Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Day 28 HL's

9.34am, all of the HM's are in bed and so charmingly awoken from their sleep at daft o'clock in the morning, by the switching on of lights and the alarm. Most try to shield their eyes from the brightness or cover their heads back under the blankets, so they can sleep through this racket.

BB: (too chirpily) Morning HM's! As Ife, Dave, Ben, Caoimhe broke the rules regarding the discussion of nominations - the hot water is off and will be off until further notice. Have a nice day!

Eeeeek some of those are already on very thin ice with their BB family as it is, so now they'll be all kinds of unpopular! Steve and the mouth on him demand to know why the hell they were talking about nominations. Through yawns, Ife sheds some light upon her part that she'd said if she was up, she's save this person because of this. She, Ben and Dave all timidly say sorry for doing so but Keevil couldn't care less as indicated by her silence. At least 5 minutes have gone by without her saying something obnoxious!

Dave didn't like the hot water anyway and John scoffs that's alright then (!) Steve the snorasaurus doesn't see why people have to talk about things they're not supposed to. 'Some people just can't keep to the rules!' and he wheels himself away from his rebellious rulebreaking roomies - perhaps to spend a large segment of the day picturing each of them choking on food! 
John feels like everyone is taking the cold water reasonably well cos he's not very happy about it really to be honest. Josie throws out her 'it is what it is and it ain't what it ain't' Josie-ism from under her duvet. He knows it happens and doesn't care about who was talking about whatever and won't hold it against them; it's the hot water which is the part he's not happy about. He takes his crap serious when it comes to cleanliness and warmth.

JOHN: (the very thought has him quaking with terror) As I hate having cold showers .. obviously more than most! I don't think I can do it again.

He braves getting out of bed and starts sniffing his socks in his drawer; Josie tells him she doesn't reckon he'll be up today seriously.

JOHN: (he's always been dubious) Come on Jose! Ah no, I don't mind .. I knew it.. of course I will be. I'm the only one that's done anything to validate a reason going up.

Our girl would have been so crushed if she'd had to bid a sudden farewell to her sweet prince, at this stage of the show. And any lad replacing the lovely yet fragile John James in the house would have had awfully big plimsolls to fill!! Also, John watching on as Josie and some punk were uncontrollably flirting would make his teeth ache with rage!
10.06am, today Titan the Robot entered the BB house. He'll be unleashed tomorrow when the HM's must battle with the machines. Dave and Ben have been in the bathroom for 14 minutes without noticing Titan.

Some of the HM's are at the carousel. Nathan consults Ife on if-she ;) is right handed - she can use either but writes with her right and sometimes uses her left to catch etc. Her biological Mum is like that too; Corin asks if she sees her a lot. Ife didn't see her for years then when she was 17 spent a day with her; then 2 years ago she moved back to England. Ife never had any resentment towards her as she's had a great life and loves the parents who brought her up.

All her brothers and sisters had also been adopted but were related; it never bothered her but she remembers once thinking she'd love to see someone who looked like her. So when she went shopping with her birth Mum, she turned to see that she was frantically searching for her phone simultaneously with her!

Steve is first to shirtlessly spot the Predator mid-molar moistening before the rest of the bunch of dozy gits! He laughs at the big fella before broadcasting to the others to come and have a look in the bathroom. Stevo can't believe they were in there earlier in the morning and hadn't seen it; John jumps out of bed and races in to check it out. 
Considering that John has a GCSE in smelling rats it is unusual that he wasn't the one to stumble across Titan! Ife asks if she's the only person to think it is scary but Josie doesn't like things like that either. The unfriendly-faced robot starts to move now he has an audience; this is not what Ife was hoping for in the form of a new HM.

STEVE: (to the face he is glad to see) Oi bot! What have you got to say for yourself? We're of the same breed! I'm half man, half machine!

1.01pm, Josie and Caoimhe are in the kitchen. Later today HM's will learn whose been nominated this week. Josie speculates that a lot of people will be up and that she will have at least 2 or 3 as people have been a bit different with her.

JOSIE: But what will be, will be. It's not our show is it?

Caoimhe agrees with anything Josie says in a mucky sort of way, to arselick the person who has turned her life around on the programme. Steve is still striving to strike up some sort of communications with his new buddy, who he hears has been named Galaptor. He's seeking a movement or acknowledgement but when nothing is forthcoming, he leaves him alone - advising a non-human not to stay in there for long as it gets very hot and humid. 
STEVE: (has no idea of the dark forces soon to be unleashed) Like my legs, you'll rust up! See you later then, Galaptor -for when you really bring out the surprises. And if you wanna borrow my WD40, you only have to ask! 

Ife and Mario are at the carousel. She is speaking philosophically to Mario that at a job interview, the employer makes up their mind within the first few seconds whether they will hire that person or not and then look to justify their decision. Then she likens this to Mario with Ben as now he is seeing the truth, ignoring his first impressions and now realises that he didn't ever fancy him. Instead, Mario had painted a pretty picture and let all Ben's traits fit into the boxes he required. 

Some of the HM's are in the bedroom talking about Shabby's departure. Seahorse speaks out that it is going to do Caoimhe a world of good because now she's almost been forced into being part of a group. In the final week and a half with Shabby, he'd barely spoken to Caoimhe and didn't want to be around her. He didn't like Shabby and spending time with that group was influencing his views on Dave and Ben. 

