Saturday, 16 March 2013

Day 27 HL's

A CAUTIONARY FOREWARNING: This episode revolves highly around KEEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10.27am, Shabby is at the carousel. Ife has come to the Diary room. She doesn't know what happened yesterday and never wants to feel that way again in her life.

IFE: Who knew that I had it in me to erupt? The house was divided because people had already made a judgment on the words that I'd said, because I wasn't speaking irrationally the whole of last night.. I was very much.. if I'm honest, I felt very sorry for myself, very hurt.. just let rip basically and just shouted my mouth off and stuff.  

Ife plans to try and put everything right today and thinks Shabby will be the type of person to accept this, so they can move on. When she'd shouted to the girls through the window that they'd hurt her she could see pure remorse written all over Shabby's face. She's in a completely different place with Caoimhe and might not be honest when she speaks with her, just for the good of the house. 'But I actually dislike her.' In Ife's position I wouldn't have popped Keevil but I'd have wanted to b*tch-slap her! 

Ben doesn't get why everyone is up and about so quickly today. Caoimhe asks if she can speak to him a sec, so they walk into the closet. She discloses in indistinct tones that she is leaving this morning as she can't do it anymore. Ben beseeches her not to because she's done so well; she keeps repeating that she can't because of lots of stuff. She tells him that Shabby is leaving too, Ben thinks she'll regret it but won't condemn her for it as he may well do the same at some point. 
He just doesn't understand why now. She knows she's done nothing wrong with Ife but will apologise; Keevil doesn't think it is worth it to be made out to feel like she's a nasty person. Ben moderates that when Ife came back in the room last night it had all blown over and that she'd said that she's sort things with the girls the next day. Ben believes it will all be okay today but Caoimhe still 'wants' to go; Ben can understand this and doesn't think it's wrong at all as it shows guts. He just thinks it's the wrong time now and suggests she give it a few more days. 

10.56am, some of the HM's are in the garden. Josie tells Keevs not to let anything get her down but Keevil doesn't feel it is fair to be made out to be a f**king bully. Jose tempers that everyone knows that she's not but hates to say that the only person insinuating she is - is John James. 

JOSIE: He's like 'there's two of them, there's one of her!'

CAOIMHE: Nathan as well then.. He is a .. I can't be here around him!

Ife has taken Shabby aside to have her say - that firstly, that she really believes Shabby had no intentions to make her feel bad. In hindsight, she's sorry for acting the way she did and wishes she'd acted differently but she didn't know what to do. Shabby ingrains that she is sorry for upsetting Ife which Ife says is cool. 
Whiffy would really like it if they could just put a line under it and move on. Shabby asks 'what about you and Caoimhe?' she thinks she should speak to her; as though her ears were burning she walks right through the bedroom door at this point. Ife agrees that she will and exhales deeply as Caoimhe comes over, Shabby leaves them to it. 

She repeats her spiel about thinking she acted badly and could have dealt with the situation was a lot better. Ife fibs that she doesn't think Caoimhe intentionally wanted to hurt her; Caoimhe cuts in that she knows she didn't. Ife thinks she will learn from this in retrospect but Caoimhe felt that Ife had distanced herself a lot. 

Ife replies that they hadn't asked her reasons for distancing herself but she doesn't want to go over every micro thing. All Caoimhe wants to say is that she's really, really sorry so Ife again mentions putting a line under it as they all have to live together. Caoimhe claims that she's leaving this morning and will see Ife on the outside but it seems to have gone unheard by Ife. The conversation had started to circle anyway.
12.48pm, some of the HM's are in the kitchen. There are some leftover sausages so Ben broaches that they could use those for stuffing. He is exposed to the sardonic barbs of the Seahorse 'f**k off Fauntleroy!' Ben likes stuffing and Steve bets he f**king does! 

NATHAN: 'Ere sh*thead!  

He has taken Ben's suggestions to mean that Ben is hinting for Nathan to make the stuffing! Ben brags that he's good at making trifle (to which - Nathan calls him a trifle bizarre!) and shall make some for the Baron, who will like that! Nate doesn't think anything can beat a good trifle or a Grandmother's cooking. 

In the garden, Shabby notifies Ife that she and Caoimhe are leaving in a minute as she's had enough. Ife asks why and if it is because of what happened with them; Shabby admits that it is partly down to that. Shabby's not going to be made out to be something she's not - somebody who picks on people or does things to hurt people. 

