Saturday, 23 March 2013

Live Day 27


9.48am, John is up wandering around in the garden, shielding his eyes from the light. Ife talking to the wall (or rather looking through the gap in the wall) saying 'hello, please tell me if I'm losing my mind, or if I'm over-reacting!'

9.59am, John takes a shower.

10.33am, John flapping around as much as possible to try and get Josie's attention, willing her to wake up. He chats with Shabby and Corin.

Think he is just thinking about things and still trying to figure out how to sort it all out. I don't see him leaving just like that he will want to try and give it a go with Josie, as he really cares for her. I think he is also trying to suss out exactly who he can trust he was with a total different group last night and got to hear and see things from a different point of view all the people other than Steve he doesn't really mix with. He will know it is nomination day so has a lot on his mind. And we know he likes to think all the little things through. He saw his friends being disrespectful to others and thinking it was a joke even when they saw how upset others were he isn't going to like this.” (Melhock JJJAT)

10.41am, IFE: I feel much better...a little bit silly.

“He needs to stay and Josie needs to meet him half way so they can talk about it. I think more than anything at this stage, Josie needs to understand WHY John is getting like this over her. She needs to be aware of the effect she has on him. I think he has realised now how strong his feelings are. This isn't just about falling out with a friend, I think he knows that now. He is so unbelievably BOTHERED by her.

I can appreciate Josie's reservations about letting her guard down now. I watched them on HL's last night doing 'Combine Harvester' and I melted at how close they were. I have no doubt that Josie feels just as strongly about John, or this wouldn't be bothering her the way it does. He wouldn't get to her at all. She wouldn't give him the time of day, but she can't help herself.

Based on everything I have seen so far, I would be proper surprised if they don't patch it up. I think they have built too close a bond not to. My only fear is that they are both incredibly hurt by this, which could cause delay to them patching it up - or could make them both put up the walls. It's one of those things thats going to go one way or the other.

A fitting quote...
"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is..." (Brit_x JJJAT)

10.49am, BB finally wake up the remaining sleeping HM's. 

JOSIE: Me and him are not on speaking terms at all any more.

10.55am, Josie and Corin are gonna have a fag.

CORIN: Come on Jos, gerra fag down yer neck n then chill int pooooool. 

Shabby to Caoimhe: "Nobodies apologised for being so horrible last night. I'm just not playing that game man." Josie says she can't ask John for a hoodie as she is never speaking to him again - Ben says he better not ask to borrow a Tee Shirt. Caoimhe asking Ben to come and speak to her..

Caoimhe says she's leaving this morning. She can't do it anymore. Ben tells her not to. Keevs saying she knows she's done nothing wrong and is being made to look like a nasty person. Ben says Ife said last night it's between her and the girls, nobody else and she'd sort it out tomorrow (i.e. today) Ben suggests she give it a couple of days, Caoimhe says no. Ben tells Keevil hes privileged to have met her and wants to swap details.

11.03am, Shabby happily chatting to John who is playing swingball. Shabby saying she got permission to sleep in the nest but came back in because it was too cold.. Dave wants to sleep in the nest.. Shabby says but she was REALLY freaking out which is why they allowed her.. 

11.09am, Ife explaining herself to Shabby in the bedroom, Ife sitting on the bed, Shabby standing with arms folded.. not saying anything yet. She says she's sorry for acting in the way that she did. She'll talk to Caoimhe separately. Shabby saying she feels that Ife and Caoimhe don't get on very well. Ife still annoyed with Caoimhe.. said she could tell by Shabby's face she was genuinely upset at upsetting her. She obviously didn't see that with Caoimhe. 

11.14am, Ife says she has 2 pairs of knickers and her eyelashes mean the world to her they are now drawing a line. Shabby tells her she is leaving. Ife now talking to Caoimhe. 

11.17am, Ife and Caoimhe apologise to one another. Caoimhe says she's leaving to Ife and that she will see Ife on the outside. Ife sort of ignores it and says they can move on and learn from it. Shabby asks Ife if she has spoken to Caoimhe, Ife says yes they have sorted things out and thinks they'll be okay from now on. 

SHABBY: I'm not this bad on the outside...I'm not so angry and concerned with small things. People were seriously cold to me and Caoimhe last night.
Her quest for victim status goes on. Shabby saying Ben is an easy target. Shabby says they started it off, she and Caoimhe threw things at the fire exit then covered themselves in vaseline. Ife saying what made it worse was them on the other side feeling uncomfortable eating.

Ben counselling Caoimhe in the shower to think twice about leaving...especially as she has a best friend there. 

11.29am, Tannoy - HM's are reminded they are not permitted to talk about members of the production team.

SHABBY: Maybe they don't want us to talk about the production team so we go back to bitching.  

Mario says since he started dating men 8 years ago at twenty he's probably been on over 500 dates! John's doing the battery change - Shabby, Mario, Ife all seem OK with him Corin wanted to play swingball with him earlier. 

11.39am, John goes to Diary room – cue JJJAT worrying he is asking to leave. 

11.43am, Ben, Dave and Josie in the shower saying they have no idea who to nominate. John is lurking as he's back from Diary room. Shabby says she thought that when she woke up she would feel different but she doesn't. Says she was glad she cleared the air with Ife before...........

LOL at how he's pacing around the bathroom, testing the waters, trying to suss out what her mood is....whoever said that he is so lost without her was spot on. I think she's really been his anchor in there, giving him a focus away from his anger and boosting his self-confidence; without her he just doesn't seem to know what to do with himself...” (Siobhan JJJAT)

11.57am, BB: Would Shabby come to the diary room alone? 

Josie talking to Mario about his Ben tiff. "It always seems 100 times than it is. Sometimes you just gotta take people for who they are." TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE, WOMAN! 

12.05pm, MARIO: All your friends are whiny bitches (to Ben).

Ben says (to Josie) it's not Mario's place to say things like that as he's not a close friend he's somebody he's known only 5 weeks... 