There had been 2 factions and now he feels like he's free to be himself and not have to conform. This week he's come into his own and hasn't been a sulky, little man in the kitchen. He's laughed so hard and essentially come out of his shell a lot more, now he's around people that appreciate. It took a lot for Nathan to hold his opinions in at first which is why he called them 'little rainclouds of doom' around his neck! Their presence in the house seemed to really rile him but he has now taken off his huffy hoodie. 
NATHAN: (At least his mother loves him!) If you are around negative people and people that are stropping.. and are being that way inclined.. it brings ya down. (ad break)

2.31pm, all the HM's have been gathered at the sofas for the result of this week's nominations. BB, the bearer of bad news, announces that yesterday all HM's made their nominations and the results will be revealed now; Mario's palms are sweaty! Caoimhe grins at Josie fully expecting herself to be facing the Save and replace task; Josie conceals her face in her denim jacket. 

The results are: Caoimhe and .. John James.

Josie wraps Caoimhe up in a cuddle after her name is called. John isn't surprised in the slightest when his name is called but Mario is slapped with shock. When BB gives the stock standard 'however'.. about how the two nominated will participate in the Save and replace, Caoimhe expresses her consternation that it is just the two of them up. Of the trio she has wriggled her way into, Keevil is the least cool!

Jose rubs Caoimhe's leg while looking at John to gauge his reaction and how he is handling the news. She'd only said several hours earlier that she didn't feel John would be nominated - and now she is sat between her two closest friends in the house (albeit one of which latched onto her), both of whom are up for eviction. So for her it is a lose/lose situation whatever the outcome. Ben callously tells John he has joined the fraternity but John is too consumed with confirming to Caoimhe that he is willing to fail the task, if she wants. 
Keevil decides that she will fail and Josie takes up her thumb-sucking to placate her troubles. Caoimhe asks John why he would wanna do that; he answers that in a way he wants to be up. This is a bit of a smack in the face to an already disheartened Josie so she questions 'why?' wanting Sir Lancelot to back up and back out. 

JOHN: (not knowing he is trampling all over Josie's heart) Because.. what's the point of being here if..

Mario wonders if he wants to test himself against the public but for John it's not that test, 'I'm willing to fail for ya.. I'm happy to do that.' Mole can't believe that is coming from the most competitive person in the house but John really means it. 

CAOIMHE: (no one is stealing her mojo) No, let's just do it!

Josie and John exchange a look where it appears that Josie is mentally imploring John not to throw the task. She had no frickin' idea what she would do without him there; John really was her rock and the prospect of the house without her Peanuthead is not one that held much appeal to her. And she is not about to have her man stolen from her grasp before he even officially becomes her man!

Though John wanted nothing more than to be with Josie, he'd rather eat glass than have anybody (particularly someone he now classes as a friend and views as an underdog) booted from the house at what he'd see as at his expense. So instead of going for gold like he normally would in a task, in the interests of putting someone else ahead of himself - he was ready to lose for Caoimhe to stay longer. He didn't keep his eye on the prize because it wouldn't have felt like a reward to win. 
3.08pm, HM's have been gathered in the garden for today's task. Josie rubs her sugar pie's back gently before sitting beside him. Nominated HM's Caoimhe and John James will be bucking for survival. They'll have 3 attempts at staying on the bucking TV, whoever lasts the longest will stay on TV. The winning HM will be exempt from eviction and must choose a HM to replace them and face the public vote. Never has bucking meant so much!

Caoimhe compels John not to do anything stupid before taking her position on the TV. She's so nervous but Ben tells her to go for it 'you'll be brilliant!' The montage sequence is not in any real order and swaps back and forth between John and Caoimhe's multiple attempts on the TV. 

Dave calls out in support of John for him to stay on there! Caoimhe squeals each time she is flung off the TV, sounding like a camel being stabbed in the eyeball. The other HM's nervously watch on from the benches. On one occasion after John is thrown off by the force, his curse is beeped out and Caoimhe had owww-ed so it must have been painful falling off. 

CAOIMHE: John, did you do that on purpose? 

Through a big smile, he says no but I don't believe it because he'd told her beforehand of his deliberate plan to allow her to win. She is not fooled either 'John, please I don't want you to do this!' There's no way he was going to listen because he felt obliged to step up because Caoimhe was now his friend. Damn his knight in shining armour complex to help the weak and wretched.

JOHN: (treating it all as a rescue mission for Caoimhe) It's fine.. it's fine.
They are spun right round baby right round, like a record, round, round, round, round!! Before hurtling off as it spins faster and faster and they collapse in a heap on the ground. The onlookers wince and woah as John or Caoimhe ricochet off with a thump through the brute force and momentum. As an aside, John can totally rock a red jumpsuit ;) 

Between goes, Josie entreats John 'can you not try a bit harder?' wishing he wouldn't be a hero. If it's any consolation Josie, myself and the entire JJJAT were not happy about it either. Although I don't think John was fully aware of the ramifications this would have on Josie's emotional well-being at this point. The fact that Josie was urging him not to fail should have been his first clue.

JOHN: (doesn't see what all her hoopla is about) What for? 

