targeted me purely and I think you's know why he targeted me. He made that up for one pure reason and if you's can't see why he did that and singled me out.. I never once said.. he's got a monobrow for f**ks sake! I never said nothin' about that, never, not once! But he took the p*ss out of the way I looked, why the f**k would you take the p*ss out of what I looked like? Why would ya? I never take the p*ss out of what anyone..
CAOIMHE: Because he wanted to get to his little hands on Josie!!
JOHN: (unequivocal) Exactly.
All of Nathan's criticisms of John were based on jealousy and he was in no position to be so hypercritical of John's appearance, considering his own was thoroughly sickening! His wealth of unpleasant innuendo showed me that he was less of a man than John.. not MORE as he regarded himself to be!
Josie doesn't think it is that but John can't see what other reasons Nathan would have to put him down; she doesn't know. Caoimhe gets them to listen to her that Nathan's thing is: when he's in a bad mood everyone has to be in one and everyone feels it. Then when he's in a good mood, they're expected to be in a good mood as well and it's all 'I'm having a great time! You know, cheer up - kid! Kid, Kid, Kid!! .. F**k off!'
Josie reminds Keevs that she'd told her about feeling really uncomfortable (with and around Nathan) one day.
JOHN: (tetchy as it would have been a load off his mind) Why don't you tell me anything? You don't even make me feel better, Jose!
Sometimes she doesn't come to him because he goes on and on but he thinks that when he's right about something the least she could have said was 'hey John, you were right about that.' But Josie didn't want to be like 'oh.. um.. yeah John.. like, thinking I was something I wasn't!' He is spirited to know what she had seen and seems concerned that the put downs were behind his back - though it's not a tremendous, ground-breaking surprise to him.
“When Josie she said was uncomfortable you could see him slowly getting angry,and yes ready to say something!!” (RoxyD1982)
“He is respectful to women and his morals are high but I think when it comes to Josie you say she didn't always practise what she preached but it must have been very intense in that house and with those feelings for John and sometimes emotions take over. I think she struggled to deal with how she felt about John and was scared because of her insecurities. I think she knew this and couldn't help how she acted, I also think John could handle his feelings a lot better than Josie, John was and is a lot more emotionally strong which is good and helped their relationship develop.” (KatStevens)
Josie assures him they were to his face but Nathan was a bit bitchy towards him; John felt it was undeserved as it came out of nowhere that he was suddenly calling him Crabeyes. Essentially, Nathan was stabbing John in the back but right to his face! She tells him again that she'd mentioned feeling uncomfortable to Caoimhe and that sometimes she won't approach John about things, because she knows that he'll over-analyse it until it comes out of his ass! She HATES that talk.
John had already noticed this but was made to feel like a d*ckhead 'cos what was I meant to say.. "oh he's calling me Crabeyes because like.." cos then I'll look like a d*ck! I'll look like an arrogant little f**ker!' Josie also reckons she would have looked like one too; Caoimhe did feel for Josie in that situation. John wants to be told why Josie was made to feel uncomfortable but all she'll say is that Caoimhe's seen it.
JOHN: (desperate for them to let him have it; he's there to learn) Well can you tell me? Or do I have to f**king sit here like a stunned mullet?!
Caoimhe starts to explain what Josie had to deal with, with f**king Nathan but Josie is ready to inform John herself. That when she and John have a cuddle, it'll just be a cuddle and that's it but Nathan is constantly rubbing her arm and back. Caoimhe could see the look on Josie's face; Josie wanted John to shut up when they went in the Diary room and was going on about what could happen between Nathan and Josie.
John didn't know Josie felt that way because John had asked in the spa that day if she thought Nathan fancied her. And she'd barked back 'no he doesn't! No he doesn't' but she hadn't told John that she didn't fancy Nathan (leading him to believe that she liked Nathan that way?) he kept checking if she was sure 'because I'm pretty sure that he's getting f**ked off with the time that we're spending together.. I could see it!'
“This is so interesting, it sheds new light on the whole situation. Thank you so much Diddididi. Love that John is cross with her for not telling him she did not fancy Nathan. This must've been one of the many pivotal moments in their developing relationship.” (Sketchley-Lane)
John but Josie did tell you she didn't fancy Nathan, the night Josie
and John were playing Climax Catch in the living room area weeks
before. It was the night John questioned her about Nathan and Govan's
relationship with her.”
She is adamant in thinking that Nathan doesn't fancy her but that he's the way he is with her because she's the only single female in the house! Regardless of this to John, the fact is that he fancied her even though he'd wanted Rachael in the beginning. Caoimhe perceives that this proves Nathan is a womaniser - they have all got his number now!
She is adamant in thinking that Nathan doesn't fancy her but that he's the way he is with her because she's the only single female in the house! Regardless of this to John, the fact is that he fancied her even though he'd wanted Rachael in the beginning. Caoimhe perceives that this proves Nathan is a womaniser - they have all got his number now!
John now susses this is why Nathan was trying to make John look like a d*ckhead in bed and that. 'And I was like "I don't even care, mate.. like if I had a girlfriend, (with wide unblinking eyes) you could f**k her on the bonnet of my car, mate - I don't give a f**k!" It doesn't make you any better than what I am.. like I don't believe in that sh*t.' He thought he was just seeing things when Nathan kept putting him down, 'because I came to you and asked you about it and you said I was looking in to sh*t.'
“Some how I think John James would have a slight problem now with Nathan f**king his girlfriend over a bonnet of his car!!” (RoxyD1982)
Was John fooling himself with this apparent non-jealousy gene of his? I could believe he hadn't encountered it before with other girls he was seeing because he hadn't been in love with any of them! But as his passions grew deeper for Josie, it was all too evident that there were instances where he came across jaundiced with jealousy. If Nathan or any man had tried to f**k Josie anywhere (when they were together) it wouldn't have been a pretty sight when John had finished with them!!
do wish Keeva had stayed a decent friend, she used to amuse me no end
until she started her sly/unconscious campaign to get Josie out of
the way. She can deny it as much as she likes, but as with Shabby,
there was a point when she wanted John for herself, and Josie telling
her about her feelings, just brought those feelings of possessiveness
into sharper focus, which is when we saw her flirting with John go
into overdrive. Didn't
John talk a load of sh*te in the house with regards to his never
feeling jealous? Either that or he'd genuinely never felt jealous
over a girl before, and so didn't recognise the emotion.”
JOSIE: (Damn it, that's her right) That was before I knew, John! Gets on my nerves, you do. (John titters) Well you do because.. sometimes if I feel something I will not tell you. I won't. Because you just go on about it too long and you read into the situation too much!
JOHN: (hoped she would confide in him if she valued his best friendship) Well that was a situation I was worried about.. cos I said to ya, I said.. cos I could see that.. just certain things, that he was getting a little bit p*ssed off with the time that we were spending together and that. You could see it! Oh you can see it now too?
