IFE: Poor them, lets play the
victim!! (Which is what she's been doing ALL FLIPPING NIGHT!)
Dave trying to rally the bedroom gang:
We've had a bit of fun, that's all we've done.
10pm, Ben blows a kiss at a
taunting John and Caoimhe calls John a prick! Ben telling Josie she
has to be extra cuddly towards him. Ben saying he is going to spend
lots of time with Josie just to pee off John.
BEN: It's been the worst party
since the Boston Tea Party. Imagine if she came in and Dave was
wearing one of her wigs.
Shabby and Caoimhe encourage the group
to make a crying gesture to JJ, goading him. Shabby says they are
riled up on E numbers, they don't know what they are doing.
JOHN: They won't beat me, no one
will ****in beat me! I'll hide all my stuff so they can't get them,
just to p*** them off. Nobody is better at it than me, I'll show
them...If they're going to ... I'm gonna get really nasty. I will
f*ck you up!
MARIO: We shouldn't have p*ssed off
the chef.
SHABBY: I can make toast......with butter and salt and pepper
John wondering why BB won't open the
door when he's just threatened to kick the door down and go at the
others. Kind of answered his own question there didn't he!? hreatens
to hide the tobacco.
BEN: If I could stand up to an army
general yesterday..
Everyone else: "You didn't stand up, you ran away!" (Provocative crisp eating now going ahead in BR)
Everyone else: "You didn't stand up, you ran away!" (Provocative crisp eating now going ahead in BR)
DAVE: Corin turned she just
CAOIMHE: I've been waiting for this to happen (she predicted it 3 weeks ago)
John tells Steve he doesn't think
they've touched his stuff. Steve doesn't give a sh*t, as they'll see
his f*ing wrath! Ben's calling John the grim reaper now, he's so out
of order.
10.10pm, Ife confronting Shabby through the glass 'don't take the p*ss!' and Shabby saying its pathetic. Ife telling Shabby and Caoimhe through the glass that she's not upset because of the bedroom but because of their cringe thing earlier... she's off on one again. Shabby retreats to the rest of the group to relay what Ife said and generally mock it 'she was upset because we said she was cringy.'
BEN - how can you be in trouble for accuracy?
Ife has burned all her bridges with Shabby and Caoimhe, calling them tw*ts! 'Don't make me go low, because I'll go f*cking low!'
IFE: You are leading her on and Shabby's going on like a lovesick puppy!
10.13pm, Corin back out of the DR... someone asked if she'd had a cry and she says no that nothing can make her cry... she's upset about her spots... Ife has lost her veneer of niceness.
IFE: (spoiling for a fight) No one takes the piss out of me .... **** off ... mean girls.
Caoimhe can't stand Nathan (context was about group alliances) Nathan adds lots of f words to his sentences. Ben giving Josie a kiss on the cheek and putting his arm around her in bed - just to p*ss off John, she keeps pushing his hand away. Nathan is incensed with Dave 'you're a f**king 40 year old man!' Dave claims they were just having a bit of fun.
CORIN: NOT FUNNEH! NOT FUNNEH! And I don't know what Marios laughing at!!
STEVE: And we trying to get you out... we went and sat outside for you.
10.10pm, Ife confronting Shabby through the glass 'don't take the p*ss!' and Shabby saying its pathetic. Ife telling Shabby and Caoimhe through the glass that she's not upset because of the bedroom but because of their cringe thing earlier... she's off on one again. Shabby retreats to the rest of the group to relay what Ife said and generally mock it 'she was upset because we said she was cringy.'
BEN - how can you be in trouble for accuracy?
Ife has burned all her bridges with Shabby and Caoimhe, calling them tw*ts! 'Don't make me go low, because I'll go f*cking low!'
IFE: You are leading her on and Shabby's going on like a lovesick puppy!
10.13pm, Corin back out of the DR... someone asked if she'd had a cry and she says no that nothing can make her cry... she's upset about her spots... Ife has lost her veneer of niceness.
IFE: (spoiling for a fight) No one takes the piss out of me .... **** off ... mean girls.
Caoimhe can't stand Nathan (context was about group alliances) Nathan adds lots of f words to his sentences. Ben giving Josie a kiss on the cheek and putting his arm around her in bed - just to p*ss off John, she keeps pushing his hand away. Nathan is incensed with Dave 'you're a f**king 40 year old man!' Dave claims they were just having a bit of fun.
CORIN: NOT FUNNEH! NOT FUNNEH! And I don't know what Marios laughing at!!
STEVE: And we trying to get you out... we went and sat outside for you.
CORIN: I don't want you messing
with my stuff, I've got a ****ing rash on my face
CAOIMHE: You don't have a rash just
a few spots you're not used to!
10.20pm, Caoimhe says she won't
be able to control her temper if Nathan starts. Ben doesn't think
they were trying to get us out because they were kind, but because
they were having a boring time. Shabby is certain the others would
have joined in if they were locked in too. She fumes that she will
not be yelled at. Corin wants 5 mins to try to calm down, she doesn't
want anyone to make her wound up.
John talking calmly to Dave through
the door saying, they are just upset about their personal stuff being
messed with. Dave says they will ask for new bedding. Shabby does
feel bad that she started it with throwing shoes at the door. Mario
is reassuring John nobody touched his food it was only bedding and
they are sorry. Corin trying to regain her composure and her BB
personality; Shabby and Dave have calmed her a bit.
She apologises to make the peace
saying it's about her rash why she bubbled over this time. Dave tells
her they wouldn't do anything to upset HER.
BEN: I'm sorry. We didn't think. We
all love you.
CORIN: I wont fall out with any of
yer - it just p*ssed me off!!
Caoimhe is not going to let it rest and is having a really good b*tch
about her, saying she will not apologise to Ife. Shabby without irony
is bitching about the possibility of the other group going to the DR
and bitching about them. John in kitchen saying to Nate that he
(presumably Ben?) is really p*ssing him off now, he's getting really
f*cking angry now.... uh oh.
I felt sorry for going off before I got in there...but once I get in
John tells Corin they only said sorry
to her as they kiss her arse. Ife complaining the others are
manipulative and passive aggressive 'then we look and feel the
victim. Don't fall for it, I've had that happen in real life!'
Josie's trying to take the blame but
the others claim it was them. Corin thought she'd never get mad in
this house ever! Steve's winding himself up 'How dare they, how
dare they, how dare they?' Sounds like John is more annoyed
because he was in the DR asking for them to be allowed into the
JOHN: I was eating under a table
so they wouldn't feel bad.
10.40pm, Mario suggesting when
the door opens they all stay calm and avoid confrontation. Josie says
just say sorry. Shabby will sincerely apologise for upsetting them
but not for doing it as that would mean there was some intent there.
Ben will say sorry to Corin but none of the others as they are being
drama queens. Josie thought that Corin was
a bit of a drama queen.
Shabby credits Corin for coming back
to say sorry 'I freaked' .. 'we apologised "and that's all
that needs to happen here". Ben
asks if anyone else has got a headache. Mario wants them all to go to
the carousel together when the doors open for safety in numbers.
Shabs still can't believe how they were switched on 'I feel
like we've been deliberately locked in different parts of the house,
like it could be fight night part 3!' She
was scared of Corin when Corin was shouting and doesn't want
to see Corin 'Rage out!'
Josie wonders if Ife is due on which
Dave laughs as being 'such a woman thing to say!' Shabby
think everyone is going to avoid each other and Josie jokes she's
being punished for being rubbish at sport. Mario wisely pointing out
the longer BB keeps the divide the worse it will be. This is what
Shabby was crying about last night 'you cannot be sure you have
friends in here.'
10.55pm, Nathan was giving
Caoimhe serious dirty looks, Shabby thinks he hasn't liked her for
ages. Dave is amused that earlier today no one had anyone to vote for
but now they all have seven or eight! Caoimhe hates them all “they're
all pr!cks, can't take a f****ng joke!" To
Josie 'the biggest joke about all this is we cant even hide
in the cupboard!' Ben says Josie will get away with it because of
her friendship with John.
Josie asks “Should I take Johns
socks off now?" They tell
her not to as John adores her. She replies "I love
him, I hope he don't go mad at me.' She's going to tell everyone
that it was her who instigated the BR antics.
“I really would love these two to
get together, because they have an obvious attraction and bond - but
in a lot of other ways they are not really what each other needs or
wants .... he needs validation and someone he can trust implicitly
and argue with without fear of recrimination - and probably someone
who will stick up for him regardless of what he's done.... and she
hates arguments and doesn't feel the need to support someone when she
doesn't agree with their behaviour.” (Siobhan JJJAT)
11.02pm, Josie bursts out
laughing as she can't believe Shabby has said they are still
adults, after they built a fort of mattresses. The bedroom door is
opened and Josie immediately makes an apology in the garden. Josie
telling the group that she would never have done that had she known
everyone would have reacted that way.
CORIN: It p*ssed us
off big time.
Ben and Mario appear to be crapping
their pants. Tobacco missing. There will be blood shed.
11.09pm, Ife's not letting
people f*cking walk over her. She's still on the warpath so goes to
Diary room. Caiomhe whispers to Shabby that she cant stand Ife. John
tells Josie she p*ssed him off 'but you don't care, so there's no
point me even saying anything!' She washes the top Ben wore for
him. John is bothered about Josie eating his crisps after giving her
all his chocolate but she didn't touch them.
Josie is explaining/apologising to JJ in the bathroom. John saying he is going to get Benny. Josie saying she was the one who said lets build a big fort. Josie saying John cant just blame Ben as they were all as bad as each other, he says Ben talks his way out of everything. John saying that Benny started all the mattress moving and organised it. Josie and Mario trying to put him right but he won't listen.
Josie is explaining/apologising to JJ in the bathroom. John saying he is going to get Benny. Josie saying she was the one who said lets build a big fort. Josie saying John cant just blame Ben as they were all as bad as each other, he says Ben talks his way out of everything. John saying that Benny started all the mattress moving and organised it. Josie and Mario trying to put him right but he won't listen.
JOHN: Ben just moans all the time.
The only thing we have in here is our mattresses. I give people my
shirts and all sorts and I come back to that. And I thought you were
just eating my stuff as well. You did something bad, Josie.
11.21pm, John heard Mario say
'get John's sh*t' but laughs it off. John felt like a right
d*ckhead and wally at various points, apparently.Josie and Mario
apologise to Steve, he thanks them for remaking the bed. Nathan
assures them again that he was the least pissed off and that he, John
& Corin have calmed right down, it's just Steve that's still
worked up.
BEN: John was missing Josie, that
was the problem ..watching me hugging her and cuddling her and asking
her to feed me chips.
11.31pm, Caiomhe and Shabby
planning on confronting Nathan and Ife. Caoimhe now just sees Ife as
a F**king immature little attention-seeker who used them for
emotional support. Shabby is frustrated others can't see through Ife
and admits she threw Nathan's moisturiser around. Dave stirring about
John kicking off in the bathroom at Josie 'he's got some major
problems. He needs his head seeing to.' Cut to bathroom and JJ
laughing with Josie.
11.36pm, SHABBY: He
[Nathan] is trying to make out we f***ed over a war veteran!
John carries out the washing with
Josie walking over laughing to the bench seconds after Ben and Dave
tell everyone he's shouting and bawling at her. They looked the
epitome of wedded bliss.
“John & Jose doing the washing,
carrying it out to the garden. I like how he's smiling with her in
the background. He has got it bad with her I reckon. Seriously, the
minute he's with Jose, its like something happens to him which just
makes him... better. Does anyone else just melt when John calls her
'Jose'? Shes awwwwwing at him and saying he's sweet for eating under
the table.” (Britx JJJAT)
Mario and Steve reconciling. Mario
thinks BB will call someone to calm Ife down in the DR. Steve wants
to go in to tell BB this is not how he wants to be portrayed as he
lost his temper and shouldnt have.
11.40pm, JJJ playing swing ball. John
just said it would take someone with a black heart not to feel sorry
for your mates at the window when the others had loads of
cheeseburgers and stuff. Dave makes a point of saying Josie did a
good job on John. Josie says he is a changed man and hates being told
off by her.
JOSIE: I actually LOVE him when
he's like this!! But I think he just sees me as a mummy.
