Friday, 29 March 2013

Live night 27

From WHATM and JJJAT: 

8.02pm, Josie scared to tell Nathan she turned the fridge down, Ife telling her she should just tell him. Joins JJJ in bed – grrrrrrrrrrrrrr! 

8.35pm, sofa gatherage. The Diary Room door has had the green light on for ages. Two minutes to decide which Housemates are the most competitive - John just stood up. John, Dave and Corin are chosen. Endurance task for 4 hours - 3 childrens rides, last one standing after 4 hours gets a reward. No swearing on the childrens ride, instant DQ

Corin is riding the hovercraft, Dave is riding the plane and John is riding the bike.  

DAVE: I wondered what they'd done with Shabby's hat. They've put it to good use. 

IFE: Don't any of you realise - you're all gonna be on there for four hours, none of you will get off so you're all gonna lose. 

8.50pm, CORIN: I don't want to lose to two guys...I don't want to lose to John James! 

Ife hugging a crying Caiomhe telling her they need to stick together. 

MARIO: On the plus side, you're still beautiful, even when you cry. 
Caoimhe wants some painkillers for her headache. Ife to Caoimhe - 'Do you want to sleep with Mario tonight?'

CAOIMHE: No, I want to sleep on my own.

IFE: If you want Mario you can have him!

MARIO: You make me feel like a rent boy!

9.03pm, BB: SR now open for competing HMs to collect costumes. 

Josie says she keeps getting a really bad fanny wedge today. 

9.18pm, CAOIMHE: Thanks, Josie, for everything. (waits for DR) 

9.24pm, The three taking part need to keep adding pound coins to keep the toy going. Dave's ride is uncomfortable. Mario takes the pound coins out for John James.

CORIN: this is the longest I've been without looking in a mirror! 

Corin claims John swore when he mounted the bike. Dave loudly calls for adjudication.

DAVE: Multiple swearwords from the biker on my right!

JOHN: I want a check on that.

John James calls for Mario, but he's not in earshot so he asks Josie to pick something (pound coin?) up. She declines saying 'pick it up yourself!' Corin says he has already sworn so he might as well just get off the bike and pick it up. John says it doesn't matter what they say he is not getting off his bike.

John now saying it never said anything about swearing and Corin tells him that the rules state they can't say anything that would offend an 8 yr old child.  John says they might not be offended.  

9.41pm, BB: At 9.19 John James said the 'F' word! John James had been disqualified. John James is moaning to Mario about the swearing part of the task. He was very sexy getting off the bike with his jacket and kicking the thing. 

NATHAN: Who had the foul mouth on the kiddy ride, eh? 

Nathan tells John that at the end of the day for people who swear as much as them that they don't notice. Mario fixing John's hair for him.

9.44pm, Dave falls off and Corin claims victory. Dave says "you can't blame the pilot for the plane crashing. It's not the pilot's fault if the plane's crap! It's like me going on an airplane, it crashing in the ocean and it being my fault!!" John wouldn't have cared about the prize. He just didn't want to lose. 

10.01pm, Josie is lying with her legs in the pool, John is lying next to her. Mario tells John that he knew he'd swear during the task. Dave complaining about his knees being smashed to bits. Corin's hovercraft has conked out but she's planning to sit there for 4 hours putting the pound coin in anyway. John and Jose are in the bathroom with the others now talking about the task. John saying no way he would have quit. Brief hand-holding!!!! All cuddled up.

Josie saying that it's just not her way to get upset, she's good at blocking people out, John telling her she's lying..she just tries to be that way. John calling her out. 'You were pretending to block me out'. They look SO cute all snuggled up in the bathroom with their arms interlinked! He is pointing out that she was pretending to have a good time yesterday when she obviously wasn't. He wasn't impressed when Ife went in there, "Mario's looking for you."  


Corin asking Mario to go to the DR to ask what's wrong with her ride. BB announcement ... "the ride to nowhere is on a scheduled break" 

10.09pm, CAOIMHE: I don't think I can do it without her.

BEN: You can do it, it's whether you want to do it.

CAOIMHE: I don't know if I want to do it.

BEN: Sleep on it, give it a couple of days.

CAIOMHE: If I'm up for eviction tomorrow is it wrong for me to just go?

BEN: Nothing is wrong for you to do. 

Ife hopes people have been lenient about nominations.. she can't say any more.. she regrets her nominations. 

10.21pm, Nathan charmingly points out that Dave could've 'broke his fkin arm on that fkin thing, the bastard' Task starting again, but the hovercraft is clearly broken as Corin now has to use the quad bike. Mario and Ben are on the bed together.

BEN: So amuse me, what's happening out there?

MARIO: I didn't think John would last the longest..but I did think he'd last longer than a minute. Well..he did say 30 secs!

10.36pm, Dave says how beautiful Corin looks. Ben agrees. Dave "Oh you so precious" whilst hugging Corin tight 

10.41pm, John in bathroom now talking to Jose and Caiomhe. They are talking about why BB picked Caoimhe. John saying that BB asked him last night in the DR who he thought was the most 'real' in the house. He said Shabby. Jose says 'thanks mate.' He explains that it's because Shabby put her integrity and morals before the show and that's what you want from a friend in RL. i.e. Not worried about playing the game...reallly wanting to make friends. He respects that the most.

BB revealed Corin swore as well so task over! "At 22:15 Corin said the 'S' word. Therefore the Ride to Nowhere is now over." John doesn't think Govan did anything wrong, then lists all the things he did wrong!!!! Caiomhe is trying to get John to talk noms in the BR but he says no as he doesn't want to get into trouble. Josie says she likes everyone in here but she has her favourites! John says he doesn't think Corin likes him very much...he says he can't fault's just they have nothing in common. 

11.02pm, CORIN: I don't think there's going to be much arguments now, i'nt there? 

11.14pm, Josie thinks Corin is fake; she's seen a different side to her last night that made her wonder (showing good emotional intelligence) Caoimhe not liking how Corin acted last night. She's so arrogant and up herself it's unbelievable. John inferring that he has questioned Corin's behaviour too.

He really seems to me to be the sweetest, most unassuming, kind person in there - he has had some horrendous moments, is an argumentative wee sh*t and seems to struggle with huge inner demons, but fundamentally he has a good heart.” (Siobhan JJJAT)

11.26pm, Caoimhe mumbles to herself: I hate them all! 

Caiomhe moaning to Ife about no one caring about Shabby leaving. What does she want for them to be weeping over it? Ben calls Josie, the woman who does his washing – lazy! 

11.34pm, Caoimhe called to DR. 

11.49pm, John chats to Nathan and feels like an absolute dog. John saying "I thought I'd come in here and thrive off this s**t but I can't....."   

CAOIMHE: (To Josie) We are just going to have to make it as much fun as possible, you and me. 

Obviously finding a new person to latch on to. Ife claims casting looked for positive housemates with aspirations who loved life. Nathan reckons he's never seen a house where basically everyone is getting along like they do in there! He's talked about how they're all friends, etc. What's he on?