Josie not always choosing to turn to John with her troubles could have been problematic in their relationship.. John is a worrier and more so where Josie was concerned because he cared about her so greatly. If he could see something was playing on her mind but she wouldn't talk it over with him, that would have made him more anxious and feel helpless. When it comes to feelings, Josie battles with them internally while John has to address and dissect them.
Cut to Corin stirring and sniffing in her sleep before getting back to John, telling Josie he'll be her friend and that 'but I'm not playing that sh*t!'
JOSIE: (oooh .. not even a little bit!!) Do you think I like that, do you?
John doesn't pretend or believe that he talks to Josie or acts in a way that.. Josie interrupts him to say that because she's always unsure of everything she doesn't bother saying anything - knowing that she might be right or wrong. This is why John had said to her that he would hate to be a girl 'because you're pretty much saying that you're being used!' (by Nathan) She insists that she's not.
JOHN: (despised a very single and available Seahorse hitting on singleton Josie) Yeah, because you're the only single girl in the house.. so you're pretty much saying if there was another one.. (Caoimhe tells him it's not that) I'd hate to feel like that! I'd hate to feel as though I was the only single girl in the house and that everyone's only giving me attention, just because I'm the only single girl in the house! I'd feel like sh*t!!
With John, he gave Josie attention not because of her relationship status but because he was attracted to her, self-acknowledged that he was only happy around her and he didn't want to miss out on knowing her.Nathan just wanted to wear Josie like a sock now that his eye candy (and future girlfriend) was not around the house.
That's how Josie had felt and this is what John means. Caoimhe states the obvious to John that it was Nathan doing it and she really really began to f**king dislike him when he'd sat up one morning. This proves it, because he kicks off at night (as he can't sleep with everyone talking) to which they are all in agreement and John got it the biggest from Nathan out of everyone. Then come morning time, they might want to lie in bed and snooze after the 9am alarm as they'd gone to bed later.
But Nathan sits up and they have to listen as he shouts at the top of his voice and paints them a profane word picture about how he's had 'a f**king w*nk! And talking in a very, very vulgar manner about how he needs to release sperm and blah blah blah blah blah and f**king go somewhere, have a w*nk, have sex.. all he can think about is sex! And we have to listen to it!' John states that this is everything he is the absolute complete opposite to. (John sounds like the Anti-Nathan)
JOSIE: (because John wasn't born to live like that bawdy brute) That's the thing, why do you think I have a flirt with you and not Nathan?
JOHN: (with his cute, sad eyes) Well.. I thought you didn't flirt with Nathan and.. (cuts across to the sleepers for 20 seconds)
Josie expresses that while she would talk to John, the more Nathan would rub her back. This makes her laugh nervously and Caoimhe adds that it was creepy the way Nathan used to do it. Josie didn't know what to do with herself because she's not used to attention on the outside world but does hang out with a lot of men. Caoimhe has Josie howling with her impersonation of how she'd see Josie sat rigid with discomfort and she'd been like 'oh God, poor thing!'
It made Josie feel a bit guilty as she does it with Ben and John James but doesn't want to with Nathan because of how he's been chatting. John is processing all this and appears to be on the verge of an interior explosion of white hot rage over how Nathan has made Josie feel! Josie knows John isn't like Nathan in terms of the vulgarity which completely disgusts Caoimhe.
JOHN: (about to have some sort of manic episode) Don't get me started on this sh*t. I'm the number one..
JOSIE: (HINT HINT HINT HINT HINT) I could easily just lie in bed with you all night and have a cuddle.. and I know that it wouldn't be like.. but I couldn't do that with Nathan because..
Caoimhe reads her mind that Nathan would be f**king groping Josie's arse! They don't have to tell John as this is what he means 'look how, look how you's looked at Ben like that! You think it's vulgar, you think it's creepy and you think that I'm a weird unit cos I think that I am.. but why would I want girls to think that of me? That's the number one thing that you don't want! Why wouldn't you want to be respectful to a certain level? Why would I want to be added to that creep list?'
This is why he's the complete opposite because they think it's vulgar and feel uncomfortable 'why would I wanna make a girl feel like that?'
I bet John's mum couldn't have been prouder of her angel, she raised a fine young man to be a gentleman in this world of douches! Josie's sub-conscious may have been conspiring to have that cuddle all night long with her dear chap and she didn't have to wait too much longer for it. Though John was always very courteous and almost reverential of Josie, when he knew they had something real .. his hands couldn't hold back from a grope of Josie's arse now and then!! And she loved it, loved it, LOVED IT! ;)
John may be a weird unit in some ways but I find it praiseworthy that John has such sexual morality in this day and age. He was never creepy or vulgar with Josie despite wanting to do unspeakable things to her.. so it was unavoidable that their talks were soon carnally suggestive with wanton overtones.
JOSIE: (wanted to spend eternity in John's arms) John James, you can sit there and rub my back for about 10 hours! I wouldn't ever feel uncomfortable.
John is the man he has become because of people 'like that' (Nathan) (SC) But he's also aware that probably 90% of the population as far as men are concerned are like that 'some of my best mates are like that but that doesn't mean that I have to be as well.' Caoimhe doesn't think the population are quite as bad as Nathan but she views him as a 'typical lad!'
Those in the bedroom have their sleep disturbed by a gang of camera men running around in the camera runs. Shabby had told Caoimhe one of the best things about being there was that she'd learnt never to do that again because she now knows how it feels. She'd said that she was never the person that would chase anyone; Caoimhe confessed that she has been that chaser and it is heart-breaking to keep going back when treated like sh*t. 'But Nathan wouldn't learn that.'
JOHN: (not about to give the man a standing O) Well full credit to him. He's probably pulled quadruple the amount of girls that I've been with! Easily. I'm sure he has.
Caoimhe calls this meaningless sex and John doesn't care about that. Another cut to the bedroom where Corin is lying awake and John explains to Josie that whatever she had just said is exactly why he is the way he is 'because I don't agree with it. I see things from your point of view not their point of view. Just because you can get 40,000 roots a day or whatever - doesn't mean you should.'
Josie believes John will have thousands of girls queuing up for him because of how he is.
Surely the lion's share of womanhood would rather be with someone like John,who is considerate with a respect for women as opposed to a pent up perve i.e. NATHAN!! (Even Rachael pursued John before settling for Nathan as John made it clear he was not interested) John knew he could have girls falling at his feet and could get sex on tap anytime if that was what he wanted. And sometimes, that must have been tempting to not take anyone up on but I bet he'd force himself not to want it as it would have meant nothing to him.
