JOHN: That he's playin the f**king game.. that he's a game player!
Shabby lays it out to the lads and ladies that essentially they are in a game show, so can they really hate someone for playing the game? She doesn't think it works like that and neither does John; Shabby would really like to show Dave for what he really is and then see how long he lasts. John's not into this sh*t either. Shabby condemns that she has seen Dave's mind in action and he didn't give a f**k about her in the first week. But once she survived the first eviction he told her the squatters had tamed the baying crowds and has tried a lot harder with her since.
JOHN: (has an axe to grind) Yes! Because he thinks.. he is being friends with the people he thinks is the crowd favourites, 100%! Because I'm convinced of that.. you're f**king spot on with that, because now all of a sudden he's yelling out 'the f**king Shabanator' and all that f**king crap! I think he's f**king smarter than he's making out! I think he's a lot more concerned about the game than what he's making out. I really do! Don't f**king roll your eyes at me, Josie!! (she is off screen)
What really p*sses Caoimhe off is that 'smug, little face!!' When he had not been evicted he had gone over to Caoimhe and Shabby, lent in closely to say really quietly 'oh, sorry girls!' When Shabby was sitting on the bog she'd overheard Dave boast that 'the Lord saved the 3 of us, we're fighting them off 1 by 1' and this kind of crap. (SC) They disagree that the Lord would have chosen Govan to leave; Dave had apologised to Shabby for saying it but apparently said it again that day.
JOSIE: (disbelief) So the Lord made a 21 year old young boy, go out there and get booed by people by millions of people? And he thinks that's acceptable!
This had made John a bit funny 'and it's no secret that I didn't get along with Rachael right?'
JOSIE: (mocks) Really? I don't believe you, I think you're lying!
John makes it known that Dave didn't like Rachael either 'well that's why he put her on the f**ing board!' Caoimhe claims he was going between herself and Rachael; Josie thinks she was amongst his decision too. Shabby felt as though she was the one to f**k it up as she'd told Dave he can't judge that (as he'd made out he would choose Caoimhe believing she wouldn't go) so Dave moved from Caoimhe to Rachael. Dave had gone up to John afterwards while they were sock throwing and declared 'looks like we won, the public out there must agree with us!' Josie's jaw drops open as John goes on that as much as he disliked Rachael he didn't like what Dave said!
Another thing to p*ss Caoimhe off about Dave is how he'd said to Rachael he was putting her up because she's so beautiful! Josie laughs that John is 'such a little b*tch' but Shabby loves it! Shabs determines Dave knew Rachael would go. John doesn't think it is about f**king winning, he'd had an argument with Rachael and obviously didn't like her 'but this isn't about winning and losing here!' He got a little bit embarrassed because he had argued with her as he thought it had to be dealt with because she was f**king him off.
JOHN: (disdain drawn all over his demeanour) Everything I say and do has f**king nothing to do with what's going on out there!! I couldn't give a flying f**k!
Shabby smiles that she thinks if John gave a f**k he wouldn't say half the things he did!! It got to John as he realised Dave didn't do it because it was the way he felt but because he wants to f**king play the game. Josie can't stop sniggering so Shabby asks her what she's laughing at, John answers 'she hates it!'
JOSIE: (her laugh ricochets around the room) John James is the biggest b*tch I've ever met in my life!!
JOHN: (explicitly states) I just don't like being f**king um..deceived. I hate that! I hate being deceived! F**king HATE that!!!
Mario had been under the impression that Dave was becoming more accepting of his and Shabby's lifestyle choice.
JOHN: (barks) And.. while I'm on a roll, he said that.. he goes 'I had a really good week last week and I'm up' What the f**k is a really good week? What do you mean 'a really good week?!!' So you kept quiet for a week so you're trying to avoid nominations. Is that what you're f**king saying? That doesn't cut it with me! I'm exactly.. if I felt that something needs to be dealt with, then you deal with it.. you don't f**king say 'I had a really good week!' What the f**k in the household where you don't know what the f**k's going on out there?? If you don't know what's going on out there.. and you don't know what people are thinking about, what the f**k is a really good week??
Although Josie was semi-joking here about John being the biggest b*tch she'd ever met here, this may be what she continues to think now. John too could perhaps feel he now sees Josie crystal clear and maybe believes that he was deceived by her and/or that she deceives the public with her cheery personality (this is not what I think is the case) From John's past outbursts towards Josie it does seem to suggest that he felt played by her and as though Josie had his heart in her hand :( and I don't doubt Josie feels the same about John.
His ranting here shows that this is something he truly feels strongly about and we know how he has almost no tolerance for lies. So if he considered Josie's deeds to be deceptive that would be a relationship deal-breaker for him. Could it be that because he has not made any efforts (that we are aware of) to change things between himself and Josie, that it is not a situation he wants to deal with? Does he feel it is better left alone and unresolved? If so, is that because he feels it isn't worth it or because he doesn't think Josie wants him back in her life in any way?
