10:14am, Ben tells John James that he may take the mickey out of him as part of his stand up routine #BB11 (from BB twitter)
10.31am, John is still not out of bed!
10.57am, John and Josie chatting in the bathroom but they are either not wearing mics or they are not switched up. She goes out into the pool and reveals that she likes the smell of petrol.
11:12am, Josie is in the pool, John James is keeping her company poolside #BB11 (BB twitter)
11.19am, Is John talking to Sunshine now then? He just asked her how many kilos are in a stone. John improvises with a towel to make a beach sarong a la Beckham.
11.27am, Josie just apologised, saying something along the lines of 'I feel like saying sorry, now, I feel like I've been a bad mate.' She's saying again that "you pick a fight with someone every day in here John" over and over and over. He is saying that he hasn't had a proper argument in there and that he hasn't even started yet.
"They like skating on thin ice these two. If there isn't signs of cracks, they've got to go make some.
"Its interesting how he doesn't see the arguments as real arguments but rather as as a vehicle to getting to know and understand other people. He thinks the only argument that came close to a real argument was with Josie the other day. ( I think he means the nest one.) This kind of explains why she's so fearful of their arguments because he really hit a nerve by showing her does understand her, beyond her barriers and she can't handle him getting that close, prefering to keep up the laid back, care-free persona. The more they argue/discuss their opinions, she fears the more she will reveal herself and thats not something she's prepared for." (Sofette JJJAT)
"John has told her he likes to argue (he's an argumentative personality type) because it's his way of finding out about people, he has a mate at home he can argue all day long with but as long as it's controlled it's ok, ie as long as no one gets upset it's the fine. My view is that he likes arguing with Josie for much the same reason, he wants to find out what makes her tick, he just doesn't like it when he can see she's gotten upset when they've argued. To his mind and this is what he's told her this morning he's only had one real argument in the house and that was with her, that's his perception because the only argument which was upsetting to him on a personal level was the one he had with Josie.
Josie on the other hand is not an argumentative personality type however she is competitive which means she never wants to feel like she's lost an argument so she has one of two choices and has demonstrated this is how she deals with him, she either refuses to argue point blank after making her initial response or she'll come up with a remark like the pastry one or the 'get real' one that stops him in his track.
They are good for each other. He makes her think and she makes him feel." (Aella JJJAT)
11.38am, Dave asks Josie what she thinks of John. Josie says 'he's a lovely bloke but a annoying ****er!' John just praised Ben and is offering him advice on how to deal with his task. So he isn't such a bad guy.
11.45am, Ben, John, Nathan and Dave chatting about Ben's inability to do anything much for himself.
11.55am, John and Ben finding things in common. Steve asked whether the penny had dropped for him, and John said 'yes, I'm understanding Ben more.'
12.09pm, John telling Ben he understands that Ben wanted a break from his life and a re-think. Ben has been treated well by people in the real world but he knows that their patience will run out. He's also been let down by people who've promised intros and didn't. (John going for a Sonic the Hedgehog look) Ben tells John that he's still one of the most lovely people he's ever met but he overthinks things, as does Ben, and Ben has worried lately that John isn't understanding him. Ben says it hurt him a little bit when he though that John s/c Ben says he (Ben) moans a bit sometimes, John didn't think whatever it was in the s/c - at all. John admits he was going to leave last night.
12.39pm, Corin says Big Brother was flirting with her. Josie says 'that's the one I fancy too!'
"Josie, for whatever reason, has a hyper-developed self preservation thing. Keeping everything as a joke is a way of keeping it at a distance. I think the reason she got upset and thought John was "messing with her head" is that he can see right through that barrier. She's like a frightened animal, backed into a corner, she just wanted to escape from that whole conversation. Loved the way John was so calm about it (so not like him). He totally got the dynamic and understood why she was reacting that way.
Now John needs Josie to show similar insight for him. I just think that her self-preservation thing is so strong that even when she sees John needs her, that voice comes in her head ... be careful girl, not too close." (Vaun JJJAT)
Caoimhe buffs her nails seemingly in the buff!! Shabby contests that she has said not anything bad since (SC); Caoimhe tells her not to worry about it too much. Like (I always imagine this in a valley girl American accent but that's not the usage from Shabby's mouth) Shabby can deal with being booed for what she is, but not for what she's not because that would upset her (and tarnish the Katchadourian name!!)
Kiev just doesn't know what they're going to be getting booed for and asks why Govan had been booed. The only thing Shabby can think of is bleeped out by sound cuttinggggg! 'Or whatever it was that he told Josie.. do you know what that was?' Neither of them do but believe it to have been pretty heinous and that it would have definitely been aired - are they referring to Govan confessing his bisexuality to Josie?