I'm sure John came in for a lot of ridicule from the friends he mentioned who didn't share his same attitude towards sex. Those same mates were most likely mockers of his relationship with Josie, feeling that John (Guss King numero uno) should have been with someone more to their standards appearance-wise. It may have been tough for him to shrug off if this were a constant source of disparagement because John found Josie jaw-droppingly gorgeous! That was probably hard for some of the loys to get their head around. When really if they'd given Josie a chance and gotten to know her, I predict they would have fallen in love with her too!!
It is so commendable that he rebelled from being a clone of his buddies in order to fit in with his peers. He shunned their standings on females and followed his own mind and heart, to be the man he wanted to become. One who didn't resort to salty savour talk to score chicks.. instead he took time to figure out what was important and held tight to the things that mattered most to him.
This alone meant that he emitted the musky scent of a man with an excellent moral code. Deep down I think he's quite old-fashioned in that he'd sooner scope out the woman with whom he could share his life (which he once described Josie as being) and that one night stands were a misguided waste of time.
JOHN: (Nathan's serial drama life being a big ol' bowl of PORNflakes is repellent to him) Because of people like that I refuse.. I'd rather have no sex ever than be like that. Cos I just think it's demeaning and that's another reason why I wouldn't um.. with the whole head job thing.. it wasn't to do with the fact that I didn't like it, I just felt it was demoralising to women to stick your c*ck in their mouth! Some women.. some women like it.. and if they like it by all means, go for your life! But I just don't .. blokes that sit there and like say 'get on it!' or whatever to a girl or 'you should suck me c*ck!' I just think it's demoralising to women.. to just sit there and like come on their face or something. That's just my views! And I probably shouldn't think like that cos I'm supposed to be a bloke.. I'm supposed to be a bloke, so I should be all up for it but I'm not. I just don't think like that, I never have. (SC)
The cameras flit back and forth between the bathroom and bedroom for over 2 minutes as the bathroom conversation is too sexually explicit for air? John doesn't really respect it but understands that the majority of men are like that but oh well.. 'what the f**k can I do about it? All's I can do is not be like that cos I disagree with it.' Caoimhe checks if he can now see why she has such a strong bad feeling against Nathan.
John can as he knew Nathan had views towards stuff that could really turn into something nasty between 'me and him. But at the end of the day, he's not gonna take it seriously.. he's just gonna bag me and put sh*t on me and make me look like I'm some sort of p*ssy and that's basically what he did. He basically just shot me down in flames and started taking the p*ss about what I look like and that's his way of pretty much trying to make me look like an idiot!' John sat there and couldn't really be f**ked as he wouldn't take the p*ss out of the way someone looked.
The only concession John can make for Nathan's insalubrious ways is that blokes are pre-disposed with those inclinations.. even though he thinks this is totally disgusting!! It's not that John didn't enjoy these sexual acts but he'd never have forced or demanded any girl to do something pornographic to him. If it was something they wanted to participate in, he was happy for them to go for it if it was their own choice. Josie made her randy mare persuasions known repeatedly and I'm sure it was to John's immense gratification! ;)
John's heart and morals are in the right place but his insecurities cause him to combust sometimes. Josie felt John looks like the better person at the end of the day as Nathan had tried to make him look an idiot in that situation; John voices that it worked in a way as Nathan had bashed him for not being able to go for more than 1 minute! It doesn't bother John but he cops that sh*t all the time but Josie urges him to listen to her common sense and reasonable discourse.
JOSIE: (because John hadn't risen to Nathan badmouthing him) It didn't work John, because.. at the end of the day it just made him look like a d*ck!
CAOIMHE: (wants to viciously attack Corin out of the blue) The thing about Corin is right ......
Thus evoking resounding reverberations of revelry from Josie; John nudges her to go on as she has the right person in the room. Caoimhe has to laugh tonight at how Corin gets all the male attention, listing all the guy HM's that f**king love her: Steve, Nathan, Dave and Ben.
CAOIMHE: (she means this in a super bitchy way) Because she f**king walks around topless with a thong on and..
John grants that he said right from the very beginning that Corin was an attractive girl but he refuses to look pathetic 'she's taking them all for an absolute ride!' They are united on this, Caoimhe commentates that they love it, love her and lick her f**king arse! He knows and it makes him feel sick but 'what do you do about that? What do I do about that?'
Caoimhe would never reduce herself to f**king flaunting flaunting herself around in a f**king G-string to get male attention! John asks if Caoimhe believes this is why she is doing it; he didn't think Corin would get her boobs out but he saw them the other day.
JOSIE: (identifies their hypocrisy behind castigating Corin) Erm.. we can't really talk about getting our t*ts out!!
She and Caoimhe chuckle but Caoimhe emphasises that it was for a joke, lasted a split second and she actually really regrets doing that; Josie doesn't. But Caoimhe wouldn't be walking around getting her t*ts out in front of people, although she has getting changed in the bathroom infront of the mirror by 'accident and stuff!'
It annoyed John how Corin claimed that Benny was only joking and he'd scoffed 'come on Corin, let's be f**king serious! You know that Benny likes you like.. if he thought he had any..'
JOSIE: Hold on, John James you tried to tell me that Ben fancied me as well.
Caoimhe can guarantee him that Ben does not fancy Corin and Josie exposes Ben for only doing stuff to wind up John.
JOSIE: (blowing the whistle on Ben) Ben will say something to you cos he knows you like a row and will get argumentative..
But John isn't convinced as he'd asked Ben one on one in a serious conversation as Ben wanted to have a serious conversation with him. Ben bid John not to wind him up about Corin in front of Mario because Mario was getting upset which John understood and thought was fair enough. Josie recognises that Ben also winds up Mario but she and Caoimhe think that's hilarious.
John feels sorry for Mario so does Josie but she finds it kinda funny at the same time; Ben had been playing with Josie's toes the other day in bed and kept looking up at Mario, going 'what, what?' and then winked at Josie. Josie thinks Ben's funny as he likes winding people up like her 'I love winding people up but I don't feel like I can properly wind people up in here, cos I've lost all my f**king brain cells!'
He still isn't sold because he told Ben to cut the sh*t (as no one else was there) when he questioned if he fancied Corin; Ben in his vocabulary that he uses pretty much said he did. He knows Corin has a girlfriend but Caoimhe is honest that she doesn't think Ben fancies women.
JOHN: (wonders who pays attention to that sappy, romantic crap?) Ohhh he massively does! He loves 'em, he loves them!! He's a right charmer on the outside, no doubt about it. Everything he does in here, is how he would behave on the outside. Even on his dimming lights and music on entry .. and get some scarves and pulls their chair out before dinner and flowers on their pillow. No doubt about it. You can't walk around with a haircut like that and not do that!
Josie is of the opinion that Ben goes for older women. But John realises it could be similar to how Nathan treats Josie, in that Corin is a very beautiful-looking girl so Ben likes getting attention off her. Caoimhe is hugely taken aback that John construes Corin as very beautiful and queries if he really does.