BEN: These Big Brother addicts do my head in! 

Nathan does his annoying WOWWWWWW-ing to Josie and her voluptuousness. Josie studiously trying to ignore Ben whinging about Mario. Ben's voice is becoming more high pitched, the more he whinges. All because Mario told him he had a couple of hairs on his back! Josie says come on there's been enough arguments yesterday and that Mario didn't mean it. 

12.13pm, Josie talks about using vinegar to scrub the cooker clean. John telling Caoimhe he didn't think BB would be allowed to lock people in a room they cant get out of. John and Caiomhe talking about the snoring/noise in the BR. Says they won't let them out and won't let them have earplugs. John says he can't understand why they would want them tired all day.

12.19pm, Caoimhe trying to call Shabby who's still in the DR like a little lost puppy scratching the door. Keevil looks really cheesed off! She tells Josie that Shabby has gone, that she's gone into the DR and hasn't come out yet. She tells Josie that her and Shabby are leaving. Josie says not to do it. 

Shabby out of the DR. Josie asks them to try and give it another day. Shabby says no, definitely not. BB won't let them leave until they have final confirmation. Shabby says they deliberately called her alone. Seems she's been asked to resolve things with Ife. 

12.28pm, Shabby says she has lost her brain since coming in the BB house. Shabby thinks they are going to find the girl she described "HER NAME'S DAISY!" she says to camera. Shabby says she's intelligent outside the house she has conversations about art and literature. BB told Shabby that she didn't sound sure about leaving. Shabby says she loves the tasks but she doesn't love the people. Caoimhe says she can't stand to be around Nathan anymore. Shabby says Nathan has been fine with her. 

SHABBY: If anything, out of the 2 of us, I think you want to leave even more than I do. 

Shabby angry that John accused her of bullying Ife. Josie says he didn't say that, he said there were two of them and only one of Ife. Shabby says 'how can he say that when he did that for Rachael? While I respect your view, people are spoiling MY experience!" Josie telling her if she walks then she'll miss out on the Davina interview and BBLB. Shabby going on about Ife betraying her. Josie reiterating that she genuinely doesn't think there are any bullies in the House. Josie again saying "It'll always be alright in the end" to Shabby about her and Ife. 

12.45pm, Ife leaving the Diary Room - has a big smile on her face. Shabby has just asked Ife if she can talk to her 'once she's got a minute'. Caoimhe whispers to Shabby: 'It's going to be so scandalous isn't it, two people leaving at once!' Shabby and Caoimhe talking about pooing and weeing their pants. Charming. 

1.01pm, The boys are in the kitchen eating sausages - Ben, Dave, John, Nathan, Steve

1.07pm, Shabby saying to Ife that she and Caoimhe were treated differently than everybody else who was involved (by the other HM's) and that she's not going to be shown to be something she isn't.

Shabby says last night isn't the only reason, there's a multi-layered onion of reasons. Ife (I think) saying Shabby might not be up. Shabby telling Ife she has been up 3 weeks, shes an easy target cos she flips out.  

1.10pm, E4 LIVE FEED STARTS -  

Josie is giggling over something (SC) Ife flips out over someone taking the lighter from the swing, demanding to know who it was! Jose is really sorry she didn't mean it, 'it's only because John James was over there having a chat and I couldn't be bothered to be in the same carousel as him so I had to remove it." John is sat nearby and doesn't rise to her baiting - is this a sign that the ice is thawing? Or maybe he missed her not-so-subtle sarcasm! Caoimhe doubts what they were using to keep the lighter in place is even strong enough to hold it. 

Ife squeals that it was and it doesn't matter if people remove it, they should put it back and then they'll always have a lighter! It hadn't registered with Ife that it was Josie until she apologises again; then Ife cheeks back 'I bet it was you Josie, weren't it?' Josie self-confesses and Ife had thought so, she'd spent a long time fixing the lighter holder and ruined her top for it!
Caoimhe heads back inside to try getting in the Diary room again. Ife is on the hunt for filters as there aren't any in the basket; John groans loudly before a SC. Keevil waits to be let in and Ife screams as she searches for the filters inside the house. 

Jose and Shabby share a love for something but Josie's favourites are the ones about the sea; these are Shabby's most boring ones. (Songs/poems/films?) (SC) Josie educates that Bull Sharks are the worst sharks but everyone thinks it is Great Whites (SC) She tells how Bull sharks go right up in shallow waters and tear legs off!

SHABBY: (she has legs and arms and would like to keep all limbs intact) I don't want it to be honest. Keep your dirty great teeth away from me and my (SC) and my 'ead!

Ife speaks up that she doesn't want her to leave; Shabby is though (barring an aneurysm) but thanks her and asks her to pack her stuff later. Josie also tries to convince her to give it one more day (SC) Ife gets her to imagine that tomorrow there may be something better. (SC) Shabby pouts that she does know something and 'is' psychic as she's not rectified her behaviour at all. So the very things people nominated her for in the first 3 weeks will still be valid. 

Whiffy feels that opinions change every week. To prove her point, Shabby starts running through the nominated HM's week by week from the start of the series. (SC) Ife doesn't want her to quit - so cites Shabby picking up the guitar and not giving up as an analogy. Shabby argues that there's no point to it (being on the show) for her personally. 
Ife says that she'll learn much more about herself (there if she was to stay) but Shabby doesn't think she wants to learn any more. Ife unleashes her inner psychiatrist and connotes that Shabby would have 1 up on the people it takes 10 years to learn these things (SC) Shabby doesn't really feel she's learned anything new, it's just re-affirmed things she already knew about herself and that she has a heinous temper. 