This is exactly why Shabby has just kept away from it. Corin comes in and Caoimhe asks if she can paint her nails dark red as a favour. Corin is only too willing to accept but her only red nail polish is clumpy so Caoimhe has one for her to use. (SC) Shabby trundles off to get a glass of milk but will be back, as Caoimhe asks her to sit with her while Corin does her nails.
Corin SO needs a fag and a coffee; she asks if Caoimhe is nervous about tonight. She is but is excited as well. Corin's beauty parlour is officially open as she gets to work on Caoimhe's nails.
Out in the garden, John chats with Josie while she does her make up in the spa. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are one of the couples John does respect in a lot of ways!!! Josie looks horrified as she'd thought he was going to say he didn't and 'we would have had a row!'
JOHN: I love Brad Pitt! I don't like Angelina Jolie but.. I respect what she's doing. Some things I like about her, some things I don't.
I myself have a patented blend of condescension and contempt for Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as a couple. Considering John had such a crush on Jennifer Aniston at the time I was confounded by John's respect for them, after they cheated and left Jennifer heartbroken.
JOSIE: You can't like everyone can you?
JOHN: Nah.. um, I respect David Beckham to a certain point and what he does. He does a lot of things. A lot of 'em .. erm Ashton Kutcher..
Josie loves Ashton Kutcher, John elaborates 'I respect him a lot. Umm.. yeah a lot of people like that.'
JOHN: Yeah. We'll do it on eviction night.
She checks that he is going to wear her Brizzle is the shizzle t-shirt tonight. He hesitates but agrees to it before asking if she is wearing it for her eviction.
JOSIE: (discomfort rises within) Well it doesn't fit, John!
JOHN: (sweetens the pot) I'll wear it for my eviction, if you want.
JOSIE: (this pleases her) You're joking? I think that's so funny!
John will wear it, he doesn't care. Josie gets him to pass her more cosmetics from behind him and enthuses about how she loves doing make up. She feels sorry for John being a boy as she can sit there and do her make up while he has nothing to do.
JOHN: Yeah, I feel sorry for you, yeah. I would hate to sit there and do that.
Josie likes it and reckons it's therapeutic. John starts telling Josie how he changed a lot and didn't get angry but there's a SC mid-way through. He confides that his father's funeral had been like a celebrity one (his Dad was a very popular person) as so many people had shown up; same with Josie's Auntie Maria.
JOSIE: That's where you get it from.
JOHN: Well.. I wasn't like that.. but I became like.. over years I've become like that. I had millions of friends as kids. But then you realise who your real friends are .. that's why I've come to realise that I (SC)
Josie then shares that she has loads and she means loads of acquaintances because Bristol is a small place. John says not to get him wrong as he has acquaintances too. Josie only has 5 close friends that she can count on one hand.
John must have felt scandalised with those who attended his father's funeral, for not continuing to be there for him and his Mum. Had I known John, he would have had my permission and backing to go nuclear on these so-called friends and loved ones!! It is times like that when you need to rely on the love and support of the ones who should care most deeply for you. That must have been such an unimaginably upsetting time for John and Helena. He had to be the strong one, to be a rock to his mother and to take care of her, which didn't allow him true time to grieve fully for the father he lost.
From that point on, John was living with a shadow overhead and a hole in his heart. It's no wonder that Helena was so distrustful of people, when so many seemed to turn their backs on her and her son. John became the same way over a period of years, realising who was really his friend and who was merely an acquaintance.
Josie said she always had lots of acquaintances and has thousands more in the 'industry!' But she too has definitely become more wary and suspicious of those around her, after being screwed over by those who should have had her back (i.e. management) as she was too trusting of them. She comes across as being more savvy and switched on in this respect, which can only be a good thing.
John believes he's struggling so much in there because of these things. Josie reminds him that he's not going to find a friend like that in there! She admits that she does count herself as a strong person but in there she has felt a bit lost.
JOHN: Yeah, I'm very lost here.. I'm just um.. just ah.. just don't agree with a lot of society and the way people think. I just don't agree with a lot of it, which is why I argue a lot because I don't agree with the things people do.. because it's hard for me to.. Ben, Ben's right (SC) think about actual life and think about what it's all about and why we're here.. and um.. there's a lot of people here that I consider to be a joke.
JOSIE: But do you know the reason I'm not a deep thinker and all that, John?
JOHN: Because you don't care!
He is all ears and eyebrows while Josie speaks. She insists it is not because she doesn't care and states a wise policy 'it's because if I sit here and think too much, I will go into a state of depression!'