JOSIE: (beseeching him to buck up and buck on) I think Caoimhe's got a better chance than you. 

JOHN: (Josie may as well have been trying to talk to a dolphin, his mind was made up) There's no point in me.. (IS SO! IS SO!) what's the point but? 

Josie leans right against him and lowers the tips of her lips onto his shoulder. Josie didn't want to see her little bird leave the nest and was trying to be strong for him ..but oh hell she'd have missed him! I do admire John's morals here but I think he was just bananas to risk his own place for Keevil (who ended up being such a hound dog!) Maybe John was prompting Josie to spell out why she truly wanted him to stay in order for him to stop the madness??  
After John's last go he is applauded but Caoimhe wow's and laughs that he's such an idiot. 'You really are! Why did you do that?' Under no illusions about John's ability to perform and tighten his hold on the handles as he could have beaten her blindfolded if he'd wanted to. 

JOHN: (despite Josie and Caoimhe actively discouraging him from pursuing his plan) Because.. well it would have been harder to .. live in a house with someone that I sent home, than to do what I did. Much harder. 

Caoimhe scruffles her hair and swears right before the results of Staying on TV are revealed as follows: Caoimhe stayed on TV for 22 seconds and John James stayed on TV for 19 seconds (not 16 as John had guessed). Therefore Caoimhe stayed on TV for the longest and will stay on TV for another week; she is biting at her fingernails while Josie has her head between her legs, feeling like her stomach has fallen out of her asshole.  

HM's clap and are seen to all be very congratulatory to Caoimhe, however she must now replace herself with a HM of her choice, not currently facing the public vote. Both Corin and Nathan sit uneasily knowing they are in the firing line here so are not thrilled to ribbons for her win. All they can do is sit and watch as the scene unfolds.         
She stands and swiftly switches herself over with Seahorse's picture to not drag it out. Sergeant Bigballs simply observes 'the horse man' when he sees his face in Caoimhe's hand. She delivers a short sorry to Nathan but she is told that it's 'sound, don't you worry about it kid! The hunky trio's going down!' If I was prone to sarcasm, I'd make some snip about Nathan not being hunky.. and looking more like a monkey :D 

Caoimhe is informed by BB that she is now safe and will not face the public vote this week. 'Nathan, you have replaced Caoimhe' he holds an arm in the air, taking it in good graces having no doubt foreseen this. Caoimhe is straight to the carousel to smoke a cigarette; Josie and Nathan are close behind her. She can rejoice in the knowledge that she is spared the public's wrath and that thanks to her Seahorse was sent packing. 

Sooooo bad news for Nathan and mates but I might as well love Caoimhe for the one good deed she did in that house :D 

JOSIE: (as she passes her picture on the board) I hate that photo so much!!

Keevil awkwardly has to hand over the lighter to Nathan so he can spark up too. She again expresses that she's really sorry and he shakes his head that it's all part of the game, kidda. Mario goes after John into the bedroom asking if he is okay. He also requests the honest truth about whether John threw it and he'll believe whatever answer John gives him. 
JOHN: (nice to know there are still good men in the world) I had to do what I had to do.. I did what I had to do .. I couldn't.. how can I live here and know that I'm the reason why she went home? 

Mario assures him that he wouldn't have been the reason why she'd be evicted (the reason for that would be because she's evil, dangerous vermin!!) John is one of the greats on this globe and not just because he's the most beautiful, gorgeous man.. he has a soul to match. 

JOHN: (he's an angel, he's got wings baby!) There's no way she would have been able to compete with anyone out there and I knew that. 

Enter Dave who also is eager to know if he had at least tried; Mars fills him in that he threw it. The person John would have replaced himself with he felt she had no chance against and would have gone home. He couldn't have put any of his mates up as he wouldn't do that ever and this left him with one option. Mario hugs him and picks him up! To Dave it had looked like John tried and that Caoimhe had just whooped him!

Even though John wouldn't be personally responsible for Caoimhe being ousted; he would have felt like he put her head on a silver platter by smashing her in the save and replace.  Maybe he'd have also felt accountable as he had nominated Caoimhe himself. It's not that he was arrogant in thinking she had no shot against anyone else in the house - he knew she'd be out on her arse because of her behaviour! 
4.42pm, Caoimhe and Josie are in the bedroom. 

CAOIMHE: (nothing she says signifies a positive impression of Nathan) John James is hilarious.. Nathan's not! Nathan's not funny. And that's the difference isn't it - it's not that he's funny, he's just loud! But John James has a heart of gold. 

While washing a mug, Ben can't point out enough that the thing he really admires about Stephanie Beacham is that she's a bit of a loner and sticks to herself. Ife doesn't seem to have any idea who she is so Corin says she was in Coronation Street and went with Ken Barlow in a proper affair. 

CORIN: (can we just ooh and aah about it quickly?) They went to bed together and everything!! Yeah on a barge, she lived on a boat.  

Ben asks where the characters actually met; Corin replies that Ken was walking Blanche's dog down the canal. Deidre did eventually find out and Corin thought someone had spotted them; she can't be sure so turns to Nathan to see if he knows. 

NATHAN: (okay, done with that topic then!) Don't watch Corrie.. don't like it!