She also already knew she was a very loyal person. Ife doubts very much that Shabby hasn't discovered anything additional about herself. (SC) Continuing that Shabby is a step ahead as something would have taken her 5 years on the outside. Shabarama had said in the Diary room that maybe she should be more understanding of other people but she doesn't want to 'because it annoys me!' (SC)

Stevo gives the kitchen table a good spray down. Ben tells Corin he feels like he's had a good run recently but gets frustrated sometimes. The camera turn to Neanderthal Nathan getting irate at Josie and Shabby for moving things in the bedroom last night. (SC) He is particularly irked about Steve's belongings being trashed but is exaggerating. Every other word from his mouth is SC due to his f-ing and blinding.

Josie adds that she just had to ask him because she wouldn't do anything to personal property. (SC) Because of his potty-mouthing, the viewers get an extra close up of a fly! Jose does concede that what happened was a by product, like Nathan explains to her. She and Ife are very impressed with the way Nathan has worded this (knowing it wasn't intentional to offend anyone) and he bigs himself up as an 'amazing man!'  
This is where Shabby has her meltdown hissy fit in the bedroom (as shown on the HL's) or as some would say - she Shabby's out about it! Nathan has his hands all over Josie like a rash and then returns them straight back down his pants. 

Huge SC's of over 3 minutes in length follow as Ife attempt to mediate between a warring JJJ. There is only about 4 feet between them now but we have no idea what is being said, presumably it is very sweary because of the sound cuts. I guess they are no longer in the ignoring phase as Josie tells John he was out of order but he insists she had a face like thunder. 

IFE: (attempting to get JJJ to be pleasant) Let's just say for instance, John that you did say that. Did you mean it? 

JOHN: That's the only thing that she's got me on..

Ife wants him to listen to her but he'd apologised for saying about the rolling eyes and implores Josie that he hadn't meant it that way. 

JOSIE: But he tried to insinuate that I was thinking something that I wasn't

JOHN: And I asked you about it! (SC) 
Ife tries to calm them down as they are becoming nasty again - which can be seen from their reactions and gestures in the SC's. Ife should have put them both on a 5 minute timeout since they were both behaving like children! Josie levels with Ife that John has done this twice to her now. 

JOHN: (superbly sarcastic) Not twice in 30 days (!!) (more SC's) 

A mooching Shabby poses dramatically against the door, then paces up and down - wipes a worried tear and checks the camera angle before starting again. 

LF Day 27 4 video (Diddiddidi):

JOHN: (his cage is rattled) At the end of the day Jose, I insinuated that you looked f**ked off as you walked into the bathroom. If you wanna f**king ask Steve, ask him - he's right there!

JOSIE: (with the sucking of her thumbs, something wicked this way comes) You did! You said you and Steve.. you and Steve thought I was out of order because I was rolling my eyes.. 

JOHN: I said I thought you were f**king rolling your eyes - not Steve! 

JOSIE: (not exactly thrilly bots herself) No you didn't! You brought Steve into it. Why don't you go and ask Steve then?
JOHN: (shouting over her) I said I thought, not we, not we - I! I said 'me and Steve thought that you had a f**ked off on your face!' And he's right there - ask him!!

Josie asks Steve if he had said that. Steve very reluctantly confirms that he had said she didn't look very happy. John thanks him and then flips the bird at Josie which is covered by the BB sign!! He continues to show Josie his middle finger with immense fury. 

JOSIE: Yeah but was I happy about.. But hold on a minute John, hold on..

He refuses to hear her out and unleashes a barrage of aggressive expletives - for Josie to f**k off and get f**ked etc. Josie tries to say her piece back but he can't even hear himself as he rages. Steve is struck dumb by their enmity.

JOHN: (it's like they find the easy way overrated) I don't care what you have to say! You've f**king heard it from the horse's mouth - now f**k off!!

JOSIE: (not about to let this drop) But you insinuated that..

JOHN: (not so effing gentle after all) I'm not interested in what you have to say! If you don't wanna be around me.. (Josie yells over him about what he'd insinuated) f**k off Jose. I'm not interested in listening. No, I'm not interested in listening. I'm not interested in listening to ya at all

JOSIE: (attempts to knock him down a few pegs) Cos you know you're out of order! You know you're out of order! You forget that little bit cos you know how out of order you've been.
JOHN: (this is code red amber alert!) No I'm not interested in listening to ya. You've heard the guy. No, no more. I'm not interested in what you've got to say. You heard from the f**king horse's mouth now f**k off! I'm not interested. I'm not interested. I'm not interested. Not interested in the (the video stops but I'd guess he'd say slightest!)    

What the hell happened to their charming and lovely selves this afternoon? Neither backed down and gave as good as they got in this rapid fire slanging match. They both felt wrongfully accused by each other and consequently and childishly became a giant pain in each others' ass! This was the nastiest I saw John get with Josie in the house, the way he spoke to her and swore at her with such an antagonistic attack was completely uncalled for. 

If someone shouted at me with this belligerence I would kick them square in the taco! Later on when order is restored between them it is like none of it ever happened. What was crazy about John and Josie is that they could row or ignore each other for hours on end - and then the next minute they are all cuddly and kissy again!! In the house they couldn't stay too enraged and acrimonious because John is too handsome and Josie is too pretty!  
Ife saying John and Josie are being stubborn because they both admitted they still wanted to be friends by won't make up. Back to live feed, Josie NOW has a face of thunder as she sits with steely silence on the bench; John is throwing and catching his sock ball. 

Shabby really squares up to Ife raging with lots of angry pointing but the camera has gone to stills so we hear none of it. John and Josie both look gutted; Josie walks inside throwing and catching her battery pack - she's so cut up. 

Ben finds it weird to think that they've been away from their homes for 4 weeks today. (SC) Some days he's found that the days have gone really quickly and the others take forever. (SC) Nathan rounds up the cups and Corin offers everyone outside a coffee. Only Steve and Dave take her up on it; Steve checks she knows how he takes his (milk 1 sugar) and calls her a star! (SC) (Ad break) 

This is the part on the HL's where Caoimhe comes out of the Diary room and disregards Shabby's appeal for a chat together, turning her back on her. She is at the smoking area and here is where she spits out to Nathan exactly what she thinks of him! Nathan's power is to pretend he gives a damn about her and Shabby's piddly ass problems. 
More SC's as the kick off; Ife has to march Nathan off before things get out of hand. Caoimhe is able to mouth off about him and how she hates that he's pleased with his actions to Ben, Steve etc. who remain in the garden, witnessing all the ugliness. It must be like watching The Amityville Horror but without all the good times! 