It's the bloomin' source of all their problems that they are crazy about each other but neither has yet quite figured out the other's ways and issues. If they did, Josie would simply reassure John when he's questioning her loyalty etc without getting defensive, and John would give Josie more verbal compliments when she's getting insecure. Frankly, I could smack them both with a hairbrush.” (Ikkleosu JJJAT)

'Could eat steaming hot dog shit with a twix in it!' - lovely words from Nathan.


Dave and Ben are creepily cuddly on a bed; Dave is joking that he's going to put Ben in a wheelchair and take him round Tescos' wearing a sign that says 'I am a toff!' Dave calls over Corin to show her that old Fauntleroy (who she thinks is lovely and the best thing since sliced bread), has placed her flower on Josie's pillow now as he's looking for an angle!

Josie notices the flower and awwwww's asking 'who did that?' Dave tells her he wouldn't think too much of it as it was on Corin's pillow before hers! Ben just thought Josie had a bit of a difficult day; Dave cuts him off 'save the spiel, will you?' he could just pinch his head off right then and there! 

BEN: She has! Her friend's left and stuff. 

John shouts over something about Ben being a suck arse but Josie thinks it's really nice! Dave laughs that Ben's only chat up line is 'you've had a difficult day!' 
JOSIE: Ben, you are a proper gentleman - that's lovely!

Due to all the teasing, Ben buries his head on his hand saying he'll never do anything nice for anyone again! Josie tells them she's never been given flowers; Ben stands to hug her and she sadly repeats that she's honestly never been given flowers. 

DAVE: You know when you've been Fauntleroyed!

Ben tries to pretend the guys ripping him don't exist and goes to kiss Baron, as he too has had a tough day(!) 

DAVE: (swings by to bust Benny's chops) What are you gonna leave on his pillow? WD40? 3 in 1 oil for the Baron! Lord Suckington!

Ben thought it was nice and tells that Mario will get more than a flower he'll get a bouquet! Mario doesn't want his pity flowers and guesses that he'll just get an argument. Nathan is anatomically explicit that 'he's gonna get de-flowered!' Ben will give Josie a massage if she wants but had promised he'd do Corin first - Josie is alright. 

JOHN: He's a f**king.. 

NATHAN: (channeling JJ) You'll get sloppy seconds, love! Look at that f**king grin!!

Ben's crowning moment is his claim that Corin suffers from a bad neck as does he; he asks Corin to tell them the truth! 
STEVE: (periodically makes more than a whirring noise) You've got more f**king neck than ET!!

JOSIE: That's a good one that is Steve, I like that!

JOHN: (feels Ben is pretending to be considerate) If she wasn't smoking hot, Benny you'd be telling her 'on your bike!' (Ben refutes this) Oh yes you would! Don't .. don't lie!

BEN: (Did he get kicked in the head a lot?) I've massaged allsorts of people!! 

The bedroom erupts with laughter except Caoimhe who is looking more raincloudy than Shabby had. She must be expecting condolence cards for her great loss! Ben had even massaged Steve, who wondered what the poking was!! :P 

JOHN: (questioning how much Ben likes him as a person) How come I don't get any jaffacakes and flowers on my pillow? 

Ben would but Johnny has his own; John doesn't now as he gave them to him and he in turn passed them onto Corin! 'If she enjoys it more than I do, what's the problem?'

JOSIE: (touched by the gesture) Ben, I reckon that's lovely! I've never been given flowers! Smells lush as well! I'm gonna keep that forever.

CORIN: I know, in't he sweet? 

Nathan mocks Raffles for blushing. Dave again goes over why Josie shouldn't think too much of it as he ripped the flower from someone else first, put it on Corin's pillow and she got sloppy seconds! John guffaws that Josie was nice and high and now Dave has kicked her back down. 
"Well Josie got her flowers from a hunky Australian, sent to her when he traveled home to see his mum in October 2010. Better than Ben`s cheap offering." (mamajean) 

"It was so romantic that John remembered this convo and sent those flowers from oz. It just goes to show that he was listening to a lot of the things Josie said and taking note. Now you wouldn't be doing that for someone you weren't interested in." (jackiebunny)

Corin screeches that the funniest thing is she gave Ben the flower and told him to do it! Ben is going to give Corin some real flowers; John chuckles at Ben's general creeptitude 'have a listen to him!' Nathan and John observe that Ben has stolen Josie's earrings and a pillow! Dave contributes more items of theft - tub of vaseline, sunglasses and a spoon from the kitchen.

JOHN: (sounds too eager) Jose, Jose have a listen to this!

DAVE: He's like a flippin' magpie!! 

Nathan goes over to Ben's bedside to see what other treasures the dirty dawg has solicited; blowing the lid off Ben's seedy underbelly of stealing!! The guys in particular are getting some kicks out of having a good giggle at Benny's expense - they think he's a sly guy. Ben is starting to feel picked on but accounts once more than Corin's had a bit of a rough time and had to spend 2 hours on an open-air pram! She may as well get out her bare butt for Ben to kiss :D

JOHN: (could not believe him less) What about.. what about Dave? He fell off his!! He ended up nearly doing the splits for 4 hours!   
Ben believes he gives Dave lots of things such as a packet of crisps; John howls with hysteria not realising how insane he sounds right now.

JOSIE: (this went straight over Ben's head) He gave you a good work out, Dave! 

He had washed some shorts and tried to keep them as a trophy earlier (SC) It's only now occurred to Nathan that the outside is open again so he's off to smoke some serious ciggies! He calls Ben a tea tease after Ben makes a motion for a cup of tea - as before he'd offered Nathan and Josie one but it never came! 

Ben counts up that he's done 9 teas and coffees today. Nathan was meant to be getting a massage from Ben before, who told him 'don't worry Dave will sort you out!' John laughs loudly 'and he meant it!!' Ben wheels out some emasculated excuse about working better on women's skin, bringing about levity from John's lungs.  

JOHN: What makes it so funny is he is dead serious! He is dead f**king serious!! There is no lie about it!

NATHAN: That's what makes him so lovable! I love him to bits! I wanna marry Raffles! (impersonates Ben making John crack up)

Ben explains that it's just a different skill; John's cheeks and stomach must be in stitches as he can't keep from chortling 'how do you not find this sh*t funny, Ben? Are you actually buying the sh*t that's coming out of your mouth still?' Ben maintains that men and women have different elasticity in their skin. 
JOHN: I can't believe we're talking about this! You said that you gave Steve a massage! 

Ben also theorises that it's to do with different fingernails; he had given Steve a massage and enjoyed it very much but thinks it would have been better if Dave had done it! The poster girl for misery makes her way over to join Josie in bed. Jose plans to have a proper blitz of the bathroom.

JOHN: (has had to learn to live with Ben's deficiencies) I've never met anyone .. ever in my lifetime have I crossed anyone like that! Ever!! 

BEN: (erroneously cites) Steve understands.