SHABBY: Because I don't have a malicious bone in my body. 
Ife had said this to her and doesn't think she should go; she could have easily thought 'I wanna go tomorrow' but she knew in her heart she wouldn't go. She believes that when they get on the outside world and see things for how they are, they'll curse themselves for not sticking it through. Shabby doesn't really want to be in a place, where essentially people don't want her in the house because of a trait in her personality.

IFE: That's what this is.. it's an unpopularity competition.

SHABBY: (begins walking away across the lawn and just sounds plum crazy) Yeah but I'm not unpopular.. not in my real life.. and if they f**king hate me so much, then I'll f**king walk - do you know what I mean? I don't need to be around people that don't like me! Because I have plenty of people that like me in my life, because I'm actually a good person. You can suck my balls! 

"I'm sad that Shabby left, but at least she had enough respect for herself to actually mean it when she told others she planned to leave. Caoimhe, on the other hand, was just attention seeking. Looking for someone to reassure her that she's wanted." (Pete H, Youtube) (ad break)
1.03pm, Steve is in the kitchen whistling; Caoimhe goes to the Diary room. She's really, really sorry about this but she can't do this anymore; she's just petrified of how she's been portrayed. Keevil also can't deal with the Shabby thing anymore and is really worried it's upsetting people on the outside like her boyfriend and her family. (DIDN'T BOTHER YOU THAT MUCH WHEN YOU WERE SNOGGING UP HER NECK!!)

She doesn't think she could cope any better if Shabby was not there, because then the best part about being there is taken away. Nathan - she cannot cannot stand as he's a bully! Caoimhe knows that she came across as a bully herself yesterday with the Ife thing but feels really ashamed of herself, that she made someone feel like that. 

CAOIMHE: But I can't be around Nathan! I can't witness the way he speaks to people.. it's just not worth it. It's not worth it!

Outside, Josie tells Nath she needs to have a word with him for a minute. He comes over so she asks him not to take this the wrong way 'but did you say we smashed up Steve's stuff?' Seahorse counters that he hadn't said she smashed up anything. Shabby charges in that Nathan had said this. 
Nathan excuses her in a tetchy manner and expresses that Steve's stuff was all over things but he didn't use the word 'smashed!' Shabby felt that he had said so verbatim. Josie asks for them to hold on as she hadn't meant to cause anything there. Nathan tells Shabby to shut her f**king gob so she swears back for him to f**k off!

NATHAN: (Snarls with all the tact of a Nazi stormtrooper) Ha ha ha, look at you getting all irate! You grumpy little f**king raincloud! F**k off. I told ya I'm not letting no b*stard bring me down in this place. 

Josie apologises as she'd just wanted to ask Nathan but he continues to say some choice words. He then concedes that he may have said 'smashing' which isn't the same as stamping to him; he demonstrates by knocking a deckchair over (that this is smashing the place up) - really it is just moving one object to another place but he calls that smashing. 

Jose speaks up that he knows they're not the sort of people that would do that. Nathan knows they wouldn't intentionally, but his point is they went into a guy's personal space, tore his f**king bed up and moved all his sh*t about. This is why Josie wanted to have a word with to tell Nathan that wasn't the case. "You can tell that Nathan's been bottling up that irritation over Shabby for a while for him to explode like that. :P" (acaterpiller, Youtube)
Nathan turns his attention back to Shabby to sneer with an inappropriate slur 'don't start getting f**king irate with me Shabby! You little f**king raincloud of doom. I can't be f**king arsed with it, kid!' Dave thinks the problem was they didn't talk to anyone when everyone was steaming, but by the time they came out and he talked to Steve, he was ok. 

Seahorse doesn't think they understand how badly they f**king upset the man. 'I wasn't even f**king irate but you upset the f**king man! Corin was f**king fuming cos..' Josie puts the record straight that she would never touch personal belongings. Nathan puts across that it wasn't just Josie and he hadn't singled her out. 

He voices that John James had 3 towels by the side of his bed, and then draws John into the discussion 'how many were there last night about 7 or 8?' John yeah's and Nathan uses this to show that it wasn't just Josie but it was a by-product of their mischief. 