He comes clean that Corin's personality takes the fizz off what she looks like but when he originally saw her he considered her to be attractive. 'She is attractive with or without makeup.' Josie is right there with John on this. Caoimhe calls upon them to take away Corin's make up and hair and fake tan as she's never seen Corin's real look without any of that. John concedes to this but Josie has seen Corin sans cosmetics and says she is still pretty.
See John speaks of how attractive Corin is but he can never go more than 10 seconds without looking at Josie, when in the same room as her!! It was only Josie that set his heart a-flutter in that house. Truth be told, I don't think Corin is as aesthetically pleasing as anyone in BB did and often introspectively compared her to a common streetwalker!
JOHN: (has to face the ugly truth as he gets really into how pretty Corin is) She's definitely pretty, yeah. (Caoimhe bitterly complies that she is but she prefers natural prettiness) But see I saw her before we came in and I thought.. people were looking at her, and I looked at her and I went 'nah!! No deal! No good.' (so had Keevs) But then when I came in here I thought 'yeah, she has got a very, very pretty face.' And obviously she's got a fit body but um.. I think as time's gone on she's become less attractive probably because of her personality. Cos that would sh*t me up the f**king wall! If my girlfriend was like that, I would.. have to put an end .. I would have to put a stop to that. I couldn't deal with that.
He can only pretend to laugh for a little bit longer and can't pretend it's funny anymore. Caoimhe, the ticking time bomb, doesn't even say anything now when Corin asks 'are you alright, babes?' every 10 minutes so now she just goes YEP. 'What am I supposed to do? Go yeah, are you okay babes, you just asked me 2 minutes ago!? But I haven't really changed my mood since then.'
John makes the sweeping declaration that Ben doesn't fancy her, fancy her but just does in there and fancies the attention of a gorgeous woman in there. 'That all the blokes idolise and want and chase after.. not want .. but pay.. give attention to, to a certain point.' John thinks Ben likes being the number one guy that's getting her attention and going out of his way to get it.
Caoimhe is forlorn that she won't get any male attention at all now because they already think she's a lesbian anyway. John lets it slip that Govan was a big fan of Caoimhe's (so maybe John was not the first love-lorn young man to walk through the door) right from the very beginning. He is staggered that Josie didn't know 'he didn't tell you? (holds up a penitent hand) Sorry Govan!'
Her interest has been captured so Keevil is keen for John to spill the bean on what Govan had said. Govan had wanted to go through the rating list and was like 'Caoimhe yeah!!'
CAOIMHE: (conceited) What did he give me a ten?
John reminds her of the night they played the lighter game and he knew Govan was going to pass his to Caoimhe, as his look gave it away. She remembers him looking away with bashful, bulging eyes stuttering 'I just think you're really beautiful!' John quizzes the girls on who they'd even want male attention from.
This is what Caoimhe is saying she's so happy she's not getting any as she doesn't want any at all in there!!
JOHN: (he wasn't going to confirm to having this chemistry with Josie while he was on display, vulnerable and exposed) I don't think it's the right chemistry.
Yet he was entranced by all the things Josie did!! Not the right chemistry my medulla oblongata!!!! He must have flunked science at school :P
If Nathan tried to flirt with Caoimhe, she'd be physically sick!! Josie asks if they've ever seen Andi Peters, the children's TV presenter but neither have. John guesses that Josie is about to say Govan looks like him and he's right on that Andi really reminds her of Govan. Caoimhe brings up again how she'll always remember his comment about her being really beautiful; she'd tried to give him an awkward hug after.
John tries to work out who the guys are left in the house if he goes - Ben, Dave, Nathan, Steve and Mario. Keevs leaves JJJ alone together, to make them all a drink of squash. John told BB that he's not entirely happy .. and thinks he's a little bit of a weirdo actually because he's not happy about the happy families! Whereas this is all Josie wants.
He can't stand it! John thinks this is what's driving him the way he is as he wants people to step up. Josie tries to throw words into his mouth under the misconception that he wants trouble or negativity in the house. When he doesn't, no, no, no - he wants honesty 'if you've got a problem with something, say it! If you don't like the way something's being done - say it!'
JOSIE: (That's a frozen pile of poo) But the thing is, I would never turn round to Nathan and say 'oh when you kept stroking my back, stroking my back, stroking my back you're making me feel..' (John talks over her 'Nah nah nah' understanding why she wouldn't want to do that) because I would not want to hurt his feelings.
He can appreciate her reasoning behind not taking this up with Nathan, and considers himself a hypocrite because he did pretty much the same thing with Sunshine. But like Josie had said to him about the way he dealt with the situation, if she had have come up to him one on one, like right now in the shower and ask outright if he liked her, he would say 'listen Sunshine, I think you're a really good bird but this, this and this and um.. this, this and this.. um and I would have explained to her.'
But because Sunshine had said it in front of a crowd, he was put in a position where he didn't know what he was meant to do. They overhear chuckles from the cameramen behind the mirrors.
JOHN: (only kinda terrifying for him) You gotta stop laughing in there!! .. I was put in a position where I had to shut her down.
Neither John nor Josie were ever comfortable about this type of conversation particularly because they didn't reciprocate the attraction to Nathan or Sunshine. So if John didn't feel the way for Josie she did for him, it would have killed him to do so but he would have taken her aside (and without mics) and broken it to her gently. NOT cranked up the flirting, started holding her hand, jumping into bed with her more and cuddling up to her closely - those would have been the wrong signals to give out to a girl that you didn't have genuine feelings for!!
What made them lovelier, was that they weren't there with the intention of scoping out the hotties to have a short-lasting hook up with. Destiny threw them into each others' path by putting them together in the BB house - I firmly believe that. And it gave them a once in a lifetime shot at happiness :) so even though it ended, I am glad that they had that overwhelming, all-consuming, happiness if only for a short moment.
Nathan and Corin are out at the carousel for a ciggie, their ears must have been burning! She thinks that being up must make the nominees feel like nobody likes them; Nathan doesn't as Caoimhe swapped him so at least it is only one person. You should have a listen in at the convo in the bathroom, mate! :P Nathan has noticed that even Josie is getting the same way now. (As what? As who??)
Corin detects that as Caoimhe was alone when Shabby left, Josie took her under her wing straightaway. But she has a prophecy that if they stick together like that, Nathan knows what John James is like blowing up!
NATHAN: (his insinuation is that John will be ousted from the house in the eviction) They should be just enjoying their time. Especially John James!!
Cozza screams with fright at the sight of some mite! Nathan had tried speaking to John 3 or 4 times throughout the day, saying for him to keep his chin up but got nowhere; Caoimhe is still like this with Corin too. Caoimhe has John and Josie laughing back indoors as someone honestly believes that the pronunciation for 'psychopathic' is psychoPATRICK!!