JOHN: (believes Ben is being a little nutty with extra nuts on top) NO HE DOESN'T!! Every time he always says that!! 'Mario knows.. Corin will know.. and Nathan will agree with me.' Every single time he brings someone else. Steve just sits there scratching his ball bag!! 

Nathan notes that Ben has got Dave booked up for 5 massages and is charging £5 a head but Dave doesn't know anything about it. Ben's rebuttal that Steve does understand because he's been in the armed forces and knows the different strengths of pigments.. is not a rousing success.

Keevil proceeds to chomp down Fruit and nut chocolate (presumably once belonged to John which he gave away to Josie) - it's cathartic I hear! Down in the dumps? Need cheering up? You HAVE to have chocolate!! She couldn't give a rat's ass about Shabby's walkout now.. why couldn't she just eat it then beat it :P   
Mario reproaches Benny for being a perve and John reiterates that he's never met a hoover like him in his life! John pretends to be annoyed that Ben hadn't warned him about nails on the floor; Ben had told Corin because she was walking around. 

JOHN: (Ben sees this as a badge of honour) You weasel your way out of everrrrything!

Ben had weaseled his way out of giving Nathan a massage trying to use Steve's as a back up. Ben praises Mario for being very knowledgeable too but Steve is particularly good on biology

JOHN: (comedically won't let this go like he has a personal vendetta about it) What the f**k's that got to do with giving Nathan a massage? (Ben blahblahs about Steve understanding skin differences) Do you honestly expect me to buy this sh*t? 

STEVE: (spoofs) I'm a skin technician!! (long SC) 

Dave consults Steve on whether he knows anything about skin but Ben stops this 'he's a highly qualified man so leave him.' John is up in arms as nobody said a word to Stevo. He doesn't know how Benny bullsh*ts so much and asks how he's learned to do that. Ben puts on his Frankenstein scowl as he WHAT'S and implies that he was just trying to help Corin.

JOHN: (calling Ben out on his favouritism of certain HM's) But don't you see it's blatantly obvious that you only try to help her? You even told her to mind the nails on the floor, Benny!
BEN: (how he held back from going over and popping him one I don't know) She's got a neck complaint John. 

JOHN: (Not that you were watching her bed or anything when you weren't talking last night!!) What about Josie last night when you nicked her pillow? Did she ever complain about it? 

Ben blags that he made sure she had a medicated pillowcase; John simpy cannot stop laughing at this lunacy! After all these lamo excuses that have been heard, Dave taunts Ben that he talks some flipping nonsense! 

JOHN: (Ben cannot escape their incessant irritations) You're all over Corin like a rash! That rash that she's talking about on her face, she's probably referring to you Benny! You couldn't make it any more obvious that you wanna jump her bones! (Ben says he's joking) Oh you are not joking Ben. You sneak her jaffacakes in the middle of the night!

Dave compares Ben to the Milk Tray advert where the guy comes in through the window and leaves a calling card. John wants Ben to be honest for once in his life that he is trying to win Corin over! 'Oh come on Benny, it stands out like dog's balls on a cat!' Ben doesn't think John understands that Corin has a really bad neck and he's trying to help her out but John isn't talking about just that. 

JOHN: (with a frisson of delight) Everywhere she goes 'Oh Corin where are you going? Come and have a..  I'm going for a sleep, would you..
His sentence is left incomplete so that Ife can tell Mario off for spending the whole day laughing at her, which is really annoying. Corin thinks he's up to something and is getting giddy; Ife agrees that it's written all over his face. (ad break)  

Nathan is sucking the life out of his audience as he tells how he was sh*tting, spewing and sweating out after a party. He wasn't allowed to go to hospital because of the swine flu outbreak but then he suddenly snapped out of it. Easily the most pointless conversation ever had!

Ben is now on bed with John who is still chuckling at Ben's ability to bullsh*t his way out of everything. Baron pipes up that he doesn't understand but is dragged into it by Ben. Josie confides some concerns to Caoimhe 'what if no one wants to know me?' 

John asks Davo if he remembers how when they were in the shower and Ben thought Dave understood about him putting an end to his being taped to the wall ordeal. John had said Dave admitted to doing something and Ben was still trying to put through Dave's opinion, when Dave was in the room disagreeing with it!

Earlier Dave was waiting to have a shower and Ben used one of his towels just for his hair! John ha ha's heartily as Dave tells Ben he is from a different realm. Ben is a screw up - that's his genetic code :D 

JOHN: (checking him over as though he isn't quite sure what species Ben is) F**king hell! You are a f**king ace in the f**kin' hole, you are! I've never met anyone like you.
Josie knew Caoimhe was jealous of someone as she could see by her face. 'In't it funny .. people get like that?' Caoimhe isn't wearing her microphone so her voice is fairly indistinct; Josie hates it when people leave as she feels like this is her yard now. Caoimhe feels a new HM would f**k things up as all the attention would go on them. She says that a lot of time when new HM's are sent in, the originals don't warm to them. 

Mario moans to Dave that the only time he gets to go in the Diary room is if he goes with someone else. Nathan is enlightening Ife about bacteria and contamination in meat and that it is not attributed to poor hygiene - the bugs just can't be sensed by smell. (SC) 

John actually wants to be mad at someone so it makes it easier for him on Monday's!

JOHN: (if all goes well for him things will get very ugly) As selfish as that sounds, I wouldn't mind having a row with someone!

JOSIE: But what if they're really nice?  

John considers that they might be but normally intruders have an impact where if the house is all getting along - they're not gonna put someone in to just slide amongst the group. 

JOSIE: (giggles) How John calls them intruders!!

He believes the intruder would have to have a massive amount of confidence, to come in and start ruling the house like it's their own. Steve wouldn't like if he'd been put in mid-series; John always thought he would be selected for that purpose. (SC) 
Nathan has seen eyeballs, bone marrow and all kinds of sh*t served up but you wouldn't know it was that!! Ahhhhhhhhhh maybe hammer a nail into my head now please :S Ife would really love to taste the drink where every sip is a different flavour. Nathan makes plain the simple science methodology of making this - layering using a different thickness of liquids such as a syrup then an oil-base. 

Corin and Ife both want to try the licking wallpaper. Nathan goes on that this guy wouldn't make his ice cream in a conventional way - he'd instead make a frothy mousse, dip it in liquid nitrogen and instantly freeze it. Ife wants to know where the chef is based as it would be a real treat but Nathan thinks he doesn't runs it anymore. 

John is expounding upon why he didn't like Rachael as she had a personality that he just didn't like 'but I could have been wrong about her!' Caoimhe asks what it was about her and John breaks down that it was her arrogance. He's just not a fan of arrogant people and never has been; Rachael reminded him of the girls from the movie Mean Girls. 

He wasn't the only one who found her arrogant or the way we were constantly reminded how 'beautiful' she was. John didn't hate her he just disliked her more than everyone else. John doesn't even see the point of putting in a hot girl anymore. 