Why TPTB found this to be a fantastic filler scene I couldn't say!! Maybe to illustrate that any conversation with Nathan was not one with a King of comedy? He might as well have kicked Blanche's dog too! 
John is in the Diary room to discuss those intense few minutes but he thinks he did the right thing as he didn't feel it was Caoimhe's time to go. Pour quoi? It was NATHAN'S time that fateful night when aliens landed from a flying saucer.  

JOHN: (on why he had opted to be a martyr) Obviously I nominated her.. which I regret but um.. it's one thing to take part in someone's nomination but it's another thing to put her up against someone that she wouldn't have had a chance against. And um.. I couldn't have done that. 

BB wants him to elaborate on the person Caoimhe wouldn't have stood a chance against. John fills in the blank that he would have probably picked Corin. He is correct in this assumption, I wouldn't bet a lot of money on Caoimhe staying vs Corin in an eviction.

JOHN: (helps them decipher the reasoning behind his decision) As annoying as Corin is in the house .. I don't believe that many people would have seen that on the outside. 

After being asked how he thinks Caoimhe is feeling, he answers that he thinks she's good. He'd spoken to her before they did the task and asked her how badly she wanted to stay here. 'She struggled with the Shabby thing.. with Shabby going home and er.. I really felt for her.' So although he may not have done the right thing as far as the game and programme is concerned, he feels better in himself. 

JOHN: I had my morals in the right place and at the end of the day, that's more important to me. (ad break) 
5.35pm, Josie and John James are in the bathroom. Josie is cleaning but pours out her heart to John that she seriously doesn't know what she's gonna do if he goes. 

JOSIE: (she has exceptional taste) I know it sounds stupid but you make my days go faster in here. It is like a pleasure.. I like being in here with you.

From this edited portion it doesn't seem like John says anything back to her (is she suddenly invisible?) and if that is a true account.. I'd guess it was because our dear boy was feeling too emotional. Her words could have really struck a chord with him at that moment .. as it became all too increasingly apparent to him that he may have to leave her behind on Friday. And for what? All in favour of an evil fembot who is going to hell in a hand basket!! :D 

Ife, Nathan and Corin are at the carousel. Ife likes when she thinks someone is nice, then finds more and more 'OMG they are really, really nice! only for them to get pulled away from her! Nathan is touched when it dawns that she's referring to him; Corin hopes he won't be going anywhere. A fact that she will need to make peace with!

Whiff feels that they have to spend the whole week being tense now. Nathan plots to get naked and turn into Mr Spontaneity guy by having a naked shower at some point - in a desperate bid to keep himself in! Ife calls it weird how she'd gotten really close with Govan during his last week and then he'd been pulled away and same with her and Rachael. 

NATHAN: Everything happens for a reason.

Correctamondo that no matter what they've all done a bl**dy month. Back in the bathroom, Josie is hopeful for some beers tonight so they can all have a laugh.
JOSIE: (SHE LOVES YOU, YOU IDIOT!!!) What am I gonna do without me Johnny James? 

JOHN: (pleased that she'd miss him as shown by a charmingly apologetic smile) I dunno.. 

JOSIE: (freaking out a little prematurely) I better start putting the water works on, hadn't I? 

JOHN: (but not as a feel-sorry-for-me thing) Yeah! 

Josie lays close against him in, squeezed into a small gap and cuddling around his leg. They imitate his 'do you know what I mean?' but both look as though they could break down in tears at any moment; John can't even bring himself to put an arm around her as she moves nearer still. A ton of hurt almost happened here and was narrowly avoided because of those 89% of voters. It was hard for either of them to muster up even a little fake enthusiasm when they were all broken up inside.. 

Words had all but deserted John who could only utter one or two in a little tiny mice voice.. It must have been rough on him because he went with what felt right in his heart .. and this could have cost him going after the girl he wanted more than anything.. Thank heavens serendipity was kind to them :) We too struck gold with Nathan's earlier than expected exit :) 
Before getting wrapped up in the JJJ phenomena, I wasn't one who subscribed to luck or chance because I'm not the sort of person anything beautiful like this happens to. The love that they once had has now left its essence on a lot of people.. many moved on some time ago.. some support one still but not the other.. and WE (the collective remants of JJJ supporting stragglers) wonder should we bail? Personally, I feel that I am in too far over my head to turn my back (so to speak) on the J's .. there's no way back for me!! 

These two adorable ADORABLE twenty somethings grasped hold of my heart and I am a stickler so I'll be around for the foreseeable future at least. My own subconscious may sneer at me (and I know there is plenty of sneering going on around me too) for allowing two strangers to traipse into my 'life' .. they are both too beautiful and mean too much to me, for me to jump ship now! 

That's always been my trouble, I can never stay detached .. even with people who were on a reality TV show!! If I didn't already know that I was not alone in my feelings - I would be checking myself into an asylum for how nutso all of this has made me become! :D Thank you to all those who ride along with me on this 'journey' and for revisiting these past BB moments.. thank you especially to Nathan for getting your bum booted, which helped this relationship move along! 
6.01pm, Dave, Steve and Ife are in the garden. Caoimhe, Ben and Josie are in the bedroom. The term fly on the wall comes to life!! This whole scene Josie is being completely serious about the vindictive fly situation which makes it all the more funny to watch :D 

JOSIE: (maddened and manic by the mite) It's the cheekiest fly pon road! I'm not having it no more. He's getting evicted! I'm gonna nominate him. But that is cheeky isn't it? If I was a fly I wouldn't have the sheer audacity.. do you know what I mean.. just to land on someones' face! 

