Sunshine grouses across the room from her bed, while Ife interrogates Ben 'you fancy Josie?' Ben declares that he doesn't fancy anyone in there particularly.
IFE: Look her in the eye and say it!
JOSIE: (disconcerted) Can you stop embarrassing me? Everyone's embarrassing me lately!
BEN: He's embarrassing me! You fancy Josie!! (John yawns 'no' unconvincingly as he stretches into Josie) That's the truth of it, she reminds you of your Mum and that's all you want, a mother figure.
IFE: (satirical) Oh, what a great compliment Josie!
JOHN: Have a listen to Dr Spock here! (Ben 'what's?) Trying to work everything out.
Josie mutters a hollow thanks to Ben. Ben praises Josie for being beautiful but again bets that she reminds John of his Mother. Sunshine sticks in her 2 cents suggesting Ben asks John directly.
JOHN: I forgot she was over there! (as she'd stayed relative silent up until that point) She just pops up 'ask John directly, he hates it!' (hee hees)
SUNSHINE: (Puts him on the spot) John? John, do you fancy Josie?
Sunshine puts John through the wringer 'why are you smiling?
JOHN: (dissents) I don't have to answer.. I don't have to answer these sort of questions! I'm not answering these questions!!
Ben and Ife home in on his face and are positively gleeful that he can't (or won't) do it! Ben blows his own trombone that he can look anyone in the eye and Ife awwwwww's.
JOHN: Oh, you're the wor.. (SC turns to realise his words have wounded Josie, so smooths her hair)
JOSIE: (Bruised) You could've just said 'a little bit!' (SC as John leans back against her body)
Josie proceeds to suck her thumb and John rubs his eyes; they both then exaggerate crying.
JOSIE: John James don't fancy me :(
Another SC as Josie's thumb finds her mouth once more.
JOSIE: It's alright John, I won't mind.. (SC and clip changes to the bathroom)
The difficulty with John often was that his words were a complete contradiction to his behaviour and facial expressions. Time and time again, John's body language with and around Josie deceived him decisively. If John was to always be taken on face value with the things he said, literally .. he would be labelled a hypocrite. But since his actions were usually the antithesis of his comments to the other HM's, his conduct normally negates them.
No wonder Josie became so perplexed about John's feelings for her.. because she would hear that he'd said one thing about her but this would not match up with the way he was with her. Talk about a total mind melt! She listened to him here say that he did not fancy her, yet he flirted with her like he wanted to take her then and there! ;)
Thank goodness, he came clean to her in 28 days from this or we'd have had to fly in a blimp across the BB garden spelling it out to them both!! At this day, I think John recognised he got a thrill out of being with Josie and just loved everything about her company.. I think he did already fancy her but that fact had not made its disclosure to his brain by then. He maybe sensed the mutual attraction, it was new, exciting.. he wanted MORE but didn't know just how much he adored her already!
John and Josie are still in bed curled up with their heads nestled together.
JOHN: Ife.. she doesn't.. she is good at like reading people.
JOSIE: Is she?
JOHN: (plays with his microphone wire) Yeah! (SC and John sits up) Yeah, she's.. she's smarter than she looks, yeah.. (Josie sticks her thumb in her mouth after calling herself 'crap')
JOSIE: I'm so oblivious I wouldn't know if someone hated me or loved me. (John knows)
Ben thinks Josie would as she has good instincts but pretends she doesn't.
JOSIE: No! I.. seriously Ben, I have not!
JOHN: No, no.. I don't think she does. (SC)
Josie feels the fabric on John's hood and he lays against her hand, as her palm pets his peanut head.
JOHN: (Baby talks as he strokes her wrist) Stop it, stop it! (in a tender tone that means anything but stop! Get a brief glimpse of them fondling fingertips) What's Davo doing?
Ben is going to see if he's playing with a sock. John questions 'you don't like the sock game, do ya?' but Ben does quite like it as it's something to do. Josie LOVES it!!
Even now Josie is so guarded with people that she meets because so many people have had her trust and destroyed it. (And I'm not talking about John!) As a BB winner, you are bound to have reservations when you first come out of the house.. 'are they only interested in my friendship because I won a TV show?' Were John and Josie surrounded outside the house by some who only wanted to cash in on their popularity.. management didn't seem to have their best interests at heart, only in how well they could line their pockets!
John credits himself on being good at reading people (like he believed Ife to be) so maybe he had suspicions of those appointed to manage their careers before Josie. I think Josie has wised up to 'fandom' and can gauge better if a person is being sincere in their supporting her.
Like the other day, she acknowledged on twitter that some who purport to support her are really no more than John James haters! Her degree of fame has perhaps opened her eyes and her instincts increased when it comes to sussing out the character of new people trying to enter her life.
YAH THAT (James 32 video):
JOSIE: The other night, me and John was playing it and I didn't realise that obviously he hadn't eaten much.. and I was like 'come on, come on!' and he was like (lays back to emphasise John's exhaustion, SC)
JOHN: (smiles) Getting worn out!