JOHN: (HEY!! Josie is a young, desirable sexy woman!!) Obviously I'd be keen on watching.. a hot girl walking around but at the end of the day they haven't put in that mixture of people.. like really who here is even single? It's like 3 people! (Josie looks put out by this)
CAOIMHE: (maybe sensed that Josie now feels like a big steaming mound of crap) Do you not think there's enough hot girls here walking around anyway?

That's what he means, he doesn't really see what a hot girl is gonna add except she'll be walking around in her G-string 'which we already see Corin doing that anyway!' Caoimhe doesn't think that girls get much hotter than Rachael; Ben concurs that she was beautiful. 

JOHN: (didn't consider Rachael to be one hot apple, juicy to the core) Well.. whatever! 

He's detected that those girls don't reveal as much as Corin does 'Corin reveals a fair bit but um.. except when you's all flashed your boobs! I was surprised at that.' Josie giggles and OMG's with self-consciousness. 

JOHN: (wishing he had X-ray vision working) I didn't look away.. I didn't even know what you's were doing. I only saw Jose's

JOSIE: (covers her face in shame) I get a bit too carried away with meself sometimes. My Auntie Kay's gonna be so..

JOHN: (Repeats) I only saw yours Jose. That was it.

Steve hadn't seen as he had his hand over his eye. John wasn't expecting it and just wondered what they were doing but Steve had turned away. 

JOHN: (recreates the moment as Josie cackles with stockings covering her mouth) And you went.. (mimes exposing his milk duds) I was like 'cool!' I just was at the scene and I went 'cool!' (nods his head casually)
JOSIE: (John had been practically licking his lips!!) Who did we think we were doing mooners at the window and flashing our tits to them? 

John asks what it would accomplish if a hot girl is stuck in, like everybody else seems to think. Josie doesn't reckon they'll stick in 1 but about 5 hot girls!! John doesn't think BB would ever send more than 4 in at one time and guesses that another 4 will be stuck in during the rest of the series duration. Steve surmises that 1 may be of the lesbian persuasion after John speculates it will be 2 then another 2 HM's. 

The best thing according to John, for them to do would be to put in a hot bisexual girl if they could get hold of one of them! Ben thinks they already have that with Corin, as she was married to a man and is now in a relationship with a woman. 

JOHN: (finds Ben so pathetically mockable) That's why you think you're getting a bit of a weasel in!

John thinks it would be more valuable to BB to put in an argumentative, fiery girl or guy. 'Stick in Nikki Grahame then you'll see fireworks!'

I'd really like Nathan to hit the pause button on his dialogue about Michelin star TV chefs such as Gordon Ramsay and Marco Pierre White. They will always have them attached to their name wherever they go for work but can also have them taken off them. Essentially it is about super dooper food and the perfect dining experience (SC)
John thinks a fierce personality would be needed but a good looking girl could be thrown in for good measure. 'The real important one is gonna be the one that comes in here and tries to rule the roost with something in the house.' (SC) Ben is after a mixture of Rachael and Sunshine.

JOHN: (most newbies promise to be a pain but rarely follow through) A girl that is gonna f**k the other girls off!  

Steve stipulates that the girls are bound to react even though the guys in the house aren't their boyfriends. Josie laughs that she knows. John just doesn't see what it will accomplish as there are so few single men in the house; he confirms that Benny is single too. 

BEN: (said in a skull and bones creepy way) Yes. I'm always on the market! 

Josie's thing is that she's not a jealous person but she's worried that she might be in there! She didn't think she was a lot of things but being in the house she has seen some of these traits in herself, that she didn't realise she had. Ben doesn't consider anyone in there to be looking for romance in the first place.

JOHN: (hold that thought) It's not that I'm not looking for romance. But if they stuck in a hot.. a hot girl..

BEN: But you wouldn't do anything here, would you? Would you sleep with.. ?

JOHN: Oh nah probably not. I'd have to.. I'd have to be in here a while!
Caoimhe (still surrounded by gray skies and blanketed by misery) queries if they think BB put any of them in there together with the intention of starting a romance. John and Steve don't think so and Ben doubts they want romance in this place. Josie reckons they put in her and Nathan with that in mind. John totes up that he thinks BB were trying to set up Caoimhe and Shabs and Josie and Nate. 

JOSIE: (from a not-so-Jolly Josie) And you and Rachael.. 

JOHN: (never saying anything directly bad but really making Rachael sound like a crap pile!) Um nah, I don't think they did put me in Rachael in .. because they knew how I felt about girls like that before I came in! I made that perfectly clear in everything that I filled  out, in my VT.. I made it perfectly clear that I didn't like girls like that. So unless I've misjudged her.. and she wasn't that person.. but that's how I judged her as a person and I didn't like her. 

Josie giggles that she's gonna be so jealous but hopes she won't as it will be so embarrassing!! In Caoimhe's VT she had said that she flirts with girls and boys; John conjectures if this is what they really wanted they'd have had other people to choose from, knowing Caoimhe had a boyfriend

If BB had really wanted a romance to form between her and Shabs, they could have picked another girl John debates. He doesn't think she was in here for that reason but it was definitely a maybe. John knows that some people with boyfriends and girlfriends don't really care and see it as a fling, but after the first 2 days he spoke to Caoimhe and she'd said she was really into her boyfriend. 
Ben presses Josie on what would be embarrassing to watch after Steve laughs that she'd shout 'leave my boys alone!!' (ad break) During the break, John is being the biggest denier of BB romance, if only he knew about the amount of time they push JJ and Josie 'friendship' She's dropped another one "don't you go running off with any other sheilas mind!" He said nothing and her face went blank. John labours the point that if they put a girl in, it will be for Nathan.

Steve basically saying he'd want anyone out who was getting romantic in BB house; he wouldn't be happy if he came into the room and they were snogging. Dave saying John's pink T-shirt was $200. 

Josie was bricking it that new girls would be flocking around John, upstaging her and he wouldn't give her a look in anymore.. The very thought made her crazy! She was anxious that she and John would no longer get in any quality bed time to themselves with new women on the scene. What she wasn't aware of was that John was already quietly determined to pursue her after BB. Sure enough Keeley comes into the house and what comes about is two crappy CRAPPY days surrounding Crabeyes gate. But nothing truly good was ever easy.

It is interesting to see that John was always open to having a house romance if he was attracted enough to a girl. That just wasn't his main agenda in coming onto the show and he maybe thought if he was to get involved it would just be fun, not a deep love. For a while they seemed really right together and it was all terribly romantic..I love that Josie was the person who taught John to love and he was the one to teach Josie to be loved.. :( 
John has never met anyone with morals like Ben's; Dave wisecracks that Ben has more neck than a giraffe. 

John's in disbelief that Ben has taken one of Mario's perfectly good going out T-shirts, to wear to bed without even asking him. They watch him as he rifles through the wardrobe, now going through Dave's clothes! Does he want a sock in the nose?? He's searching for the things you stick in your ear and consults Josie to find out where they are. 

STEVE: (Baron I'm loving you at this moment!) They're called cotton buds, Benny! 