Mario doesn't deny that he would love to see John's audition interviews. Caoimhe had found John to be so nice during the auditions.
JOHN: (doesn't know when to shut up) I'm not into being f**ked about. Seriously. I know you've got views on him Mario but seriously it is starting to be a little bit suss. (Mario nods) And I don't like feeling like that but.. I'd rather.. I don't wanna be f**king..
John feels he may be 100% incorrect on this and Dave could b 100% legit but John has to make a judgement call and doesn't think he is. Josie leaves the bathroom while Mario tells John he's never really taken too much stock of what Dave says and usually tunes out 'the Lord, Lord Lord!' John's f**king sick of hearing about the Lord (ad break) Josie comes back into the bathroom (to use the toilet) where John has not tired of his tirade.
After a few seconds of seeing Sunshine and Corin sleeping in the dark, we're back to Shabby sounding off over why she'd have to battle the odds to survive 1 f**king eviction! John believes that the only person Dave has a problem with in the house is 'Jose.. but he will not, he will not say nothing!' Shabby seems surprised by this and asks why Dave would have a problem with Josie. John replies that Josie had made it pretty clear by firing up with Dave in the bedroom the other night after Dave had told them to be quiet. Dave then backed right down but John knows if that was someone else, he'd have fired back but since he thinks she's a favourite out there 'he won't say a f**king word!' (SC)
Josie now backs John up that they had been whispering and Govan had checked that they weren't keeping Dave awake. So they carried on and then as soon as Nathan got on the p*ss, Dave had obviously went out to talk to Nathan and then made a remark about not believing they were carrying on. So Josie had turned around and shouted 'you f**king what?'
And he said nothing, did he? He f**king backed the f**k up! And the
only reason he did that was because, he knew! If you mess with Jose, you
mess with the whole f**king clan!!
JOSIE: (Laughs) Shut up, you idiot!
is serious that this is the way Dave would have thought but he's not
saying it's necessarily true. Josie chides him for being so stupid!
JOHN: (unrelenting) It was!! That was the f**king reason!
ignores this and washes her face while Caoimhe makes the case that if
Dave is confronted and the person says something bad, he doesn't say anything
back! John had a dip at Dave early on in the hut and asked him straight
up if he was playing the game because he was starting to believe Govan.
He had also asked Benny straight to his face as well 'why do you f**king go around kissing people?' (SC) The more things John hears about certain people, the more he thinks if there was no such thing as evictions they 'wouldn't be sucking up nobody's arse! You'd be f**king letting everyone know how it was!' But because there is, they are going to do their best to f**king avoid them.
John said about those who mess with Josie mess with the whole clan,
reminds me of Josie's main core of Muckers (I have also seen this happen
amongst Loys when it comes to those who tweet John hate too). The ones
who are quickly offended on her behalf and ready to attack anyone who
says anything even remotely negative against Josie. While the level of
hate directed at her continues to grow (as is the norm with any public
figure) the support from those who kiss her arse rises too. While I am a person who supports Josie just as much as I do John, I am able to see that they each have faults. I will praise and compliment them on some actions and voice my opinions when I'm not so pleased with some of their behaviour (though not TO them) because they have enough sycophants showering them with blind devotion everyday. I am glad that Josie has recognised that some of the people who purport to support her are really just a John James hater (as shown in one of her recent tweets)
feel that they are both adults (for the most part) so do not need our
protection when it comes to unkind tweets. We are not obligated to
pounce on every single person who has an opinion dissimilar to our own,
because we're not their body guards! John and Josie have mouths and are
more than capable of fighting their own corner, should they feel
compelled to.Instead of taking the bait, next time you see a nasty
comment, why not tweet John/Josie some loving? That way you aren't
giving the person the attention they crave or making it more noticeable
to John or Josie.
JOSIE: (teases) Do you ever forget anything, John?
doesn't answer as he is too busy not forgetting what Dave had told him
on the couch about probably being up every week. And that it wouldn't
matter because it's what they (the public) think out there.
JOSIE: (humourous ribbing) Uh..
back in 1999, you stole my bike! You said you'd return it.. back in
1994.. back in 1995, you cheated when I played you at Sonic!
turns a deaf ear to Josie's small swipes as he acknowledges that he
gets fired up about a lot of sh*t in there. But one thing he doesn't
like is game players; Shabby is convinced that because Dave has survived
one eviction he presumes that he's loved by the public. She thinks that
is a ridiculous way to think as she has been saved once too but doesn't
believe she is loved. Dave could have been 2 votes under Govan or any
amount of votes second to Govan; yet because he wasn't evicted he
equates that to being loved out there when it f**king doesn't!
imitates Dave sucking up to Sunshine as it is all about the public for
Dave. He's sure that if he had survived an eviction, Dave would be
sucking up his arse too and he'd be telling him where to go.