John says he's not depressed; Josie adds 'Yeah, but that's what'll happen to me.'
At times in that house, it must have felt like they didn't have a friend in the world :( Which would have been particularly demoralising to John being half way across the globe! Although John self-admittedly was a former recluse, he just could not embrace the alone-ness in that house. In some ways, John and Josie were both strong characters in other areas they looked like little lost lambs. John's strong sense of ethics and disagreeing with society as a whole, is something I admired him tremendously for. And for someone like him, it would be hard to keep the trap shut when he didn't agree with something, thus resulting in the inevitable arguing.
Who is society to say what is right anyway? Who defines right?He should be proud of himself for staying true to his morals and standing up for his beliefs in BB. Yet he was villianised as the BB baddie of the series because of his argumentative nature. BB probably didn't bank on the token hottie having such integrity. Perhaps Parton now considers Josie to be a joke for 'succumbing' to the pressures, perils and pitfalls of society, while being in the public eye?
"During the break, John divulged that he was just curious because he wanted to know as much as possible about people. He didn't think he was arguing and even researches people to find out why they do the things that they do. This is why he questions his HM's so relentlessly because he interested in the reasons why they do and say things. John accepts it looks like he is arguing but he says he is not.
He wonders why people smoke and drink, why Sunshine is a vegan and could sit and talk to her all day about it. John explains to Josie why he is intense, he finds the human mind fascinating, he likes to talk to people. Josie asks if he looks up serial killers...he says yes. they say they both have an interest in why they do what they do." (WHATM)
He lets her know that what she was saying in the nest (I think) was right in a way but wrong in a way.
JOHN: And you're like 'you're angry rah rah rh, I'm right, I'm right, I'm right!' but really, you don't know my life back home so like..
Josie is adamant that just because he has a good life at home, it doesn't mean that he's not angry inside! (SC) John lists that he has 2, 3 really really good friends and in a way they have to be like him to some extent in order to understand him.
Cuts across to the manicurist and her client Caoimhe. Corin just knows that when they go to the toilet, they can see behind the mirror. She thinks it'll be embarrassing when they get out and meet with the producer's etc. as chances are they'll have seen every bit of them! Shabby's not sure about Corin, but lots of the girls have had a moment when their boobs have popped out! (and this is BEFORE their deliberate flashing of John and Steve)
JOHN: So in a way, um.. I would have been proud to be gay. Because I think.. I respect them on so many levels because they don't care! (Josie thinks that's good) Do you know what I mean? That's why I respect someone like Mario.. before, before I even knew that but even more so now because.. they should be able to like.. and there's so many.. so many people are like homophobic and it really annoys me.
JOSIE: I think you'd make a good gay man!
JOHN: (Josie giggles) Whatever but..
She thinks he'd be like Mr Gay UK and John reveals that he would represent them 'even now, being straight!' Josie tells him he can't being straight but John respects them because he thinks it's good.
Shabby has joined JJJ and partially overheard their conversing; she asks John if he thinks being gay is good. John does and Shabby does too; John replays back some of their chatter for Shabs benefit. Josie corrects John that she hadn't said she thought he was angry as he is gay BUT that when she first met him, she thought the reason for him being so angry was because he was actually gay. 'And didn't know how to come out with it!'
John reveals that he has a friend who believes that gay people have a choice and can help it. Josie is very vocal in her 'NO!' There is a SC presumably so that BB couldn't have been chastened for airing views of sexuality which may be controversial. John and Josie were like 2 big halves of 1 Siamese twin when it came to their stance on a variety of issues and moral issues.
Shabby wouldn't want to get rid of her sexuality. John and his friend had massive blues because he doesn't agree with that view whatsoever. Josie and Shabs believe sexuality is genetic; John doesn't know what it's in but believes 'if you're attracted to other blokes, you're attracted to other blokes! If Shabs is attracted to females, she's attracted to females.'
In Shabby's encyclopaedic experience, she thinks it is different for the true gays in that it is in their genes but that circumstance can have some effect. She has seen it happen before, when women are constantly mistreated by boyfriends - they start looking at women. When Josie was 12/13 she thought she was gay as 2 of her friends were lesbians 'so I just thought I was as well!'
SHABBY: You'd make a lovely gay! (she woo woo's back to someone outside the compound)
Josie admits she was in a club with the lesbians and they used to do really naughty things. (SC) John whistles back to whoever is calling over the fence. Josie thinks she just wanted to be gay because those friends were.
This is where John disagrees with religion, which says that homosexuality is not the way it's supposed to be. 'It's supposed to be male and female', Josie begins to say this is why she doesn't agree with but is rudely cut off with a gap in sound.