(Congrats bleeding-Ben you've convinced her!! DAMN YOOOOU DAVE AND
BEN!!!!!! Putting those thoughts in her head.)
11.50pm, Shabby doesn't think
they need any new housemates, as they're ripping each other to shreds
in here. Nathan and Corin admit they both have hot tempers. Nathan
doesn't want to be the temper-losing man but admits he has the
nastiest tongue. Corin agrees but isn't letting anyone walk all over
her. They miss Sunshine.
John talks to Ben because he's really
disappointed in him, 'As long as you can see where we are coming
from is all'.... "its all good now lets just forget it and get
on with stuff" but never
in his life would he do that to a friend.
12.03am, Ife is out - she
avoids hugs from Mario and this is when she first tells Sheeva she
doesn't want to speak to them. Josie checks she's not doing anything
silly. Ife answers there's no way she's leaving her experience but is
going to b*tch hard. Josie doesn't understand why. Cut to Shabby
nearly crying in the bathroom; what upsets her the most is that
everyone believes Ife and is automatically on her side.
12.10am, JJJ now rowing with
raised voices :(
JOSIE: No, John, I'm not happy.
You're trying to bring me into something which had f**k all to do
with me!
John`s just said 'no no I`m not if
your going to f***ing walk away then......' then it cut away but
can still be heard shouting
I hate the way Ben says J and JJ are
yacking in the kitchen, he has so little respect for their
friendship. He's going to have an early night 'even though John
will come and wake me up.'
LF NIGHT 2 1 (Diddididi DM video): only the writing in purple is from the video. The rest are snippets omitted from the clip but watched on LF by DS posters that take place in between the parts shown.
Josie is sensitive over John's accusations and reports back to those in the bedroom that John had yelled 'why did you roll your eyes, when Ife said she was leaving?' She'd told him she hadn't at all but John replied that he and Stevo think she did. So she went and asked Steve if he thought that and he'd said 'no!'
JOSIE: He's going 'why you acting like you don't care?' I said 'I've just asked Ife if she's alright.' He's trying to bring me into something that's nothing to do with me. He's a trouble making little f**ker! I can't stand him now. He better not try and talk to me ever again!
BEN: Well we all know that.....
JOSIE: John James is trying to
bring me down to his level. What eats him is that he thinks he is
involved in many arguments and hates that I am cool as a cucumber.
She doesn't mean it she is just angry.
She was only saying about 20 minutes ago that she loves him. It's sad
though :( But they WILL work it out .. they always do. Let's think
positive! We KNOW they both think the world of each other or they
wouldn't even care so much in the first place. They argue like a
boyfriend and girlfriend would.
Josie wishes John would get out of the
kitchen so she can make something. John looks distraught with his
head in his hands in the kitchen. :(
12.33am, If the door was open earlier Steve would have knocked Ben's
head off (Steve is rattled by his overreaction) He speaks to Josie
about saying some horrible things and had to go and apologise. He
doesn't act like that at home so that's why he had to apologise ...he
would have waited 2 hours to go in there and apologise, he wants to
be there.
Mario is in counsellor mode again.
Ife's ranting her list of grievances about Shabby and Caoimhe, I hear
a violin. Ife calling Cabby on their isolationism. Ife sounds hoarse
now, she can't believe that S & C are so wrapped up in
themselves. Ife admits she's been suppressing things about Cabby that
she wouldn't tolerate on the outside. Ife rips on about Keevil"if
you love your b/f, then why the f*** are you getting into bed with
someone who fancies you?"
Josie is back for round 2 of their perfectly nasty sparring match in the kitchen.
JOHN: (4, 3, 2, 1 and we have lift off) Going on about the rolling my eyes thing!! F**king hell!
JOSIE: (cleaning dishes) Well you shouldn't say things like that.
JOHN: I said it to your face! I don't see the problem.
JOSIE: (believing John to be the one at fault) So what? You shouldn't have even insinuated something like that because I'm not that pers.. because I'm not the kind of person that would do that!
John just meant that she had a f**ked off look on her face and had looked at him like she thought Ife was overreacting about the situation. 'We don't know about the situation.'
JOSIE: (Continuing to tidy up) You just jump to conclusions and how dare you jump to conclusions when I wasn't even thinking that!
JOHN: I spoke to her.. what do you mean 'jump to conclusions?' I spoke to her straight after.
JOSIE: (keeps speaking over him) How dare you! How dare you! How dare you. (walking away)
JOHN: (Josie gets the sharp end of his tongue) I didn't jump to any conclusion.. I spoke to.. No, don't f**king how dare .. oh!! (string of expletives bleeped out) 'How dare you!' (BEEP) Just (BEEP) say that and walk out! (She has, he shakes his head and then grins smugly then laughs wryly) How dare you f**king..
He gives a few more angry head shakes and lets out several more curse words.. but then he closes his eyes and exhales shakily. Then he sits in silence thinking over what has just happened and instantly regretting every word that has come out of his mouth. John covers his face with a hand to conceal that Josie's words had cut deep. This is the end of the clip.
12.43am, Caoimhe feels like she
is being made to look like a total f*cking bitch. They go to the kitchen because the sound of Ife's
voice is getting on their nerves. John is still at table, Josie doing
dishes they aren't talking to one another. John James is so
fascinated eavesdropping into the Shabby/Caoimhe conversation that he
takes some tin foil and starts scrunching it up. Tension between JJJ
so much so that Josie is beating the crap out of the plates.
“Oh poor John James he looks so
dejected!! AND poor Josie she just gets on with it even though she
might be feeling awful! It must be frustrating cause John James and
Josie just have completely different ways of dealing with an argument
he could talk it through till the cows come home and she just likes
to be on her own and calm down.” (hrdearest JJJAT)
E4 Night feed starts: (12.50am)
Ife raising her
voice to Shabby and Caoimhe insisting that they give her this respect and repeating about 10x that she doesn't want to talk to them! She is ranting on and on like a
broken record about how she'd have left them if they said they didn't want to speak to her. Shabby doesn't like how Ife can say whatever sh*t she likes to them but they can't kick off about it. Keevil feels they have done nothing wrong.
It really steams and burns up Caoimhe that Ife can have her little rage about them in the nest when she wants! Ife is adamant that she can talk to whoever she wants to and they agree not to talk. After a few seconds of ominous silence, the kick off shown on the HL's commences. Lots of aggressive finger pointing so they quickly cut to the bedroom where Ben jokes he'll give Dave mates rates to stay with him.
Nathan elbows Dave that he'll get back to Wales and find an invoice for 5 Earl's Grey tea bags. Dave guarantees that if Ben buys him anything it will be coming off the expenses and the Taxman won't be seeing any of it.
BEN: You're a bastard, but I like you. You are a rotter but I adore you!
Dave needles that the reason Ben adores him is because he does all his dirty work for him! Back out in the garden, Shabby has one more thing to say - that the longer they leave it (putting off the conversation) the worse it builds up when really it's not that big a thing. The way Ife deals with things is with time as she needs to be ready and she's not ready to talk.
Shabby hates that Ife feels they would ever want to upset her. Ife claims this is the first time in this house she's ever asked to be given time to get it straight in her head. After an extraordinarily awkward silence, Shabby leaves them to it; Ife and Corin are shaking. Mario never knows what to say in these situations.
Keevil is in the bathroom toilet, Shabs knocks and then goes in to chat. Caoimhe seethes that there's no way she's going to stand there and let Ife talk to her like that! We eavesdrop on their conversation from outside the toilet door.
CAOIMHE: That instance just proves what a f**king self-centred little bitch she is.
Mario says there is nothing wrong with airing emotions just as Corin had earlier. Corin has something Ife is very envious of as she can get back down and see the reality of it. But she can't get back off this crazy, mad thing she's going through because this has never happened to her before and she doesn't know what to do.
Dr Corin dispenses advice for her to sit down with her fag, take a chill pill and if she wants to talk to her mate Mario then great but definitely have an early night. As nothing will be sorted tonight and they'd all only had 2 hours sleep the night before. She doesn't mean to sound like her own Mum but things will seem better in the morning when they have a coffee.
CORIN: Don't stress out about it babe, cos I can see you're stressing.
IFE: I'm not even upset anymore, I'm raging.. and like when I rage I turn into like a b*tch! I will say anything, anything and it's not good.
That's why Mario agrees it is best not to have that conversation tonight. Ife would have cussed Caoimhe down to the ground and it would have resulted in a he she/she said/I said/you said/we said and it's pathetic. She doesn't even want to get into what any of them said because it will never resolve itself.
Corin tells her to just hang about with people she feels she wants to hang about with. This is not a good situation to be in as then Ife would feel like she was walking on egg shells.
MARIO: Everything, everything can be fixed.
Things can happen even when you don't really mean for them to.. and love is not always enough.. even to fix something so fragile and fractured.. There's no doubt that John and Josie cared and didn't want things to finish the way they did but I don't think either see a way of coming back now - even for becoming friends again. :( No take backs :(
Ife does not want to resolve her friendship with the girls because she doesn't want to leave herself in a position where she can be hurt again. She doesn't want to be fake and pretend they are all friends; she needs her friend Chrissy to come in and sort her out. Ife thinks the best thing is if she'd said she overreacted and asked to start afresh so that Cabby would have to fake the whole experience.
Whiffy continues that she is sh*t at faking it and couldn't be all friendly offering them a cup of tea 'cos really I wanna throw it on your head!!' She's never been able to fake it which is why she walks away. She knows that tomorrow she will be down their throats if one of them make the littlest comment and that she'll turn into a monster which no one needs to see it.
IFE: And that's just unattractive, immature and stupid. But I know that I will just get every nitty pitty thing!
She doesn't know what to do to rein in those feelings. Mario urges her to stick with him and he'll shield her from all the negative sh*t just
like he did with Ben and it'll all blow over. Right now she can't forgive and forget because she doesn't know how to do that without leaving the building. Normally in her life if someone hurts her, she moves away and then forgives them but they're out of her life. But in there they are so close and she doesn't know what to do.
Ife doesn't want to put Mario in that position as she can shield herself in her own corner. He is not getting through to her as she carries on her worried ramblings.
MARIO: Ife, will you give me 30
seconds to speak without interrupting???
He pledges to keep her out of all the bullsh*t until she feels ready and decides for herself to be around certain individuals. She curses herself for not practising this on the outside.. so many times she has fallen out with people and cut them out of her life; Terry has encouraged her to make up with them but she refuses. (Ad break)
I think this is exactly the same for John and Josie - neither of them would ever put themselves back in a position to be hurt by each other again. And if they did resolve their friendship, there is always a danger of that re-happening. Maybe both did overreact at the end over something minor and could have started afresh if they'd tried hard enough..
Neither John or Josie were ever great at reining in their anger - so in the end it just didn't blow over .. it blew up and up and UP!! I think John reacts in the same way as Ife when hurt, he moves away because he doesn't know how to forgive and forget without leaving. But both John and Josie have cut each other out of their lives .. and that's how they cope.
Neither John or Josie were ever great at reining in their anger - so in the end it just didn't blow over .. it blew up and up and UP!! I think John reacts in the same way as Ife when hurt, he moves away because he doesn't know how to forgive and forget without leaving. But both John and Josie have cut each other out of their lives .. and that's how they cope.
Corin cackles that she'd said went off in the Diary room about not knowing why she wears the mangled wig but it's her hair! She asks Josie if she's sorted things out with John.
JOSIE: No. I'm not speaking to him, he can get on! I was just minding my own business doing the washing.. you know what I'm like just like to have a laugh..
She feels like John tries to rile her up and she's not a person who gets riled up 'maybe my ex boyfriend, I used to f**king kill him' but she doesn't want to be riled up. Josie re-tells her John had incriminated her with rolling her eyes and that he and Stevo saw her. John questioned if Josie had lost some respect for Ife which Josie told him she hadn't as Ife's her mate and they've not fallen out.
Cozza tries to tout for John that he was upset but Josie doesn't want to hear it as 'he's a trouble making little sh*t!' He'd kept telling her 'you just don't care!' which obviously she did if Ife was upset after rowing with the girls but Josie thought it would all be ok. John inferred that she was against Ife as well so she shouted for him to shut up.