JOHN: I'm just not into fake sh*t, Mario .. seriously (SC)
JOSIE: (wants the topic dropped) Game playing, game playing, game playing, game playing! Obsessed with it!!JOHN: I'm not in for the game playing.. look, I don't care if you play the game.. just don't play it on my turf.. just don't play it with me! (Josie cackles) It's not happening on my watch! So if you play the game play with everybody else, don't come to me.. don't talk to me.. you can play the game, you can do whatever you wanna do.. do whatever you f**king wanna do in order to stay in the house longer, that's fine but just don't include me in on that!
John doesn't want to be included on that sh*t (SC) as he's not here for that. It makes him feel uncomfortable that he's friends with someone who wants to play the game. He doesn't see how he's meant to be friends with someone he can't trust.
JOSIE: (giggles) He will go on for hours, mind.
wants to be able to have friends in there but can't if they are playing
the game as they will screw him over. Shabby's sermon is drowned out by
Josie and Caoimhe's impersonations of John which make him turn around
briefly to show his amusement. He had said in the Diary room this is why
he was so close to Jose, because he thinks if it comes down to it and
she had to nominate him, he doesn't think that she would, under any
circumstances. Josie laughs so loudly in response, pretending that he's
got her wrong.
JOHN: She's such a cheeky.. (ad break)
Mario questions whether John thinks he is a game player; John answers that he wouldn't speak to him if he thought that and definitely wouldn't sleep in the same bed as him! Josie plans to go to bed in a minute and Mario mulls over it being too tiring to play a game. Once again, John scrutinises if Mario thinks Dave is 100% legit as everything Mario says he will take on board. Mario would like to think Dave wouldn't chop John's name on the board but takes everything Dave says with a pinch of salt.
asks what Mario's reaction would be if Dave did swap John's name. It
would definitely make Mario re-evaluate things; Caoimhe would be f**king
shocked but urges him to stop worrying about what will happen tomorrow.
Shabby disagrees as it is fun reading too much into things (to her!) and
she's sick of explaining that to people.
JOHN: (Faces Josie to pester her playfully) See! See? See!! You don't f**king .. you need to get a bit of Shabs into ya!
John James, you're like a f**king broken record!! I listen to this
every night! I love John James, you know I've got a lot of love for you
but do you ever.. (left on a cliff hanger with this as it chops over to Dave snoring)
JOHN: (wisecracks) Oh, you wanna talk now? You're just gonna tell me to shut up anyway! You told me I talk like a broken record! (Josie closes her eyes as she lays next to him)
John knows everybody is saying not to care but he feels to a certain point you do have to care about it. Caoimhe challenges that it wrecks your head over-thinking and John confirms it is f**king with his head.
Obviously, I like who I like and I'm not too keen on who I'm not too
keen on, so I wouldn't give them my time of day really, which I don't!
But I wouldn't go on and on about it, I don't care about it that much.
Josie's views so simplistic when it comes to John? Would she now not
give him her time of day as she isn't too keen on him? Or would she be
straight by his side, if he really needed her? Caoimhe assesses
that John has come to the conclusion that Dave is more than likely
playing a game, so he's going to be careful; she suggests that he keeps
his distance and be aware of it but shouldn't go over and over it!
JOSIE: Well John does!
Shabby has seen everyone 'slag, slag, slag, b*tch, b*tch, b*tch.. maybe not so much you Mario, but everyone else has'
and then they go and speak to the person so it's like they'd never know
they've been bitched about or that they are disliked. It f**king knobs
her off as she feels that is why she looks like 'such a f**king whore'
when she rants and raves when actually a lot of people think the same
as her but don't say anything! This is why she liked Govan as he
operated the same way as she does and that's one of the things she
really, really misses about him.
debates how things could annoy each other about everyone so are they
not supposed to speak to anyone? Shabby means if you dislike that
person, which is why Caoimhe stays the f**k away from Sunshine as she
dislikes her. Josie dislikes Dave so you never see her sat down having a
conversation with him.
JOSIE: I actually don't dislike him.. he's just not my cup of tea, you know?
Caoimhe had checked Sunshine was okay when she was crying in bed as she'd felt sorry for her. 'You might hate someone but still be a little bit sympathetic when they're crying their eyes out?' Josie
voices that she doesn't care about Sunshine and Dave enough to even
dislike them. John doesn't either and tells Josie it does make sense
when she asks.
John and Josie truly do hate each other, the way so many would like to
believe.. does that then mean they care a little? Because if they
didn't give a rip about each other at all, wouldn't they be more
indifferent? There is a fine line between love and hate.. and I suspect
that if John and Josie were somehow around when the other was sobbing
their heart out.. that they would feel some sympathy for that
person they loved once upon a time.. Not that they are likely to bump
into each other in that way while living on different continents! But if
they by chance, happened to be in the same location.. it could easily
stir by emotions they thought they had suppressed or no longer felt. John guesses part of Sunshine's tear up was because of him, but he let her know his opinion. He thinks bitching about her behind her back is one thing but he will tell her his views on it; he feels this is then alright but knows it is still bitching about someone. He has said things about Sunshine before but not anything that she doesn't already know about. Caoimhe contests that she isn't close enough to Sunshine to call her a selfish b*tch so she's going to avoid that.