Are you frickin' kidding me with these SC's???? They are beyond tedious! I think with live feed there should have been an option where if you were over 18 you could listen to all the bad language and sexual references, WITHOUT the interrupted cuts! 

Keevil keeps clutching her test while she smokes, as though she is experiencing intense heart palpitations. I think she genuinely felt intimidated by Nathan and his terrorising presence in the house. I'm sure she wasn't alone in thinking this way but was one of the few who had the balls to come up against him and his bullying nature. 

These allegations really rubbed Nathan up the wrong way as he didn't take kindly to being called a bully. I'd be inclined to determine that he was of the opinion that he was invaluable to the house (with his cooking ability) and that they wouldn't be able to function without him. So he was wrathful to detect Caoimhe's condescension for him and perhaps worried that she'd start a revolt against his revolting self!
Shabby is striding back and forth beside the Diary room door. Ife walks past offering them an observation 'this is hell man, we're in hell!' (SC) 

JOSIE: (kinda talking some smack about John to Shabby) Why does he even care? I don't. Why does he.. (SC) (folds her arms across her chest) At the end of the day he tried to portray that I didn't care about Ife when I do care about Ife. Of course I care about Ife.. and he tried to portray to everybody that I didn't.. that I was walking (SC) .. He's meant to be my friend.. making me out to be like that! He's just angry that I'm not upset.

She laughs and sucks her thumb - oh well that's convincing (!!) you're kidding NOBODY lovebug! (SC) Shabby would like a cigarette, her phone back and (screechy) she'd really like to play the guitar. (SC) She can't believe this is all really to do with mattresses. (SC) She grabs her coat as the diary room door unclicks open for her 'see ya later, Jose.'  

JOSIE: (casually) Alright, bye. (not aware that this could have been her last moment in the BB house) No.. don't go, go, go! (SC) 

Dave and Ben are sat with Caoimhe at the carousel giving her comforting words in between gaps in sound. Ben had the same worry with Mario, who had gone in the Diary room to say he was in love with Ben after 3 days. It had embarrassed Ben because he's not into Mario but it's not his fault that Mario said it, any more than it is Caoimhe's fault that Shabby said what she said. 

BEN: You know how fond Shabby is of you. In many ways it's a healthier friendship than mine and..    
Dave tells Caoimhe it will be fine if her boyfriend loves her and knows her 'it's just the paranoid crap that everybody goes through' in there. On the down low, he is concerned about how he's being portrayed too. BB had reassured Caoimhe that there is nothing to worry about outside the BB house but she doesn't know whether to take that as - concentrate on this as there's nothing bad. (SC) 

The social pariah drinks in Dave's wisdom that if there was something bad being portrayed, she'd have been out last week!

BEN: (this is what's rattling around in that big, bulbous brain of his) Sweetheart, everyone you know.. everyone who's worth their salt thinks the world of you! I know I do, I know Mario does. We all think you're wonderful! 

He thinks whatever is going on between her and Shabby is between them. Ben could spearhead a band of brainiacs with his rousing peptalks - reminding her that Shabby really likes Caoimhe as a friend. 'And if you don't have the feelings for her that she has for you - it doesn't matter. She's still your friend!'  

This is where Caoimhe believes it gets really complicated. (SC) Caoimhe's heart was really racing and she's never experienced panic attacks like it. There's not enough coffee in the world to quell the Nathan rage in her heart! Steve assesses that if she feels she has to leave and go back to her boyfriend then she should. Caoimhe says it's not about that. (Ad break) 
Caoimhe is left with Dave so makes her exit a to the sap; she is off to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. There is a SC as she walks through the living room. John can be heard shouting for Josie to 'answer the question! Yeah cos you can't!' 

Ife butts in again that John knows he was wrong but they've all been wrong loads of times. Her well-meaning mediation is not going according to plan but she still asks Josie if she can't just forgive John. These are proud, passionate people she is dealing with here! (SC as Caoimhe goes to use the toilet in the bathroom) 

Stock footage of the house plays for a while, then we see Ife in the garden feeling totally to blame for all the fallings out. It might be another attention seeking episode from her (and probably is not the best time for it as Ife threatening to leave before is what triggered this row between John and Jose) but at least she attempted to fix things between our stubborn mules. 

IFE: (feels as though she's single-handedly wrecked everything)Every single argument has something to do with me! I'm going! I'm going!

Nathan tries to get her to sit down. (SC) She seriously wants to go out the back door but Nathan urges her to do this the right way and stick it out. Ife thinks it's okay for Caoimhe and Shabby because that was her 'but everything else seems to have me attached to it!' (SC) She goes through all the existing feuds - the eye rolling thing with those 2 (John and Josie), Caoimhe and Shabby wanting to leave because of the argument she had, Nathan's argument with Shabby was because of what she had, Steve being involved with the John thing was to do with what she had
IFE: I don't know what you two are arguing about but I'm sure it's to do with me. 

NATHAN: Oi, oi - suck it up soldier! (SC) It's to do with the bedroom getting smashed, darlin' (SC) Darlin' .. 

She still feels like it's all to do with her; Nathan nah nah nah's and hugs her. (SC) Ife asks Corin seriously and honestly to imagine if she'd want to stay there, if everyone was arguing because of something to do with her. (SC) Corin vows that she would never leave as she'd tried so hard to get there. She feels that if Ife really wants to go she should wait at the Diary room and go in (SC)

CORIN: (what are in her milkeh coffehs??) You've got a lot of friends in here, Ife! You bring sunshine to the place! 