BEN: (oh how he lives on the edge) I would if I was a fly, that would be the only thing that you could do to amuse yourself! 

JOSIE: (Hates it with every fibre of her being) No but if I was a fly I'd have a bit of respect, land on someones' knee, land on someones' leg - not right on their face!! And I know it's the same fly!!! Who does he think he.. THERE YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!! (sprays around everywhere to quadruple check she had vaporised the varmint that has become odious to her but he is strong and spritely) He is so fast! He is so fast! 

Caoimhe gets up to leave so she won't choke on any inhaled fumes; Ben checks if she's okay and Josie apologises if she'd got her. 'He is one hell of a fast fly!' The big, funny, floppy-haired man wants Josie to come and sit with him for a sec; she asks if it is okay for her to just pop out for a ciggie first. 

BEN: (brooding) No. I don't want to be left alone. 
She laughs at his bluntness and asks him what the matter is 'are you going a bit mental?' Ben believes he is quite sane and balanced compared to most of the people in there. She's about to tell him something when the fly makes his return and she tries to savagely drown it in the spray! He wants to know what she was going to say 'you were about to tell me something interesting.'

Josie thinks she's getting more and more normal as the time goes on 'I think I've come in mental and leaving like a normal person.' Ben is in concurrence and feels like he is the same - he states that the thing is neither of them have really bad tempers. She cuts him straight off 'I have! I've got a really bad temper! Yeaaah, really bad.' 

He considers himself lucky that he's not seen it. Josie explains that it takes a lot for her to lose it as she's really tolerant 'but when I lose it, I'm a loonie!' She asks Ben how long they have been there; he answers that it will be 4 weeks tomorrow. 

JOSIE: (time 'tis foreign to her) You're joking? Cos I just go with the flow it feels like I've been here about a week and a half! 

Ben agrees that in some ways it feels like no time at all and in others much longer. Because he's such a control freak he worries about what's happening with the world around us and if his family are okay etc. 'But if you think about that too much, you go mad.' Josie is worried about any stories coming out about her 'they're probably all true but..'

BEN: (earning himself a couple of brownie points) Darling, we all make mistakes. But look what you've turned into, you're a lovely person! You're genuine (she hopes so) everyone likes you - everyone! More than anyone in this place, people want to be your friend. 
He elaborates everyone likes Steve but that's out of respect and taking their hat off to what he's achieved in his life and how he's coped with it. But with her, it's that people actually want to be her friend; she is pleasantly surprised as she thought she'd have done everyones' head in by now. Ben says she hasn't. 

JOSIE: (aware that she could be a big, pain in the butt) Bl**dy hell! Give it another week! 

She is no longer the nice, young hoodlum she once was! Having met her several times Josie more than lives up to the hype :) The first time I could have self-combusted with happiness!! Her warmth, friendliness and zest for living is a joy to be around. Although you're not, she treats you like a friend she has known all her life. In her company you are guaranteed a laugh a minute - it's no wonder that so many people are drawn to her and feel like they've known her forever. 

Not only is her beauty in the flesh jaw-dropping to the extent that you feel inadequate in having a photograph taken with her; but a sparkle surrounds her as she's a diamond in the rough. The main drawback with her seems to be her self-admitted temper which for John (being on the receiving end of it too many times) maybe cancelled out all that is wonderful about her. Josie owns up to this, which is half the battle now she just has to conquer it.. if she has not done so already. 
7.16pm, Corin and Steve are in the kitchen. Steve can't believe that the 2 lads are up and doesn't know what to think about it. Half of him wants John to stay, half of him wants Nathan to - truth be known he doesn't want either of them to go. 

Ben and Dave are in the bedroom. Ben hasn't gotten to know Nathan until recently and they could potentially have a lot more laughs with him. Dave assesses that Nathan would connect with them a lot more than John would 'for the simple reason that John and Josie are like an item!' I figured Ben would be more repulsed by this but he is in agreement. 

So he doesn't think they would ever be as close to John as they would to Nathan. Ben also lists Nathan not starting arguments at 10 o'clock at night as one of his great credentials. The subject of John never gets stale for Benjaminge who feels he has a lot going for him but he has the ability to really de-stabilise. 'And that plays into what could happen as well.' 

It never occurred to me that Dave would be the first one to point it out that John and Josie were like an item! But this bothers me because instead of helping John work out his feelings, Dave and Ben went into overdrive to convince John he saw Josie as nothing more than a sister. Therefore confusing him and scaring John away from trying anything on with Josie. Maybe this is why Ben was harbouring a secret grudge for John knowing it would steal the focus from him .. and get in the way of Ben bonding more with Josie. 
Josie reveals who she thinks has a massive, mahooooosive following - MARIO! John instantly agrees that he thinks so too. Do you know who Caoimhe hopes doesn't? (snigger) CORIN!! John doesn't want her to either. Josie didn't think like that until she saw Corin switch the other night; John's not even going on about that but basing it on the singing and that. 