He has the opinion that obviously you get more wound up but when you speak to them face to face and they're nearly crying it's hard to hang them! Sunshine knows that certain things f**k him off so as long as she's cool with it he's cool to keep being her friend. If she continues to do them then he'll continue to tell her! Caoimhe would prefer to avoid Sunshine than be fake to her; Shabby argues if she knows she'd have the chance to rectify it. John agrees that then the ball is in Sunshine's court.
Caoimhe calls it b*llsh*t as they can't avoid everyone in the house! She laughs at the preposterousness over if she should tell her to her face after she's had a major bitch about her and thinks she's a f**king whore! She's not going to do that but at the same time thinks it would be worse for her to bitch, bitch, bitch and then be sweet and say she loves her. John understands what she's saying as Caoimhe would rather avoid contact 'is that a fair enough way to operate?'
JOHN: Different people operate in different ways.
John says that Sunshine takes it quite well as he lets her know how it is and that he has certain problems with her. Shabby states that her mindset is 'if you're really p*ssed off with someone, maybe at some point you should f**king tell them!'
Shabby can't comprehend Caoimhe's concern for confrontation. Caoimhe is going to get angry when she doesn't give a f**k but Shabby sneers that she must give enough of a f**k to make snidey comments at times. Josie laughs at the awkwardness of Caoimhe confronting her comrade 'excuse me!!' According to Caoimhe they had discussed it earlier today and don't need to discuss it again. John watches on as Caoimhe asks if she'd made a snidey comment today.
JOSIE: (Mid teeth brushing) Thing is, she's a bit temperamental, so why would you wanna upset her? Cos obviously she's had her fair share of problems so why cause any more problems with her?
John has the outlook that if you're f**ked off with someone, as long as they know that you're f**ked off, he would personally like to tell them on some level 'you don't have to go out full guns blazing!'
JOSIE: (sides with Caoimhe) No! If you don't care about the person, why would you even wanna tell 'em?
Did John always tell Josie in their relationship when he was f**ked off? Or did he keep it bottled up and suck it up, until the bottle overflowed and he refused to make up? I can imagine that John and Josie both argued full guns blazing because they did care very much! If John had a problem with someone, he would like them to know why but how far they want to go into it would depend on how much information he gives them. He illustrates his point that he was f**ked off with Sunshine when she got 2 pizzas and a packet of crisps and then hid her crisps, so he told her.
JOSIE: But when you don't speak to that person, obviously they know that you're not a fan of them!
JOHN: (answers curtly) If you can't hack it, get your f**king jacket! Well whether I knew or whether I didn't .. like f**king I don't know.. you don't have to go running around telling everyone 'I have a problem with you! You did this! You f**king drank me milk whatever..'
As Josie no longer speaks to John (my own assumption) it is safe to bet that she probably no longer likes him very much and I'm sure that is mutual from John. John couldn't hack it, he got the jacket and his suitcase.. well he packed it! They may still have problems with each other but don't run around telling the world any more.. just because they aren't saying they have issues now, it doesn't mean they have forgiven each other or are ready to be friendly. Caoimhe is just happy to avoid Sunshine and she thinks Sunshine's happiness is reciprocated; John is fine with that. Josie chokes as she spits up in the sink off screen.
JOSIE: That's the same with me and Dave, look!
JOHN: That's what I was gonna say, Jose.. that's exactly what you're doing so..
Mario goes back to Dave being a game player and asks the girls an honest question, if they think he is a game player as he's getting paranoid. Shabby straight-talks that she's had suspicions about him and has been absolutely convinced that he's working for Big Brother. She doesn't think Mario's a game player i.e he came in to win the prize money and John agrees adding by f**king everyone over. But she's just convinced he has never stopped being the mole.
Mars finds the absurdity of this mirthful! John now believes him that he isn't the Mole as he'd made him swear on his life, though Mario corrects him that it was on their friendship. But John had made him swear on everything! Shabby doesn't dislike Mario as a person but there's always been something about him that made her think he was a mole.
JOSIE: Night, guys!
JOHN: Night, Jose!!
JOSIE: Night, love.
Caoimhe also had suspicions that he was always the Mole just because he doesn't talk about various parts of his life. John assures Mario not to take this the wrong way as he knows Mario gets upset about this. And that nobody thinks he's a game player in the sense that Dave is, just that they'd thought he was working for BB. So Caoimhe wants it rephrased as that isn't game playing. Shabby believes Mario's nature to be genuine and that he is sweet but they thought the whole f**king thing was rigged (the tombola) Which is why John had spoken to him about it the next day 'because I couldn't hold it in no more!'
Shabby was the only one that had kept schtum about that conversation. John had to ask Mario because he wanted to know and find out where the tree was. Mario swears right then and there on his life and his mother's life that he had no prior knowledge his name was going to be pulled out of the tombola and he's not working for BB.