JOHN: And if someone goes on and on about that, they will fire me up! So you'll see Johnny at full guns blazing if that subject.. so I'm avoiding that subject, cos I will get angry!
Josie bets he will bring it up when he wants a row (he assures her he won't) and tells him that she's started penciling in her eyebrows. 'Shall I pencil in yours?' He instantly passes up this offer and doesn't want to argue with anyone that's religious. (SC) Josie doesn't think someone is any different to anybody else in there. John has a certain level of respect for him (referring to Dave maybe?)
JOHN: There's no right or wrong. (helps Josie to de-tangle herself from her microphone wire in sound dip, then walks inside)
It looks like all HM's have been called to the sofas, though Josie shows no signs of getting out of the pool. The SC's are numerous for the period of one minute. Mario and Sunshine read from the rule break, she tries to enforce that 'violent behaviour such as touching an area with a dressing on it, is not acceptable!'
Thunderclap keeps pushing his finger away from prodding at her wounds, as they really hurt! Ironically, she is not phased in the least that her legs are so far apart, you can see right up her black hole. You will find this inconsistent with her worries about her undercarriage a couple of nights back!!
What does Sunshine and a black hole have in common? THEY BOTH SUCK :D
Mario expects they will be ordered to the bedroom for essential maintenance. Corin wonders if Ben is going out for his thing, he answers 'who knows, who knows, who knows?' The shutters on the door to the garden are struggling to close as a mop is in the way. Corin is buzzing now they have summat to do.
Ife promises to laugh no matter what he says in Benny's big moment. (SC) Mischievous Mario (as Seahorse calls him) and Nathan wonder where Josie is, Shabby calls 'Come on Jose!' as she is the only one not there. Josie comes through, now fully clothed and Nathan immediately asks how she is; she's not too bad.
Caoimhe could swallow a coconut whole she yawns so broadly. Josie and Nathan are play fighting off screen and he jokes with her about violence, while she screams as he gives her a horse bite! (SC) Ife Whiffy (this is Shabby's new name for her) asks if the girls read the jokes on the penguin wrappers during their task. They had to in order to find the answer, by rooting through the mound of penguin chocolate bars.
Josie ow's and stands up to pull her top back down, after being hurt by Nathan, the slutbag's hands. Ben asks her if she's trying to do a Sunshine; she doesn't know what he's on about. He clarifies by showing her tuppence, Josie replies 'when I was in the shower?'
BEN: No, with Nathan just now!
She is confused and furrows her brow, wanting to know if she had flashed at Nathan and when. He reveals that it was about 2 minutes ago but you couldn't see so it's alright. Josie 'whatever Trevors' him because her flies are done up; John doesn't look too comfortable with the goings on as he starts twisting at his hair.
"Josie hasn't got any feelings for Nathan just by her body language he is sitting next to her and she is almost crawling into Steve on her other side. Her whole body is turned away from him and has her back facing him and a cushion as a barrier as well. John definitely hasn't got anything to worry about in that department he physically recoils when she comes near her. " (Melhock JJJAT)
Caoimhe thinks she will; Shabby will be happy if she's there as this time was for them to work out if they want to be together. She's sure she's figured out that she probably doesn't (SC)
NATHAN: (fiendish, inferior Italian accent) Get your hands off my Mario, Sunshine! He's my kitchen assistant! He's the flamboyant Italian, I want to kiss! (SC)
Mario checks if they can purchase mystery prizes for £1 on the shopping list, as he was going to suggest getting some. They don't and the HM's believe this only happened 1 year on BB9 if memory serves me correctly. (SC) Ife says they could all have a fiver each if they win £500 as they try to decide whether to get clippers and hair straightener tokens. John offers to sacrifice his allocated money so that Josie can get her hair dye with it.
Ben is back from the Diary room and makes them wait for it, before announcing what he has to do. This is not remotely a secret, so he can tell them everything, someone sorta guessed it already but he's not sure how it's going to work. (SC) He lets them know he will be doing his routine in the middle of the eviction outside.
Ben gives further details that he has to stand up there and do a 90 second routine. The HM's are all open-mouthed and most not exactly doing a happy dance over the news! Ife and Shabby point out that the audience will have to find it funny. Ben guesses so and knows he probably has a reputation for being a bit of a pessimist in there, but even Shabby would agree with this one 'the boos are going to be of such a level, how will we know whether I'm funny or not?' I liked Ben when he was being unintentionally comical and self-slighting.