CAOIMHE: (unblinking) Oh the singing wrecks my head!! 

Everyone sings an occasional tune but it gives Caoimhe a headache and she has to leave the room. John asks if she believes that it's fake as he hadn't at the start; she does believe that the majority of what comes out of Corin's mouth is totally fake. 

People have tried to convince her otherwise and she plays along that she sees it now.. but she shan't be converted 'NAH! Come on, give me a break! A word that comes to mind about her is rough.' Josie doesn't think she's rough which makes Caoimhe suppose they may have different definitions for rough. Josie was just totally shocked by the other night that's all. 

Caoimhe guesses that a lot of people get on Corin's nerves - even Sunshine; John knows he definitely does. Keevil throws herself into the same bracket and thinks Corin bites her tongue a lot of the time. John classes the experience to Corin as being totally different to someone else. Caoimhe doesn't know what she wants from it when she gets out. 

JOHN: (that'll be as holly jolly as it gets for her media-wise) Probably Nuts (Magazine) and that.. 100%.
8.48pm, some of the HM's (Steve, John, Mario, Ben and Dave) are in the nest. Steve says he now knows what his pigeons used to feel like when he shoved them in a basket. He had racing pigeons but didn't really race them it was just something for him to do. A guy who lived opposite Dave, one of his pigeons won the Grand National one year 'there's good money in it!'  

Steve snorts that they jump the fences and everything so Dave snipes back that he won't bother talking to him if he won't take him seriously! John doesn't get involved as he is too preoccupied with dangling his legs and bum in the air and waving them around like he just don't care! :D Stevo chortles at the Mad Monk 'how can you expect me to take you seriously, when you don't take yourself seriously?'

Josie is in the Diary room. BB questions if she thinks she's going to have a fun evening. 

JOSIE: (it sucks from where she's sitting) Er no!.. Well I don't know. Why what's going on? 

BB then lets her in on their proposition 'how would you like to win some booze?' The smile on her face intensifies and she rubs her hands together with glee; these words are strangely soothing to the Jose. 

JOSIE: (Don't think she's ever loved BB as much as she does right then) H'obviously I would loooooooooooooove to win loads of booze! .. LOADS. 
BB barters for something in return, and informs Josie of her mission to go back in the house and covertly steal shoes belonging to other HM's! This is music to her ears and she giggles wickedly as BB illuminates her with the snappy slogan, 'the more shoes, the more booze!' She must bring the shoes back to the Diary room in 30 minutes. 

JOSIE: (Glad they had this talk and ready to get down to business) Right. Have you got a plastic bag? 

BB sends word that she may recruit one other HM but if they are busted by any other HM's, there won't be any booze for those shoes! 

Caoimhe and Ife are at the carousel. Ife's telling Caoimhe about a conversation she had with BB. Caoimhe is crabby, Ife adorable as she confesses that the day before yesterday, in the Diary room she'd told BB she feels very much like Caoimhe has led Shabby on. She continues that she felt sorry for Shabby in a way and like Caoimhe handled it wrong, should have just said whatever it was.. 

Keevil is not feeling the love from the moronic twink and rejects her analysis 'I did not lead Shabby on. The only thing I could do in that situation, was stay as close to her as possible.. and make sure she didn't feel uncomfortable around me.' 

Ife thinks she may have used the terminology that Caoimhe wanted to have her cake and eat it too. Though, she officially treated Shabby like dirt - Kiev shrieks that this is so unfair; Ife knows her comments were but she was angry. Caoimhe is appalled by Ife's attitude as this wasn't what happened at all and Ife sees that now. 
CAOIMHE: (for her this is such a WOW-DON'T-EVEN-GO-THERE subject) It was never that evil! I really don't give a (bleep) I don't give a (bleep!) (Ife mewls that she hasn't finished yet) I don't really want you to finish because that is not fair. Say that to my face.. but don't go into the Diary room! (bleep) 

Ife reminds her that she'd kept saying to her to be careful but Caoimhe doesn't think she has done anything anything wrong here. Caoimhe claims that Ife was angry at her and took it out on Shabby as well; Ife knows she has to deal with it. The diva struts away saying she needs the toilet and is already contemplating felonies for Ife's gross exaggerations.    

The shoe thief's operation is underway in the bedroom as Nathan sleeps; Josie sneakily tosses every piece of footwear she comes across into a binliner. She crawls along the floor right by Nathan's bed as she rummages for more to add to her collection, careful not to wake up the cobra! John interrupts the fun to see what she's doing but she can't give him the lowdown in the same room as Nathan. 

She taps him on the hip in a tip off for him to follow her to the bathroom; he seems worried that something is up. Then she whispers that BB has told her the more shoes she gets, the more booze they get! John ensures if she's allowed to tell anyone about this task. 

JOSIE: Yeah, I'm allowed one little helper.
JOHN: (shrugs, always up for a secret task) Let's go!!

She notifies John that she's already hidden a big bin-liner of shoes in the cupboard and instructs him to go and grab it, then ring the Diary room. John asks why he has to be quick and spots some other shoes they can take too. Josie needs them to hurry before HM's come back out of the nest.. TOO LATE!!! They return to the closet and Josie removes the bed cover that she'd used to conceal the sack of stashed shoes. 