Shabby still finds it fishy as they had to have Mario's nature and personality to pull the Mole task off but she believes that they (BB) knew even if he didn't. She is a bit disappointed to learn that when he was on the stage he was just waiting for names to be called out like everyone else. Mario asks her why and she replies 'because that means we're just a bunch of HM's in a house and we're being totally screwed by BB!'
Josie is back in the bathroom, John instantly inquires of her if Ife is in her bed (to see if the spot is open for one of their chats?) He's told that Ife isn't in it 'where is she?' but I can't hear Josie's answer as Caoimhe is listing reasons they had suspected Mario was still a Mole such as his secrets.
JOHN: (sweet sing-songy) Good night Jose.
Shabby is planning to continue over-thinking things, she'll have you know! Caoimhe considered it to be like Mario wanted specific people to know. When Mario was outside with the other possible HM's he had a feeling in his heart his name was going to be pulled out but he had no idea he would be given a Mole task. Shabby reveals that they'd come to this conclusion that he was never a HM but an actor because there were only 13 beds and table places. She'd loved the idea that Mario was an insider for BB.
Mario suggests that she could be the TV producer. Shabby ironically informs John that they should think about putting a TV programme together when they get out of there (and later they are both involved in separate reality TV shows) (ad break) Caoimhe and Shabby are having a spat at the sofas about a face Caoimhe had supposedly pulled at Mario. About 4 minutes ago, Shabby had felt this look implied that she was idiotic. Caoimhe circumstantiates that her look wasn't directed at Shabby at all and she didn't take it personally.
Shabby pulls her up on why she'd said earlier in the kitchen that she didn't want to have a discussion so it wouldn't look like they were arguing. Caoimhe hadn't wanted to cause a scene in the kitchen, she'd just rather they had conversations like that on their own as she felt a little awkward. Shabby is sick of arguing with Caoimhe today; it seems like Caoimhe is p*ssing her off but Shabby says she's not. She doesn't f**king want to fall out with Caoimhe because she doesn't have any other friends; Caoimhe won't but she disagrees with Shabby's opinion about saying things to faces. The reason Shabby had said this is because she felt the reason she has been up for eviction (and same with Govan) is because they speak their minds all the time. She finds it really unfair that they were essentially voicing what everyone else was thinking, then they are not backed up by those who feel the same way.
SHABBY: Because that is f**king game playing! I don't mean to be John James about this, but that is game playing!
Caoimhe mm's along in agreement with Shabby's points that people don't want to rock the boat too much in case they are nominated. She hopes Caoimhe realises the way she operates and that she doesn't go up to people yelling 'you f**king d*ck!' but if she's pushed or brought into something like the Ben thing then she's going to say something. As she won't bend over and 'let everyone f**k her up the arse one by one! I'm not a d*ckhead and I will tell people!'
She's not scared of anyone not liking her as they will then nominate her and if the public dislike her she'll be evicted! Caoimhe views it that some people aren't being that way in order to avoid nominations but to avoid having an argument. 'Some people aren't as voicey as you and Govan and you have to respect that!' Caoimhe has had years of being nervous standing up in front of people like that and explains her case, as Shabby broaches that she's not having a go at her.
Caoimhe is like Shabby as she doesn't give a f**k who nominates her but she gets stressed in confrontational situations. Shabby had spoken about Caoimhe in the Diary room about how she found her a bit strange and she'd been keeping her distance but doesn't want to. Caoimhe hadn't noticed but tells her she doesn't need to! (SC) Caoimhe doesn't like over talking about things she'd prefer to talk about it, work it out, look at the 2 sides, come to a conclusion, leave it and move on to another topic.
CAOIMHE: How many times has John James said 'I think he's a game player!'? How many times? How many times has has he said it? Every f**king word out of his mouth was game player, Dave and dah dah dah dah dah!
Shabby asks if she thinks that means John is a game player as she doesn't. Caoimhe genuinely doesn't think he is at all but he has his views and she wishes he'd talk about something else as she gets bored listening to that. She finds it annoying as there's only so much John can say without repeating himself; Shabby asks if she is as bad as John. Caoimhe tells her she isn't but she just needs to think, talk then let it go, but John doesn't stop. CAOIMHE: Like I'm more kinda like Josie, you know.. like I actually don't give a f**k!
It is interesting to me, that at this point Caoimhe compared herself to Josie. A comparison I don't think Josie would appreciate!! Perhaps she was in some respects earlier on in the series but was this just concealing her true colours? She soon changed her tune to being more like John when things weren't working out in her favour. Josie had Caoimhe's card marked, as did most of the viewers!
Shabby supposes that if the conversations were more interesting they wouldn't have to resort to discussing such subjects. She finds a lot of the chats dry as dogs sh*t when they are an interesting bunch of people. Shabby thinks the place needs a major f**king shake up and there's something she really hopes will happen on Friday which will shake sh*t up! She just thinks someone from the other group needs to go because they're getting complacent and cocky.