Steve tells him to just go for it and not worry about the boos. Sunshine advises him to start with that witticism! Shabby doesn't understand this as they aren't supposed to have contact with the outside world; John doubts there is any way they will allow Ben outside! Shabby is bricking it that it means Ben will be able to see banners (SC)
John switches from awestruck to angry in less than a nano-second, on account of the effort BB go to in order to ensure they don't hear reactions. He reckons they are bluffing. Shabby doesn't think it is right for BB to still be strict if they're going to let one HM out to hear it; she doesn't like it. Poor cow looks like someone has just stuck a red hot poker down her you-know-where!!
Nathan wants to know what if the deal is Ben has to go out there and make them laugh. To be fair, Ben doesn't think it will be graded on the audience finding it funny but on if he lasts for 90 seconds, contains 3 subject areas and the material is entirely his own and original.
JOHN: It'll be a fake crowd if it is.
Ben can have help and has been provided with a stop watch so he can practice and time himself. (SC) John reassures Shabby that if it is any sort of crowd it will be one BB has organised but Sunshine thinks it is real. Corin shouts that Ben is hardly going to find out much as he'll be nervous stood up there.
JOHN: He'll be able to see his own reaction though, from the crowd.
JOSIE: I feel so sorry for you (Ben does for himself) I'd faint!
Ben made what he considers a valid point to BB, as he doesn't see how it can actually work. He told BB how the crowd just want someone to boo at, using Govan's reception the previous week as an example. BB had told him he was being a bit pessimistic. Shabby and John both disagree with Corin who feels that the audience will just be there to have a laugh. All the HM's talk over each other while Ife reasons it could be infront of competition winners in a separate room. (SC)
John checks that they are allowed to help him with his routine, which they are so long as Ben writes it. What he'll do in a moment is go in the nest for 10/15 minutes on his own and think and then call people in to help him. Shabby has gone to cool off in the bathroom alone but comes back out shortly.
Ben would find it easier to perform purely with his HM's as an audience as it is a smaller size, but also because he'll be 'dealing with a load of 16 year olds out there!' Corin puts on an over-embellished sniggle! Sunshine doesn't think Ben needs to be concerned with making the crowd laugh in order to pass the task.
Nathan expresses that Ben would be lucky to get one joke out in the time frame. (short SC) Seahorse claims the crowd will be shouting abuse at him for 90 seconds while he tries to rattle stuff off and won't even be listening. (more SC's) Nathan would work on 3 little gags for 30 seconds a piece and that's it.
JOHN: Don't be stressing about the crowd, Benny.
Ben's worried about 2 things - firstly, he wants to do it well and for his HM's to be proud of him (he doesn't want to fail them) and secondly, how it will actually work and about his reaction to the outside world. There's a bit of him that loves being in there and some that doesn't, so he worries he'll see the world outside and want to leave.
Josie has retired to her bed to suck her thumb, she asks Shabby if it's wrong that she's not bothered about it. Shabby reminds Jose that she's not up for eviction 'apparently I'm the only one that is bothered about it.. but that's because no one's actually thinking about it properly!' (SC) Caoimhe enters querying who knows who is getting kicked out. (SC)
Shabby is fighting an obvious battle within because she thinks it is a terrible idea. Caoimhe says for all they know it could be a rent-a-crowd, scratching at her head as though she has lice! Shabs scoffs that BB won't bring in a rent-a-crowd followed by a real one! Josie asks if they can even rent one; Shabby would essentially call the crowd a rented one anyway as they are given free tickets and then come down.
Back in the lounge, the conversation has turned hairy as Sunshine speaks about covering greys (SC) Nathan and John don't think it is wise for the joke to crack any anecdotes about Davina. Returning to the bedroom, Shabby describes her planned eviction outfit - her green checked shirt not tucked in, with her dickie bow, her green cord with braces down, pulled up white socks and her black converse.
Ben doesn't know how he is going to write wearing the board; Sunshine suggests he sit on the setee with the blackboard on his knee. Ben puts his foot in it when disparaging the revolting shirt as nobody would wear a black shirt with black trousers; Steve sometimes does!! (I bet its his chic look) Ben bashfully apologises. (SC) Corin observes from the label that it is from Marks and Sparks.
Shabby can't see why Ben is so nervous after surviving eviction last weekend. (SC)
SHABBY: (exclaims) Oh, that's a nice tin!!
Josie is sucking her thumb, seeming pensive about something or it may be down to tiredness. Cutting across to the living room, Corin wonders what is going on in the garden as the shutters are still down. Sunny surmises BB may set them up with a small afternoon task. Ife likens Ben's performance later to an audition for him; Mario considers that since Ben's done TV before it should be no different. (SC)
IFE: Maybe it's more pressure because he's done TV before (SC) like the football task and that for you, John.