JOSIE: Funny!! 'Hi guys!'
JOHN: Do you.. d'you know.. in a weird way, I actually look forward to the um..
JOSIE: (suggestive) Waking up next to me?!
JOHN: (plays along) Yah, that!! (Josie chuckles and uses her gobstopping thumb sucker) But.. I look forward to um.. to nominations and eviction nights.
JOSIE: (Thumb out) Oh, you're sick! You're sick!! (John hey's her softly) You're not right.
Ben believes John also knows that he won't be up for nominations.
JOHN: (Strongly denies) Nah, nah.. no, I don't.
From her bed Sunshine calls across that she hopes John is looking forward to this one, as she's going this week.
JOHN: Nah, nah I don't. Like, my heart was going like a chopper.. I'll admit that and it definitely was last week.. that was (SC as John scrunches up his eyes) in a weird..
JOSIE: Sunshine, you can't.. you can't say oh yeah, you're going this week.. cos I think that about me, as well.
John stammers before a SC and then John continues that he has been excited at previous eviction nights.
JOSIE: A lot of people say sometimes, I can intimidate people..
JOHN: (Shakes his head) No, you don't intimidate me. No one intimidates me.
JOSIE: But I don't mean to intimidate anybody!
JOHN: You don't intimidate me, I just don't wanna fall out with you while I'm in the house. That's the only thing.. Otherwise, I would go all night!
JOSIE: What about on the outside world? Doesn't matter?
JOHN: If it was on the outside world.. and you said something I didn't like.. well if you said something I didn't like in here, I would still..
On the outside world, did John become intimidated of Josie?? If he did, I don't think it would have been intentional on her part.. but out of anguish/anger. John and Josie never wanted to fall out with each other or to have their friendship ruined beyond repair..yet when the fire started in their hearts and reached that fever pitch, I bet they went allllllll night rowing and rowing. Neither willing to let it drop until the other relented, neither wanting to relent or 'lose' the fight.. both hoping that the other would see/understand why they'd been hurt and that they'd then kiss and make up.
Ben interrupts to ask John if he argues with his friends a lot outside.
JOHN: Nah, they know just to.. (Ben laughs that they're frightened) Nah, they're not frightened, they just know that if they're gonna make a point, they have to be 100% right because otherwise I'm just gonna keep..
Ben doesn't think anyone is ever 100% right. (SC) John smiles wryly then explains he could have got right into their earlier discussion about Capital punishment (another SC)
JOHN: On and on and on!! But most of it, is to learn myself.. it's not so much about going on. I like hearing about like.. Dave's views and her views on Vegan stuff like.. it's not arguing so much, it's more.. I'm trying to understand it from her point of view, do you know what I mean? But because I've got my point of view and..
Ben notes, not as a criticism that John likes arguing 'you really do.'
JOHN: And I understand.. yeah, I do.. Yeah I do!! And in her um.. but also I like hearing her opinion because it's not something you can be right or wrong, do you know what I mean? Do you get what I mean? (they look over and see Sunshine is beneath her sheets) You sleep a lot don't you, Sunshine?
Ben remarks that Sunshine is changing her knickers; John exclaims 'are ya??!!' Did a great deal of their arguments come about because John didn't think Josie was 100% right? Or were the majority because he wanted to get to know Josie more - what made her tick, why she was so upset/furious, how he could resolve things with her? Josie commented in a magazine that she wished John would be able to see everything from her point of view. Was this something that she frustrated her, feeling that John just didn't get her?? Did Josie try to see John's perspective in return? Or were they both too engrossed in stressing their own feelings, that they weren't hearing what the other was saying back to them?
JOSIE: No, no, no.. nothing like that! Uh.. do you want a drink?
JOHN: No, thanks.. um, whaddya mean? I heard him say something about fancying you! And you said 'not on the outside or something'
JOSIE: No! I (SC as she laughs) Do you want a drink, John? (John declines again) Your conversations are too serious!! We don't ever have a laugh no more!
John cracks up and raises his leg in the air as they share their amusement.
JOSIE: I don't want a serious chat! Who's doing this and who's doing that and .. I couldn't care less what everybody's (SC)
The screen shows a grim-visaged Sunshine as she earwigs throughout John and Josie's chat.
JOHN: I heard my name popping in and out! (Josie yeah's) Well, I wanna know what you said, I wanna know what he said!!
JOSIE: What about what Ben said?
JOHN: Yeah! (raises his eyebrows and closes his eyes) Yeah, I think.. I think that he fancies you!
JOSIE: (insists vociferously) No he don't!
JOHN: He just admitted it!!
JOSIE: No he doesn't! He doesn't fancy me!
Sunshine pipes up wanting to know what Ben had admitted but neither John or Josie have the inclination to fill her in.
JOHN: I've known for ages. I knew for ages.. (Josie groans, SC)
Sunshine sticks her nose in that she doesn't think Ben fancies Josie.