Shabby states that one of the purposes of them being there is to learn from each other. Caoimhe feels she trusts people too quickly; Shabby casts herself as the b*tch out of their trio as Caoimhe and Ife give people a chance. She doesn't want to be smug but her predictions seem to be coming true about people but she really admires that quality in Ife and Caoimhe to give people chances.
Caoimhe doesn't want to waste her time having problems with people there. Shabby sees it differently that she'd doesn't want to waste her time with people she doesn't like. Something Caoimhe doesn't like in people is cockiness and she categorises Nathan as being cocky even though she has a lot of guy friends like him. They move to sit on the steps, Shabby had been asked by BB to list the bad traits of her HM's and she'd listed that Nathan wants to be seen as a good guy. Shabby wants to believe that's who Nathan actually is - good but thinks it could be a game.
Caoimhe doesn't like how he as a 25 year old patronises people his own age and those older than him. She is quite cool with people until she gets to know them so doesn't like the 'darlin'/love sh*t!' so we are shown Nathan asleep. Back to Shabby saying how much she loves Corin so Caoimhe agrees that she loves her to bits and thinks they can all learn from her positive outlook (interesting how her opinion changes so quickly) but that p*sses her off. She can't understand how a person can be that f**king jolly 24/7 as it's not possible.
Shabby wishes she could have been in the kitchen when Corin snapped at John James. Caoimhe knows Corin realised she'd slipped up from her 'jolly, jolly character' as Govan had asked if she was okay and she'd sprung back into pretending to be fine. Shabby surmises that somebody could keep that up for weeks but Caoimhe isn't so sure. Every time Shabby has an issue with something Nathan says he snarls at her to chill out! Caoimhe comments that the best way to put someone in their place is to mirror their body language because then they've met their match.
What bugs Caoimhe as well is that it is supposed to be a communal kitchen but she doesn't feel she can just walk in there. She completely respects that Nathan does all the cooking but he's not the only chef as Dave and Steve cook. She actually gets uncomfortable and the other day Nathan had told everyone to vacate the kitchen when she was quite happy sitting there sipping her tea. They try to remember if they'd all agree Nathan would do all the cooking at the kitchen but don't think they had. Dinners are cringe-worthy to Caoimhe she just feels it's like being at school.
Mario is called to the Diary room, he is cuddled up to Ife in bed and doesn't hear the announcement. He and John must have retired to bed inbetween one of the ad breaks. Josie and John try calling him to wake Mario up; it seems like John is in the single bed and not in bed with Josie :(
JOHN: Mario, I think they just called you mate. Mario, they just called you to the Diary room.
Mario gets out of bed wearing only his saggy tighty-whities but pulls on a t-shirt before going in. Caoimhe is still slating Nathan for not having respect for those who've gone to bed later than him. She doesn't desire to hear about his willy problems at quarter to nine in the morning when they're locked in the bedroom and the alarm hasn't even gone off. Caoimhe had been f**king raging inside, she wanted to leave but they'd been locked in. She'd rather he just went to have a little w*nk in the wardrobe as he'd come in 15 seconds anyway as he's been that long without it and then they wouldn't need to hear about it any more!
Shabby does love Nathan but finds a lot of double standards with him, as when he's in a good mood he doesn't like the b*tching as he's having the time of his life! But then when he's really hungry he shouts about it being b*llocks! Caoimhe had felt really sorry for Ben when Nathan had yelled at him as it wasn't fair because he's an awkward person. As much as Ben p*sses them off she can tell he's a clumsy, awkward person especially in those situations! Shabby assumes that Nathan and Ben don't really get on as they are 2 of the most polar opposite people in the house. She hasn't actually seen them have a conversation other than the squabbles.
Shabby stresses that she 'isn't like John James in that way' (talking about game playing all the time) as everybody knobs her off even people she's closest to. Ife comes into the living room quite confused and hungry, having been woken up when Mario went to the Diary room. The only reason Caoimhe ever irritates Shabby is because she just doesn't get up 'sometimes you're just the sweetest person and sometimes you're not!' Caoimhe doesn't get herself.
Shabby has discovered that Caoimhe is a lot mardier than she'd realised 'I didn't know you were a fellow mardy bum!' Caoimhe credits herself with getting out of it quickly but not when she's not had so much sleep. She's sorry but she's not going to be a very sweet person in the mornings with the alarm and Corin's chirpy old batteries, new batteries.
Ife comes with her cuppa to sit with her comrades and they chat about how they'd listened to John's view on game players. Shabby shares her view with Ife, that Caoimhe is quite a sweet-natured person, but then sometimes she gets in a strop and she can't work out what sends her into them! 'The most minorest of things can send you into a tail spin!' (an attribute Caoimhe had in common with John) To top it all off in the morning, Caoimhe has this over excited jolly person singing in her f**king ear and there's no escape from it!
Shabby is shocked that Caoimhe feels this way about Corin and doesn't think she likes that girl. Caoimhe clamours that she loves her to bits and has a lot of respect for her. But sometimes in the morning she wants to throw the box of batteries at Corin 'is that really malicious?' Caoimhe is 'mellow, mellow, mellow at home!' but Ife tells her she can be quite clipped.