Shabby has gone into the bedroom to suppress her angst into her duvet; she's on the brink of blubbering. But instead screams 'f**king w*nker! W*nker!! W*NKERRRRR!!!' "Nathan and Scabby argue the semantics of "smashing" things. While I don't like Nathan's petty school-yard jibes at Scabby, (as Kiva says, "he's a bully"), I agree with the point he was making. If someone trashed my bed and clothes, I'd be royally pissed." (policemanaaron, Youtube)

1.33pm, Caoimhe has been in the Diary room for 28 minutes. BB asks how she's feeling now; she's feeling better but isn't going to talk to anyone when she gets out of there. She plans to sit on her own, with her own thoughts and not let anyone influence her then she'll be back to talk to BB. 
Just as the Diary room door opens, Shabby is bashing on the buzzer to be let in. Josie speaks to Ife about John trying to make out she doesn't give a sh*t about her, but Ife knows that she does. 

JOSIE: Yeah but he's still trying to do it now. 

Caoimhe bypasses Shabby and ignores her requests to talk, in favour of going for a cigarette. Shabby asks her once more but won't go outside; Caoimhe wants to have a cigarette on her own as she needs 2 minutes. Shabby yells for her not to worry about it but her flaring nostrils indicate otherwise (she hammers the button again) and she says she's f**king going. Keevil asks what's going on. 

SHABBY: (seethes) Nathan's a f**king pr*ck is what's going on!  

Josie explains that she'd said to Nathan, that they didn't like how he'd said they smashed Steve's styff up when they never. Shabby snaps that Nathan is trying to f**king intimidate her; Caoimhe wants to know what he did. So Josie recaps how she'd set the record straight with Nathan, give or take a profanity. 

Shabby finds Nathan abhorrent and rage-inducing after he called her a raincloud of doom. Josie laughs at the way Shabby dramatises the argument so Shabby jumps down her throat that it's not f**king funny. Josie exhorts Shabs not to let Nathan get to her! 
Caoimhe goes straight over to Nathan as she just wanted to tell him that he's a bully. The churlish chav chases her asking why as she can't just make a passing comment like that. Neither of them want to converse intelligently so Keevil shoots that she thinks he's intimidating and bullies Ben. 

Nathan hovers in the vicinity shouting back that he's been more friends with Ben this week than he ever has been. He questions Ben if he feels like he bullies him, while Caoimhe mutters that one of the reasons she would want to leave is because Nathan's attitude is horrific. John asks 'what's going on here?'

Ben doesn't feel bullied but Ife comes and drags Nathan's sorry carcass away to the kitchen, pulling them apart without any bloodshed. Nathan makes an ass of himself shouting back that she shouldn't make a comment without warranting it 'f**king poisonous little (bleeped out)!' Keevil serves back a f**k you.

NATHAN: (where does this hostility come from?) Get your f**king raincloud out of my f**king face!

After he's been marched off, Caoimhe is not through complaining and announces that Nathan is a f**king bully and he is one of the reasons she wants to leave. She can't be around him because he's a nasty f**king piece of work! Steve quizzes whether she really wants to go; she does and is going to have this cigarette by herself and a think. She starts to cry shakily that her nerves can't deal with it; Ben offers her a coffee. "Nathan is the worst kind of bully. He's passive aggressive about it. He makes sure that the fight doesn't die down and then quickly jumps to the "I'm not going to let you bother me" line which implies that he's blameless. He's not. I have to admit, it's somewhat clever. He never starts the fire but he makes sure it never goes out. That way he can get away with the crime because he's never the first one to be blamed." (Tommyiscancer, Youtube)    
Nathan doesn't seem chipper as he mouths off to Corin about the cheeky f**king b*tches! She thinks it's pathetic and not even worth saying something as there's no way he could be perceived as a bully in there. She reckons that it's not even worth rising to or shouting or having an argument over. He feels that he's done nothing but f**king try and make everyone f**king feel good and that those two don't like being answered back. 

NATHAN: It's alright for Shabby to shout at f**king Ben overnight and all that sh*t.. but when I think it's wrong.. and even Josie and Ife and everyone agreed and all t'lads out there agreed with what I said.. but because she didn't I'm a bully? Get f**ked! Turn it in!

BB asks Shabby how she is feeling today; she boils over that Nathan's a piece of sh*t and everyone had seen how he sauntered over to her with his cocky swagger. She depicts how he'd rampaged at her for being a raincloud of doom. 