JOHN: (eyes nearly popping out of their sockets) He does! He has from the start!! He told me!!!
Sunshine states that Ben told them he fancied Rachael, which John knew also.
JOSIE: Just because you chat to someone, doesn't mean you fancy them.
JOHN: (obstinate) I asked him and he said he did! What more do you want?
Corin calls out to Josie that they have more fags. At first Josie is excited at the prospect of more smokes until Corin comes clean that they made them out of all the dints. So Josie passes while John yawns and stretches in bed. (SC)
JOSIE: (Baby babbles to John) Who's that? Who's that?
JOHN: Um.. they're John um.. (tuts at his incoherency and Josie sweetly sings 'John James') Does it start with P? Is it John um.. I forget the name of the brand.
JOSIE: Um.. Ben was just on about you!
JOHN: Uh, don't worry about telling me then. That's cool (!) (looks at Josie with such devotion it borders on reverement.. and in that moment, you can see this man would walk through fire for this Bristolian)
JOSIE: Why do you need to know everyyyyyything?
JOHN: Ah when someone's talking about you right next to you.. you tend to want to know.(Josie doesn't think it could have been that bad) Says you!! Who walked straight into that bathroom because you thought that your name was getting mentioned on the couch. Says you! You wanted to know and that wasn't even about you.
JOSIE: I actually thought you was talking about Govan.. (John repeats it wasn't even about her) So what?
Sunshine squawks that she doesn't think Ben does fancy Josie. John becomes incensed 'he did, he admitted it! He said he did!'
JOHN: Josie um.. (SC as he again strains to recall) there's 2 isn't there? 2 middle names. (SC)
Sunshine continues to pique and provoke Peanut but Josie wants more quiz questions answered.
JOSIE: Um, how many brothers and sisters have I got? (John correctly replies 8) How many of them are girls and how many are boys?
JOHN: (incorrectly) 3 or 2 boys.. (looks at Josie to see if he is right)
SUNSHINE: (Nobody had asked her!!) I know how many you've got!!
Sunshine grouses across the room from her bed, while Ife interrogates Ben 'you fancy Josie?' Ben declares that he doesn't fancy anyone in there particularly.
IFE: Look her in the eye and say it!
JOSIE: (disconcerted) Can you stop embarrassing me? Everyone's embarrassing me lately!
BEN: He's embarrassing me! You fancy Josie!! (John yawns 'no' unconvincingly as he stretches into Josie) That's the truth of it, she reminds you of your Mum and that's all you want, a mother figure.
IFE: (satirical) Oh, what a great compliment Josie!
JOHN: Have a listen to Dr Spock here! (Ben 'what's?) Trying to work everything out.
Josie mutters a hollow thanks to Ben. Ben praises Josie for being beautiful but again bets that she reminds John of his Mother. Sunshine sticks in her 2 cents suggesting Ben asks John directly.
JOHN: I forgot she was over there! (as she'd stayed relative silent up until that point) She just pops up 'ask John directly, he hates it!' (hee hees)
SUNSHINE: (Puts him on the spot) John? John, do you fancy Josie?
JOHN: (lamely) No.. no.. (covers his face with his hand, to mask his true feelings? But his mouth is unhidden and beams)
Sunshine puts John through the wringer 'why are you smiling?
JOHN: (Instantly sits bolt upright) Oh! I'm not allowed to smile?
Josie's smile lights up like bright sunlight while Ben orders John to look him in the eye and say that he doesn't fancy Josie.
Ben and Ife home in on his face and are positively gleeful that he can't (or won't) do it! Ben blows his own trombone that he can look anyone in the eye and Ife awwwwww's.
JOHN: Oh, you're the wor.. (SC turns to realise his words have wounded Josie, so smooths her hair)
JOSIE: (Bruised) You could've just said 'a little bit!' (SC as John leans back against her body)
Josie proceeds to suck her thumb and John rubs his eyes; they both then exaggerate crying.
JOSIE: John James don't fancy me :(
Another SC as Josie's thumb finds her mouth once more.
JOSIE: It's alright John, I won't mind.. (SC and clip changes to the bathroom)
The difficulty with John often was that his words were a complete contradiction to his behaviour and facial expressions. Time and time again, John's body language with and around Josie deceived him decisively. If John was to always be taken on face value with the things he said, literally .. he would be labelled a hypocrite. But since his actions were usually the antithesis of his comments to the other HM's, his conduct normally negates them.
No wonder Josie became so perplexed about John's feelings for her.. because she would hear that he'd said one thing about her but this would not match up with the way he was with her. Talk about a total mind melt! She listened to him here say that he did not fancy her, yet he flirted with her like he wanted to take her then and there! ;)
Thank goodness, he came clean to her in 28 days from this or we'd have had to fly in a blimp across the BB garden spelling it out to them both!! At this day, I think John recognised he got a thrill out of being with Josie and just loved everything about her company.. I think he did already fancy her but that fact had not made its disclosure to his brain by then. He maybe sensed the mutual attraction, it was new, exciting.. he wanted MORE but didn't know just how much he adored her already!