Caoimhe feels a huge release after a massive meltdown and is then on more of an even keel. Dave passes through into the kitchen in the early hours of the morning. Shabby runs past Ife Caoimhe's belief that they haven't seen the real Corin yet, as nobody can be that happy and positive constantly. Ife thinks Corin could be like that on the outside and has forced herself to change because of everything that has happened to her.
Caoimhe snaps at Shabby not to automatically assume she dislikes Corin but the batteries song and 'alright babes?' are the only things that p*ss her off about Corin. She's just not going to be fake! Ife conceives that Corin's only aim there is to have a good time and is so adamant that nobody will spoil her time. Speaking to Corin made Ife realise how anal and highly-strung she can be on the outside on occasions. The sound is cut while Ife explains the 'horrible, horrible story' about how Corin's husband died.
Before Corin's Mum could even tell her, Corin could see in her eyes that something was wrong and ran outside to break down. Her husband had been her best friend and she was the happiest girl. After Corin had told Ife all this, she'd never felt so much pain for somebody she had only just met :( Her husband died in an accident at work, Shabby asks 'isn't that how John James' dad died as well?'
IFE: (whispers) John James' Dad died, Josie's Dad died he got stabbed. (Caoimhe exclaims 'no way!') It's horrible!
CAOIMHE: We all have different pasts, different troubles, different struggles..
Ife has faith that they were all supposed to meet each other at this time in BB. They think it's strange that 3, possibly more HM's have lost a loved one in a non-conventional way. (Sunshine also lost her mother to breast cancer) Caoimhe plans to make a more conscious effort not to be such a bitch (pity that didn't last!); Ife advises her to be herself but be more open-minded. Caoimhe checks it is okay to be irritated as she's genuinely not like this and doesn't want to be.
In some respects, Nathan is exactly the type of person she'd described as NOT wanting to be in the house with but she gets along with him. Ife describes him as a 'real pinnacle of laddiness' and would normally run a mile away from him. Caoimhe calls Shabby and Ife the kind of people she'd be friends with on the outside but her and Sunshine would never be friends! Shabby has an epiphany as to why she likes Sunshine more than they do, her friends say she has a 'hero complex' where she really feels like she wants to help someone and look after them. The more the other HM's don't get along with Sunshine, the more Shabby seems to.
Ife wouldn't necessarily choose to spend time with Sunshine, but could be with her for hours. Caoimhe concedes that Sunshine is 'tolerable' when she is acting normal. The girls brush their teeth in the bathroom as Mario is let out of the Diary room. Caoimhe gets her belly out as she feels so bloated and thinks she looks preggers.
IFE: Can you believe that Josie's teeth are so white just because she uses this? (SC as they possibly speak about the brand. Josie did have the pearliest whites I've maybe ever seen!)
They finally make their way into the bedroom and we see a small sighting of John sitting up in the single as Ife gets into Mario's double bed. Shabby speaks in hushed tones to Caoimhe about being sensitive to some of her expressions. The cameras move around noisily disturbing John James.
JOHN: What the f**k? (SC) F**k off!! Turning around..
Mario and Ife are having a chat and a chuckle as they cuddle. John can be heard calling 'Jose! Jose!' to wake her up for some reason, they share a short giggle before she turns back over in bed. Ife gets giddy giggles with Mario and has to suppress her excited snorts and squeals under the covers. Dave lifts his head sleepily as the door locks loudly then has a dig around his nostrils for any disgusting debris!
JOHN: What was that? What was that?
Shabby and Caoimhe, Mario and Ife continue to whisper a while before the E4 feed finishes.
Shabby does love Nathan but finds a lot of double standards with him, as when he's in a good mood he doesn't like the b*tching as he's having the time of his life! But then when he's really hungry he shouts about it being b*llocks! Caoimhe had felt really sorry for Ben when Nathan had yelled at him as it wasn't fair because he's an awkward person. As much as Ben p*sses them off she can tell he's a clumsy, awkward person especially in those situations! Shabby assumes that Nathan and Ben don't really get on as they are 2 of the most polar opposite people in the house. She hasn't actually seen them have a conversation other than the squabbles.
Shabby stresses that she 'isn't like John James in that way' (talking about game playing all the time) as everybody knobs her off even people she's closest to. Ife comes into the living room quite confused and hungry, having been woken up when Mario went to the Diary room. The only reason Caoimhe ever irritates Shabby is because she just doesn't get up 'sometimes you're just the sweetest person and sometimes you're not!' Caoimhe doesn't get herself.
Shabby has discovered that Caoimhe is a lot mardier than she'd realised 'I didn't know you were a fellow mardy bum!' Caoimhe credits herself with getting out of it quickly but not when she's not had so much sleep. She's sorry but she's not going to be a very sweet person in the mornings with the alarm and Corin's chirpy old batteries, new batteries.