SHABBY: F**K OFF YOURSELF NATHAN! I F**KING DETEST HIM!! And I can't wait until everybody in this house sees him for what he is. And I don't want to be around it

She has no interest in knowing him or being there or anything else. Shabby thanks BB for the opportunity because she doesn't regret doing it but her time has come to an end for sure. She'd like to confirm her leaving but BB suggests she speak to some friends in the house. Shabby doesn't think she has any friends in the house - not real ones, even Caoimhe walked away when she needed to talk to her

Shabby just doesn't want to be around these people; she loves the experience but she f**king detests some of the people in there and that's never gonna change. She's so confused she can't even think straight; BB again recommends that she speaks to someone in the house to make peace before she does leave. (ad break)
2.56pm, Caoimhe and Ben are in the kitchen. He asks if they are still going or if they're not sure. She says she'll stay til the end of the day and will probably be up for eviction anyway. Ben thinks this is the right thing to do and gently reminds her she survived last week. 

It's been 1 hour and 4 minutes since Big Brother asked Shabby to reflect on her decision to leave the house. She's calmed down a bit and had time to think and would like to definitely go. 

Nathan sighs and winks that he feels alright now; Ife is full of smiles that she also feels proper fine in herself. He adds that all the weight has been lifted from his shoulders. Nathan had spoken to Mario about holding his tongue when maybe all he needed was .. it wasn't even a blow up. 

According to him, at no point did he lose his temper but things needed to be said and he is a happy-go-lucky and cheeky f**king Northerner (Isn't he the optimistic fellow? Not once did I catch a glimpse of that character!) and that just wasn't him sulking in the kitchen. He motions to the f**king Chuckle Brothers (Dave and Ben) that he's got keeping him entertained. 

Ife's insight is that if everyone feels good it'll work. Nathan wants to spread the f**king love! How can they honestly expect for all the unpleasantness with the girls to be settled? In the bedroom, Josie is having a cuddle with Mario and tells Caoimhe she looks like a proper diva today. She needs a lie down so they invite her in bed with them and Josie jokes that she'll share Mario with her (and his massive b*llock!). 
Mars quips that there's enough of him to go round and a good 8 inches to share. Caoimhe curls up and thinks Shabby is in the Diary room; Josie asks if Shabby's dead-set on going but she doesn't know. Mario respires 'oh don't tell me she's leaving!' Keevil affirms that they were both leaving this morning but he says for her not to be silly as they've all worked too hard to walk out the back door. 

Shabby feels totally alone in there, even after being prompted by BB that she has Caoimhe as a close friend. 'Where's Caoimhe now? She knows how sh*tty I feel but she's not talking to me is she?' BB double-checks she has made a considered decision which she has and then asks if she has any last words before leaving the house. 

SHABBY: I've met some people I never thought I'd meet.. some I'd never like to meet again and uh.. yeah..Thanks for giving me this experience it's been a wild rollercoaster. Sorry I couldn't cut it in the end.

Then she leaves the BB house for good :'( I had a love/hate thing for Shabby but I really was sad when she did decide to walk through the back door. Emotions are messy things and it must have been excruciating being trapped in a suffocating place, feeling utterly alone and alienated. She probably woke up in the mornings realising that nobody cared if she went or not. Part of me will always wish she had stuck it out as she was likely to have been evicted in a week or so. 
3.54pm, Dave and Ben are sorta professing their love for each other in the garden. Monk half-jokingly quizzes Ben on whether he'll nominate him today but Ben answers 'do you think I would ever vote for you? No.' John shh sssssshushes them, to stop them rule breaking. 

Mario is stroking Caoimhe's hair with one hand and Josie's shoulder with his other. He likes listening to Dave's views on things as it has given him food for thought. The only thing he can't stretch his imagination to believe is that the Earth is only 6000 years old and that dinosaurs were wiped out in Noah's flood. Josie wonders how many times Dave has read the Bible; Mario answers 'about as many times as I've read Harry Potter!' 

He envisages that in 2000 years, it might be said that Harry Potter walked the Earth, performed miracles and vanquished Lord Voldemort! They still think Shabby is still in the Diary room - perfect cue for BB to break the news that 'Shabby has now left the Big Brother house! The storeroom is now open for HM's to collect Shabby's suitcase. Would one HM ensure that Shabby's belongings are packed and return this to the Diary room?' 