John and Josie are still in bed curled up with their heads nestled together.
JOHN: Ife.. she doesn't.. she is good at like reading people.
JOSIE: Is she?
JOHN: (plays with his microphone wire) Yeah! (SC and John sits up) Yeah, she's.. she's smarter than she looks, yeah.. (Josie sticks her thumb in her mouth after calling herself 'crap')
JOSIE: I'm so oblivious I wouldn't know if someone hated me or loved me. (John knows)
Ben thinks Josie would as she has good instincts but pretends she doesn't.
JOSIE: No! I.. seriously Ben, I have not!
JOHN: No, no.. I don't think she does. (SC)
Josie feels the fabric on John's hood and he lays against her hand, as her palm pets his peanut head.
JOHN: (Baby talks as he strokes her wrist) Stop it, stop it! (in a tender tone that means anything but stop! Get a brief glimpse of them fondling fingertips) What's Davo doing?
Ben is going to see if he's playing with a sock. John questions 'you don't like the sock game, do ya?' but Ben does quite like it as it's something to do. Josie LOVES it!!
Like the other day, she acknowledged on twitter that some who purport to support her are really no more than John James haters! Her degree of fame has perhaps opened her eyes and her instincts increased when it comes to sussing out the character of new people trying to enter her life.
YAH THAT (James 32 video):
JOSIE: The other night, me and John was playing it and I didn't realise that obviously he hadn't eaten much.. and I was like 'come on, come on!' and he was like (lays back to emphasise John's exhaustion, SC)
JOHN: (smiles) Getting worn out!
JOSIE: Funny!! 'Hi guys!'
JOHN: Do you.. d'you know.. in a weird way, I actually look forward to the um..
JOSIE: (suggestive) Waking up next to me?!
JOHN: (plays along) Yah, that!! (Josie chuckles and uses her gobstopping thumb sucker) But.. I look forward to um.. to nominations and eviction nights.
JOSIE: (Thumb out) Oh, you're sick! You're sick!! (John hey's her softly) You're not right.
Ben believes John also knows that he won't be up for nominations.
JOHN: (Strongly denies) Nah, nah.. no, I don't.
From her bed Sunshine calls across that she hopes John is looking forward to this one, as she's going this week.
JOHN: Nah, nah I don't. Like, my heart was going like a chopper.. I'll admit that and it definitely was last week.. that was (SC as John scrunches up his eyes) in a weird..
JOSIE: Sunshine, you can't.. you can't say oh yeah, you're going this week.. cos I think that about me, as well.
John stammers before a SC and then John continues that he has been excited at previous eviction nights.
JOHN: But this week, (SC) it's gonna be no excitement out of it, whatsoever. It's just gonna be rat p*ss!
Ben goads that John may have a big row with someone.
BEN: You might have a row with your future wife (points to Josie) you don't know.
John's face immediately softens visibly as he awws and turns towards Josie to stroke her (non-wispy) hair. The comment about Josie being his potential future wife doesn't appear to phase him remotely awwwww :( Sunshine (correctly) predicts that John may have a row with herself!
JOSIE: He's been on his last warning (clip skipping)
JOHN: Cos I would go anyone in this house!!JOSIE: A lot of people say sometimes, I can intimidate people..
JOHN: (Shakes his head) No, you don't intimidate me. No one intimidates me.
JOSIE: But I don't mean to intimidate anybody!
JOHN: You don't intimidate me, I just don't wanna fall out with you while I'm in the house. That's the only thing.. Otherwise, I would go all night!
JOSIE: What about on the outside world? Doesn't matter?
JOHN: If it was on the outside world.. and you said something I didn't like.. well if you said something I didn't like in here, I would still..
On the outside world, did John become intimidated of Josie?? If he did, I don't think it would have been intentional on her part.. but out of anguish/anger. John and Josie never wanted to fall out with each other or to have their friendship ruined beyond repair..yet when the fire started in their hearts and reached that fever pitch, I bet they went allllllll night rowing and rowing. Neither willing to let it drop until the other relented, neither wanting to relent or 'lose' the fight.. both hoping that the other would see/understand why they'd been hurt and that they'd then kiss and make up.
Ben interrupts to ask John if he argues with his friends a lot outside.
JOHN: Nah, they know just to.. (Ben laughs that they're frightened) Nah, they're not frightened, they just know that if they're gonna make a point, they have to be 100% right because otherwise I'm just gonna keep..
Ben doesn't think anyone is ever 100% right. (SC) John smiles wryly then explains he could have got right into their earlier discussion about Capital punishment (another SC)
JOHN: On and on and on!! But most of it, is to learn myself.. it's not so much about going on. I like hearing about like.. Dave's views and her views on Vegan stuff like.. it's not arguing so much, it's more.. I'm trying to understand it from her point of view, do you know what I mean? But because I've got my point of view and..