John makes fun of Josie for claiming another drawer and asks Ben to pass him a cotton bud. Josie keeps claiming drawers that aren't hers! Caoimhe asks if she can believe that she only just started using a drawer on Saturday; she didn't have one before then.

JOHN: (to Ben) I wanna know if your friends know that you are a cheeky git? (Ben says his friends are cheeky too) They're all like you? How have you met more than 1 person like you? 

Ben's closest friend nicked from his flat the only valuable thing he owns which was a watch. Seemingly Ben is friends with men of questionable morals matching his own!!

JOHN: (bewilderingly flabbergasted) Your friends are thieves?!!   
His friend had taken it to look after for a couple of months saying Ben wouldn't need it where he was going! Ben doesn't mind things like that :D John has just never operated like that in his life 'no offense to ya.. like whatever.. I just would never ever go into my mate's, especially one I'd known for 3 weeks and just chuck on.. I asked Mario probably.. you ask him.. I asked Mario about 5 times before I wore that top and I was like "are you sure? Are you sure, mate?" Cos that top could have been anything!'  

The top had been left on his bed is the reason Ben gives for wearing it. 

JOHN: (nonplussed) Oh so what?? What's that got to do with anything? 

He is affronted by Ben's brassiness at just whacking it on. Ben bears out that he had a good shower today - as though his cleanliness is adequate cause for him to wear the garment.

JOHN: You might f**king stretch his top in the bed! How long are you gonna be walking around in those boxers for??

Steve can't f**king believe the man and isn't sure if Ben's real or this is a dream. John's never met anyone who has the audacity to do something like that. Josie chortles that every time she sees Ben walking around in his pants, she starts wetting herself! Caoimhe might just catch some happiness from Josie being in her company as she's even cracked a SMILE!! 
Josie laughs that even the first night they got there, Ben had taken off his jeans and started strutting around! Ha - at least he has a hobby! :P Everyone else had been extra cautious but Ben just didn't give a sh*t! He whips his outer clothing off and wears his undies eccentrically any time. Caoimhe comments that up until the last day, Sunshine had gotten changed under her duvet every morning. 

Dave, John and Steve start to size up that Ben might be an actor, as no one could pull off the sh*t he does as they wouldn't have the nerve. John doesn't understand how Ben gets the nerve to do the things he does and say the things he says 'you've gotta be putting it on Benny! No one is like that in real life!!'  

JOHN: (grave and sedate) No one stands in front of 14 HM's and tells them that teams don't work! No one does that. No one does that. I don't give a f**k who you are, no one does that! No one .. no one goes in there and sends their best mate in to do an exercise.. no one does that in real life! All sh*t aside, I'm being deadly serious about this.. I'm being deadly serious. I've never met anyone like that, ever.. and think that it's fine!

I don't think anything Benny did was some underhanded ploy as part of an act.. especially after having met him - that's just who he is! But John thinks Ben is full of sh*t and that BB have told him a way to act and be the opposite to what everyone else is in real life. Ben denies this; John continues that no one else in real life would put on a t-shirt because it was on their bed, without even asking and wear it to bed! 

BEN: (he's like 'stop-eating-the-paste' special) I would. All my friends do things like that.
JOHN: (stammers as he's stunned) Wh.. weee.. are you from another realm or something though? Like.. I'm an only child and even I know the basics of life.

Dave determines that Ben must have a cult going with all the weirdoes and Steve wonders if he might be a descendant of royalty as Ben's so used to being pandered upon. John feels that would explain half of it but as far as the teamwork and all that he seriously can't explain that. John has never met anyone in his lifetime with the cheek or nerve, to blatantly sit in front of them and say he doesn't care if they live off lentils and rice for the duration of the show, he's not doing the task if he doesn't want to!

BEN: (unabashed) But I could live off lentils and rice!

DAVE: (yeah if you're willing to inhale the pungent, musty combo) Look on the back of his neck, see if there's any brass on it!

JOHN: (he looks so hot when he finds Ben annoying) But to make your friends live off lentils and rice, Benny? It's 1 thing to make yourself live off lentils and rice - I could deal with that but to make other people live off lentils and rice.. I believe you're faking it.

Mario knows Ben is not from any royal line because he doesn't have a secret motto. John never said that but he doesn't believe anyone could do that. Josie asks Ben if he's in the Freemasons but Ben isn't into any of that stuff. John is not believing it and still thinks it's an act; Davo knows what he means. 
John is Ben's mate but most of the time he's laughing because he's never met anyone with that audacity before. Corin comes back and is offered some food by Ben 'I thought she might like a banana that's all!' Corin thinks Ben is only winding them up but John is starting to believe he's not and that he's an actor as no one could be that rude for real.

JOHN: (there's so much darkness under that bosom buddy exterior of theirs) No one could stick their friend in and make them do an exercise for 45 minutes and actually think that's alright. That's impossible! All sh*t aside, that's impossible! No one.. no could think that was fine.

DAVE: And laughing cos he was getting out of it himself!

John also is of the view that it is fake to say to friends, that he's happy for them to live off birdseed for the rest of the time on the show. 'He's acting! He doesn't mean that.. how can you say that Nate?' Corin expresses that Ben is genuine and that's how he feels.

JOHN: (absolutely floored by Ben's actions) How have you .. how have you still got teeth?!

BEN: Sorry?.. I don't go around having arguments with people all the time.

Ben knows his friends would never put him in that position.
JOHN: (with razor sharp wit) We didn't put you in that position! You put yourself in that position cos you didn't do the task!! You're being deadly serious though, aren't ya?

BEN: (without one trace of irony) I don't see a problem. 

The bedroom bursts into snickers at Ben's flagrant inadvertence to being part of a team. John now concludes (after having thought it was an act) that Ben is deadly serious. Ben takes one of the pillows off Steve's bed to pass to Corin so she'll be more comfy but Steve catches the twat in the act! In Nathan's eyes this is what makes Ben brilliant!   

JOHN: (sounds real sexy) What are you doing? Give Josie back her pillow!!  (Ben had walked across to Josie's bed to snatch the yellow cushion from her and places it behind Corin's back)

Steve doesn't know what planet Ben's on! Although I'm in complete agreement with the things John has to say about Ben .. it is irritating the way he does NOT shut up or let it drop for one second!! It is tiring watching and listening to him talk unremittingly. I know that's a very negative way of looking at it but going by the way Ben is rubbing his forehead - evidently he is of the same mindset.  

JOHN: (is blown away by this) I find this fascinating! This is more.. this is more fascinating than a vegan not liking veggies!!

John is trying to call BENNY .. BENJI repeatedly to get his attention but thanks to some loudmouths he can't be heard. He rolls his eyes but persists to get his question across 'Oi Benji all sh*t aside, have you seriously never been smacked?' (SC) John is surprised by his answer especially at Ben's response that he doesn't get into arguments with people. 
JOHN: (it all seems insane to him) You could've got into one hell of a doosy, telling 14 people that you don't believe in team work and that you're willing to let 'em live off lentils and rice! Because you don't wanna do a few running steps.