The actual Sunshine was perhaps the glitter glue holding the house together; since her departure the house has imploded! (SC) Steve says the Shabby and Nathan thing had f**k all to do with Ife. She counter-argues that they'd been arguing about her and how Josie felt about her. (SC)

STEVE: That's their beef, it's not you!

Whiney starts to say that she's tried so hard to make people (SC) then finally sits down at the bench with Corin to talk it over more (SC's). She likens it to being at work with people losing their wages and getting laid off left, right and centre. (SC)
Changed to John and Josie in the middle of a blazing blow up again at the couches, crikey! 

JOHN: And then I went and asked you! That's why I came and asked you about it!

JOSIE: (very frowny-faced) Yeah and I think you're out of order! So there you go, so don't.. 

JOHN: (hell hath no fury) What asking you that? I'm not allowed to ask you any questions? As a friend you're not allowed..

Josie thinks he's even out of order for asking her that, when he's meant to be her friend but thinks she wouldn't care about Ife! 'If you knew me you'd know that I care about Ife so you don't need to..

JOHN: And if you knew me (SC) so I didn't lie, did I? 

Josie changes her wording to 'exaggerated the truth' (long SC) John is looking like he's doing his best to make Josie hate him as he does most of the tumultuous talking.   

Their trouble is they don't let things drop and their arguments go round and round in circles. This enables the row to spiral and their tempers to flare from sheer frustration that the other is not backing down first. If these were prevalent throughout their entire relationship.. that would be sorta depressing :( Each time they shouted at each other on BB, my heart virtually stopped!
Turns back to Ife and Corin conversing (SC) she suggests that she sits there with a coffee (SC) Corin believes this is just a little storm in a teacup and it will all blow over in a bit. (SC) She wishes she'd held it in last night about the pillows on her bed but couldn't as they are in such a small environment.

CORIN: (this is all part of her whack Miss Congeniality act) All you can do is think deep breaths, spend a bit of time like.. I don't know go mess about in the mirror. Do something (SC) Why don't you get some flowers off them and make a daisychain or summat? Just keep your mind occupied. 

These solutions don't really scream Ife! She beats herself up knowing she shouldn't have got involved in John and Josie's argument. (SC) Ife then becomes concerned about how they'd get out if there was a fire (as she was unable to break the fire escape door properly when she was smashing it!) (SC)

To prevent any callers phoning in complaining about their human rights, the cameras zoom in on the fire exit door - showing the illustration of how to break the latch. Ife thinks she'd feel so much better once she got out that door; Corin adds that she'd then be gutted (SC) and that Terry would tell her to stand her ground.

They hear kids having fun outside the BB compound which as Nathan notes is what they should be doing! Steve and Ife thought they hear Ife's name called so Seahorse tells her it's her fanclub (SC) 'Yipee for Ife!' (SC)  Corin needs to sort her hair out but stops to ensure that Dave has sun factor on as he needs it. Dave hasn't but believes he'll be alright as it's not that hot. He compromises that if he starts going red he'll put a top on. (Long SC)
What's that? A flicker of Josie flashing a sincere smile John's way!! Even I marvel at that turn around as I'd never have thought that would have happened 5 minutes before. They've managed to make each other laugh and seem happy enough once more. All their rowing can be chalked up to a bad night! "Can you imagine what a turbulent relationship these two would have if they were married!” (Linmic JJJAT)

Shabby is out of the Diary room and searching the house for Caoimhe. She asks everyone in the lounge where she is and John gets Dave to knock on the toilet door for her. (SC) Shabby joins Caoimhe in the toilet and informs her that BB won't let her leave right now as she's too emotional. Dave and Ben are bickering about the laundry that they are washing in the bath tub. (SC)

Shabs ask Caoimhe what her plan is but she doesn't know (SC) she wants to know what happened while she was in the Diary room but Caoimhe had been hiding out in the toilet the whole time. (SC) She thinks that Nathan is so horrible; Caoimhe lets a burp rip! Caoimhe wouldn't leave and told BB not to let her out as she thought it was seriously kicking off from what she could hear from the Diary room.  

She reveals that she was shouting on her own as BB let her go into the bedroom and kept the curtains closed. (SC) Shabby talks about how she gets rid of her rage and that she wishes Caoimhe could have seen the way .. you guessed it SOUNDCUT and a longie at that!!! Then Caoimhe speaks about her showdown with the Seahorse, saying that one of the reasons she wants to leave is because of him and had said his behaviour was disgusting! 
Caoimhe can't bear to watch Nathan treat other people the way he does. Shabby has never been described as a raincloud of doom before 'it's quite good really!' (SC) Keevil repeats to Shabby how BB let her know they are aware of her nerves and reassured her not to worry about what is going on outside; she doesn't know if she can believe that. Shabby feels she can take some comfort from that (SC) and doesn't think they'd say it as it wouldn't be fair if it weren't the truth. (SC) 

BB had also heartened Shabby not to worry about the way she's being perceived; she's hoping this means she doesn't look too bad. Caoimhe had also confided to BB that she was really worried about something (SC) whatever they had said to her Shabby calls great and it made Caoimhe feel better.  (SC)

They'd asked Keevil what she was enjoying about being there and she replied building the fact that she is Irish. BB followed that up with a question about whether she was proud being there for her country and she expressed that she was so proud. (SC) Caoimhe is sure it was a bit scandalous that she didn't sing the National Anthem for the penalty shoot out task. She hadn't purposely missed her penalty and spoke to a man in the Diary room. BB always stick on a woman for Shabby! (SC) 

Shabby ponders if they gauge how they react to certain things (SC) and finds one of the BB voices to be like having 'caramel in your ears!' (long SC) (ad break)
Mario and Nathan chat in the nest, Mario has realised that by coming in the house one of his aims was to get rid of all his illusions about himself. On the outside he spins so many illusionary plates and he's ended up doing it in there trying to keep people happy! (SC) 

Caoimhe and Shabby leave the toilet and go to the kitchen for a drink. Shabby asks if Caoimhe thinks she's ever intimidated anyone in there; Caoimhe doesn't but feels in the wrong herself for doing that to Ife. (SC) They take their glasses of drink out to the garden and we can hear that John and Josie are back on teasing terms. 