Ben notes, not as a criticism that John likes arguing 'you really do.'
JOHN: And I understand.. yeah, I do.. Yeah I do!! And in her um.. but also I like hearing her opinion because it's not something you can be right or wrong, do you know what I mean? Do you get what I mean? (they look over and see Sunshine is beneath her sheets) You sleep a lot don't you, Sunshine?
Ben remarks that Sunshine is changing her knickers; John exclaims 'are ya??!!' Did a great deal of their arguments come about because John didn't think Josie was 100% right? Or were the majority because he wanted to get to know Josie more - what made her tick, why she was so upset/furious, how he could resolve things with her? Josie commented in a magazine that she wished John would be able to see everything from her point of view. Was this something that she frustrated her, feeling that John just didn't get her?? Did Josie try to see John's perspective in return? Or were they both too engrossed in stressing their own feelings, that they weren't hearing what the other was saying back to them?
JOSIE: No, no, no.. nothing like that! Uh.. do you want a drink?
JOHN: No, thanks.. um, whaddya mean? I heard him say something about fancying you! And you said 'not on the outside or something'
JOSIE: No! I (SC as she laughs) Do you want a drink, John? (John declines again) Your conversations are too serious!! We don't ever have a laugh no more!
John cracks up and raises his leg in the air as they share their amusement.
JOSIE: I don't want a serious chat! Who's doing this and who's doing that and .. I couldn't care less what everybody's (SC)
The screen shows a grim-visaged Sunshine as she earwigs throughout John and Josie's chat.
JOHN: I heard my name popping in and out! (Josie yeah's) Well, I wanna know what you said, I wanna know what he said!!
JOSIE: What about what Ben said?
JOHN: Yeah! (raises his eyebrows and closes his eyes) Yeah, I think.. I think that he fancies you!
JOSIE: (insists vociferously) No he don't!
JOHN: He just admitted it!!
JOSIE: No he doesn't! He doesn't fancy me!
Sunshine pipes up wanting to know what Ben had admitted but neither John or Josie have the inclination to fill her in.
JOHN: I've known for ages. I knew for ages.. (Josie groans, SC)
Sunshine sticks her nose in that she doesn't think Ben fancies Josie.
JOHN: (eyes nearly popping out of their sockets) He does! He has from the start!! He told me!!!
Sunshine states that Ben told them he fancied Rachael, which John knew also.
JOSIE: Just because you chat to someone, doesn't mean you fancy them.
JOHN: (obstinate) I asked him and he said he did! What more do you want?
Corin calls out to Josie that they have more fags. At first Josie is excited at the prospect of more smokes until Corin comes clean that they made them out of all the dints. So Josie passes while John yawns and stretches in bed. (SC)
JOSIE: (Baby babbles to John) Who's that? Who's that?
JOHN: Um.. they're John um.. (tuts at his incoherency and Josie sweetly sings 'John James') Does it start with P? Is it John um.. I forget the name of the brand.
JOSIE: Um.. Ben was just on about you!
JOHN: Uh, don't worry about telling me then. That's cool (!) (looks at Josie with such devotion it borders on reverement.. and in that moment, you can see this man would walk through fire for this Bristolian)
JOSIE: Why do you need to know everyyyyyything?
JOHN: Ah when someone's talking about you right next to you.. you tend to want to know.(Josie doesn't think it could have been that bad) Says you!! Who walked straight into that bathroom because you thought that your name was getting mentioned on the couch. Says you! You wanted to know and that wasn't even about you.
JOSIE: I actually thought you was talking about Govan.. (John repeats it wasn't even about her) So what?
JOHN: Uh.. that was about me and you don't even ..
JOSIE: Basically (SC as she giggles, she sits next to John) is that.. I can't remember what was said now.
Sunshine claims that she knows what was said as he'd have probably said the same. Josie now recalls that she was on about fancying John.
JOSIE: I said that in your football kit, yeah! I mega fancied you. But I would not fancy you (SC whatever Josie is telling John he hangs on her every word and their eyes sparkle as they broadly smile back and forth) Hear me out, hear me out.. yeah, I said..
SUNSHINE: This is like TV!!
JOSIE: Then I said.. what did I say then? I said 'yeah, in a football kit I don't know what it is!! I really fancy him in a football kit!'
JOHN: (Chuckles then becomes more serious) But nah, nah.. all sh*t aside - me and you are friends, but Benny does fancy ya! (holds up his hands) I don't care if you believe me.. I don't really care. I asked him..
Sunshine squawks that she doesn't think Ben does fancy Josie. John becomes incensed 'he did, he admitted it! He said he did!'
JOSIE: Who cares????
JOHN: Oh okay.. 'do you like Josie?' 'Yeah, I do!' ohhh he doesn't, he must be telling lies (!) (tuts) I heard him, he told me! I knew .. I've known for ages!! (Josie's thumb finds her mouth)
SUNSHINE: People aren't very good at answering that question. You weren't very good at answering that question!