Ife comes with her cuppa to sit with her comrades and they chat about how they'd listened to John's view on game players. Shabby shares her view with Ife, that Caoimhe is quite a sweet-natured person, but then sometimes she gets in a strop and she can't work out what sends her into them! 'The most minorest of things can send you into a tail spin!' (an attribute Caoimhe had in common with John) To top it all off in the morning, Caoimhe has this over excited jolly person singing in her f**king ear and there's no escape from it!
Shabby is shocked that Caoimhe feels this way about Corin and doesn't think she likes that girl. Caoimhe clamours that she loves her to bits and has a lot of respect for her. But sometimes in the morning she wants to throw the box of batteries at Corin 'is that really malicious?' Caoimhe is 'mellow, mellow, mellow at home!' but Ife tells her she can be quite clipped.
Caoimhe feels a huge release after a massive meltdown and is then on more of an even keel. Dave passes through into the kitchen in the early hours of the morning. Shabby runs past Ife Caoimhe's belief that they haven't seen the real Corin yet, as nobody can be that happy and positive constantly. Ife thinks Corin could be like that on the outside and has forced herself to change because of everything that has happened to her.
Caoimhe snaps at Shabby not to automatically assume she dislikes Corin but the batteries song and 'alright babes?' are the only things that p*ss her off about Corin. She's just not going to be fake! Ife conceives that Corin's only aim there is to have a good time and is so adamant that nobody will spoil her time. Speaking to Corin made Ife realise how anal and highly-strung she can be on the outside on occasions. The sound is cut while Ife explains the 'horrible, horrible story' about how Corin's husband died.
Before Corin's Mum could even tell her, Corin could see in her eyes that something was wrong and ran outside to break down. Her husband had been her best friend and she was the happiest girl. After Corin had told Ife all this, she'd never felt so much pain for somebody she had only just met :( Her husband died in an accident at work, Shabby asks 'isn't that how John James' dad died as well?'
IFE: (whispers) John James' Dad died, Josie's Dad died he got stabbed. (Caoimhe exclaims 'no way!') It's horrible!
CAOIMHE: We all have different pasts, different troubles, different struggles..
Ife has faith that they were all supposed to meet each other at this time in BB. They think it's strange that 3, possibly more HM's have lost a loved one in a non-conventional way. (Sunshine also lost her mother to breast cancer) Caoimhe plans to make a more conscious effort not to be such a bitch (pity that didn't last!); Ife advises her to be herself but be more open-minded. Caoimhe checks it is okay to be irritated as she's genuinely not like this and doesn't want to be.
In some respects, Nathan is exactly the type of person she'd described as NOT wanting to be in the house with but she gets along with him. Ife describes him as a 'real pinnacle of laddiness' and would normally run a mile away from him. Caoimhe calls Shabby and Ife the kind of people she'd be friends with on the outside but her and Sunshine would never be friends! Shabby has an epiphany as to why she likes Sunshine more than they do, her friends say she has a 'hero complex' where she really feels like she wants to help someone and look after them. The more the other HM's don't get along with Sunshine, the more Shabby seems to.
Ife wouldn't necessarily choose to spend time with Sunshine, but could be with her for hours. Caoimhe concedes that Sunshine is 'tolerable' when she is acting normal. The girls brush their teeth in the bathroom as Mario is let out of the Diary room. Caoimhe gets her belly out as she feels so bloated and thinks she looks preggers.
IFE: Can you believe that Josie's teeth are so white just because she uses this? (SC as they possibly speak about the brand. Josie did have the pearliest whites I've maybe ever seen!)
They finally make their way into the bedroom and we see a small sighting of John sitting up in the single as Ife gets into Mario's double bed. Shabby speaks in hushed tones to Caoimhe about being sensitive to some of her expressions. The cameras move around noisily disturbing John James.
JOHN: What the f**k? (SC) F**k off!! Turning around..
Mario and Ife are having a chat and a chuckle as they cuddle. John can be heard calling 'Jose! Jose!' to wake her up for some reason, they share a short giggle before she turns back over in bed. Ife gets giddy giggles with Mario and has to suppress her excited snorts and squeals under the covers. Dave lifts his head sleepily as the door locks loudly then has a dig around his nostrils for any disgusting debris!
JOHN: What was that? What was that?
Shabby and Caoimhe, Mario and Ife continue to whisper a while before the E4 feed finishes.
Liked Shabby as a housemates,she was interesting,was sad when she left:(
ReplyDeleteDon't think Mario was a game player,but he was desperate for air time,and it became tedious,as weeks went by.
I know Keeva isn't popular,but i was so happy when she swapped herself with Nathan,i'm sure we wouldn't have gotten rid of him,had she not did it;)
I don't think Jose is capable of having a serious discussion longer than 5 mins,and i don't think John is capable of having a discussion that doesn't last 100 yrs!Does anyone actually question how did they become so close?Lol:D
As for your first question in big letters,i would say probably,definitely no!
That last pix was delightful....Not:p