Together JJJ pull their Mission Impossible heist, Josie ransacking for any she may have missed while keeping a close eye on Nathan. John holds open the bedroom door for her and gives her the nod to make a dash for it; Seahorse starts to cough so she has to tiptoe around. John buzzes for the Diary room door to open, checking the coast is clear and that nobody had seen him. 

John has now been pinned down and corned by Caoimhe, he cannot fend her off as she wants to get what's really angered her off her chest. He's correct in his guess that it was about Shabs; Caoimhe releases that Ife had gone to the Diary room saying how sorry she felt for Shabby and was so angry that she'd led her on in so many ways - going for the jugular.  
He queries why this has upset her; she responds that if this is how she's being portrayed, then that's embarrassing. John emphasises that it is just one person's opinion but Caoimhe is so embarrassed. Meanwhile, Josie is doing all the running around stuck in the bedroom and Caoimhe (having not garnered as much sympathy as she wanted from John) comes in to announce to her that she's having a bit of a panic attack.

Josie thinks on her feet and makes Caoimhe hold on as she 'needs a wee' then pokes her head around the door laughing 'I'm just having a bit of a dilemma myself!' 

JOSIE: (lying through her teeth) I've just done an accident in me panties! 

Caoimhe doesn't find that quite so charming but seeks clarification on whether it was a pee or a poo; Josie just repeats about having an accident in her pants and shuts the door. Caoimhe OMG's at the great visual of Josie's pretend poopo awaiting her :P The second she closes the door, Josie knocks her head with her hand GAH-ing internally for something so ewww being the first thing to enter her mind! (ad break) 

9.17pm, it's been 21 minutes since BB set Josie the task of exchanging HM's shoes for booze. Her accomplice John James is outside the Diary room. 

Because John is keeping watch over Josie through the bedroom window, he is oblivious to the door opening up and Dave has to alert him. Somehow the big, black bag he throws over his back to take into BB is not noticeable to the dippy people: Ben, Dave or Nathan. It is not the most inconspicuous mode of stowing away stolen goods but John manages to keep a low-profile and not raise suspicions. 
John sits down after dropping down the bootleg boots he and Josie have smuggled. BB asks what is in the bag, knowing full well what it contains! 

JOHN: (chuckling) I don't even know what I just did! But I guess I've got shoes for ya! I'm like Santa! (proceeds to rip open the bag and empty the contents onto the carpet) 

BB wants to know how many pairs of shoes John has brought in so John begins counting them up. In the bedroom, Ife asks Josie if she is alright - she gets tongue tied knowing that she has shoes bundled under the towel in her hands and giggles that she is. Ife pulls her in for a hug and Josie bluffs that she's been keeping herself busy, tidying up and putting everything in its place. 

IFE: (easily impressed and duped) Go Josie with your bad self! 

John looks like he is rifling through a jumble sale as he finishes up counting - 21 pairs altogether. He breaks out a beautiful beam, chuffed with their endeavours. BB thanks him and refreshes his memory that for now, this must remain between him, Josie and BB. 

JOHN: Alright, no worries! (has a mini giggle fit)

BB: Josie still has a further 10 minutes if she is still intending to bring anymore shoes for booze. 
JOHN: (now it's making sense why Josie rejoiced over a BB challenge) Oh for booze? I wondered what she'd said. Alright.. I'll go get some more! 

Josie comes to Keevs to see what the matter is and is filled in about what Ife had just said to her about the Shabby thing. John comes past in the knowledge that they have time remaining to round up more shoes fo' booze. Josie disagrees that Caoimhe had led Shabby on her 'you were just her mate!' 

CAOIMHE: (might as well stick her hand in a toilet for all the attention that John or Josie want to pay her) She was just talking sh*te to my face!

Josie cuts her short as she needs to go to the Diary room a minute; Caiomhe is intrigued and inquires what she's doing, Josie will come out and tell her after. 'You gotta trust me on this one, right.' The second Caoimhe leaves the bedroom, John and Josie are free to converse about their challenge. I love watching them be stupid together.. they made a great double act!  

JOHN: (feels the plan is rapidly growing in stupidity) What a dipsh*t! You coulda told me you put it in the rubbish!.. Tipped it all over the floor!!

JOSIE: (wants him to think about what he's done) What a div, John!

JOHN: (her ways are completely lost on him) What a dingus!! 

JOSIE: (a funny, wacky circle of conversation that we can all laugh about as they back and forth) What an idiot you are!!!

JOHN: I didn't know you actually put it in with the actual rubbish! What was I meant to do?
Josie growls at him 'what are you doing, John?' she knew she shouldn't have asked him! He fights back that he would have been the best at this if she woulda filled him in from the start. She whatever's John and chastises him for the state he's made everything now. Their powers combined should have meant that they were a shoo(SHOE)-in for this task! :D

JOHN: (laughs and mumbles through a mouthful) Are you serious? You should have given me the details!

She takes him to task on why he's done this and he replies that because this way it looks like they haven't done it. Either way it livens up what would have been a very boring night for them!

JOSIE: (as though he is missing the celebrating angle) The more shoes, the more booze

JOHN: (suck it up, big guy!) Ah, Jose I know you're a raging alcoholic and I'm all up for a mission but that's Mission Impossible! Have you seen, they're all camped out in the lounge? How the hell am I going to walk in there with Santa's sack?