BEN: (the smell of his weird is closing my vocal chords) If you think that's worth smacking me, that's ridiculous!

John laughs that he's not saying it's worth smacking him but on the outside world that could have seriously blown up. Josie doesn't think people are like that but Ife agrees with John. John tries to reason with Josie that if one of her mates did the same and took the same stance with her on the outside. Caoimhe and Josie feel Ben's opinion should be respected. 
John knows that's just Ben but he's trying to work it out; Josie asks if he's ever been beaten up.
JOHN: (excellent quip) No nah, I haven't. I've got a big mouth but I'm a fast runner!

This gives them all the giggles but John would never have the audacity to say what Ben did to his mates, ever in his life. Nathan's mates would go apesh*t but it's only because Ben is so lovable that he finds it fantastic! John's friends would give him a knuckle sandwich if he said half that stuff. Ife doesn't believe any of hers would even think it, let alone say it.

It's funny to John that this is how Ben truly believes it is supposed to work. Nathan chuckles that someone with Ben's views would be kicked out of his rugby team! John's never known anyone to say that team work doesn't work while being 100% serious and not even considering the other side to the argument.
John finds it absolutely bizarre; Corin decides that the kidda is being true to himself. All Ben feels he has done is take care of Corin all night and kept his trap shut. 'Don't tell me you can't believe what you're hearing because I'm not saying anything!'  

JOHN: With all jokes aside, do you think it was fine what you did to Dave that day? 

BEN: (an internationally recognised term for - YOU ARE A MUPPET!) Yes. 

John guffaws then asks him to be serious. This is Ben being serious – because he justifies that if Dave didn't want to do it he would have stopped! John deems that he's missing the point of getting his mate to do his dirty work. Ben argues the lamest most pathetic cop out that Dave could refuse to do it and he tried for a little bit but it wasn't really for him. Nathan sniggers!

John's unsure how far Ben would be willing to go – he reckons if Ben were married and on a crashing, burning plane he'd steal the last parachute and make his wife stay on! Ben says this is not true as one is about personal courage and the other is totally different as it's about whether you're willing to be a donkey for 6-8 hours of a silly task!

Ben tells John he hasn't seen what he does for his friends but John has seen what he won't do! Nathan tags on that he's seen the things he makes Dave do like his washing today (SC) Nathan and Corin can't believe that Ben is an actor; Corin thinks he's lovely! Steve propounds that Ben's fooled Corin as well
BEN: (What a butt puppet!) I'm just being me, Johnny. Don't over-analyse people, Johnny! I don't over-analyse you, do I? I don't say to you.. I know I've teased you a bit about coming all this way and you've teased me back. 

STEVE: You're a bit like f**king marmite, Ben. I'm not sure whether I should love you or hate ya. 

Benny says for him to go with his instinct because he's liked him so far. Part of John wants to believe Ben is an actor so he can continue to like him, because if a friend said that to him on the outside he wouldn't be their mate. Ben asks Johnny with all due respect why he's bringing this up two days later. John had started to watch him and because Ben just stole Mario's shirt to wear to bed without asking.

JOHN: And then you went to wash your hair with someone elses' towel!  

Ben alleges that he was trying to help when he is rumbled for having kept BB shorts and even has the black plimsolls under his bed. 

BEN: (deadpan) Someone had to wear them!

JOHN: (titters uncontrollably) You've got more front than Buckingham Palace! No one can be like that in real life! 

Nathan sticks up for Ben as they don't know the circles he mixes with 'they might all be the same sort!' Dave percolates that they must be the weirdest bunch of people on the planet! John is still alarmed that his friends or steal from each other, betray each other and see who can f**k their friends over the most! 
Ben really genuinely cares about his friends; John doesn't know how he can claim this after he wasn't willing to do a training session. Ben feels it is different when you've known people for years and years. Nathan doesn't see Ben's point because it's not the action he would take but he doesn't think Ben thought too deep about the consequences. 'He didn't see the repercussions that would come!' Let's face it - Benjaminge would have rather deep fat fried his face!! 

Quiff 'quotes' that the American Sergeant had said he was going to be in there for 6-8 hours and Ben knew he wouldn't beat the odds! John brings up the matter of the towel and how Ben lives with 10 people that he likes; yet knew that towel belonged to somebody but didn't know who at the time. And as such he thought he'd quickly wash his hair with it! Ben knows for a fact that people have used his towels for different things: might have rubbed their feet, wiped that crotch or washed their hair with it - he couldn't care less.

JOHN: But that doesn't make it right.

Ben's outlook is that if someone leaves their towel draped over the shower and it's dry, he presumes it doesn't belong to anyone - even Corin doesn't concur with him on this one! 

JOHN: (head is swirling) How can you say that?!!

For instance, the other day in the bathroom Corin caught Ben going to grab her towel twice and each time, told him it was hers! And even after she saw him walking out with it!! Not only in John's life is he not friends with people like this, he's not come across people like it. Generally they wouldn't in their walks of life according to Seahorse as they wouldn't mix with upper classes. 

BEN: I'm not upper class at all, I'm middle class!
Dave despairs that all Ben's heroes are thieves and crooks that have gone inside for purgory and all sorts of stuff! Nathan conveys that the reason the upper classes are so rich and affluent etc. etc.  is because they do f**k people over. (SC)

JOHN: (he's got the crazy eyes on!) And you .. and you sent them get well letters! To prison!! (Ben is blunt with his YES - setting off belly laughs) 

Ben recites the 'to err is human...' idiom. Ben is the only person John's met who wanted to play the Sheriff when they played Robin Hood. He was a more exciting role to play for Bennyboy! Ben's also the only person John knows who watches Titanic and wanted to be the guy against Leonardo di Caprio!

BEN: (not seeing the sardonicism) That's because I don't like wet people and he's wet!  

There is a collective gasp and giggle at Ben's obviously deluded heart and sense of being. Nathan's not being funny as he loves Ben and is fond of him 'but you could be deemed wet! And I don't mean you fell in an iceberg-infested ocean!' 

BEN: (he didn't come from a genetic goldmine) Well yes and no.. that's not wet, that's (some French sounding fancy phrase) 

JOHN: Mela-what???      

Nathan's interpretation of wet is a kid who keeps his trainers clean and goes about his business, not wanting to get involved with it all. Ben would call that OCD. 
JOHN: (in the knowledge that Ben is a whiney, bottomless pit of neediness) Oh Benji if we played football, you would skip over the puddles!!

Ben sees himself as determined. John contends that he is not determined in anything unless it is stealing other peoples' biscuits! 'You have not got a determined bone in your body!' Ben grapples that Johnny doesn't know what he's determined about as he doesn't share any of his passions. John challenges that he doesn't have the determination to sit out there looking like an idiot riding on a 4 wheeled bike but he would do it! 

Raffles questions if he played Johnny a piece of music -would he be able to tell him what key it was written in. Johnny answers 'noo' in a way that signifies if Ben tried to force him to do so, his eyeballs would explode! 