Instantly, Caoimhe sits up stunned and slaps her hand to her face and trying to look as simultaneously sad and shocked as possible. Her attempt at shock certainly wouldn't have won a BAFTA! Josie is first to hold Caoimhe tightly as she cries after the announcement.  
"I really had a good chuckle after Cakngjkdng's reaction to Shabby leaving. Her hand on her face was straight out of a silent film. "Oh noes! I TOTALLY had no idea!" (hibothebibo)

The reaction in the garden couldn't have been more different: John OMG's, Nathan 'oh well's' Josie continues to comfort Caoimhe rubbing her back, exclaiming 'f**king hell!' and giving her a kiss on the head. She assures Caoimhe that she has her back and won't let anybody speak to her horribly. Kiev seems appreciative and collapses back into Josie for further solace. 

JOSIE: It's horrible when you've grown so close to someone like that and then they go.

John has come over to extend his consolation and Mario is shocked. John didn't expect it but had a feeling Shabby had the guts to do it 'I'm sorry Keevs.' She wants to go and have a fag but Corin has joined them to ask (without any real empathy) if she's alright as she can't believe it! She checks that Caoimhe's not going to do the same thing or 'owt daft; she simply says she was and walks out with Josie. 
Dave denotes that Shabby had had a gutful and Ife agrees that she'd been through a lot with the Caoimhe situation. 

NATHAN: A place like is either gonna make ya or break ya.

Monk Man doesn't think someone so free-spirited could handle being locked in rooms, when used to being on the back streets of London. Shabby was practically a vagrant, for want of a better word. Caoimhe comes out with Josie and breaks down in Ben's arms; he'd not been expecting Shabby's departure and asks if Caoimhe had. He also supplicates her with an offering of coffee - wasn't that sweet of him?

As much as I loathe the lass, I can't help but feel sad for her as she cries that she didn't think Shabby would leave without saying goodbye. She cannot compute why Shabby left and didn't wait for her, when she escaped from her humdrum life in the BB house. 

JOSIE: (solemn) I feel like someone's just died. 

Mutton dressed as lamb is sure that f**king Nathan pr*ck is delighted!

4.47pm, it's been 1 hour and 40 minutes since Shabby left the Big Brother house. To cheer Caoimhe up, Josie is jokingly asking her what she has to offer their friendship and starts the ball rolling that she's quite a positive person. Caoimhe exults herself for giving great little hugs and she can do great hairstyles. 
JOSIE: I think this is gonna be the start of a beautiful affair! 

Caoimhe's going to have a good think about what she can offer, as she's just been the lesbian side-kick for the last month. Josie giggles and hopes that she doesn't fall in love with Caoimhe which gets Caoimhe laughing too! Shabby had told Keevil last night, that she'd be shocked by her diary room entries; Josie doesn't think she will.

Josie's not saying it is Caoimhe's fault but she thinks how Shabby felt about her, had a lot to do with why she went. This is why Keev wanted to leave too and asks for any examples of what Shabby said. Josie begins with - Shabby hadn't ever been in love before but then realises it's probably not her place to say. 'I don't think it's up to me to do that to you.. I shouldn't have said that.'  

CAOIMHE: (like a killer blow in her face) She was in love?

Josie doesn't know; Caoimhe never believed that and it hadn't even crossed her mind 'I thought it was just a crush!' Josie comes clean that it had been driving Shabby crazy and thinks she wishes Caoimhe felt differently

JOSIE: She adored you! Shame you weren't that way inclined, really. 

Caoimhe would have if she'd not fallen in love before she came in the house. She never seemed like she was terribly uncomfortable with Shabby's feelings and didn't do anything to discourage her or nip her emotions in the bud! (ad break)  
5.31pm, today HM's for the 4th time. Dave's not worried as he's ready to see his family; he'd like to stay but wouldn't give a rip if he doesn't. Caoimhe would be really happy if she was up 'hint hint!' and Dave feels the same, some days he'd obviously like to stay. 

Ben is the first HM to nominate. 


BEN: IFE (for taking herself and the tasks too seriously, coming from someone who has the reverse problem.. and needs to show more humour) and JOHN JAMES (his Australian friend, who has a real volatility problem in a different way to Shabby and it depends what side of the bed he got up from - as to what sort of mood he's going to be in. 'He's a very, very angry person inside and he's gotta sort some of that anger out!' Ben also questions the sanity of a man who would fly 9000 miles to be on BB!) 