JOHN: That was different! It was face to face! If Josie had asked him he probably would have said something different but it wasn't (SC) And yes I know.. I am aware that he fancied Rachael, he made that quite obvious!
JOSIE: At least I'm honest!
JOHN: Why? What do you mean you're honest?
JOSIE: Well if I fancy someone or don't I.. at least I'm honest about it. (John yawns and closes his eyes) I like Shabby's shirt. It's got wings on it..
JOHN: Yeah, I like it too, yeah. (SC)
JOSIE: (Testing John's general knowledge of Josie trivia) Where do I live?
JOHN: Ummm..Bristol.
JOSIE: What's my full name?
JOHN: Josie um.. (SC as he covers his eyes while trying to remember this information, he sighs) Gibson! (celebrates what he thinks is his triumph)
JOSIE: No, full name!
JOHN: Josie um.. (SC as he again strains to recall) there's 2 isn't there? 2 middle names. (SC)
Sunshine scathingly pries if John scares Josie when he gets angry like that.
JOSIE: (Rubbishes this) No!
JOHN: (riled) What d'you mean angry like that? What??
Sunshine considers that he had gotten really angry then 'I'm not gonna F-ING know that!!'
JOSIE: That's not angry, is it? I don't know.. maybe I'm used to.. angry.. (sucks thumb)
JOHN: What? What are you talking about?Sunshine continues to pique and provoke Peanut but Josie wants more quiz questions answered.
JOSIE: Um, how many brothers and sisters have I got? (John correctly replies 8) How many of them are girls and how many are boys?
JOHN: (incorrectly) 3 or 2 boys.. (looks at Josie to see if he is right)
SUNSHINE: (Nobody had asked her!!) I know how many you've got!!
INSIGHTFUL MARIO (James 32 Video):
In the nest, Mario wants to determine what else Ben is finding boring. Ben had been expectant that with Govan gone, they would get John back a bit with them. He realises that John is less close to him now but thinks he is still close with Mario. Ben evaluates that all the energy John ploughed into Govan before is now exclusively to Josie.
MARIO: I think he has romantic feelings for Josie even if.. even if at a .. even at a sub.. a conscious level he's not aware of it.
BEN: He should bl**dy well get on with it then, shouldn't he?
Mario measures that there are many BB romances bubbling and Ben agrees this is probably true. Mario was initially very astute about John's feelings for Josie (perhaps after a briefing from Ife?) This discernment disappeared during the course of the show as he disliked that it shifted the attention away from himself!
After Josie has returned from the Diary room, John is pressing her for answers.
JOHN: (bears down) Don't tell me what you said, just tell me what they said!!
In the nest, Mario wants to determine what else Ben is finding boring. Ben had been expectant that with Govan gone, they would get John back a bit with them. He realises that John is less close to him now but thinks he is still close with Mario. Ben evaluates that all the energy John ploughed into Govan before is now exclusively to Josie.
MARIO: I think he has romantic feelings for Josie even if.. even if at a .. even at a sub.. a conscious level he's not aware of it.
BEN: He should bl**dy well get on with it then, shouldn't he?
Mario measures that there are many BB romances bubbling and Ben agrees this is probably true. Mario was initially very astute about John's feelings for Josie (perhaps after a briefing from Ife?) This discernment disappeared during the course of the show as he disliked that it shifted the attention away from himself!
After Josie has returned from the Diary room, John is pressing her for answers.
JOHN: (bears down) Don't tell me what you said, just tell me what they said!!
JOSIE: (not looking him in the eyes) They didn't say nothing!! They were just saying um.. who looks more attractive in a football kit and that. (both break out in blindingly bright beams) :)
JOHN: They asked you the same questions again? (Josie accedes a 'yeah') They know how to f**king wind you right up, don't they? They know to get you in there..
JOSIE: What else did they say.. 'Josie, do you think John James and Nathan fancy you?'
John's face cannot hide how mightily chuffed he is until Nathan is also named.
JOHN: Oh, bullsh*t! Did they really say that? Did they really? What did you say?
JOSIE: No. Not at all!
JOHN: (not disguising his disappointment) Oh really.. You seriously don't think.. you don't think Nate does at all? (Josie replies 'no') So if you said 'let's hit!' he'd say 'nah'?
JOSIE: (blase) Well obviously he would cos he's about to bust nuts, but that's the only reason why!!
JOHN: Uh..they're f**king cheeky (SC)
JOSIE: (with a wide grin) And they said 'Josie..
JOHN: Did they actually ask you any questions of any relevance?