JOSIE: Because I think I'm so placid and he wants to get involved in every drama.. he's trying to pull me down to his level! And I'm not on it.. I just told him to jog on. And I said 'what do you want me to do? Do you want me to cry in the corner?'
He wanted her to 'show a bit of emotion!!' she couldn't see what the f**k he wanted from her. Josie considers that Ife knows she cares about her and Jose hopes it will all be alright in the end 'it's not going to carry on like this.'
Josie thinks John doesn't like it cos she's so care-free and he isn't. Mario jokes that 'it's gonna make for an interesting wedding!'
JOSIE: Like f**k (!) (SC)
“DING DING DING and here we have EXACTLY the root of the problem. Josie is projecting the massive problems she had with her ex onto John because she has let him get so close and is now terrified he's going to treat her like her ex did.” (Ikkleosu JJJAT)
And in doing that perhaps she in turn treated John in their relationship as she did to her ex.. in fear that he'd someday be capable of doing the same things as the teenage mutant ninja turtle lookalike. It was sometimes like she needed to create thorns on the end or it was too perfect (her relationship with John).. I wouldn't associate Josie with having a placid personality as she can ruck a lot and allows things to rock her.
Something that I think may have been a continual source of contention between John and Josie was Josie not showing her emotions. John is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve but Josie pretends she doesn't care and just gets on with it.. so John may have just seen her exude anger in situations where he just longed her to show how she truly felt.. instead of concealing how upset she was about something.
In the bedroom, the boys are ripping on Ben for having bed sores but he invalidates this as he suffers from a bad back and crook neck. John wants an additional pillow from Ben who tells him to take one of Josie's as she has loads. Despite their rowing, he declines pinching a pillow from Josie and even defends her need for them. Ben gives John his word that he didn't take John's pillow and snatches one off Josie's bed.
John says he's not having a go at Benny but wants to know who took his other one as he had 2 pillows. Ben directs John to a bed he thinks has 3 pillows (Shabby and Caoimhe's) but he catches (with one-hand) one that Steve throws over, before calling Ben a 'cheeky f**ker!' Mario was making the beds and Fauntleroy needed an extra one for his bad neck.
Nathan kids that Ben will phone Dave outside the house 'my maid's away, I need you to come turn me over!' Steve is chucking jelly babies around the room so John quickly tells him he doesn't want any 'before you bang one into me head!' Seahorse transforms into a sea lion as he barks loudly and abrasively, clapping his fins for more jelly babies!
Dave and Nate lay into Ben for not even batting an eyelid over stealing Josie's pillow when she only has one. Ben points out a big yellow thing which Dave tells him is a cushion but Ben doesn't see the difference. Steve had thrown a jelly baby John's way anyway so John swallows it whole. Ben is quite happy to swap a white pillow for the cushion, he doesn't mind.
Through drags on her fag, Josie says that John went too far. Mario regards everyone as needing an early night, Josie realises she got riled up as she's been needing a sh*t for 3 hours! As she gets up, Corin asks if she's had one of the dead fit, dead soft shortbread chocolate biscuits with dead dead runny like rolo caramel in the middle. Josie will have one tomorrow and is off to try and go to the toilet, which she can't believe she's said in front of the nation.
Mario kisses Caoimhe on the cheek and tells her he knows things seem sh*t now but everything will all be fixed in the light of a new day. She doesn't even know what's going on to be honest, has a bit of a cough and then says good night to Corin. Keevil goes to the kitchen and tells Shabby how Josie can't believe she is showing one of her mates up 'but is Ife not doing that to me?'
SHABBY: So nobody's talking to us now?
CAOIMHE: I don't get it. Oh and Mario with 'everyone needs a good night's sleep' f**k off will ya! Don't take your f**king sleep deprivation out on me!
She is trying to scrub tobacco stains off her fingers and then thinks she'll just go to bed as she's wrecked. Shabby tells her not to be surprised if she wakes up and finds she's not there because she can't do this. John dares to say good night to them and gets a mouthful from Shabby about everybody taking Ife's side and how they feel like social pariahs 'but we're fantastic(!)'
JOHN: I just f**king said 'good night!' I just said 'good night' and you looked at me like I was a f**king snake!!
Shabby hadn't heard him and so he throws them a peace sign and explains that it's just cos Ife was upset and he felt sorry for her as she threatened to leave. Shabby sneers that apparently she was never going to leave anyway and everyone is talking to Ife but nobody is saying a word to them!
John's not said one word to Ife since she left the Diary room because she only wanted to speak to Mario about it. He doesn't even know what the f**king argument is about over the cringe when he doesn't even know the word. But when he heard that someone wants to leave, he does feel sorry for them 'but alright.. night girls.'
They sit in silence before Shabby snaps that she's not going to be treated like this. 'John says they're not taking sides.. it's quite f**king clear that they are!' Nobody has come to ask them if they are alright (John is in the Diary room) Shabs just doesn't know if she can stay there and allow people to nominate her for reasons they think are valid. She's angered that she's being made of fool of when 'I've done nothin' to that girl.. nothin'!' If it had been her and Ife doing the cringing at Caoimhe, she doubts Ife would have given a f**k then because it was a joke!
Keevil is actually in shock and embarrassed that this has happened; Shabby calls the whole night ridiculous! They know that the situation probably will be resolved but there will always be more, more, more and won't be the end of it. Shabbydabby gets the feeling that this is doing serious damage to her.. naturally Keevil agrees that it's doing more damage to her too than it's actually worth.
Caoimhe is not prepared to stoop to her level or being forced to get involved in sh*t that she doesn't even understand - it's not her. She never has to raise her voice in her real life; they don't get what they have done to Ife that is so bad. (SC) Shabby prides herself on being a fair, just and slightly angry person and Caoimhe does on being sensitive to other people. Neither of them want to be there so agree to go into BB now and tell them they want to leave as they don't want to do this to themselves or their families. Logic dictates they must leave.
Shabby prepares her that BB will try and talk them out of it. They go outside as Shabs wants to tell Keevil something without their mics. (SC) We don't hear the first couple of minutes but then the speakers are turned up so catch Shabby saying that she felt like sh*t the past few days before they come back inside.
Shabs hopes there's a way they can leave tonight; after Keevil goes into the bedroom, she proceeds to pace around the kitchen table. In the bedroom Steve calls over to Ife to see if she's sorted now, she says she is back to normal and will speak to the girls tomorrow.
At the bench, Shabby queries if she's such a heinous person why she has so many great friends outside who would do anything for her, as she would for them. Keevil's not prepared to put anything on the line for this (SC) and believes that the stronger and more independent someone is as a person, the less sensitive others are towards them.
CAOIMHE: So what am I supposed to be an innocent, narrow-minded little girl, to get respect in here?
Shabby knows that Ife is thought of as cute and funny but that she is as having a temper (BOY, DOES SHE!!), which is something she needs to sort out. When they get out Shabby will tell Caoimhe why she has this. Keevil isn't prepared to stay in a house with people she has absolutely no interest in.
Her opinion of Mario has changed the last few days after a conversation she had with Ben. What f**ks Shabby off is Mario listening to all Ife's sh*t after all the sh*t he's said to Ben! The way people treat Ben disgusts Caoimhe; Shabby doesn't think she can say anything as she popped her clogs at him herself but they've had no issues since it was rectified.
In the bedroom, John cracks up when Ben announces that he was one of the few people who watched He-Man and preferred when Skeletor came on! Bet he'd have liked He-Man and Skeletor to beat each other senseless and wouldn't have cared if evil triumphed.
JOHN: He was insinuating DEATH!
Mario loved the way He-Man was dressed; John bets he does ;) Mario implies that She-ra was a transvestite but Ben found her beautiful.
JOHN: You're funny as, Benny!
Back to the biatches on the bench - Shabby worries that this is potentially doing untold damage to many areas of her life. Yes, she's grateful to have had the experience which has been bizarre but the good times come about because they've been bored to such a low.. that they get excited over a packet of crisps! Do you know what that means? :P
None of it is real and she knows that sounds like a completely redundant thing to say because it's an artificial environment. She just wasn't prepared and doesn't want to go tomorrow she wants to go f**king NOW! Shabby will sit in the camera runs all night if need be. Caoimhe contemplates if Ife is a plant there like an actress because 'what was that sh*t about?'
MARIO: I would have gone out with someone from the Titanic because he would have bought me some Monet paintings!
Benny tells Johnny that he's right he has always liked the baddie from Titanic. Dave doesn't think it is going to look good for him hanging around with someone who takes honour in seeing people ripped off. Ben returns that he's hanging with a self-proclaimed Pentecostal mad man so it's half dozen of the other!
He banters that people will tell him to keep away from Dave but he won't listen to them 'I'll say Dave's a great man, he does a lot for us!' Then goes on to list - washing, boosts morale and John interjects 'he does your exercises!!' Dave laughs that it would be nice to get something back in return.
All we get to see is Ife cuddled up to Mario who makes out he will masturbate tonight but not in a sock this time. Steve scolds him for his uncouthness but it had made Ife smile and he was trying to cheer her up. (SC) He tried making her feel better with talk about pearl necklaces (of the sexual variety) needless to say she didn't go for it.
Ife punches Mario but playfully so he quips that they'll have to go and read the rulebook again. Ben admits to punching Steve when he snores and Josie is shown in the bath tub. The Good Night chorus does the rounds of the room while Shabby searches for her shoes. John calls someone a cheeky git about a game they'd played; Shabby leaves the room (ad break)
Shabs re-applies eye make up in the bathroom while Josie splish splashes and moans about having massive ears! Caoimhe has pressed the Diary room buzzer, Shabby does so again and checks Keevil is sure she wants to do this. Caoimhe runs out to thieve some tobacco and Dave assures Shabby that Ife has Mario and he'll sort her out.
Keevil thinks she'll regret it if she doesn't stand up for her beliefs and it won't make her less of a person. Shabby persists that she doesn't have to come but Caoimhe sees no point in her staying. Kiev knows that if this goes on, she'll be made out to look like a total different person to the one she is and she doesn't believe in that.
She values what she has with Dave and her family a lot more than this place. What makes her so sick as well is that she shared intimate details about her family last night; this had dismayed Shabby. But Caoimhe made the personal choice to so people could see who she really was when really 'they don't give a f**k!'
Shabby is kinda an emotional wreck, f**king panicking about what this place has done to her, so is Caoimhe and they're convinced more damage is to come. Shabs doesn't feel sh*t has even turned that nasty in there yet. Keevil would rather escape while she can and Shabby is so excited she actually can't wait!
Caoimhe is nervous about having to do this, knowing BB aren't gonna make it easy. They know the score but A) Shabby doesn't want to rectify the situation and B) she doesn't want to put herself through something as painful as an eviction night. The next part is from the HL's but Shabby justifies being happier in her real life with people who love and care about her. She's proud to have done a month but it wasn't exactly how she expected it would go.
Finally the mopers are let in the Diary room.. and the producers wonder if this is the part where the crazy girls with a hack saw, come to hack them to pieces? (metaphorically speaking) Josie chats with Dave and Corin, who are sat around her bathing as she elaborates on why John can stick his sorries in his sock drawer. (This is not something she ever said just meeeee!)
Dave asks if she is still arguing with John, she is HACKED off that he'd blatantly lied to her face about him and Stevo thinking it was out of order that she'd rolled her eyes. She frowns furiously as she gives her version of the events, that she was too busy doing the washing and hadn't rolled her eyes. 'It's alright for you, Jose you just don't care, do you?'
So she went out to confront Steve saying she hadn't rolled her eyes when Ife was in the Diary room because she likes Ife. Steve had denied thinking she had, Josie went back to John James to ask why he'd told a big lie 'porkie-pier!' He'd argued back that he never said Stevo said it but knew he thought it! She can't understand why he'd do that because you can't know what someone is thinking.
She's miffed that he'd do that to a mate when she's always stuck up for John in the Diary room. Corin just thinks John was a bit upset and maybe needed a hug, even comparing it to the way a boyfriend and girlfriend would have a row and then it will all be alright. Josie doesn't think it was even his argument and believes John loves every bit of drama and has to get involved and have an opinion. 'Then tries to bring you in it as well.. I'm not going to your level, John.'
JOSIE: That's not me! I'm in here as Josie.