CAOIMHE: NATHAN (she thinks people should see him for what he is - a complete bully! Acts like Mr Nice guy when actually he's not, expects people to be in a good mood or bad mood when he is ''but he's a total pr*ck!') and IFE (as she's very into herself and made Caoimhe out to be a bully. Plus the incident last night is what made Shabby decide enough was enough; she can't help but blame Ife a bit.) 

CORIN: CAOIMHE (cos when the pillow incident happened, most people had apologised but she didn't think Caoimhe yelling 'what's the problem?' through the door was very nice) and JOHN JAMES (just for the fact that he has a bad temper and everything constantly winds him up, causing rages in the house. She can understand it better now she's had her rage as they're all human and that's the way he deals with things. 'But whether or not the guy's got issues - don't take them out on everybody else. Deal with it. Get over it.' But she does think he's alright.)
DAVE: IFE (there's been a couple of instances where she's heard gossip and made a judgment off the back of it. He's concerned that if he and Ife stay, he and others could be tarred with a brush which isn't really fair.) and CAOIMHE (the mindsets that make up who they are as people conflict with each other - in the areas of religion and abortion. There are probably many reasons why they wouldn't get on.)

IFE: CAOIMHE (as when she had her little freak out Shabby showed remorse but Caoimhe didn't. This made her realise she's not the type of person she wants to associate with or hang around with.) and BEN (she doesn't think he's a team player - if it's something that's not his cup of tea he'll say he won't do it. At first she thinks pull yourself together and put some elbow grease into it - but then he smiles and turns a bit red seeing she's angry and then you like him again!)

JOHN: CAOIMHE (he talks to her least and can find her to be a little bit moody at times. And she was the only one to give backchat to both Steve and Corin after the HM's threw their stuff around in the bedroom. He didn't feel that was necessary.) And BEN (he made it quite clear that he was willing to fail a task if he didn't feel that he wanted to do it. Ben's very much NOT a team player so it will be very hard in the future to co-operate with someone who has those views.)
JOSIE: NATHAN (she was hurt that someone would think she'd touch someone's personal belongings because she's not like that. She would never ever dream of doing that especially to Papa Steve's stuff!) and CORIN (for the same reason and Corin had frightened her a little bit 'she was like a little mad woman!')

MARIO: CORIN (for not joining in group conversations or ever giving her view on things. She'll sit with them and then walk off to do her make up or have a cigarette.) and STEVE (when they made the fort last night, he came and really aggressively shouted at them through the glass.)

NATHAN: CAOIMHE (as after their little tiff she'd called him a bully which he doesn't think he is in any sense of the word. He's done everything to boost morale but for 2 weeks she's walked round with a face of thunder and isolated herself from the group.) and JOHN JAMES (because he absolutely loves a row whether it be about toothpaste or what colour the grass is. Nathan's had enough rows in the last month and it's got him right down, he wants it to be a happy house!)

STEVE: BEN (for his lack of enthusiasm, interest and participation in tasks; he's a very one-sided chap who keeps letting the team down and expects the pieces to be picked up for him. For him that totally goes against the grain of what BB is all about) and JOHN JAMES (for his constant arguing with ladies, constant bickering and walking into the bedroom interrupting peoples' sleep and it's starting to grate. It seems to him that he's picking on all the women!)
Caoimhe received 5 nominations and John James received 4 nominations. Dave, Josie and Mario received no nominations. (ad break)

10.43pm, Nathan asks Ife how she's bearing up, she feels much better now they've said their pieces and all know that they're all decent people really. She considers them all to be in it together and she's sure tomorrow there will be another drama and they'll get over that. Ifester just hopes it doesn't involve her; Nathan teases her to stay out of trouble. 

In a weird kind of way, Mario is actually going to miss Shabby's rages. Ben supposes they were entertaining up to a point and didn't find them annoying; what he did find difficult is the way Shabby would walk in with those massively over-sized shorts of hers. She looked like a total bloke with her hands in her pockets, swaying backwards and forwards - this used to freak Ben out a bit! 'Cos it was sorta aggressive walking!' 

 Mars didn't find it aggressive and thought she used her persona to hide a lot of things. In which case, Ben doesn't get her exaggerated walk. He's always found it easier to understand men that act like women as opposed to women who act like men! 
Some of the HM's are in the bathroom. Caoimhe divulges that she doesn't like many people in there and she's like Shabby that way. She only has a few people that she really genuinely likes and the rest of them can go f**k off! Josie laughs at her bluntness but John is pretty disappointed that Shabs left even though he wasn't one of the people that were really close to her. 