JOHN: (The men slobber over Corin like a cartoon hobo watching a pie cool on a window sill) Um.. the only reason the sun shines out of Corin's arse is because of what she looks like!
Caoimhe reviles the amount of lick-arseing that went on from Sunshine to Corin as it was cringeworthy 'which lipstick should I wear today hun? The black one or the purple one?' When it was clear to Caoimhe, that Corin could not stand that girl! See Josie thinks that Corin is alright but she just saw a different side to her the other day; John is not bothered about that side. Caoimhe is uncompromising that there's a fake side (because who can really keep smiling and being optimistic all the time?) to Corin but has tried her hardest to give her a chance as she's had a hard life.
She'd spotted Corin have a go at Sunshine during the egg task when Sunny was the Queen and being annoying; Corin had really kinda flipped at her. Out at the bench, Nathan's not saying Caoimhe should change her personality and Corin surveyed that she had fun with Shabby. She beholds toothpaste upon her hoody but think it's just as well that Nathan enjoy his experience; he is cocksure that he'll be there a while.
CORIN: (had to transcript this as Corin needs subtitles when she speaks) There's no point coming in here having a sh*t time. Like what the hell's the point in that? You may as well stay at home, carry on paying your council tax - hadn't ya? Innit?
Nathan is in complete agreement; Corin hates that sh*t hostile feeling anyway and it makes everybody feel sh*t. She is conscious to everyone having their off days but they snap out of it but doesn't know how someone could be constantly down as it's draining. Nathan considers the BB house the perfect place to snap out of it and for Caoimhe to come into her own. She'd seemed alright..ish to him that morning and even made him a coffee but then nothing!
Caoimhe hadn't even spoken to him after the meal at all (which he would have made and served up) and then John James threw the task today! Corin declares that he didn't; Nathan believes it because Josie had told him after the event.
CORIN: (she's got her eye on Parton) He says he did but there's no way on earth did he throw that task today! I think he held on, he held on until he could.
She controverts that if anyone were to throw it they would have made it completely, blatantly obvious and fallen off it straight away! Nathan can't understand why Josie is saying he had thrown it then; Corin states that it's because John told her so - when really she observed that John fell off the television each time it got faster as he lost control. Nathan puts out there that possibly John is just trying to make it out that he threw it because he lost; Corin thinks this is what happened.
Nathan doesn't know because he can't judge the guy at all. Corin makes the case that if she was to purposely fail she would have done so immediately after getting on. She is adamant that John was gripping on for his life though she does believe John would have felt proper guilty picking someone off the board.
NATHAN: (John was his roadblock) But look at him now. He's in no better position is he? He's either destroying himself or p*ssed off at everyone or don't know what he's doing. He's not a happy bunny that's for sure!
Corin is scornful that John could be scared of being up so is deliberately moping around to look sad, as it might do him some favours. Now Nathan supposes that she's right when she brings up how John had only lost by 3 seconds, thinking someone losing on purpose would make sure they had a comfortable loss.
NATHAN: He's a strange one, in't he?.. I just can't judge him at all.
As John is so competitive, Corin doubts that he would have thrown the Stay on TV task just for his own pride. The day before John had put himself forward as the most competitive saying he'd never quit (on the children's coin-operated ride task, never televised) so she thinks John has made himself out to be someone he's not. This is what Nathan means 'so what's he doing then?' he just can't work John out.
Still in the bathroom, Josie is explaining how she comes from a small town where all they do is talk about one another and she just doesn't have time for it anymore. John knows as he's on the Neighbourhood Watch; Caoimhe asks if he's actually but John nah's.
JOSIE: (why is that not so shocking?) He's f**king the President! (not in a way that would indicate John has had sexual relations with the President of the USA!!) What you on about? He knows when Number 64's mowed their lawns.
Caoimhe can just f**king imagine John's Mum being apart of it too and that she's real fussy and fusses all over him.
JOHN: (And he's her special boy) She's the female version!
Josie doesn't reckon she'll get on with John's Mum (neither does Caoimhe) John is surprised that Josie feels like that 'you don't reckon you would?' Caoimhe would say that no girl is good enough for her (golden boy) John James.
JOHN: No, no nah that's a lie. She's very much.. she always sticks up for the girlfriend.
JOSIE: Oh, is it?
JOHN: (nods in the affirmative) Always.. cos she knows what I'm like. She knows that I'm argumentative, she knows that I can p*ss people off, she knows I go over the top, she knows that I can become aggressive. She's not an idiot. She knows that I'm like that.
"Like the way John says "nah nah nah nah thats a lie, she always sticks up for the girlfriend" when he's talking about his Mum, after Josie says she thinks she wouldn't get on with his Mum. He then gave a part smile and looked straight at Josie awww we know what he was thinking it was written all over his face." (Mamajean)
This is something I have given considerable thought to - John's mother and how she would have reacted to what went on between him and Josie. Did she feel for Josie at all? Did Helena feel John was at fault to any degree or did she blame Josie entirely for everything that went wrong between them? She would have had a very weary, broken-hearted man arrive back on her doorstep, not knowing how his relationship would play out. Mrs Parton would have only heard John's versions of events since Josie didn't live in Australia.. so she saw them together for only a matter of weeks while she was in the UK .. just as their relationship was really heating up.
Part of me feels why would she have wanted her son to have thrown him back into what she may have seen as a perilous pit? Presumably John talked things through with her in detail (as he often said he told his Mum everything) but would she have tried to help him see Josie's side? (as his account would be a one-sided version of events) Or would she have condemned Josie so harshly and denied him permission to return to England? (keeping him away from Josie for good?) I envisage mother mode kicking in at the sight of a son in searing pain and her turning the air blue, tearing apart the b*tch who broke her boy's heart to pieces :(
Would she have different opinions and reactions had she lived in the same country? As then she'd have seen more of how John in turn treated Josie with her own eyes, which could have evoked empathy towards Josie as well as John..
This is just like Josie's Auntie Janet, whenever she sees her she'll ask Josie 100, 000, 001 questions! Even though there's so many people in the house, Nathan feels it is worse if you're on your own in there. He hopes Caoimhe will pick up tomorrow after the shock of losing Shabby yesterday as he doesn't wish bad on her by no means. Nate doesn't think it can be doing her head any good 'cos God knows what she's thinking!'
They'll see what Caoimhe's like tomorrow but in order to do herself a favour she needs to snap out of it sharpish 'cos she's just gonna do her own head in big time, mate.' He sees it as a shame as they could see moments of glory when she was having a right laugh. Corin would bet 1 million pounds that John held on for all he had but the machine actually threw him off. Nathan doesn't know but he hates seeing Josie like this as well; they don't know what's up with her. He observes that they're only a month in and the house is already taking a toll on people.