She doesn't like to see anybody upset but she doesn't get involved in any of the girl's rows at home, so she certainly isn't going to do it in here. Josie can't be bothered with it all because life's too short; Corin knows it is. Josie is hurt that John has tried to make out she doesn't care and is attempting to make her look bad.
CORIN: You could never look bad. Could she Dave?
DAVE: No, not at all.
Josie feels John is trying his utmost to bring up things that he knows she feels strongly about, she just doesn't know what it is. Corin councils her to say she'd rather not discuss it or that they'll talk about it on the outside. Josie goes on and on about how John goes on and on and on and on. Dave thinks everyone can see what's going on with him and that no one will think badly of her at all. He views that everyone can see John has some major issues that need sorting out.
Josie's not worried about looking bad as she knows who she is and what sort of person she is. 'But to make up f**king lies like that and then try and make me out to be the bad person when I haven't done nothing wrong. I was just there doing me washing, minding my own business! I just don't know what's going through his head.'
JOSIE: I'm a stubborn cow.. I'll.. I'll ignore him.
“I think that tonight is classic JJJ, they love each other then they fight then they love each other more than before, then they fight and it seems worse than before, and then they love each other yet even more than they did and it goes on like that.
I think it is very significant that John can make Josie feel so strongly about things and about how he makes her feel. She said it herself with her comment about her and her ex boyfriend who she obviously loved. No one else in the house can make her feel this angry, do you remember when Josie said, (about John) - "I've never liked anyone so much but wanted to wring their neck at the same time". This is them and I am sure that tomorrow John will be back to using Josie as furniture and impromptu handholding etc.
I also agree that they both have a lot of trust issues, and with John, the way this comes to the fore is his questioning of Josie like, about the eye rolling thing and I think that comment was very telling about how John wanted Josie to show some emotion.
With Josie, I think the thing she doesn't trust is when it seems like John is trying to "get her riled up" and angry like her boyfriend did, which we know was a bad relationship for her and I think she is scared of that happening again. She said she was always angry when she was with her boyfriend and she really does not want to go there again, and I think she is getting frustrated with John because she knows how good he can be and how happy he can make her hence her "he's a changed man" comments, and so when she feels like he's trying to make her angry she gets annoyed at him. And I think this is holding her back from fully trusting him (or anyone for that matter) which I think is an issue that needs to be resolved because obv no one is going to be exactly the same as her ex.
I think a really good thing about John though and we've seen it with their previous argument, is that he's not afraid to stick around and try and sort things out with her even if she isn't really on it, it shows that he does really care about her and how she's feeling although I don't really know how things panned out tonight because the camera was mostly on Shabby Caoimhe etc. But I'm sure tomorrow John will make sure they have a proper chat about it all.
I also think that a lot of these issues are arising because they are in that environment and can't say everything that's on their minds because of the cameras and this is creating a lot of miscommunication, they really don't know what the other is thinking and I think they do both really like each other but are holding back because of fear of rejection and a fear of anything of that nature happening in the house as it would be a really big deal, for them, the other housemates and the viewers, and they're probably not ready for that. Anyway, I can't believe I just sat here and went into so much detail about people I don't know
these are just my thoughts on the matter. In conclusion, I love them
both, and would love to bang their heads together
(Emma Louise JJJAT)
Corin reminds Jose that her and John are good friends and always giggling so they'll sort it out. This is why Josie doesn't understand it or why he's doing it. Dave addresses that there's stuff that's popping in John and re-surfacing and he's obviously hurting and got issues that need resolving. Josie told John this herself 'and he went mental at me!'
DAVE: It's like if there's anything in the atmosphere that could provoke an argument, he's on it!
Josie had said to John that it's all about positive energy and John has a lot of negative energy in him 'and you need to deal with it!'
JOSIE: He was good for two days and then he started being a w*nker tonight! He was really.. he was such a pleasure to be around..
Corin genuinely thinks it all started when they were all out and Ife was proper, proper upset.. she honestly thinks John got on one because he felt really genuinely sorry for Ife and didn't like seeing her upset. She agrees that he may have handled it all wrong and was dead wrong to make up stuff but he was genuinely so upset seeing her like that. (ad break)
“It seems from what Josie is saying that's he's hurt and utterly confused by why John accused her of that. AND Dave - for all his weirdness - seems to understand John best and is talking sense. John is somewhat obsessed with arguments, in that he seems to always want to know what's going on and feels bad for the perceived victim. And as Josie said last week, he's hideously paranoid and was looking for any reason to go with his fear that Josie is against him or whatever. He's CLEARLY pushing her away, I just wish they were both emotionally more aware to realise what's going on. They could both totally sort out each other's issues for life if they stick at it and trust and TALK more.” (Ikkleosu JJJAT)
Corin is SO right 'do you think maybe he wanted a hug?' That's all John needs from Josie - just a simple little hug will show him that she DOES have emotion. Corin is good at her little pep talks.
Coz and Josie really got into the wheelchair basketball but found it harder than normal bball. Cozza thinks they were lucky to have no major accidents! Dave is shattered so tells the girls he's going to bed; Corin is going to have 1 more biscuit and another fag! :D Josie is dreading nominations as it goes everything that she believes in.
JOSIE: (gets out of the bath) I'm loyal, I class myself as a loyal person. I get on well.. I class everyone as a mate in here now.
She feels sick and doesn't like it one little bit or how when they auditioned 'you forget about all that stuff'.. and when they get in reality slaps them in the face! Corin goes to have a moment with a fit biscuit (I think she wants to have its baby!!!!) while Josie gets changed out of her swim suit in the closet area.
This is when Corin runs away in fright from the monster moth, in case things get really ugly! Josie seems to be in bed and Corin is sound cut for singing. She scares herself (and ME!!!!) when noticing the shower or something in the garden has sprung a leak. Corin goes to the bedroom to inform this to Josie, John looks up from his bed and then turns his back on them.
After Corin returns to her own bed, Dave and Josie are whispering and giggling with each other (from their own beds) but I can't hear a damn thing! John sits bolt upright trying to listen into their conversation and glancing over in their direction every few seconds. He is unable to sleep and looking troubled as he holds his head in his hand. Then he passive aggressively shakes out his doona - A NOT SO SUBTLE SIGN to let them know he is still awake then folds his arms across his chest and looks over at Josie's bed.
"LMAO at the bed camera pan there. The directors/producers are like FFS talk you two!" (theirishgirl JJJAT)
Shabby does feel bad and Caoimhe genuinely feels really, really f**king sh*t and a bit ungrateful but would rather someone else was put in there as she's not having a good time. They also feel so relieved that they are putting plans and oil in the wheels for them. Shabby as well feels sh*t that they are letting down producers but they aren't characters in a TV show - they are there as themselves and have to live with the consequences of this.
Caoimhe knows she is being true to herself and Shabby hopes they don't have to record a message to the house or anything. She swears John James mentioned that the other day but she actually has nothing to say. (SC) Keevil is concerned that BB still could have heard what they'd said even though they had their mics off and covered. Shabby wishes she'd turned hers off and had bowed her head at one point so their lips couldn't be read. (SC)
She feels she made up her mind before about leaving without even knowing it. Dave had said something very interesting to Shabby in the bathroom last night - that it sounds as if she was distancing herself from this as though she was preparing to leave or be evicted. Kiev would genuinely be happy to be up for eviction but then doesn't want to go out and be told - this is how you were and for it to be believed.
Caoimhe won't let herself believe she's not mentally prepared for this as she's been through sh*t and knows she's a strong person. But she won't allow herself to be weakened by the show and wants to come out stronger and if she stays, she thinks she'll leave weaker. In a way for Shabby, this experience has re-affirmed things she already knew about herself in quite a dramatic way and she is glad to have done it. They don't regret doing it at all as nobody will have that chance again.
SHABBY: Even if the show does come back.. it won't be the same.
Keevil expects others have been in their predicament but haven't had the balls to say 'enough is enough now!' And she has too much respect for herself and family to go through this kinda sh*t. John is shown in bed imprisoned with mental anguish and unable to sleep after his argument with Josie. He is a mess without her! :( Back outside, Caoimhe confesses that she's gone through years of suffering and doesn't want to do that in here as she's over that sh*t.
When she's put through severe stress like this it all comes back but she would watch their episodes of BB as she's interested to see how she came across. Shabby may ask her best friend to pick one episode for her to watch so she can see what it looked like. But to save herself any hassle of regretting her decision to go, she won't watch any more of the show or read anything about it as she doesn't want to know.
Shabby wonders if their contracts are null and void once they leave, meaning they won't have to come back for the final. Caoimhe considers that they will be expected to do some interviews.
Poor guy is totally restless as his demons weigh him down, he looks as though he is fighting back tears. He stares over at Jose's bed after some further nail biting and then wrenches his eyes away.. he hears her sniff and closes his eyelids.
Caoimhe thinks this is happening more than BB expected (people wanting to leave) because they didn't have the 2 (standard) weeks where they knew they were going in. The cameras come back to John battling with his soul-crushing devastation.
“This just shows how much it affects him when he argues with Jose, just wish she would open her bloody eyes and see that. And also for John to just admit his feelings. He must have stronger feelings than just friendship for her if when he argues with her it affects him like this :( And if it never bothered Jose, she wouldn't keep talking about it either.” (Lummo JJJAT)
Shabby speculates that the only thing they can get from Caoimhe is if they'd edited certain bits in certain ways 'and you'd be foolish to think they haven't done that!' But any of the Diary room stuff Shabby says has all been her and Caoimhe will probably hate her if she watches it. Often when she went into the Diary room she was a lot less aware of what she was saying than when she was in the house. She hopes the one thing Keevil will see is that she always had respect for her relationship; she doesn't think it was bad or nasty.
Shabs doesn't want to pack her suitcase tomorrow but just go 'they can f**king bin the lot of it as far as I'm concerned!' She supposes they could nominate a person to pack their stuff for them but doesn't want to see anyone in the morning. Caoimhe would probably pick Ben knowing he fully understands.
Shabby is surprised that she had been at such loggerheads with Ben and believed him to be one of the least genuine people .. 'but as it 'appens.. it turns out to be quite the opposite, I think. I feel like such a heinous.. (SC) Caoimhe doesn't think Shabby has been as bad as Shabby thinks or else she'd have been out the first week. Shabs takes a little comfort from the knowledge that Caoimhe didn't go either.
Caoimhe tells Shabby that as much as she may think she's coming across as a rage, she's probably coming across as hilarious because she's very funny! She reasons that if BB had only shown her rages she would be out and guesses that's what happened with Govan - that his funny side wasn't shown. Shabby can't see why they'd do that to him but not her as she beholds them as quite similar.
In the first two weeks, Caoimhe interprets that Govan had done something quite silly by spending a lot of time in bed! Shabby had watched some of BB9 and thought Mo with the 'fro was a lazy b*stard as he was always napping but she could have napped a month of Sunday's herself! Keevil reckons Govan would have asked to leave by now if he hadn't been evicted when he was.
It's the people that are in the house that Caoimhe can't deal with not the BB experiment. What p*sses Keevil off is she thinks Josie is great and lifts spirits 'but I don't respect her for not ever taking a stand in what she believes. I don't respect her for that. She says she um.. prides herself on being a loyal person but she's she's she's she's just.. fair enough she doesn't care but you should care enough to stick up for people.'
Your charade is over KEEVIL! Shabby sticks the knife into Josie too as she doesn't think you can have loyalty and never take sides 'cos what if your friends are in the right?' Keevil knows Corin has been through a lot and blah blah blah and she shared part of her life with her yesterday 'but for her to degrade me like that because of a f**king mattress on the floor?' Apparently the house is filthy with flies all over it (3 of which flew out of Caoimhe's drawer) and she doesn't think they're causing that.
And this coming from the girl who did NOT leave with Shabby after this whole night of being in it together.. was DISLOYAL to her by STAYING, who was kindly taken under the wing of Josie and John to cheer her up when Shabby had left.. only to then screw her over completely!!!! It beggars belief! Josie could sure teach Keevil a few lessons on loyalty! If she thought the whole place was such a freakin' dirty zoo - WHY did she not walk out after Shabby?
Shabby can't wait to talk to Caoimhe about so many things and people who have riled her in there but she's not been able to talk about it. She thinks so many things have been cleverly done by BB but won't tell her now even though she's intrigued. Shabs feels so sh*t and doesn't trust anyone; she hopes that the BB production team won't be horrible to them when they leave.