Keevil doesn't class her as being close to anyone apart from herself. Before Shabby had gone and after she got a serve off Nate, John said to her 'don't leave cos you're one of the real people.' He thinks those are the most important people to be in there but he's not saying she's the only one. Jose now thinks there's only 1 person who isn't very real in there. Last night had absolutely shocked her with Corin. 

Caoimhe claims that Corin is not real. John went to say something about that to Josie the other night, but she shot him down in flames saying she was a lovely person and she got on with her really well. Josie's not saying Corin's not a lovely person as she is. Keevil doesn't care if Corin doesn't like her but wants to be given half an hour where she doesn't have to listen to her stupid, f**king voice! 

CAOIMHE: (not fooled by Corin's plan to pretend to enjoy everything) Don't tell me you can be that f**king happy 24/7?

JOHN: Don't get me started! I've been thinking this for ages but I thought I was the only one .. so I just left it at that.
Ife enters the bathroom but Caoimhe continues all the same about her worries that Corin has to nominate 2 people each week. She usually keeps a very far distance from the people she nominates as she doesn't want to come across .. John cuts her off 'easy! They'll be onto that sh*t! I don't know who the f**k you're talking about but..'

JOHN: Every person in here has nominated 2 people, right? Every person. I end up doing my head in cos I'm trying to find problems with people and I don't have any and that's what's p*ssing me off! The biggest problem I've.. so here I am walking around and I'm trying to think 'are you playing a game? Are you p*ssing me off?' And the only reason I'm thinking that is cos I'm trying to look for something ready for Monday's!

He thinks that's wrong because he wouldn't do that on the outside and would take everyone for what they are and who they are. Ife intrudes while showering that if someone says 1 thing she thinks that'll be a good reason because she didn't like that. She uses what Dave said about gay marriages (which could be considered wildly homophobic) as an example; then realises she's slipped up and his name has come out of her mouth!

Josie chuckles noticing her blunder in a conspicuous fashion; John tries to be serious but then finds himself laughing. Josie tells Ife to shut her mole! Caoimhe finds it easy each week while John is finding it harder. She just gets in there knowing she has to do it, so she goes in there and does it. (ad break)
11.20pm, it's been 8 hours and 13 minutes since Shabby left the Big Brother house. Josie (sat between the 2 people she nominated) bets that Shabby is absolutely annihilated right now! Caoimhe is maddened that Shabby was probably the most real person there and people wanted her out each week, so now they've finally got what they wanted. Everyone carries on eating (their very late meal) awkwardly and after Caoimhe has walked out, Josie muses that it makes good viewing.

CAOIMHE: (mumbles to herself) Sat there and don't give a f**k! F**king w*nkers!! 

She goes to detonate in the Diary room about how her sadness has now turned to anger because nobody out there gives a f**k. She apologises for cursing but knows they don't care as it's one less person that they don't have to worry about. 

CAOIMHE: (less than 24 hours without Shabby and she already wants to kill everyone else!) They just don't even care that she's gone!

Ben banters with John that he'll be kept in til the end of the programme and he'll be left to have an argument with himself! This is the sneakiest kind of slight because it is expressing his true feelings but in a disguised by humour way. John takes it humorously on the chin and laughs 'what are you gonna do when I'm not here?'
Quiffhead's ridicules roll on about how John will go in the Diary room to complain that he's not happy about this. Ben takes the opportunity to put on his awful Aussie accent 'I'm not putting up with this! The other day I said this, I don't agree with what I said the other day. What I said the other day was balls! I'm not putting up with that at all. I can't believe you said something so stupid!! You never substantiate what you're saying.. you don't even remember what you're saying. I didn't say that the other day.. yes I did.. no I didn't!!' 

All the HM's around the table are enjoying his caricature of John's character from their chairs. John giggles along in good spirits, joking that he's glad Ben's getting practice in so he can take over his role when he's not there. 

BEN: I will! I've got to tone up my arms and then I'll be there. Get a baseball cap, bit of sunning and I'll be happy! 

In the Diary room, the bitter, bitter woman consents to stay until Friday as she knows she'll be up and hopes she'll get evicted. But if she's not, she'll just have to take it day by day. She feels lost because her best friend's gone but she's going to try her hardest to do it for Shabby. Caoimhe didn't meander around aimlessly for very long!!  
 END OF EPISODE           

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