Corin implies that HM's may not have been themselves at first but a month in, this is who they are and Nathan continues that 'the act's sorta worn off.' Initially everyone is getting to know each other but now things have evened out and they've spent a hell of a long time together. He asks if she thinks cracks are forming (in characters) but she skirts around that people are more themselves now even moreso than a week or 2 days ago.
She doesn't think this thought really applies to John James as he hasn't really changed much and will leave the same. Nathan is definite that no one could come in there and keep an act up for a month; he hopes this isn't the case with Josie as 'she's a belter!' Corin doubts Josie has a bad bone in her body.
NATHAN: (Talk about egotistically and pompously revealing his true thoughts, overconfident that he will stay!! Thank heavens for karmic retribution!) Maybe she's just taken it harder that John's going. She's close to John in't she? Regardless of their little tiffs.
Corin thinks it's a strange one that they're so close but have their arguments and that they'd know what was going on if at home watching. As even being in the house, they don't see half of what happens in there but she's not interested!! Nathan thinks that's the right way to go about it (that she won't lose any sleep over anyone talking about her and then going silent if she walks in the room) but he hates that and thinks 'sad b*stards!' This is what started putting him off Shabby and Caoimhe as they'd stare straight through him if he came into the bathroom. Ben had been scared to spend time in there.
Nathan considers them all to have become a tight group now and that the fewer people there, the more bonding that should be going on. Corin doesn't think it will work out that way on this type of show unless they had 10 people who wanted to have a laugh, like themselves (!!) but she cites it would make for sh*t TV though be mint for them. She's not bothered but realises that she and Nathan could be being bitched about (WHILST they bitch in the backyard).
NATHAN: That's half the beauty of it though, in't it? That's what I mean, ignorance is sorta bliss.. it leaves you free to get on with your own sh*t!
Oh friggin' frack!! Did they need to show a close up of Nathan getting tactile with his tackle as he discloses that bad vibes bring people down?? You didn't wanna picture that but I screencapped it anyway and let me tell ya there's nothing less sexy than a man in lime green boxers rubbing his bits and bobs! For him, life is too short for aggro; he waves into the bathroom on his way back to the bedroom. John gets short with our woman 'They are Jose! They are!!' trying to get through to her as she is oblivious to something John can see. What really p*ssed Caoimhe off was how they'd not sympathised with her over Shabby leaving and nominated her to get her out too!
Josie thinks that only happened as people thought she wanted to go though Caoimhe knows BB won't allow HM's to use that as a reason when nominating. She'd love to f**king know what reasons were given and would say it was because she walks round wearing a face like a slapped arse most of the time!! Josie laughs that she's alright :D
John returns to Josie as he's not saying everyone but most of the people asking him questions about what was gonna happen next - were going in the back of their minds '1 down, 10 to go!' And Caoimhe would say they were delighted as Shabby was a big threat (John agrees wholeheartedly that she was massively so) and that's why she got nominated but Josie thought it was cos of her tantrums. Caoimhe contests that Shabby's wobblers were used as an excuse to nominate Shabby when really they were scared she would win.
It is John's belief that some thought Shabby was liked on the outside - he doesn't mention names as Caoimhe already knows who they were but Josie gripes that she doesn't.
JOHN: (gonna want to smack her upside the head so she will see the light) You don't! You don't f**king know anything but I know that Caoimhe does!! It was constantly mentioned 'Ooh Shabby, she fought the baying crowd!' Come on Jose you gotta f**king switch on. You need to switch on!
JOSIE: (defecating on his deductions) But the thing is, do I really wanna switch on? Cos I don't give a sh*t!
Caoimhe and John would love to be the same as Josie but can't switch it off; John can't switch off lickers. And Caoimhe can't enjoy herself in an environment where it's full of f**king sh*t! Nobody has been properly rude to Josie in there so she hasn't really got an excuse to dislike anyone 'the only person that has been rude to me in here, is one of me number one muckers!' (meaning John)
But John goes the opposite way as this is something he respects (if someone comes up to him saying 'you're f**king this, that and the other!!') Josie feels hard saying any bad stuff about anyone in there but Shabby made John 'more of a fan not less' (of hers) as she wasn't scared to say how it was.
JOHN: (Don't get emotional, you're not Spanish!) I'm more a fan of people like that even if I disagree with what she says. I'm more of a fan of people like that and less of a fan of the lickers, that I know have the same opinion but too scared to voice them.
Caoimhe hates that this situation is destroying her and John feels as though 'it is turning me into everything that I'm against.' Josie feels so sorry for those two; John tells her Shabs was the same 'that's why she left!'
CAOIMHE: (her life is turning into an angsty existential black and white movie) I left this nervous person behind many f**king years ago, yeah? This worried, little panicked person. And it's all come back and I can't deal with it.
She couldn't f**king read the task rules out today; Josie says again that she feels so sorry for them.
JOHN: (now the lassy is getting it he doesn't want to live in a house full of LIES) That's what I've been saying, Jose. It's been driving me insane. That's why I said 'don't feel bad if I do happen to leave on Friday night' because it's killing me in here! Seriously. It's eating away at me.
Josie would not give a sh*t if someone had a bit of sh*t on the end of their tongue from brown-nosing somebody so much! 'I don't care cos I think .. do you reckon I'm a bit self-obsessed?' They say no and the sound is cut as John explains what he would rather someone does. He'd prefer for a person not to pretend and have to tread on eggshells to avoid nominations and this is what he respects.
JOSIE: (Forsooth Sir) Oh that's why you respect me then is it? Cos I've called you a w*nker about 3 million times in here!
John mm's that this is only play play but this is why he respects people like Shabby, as she even stuck her 2 cents in and straight up told Steve that she disagreed. John had actually agreed with Steve but respected her as no one would stick up to Steve because of who he is.
Cut to the bedroom, then back to John saying 'they're are the sort of people in life I respect and I think they're the sort of people that should be on the show. Because she was f**king real as much as people wanna say that she wasn't or she was a raincloud or whatever.. at the end of the day, regardless of that fact she was real.' Shabby had proved it to him by walking (brings up how he and Josie had argued about walkers) and this is why he has more respect for her than any licker that will stay six weeks and avoid what happens on Monday's because they lick arses.
JOHN: (this makes him even more of a catch) I respect her more than I will ever, ever respect anyone that does that. Because she's walked, she's proved to everybody that she wasn't just talking the talk, she walked the walk as well. She proved that her feelings and her emotions and her morals were more important than the show. How can you not respect that?
This is a reason why John is so respected for walking away from his relationship with Josie and any media links or ties. If he was in the country, purely for fame he'd have grinned and beared it all the way through so that he'd set himself up for life. It proved that while he did love Josie his emotions and feelings were so hurt that he couldn't face staying under such scrutiny from the media. Had he been faking a loving relationship, he would have carried on under a sham pretence..