Cut to bedroom, John is still chewing his fingernails off and has woken up Josie who growls 'what are you doing?' John snaps back 'what?' as he then faces her and accentuates his nail-chomping, so Josie calls him a pr*ck! He becomes annoyingly perky in order to p*ss her off with his noisy gnawing; Josie probably wishes he was a little gnat she could flick away in the early hours of that morning! GAH it's like when you row with your significant other. He's as subtle as polo mallet hitting someone on the head!
He is undeterred and bites away with sheer peculiarity, stopping every now and then to blow, brush or spit away the fragments of his nails. “IF Triple J were a sitcom they'd get about 6 seasons out of their will-they-won't-they based on their miscommunications and missed timings. John still up and must be down to his last nails. Just grow a pair and apologise to Josie for crying out loud! *cough* oralfixationsbothof'em*cough*”(Ikkleosu JJJAT)
“He is like a spoilt child in every argument. He will start it go too far then regret it get up set so the other person feels bad. John has probably never had anybody stand up to him before and not carry the argument on but just ignore him. He doesn't like it. He wants his night time chat in bed. Just because he wanted her to be the same as him did not mean she did not care .” (motiondailyorg)
Shabby thinks the genuine shock on launch night worked a treat as they couldn't have mocked that up. Back to John trying every trick in the book to get Josie to turn around - he must be biting at his skin, then he drinks thirstily from his glass of water and bangs it back down, before inspecting the damage he's done to his nail beds. It's almost like he is on a caffiene frenzy!
Caoimhe has to try and stop fooling herself it will be okay as she doesn't know if it will. When Shabby went in the bedroom to get her shoes and jacket, that's when it really cemented in her head that she had to leave. They were doing the f**king Walton's thing 'good night rar rar rar' and she'd thought SHUT THE F**K UP! Caoimhe calls it sick.
SHABBY: Why pretend this is a happy family? Cos it f**king AIN'T!!
They go to the bathroom to get ready for some kip but Shabby doesn't want to go get her duvet from the bedroom because it'll be weird! Keevil says it is uncomfortable. Back in bed, John is basically being an ass and shaking his head angrily then leans over to check out the finger tip he has nipped.
After the girls contemplate gathering up some of their belongings, the camera go back to John and he really has snapped as he continues to snack on his cuticles!! Sheeva work up the courage to enter the room to grab what they need (duvets) and then go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea as Keevil is so cold.
John is more than ever on a deliberate wind-up knowing that Josie isn't asleep and is emphatically and pointedly battening his thumb nail. He grins over at her, his eyes wild with mischief before giving her the Ross and Monica fist pound method of swearing! Immediately after he picks up his nail torture flicking it noisily and repeatedly against his mouth. Evidently, he's just doing it to be annoying and keep her awake; he can't sleep so he wants to p*ss her off too.
I don't know how she didn't scissor-kick him in the groin, quite frankly! It works and she gets irritated asking WHY he's doing that.
JOHN: I'm f**king biting my fingernails, is that alright? Is that alright? (starts a rancorous and retaliatory cycle of the Friends f**k off sign and nail massacre, spits the excess out and wipes it off his bedsheet)
Somebody farts (the Monk most likely) and John loses it with laughter and soon enough Josie and Dave join in the giggles but only John is shown onscreen. Josie blames Dave and he can't sleep because he's buzzing.
JOSIE: I've got the strangled hippo (Steve?) I've got him going (imitates John's noisiness but John doesn't stop and again goes for the clangorous water drinking and bashing the cup down trick) Why are you trying to be as loud as possible, John?
JOHN: (plays her at her own ignoring technique, looking around pretending he doesn't know where the voice is coming from) What's that?.. What's that?
JOSIE: I think I'm going to be a bit better at that game than you!
To which he throws his head back with forced hilarity 'you f**king wish!' so she reminds him she made the game up. He keeps up the turn a deaf ear bit surveying the ceiling 'who's that? Who's that?' Another fart distracts him momentarily for some chuckling before he resumes his annoyances and ups the ante! Josie requests to Dave that he does it in the other direction. John yawns, shakes his face, biting all the while.
"He's really got it bad, he has never met anyone like Josie before, and he likes it. xx" (mamajean)
"She handle
things in the way she had taught herself to do, she had been really
hurt in the past and therefore was not going to show her emotions
openly. I'm sure she had her own private feelings about things but
no one was going to get close to able to hurt her again. It was the
same with him he said that he would never let anyone have the power
to devastate him. But as we know fate stepped in to heal these
wounded souls." (jackiebunny)
JOSIE: No. I'm not speaking to him, he can get on! I was just minding my own business doing the washing.. you know what I'm like just like to have a laugh..
She feels like John tries to rile her up and she's not a person who gets riled up 'maybe my ex boyfriend, I used to f**king kill him' but she doesn't want to be riled up. Josie re-tells her John had incriminated her with rolling her eyes and that he and Stevo saw her. John questioned if Josie had lost some respect for Ife which Josie told him she hadn't as Ife's her mate and they've not fallen out.
Cozza tries to tout for John that he was upset but Josie doesn't want to hear it as 'he's a trouble making little sh*t!' He'd kept telling her 'you just don't care!' which obviously she did if Ife was upset after rowing with the girls but Josie thought it would all be ok. John inferred that she was against Ife as well so she shouted for him to shut up.
JOSIE: Because I think I'm so placid and he wants to get involved in every drama.. he's trying to pull me down to his level! And I'm not on it.. I just told him to jog on. And I said 'what do you want me to do? Do you want me to cry in the corner?'
He wanted her to 'show a bit of emotion!!' she couldn't see what the f**k he wanted from her. Josie considers that Ife knows she cares about her and Jose hopes it will all be alright in the end 'it's not going to carry on like this.'
Josie thinks John doesn't like it cos she's so care-free and he isn't. Mario jokes that 'it's gonna make for an interesting wedding!'
JOSIE: Like f**k (!) (SC)
“DING DING DING and here we have EXACTLY the root of the problem. Josie is projecting the massive problems she had with her ex onto John because she has let him get so close and is now terrified he's going to treat her like her ex did.” (Ikkleosu JJJAT)
And in doing that perhaps she in turn treated John in their relationship as she did to her ex.. in fear that he'd someday be capable of doing the same things as the teenage mutant ninja turtle lookalike. It was sometimes like she needed to create thorns on the end or it was too perfect (her relationship with John).. I wouldn't associate Josie with having a placid personality as she can ruck a lot and allows things to rock her.
Something that I think may have been a continual source of contention between John and Josie was Josie not showing her emotions. John is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve but Josie pretends she doesn't care and just gets on with it.. so John may have just seen her exude anger in situations where he just longed her to show how she truly felt.. instead of concealing how upset she was about something.
In the bedroom, the boys are ripping on Ben for having bed sores but he invalidates this as he suffers from a bad back and crook neck. John wants an additional pillow from Ben who tells him to take one of Josie's as she has loads. Despite their rowing, he declines pinching a pillow from Josie and even defends her need for them. Ben gives John his word that he didn't take John's pillow and snatches one off Josie's bed.
John says he's not having a go at Benny but wants to know who took his other one as he had 2 pillows. Ben directs John to a bed he thinks has 3 pillows (Shabby and Caoimhe's) but he catches (with one-hand) one that Steve throws over, before calling Ben a 'cheeky f**ker!' Mario was making the beds and Fauntleroy needed an extra one for his bad neck.
Nathan kids that Ben will phone Dave outside the house 'my maid's away, I need you to come turn me over!' Steve is chucking jelly babies around the room so John quickly tells him he doesn't want any 'before you bang one into me head!' Seahorse transforms into a sea lion as he barks loudly and abrasively, clapping his fins for more jelly babies!
Dave and Nate lay into Ben for not even batting an eyelid over stealing Josie's pillow when she only has one. Ben points out a big yellow thing which Dave tells him is a cushion but Ben doesn't see the difference. Steve had thrown a jelly baby John's way anyway so John swallows it whole. Ben is quite happy to swap a white pillow for the cushion, he doesn't mind.
Through drags on her fag, Josie says that John went too far. Mario regards everyone as needing an early night, Josie realises she got riled up as she's been needing a sh*t for 3 hours! As she gets up, Corin asks if she's had one of the dead fit, dead soft shortbread chocolate biscuits with dead dead runny like rolo caramel in the middle. Josie will have one tomorrow and is off to try and go to the toilet, which she can't believe she's said in front of the nation.
SHABBY: So nobody's talking to us now?
CAOIMHE: I don't get it. Oh and Mario with 'everyone needs a good night's sleep' f**k off will ya! Don't take your f**king sleep deprivation out on me!
She is trying to scrub tobacco stains off her fingers and then thinks she'll just go to bed as she's wrecked. Shabby tells her not to be surprised if she wakes up and finds she's not there because she can't do this. John dares to say good night to them and gets a mouthful from Shabby about everybody taking Ife's side and how they feel like social pariahs 'but we're fantastic(!)'
JOHN: I just f**king said 'good night!' I just said 'good night' and you looked at me like I was a f**king snake!!
Shabby hadn't heard him and so he throws them a peace sign and explains that it's just cos Ife was upset and he felt sorry for her as she threatened to leave. Shabby sneers that apparently she was never going to leave anyway and everyone is talking to Ife but nobody is saying a word to them!
John's not said one word to Ife since she left the Diary room because she only wanted to speak to Mario about it. He doesn't even know what the f**king argument is about over the cringe when he doesn't even know the word. But when he heard that someone wants to leave, he does feel sorry for them 'but alright.. night girls.'
They sit in silence before Shabby snaps that she's not going to be treated like this. 'John says they're not taking sides.. it's quite f**king clear that they are!' Nobody has come to ask them if they are alright (John is in the Diary room) Shabs just doesn't know if she can stay there and allow people to nominate her for reasons they think are valid. She's angered that she's being made of fool of when 'I've done nothin' to that girl.. nothin'!' If it had been her and Ife doing the cringing at Caoimhe, she doubts Ife would have given a f**k then because it was a joke!
Keevil is actually in shock and embarrassed that this has happened; Shabby calls the whole night ridiculous! They know that the situation probably will be resolved but there will always be more, more, more and won't be the end of it. Shabbydabby gets the feeling that this is doing serious damage to her.. naturally Keevil agrees that it's doing more damage to her too than it's actually worth.
Caoimhe is not prepared to stoop to her level or being forced to get involved in sh*t that she doesn't even understand - it's not her. She never has to raise her voice in her real life; they don't get what they have done to Ife that is so bad. (SC) Shabby prides herself on being a fair, just and slightly angry person and Caoimhe does on being sensitive to other people. Neither of them want to be there so agree to go into BB now and tell them they want to leave as they don't want to do this to themselves or their families. Logic dictates they must leave.
Shabby prepares her that BB will try and talk them out of it. They go outside as Shabs wants to tell Keevil something without their mics. (SC) We don't hear the first couple of minutes but then the speakers are turned up so catch Shabby saying that she felt like sh*t the past few days before they come back inside.
Shabs hopes there's a way they can leave tonight; after Keevil goes into the bedroom, she proceeds to pace around the kitchen table. In the bedroom Steve calls over to Ife to see if she's sorted now, she says she is back to normal and will speak to the girls tomorrow.
At the bench, Shabby queries if she's such a heinous person why she has so many great friends outside who would do anything for her, as she would for them. Keevil's not prepared to put anything on the line for this (SC) and believes that the stronger and more independent someone is as a person, the less sensitive others are towards them.
CAOIMHE: So what am I supposed to be an innocent, narrow-minded little girl, to get respect in here?
Shabby knows that Ife is thought of as cute and funny but that she is as having a temper (BOY, DOES SHE!!), which is something she needs to sort out. When they get out Shabby will tell Caoimhe why she has this. Keevil isn't prepared to stay in a house with people she has absolutely no interest in.
Her opinion of Mario has changed the last few days after a conversation she had with Ben. What f**ks Shabby off is Mario listening to all Ife's sh*t after all the sh*t he's said to Ben! The way people treat Ben disgusts Caoimhe; Shabby doesn't think she can say anything as she popped her clogs at him herself but they've had no issues since it was rectified.