BEN: (so says the arrogant, washed up, pain in the ass!) Well there you go, that's a passion I have that you don't share - so shut up!

But if John was given a task to try and learn it he would do it . Ben's not talking about a silly little task like throwing eggs and running around the garden - but things that you learn to develop skills. John says whether Benny believes it or not the crappy tasks he's referring to, will give them skills that can be used in everyday life. Nathan gives 2 examples straight off the bat - negotiation and team work. 

JOHN: (he's a very wise and brilliant man) You learn how to adapt with other people and to do things for other people. These stupid, little tasks that you're referring to are designed to test.. people like us! They're not designed so we can have a bit of fun with an egg! 
Nathan also adds on networking; John thinks this is what the house was designed for 'your desire, your loyalty.. everything!' Ben praises his outside negotiation skills; Nathan heard these in action on the f**king Tree of Temptation 'you bent over and he gave you a branch up the backside!!' But had told them all he gave the Tree what for and was being very smart-mouthed when really he bent over and took a branch up the jacksy!

NATHAN: Don't look at me with those lovely eyes, Ben!

The best part about it for John is that Ben is straight up that he doesn't believe in team work and will shaft ya! Ben denies shafting Dave 'I gave him something to do for the afternoon!' Corin speaks out that Ben likes winding them up; John doesn't think he does because Ben doesn't like arguments. 

Nathan evaluates that it all comes down to differences in lifestyle between them and the little prince! John gets Ben to swear on his life that he refused and when he does - he harks up to Corin about the little pants wetter!! Ben had swears he'd sworn on his own life and would never swear on Corin's as she's 'a rare bird of beauty.'

JOHN: (Papa's got the swag to make the Parton gag) Oh, you've gotta be gagging on it!!

BEN: (turned off his sense of shame) Sweetheart, would you like another jaffa cake? 

Corin wouldn't mind a piece of fruit and nut and gets all giddy like a kiddy when Ben leans under his bed to get it. Can you believe what some nutbags will do? (SC) He literally breaks one piece off the bar and opens her mouth wide to feed it to her - this is a whole new kind of uncomfortable for viewers.
BEN: I find it a bit hard as chocolate.. but when you really put it under your tongue it softens. 

John doesn't even know if he can laugh at this any more but Steve can see the priceless comedy value in it. Ben offers her a piece with a raisin in it, Corin cheeks 'and a couple of nuts!' Nathan and Corin would absolutely be tuning in just for this man because he's hilarious. The past 5 days Nathan has been enthralled by Ben. 

Fauntleroy kindly offers out some of his chocolate to Steve and Dave and lastly John but he makes Corin get up to pass it around!! John breaks a little off suspiciously but is told to leave the nutty parts for Corin because she likes them :D John isn't sure how to react to that but his mouth hangs agape. Ben, Sir - you are an ass, buddy! :P 

Nathan calls Ben a f**king genius and again states that he would tune in night after night, after night to listen to this! He hopes to God that Ben isn't an actor as he'd find it funnier if he isn't. This man has kept him so enthralled because he's like an exhibit in the zoo! John's realised that he's intrigued by what Ben's got to say.
Ben feels that Steve's looking at him as though he's got leprosy! Nathan absolutely 100% loves it; Ben points out to Corin that she's got chocolate all over his duvet! He lobs some across the room to Ife for which she blesses him. Nathan stresses that Ben has manufactured the 'Corin has a neck complaint' line as she has nowt wrong with it and is even fibbing about it. 
This is what Corin means that Ben likes to have a laugh with them and they all fall into the trap! Dave whispers to John that this is how Ben is but because they've latched onto it, he'll put it on more and more because he knows it'll get him a good bit of airing on TV! If Nate were to become a fan of BB he'd tune in everyday to watch Ben because he's absolutely unreal! John hasn't even heard of anything like it in his lifetime, let alone come across it!!

Corin's lovin' that she's getting all the chocolate off the back of it and then pushes out for any jellybabies! Her impertinence is rewarded but Ben thinks that restraint is undervalued in society. John shakes his head silently as he observes Ben, who is telling Corin that he likes to indulge 'but we have to be careful, don't we?' He proposes to make her a drink of water but she jokes with him that an orange juice wouldn't go amiss! Ben asks Johnny if he's alright. 
JOHN: (finding this all just plain disturbing)Not really.. 
BEN: You seem to be suffering from partial vision!

JOHN: I'm with Steve - he's a fine line between thinking.. loving and hating! I'm with Steve on that. 
BEN: (bleats timidly) Johnny, why would you hate me? What have I done that would make you hate me? 
John doesn't want Ben to get him wrong as he finds him funny as f**k 'but there's certain sh*t that you say that I cannot.. cannot agree with!' Ben re-asks why John hates him in a glum way, that could be the saddest thing to ever come out of his mouth. John doesn't hate him but he isn't sure how to deal with him as he's never come across anyone with these views.

JOHN: (Thinking Ben is so pathetically desperate for her) Does that actually work in real life? Like the way you treat Corin.. does that actually work?  

Corin calls out that Ben makes her feel special but after John asks if that would win her over – replies that she knows Ben is having a laugh and stuff. Dave wants to know if Ben is like this on the outside world; Ben is but isn't stroppy about tasks as he's not given any.  

NATHAN: (doesn't understand love) I've f**king fallen head over heels in love with the guy! I want to take him back to Bingley! 

Steve laughs that Ben wouldn't even have to do anything and they'd be in stitches on the floor, dying with laughter! Corin does remind Ben of a lot of his friends and he says this is true. Ben's pillow talk is a little rusty :D

BEN: (wry with a little bit of a twinkle in his eye) I went to Stockport once, I didn't wish to go back again!
John interprets to Benny that he just 'hoovers beautiful women.. you just suck up their arses!' Nathan has a friend who does the same and he gets women. Ben insists this is not true at all as he appreciates Corin's insides as well as her outside. John brings him up on doing the same things for Rachael but he didn't appreciate her insides! 

Ben concedes this was the case and found it to be a wasted experiment! John wants Ben to admit he did a lot of things for Rachael because of her outer beauty; Ben confesses that he had fancied Rachael but she didn't fancy him back. FINALLY after over 1 hour of this never ending dissecting of Ben's character, the camera men become bored and swap the camera angle over to Ife, Mario, Josie and Caoimhe.

Ife doesn't think Ben is an actor because no one would be able to act in there 24/7; Josie agrees he's not an actor but she believes he has a secret! BB reminds all HM's to wear their microphones at all times and Ben is the first person they look at but Caoimhe comes clean that she's not wearing hers. Caoimhe doesn't see why they insist upon this if the over head microphones can pick up their voices anyway.