I think he had also hoped that Josie would follow suit and walk away from all their media arrangements to prove that she felt the same for him. So would have lost a lot of respect that he had for her because she continued to fulfill their obligations and discussed private matters and aspects of her feelings and their relationship. Saying this, I'd guess that Josie felt because he left her it meant that he didn't truly love her anymore or he'd want to be there with her regardless and fight for what they did have together.
I felt indescribably sad for them both in this distressing time of turmoil but do believe it was slightly easier for John as he did have somewhere he could run back to and disappear from it all. Josie could have stopped and torn up contracts but where could she go to escape for good? Her home is England so it would have been harder for her to just take off and start afresh somewhere and I think she felt duty-bound to see their commitments through. Though how hard must it have been for her to do it all alone when they were originally meant to have done these things as a couple.
Josie clears up that she didn't say she didn't respect this. To John, this gets the utmost respect as Shabby stood by what she said and gave away everything because of her morals. (John did this himself by giving away his love for Josie, losing his new home and friends he'd made, a new career and lifestyle, some of his popularity also diminished and he also sacrificed something far too precious.. what could have become a very happy future for himself here with Josie)
After reflecting on John's address, Caoimhe now wants to go tomorrow as she's done what she's had to do now. Why couldn't she just flush herself down a plughole??
JOHN: (I find his sarcasm sexy) You could have f**king told me that before I f**king went flying off the f**king TV!! (giggles)
But Caoimhe had begged him before not to do that; John doesn't care really and tells her it doesn't matter and for her to do what she has to do. She asks if he'd be really p*ssed off if she did that; John shakes his head as everyone has the right to do what they want.
JOSIE: If you feel that panicky.. do you feel that bad in here do you, Keevs?
Caoimhe does and John exclaims that real life is more important than what happens in there. Josie is starting to think there is something wrong with her (long SC) she wants to determine why they care so much and she doesn't. John answers that he cares more about real life than the show but Josie is just there to have a nice time and experience she couldn't give a sh*t who is brown-nosing who.
John is too but these are his morals and there are things on the outside that he will not stand for, so he won't stand for them in there. Caoimhe predicts that if she walks the eviction will probably be called off; John tells her not to talk about that sh*t.
Josie knows she has her favourite people in there and her least favourites but she doesn't dislike them 'why don't I care?' John thinks it's good and he and Caoimhe wish they could be like that.
JOHN: (he thinks her odd and confused which she is but he hides this!! :P ) Jose, are you like that on the outside world? (Josie yeps) Well then bravo to you, I'm not. I'm not friends with lickers on the outside, I'm not friends with brown-nosers on the outside, I'm not friends with dogs on the outside.
Because Josie doesn't care she doesn't see anyone as those things which John again expresses is good but he tries to read people. On the outside, Caoimhe has her few close friends who are really close - half the time she's away with the fairies in her own little world, happy, not caring, laid-back as f**k, if someone p*sses her off she has a little b*tch and is also very confident. She has issues with low self-esteem but in there her nerves are getting the better of her and she feels like her confidence is gone.
John's not gonna f**king change in here but has to a certain extent and it's eating him up everyday; Josie thinks she's quite lucky.
JOHN: (acclaims her for being better than Mary Poppins!) You are the person that is perfect for this show but they need people like us (him and Caoimhe) in order to make it .. interesting. Cos imagine if they were all like you Jose. Imagine 14 people walking around saying 'I don't care, I don't care! No one's a licker, no one's a brown-nose..' no one would do anything! Everyone would just be sleeping and having a little bit of a laugh.. there'd be no arguments at all because no one would give a f**k enough to argue. That's why they put pr*cks like me in the house! Because if they don't.. nothing will ever get said. They'll just be a bunch of people walking around doing a Corin.
Josie denotes that just because she doesn't care it doesn't mean that she won't stick up for herself. John knows she does as he's been in arguments with her! Caoimhe invites Josie out for a fag so John plans to head to bed; she checks if he's really tired or whether he wants to continue the conversation later. She is ignored as he mosies over to Josie thinking it might be kinda lovely to initiate some flirtations with her by stroking her hair.
He and his terrible folly are pushed off and told 'don't keep touching my hair, right?' but h'obviously John saunters back towards her telling her 'you're on your last warning now!' And then he goes in for the tummy tickle and more hair scrufflage!
JOSIE: (playfully reprimands Parton Pops to watch it) Don't be horrible to me!
JOHN: I'll let it go.
JOSIE: (bummed out) You might be gone on Friday (John puts an arm around her) and one of your last things will be messing up my hair.
JOHN: (feels so right when he holds her tight) Awwww. (she blocks the door by sticking her bum out at John) Get movin'!
Josie resolutely plunges her posterior back again so he cheekily slaps it and tries to take another little swipe as he likes it ;) but misses! After they 'fornicate' via their flirty back and forth, he lifts his leg Karate Kid style as though to kick her.
JOSIE: (swapping witticisms as John couldn't kick her into next Tuesday) Oh is that how you kick? You look like a little Shetland pony!!
They kick it out and get their kicks from mimicking how each other kicks and then swap a few Samurai slap moves which elicits their childish laughter throughout. John sits on the sofa so Josie goes in for a few knee taps and he attempts to dodge and deflect them. Then their burning loins take over and the hungrily horny badgers get handsy 'any excuse to touch one another' (marhearsyou) before John overpowers her and tips her over the couch after they grapple! Josie lets out a crazy giggle scream as they make their feelings out with feeling one another up :D
Just as she gets up to walk away unscathed, John makes more mischief as casually hurling her across the sofa did not seem to be adequate reparation 'what's this?' and flings a couch cushion square in the back of her head!!
JOSIE: (jesting) Oh, you're so immature! Grow a pair!!
They giggle and then go their separate ways .. that should 'hold' them for a while so the fruits of their peppy efforts paid off ;) 'Aww this playfighting so cute lol' (redladybug91) John's joy burst forth like a flower in spring but they definitely float each others boats and want to eat the other up buffet style! ;) Not much longer until they were able to tap it like a maple tree!!
Josie goes outside to have a smoke with Caoimhe she encourages Caoimhe not to listen to John James, as he'll make her feel about 50 times worse about the situation. And that being in there the situation probably seems about 3 million times worse than it actually is; Caoimhe now decides not to walk tomorrow as it would be f**king cowardly. Caoimhe assures Josie that she has it in her head that Nathan is going to go and doesn't see how the public could kick out John.
Caoimhe is left outside alone, rolling Josie a fag as she has rushed back indoors to use the toilet. She comes back and admits to feeling a bit out of order as she did go in the Diary room calling John a paranoid mess. 'But I was only doing it cos I cared about him, I wasn't doing it in a nasty way. (Caoimhe believes John may possibly have issues) Cos I thought there was something wrong with him cos he was so paranoid.'