JOHN: When you pulled it out a bit of dribble came out! (when she took her thumb out of her mouth?)

JOSIE: (jokingly) Shut up John! Do you want another row? (SC)

John doesn't think we get mozzies in the UK but Josie had pulled one out of her arm the other night in the pool! (SC) Ife enlightens us that they (the Elstree Studios) are next to a waste management company and there is a massive tip nearby. (SC)

JOSIE: (No weirder than usual) And it had all my blood in its batty! 

John urgh's and then talk turns to how malaria can be contracted from mosquitoes. (SC) A storm is brewing within the raincloud of doom as she has discovered that her tobacco is missing. She had 2 packets out there and they are nowhere to be seen; Corin's packet went missing as well. 
I love how the minute they make up, they're stuck to each other like glue again.” (shelleyj89 JJJAT) 

Shabby thinks that since she is the only smoker whose name begins with the letter S, that it would be fairly obvious to anyone who laid eyes upon it that it was HERS! A pleasant  grins creeps across John's lips as Shabby's stormy spasm entertains him no end. This anger thing of Shabby's really has to go! It's amusing but not attractive! Ife comes across them in the plant pot and tells Shabby she most probably put them there as well! (SC)

Steve and Dave are performing domestic duties retrieving all the rubbish and disposing of it in a bin liner. 

BEN: (talking to himself) Hello! Doing washing today! God, it's sore on the arms! (SC)

He asks Nathan for permission to bleach something in the kitchen sink as a stain won't come out. But Nate wants his mate to use a bowl which Ben commends the Seahorse for suggesting. Corin calls for Ben to look at hair that she is curling as she thinks she's going to end up with a perm!

SHABBY: Do I appear calmer? Do you think they'll take me seriously now? 
Caoimhe nods (SC) and Josie explains that her and John are alright now after their row. (SC) Caoimhe hadn't even realised JJJ had been rowing. Shabby is sure that her friend would come to pick her up and take her back to London. (SC) She doesn't want to get into anything more with 'him' otherwise it would become obvious.  

JOSIE: I don't know whose lemonade I'm drinking! (Caoimhe claims it as hers) Thanks. 

Shabby sees it as half hers as Caoimhe spilled hers all over the swimming pool! (SC) Last night, Caoimhe had kinda convinced herself that they wanted her out (SC) Shabby muses that BB would probably be like this with anybody because they didn't go to all those lengths to pick 14 people, to have them walk out. 

SHABBY: (we've heard this speech and know it by heart already) But I'm scared for myself! (SC)

Josie can be heard berating John in the background for climbing on top of her 'don't, not on the darby John!' (SC) At the end of Shabby's conversation, BB had told her it might be worth bearing in mind that she and Caoimhe are separate people and should make their decisions separately. She considers that BB could be waiting to see what she decides before going ahead with nominations. (end of E4 afternoon feed)      
2.48pm, Caoimhe says she's going to stay for the rest of the day at least (talking to Ben) Nathan makes Caiomhe sick, Ben agrees then says he's been better with him the last few days because Ben stands up to him. Caiomhe says Nathan is intimidating. Ben couldn't stand Govan because he was duplicitous and played groups of people against each other. Ben says John has issues.

Ben calling the other HMs Lord of the flies, like pigs. Except Caimhe, dave and shabby.Then says Mario is the worst, Caiomhe laughs at his fake little girl voice he does for Mario. She thinks the public will love Ben. He's so funny and so compassionate !!!!!!!!!!!!!

BEN: I'm not such a hate figure in the public otherwise they would have got me out. 

3.08pm, Josie now on the bottom of the bed with John, Mario and Ife they are all laughing. 

3.11pm, Shabby back at DR says 'ready when you are' picks up coat and goes in dressed like an extra from a Victorian musical.

Josie likes Jamaican food. Ife planning on taking Josie, Mario and John somewhere for Jamaican food but Mario isn't to chat anyone up on the way there as they have to go by Old Compton St and Soho. Mario says he doesn't do the chatting up, he's the one who gets chatted up. Josie got 800 friends on facebook then John goes I've got 80. 

3.15pm, Shabby has left the House and the other housemates are yet to hear the news #bb11GOOD RIDDANCE, ADIOS, HASTA LA VISTA
3.16pm, Ife asks John if he has loving feelings for Josie.....he walks off and says no but walks away blushing whilst Josie laughed. Asks the same question to Josie, who replies YES. Ife asking Josie if she can see yourself with him on the outside world. 'He's too' Ife saying he's lying because of his hand gesture (itched his head which Ife says he is thinking or is uncomfortable) and Josie wants to know more whilst smiling and sucking her thumb. 

3.27pm, Mario on John and Josie: "Their love chemistry is so strong about to set fire to things it's getting so hot.'' Josie laughed. 

JOSIE: Why is John James dressed like it's snowing outside? 

Josie compliments Mario on his snuggling skills he makes everything feel all right. 

MARIO: Good thing you guys don't know I'm straight.....wicked time though......  

Caoimhe is fast asleep, getting her hair stroked by Mario, unaware that Shabby is no longer there! Josie says she does like Nathan but he's a bully sometimes. Josie jokingly said to him "I think I know why me and John James argue so much" and he replied "because you's just won't get on with it!"

3.46pm, Mario says he thinks the reason John James is so angry all the time is because he secretly fancies him. Josie says she has previously thought that exact thing. Mario and Josie discussing religion, Mario doesn't believe it. Josie says Jesus was prob just a preacher and that he may have had 'healing powers'. Caoimhe says she thinks its all stories. . Mario agrees and says he doesn’t believe any of the miracle stuff. Josie used to think the Bible was written by a businessman.