JOSIE: No, they're just like 'Do you think you'd make a good WAG?' (SC as John and Josie exchange expressions of effervescence)
JOHN: The raw end of the deal. (then informs Nathan who enters as Josie exits) They just get her in there, winding her up! Asking her questions like 'why do you like guys in football kits?' and that.. I never get any questions like that! F**king asshooooles! (inspects the fridge)
"I just don't get some of their interactions, they baffle me. John REALLY needed to give her more then, even if he did it jokingly like "well of course we fancy you jose" or whatever. If I'd have been her I'd have taken that as a clear "just friends" signal, especially on top of the other signals today OTHER THAN the touchy feely stuff, but that wouldn't be enough for me to believe he fancied me." (Rachandgarry) (from JJJAT)
John is pacing around the pool like a panther while Ife and Josie converse at the carousel. Ife conceives that BB are playing a nasty game by deliberately writing Sunshine's name on the crisps.
JOSIE: I reckon they've just twisted all what I've said in the Diary room now.
Ife investigates what Josie said that could have been twisted.
JOHN: Oh yeah.. don't worry about asking her, she doesn't f**king tell ya. She's a rude b*tch! (Ife smirks) She goes in there and talks about ya and then when you ask, she doesn't give ya nothing!
Ife enunciates it is because Josie is embarrassed.
JOSIE: It's not that. It's when they ask me a question, I go into a giggling school girl like .. (imitates herself)
JOHN: They never ever ask me to go in there ever!
IFE: (squees dreamily) Oh, I love it! It's like I'm watching a film!!
JOSIE: No, 'so Josie, if John James was in a football kit, how would you like him to look at you Josie? (they all chuckle)
JOHN: Did you have to do an impression?
JOSIE: No, I said uh.. 'like Victoria Beckham!' (laughs loudly)
Ife doesn't think it can be denied and just thinks John needs to know this 'you looked HOT in that football kit. I'm not gonna mince my words, you actually looked like David Beckham! And you just need to know that so then we can just move on from this.'
JOHN: I was moved on!
But Ife doesn't think she's made it clear enough because she's always loved David Beckham; Josie hasn't. Ife admits to being in awe for about 10 minutes before realising that John's not David Beckham.
JOHN: Ah, cheers (!)
IFE: And you proved that when you missed the penalty! (she guffaws with glee and Josie cackles with cheerfulness)
JOHN: Don't give me that sh*t!
JOSIE: Oh they called me in now, I got called in. 'Can I just remind you Josie, that only tobacco is permitted to smoke in the Big Brother house?'
Ife is inspired to take her banana smoke in to show BB.
John comes to find Josie in the bedroom after having a snooze in the nest. Josie is tying up her hair in the closet as she potters about.
JOSIE: Um guess! Same thing I'm always doing. (John hey's) Same thing I'm always doing! (John wants to know 'what?') Putting my hair up!
JOHN: Don't get smart! (groans as he lays on the single bed besides Josie's) Are you not happy?
JOSIE: Yeah!
JOHN: Are you sookin'? (he gazes at her with his hazel eyes)
JOSIE: Er no.. f**ks sake! My f**king hair!! What's poppin' John James? (smile sparkles as she approaches him and joins him on the single bed)
JOHN : Nothin'! (sighs and closes his eyes sleepily)
JOSIE: Don't blow off, mind cos otherwise I'm gonna feel the full.. I'm gonna eat your sh*t particles!
JOHN: (through laughter) Sh*t particles!!
JOSIE: (Ife brings her in some alcohol) Aw thanks, mate! (Ozzie voice) Beautiful, beautiful! Are you having a lager, John?
JOHN: Nah! (yawns) What are you doing, Sunshine? (she doesn't reply so he talks to Josie instead) Cool (!) What are you doing, you going out for a smoke?
JOSIE: (Applying eye make up in the closet) You talking to me? (He is!) We ain't got nothin' to smoke!
JOHN: Yeah, they're smoking bark or something.
JOSIE: No. I got told off for that! What are you doing, John James?
JOHN: Nothin' they were f**king talking in the hut, I just fell asleep!
JOSIE: (Chuckles) What serious conversation are you gonna have tonight?
JOHN: Um, I'm not up for any more serious conversations (stretches)
JOSIE: No? Thank f**k for that!!
JOHN: (Giggles) They're just talking about sh*t!!
JOSIE: Yeah, I know.. but I'm.. I'm brilliant at talking about sh*t!
JOHN: (wearily) They were talking about.. I don't know what they were talking about, couldn't have been that interesting cos I fell asleep! (Josie asks what they were talking about) I don't know. I seriously fell asleep before the convo even started.
JOSIE: Are you having an early night tonight? (he doesn't respond) Do you want me to make you a head band?
JOHN: Make me a headband?
JOSIE: Yeah, like mine!
JOHN: What did you make it out of?
JOSIE: I.. I started cutting my clothes up.
JOHN: (Surprised) Did ya?!
JOSIE: Yeah, so what I was gonna do.. you know my long dress, the blue one? Well it had a hole in it, didn't it? So I cut the top off and I was gonna wear it inside a pencil skirt but it didn't look right.. it looked so stupid, for my eviction outfit! It looked ridiculous! (shakes her head and rolls eyes) Do you want one?