Mario explains that BB don't want to miss anything juicy! Caoimhe puts it back on and speaks through it, telling BB that the greatest thing that could happen in there for her, is for Dave to be brought in so they can get married in the garden. Josie puts forward the greatest thing they could do for her is to put in the Crystal Maze dome for their shopping task. (SC) She and Caoimhe also request Cilla Black and Our Graham from Blind Date so they can put on – Blind Date Housemate.
Their final pleas are for Josie to have a nice dress as Caoimhe's bridesmaid and a hairdresser! Josie plans to scatter rose petals. Caoimhe asks Josie if she should go to the Diary room to propose and get down on one knee; this idea gets two (non-sucked) thumbs up as she repeats 'yeah' over and over excitedly! She suggests that she waits to do it tomorrow; Caoimhe doesn't think anyone would want to marry her the state she's in! 

Steve compares Ben to the f**king child-catcher (from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) which is a tad extreme!! Corin had said something very sweet to Ben that day, that if new HM's come in it would be practical for Ben to come in her bed. Steve calls him out on this being a lie but Ben goes on to say that Corin wouldn't want a stranger sleeping next to her. She giggles but Steve's not having it – so Ben asks her if she had said he can share with her.

Corin's version of events differ slightly, that Ben had imposed this idea of his onto her! John winds up Corin for pulling their leg about not knowing that Ben fancies her; she doesn't think Ben does. 

JOHN: Of course he does! Look at him!! 

Nathan put this to the courtroom, Ben normally parades around in nothing but his undies but is now covered up in bed. Ben accounts that he's a bit chilly! John doesn't think there's anything wrong with it (to Corin) 'but he does fancy you!'

BEN: (Douche is sugar-coating it!!) I think it's time to go to bed.. Do you want me to walk you over? 
Corin wants another half hour and Ben is quick to accord. John wouldn't know a girl in Australia that would fall for this sh*te but Nathan bets there are. This surprises him that Nathan believes there would be girls stupid enough to fall for that crap. 

JOHN: (this shocks and appalls him) Really? Cos that is an utter, utter, utter pathetic act! Bringing chocolate into a girl's mouth! 

Oh reheallyyyyyyy dear Johnno?? Because I seem to recall a few weeks down the line you feeding Josie Jaffa cakes :P And I doubt fervently that you found yourself to be pathetic that you had been charmed and fallen in love with a beautiful woman!! Maybe you perceive it differently because you had found someone who made you so happy, that you'd have done anything for and you weren't solely trying to get into Josie's knickers? 

And it's not that he didn't see Josie as a beautiful woman (whom he hoovered oftentimes) but he appreciated, nay adored her insides just as greatly as her outer appearance..There was something about the magical combination of the two of them, that in a weird way had them both thinking each other was kinda perfect! Timing is a beautiful thing and it had them feeling all these crazy, mushy things together.

Ben's ancient dialogue sounded so stilted to John, it was like he was speaking Chinese to him - for all John understood of chivalry. I wonder if John's mates at home watched him on live feed with Josie sometimes, thinking some of the sweet words John lovingly said to her - were the lamest things he'd ever said to anyone. Especially since the way John spoke of his friends none of them were gentlemen themselves and saw John as the stud of Melbourne.  
Corin makes out Ben is doing it for a laugh to make the lads laugh; John believes this is the way Ben is in real life. Ben chats b*llocks that there's nothing pathetic about it as Corin has a sore jaw and he was helping her! Caoimhe shares with Josie that it can be quite intimidating having all these big blokes. 

JOSIE: (not phased being a bit of a geezer bird herself) But I don't find it intimidating at all.. not one tiny bit. But I think I've got my brothers and I've always grown up with boys. And two of my best mates are boys so I don't ever feel like that. I love male company, I love it. Nothing in it, I just like hanging round with blokes. I like my girls.. if they put my friend Jeanette in here it'd be so funny! She'd tell everybody about theirselves.

Caoimhe gets out of bed and Josie sucks her thumb. John knows this sh*t wouldn't fly with girls he knows back home – like feeding chocolates and leaving flowers on pillows. Nathan declares Ben to be an extremely flirtatious guy. Ben has had an electrician work on his flat so that when he turns on a dimmer in his sitting room, music comes on straight away. 

JOHN: (wants the pest to give it a rest!) You can actually be bothered about getting a woma.. a bird that much, that you would go to that amount of effort?  

Ben feels it is nice for the lady to get soft light and music. John has never heard it or seen this; Josie tells him it's because he doesn't smooth people over. 

JOHN: I don't, yeah.. well I'm not going to finish that sentence.
Nathan describes Ben as 'like a gentleman cad!' John can imagine that's the way things worked back in the days of the Titanic but not now that they're in the year 2010! Josie assures him women love that which is what Nathan has been trying to explain to John. The shrill little idiot-girl Corin wouldn't love it but she's not that type of girl. 

Josie says that she is and wouldn't consider it pathetic, the way John thinks most girls he knows would think it was.  

JOHN: (can't picture a way this would work) Oh don't shake your head at me, I'm telling you they would laugh! They would be absolutely p*ssing themselves! I'm all up for a bit of romance.. but what he does would be considered absolutely pathetic!

NATHAN: (his priority numero uno) It's chivalry with a bit of sleaze on top – I like it!

JOSIE: But your view of romance is a driving through the drive-thru at McDonald's!

JOHN: (doesn't want to study under Ben's tutelage) I don't have a .. you're talking to the wrong person because I'm the absolute complete opposite .. I'll admit that. Cos I refuse to lower myself to that level for a bird, but that is what he thrives on!

JOSIE: (downplays what Ben has) What he's got a light dimmer? That's nothing.

JOHN: (Not in this lifetime would John try a stunt like this!) What so that music plays when you walk through a room? Just to pull birds! Pfffff! HA! 
Somehow they ended up in the right place at the right time..Josie appealed to the romantic within John and had him coming over all hearts and flowers. Maybe with her, something just lit a spark that made him realise she was the bird/woman/lady who was worth all this effort. Not to the lengths that Ben would go to but maybe he wanted to go to more trouble (than he usually would for a girl) for Josie, so that she would feel loved and treasured by him. 

On entering the BB house, John turned from an 'I' to a 'we' so while he may have felt at the time of this live night discussion that Ben was talking NONSENSE, when his feelings caught up with him perhaps he didn't think his own wanting to shower Josie with love was so pathetic! He probably fully anticipated his loys ripping him wondering when did he become so nauseating? 

Or did he himself, feel like he had become that one guy he at one point despised? Did John feel utterly, utterly pathetic at some of the things his management wanted him to do as part of the JJJ brand? OK magazine outfits par exemple!! But was willing to do it all the same no matter how foolish he felt for he was so hopelessly in love. Maybe John felt like he had lowered himself to such a low level in loving Josie, that he wouldn't repeat any of his romantic words or gestures to any future girl he has feelings for. "Sometimes love makes you do stupid things and you're screwed for the rest of your life!" (Grey's Anatomy) I hope neither he or Josie feel that way.

"There doesn't have to be harps playing or birds singing, or rose petals falling from the sky.. and there are definitely days when the romance is dead. But if you look around, things are pretty amazing! So stop for a moment, enjoy the beauty, drink in the magic. Because romance will fade, people will change, love will die but maybe not today.." (Greys Anatomy) :(