In the bedroom, John cracks up when Ben announces that he was one of the few people who watched He-Man and preferred when Skeletor came on! Bet he'd have liked He-Man and Skeletor to beat each other senseless and wouldn't have cared if evil triumphed.
JOHN: He was insinuating DEATH!
Mario loved the way He-Man was dressed; John bets he does ;) Mario implies that She-ra was a transvestite but Ben found her beautiful.
JOHN: You're funny as, Benny!
Back to the biatches on the bench - Shabby worries that this is potentially doing untold damage to many areas of her life. Yes, she's grateful to have had the experience which has been bizarre but the good times come about because they've been bored to such a low.. that they get excited over a packet of crisps! Do you know what that means? :P
None of it is real and she knows that sounds like a completely redundant thing to say because it's an artificial environment. She just wasn't prepared and doesn't want to go tomorrow she wants to go f**king NOW! Shabby will sit in the camera runs all night if need be. Caoimhe contemplates if Ife is a plant there like an actress because 'what was that sh*t about?'
MARIO: I would have gone out with someone from the Titanic because he would have bought me some Monet paintings!
Benny tells Johnny that he's right he has always liked the baddie from Titanic. Dave doesn't think it is going to look good for him hanging around with someone who takes honour in seeing people ripped off. Ben returns that he's hanging with a self-proclaimed Pentecostal mad man so it's half dozen of the other!
He banters that people will tell him to keep away from Dave but he won't listen to them 'I'll say Dave's a great man, he does a lot for us!' Then goes on to list - washing, boosts morale and John interjects 'he does your exercises!!' Dave laughs that it would be nice to get something back in return.
All we get to see is Ife cuddled up to Mario who makes out he will masturbate tonight but not in a sock this time. Steve scolds him for his uncouthness but it had made Ife smile and he was trying to cheer her up. (SC) He tried making her feel better with talk about pearl necklaces (of the sexual variety) needless to say she didn't go for it.
Ife punches Mario but playfully so he quips that they'll have to go and read the rulebook again. Ben admits to punching Steve when he snores and Josie is shown in the bath tub. The Good Night chorus does the rounds of the room while Shabby searches for her shoes. John calls someone a cheeky git about a game they'd played; Shabby leaves the room (ad break)
Shabs re-applies eye make up in the bathroom while Josie splish splashes and moans about having massive ears! Caoimhe has pressed the Diary room buzzer, Shabby does so again and checks Keevil is sure she wants to do this. Caoimhe runs out to thieve some tobacco and Dave assures Shabby that Ife has Mario and he'll sort her out.
Keevil thinks she'll regret it if she doesn't stand up for her beliefs and it won't make her less of a person. Shabby persists that she doesn't have to come but Caoimhe sees no point in her staying. Kiev knows that if this goes on, she'll be made out to look like a total different person to the one she is and she doesn't believe in that.
She values what she has with Dave and her family a lot more than this place. What makes her so sick as well is that she shared intimate details about her family last night; this had dismayed Shabby. But Caoimhe made the personal choice to so people could see who she really was when really 'they don't give a f**k!'
Shabby is kinda an emotional wreck, f**king panicking about what this place has done to her, so is Caoimhe and they're convinced more damage is to come. Shabs doesn't feel sh*t has even turned that nasty in there yet. Keevil would rather escape while she can and Shabby is so excited she actually can't wait!
Caoimhe is nervous about having to do this, knowing BB aren't gonna make it easy. They know the score but A) Shabby doesn't want to rectify the situation and B) she doesn't want to put herself through something as painful as an eviction night. The next part is from the HL's but Shabby justifies being happier in her real life with people who love and care about her. She's proud to have done a month but it wasn't exactly how she expected it would go.
Finally the mopers are let in the Diary room.. and the producers wonder if this is the part where the crazy girls with a hack saw, come to hack them to pieces? (metaphorically speaking) Josie chats with Dave and Corin, who are sat around her bathing as she elaborates on why John can stick his sorries in his sock drawer. (This is not something she ever said just meeeee!)
Dave asks if she is still arguing with John, she is HACKED off that he'd blatantly lied to her face about him and Stevo thinking it was out of order that she'd rolled her eyes. She frowns furiously as she gives her version of the events, that she was too busy doing the washing and hadn't rolled her eyes. 'It's alright for you, Jose you just don't care, do you?'
So she went out to confront Steve saying she hadn't rolled her eyes when Ife was in the Diary room because she likes Ife. Steve had denied thinking she had, Josie went back to John James to ask why he'd told a big lie 'porkie-pier!' He'd argued back that he never said Stevo said it but knew he thought it! She can't understand why he'd do that because you can't know what someone is thinking.
She's miffed that he'd do that to a mate when she's always stuck up for John in the Diary room. Corin just thinks John was a bit upset and maybe needed a hug, even comparing it to the way a boyfriend and girlfriend would have a row and then it will all be alright. Josie doesn't think it was even his argument and believes John loves every bit of drama and has to get involved and have an opinion. 'Then tries to bring you in it as well.. I'm not going to your level, John.'
JOSIE: That's not me! I'm in here as Josie.
She doesn't like to see anybody upset but she doesn't get involved in any of the girl's rows at home, so she certainly isn't going to do it in here. Josie can't be bothered with it all because life's too short; Corin knows it is. Josie is hurt that John has tried to make out she doesn't care and is attempting to make her look bad.
CORIN: You could never look bad. Could she Dave?
DAVE: No, not at all.
Josie feels John is trying his utmost to bring up things that he knows she feels strongly about, she just doesn't know what it is. Corin councils her to say she'd rather not discuss it or that they'll talk about it on the outside. Josie goes on and on about how John goes on and on and on and on. Dave thinks everyone can see what's going on with him and that no one will think badly of her at all. He views that everyone can see John has some major issues that need sorting out.
Josie's not worried about looking bad as she knows who she is and what sort of person she is. 'But to make up f**king lies like that and then try and make me out to be the bad person when I haven't done nothing wrong. I was just there doing me washing, minding my own business! I just don't know what's going through his head.'
JOSIE: I'm a stubborn cow.. I'll.. I'll ignore him.
“I think that tonight is classic JJJ, they love each other then they fight then they love each other more than before, then they fight and it seems worse than before, and then they love each other yet even more than they did and it goes on like that.
I think it is very significant that John can make Josie feel so strongly about things and about how he makes her feel. She said it herself with her comment about her and her ex boyfriend who she obviously loved. No one else in the house can make her feel this angry, do you remember when Josie said, (about John) - "I've never liked anyone so much but wanted to wring their neck at the same time". This is them and I am sure that tomorrow John will be back to using Josie as furniture and impromptu handholding etc.
I also agree that they both have a lot of trust issues, and with John, the way this comes to the fore is his questioning of Josie like, about the eye rolling thing and I think that comment was very telling about how John wanted Josie to show some emotion.
With Josie, I think the thing she doesn't trust is when it seems like John is trying to "get her riled up" and angry like her boyfriend did, which we know was a bad relationship for her and I think she is scared of that happening again. She said she was always angry when she was with her boyfriend and she really does not want to go there again, and I think she is getting frustrated with John because she knows how good he can be and how happy he can make her hence her "he's a changed man" comments, and so when she feels like he's trying to make her angry she gets annoyed at him. And I think this is holding her back from fully trusting him (or anyone for that matter) which I think is an issue that needs to be resolved because obv no one is going to be exactly the same as her ex.
I think a really good thing about John though and we've seen it with their previous argument, is that he's not afraid to stick around and try and sort things out with her even if she isn't really on it, it shows that he does really care about her and how she's feeling although I don't really know how things panned out tonight because the camera was mostly on Shabby Caoimhe etc. But I'm sure tomorrow John will make sure they have a proper chat about it all.
I also think that a lot of these issues are arising because they are in that environment and can't say everything that's on their minds because of the cameras and this is creating a lot of miscommunication, they really don't know what the other is thinking and I think they do both really like each other but are holding back because of fear of rejection and a fear of anything of that nature happening in the house as it would be a really big deal, for them, the other housemates and the viewers, and they're probably not ready for that. Anyway, I can't believe I just sat here and went into so much detail about people I don't know
Corin reminds Jose that her and John are good friends and always giggling so they'll sort it out. This is why Josie doesn't understand it or why he's doing it. Dave addresses that there's stuff that's popping in John and re-surfacing and he's obviously hurting and got issues that need resolving. Josie told John this herself 'and he went mental at me!'
DAVE: It's like if there's anything in the atmosphere that could provoke an argument, he's on it!
Josie had said to John that it's all about positive energy and John has a lot of negative energy in him 'and you need to deal with it!'
JOSIE: He was good for two days and then he started being a w*nker tonight! He was really.. he was such a pleasure to be around..
Corin genuinely thinks it all started when they were all out and Ife was proper, proper upset.. she honestly thinks John got on one because he felt really genuinely sorry for Ife and didn't like seeing her upset. She agrees that he may have handled it all wrong and was dead wrong to make up stuff but he was genuinely so upset seeing her like that. (ad break)
“It seems from what Josie is saying that's he's hurt and utterly confused by why John accused her of that. AND Dave - for all his weirdness - seems to understand John best and is talking sense. John is somewhat obsessed with arguments, in that he seems to always want to know what's going on and feels bad for the perceived victim. And as Josie said last week, he's hideously paranoid and was looking for any reason to go with his fear that Josie is against him or whatever. He's CLEARLY pushing her away, I just wish they were both emotionally more aware to realise what's going on. They could both totally sort out each other's issues for life if they stick at it and trust and TALK more.” (Ikkleosu JJJAT)
Corin is SO right 'do you think maybe he wanted a hug?' That's all John needs from Josie - just a simple little hug will show him that she DOES have emotion. Corin is good at her little pep talks.
Coz and Josie really got into the wheelchair basketball but found it harder than normal bball. Cozza thinks they were lucky to have no major accidents! Dave is shattered so tells the girls he's going to bed; Corin is going to have 1 more biscuit and another fag! :D Josie is dreading nominations as it goes everything that she believes in.
JOSIE: (gets out of the bath) I'm loyal, I class myself as a loyal person. I get on well.. I class everyone as a mate in here now.
She feels sick and doesn't like it one little bit or how when they auditioned 'you forget about all that stuff'.. and when they get in reality slaps them in the face! Corin goes to have a moment with a fit biscuit (I think she wants to have its baby!!!!) while Josie gets changed out of her swim suit in the closet area.
This is when Corin runs away in fright from the monster moth, in case things get really ugly! Josie seems to be in bed and Corin is sound cut for singing. She scares herself (and ME!!!!) when noticing the shower or something in the garden has sprung a leak. Corin goes to the bedroom to inform this to Josie, John looks up from his bed and then turns his back on them.
After Corin returns to her own bed, Dave and Josie are whispering and giggling with each other (from their own beds) but I can't hear a damn thing! John sits bolt upright trying to listen into their conversation and glancing over in their direction every few seconds. He is unable to sleep and looking troubled as he holds his head in his hand. Then he passive aggressively shakes out his doona - A NOT SO SUBTLE SIGN to let them know he is still awake then folds his arms across his chest and looks over at Josie's bed.
"LMAO at the bed camera pan there. The directors/producers are like FFS talk you two!" (theirishgirl JJJAT)
“God, I want
to bang their heads together. As soon as John goes on the rampage or
one of his crusades, Josie steps way back and is pissed. When she NEEDS
to just give him a hug and reassure him. And similarly, when Josie is
being all insecure and fearful John needs to verbally reassure her what
he thinks of her and her opinion of him. I absolutely think
John's need to be involved in every argument comes from his bullied
childhood. If he thinks there is a row, someone is being picked on,
he wants to know the full tale immediately and get involved because
he projects onto the victim.” (Ikkleosu JJJAT)
He begins loudly biting his nails down to the knuckle! Shabby and Caoimhe come back from the Diary room and straight outside to smoke under the carousel. Keevil reassures Shabby this is the right thing for her to do; Shabby hopes she'll feel the same in the morning as she's kinda scared to do it without her. It's all just f**king hit Caoimhe 'what the f**k am I doing?'Shabby does feel bad and Caoimhe genuinely feels really, really f**king sh*t and a bit ungrateful but would rather someone else was put in there as she's not having a good time. They also feel so relieved that they are putting plans and oil in the wheels for them. Shabby as well feels sh*t that they are letting down producers but they aren't characters in a TV show - they are there as themselves and have to live with the consequences of this.