Josie all excited about seeing the new Twilight movie. Caiohme accuses Kristen Stewart of stringing someone along in Twilight. Woo Woo - Irony alert!  Mario/Caoimhe/Josie discussing hair - Mario's used to be down to his elbows! 

4.08pm, BB: Shabby has now left the Big Brother house. SR open for Shabby's suitcase. 

Not even gathered on the sofa. Just over the tannoy like that! Nathan:"Wowzer" sarcastically. 

sarahlucyellis (press office tweet) - HMs know that Shabby has left. HMs shocked. JJ wheels Shabby's suitcase thru to be packed. Caoimhe tried to cry.

Caoimhe collapses in tears in Josie's arms. Josie tells Caoimhe that she has her back and asks 'do you want me to get you a coffee? A plastic bag?'

John and Corin come in to comfort Caiomhe. Corin's voice is so so fake when she says 'can't believe it'; Caoimhe tries to squeeze more crocodile tears. John retrieves Shabby's case. Ben hugs a Caoimhe the griever. Corin helping John to pack Shabby's gear. Mario says it sucks, none of them got to say goodbye.  

NATHAN: She's never been happy here.

STEVE: Do you think Caoimhe will leave now as well?

DAVE: Nah. 

4.17pm, Dave predicting noms will go ahead and BB will put another 4 in. 

BEN: (To Josie) If I get chucked out will you squeeze my spots? 

Caoimhe seems over it already, giggling away. Ife and Dave agreeing BB pushed Shabby to the brink. Caiomhe waiting to go into DR and Ife wishes she had never got upset last night and thinks she added to it. Mario tells her not to carry that burden, that she went for her own reasons.

IMO, John has realised that there is something there between him and Josie. From his perspective and hers. He doesn't want to push her on it as he would be gutted if she said no, but he has a reasonable idea I would say. Therefore, John would have been WAY more distant with Jose before now.” (Brit_x JJJAT)

4.32pm, Corin says the house won't be the same without Shabby. Ife meekly agrees; she and Mario feel numb. Mario says it can't be anything like how Caoimhe's feeling. Josie enters bedroom and says she feels bad for saying she loses respect for people who walk now that her mate has just walked. Ben making coffee for the mourners in the bedroom. 

BEN: (to Corin) Will you take me to Blackpool? 

Ben learned to dance the waltz with Anton du Beke. John discussing Noirin and male housemates leaving, showing his extensive knowledge of BB10. 

4.44pm, JOSIE: I hope we don't have to do noms now.  

Ife wondering if Shabby would have stayed if she'd talked to her last night. Caoimhe out of Diary room, shows real tears at last and sounds like a snivelling cat. Now in the bedroom, Ife offers to be there for her, Josie offers to run her a bath and toast. Caoimhe breaks down, Josie hugs her.

She says she doesn't know what to do, Josie says she can hang with her. Josie jokes that she was looking for a new mate because John James is a fool. Caoimhe finds this pretty funny and cracks a smile. Housemates are told by Big Brother that nominations will begin in 15 minutes.

Online bookies make Josie strong BB11 favourite :) 

5.05pm, Josie telling Caiomhe John James is her husband. Caiomhe says he's actually mine as well. Josie whispered something and then said 'but you can't help but like him can you?' and they giggled. Josie jokingly putting forward her good points to Caoimhe to see if she wants to hang with her. Corin says "caring" Josie says "ya think so? I think I'm quite insensitive" 'So....what can you bring to this friendship?' Caoimhe asks Josie what Shabby had said about her; Josie telling her that Shabby was in love with her.

Caoimhe says she thought it was just a crush and that she would have had she not fallen in love herself before coming in BB. Josie thinks they get on because they both have freckles. 

5.13pm, Josie is laying on the couch with John James, sucking her thumb. “Did you see Josie's look at John when she said to Caoimhe imagine being here with Dave and you loved him but he only liked you as mate. And then she said feelings turn to love here quicker because you're with someone all day, its like being in a relationship for 6 months. I wonder what she's refering to, I don't think its just Shabby!” (Sofette JJJAT)

5.16pm, John saying he knew Shabby had the guts to do it and not liking Josie's suggestion that he comfort Keamemnene! John saying he doesnt know how to read Caoimhe. Josie explaining it's just cos shes quiet and about how she was ignored a lot in past.

5.24pm, John saying he can't sleep every Sunday night because of nominations. That's why he was in the DR all last night. Josie holding his leg, aw! Mario says he just goes in and says 'my first nomination is John James, as when we shared a bed together he would get me sexually worked up then leave me cold.' 

5.36pm, JOSIE (to John): I just felt your widger on my leg! (as he brushed past her)

John and Josie teasing each other about not missing the other when they weren't talking. 

JOSIE: Did you miss me when we weren't speaking?

JOHN: (jokingly) No.

JOSIE: Well I didn't miss you either! 

They're back to their flirty ways. Josie has just said she would rather be ugly with a sense of humour rather than the other way around, and John asked her who told her she was either of those. 

JOSIE: I might not be the best looking girl in the world but I do have a sense of humour.  

John walks away to the table and gives her a playful slap on the bum. 

JOSIE: Do you mind not slapping that fat ass of mine? 

More joking but can't make it out.

5.43pm, a very fierce BB calls Ben to the Diary room. Dave trying to tell John no one argues with him, he's the one who argues with everyone else. John ignores him and continue to talk to Steve.


Shabby is spinning out! George asked her why she felt the need to walk; Shabby replies that it was a multi-layered onion of reasons. She unpeels that some people in there got right on her nerves and she thought Caoimhe would be better off if she stopped lusting after her and just got out the way. Shabby initially thought Caoimhe fancied her back. 

She felt her time was up but reckons she may regret leaving at some point. Shabby figured she's have been evicted on Friday and was freaked that she'd cried in the house when she's not a crier! Unfortunately she couldn't talk to her best friend about the girl she liked because Caoimhe was her best friend! 