John reckons they picked the perfect person for it. Ife edits that they had picked him and thinks Sunshine could have been quite good.
Shabby works through her minefield of misgivings about Ben's task with him - that he'll see banners and hear things shouted. The worst thing for her is, that Ben will walk back in not long before they announce who's evicted and he'll know. Ben doesn't think he will (SC) Where Ben disagrees about having this knowledge before them, is that if evictions were based on the crowd he'd have been out last week.
After Shabs refutes this citing how just before Govan got the boot, she'd heard chants of 'get Govan out!', Ben asks if she's sure as he hadn't heard this.
SHABBY: (with a face like a bulldog licking a stinging nettle) Are you crazy?? They couldn't have been shouting that any more! It was hideous!
Ben never knew any of that or how Shabby had been stunned. She mentions that when you are involved you don't hear it as much as you're in a little bubble, all crazy. But being outside of that, it was obvious. (SC) She stresses that Ben will have a fairer idea than them about the lay of the land out there.
His mounting panic is evident as he asks why BB are doing this - whether it be to cause problems or to make them feel nervous in equal measure. Shabby speculates that they probably knew she would kick off about it, but she's not going to. (SC) She thinks Ben will be pleasantly surprised 'they kept you in last week, dude.'
BEN: But that's people on the phone lines, that's my friends and old grannies.. not the sorts of people that um.. stand outside. (SC) No, I'm not going to take it personally, I'm strong like that.
Ben believes that BB are going to give him a task that is pretty impossible in terms of noise etc. He's not normally someone who suffers from performance anxiety nerves but will tonight because of the level. Jokester had been relieved thinking he had a week off though will probably be up next week. (SC) Shabby feels that the nominees were given specific roles knowing she or Ben would have put themselves forward for the stand up.
MAYDAY MAYDAY!! Ben blabs that what they don't know is he was basically made to choose this role. The girls 'oh!' as he continues that as much as he enjoys performance and stuff and is a natural comedian in conversation 'but I'm not a Jack Dee!' Shabby tries to prise more info out of Ben but he tells her not to ask more questions but was told to ask for the role.
Shabby calls it lucky that nobody argued with him; Ben dispenses that they were probably surprised he was so pro-active for once as he's normally at the back, praying for the best. Shabby likes the idea of him laying at the back like some sort of slug.
BEN: I am!
At school he played the part of Freddie in the play 'A room with a view' which Caoimhe loves. Ben laughs that he always plays lazy younger brothers who just lie there eating cakes! In the movie the character was played by Rupert Graves, Ben prefers him as an actor to Rupert Everett. Caoimhe and Ben love that gorgeous film!
Another thing Ben thinks Shabby should be pleased about is not having to wear the cheap nasty material. She was quite envious of his outfit but had only seen the blue jacket. Ben flatters that it would look better on her than him.
Mario comes to join Josie in her double bed (SC) He is damning it because if he were the comic, he already has 1 of his 3 subjects done. Mars really hopes they get to watch it on the TV screen, Josie mm's that would be good. (SC) John comes through carrying Ben's blackboard before throwing it to the floor.
Shabby gives him the heads up that she thinks they are the only ones who have an issue with the arrangements. (SC) He whatever's and in between sound gaps he gives his opinion about the effort BB usually go through to stop info leaks happening. Shabby thinks there must be a specific reason why they want Ben to do this.
BEN: What would you guess it could be?
John doesn't know but doesn't think they'll send him out to the crowd, the same way evicted HM's are. (SC) He swears up and down that it will be too much pressure for Ben to come back in, having heard things about his fellow HM,'s. Shabby shouts across that Ben will know for sure who is being kicked out. Live feed finishes on E4.
"Ben confirms it is - 'outside in front of the crowd'. Maybe they want me to come back in and report stuff. Shabby repeats that one of the main principles is no contact with outside - they've never done that before. John says Dogface knew that Kris had talked about her being pregnant. (That was part of a task, doh). Ben asks Josie, seeing as he's got all this stuff to do, will she help him get ready later. She says she will.
Josie, Mario and John still laughing and joking in bed - Josie ribbing John. Josie is pretending not to hear what he says. He starts pretending not to hear what she says. Ben has managed to fill an entire side of his blackboard with writing. He leaves the blackboard on his bed and leaves the BR."
2.44pm, John James and Josie are having one of their tiffs, it's only a little one though #BB11 (official twitter)
"Mario just said that Josie told him she fancied John, and she denied it. She then said "all your rowing made me go off you I'm afraid" and he said "I'm not afraid". John says he doesn't want Ben to ask him to help with him but he can say stuff like he is a dog with a bone. Ben likens him to a chain or buzz saw."