Josie comes up with a not-so-bright idea for him to go into the bathroom and start screaming that the Robot's moved! 'Everybody'll move!' He has little confidence in this course of action 'ah Jose they will not.' but runs along to try it out anyways. 

JOSIE: (browbeats him into it) Go on, John! Stop being so disobedient!

She waits out in the closet for John's cries to give her the head's up to leg it to the Diary room with the remainder of the shoes. John gets out his shaver so he is a cover story for being in the bathroom, he looks around before approaching Titan and then makes the play.

JOHN: (not hamming it up very much in his feeble attempt) Robot Man's moving!
Steve is the only one who buys it 'he moved?!!' but cynical Mario leaves the sofa to have a quick look. The investigator comes in and John tries to trick him into thinking Titan 'just did a little jiggy!' Dave asks the lads if they were there when the robot had moved this morning or seen his eyes light up. Mario pronounces that John is a phony because he wasn't moving 'he's winding us up!'

When Josie watches on as her evil plan doesn't work exactly as anticipated, she giggles because if this flops John has been completely useless to her. She suppresses them with a bit of thumb suckage and then comes out to ask the guys if the robot had just moved and 'what's it doing?' going along with her own concocted ruse. Steve is suss as to how she knew so Josie masquerades that she'd heard someone shout it had moved.

Dave reckons it did move as it's been moving all day a little bit. Jose lets on that she thought she'd seen it move too but goes back to the bedroom when it is clear that their connivings had died on its arse! John follows Josie back too to throw her failed tactics in her face. 

JOHN: (not going to stop him using mental air quotes) Good plan, dingus (!) 

Mario suggests that it's funny that in this house and previous houses the boys never really have issues with each other 'it's always the girls!' Nathan jests that it's the same in life and Ben believes it is in their nature. Caoimhe enters the room with a belch and then asks the one question Josie dreaded but hoped nobody would ask 'where have my shoes gone?' 

Josie is a bunny frozen in the headlights, before turning her back around so that she can release her chuckles and try to bury them beneath her hoody, hoping it would all go away magically. Caoimhe comes over to her giggling her hair off and asking if it was Josie. 

JOSIE: (guffaws with her face in her hand) I thought I was going mad Keevs, right.. (both chuckling while Josie tries to compose herself and keep a straight face) I've been looking for my shoes as well! (Caoimhe seems convinced and again wonders where they are) I don't know, someone out there's playing a little game on us. 
Caoimhe marches straight into the toilet while John is USING it to confront him 'John James, did you take my f**king shoes?' 

JOHN: (did she assume he would be thrilled at her barging in?) Oh are we just coming in?

But then he denies it and Caoimhe goes out to the living room bringing it to the attention of everyone 'yeah not funny, whose taken all the shoes?? They're all gone!' The guys have no clue what she's talking about and Ben thinks Mario has been up to his tricks. Josie comes by trying to be nonchalant as she walks up to the Diary room but is immediately interrogated by Seahorse. 

NATHAN: (Very bon as a detective) Oi!! You're acting shifty next to Big Daddy Cool over there! 

Josie straight away starts to sniggle and hides her face with her back to them, as she crumbles under the pressure. As she is let in she turns to shrug spectacularly guiltily before racing into BB. 

JOSIE: (BB's interruption was welcome) I've just been busted red handed! That was the most stressfullest thing I've ever had to do! I had to tell 'em all I'd pooed my pants. 

10.50pm, some of the HM's are in the bedroom. Josie is summoned to the Diary room and she thanks God for that. Dave hollers out to BB that they wanna say before she goes in there that they have got evidence that she is the shoe thief! She walks past ignoring the taunts and as she enters the Diary room she is not (happy) with the 1 can placed on the table as BB's gift to her 'oh you are taking the p*ss!' but laughs inspite of herself. 
BB greets her merrily and she plays dumb about all the shoes at her feet 'who did this? Who nicked all these shoes?'  BB goes over how they'd asked her to collect shoes for booze but she was well and truly busted by her fellow HM's; Josie hangs her head in shame while wetting herself laughing! 

However, BB would like to reward her for her enthusiastic efforts in collecting 21 pairs with 1 single can of lager in exchange for the booze. Josie is miffed 'oh you!! One can of booze?? ONE CAN OF BOOZE? All the HM's can think I'm a complete tea leaf now cos of you and you offer me one can of booze? Alright then, I'll make another deal with you..' 

BB: (just because they're a big, fat, stinkin' wind-up merchant) Big Brother is listening.

JOSIE: (unzipping her hoody with a face that means business as she bargains) How about the hot water back .. for these? (pulls out a pair of flip flops one from either side of her body and holds them up hopefully)

BB: (passes this up) No deal, Josie.      

There's no haggling with BB, Josie Gibson! Defeated and dejected she (opens) the can calling out 'cheers'; BB extends the cheers back to her. 

JOSIE: (it smells like guilt) I feel awful drinking this.. (necks it all down in one gulp all the same and ahh's with refreshment) 

BB: Still feel awful? 

JOSIE: (Blissfully) No! (giggles then sticks her feet up on the table) What have I gotta do with all these shoes?

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