Caoimhe knows she is being true to herself and Shabby hopes they don't have to record a message to the house or anything. She swears John James mentioned that the other day but she actually has nothing to say. (SC) Keevil is concerned that BB still could have heard what they'd said even though they had their mics off and covered. Shabby wishes she'd turned hers off and had bowed her head at one point so their lips couldn't be read. (SC)
She feels she made up her mind before about leaving without even knowing it. Dave had said something very interesting to Shabby in the bathroom last night - that it sounds as if she was distancing herself from this as though she was preparing to leave or be evicted. Kiev would genuinely be happy to be up for eviction but then doesn't want to go out and be told - this is how you were and for it to be believed.
Caoimhe won't let herself believe she's not mentally prepared for this as she's been through sh*t and knows she's a strong person. But she won't allow herself to be weakened by the show and wants to come out stronger and if she stays, she thinks she'll leave weaker. In a way for Shabby, this experience has re-affirmed things she already knew about herself in quite a dramatic way and she is glad to have done it. They don't regret doing it at all as nobody will have that chance again.
SHABBY: Even if the show does come back.. it won't be the same.
Keevil expects others have been in their predicament but haven't had the balls to say 'enough is enough now!' And she has too much respect for herself and family to go through this kinda sh*t. John is shown in bed imprisoned with mental anguish and unable to sleep after his argument with Josie. He is a mess without her! :( Back outside, Caoimhe confesses that she's gone through years of suffering and doesn't want to do that in here as she's over that sh*t.
When she's put through severe stress like this it all comes back but she would watch their episodes of BB as she's interested to see how she came across. Shabby may ask her best friend to pick one episode for her to watch so she can see what it looked like. But to save herself any hassle of regretting her decision to go, she won't watch any more of the show or read anything about it as she doesn't want to know.
Shabby wonders if their contracts are null and void once they leave, meaning they won't have to come back for the final. Caoimhe considers that they will be expected to do some interviews.
Poor guy is totally restless as his demons weigh him down, he looks as though he is fighting back tears. He stares over at Jose's bed after some further nail biting and then wrenches his eyes away.. he hears her sniff and closes his eyelids.
Caoimhe thinks this is happening more than BB expected (people wanting to leave) because they didn't have the 2 (standard) weeks where they knew they were going in. The cameras come back to John battling with his soul-crushing devastation.
“This just shows how much it affects him when he argues with Jose, just wish she would open her bloody eyes and see that. And also for John to just admit his feelings. He must have stronger feelings than just friendship for her if when he argues with her it affects him like this :( And if it never bothered Jose, she wouldn't keep talking about it either.” (Lummo JJJAT)
Shabby speculates that the only thing they can get from Caoimhe is if they'd edited certain bits in certain ways 'and you'd be foolish to think they haven't done that!' But any of the Diary room stuff Shabby says has all been her and Caoimhe will probably hate her if she watches it. Often when she went into the Diary room she was a lot less aware of what she was saying than when she was in the house. She hopes the one thing Keevil will see is that she always had respect for her relationship; she doesn't think it was bad or nasty.
Shabs doesn't want to pack her suitcase tomorrow but just go 'they can f**king bin the lot of it as far as I'm concerned!' She supposes they could nominate a person to pack their stuff for them but doesn't want to see anyone in the morning. Caoimhe would probably pick Ben knowing he fully understands.
Shabby is surprised that she had been at such loggerheads with Ben and believed him to be one of the least genuine people .. 'but as it 'appens.. it turns out to be quite the opposite, I think. I feel like such a heinous.. (SC) Caoimhe doesn't think Shabby has been as bad as Shabby thinks or else she'd have been out the first week. Shabs takes a little comfort from the knowledge that Caoimhe didn't go either.
Caoimhe tells Shabby that as much as she may think she's coming across as a rage, she's probably coming across as hilarious because she's very funny! She reasons that if BB had only shown her rages she would be out and guesses that's what happened with Govan - that his funny side wasn't shown. Shabby can't see why they'd do that to him but not her as she beholds them as quite similar.
In the first two weeks, Caoimhe interprets that Govan had done something quite silly by spending a lot of time in bed! Shabby had watched some of BB9 and thought Mo with the 'fro was a lazy b*stard as he was always napping but she could have napped a month of Sunday's herself! Keevil reckons Govan would have asked to leave by now if he hadn't been evicted when he was.
It's the people that are in the house that Caoimhe can't deal with not the BB experiment. What p*sses Keevil off is she thinks Josie is great and lifts spirits 'but I don't respect her for not ever taking a stand in what she believes. I don't respect her for that. She says she um.. prides herself on being a loyal person but she's she's she's she's just.. fair enough she doesn't care but you should care enough to stick up for people.'
Your charade is over KEEVIL! Shabby sticks the knife into Josie too as she doesn't think you can have loyalty and never take sides 'cos what if your friends are in the right?' Keevil knows Corin has been through a lot and blah blah blah and she shared part of her life with her yesterday 'but for her to degrade me like that because of a f**king mattress on the floor?' Apparently the house is filthy with flies all over it (3 of which flew out of Caoimhe's drawer) and she doesn't think they're causing that.
And this coming from the girl who did NOT leave with Shabby after this whole night of being in it together.. was DISLOYAL to her by STAYING, who was kindly taken under the wing of Josie and John to cheer her up when Shabby had left.. only to then screw her over completely!!!! It beggars belief! Josie could sure teach Keevil a few lessons on loyalty! If she thought the whole place was such a freakin' dirty zoo - WHY did she not walk out after Shabby?
Shabby can't wait to talk to Caoimhe about so many things and people who have riled her in there but she's not been able to talk about it. She thinks so many things have been cleverly done by BB but won't tell her now even though she's intrigued. Shabs feels so sh*t and doesn't trust anyone; she hopes that the BB production team won't be horrible to them when they leave.
Cut to bedroom, John is still chewing his fingernails off and has woken up Josie who growls 'what are you doing?' John snaps back 'what?' as he then faces her and accentuates his nail-chomping, so Josie calls him a pr*ck! He becomes annoyingly perky in order to p*ss her off with his noisy gnawing; Josie probably wishes he was a little gnat she could flick away in the early hours of that morning! GAH it's like when you row with your significant other. He's as subtle as polo mallet hitting someone on the head!
He is undeterred and bites away with sheer peculiarity, stopping every now and then to blow, brush or spit away the fragments of his nails. “IF Triple J were a sitcom they'd get about 6 seasons out of their will-they-won't-they based on their miscommunications and missed timings. John still up and must be down to his last nails. Just grow a pair and apologise to Josie for crying out loud! *cough* oralfixationsbothof'em*cough*”(Ikkleosu JJJAT)
“He is like a spoilt child in every argument. He will start it go too far then regret it get up set so the other person feels bad. John has probably never had anybody stand up to him before and not carry the argument on but just ignore him. He doesn't like it. He wants his night time chat in bed. Just because he wanted her to be the same as him did not mean she did not care .” (motiondailyorg)
Shabby thinks the genuine shock on launch night worked a treat as they couldn't have mocked that up. Back to John trying every trick in the book to get Josie to turn around - he must be biting at his skin, then he drinks thirstily from his glass of water and bangs it back down, before inspecting the damage he's done to his nail beds. It's almost like he is on a caffiene frenzy!
Caoimhe has to try and stop fooling herself it will be okay as she doesn't know if it will. When Shabby went in the bedroom to get her shoes and jacket, that's when it really cemented in her head that she had to leave. They were doing the f**king Walton's thing 'good night rar rar rar' and she'd thought SHUT THE F**K UP! Caoimhe calls it sick.
SHABBY: Why pretend this is a happy family? Cos it f**king AIN'T!!
They go to the bathroom to get ready for some kip but Shabby doesn't want to go get her duvet from the bedroom because it'll be weird! Keevil says it is uncomfortable. Back in bed, John is basically being an ass and shaking his head angrily then leans over to check out the finger tip he has nipped.
After the girls contemplate gathering up some of their belongings, the camera go back to John and he really has snapped as he continues to snack on his cuticles!! Sheeva work up the courage to enter the room to grab what they need (duvets) and then go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea as Keevil is so cold.
John is more than ever on a deliberate wind-up knowing that Josie isn't asleep and is emphatically and pointedly battening his thumb nail. He grins over at her, his eyes wild with mischief before giving her the Ross and Monica fist pound method of swearing! Immediately after he picks up his nail torture flicking it noisily and repeatedly against his mouth. Evidently, he's just doing it to be annoying and keep her awake; he can't sleep so he wants to p*ss her off too.
I don't know how she didn't scissor-kick him in the groin, quite frankly! It works and she gets irritated asking WHY he's doing that.
JOHN: I'm f**king biting my fingernails, is that alright? Is that alright? (starts a rancorous and retaliatory cycle of the Friends f**k off sign and nail massacre, spits the excess out and wipes it off his bedsheet)
JOSIE: I've got the strangled hippo (Steve?) I've got him going (imitates John's noisiness but John doesn't stop and again goes for the clangorous water drinking and bashing the cup down trick) Why are you trying to be as loud as possible, John?
JOHN: (plays her at her own ignoring technique, looking around pretending he doesn't know where the voice is coming from) What's that?.. What's that?
JOSIE: I think I'm going to be a bit better at that game than you!
To which he throws his head back with forced hilarity 'you f**king wish!' so she reminds him she made the game up. He keeps up the turn a deaf ear bit surveying the ceiling 'who's that? Who's that?' Another fart distracts him momentarily for some chuckling before he resumes his annoyances and ups the ante! Josie requests to Dave that he does it in the other direction. John yawns, shakes his face, biting all the while.
"He's really got it bad, he has never met anyone like Josie before, and he likes it. xx" (mamajean)
Really a lot of
wires getting crossed here by the look of things. So Josie reckons
she didn't do anything wrong (and she probably does believe that) but Steve said that..was a just a reflex action at the time. John got
annoyed about it and thus..spat time. (theirishgirl JJJAT)
“I don't think
he's gone insane or anything, but I think he is at his wits end with
this Josie situation. I get the impression that he is constantly trying
to fight off what he is feeling then he has a moment such as this
where he is trying to figure out what is happening... when he first
sat up in bed, it was literally like he was sitting there thinking
'WTF is this that I'm feeling'. I think this is a complete new set of
feelings for John that he hasn't experienced before & doesn't know
how to handle.
Now call me silly as I could be well off here, but does anyone think he has actually fallen in love with her a little bit?! I'm talking proper, not the whole joking ILY thing, like proper in love with her. I think he genuinely is feeling something really strong or he just wouldn't be like this. The guy actually can't sleep, it's like he's love sick.” (Brit_x JJJAT)
In the kitchen, Shabby can't work out for a role for Govan in the house. She doesn't know if they have a few definite roles and others thrown into the mix or if she's just making this up in her head. Caoimhe doesn't think it's as specific as Shabby is making out and that they may have just found them interesting.
Throughout her interview, Caoimhe claimed that people may automatically assume she's a b*tch and full of herself but that's not actually the case. And that she's really a bit of a geek, weird and a diva - Shabby doesn't think she is a diva or that she's been any more of a b*tch than anyone else in the house 'with the exception of Josie of course.. and Steve.' Keevil convinces that the real Corin is coming out now but Shabby has always had a bit of a soft spot for her.
Caoimhe is slightly scared of Corin and sees her as a little bit rough as she'd snapped today. Shabby clarifies if 'rough' means the same thing in Ireland as it does here - Caoimhe means it like 'you really wouldn't want to mess with her!' Shabby wouldn't f**k with Corin but knew that from the second she met her 'I think she might be a reformed rapscallion.. that chick can certainly look after herself.'
But they do genuinely believe in her positivity but there are obviously cracks in that. Caoimhe's main worry is where she's spent so much time out of contact with people that they'll feel like they don't know her anymore. If it's that bad she'll go back to Madrid but Shabby thinks being outside anywhere will take re-adjustment. She's freaked out by the thought of being able to put an I-pod on, go wherever the f**k she wants without a BB voice telling her 'whatever you're doing - don't do it!' And being able to say anything she wants without fear of reprisal from the Totalitarian state they live in there.