Shabs was embarrassed after watching a montage of her relationship with Caoimhe and decides she needs to get her head out of her own bum! But Caoimhe had told her she fancied her one. Shabby feels she has to respect that Caoimhe has a boyfriend and doesn't want to be a homewrecker. 

When asked if it was the right decision for Caoimhe to stay, she answers that it was and that Caoimhe should give it a few more days. She even might like it better without Shabby following her around like an idiot! Shabs hopes that her HM's realise for all her bad qualities she's not a malicious or cruel person - she just can't help kicking off. 
She was going to nominate Nathan as she's seeing his passive aggressive remarks. But hadn't decided upon another as she wanted to refuse to nominate altogether. Shabby thinks Steve should win as it would mean the most and he deserves it for what he's done. On a weird level, she'd quite like Ben to win as he's a nutcase and she wishes she'd got to know him better. 

It was for Caoimhe's own benefit that Shabby didn't say goodbye to her, as she wanted it to be her own call if she wanted to leave too. Paul Ross took a long time to sort out his faves and most hated in the house; he thinks the series was a slow burner. He's a big Ife fan as she'd make any party great fun and is very flirtatious; he didn't think her dancing was over the top. 

In a poll, 64% of BBLB viewers voted that Shabby should have stayed.     

6.05pm, Caoimhe in bed with Josie. She says noms will be a totally different outcome this week. Josie agrees. Ah, so Caoimhe's here for at least the rest of the week then. John wants to do a Siavash. Ben also joins the Siavash appreciation society. So Shabby is gone but Caoimhe is still there and now saying she wants to go through the front door. She genuinely LOVED Shabby with all her heart and saying that her family may disown her because of her language.

Josie says Shabby will be missing Caoimhe like mad, when you spend so much time with one person it will hard to be apart.

BEN: Shabby is at peace now.

She's not dead Ben! Dave and Ben agree that Shabby would always have left she was too free spirited. John says he had a lot of respect for Shabby, she was real. Caiomhe telling Josie what BB said: Caiomhe, BB wishes it had a tissue to give you. Josie said that she sometimes didn't approach Caiomhe and Shabby because she felt like she was invading. 

6.22pm, John jumps on top of Josie in the bed. Josie says he has the sharpest elbows and sharpest tongue. Caiomhe turns the tongue part into innuendo. awww they look so happy there on the bed with Caoimhe... Caoimhe asking him how he kisses! They're laughing about John going so red there. Josie has made John go red by saying something about his sharp tongue, she says he gets embarrassed easily by sex stuff. Caiomhe brings up John talking about sex in the first week and she was 'disturbed' by it. Caiomhe doesn't like too much tongue. Josie says she's forgotten how to kiss. 

6.30pm, Caoimhe asks what Josie's ex looked like. A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! Josie and Caoimhe discuss kissing. Caoimhe thinks Hugh Grant looks like a great kisser. Josie likes men with big noses. Dave laughing about only needing to see his wife for half an hour on Thursday. Corin shouts out it'd only need 30 seconds with John! 

6.55pm, Caoimhe asks John if he uses chat up lines. He doesn't know what they are! Dave and Ben just had a brief conversation about doing their noms this week. Ben was asked to clarify his reasons for one of his, and he scraped the barrel. They agreed that it is getting more difficult. They finished their conversation by telling each other "love you"

7.02pm, JOSIE turns on John: I don't know why you get upset when people throw stuff at you - you through stuff at me all the time!

JOHN: You deserve it though.

(to Caoimhe): These two really need to get a room.

MARIO: John, why do you style your hair then put your hat on???

MARIO: There's two sausages in a frying pan. One says "wow, it's hot in here!" The other says "ARGH! A talking sausage!

JOSIE: I don't get it... 

7.07pm, Josie teasing John that he hasn't stopped smiling since they made up. John laughs and buries his face into the pillow! Ben asks whether Big Brother would send a message to relatives who are getting married. Mario said maybe, but he's not sure whether it's happened before. Josie and Caoimhe practically went through the roof after Ben told them he could get them into OK/Hello parties. 

7.16pm, Josie says she thinks Dawn French is "stunning" and says she loves The Vicar of Dibley. Ben asks if Josie drives. She says "Yer Ben I gorra Peugeot 106" Ben says he'll take Josie, Caoimhe and Mario to visit the village where they film The Vicar of Dibley and have a pub lunch - Caoimhe loves the idea. 

JOSIE: Ben, because we've got on you haven't seen me as a cow - but I've been a proper cow in here.

Ben thinks Josie will come out of the house a star. Josie loves Bristol and loves the fact that she loves Bristol. It was voted the happiest place in the UK. 

7.28pm, Josie and Ife counting each others teeth. John thinks that BB will try to get Shabby back, for the ratings! 

7.46pm, JJJ walk into the bedroom to be greeted by Dave "Here come Posh n Becks" "Weyhey the lovebirds" Josie giggles before repeating Posh n Becks smiling then they get under the covers together. Woo!

Serious under cover action and giggling! JJJ in bed under the covers!!! They are beyond cute. Snuggling under the blankets just now. Calling themselves Posh & Becks. Aww, they're spooning in Josie's bed! Josie is big spoon, she has her arm around John's waist. The spooning is getting tighter, Josie gets in closer. Dave has gone over to annoy them.

Ben asks John James whether he'll join him in bed at 10 o'clock. John says he knows he will be up and is looking forward to the task. Dave jokes he will be up too.  

DAVE: Do you think your going to have the red suit on tomorrow, Jonno? 

JOHN: Aww 100%

BB call Mario he's asleep and needs to be woken up.

7.51pm, Josie: You're happy we're friends again Johnny!

JOHN: You are!

JOSIE: Yeah...

John looks like he's asleep. Ben says the more he chats to Josie the more interesting he finds her, Josie says the same with you. The garden is out of bounds.

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