3pm, "John refers to the Sunshine thing yesterday. She wouldn't go away and he couldn't go anywhere cos he was stuck in the pen, so he had to do deep breathing and pretend she wasn't there. She wouldn't walk away, he couldn't walk away, yet he got blamed for the argument.
JOSIE: When me and you's having a chat sometimes John and I walk away or you'll walk away I'm like..(*exhales*)..
JOHN: Yeah I do that too. That's what I was doing at the back of the garden.. just ..(*breathes*)..calm down Johnny, calm down..it's fine...
JOSIE: Like you can breathe again.
JOHN: Yeah..I feel the same about you. Then Sunshine came to my side and it was all building back up again..(breathes)..so I just pretend she's not here..it's just..you're talking to a squirrel.
JOSIE: So you're what..saying I'm like a drug to you?
(very illuminating)
3.04pm, "Sweet that Mario is there trying to get John to touch her and hug her, he keeps pulling John's hand and pushing them together! And a very telling comment from Mario saying they 'will be the kind of couple who argue about everything'. She just said how she only cares about the bigger picture, and he said he's the opposite, he cares about the little picture."
3.36pm, "Josie and John in the garden. She's putting some eye make up on him. She puts some eyeliner under his eye, he sees it in the mirror and wipes it off. He doesn't want it on the bottom...he says it'll look stupid. He asks how she puts it on, does it go on her bags? She is now offering to demonstrate on Mario. He doesn't want it to hurt, she says it won't. He OW's and she is now squeezing a spot on the side of his nose."
3.57pm, "John, Ife and Josie talking about offensive words in UK not being offensive words in Oz."
4.04pm, "HM's believe live feed cuts off at 2am. As Sunshine had been told anything that happens after 2am won't make it into the HL's until the day after."
5.30pm, "Josie lying with John in the garden just then with her arms round his legs? It was sooooooo cute. John wraps a blanket over her."
5.42pm, "John and Josie talking about THE Paris Hilton video. Josie has seen it.
John says that Mario is peeved cos he believes people should be there for the right reasons and the fact that Ben is worried about ruining his career by doing something is against what Mario thinks. Ben agrees with John. John says he knows that is the case and will go ask Mario. Ben says 'no no no no no.' sh1tting himself!"
Emily Atack from The Inbetweeners would choose Josie as her head girl! (Ben was her choice for head boy) She thinks she's down to earth, cool but also puts people in their place when they're being really annoying and arrogant like John James.
George was going to ask Emily about John as there is a lot of sexual tension 'is he the class flirt?' Emily is definite in her answer and even thought part of him dragging Sunshine to the pool was flirting! She thinks he plays on knowing he is good looking.
Lamb bets John spat a few feathers out after Josie told him he was doing everyone's head in! Govan has a picnic with Nadia and tells her he misses Nathan, Josie and John James.
In the garden, Ben and John are chinwagging about Mario having feelings for Ben. John knows it is not Ben's fault. Ben gauges that his situation is similar to what Caoimhe's had to go through 'it's not your fault if someone fancies you!' Those who try to make you feel it is your fault, should be looked upon with righteous condemnation!! :D
JOHN: (the blame game only works on the weak-minded) You don't have to tell me!
JOSIE: (happy and gloaty) Or me!! (giggles mischievously)
BEN: Don't know which way round that is!
John's jaw drops with jollity as he parrots Ben's droll bon mot about not knowing which way round it is! (SC) Either way is equally as excellent from where I'm sitting, as they both got there, on the same page in the end ;) So that John became her hunky hunky boyfriend and Josie became his gorgeous gorgeous girlfriend :)
JOSIE: Just be flattered, Ben (SC)
JOHN: That's what she says to everything .. that's just what she says about anything!
JOSIE: At least someone fancies you in here!! (laughs)
John backs up Ben, that he is flattered and isn't saying he's not 'but that doesn't mean anything.. that doesn't mean he has to do something against his will!' Ben doesn't like the idea that just because someone fancies you that you have to go along with it, as it's ridiculous.
JOHN: (emphatically) Exactly, exactly!! Amen to that.
Ben doesn't go around to random people on the street telling them he fancies them 'therefore you must engage with me!'
JOSIE: What do you mean?
JOHN: Well I've got a crush on Jennifer Aniston, but you don't see her around me joint every Saturday night, do ya?