CAOIMHE: (matter of fact) No. He's just unhappy here and he's finally admitting it I think, that he can't take it.
Josie thinks John has suffered more because of his metabolism 'like imagine being permanently hungry all the time, all the time! He cannot seriously be like that on the outside world.' Caoimhe considers that he is and that he gets a lot of it from his Mum by the sounds of it but she does genuinely understand where John's coming from. She's finding it really difficult and hates this feeling of panicking which Josie regards as being added to because Shabby is gone.
Caoimhe wishes she had left with Shabby and deliberates that BB persuaded her Caoimhe was being influenced. Josie yawns as Keevs blah blah blahs but empathises with that panic-stricken feeling because when Govan went she got a bit panicky and thought 'what the f**k am I gonna do now?' Keevil is also panicking about her situation on the outside as she couldn't get over the Ife incident and is really, really, really p*ssed off with what she said; Josie is surprised Ife said that.
Ife is classed as a funny one because she had told Caoimhe that she talks to people for her own personal needs and basically utilises peoples' personalities to get what she wants.
JOSIE: (has different emotional connections with HM's) But everyone does that in a certain respect, don't they? Cos I go to John James if I want a flirt, you if I want a laugh, go to Nathan if I want feeding, go to Ben if I want a laugh.
Before Caoimhe couldn't give a f**k because she had Shabby and was happy but now she's really seeing people for what they are. When this happens to Josie she just keeps her distance but for Caoimhe this would mean keeping her distance from the majority of the group. Josie comments that Friday's not going to be a good day and wishes BB did something to bring them all together as a group. Caoimhe is hopeful that the Diary room thing this morning (her proposal) won't be shown if things have gone to sh*t outside and Dave has f**ked off.
JOSIE: (snap out of it sister!) But if Dave is the way that you're telling me he is.. and you're the way that you're telling me you are with your friends.. why.. You can't help it that Shabby was a lesbian! Why would it be an issue? (yawns) That's what I think. If someone had a crush on you.. well fell in love with you.. understandable, you're a good looking girl!
Caoimhe looks at the state of herself in the mirror but Josie finds her naturally pretty so she can't help that and hasn't done anything wrong at all. 'But it's like how you're coming across like you've done this massively bad thing wrong. You haven't done nothing wrong. Nothing. Why do you keep thinking that you do then?' Keevil knows she hasn't done anything wrong and doesn't feel bad so Josie quizzes why she feels Dave won't be there. She is worried about what is being said and so she should be - the demon seed!
JOSIE: (wants Caoimhe to put this baby to bed) But people have said a lot of things in here - they're not right. That's certainly not right. Why are people reading into other peoples' relationships anyway? That's between them. Your relationship's your relationship - it's got nothing to do with no one else.
This is met by mm's of consensus from Caoimhe throughout and she doesn't want to burden anyone with it anymore. Josie bolsters that she's not burdening anyone but she wouldn't even rise to it.
JOSIE: (trying to convince herself that she doesn't have feelings for John) It's like when people say 'you and John James blatantly fancy each other!' No we don't but.. why'd you care?.. Like I wouldn't mind if it was you, cos obviously we're close but why would you care? Not you, cos obviously we talk but why do they care? (long pause) I know there's some parts I love about John James but I certainly know I don't fancy him. He looks gorgeous in a football kit but.. f**k me! I couldn't fancy someone that goes on like that. (immediately contradicts that) My ex was like that.. (changes her mind) no he wasn't.. not like that, no. But negative, very negative. But then he'll be really negative and then have a laugh and that.. and I like that.
Caoimhe claims that she's never negative on the outside and blames this place for changing her and bringing out the worst in her character. They are ready for bed so start to walk back into the house, Josie has a sister like that whereas she's more about the positivity 'good things happen to positive people, Keevs! That's why we're here!' As they enter the lounge, John has come out shielding his eyes from the bright light.
JOSIE: (clowns) What the f**k do you want? We thought we got rid of you!
He's wanting to know what the time is, Caoimhe goes to check on the kitchen clock - it is 2.30am 'it's half two, you'll do!' and chuckles to herself as he goes back to bed. She's so pleased with her wittiness she finds Josie in the bathroom and grins about saying the phrase to John James and how there's a facebook group with that name. Josie likes that after she catches onto what Caoimhe had actually said!
JOSIE: (doesn't have quite the same drollery) It's half four I'm p*ssed out of my face! You'll be alright!!
Caoimhe has a concern that people can't sometimes understand her accent but Josie says she can be quite quiet 'I'm a loud mouthed cow!' Josie brushes her teeth vigorously and slides down the sloped seating by the sink and explains that she starts waking up about now which is a nightmare! She proceeds to scrub them for at least a solid 5 minutes and then begins scour her tongue too, hoisting a leg up on the work top to aid her super cleansing. I'd go as far as to say she is the Michael Jordan of teeth brushers!! :D
Josie would be right out the fire exit door if something was to happen, she then asks what time BB wake them up - Caoimhe thinks it is between 9, half 9 and quarter to 10. They agree that the mornings always go so quickly, where Caoimhe places the broom down it falls against Josie as she continues with her teeth sterilising, so she quickly apologises. Jose really wants to wash her face but can't believe she has run out of all her bl**dy cucumber wipes. They both go to the smelly bedroom and Caoimhe hopes Jose doesn't mind her sleeping in her bed again. (answered by silence)
Caoimhe complains that the smell in the room is disgusting from people farting. The girls say good night to each other then Josie turns back to whisper 'Night Peanut head' to John but I don't hear a reply. Unable to bear the snores and farting sounds right in her ears, Caoimhe wants to go down to her old bed as it is furthest away. John's ears have also pricked up not wanting Josie to move away from him so he asks what they're talking about. My man doesn't want to miss out on any Josie time :(
Dave wakes up and asks if he's loud, John quips that he's like the A-train and on noticing that Josie is getting up from the bed wants to know if Josie is going down the other end of the room too. Caoimhe tries to get Josie to stay in her bed but she follows behind anyway. How are JJJ supposed to have their nightly flirtlings now?
JOHN: (holds him responsible for chasing his friendo away) Look what you did Wizard! You and your fart!
Josie finds it comfier down in the other bed; John is disturbed by the camera commotion as it swivels around onto his single bed.
JOHN: (zooming is the sincerest form of filming flattery) What the f**k do you want? (waves before displaying his peace sign) Good night, camera man!
“I don't think Josie wants to leave Caoimhe in the bed on her own. She is quite shaky at the moment and talking about walking again and saying how her nerves have gone. Josie isn't the clingy type. I cant see her moving out of her own bed for any other reason. She'll probably be back in her own bed tomorrow night. Imagine Nathans delight tomorrow morning when he wakes up to find his 'darlin' Josie in the bed next to him. She'll have to listen to his wank stories while in very close proximity!” (Larkenn)
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