Shabs hopes that her best friend will take a couple of days off work so she can literally talk at her for 24 hours! She's scared that her friend will see her in a whole new light and think she's a b*tch; she wants to clarify that she's not that person but seemingly is only in there. 'What if people throw glasses at us?' Keevil thought she was insignificant enough to have had silence on Friday's eviction but that illusion is shattered when Shabby says the crowd noise was switched off. (Due to the power cut)
SHABBY: Because I'm not being funny babes, but if I had boos.. I think you might have had some too. Because I know we're individuals and we operate separately but we've done everything together.
Josie and John are embroiled in a bickering match from their beds, Josie's gripe is that for John to make a comment like that - he obviously doesn't know her.
JOHN: At least when I say something I mean it.. And while you're watching replays of the programme, make sure you watch ..
JOSIE: (weary from their verbal sparrings but not raising her voice) John, let's just ignore each other .. for f**ks sake. It's easier.
He wants her to replay a conversation where Josie had said she'd take Govan's position.
JOSIE: He doesn't want me to take his position so you don't even know the conversations me and Govan had.. so why don't you shut up? You know nothing.. think you know everything.
JOHN: (speaks over her, getting nasty) You talk sh*t, you talk sh*t! You talk the talk..
JOSIE: (darkness descends) Next time you start having a strop and cry.. and wanna leave, I ain't gonna stop you!
JOHN: (laughs) Big words! (uses sarcasm to mock her) 'Cos I don't care about nothin'!'
She ignores his aggravations and tries to sleep; John closes his eyes too but keeps looking over at her and tries to get a rise out of her again. 'I feel good about myself cos I don't care about nothin!' Josie makes a point of rolling over in bed, to turn her back on John.
Now call me silly as I could be well off here, but does anyone think he has actually fallen in love with her a little bit?! I'm talking proper, not the whole joking ILY thing, like proper in love with her. I think he genuinely is feeling something really strong or he just wouldn't be like this. The guy actually can't sleep, it's like he's love sick.” (Brit_x JJJAT)
In the kitchen, Shabby can't work out for a role for Govan in the house. She doesn't know if they have a few definite roles and others thrown into the mix or if she's just making this up in her head. Caoimhe doesn't think it's as specific as Shabby is making out and that they may have just found them interesting.
Throughout her interview, Caoimhe claimed that people may automatically assume she's a b*tch and full of herself but that's not actually the case. And that she's really a bit of a geek, weird and a diva - Shabby doesn't think she is a diva or that she's been any more of a b*tch than anyone else in the house 'with the exception of Josie of course.. and Steve.' Keevil convinces that the real Corin is coming out now but Shabby has always had a bit of a soft spot for her.
Caoimhe is slightly scared of Corin and sees her as a little bit rough as she'd snapped today. Shabby clarifies if 'rough' means the same thing in Ireland as it does here - Caoimhe means it like 'you really wouldn't want to mess with her!' Shabby wouldn't f**k with Corin but knew that from the second she met her 'I think she might be a reformed rapscallion.. that chick can certainly look after herself.'
But they do genuinely believe in her positivity but there are obviously cracks in that. Caoimhe's main worry is where she's spent so much time out of contact with people that they'll feel like they don't know her anymore. If it's that bad she'll go back to Madrid but Shabby thinks being outside anywhere will take re-adjustment. She's freaked out by the thought of being able to put an I-pod on, go wherever the f**k she wants without a BB voice telling her 'whatever you're doing - don't do it!' And being able to say anything she wants without fear of reprisal from the Totalitarian state they live in there.
Shabs hopes that her best friend will take a couple of days off work so she can literally talk at her for 24 hours! She's scared that her friend will see her in a whole new light and think she's a b*tch; she wants to clarify that she's not that person but seemingly is only in there. 'What if people throw glasses at us?' Keevil thought she was insignificant enough to have had silence on Friday's eviction but that illusion is shattered when Shabby says the crowd noise was switched off. (Due to the power cut)
SHABBY: Because I'm not being funny babes, but if I had boos.. I think you might have had some too. Because I know we're individuals and we operate separately but we've done everything together.
Josie and John are embroiled in a bickering match from their beds, Josie's gripe is that for John to make a comment like that - he obviously doesn't know her.
JOHN: At least when I say something I mean it.. And while you're watching replays of the programme, make sure you watch ..
JOSIE: (weary from their verbal sparrings but not raising her voice) John, let's just ignore each other .. for f**ks sake. It's easier.
He wants her to replay a conversation where Josie had said she'd take Govan's position.
JOSIE: He doesn't want me to take his position so you don't even know the conversations me and Govan had.. so why don't you shut up? You know nothing.. think you know everything.
JOHN: (speaks over her, getting nasty) You talk sh*t, you talk sh*t! You talk the talk..
JOSIE: (darkness descends) Next time you start having a strop and cry.. and wanna leave, I ain't gonna stop you!
JOHN: (laughs) Big words! (uses sarcasm to mock her) 'Cos I don't care about nothin'!'
She ignores his aggravations and tries to sleep; John closes his eyes too but keeps looking over at her and tries to get a rise out of her again. 'I feel good about myself cos I don't care about nothin!' Josie makes a point of rolling over in bed, to turn her back on John.
“If neither of
them cared they wouldn't be arguing. He's hitting a nerve with the
fact that she won't show her emotions. That was what all that 'I
don't care' thing was about...and he said it to her earlier that she
wasn't showing her emotions. He also said there 'at least I say what
I think'. He's implying she doesn't say what she thinks..or feels
maybe?” (theirishgirl JJJAT)
“I think John is
getting majorally frustrated that Josie 'talks the talk' and 'doesn't
care about anything' cause he WANTS her to show she cares about him.
He wants her to say how she feels. But he needs to remember he hasn't
told her either!! (Brit_x JJJAT)
Shabby expresses anxiety that they won't be able to defend themselves while in there. Caoimhe can see Ben's point of view (when everyone had been going mad at Ben for not participating) as he's totally different from Mario who'd been dreaming of being on BB for 10 years. She also notes that he had gone back 3 days in a row at auditions because the first 2 days he didn't get a stamp.
Ben would be happy to leave but Mario would be depressed if it's taken away from him because this is his one dream and he wants to be here. Ben didn't dream of it, the exec producers rang him up pleading for him to be on the show, wanting him on really badly. (SC) She accounts that Ben attends celeb parties and does write ups on them. He was in two minds the night before auditions about going or not and she is in a similar position to him. (SC)
Just when it looks like John has settled down to sleep and he has stopped with his maniacal biting.. FALSE ALARM! He perches on his elbow looking over to see where the source of light over his bed is coming from - seems as though someone is in the bedroom toilet but kept the door open. Caoimhe promises Shabby they'll have a proper chat tomorrow but she found a situation difficult and is really genuinely worried.
Shabby didn't want this to happen, Caoimhe knows she didn't but it has been such a massive part of their experience there. That's not who Shabby is or the way she operates. Keevil is really scared of being on her own the next day and wants her phone back straight away; Shabby doesn't think they'll get them immediately. (SC) They bear in mind that BB may have received phone calls from people in their lives regarding certain issues.
Shabby is under no illusion that they are celebrities of any sort but has to understand that they were (for at least 1 hour a day) have been prime time on Channel 4 every single day for a month - which is a long time.
SHABBY: Maybe this has been a ratings flop and nobody will know or care.
Which is what she'd been thinking the whole time until Ben went out on Friday night and there were so many people there. Shabby decides there's no point in them panicking as it's too f**king late! Caoimhe wants to lie down as the sooner they get to sleep the sooner they can leave. I don't believe she ever truly had any intention of leaving that house with Shabby the next day or she WOULD have gone too as soon as BB announced that Shabby had. (I forgot how totally psycho I am on the Keevil front! But they obviously weren't as co-dependent as Shabby thought)
The girls retire to the nest after another smoke and performing their ablutions. Caoimhe thinks she pooed out everything she ate but her stomach is in knots. The cameras make a point of showing John's empty bed as he has gone to the Diary room. Nathan is up for a fag and REAL birds are singing in the trees instead of the bird sounds we hear during muted moments on live feed.
Josie can't sleep either (which is very telling) and is comfort eating chocolate, she shares some with Dave and then tries to lie back down. Shabby is not entirely convinced the situation had anything to do with her but isn't sure what Caoimhe has done to Ife. (SC) Shabby realises she won't get much sleep before she goes byesies and doesn't like that it smells like sh*t everywhere!
Caoimhe asks if she has been a b*tch (YES!!!!) or a nasty person (YES!) but Shabby feels unless she's done something she's not seen that she's alright. Of course, she would say that because she wanted to plough Keevil like a cornfield!! Shabby has to urinate again but will be back; she sits and smokes alone after her piddle then Caoimhe comes out too. They go back into their own beds to get warm as it is f**king freezing. (E4 feed finishes)
Ben would be happy to leave but Mario would be depressed if it's taken away from him because this is his one dream and he wants to be here. Ben didn't dream of it, the exec producers rang him up pleading for him to be on the show, wanting him on really badly. (SC) She accounts that Ben attends celeb parties and does write ups on them. He was in two minds the night before auditions about going or not and she is in a similar position to him. (SC)
Just when it looks like John has settled down to sleep and he has stopped with his maniacal biting.. FALSE ALARM! He perches on his elbow looking over to see where the source of light over his bed is coming from - seems as though someone is in the bedroom toilet but kept the door open. Caoimhe promises Shabby they'll have a proper chat tomorrow but she found a situation difficult and is really genuinely worried.
Shabby didn't want this to happen, Caoimhe knows she didn't but it has been such a massive part of their experience there. That's not who Shabby is or the way she operates. Keevil is really scared of being on her own the next day and wants her phone back straight away; Shabby doesn't think they'll get them immediately. (SC) They bear in mind that BB may have received phone calls from people in their lives regarding certain issues.
Shabby is under no illusion that they are celebrities of any sort but has to understand that they were (for at least 1 hour a day) have been prime time on Channel 4 every single day for a month - which is a long time.
SHABBY: Maybe this has been a ratings flop and nobody will know or care.
Which is what she'd been thinking the whole time until Ben went out on Friday night and there were so many people there. Shabby decides there's no point in them panicking as it's too f**king late! Caoimhe wants to lie down as the sooner they get to sleep the sooner they can leave. I don't believe she ever truly had any intention of leaving that house with Shabby the next day or she WOULD have gone too as soon as BB announced that Shabby had. (I forgot how totally psycho I am on the Keevil front! But they obviously weren't as co-dependent as Shabby thought)
The girls retire to the nest after another smoke and performing their ablutions. Caoimhe thinks she pooed out everything she ate but her stomach is in knots. The cameras make a point of showing John's empty bed as he has gone to the Diary room. Nathan is up for a fag and REAL birds are singing in the trees instead of the bird sounds we hear during muted moments on live feed.
Josie can't sleep either (which is very telling) and is comfort eating chocolate, she shares some with Dave and then tries to lie back down. Shabby is not entirely convinced the situation had anything to do with her but isn't sure what Caoimhe has done to Ife. (SC) Shabby realises she won't get much sleep before she goes byesies and doesn't like that it smells like sh*t everywhere!
Caoimhe asks if she has been a b*tch (YES!!!!) or a nasty person (YES!) but Shabby feels unless she's done something she's not seen that she's alright. Of course, she would say that because she wanted to plough Keevil like a cornfield!! Shabby has to urinate again but will be back; she sits and smokes alone after her piddle then Caoimhe comes out too. They go back into their own beds to get warm as it is f**king freezing. (E4 feed finishes)
5.03am, John is
out and the JJJAT all breath huge sighs of relief.
5.15am, John
called back to DR he said about his sandwich "I’m taking this
with me I’m not leaving it" He is saying why can't you just
put them there????? Put something medicinal back in hatch, then back
to bed. Josie still awake. Shabby is still up and Caoimhe was asking
if he couldn't sleep either - he said he hadn't been to sleep at all
yet he has been in DR. Yeah..she asked him why he couldn't sleep. Cue
sound cuts! At best guess I'd reckon he's had a chat with the
psychologists as he was showing some signs of anxiety before he went
in and they gave him something just to help him sleep. This is
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