This conversation offers some keen insight into John's human heart.. did John move things along with Josie to avoid the ethical conundrum of leading her on/stringing her along by remaining so intimate with her, if he wasn't attracted to her? Was John emotionally blackmailed by Josie into starting a relationship with her like the CT scream and shout? (though perhaps not in a conscious, calculated or per-meditated way) Or do his words negate the CT argument that he was forced or pressurised into going along with a relationship with Josie against his will? Was he just so flattered and so close to her, that he couldn't bear to hurt her by turning her down?
My personal opinion, is that one way or another John intended to have a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with Josie, at least after the show finished. If John is to be believed, he did fancy Josie from the beginning, but put those feelings on the back burner thinking she didn't like him back in that way (as when she described her type she was not describing him!) So when he realised she really did fancy him too (and there was no chance he could be rejected) - is this why and when he went for it? Or at that point could they just not help themselves?
I don't think he was forced in the slightest! If John doesn't want to do something badly enough, he bails and won't have anyone or anything make him do otherwise. So I am 100% confident this is what John wanted too.. I think if he'd been completely sure even earlier than fire exit day, that Josie reciprocated his feelings, that things would have started up and heated up even before Day 48!
"If he was forced, it was by the strength of his own feelings and growing some balls and facing them at last!" (Miuddyminded)
John thought Josie was a hot fox in BB and that was when she was at her biggest, so nobody can accuse him of being shallow. Wouldn't he come running back now, begging for forgiveness, if he were that superficial over looks? (now she is at her slimmest) I'll always argue that John and Josie were the best thing that ever happened to each other and they just blew it off :(
Every night in my dreams, those buggers rock up without fail.. it makes me wonder if either ever make a cameo/starring appearance in each others dreams (or nightmares)? The likelihood of friendship becomes slimmer the longer they are apart.. but maybe they still reside in their heart? Have they kissed their happy ending goodbye eternally? Should we too? (not necessarily in terms of a romantic relationship) I say NAY.. as odds of any kind, no matter how remote - DO indicate a possibility.
6.24pm, "PMSL at John's impression of Kris reaction to being evicted. Ife says she never realised how funny he was. Josie said "yes he is, that's why I am still friends with him" Josie thinks John is hilarious and has turned over a new leaf today. John and Mario kicking a ball around, joking that John was misunderstood."
JOHN: You reckon?
JOHN: I hope they don't boo a loud mouth Australian!
6.30pm, "Josie says there is definitely something going on tonight as they usually have the shopping task done by this time. Ife - 'yes Josie - supposing they brought Rachael back?' All of them agree that won't happen as BB tried it before and viewers weren't happy. (Nikki Grahame) John saying they don't want a repeat of that. John saying he doesn't think Caoimhe has done enough to offend!! Oh yes she has! Dave is convinced Shabby will go. Ben agrees."
6.55pm "John tells Sunshine she looks much better 'el naturel' (his words not mine) without a fascinator and says for her to ask Jose as she'd agree. Sunshine translates BB's instructions to: 'Do not swear, Do not show us up!'
JOHN (to Josie): Those earrings are nice, who give you those?
JOSIE: I give them to myself!
7.08pm, "Dave seems to think that Sunshine has some kind of multiple personality disorder. Yvette/Sunshine. John says she is very aware and puts it on. Josie says Yvette gets very upset at the things Sunshine does (and then laughs)"
7.16pm, "Nathan has given his joy stick some self-love and John rearranges his tackle!!"
7.36pm, "John and Josie openly playing footsie on the sofa.Sunshine has made Caoimhe a bracelet. Makes fox sex sounds (copying Josie's sneezing) John James tells Josie that she looks like she's "sucking on a lemon" when she sneezes. Josie replies: "You look like you're sucking on a lemon all the time."
7.45pm, "Nathan is being sleazy!! He keeps getting closer to Josie and touching her leg and stuff...."
"I really hope Shabby doesn't go tonight - she just said again that she really loves John and I'd like to see how their relationship might develop....and in a funny way I think she could be a good catalyst for the relationship between John and Josie - in that he might be able to do his angsty venting with her -feeling that she 'gets' him and then save the more positive stuff for Josie; plus I am endlessly fascinated by how BB can create allegiances and understandings between the most unlikely people - the eccentric little English lesbian diva and the fit Australian surfer dude....you couldn't make it up!" (Siobhan JJJAT)
8.08pm, "Josie says Ben looks "Very Shane Richie!"
8.16pm, "Ben (about Mario) "What am I supposed to do? Start self-harming because I don't want to share a bed with him?"
8.27pm, Anyone else hear that in the bathroom just then?? It sounded like John said "you think I'm getting hot again?" or something, and she said "yes" and it sounded like he said "so we're going to hook up tonight?"
10.37pm, UH OH POWER CUT IN ELSTREE!!! This delayed Sunshine's eviction slightly.