JOHN: Yeah, alright.
JOSIE: (Sizing up the fabric) You seem.. you seem a bit depressed.
JOHN: Nah, not depressed I just don't.. (Josie comments 'you're just bored, aren't you?') Yeah!! (she asks him to hold the material) But why but.. I don't understand..
JOSIE: Come on! Hold this.. no, you've gotta hold it. No.. oh, I just..
JOHN: I'm bored as f**k!
JOSIE: I potter around, see.. so I rarely get bored. I got bored earlier on but otherwise, I just potter around see. (John questions what she means) I just .. I potter, I'm a potterer.. I potter around all the time. Like, you know I told you that I move onto one job.. and then I move onto another job and then I move on to another job? (John yeahs as she trims with her scissors) If I was you know, do you know what I mean? I'd sort all that out down there.. and what I purposely do in here, I purposely make a giant mess, so then I've got something to do.. something to clean up.
JOHN: Nah, f**k that sh*t! Um.. I'd rather interact with people and do fun sh*t! But they're just f**king talking all the time! But Gov used to talk about funny sh*t!
JOSIE: (Hurt) Oh, thanks (!)
JOHN: No, you're alright but you do your own thing..I'm not interested in doing sh*t just to..
JOSIE: Come here then! (whistles, SC)
Scene cuts to the garden and Ife bemoans the novelty of her wig wearing off, then back to the bedroom. Josie is wrapping the matching floral head band she has made for John around his scalp. They are doing their Rolf Harris 'do you know what it is yet, mate?' impressions.
JOHN: I f.. I feel like I'm not really connecting with anyone in here anymore..
JOSIE: (his words wound her) What about me??
JOHN: No, but I'm really feeling like that.. you don't give a f**k, so it's different for you.
JOSIE: (Tying the bandana) What, you don't feel like you're connecting with me?
JOHN: Yeah, but you do like stupid sh*t! Ah, are you cutting off the circulation on my head? (Josie sniggers) Am I not having a head yet? Yeah, but..like..
JOSIE: Do you want a serious conversation? Is that what it is? (strokes his hair)
JOHN: Nah!! Nah!(Josie wants a look) Well that looks f**king ridiculous! (removes it)
JOSIE: Let's have a look!
JOHN: Let me make it look good!! You're f**king sh*t!
JOSIE: Mine looks good, doesn't it?
JOHN: (Amused) 'Mine looks good' well, as long as yours looks good, that's the main thing, isn't it?
JOSIE: Yeah! I don't think it goes with what I've got on..(sucks her thumb for a nanosecond) the thing is cos.. with a girl, I can potter around and do my make up and things like that.. and with a boy, you can't. Can you?
JOHN: (Tying the head wrap back round his head) I feel like I'm being um.. boring..
JOHN: And then f**king .. and then f**king ..
JOSIE: (giggling) Have you pulled your pants down again, John?
JOHN: (Banters) You listen when I speak! (she apologises) And then f**king .. and then I go in there and say it's f**king boring as f**k in here.. and he goes (deep monotonous voice) 'only boring people get bored' I'm just f**king over f**king..
JOSIE: But they copied my line, do you know that?
JOHN: I'm f**king over having conversations about sh*t! Like if it's about something that's going on in here, I'm all ears.. do you know what I mean?
Corin wanders past them at the couches and catches sight of Josie's floral head band and oooooh she 'loves it!'
JOSIE: Come and have a moan to Auntie Jose.
JOHN: He gives me nothin'! (rests an arm on Josie's shoulder)
JOSIE: (soothes) What are we gonna do, eh? What are we gonna do? Who do we think we are? (Josie motions to the camera in front of them, that she is watching it!)
JOHN: Oh, you could do that thing where you go.. (stands behind her and they move their head to the left and right in opposite directions, though Josie struggles with the synchronicity) There's gotta be somethin' to do!!
JOSIE: Oh, stop f**king moaning!! (they go out to the garden)
JOHN: (dissents defiantly) No, I'm not gonna stop f**king moaning! There's nothin' to do in here!! Its so f**king boring in here!!!
Cuts to Corin consoling a crying Sunshine over the crisps. The coin has now dropped that she should have shared them sooner; Corin urges her not to beat herself up about that. Straight back out to the garden, Shabby was asked by BB to list 5 things she would do in the house if she could.
JOHN: Oh, did you go in there cos you were bored? Oh, that's just what I said!
BB had asked Shabby loads of questions and kept her entertained for about 5 minutes. John is over having conversations about sh*t!
JOHN: I like talking about sh*t that's going on in here.. but there's nothing happening in here.. so there's nothing to f**king talk about! Do you know what I'm saying?
JOSIE: I know you're having a moan cos you're bored and that .. but I've gotta be honest, I've only been bored a few times in here.
After this clip ends, Sunshine explains to Corin that she is upset as John told her he was disappointed in her. She realises she has been the most selfish person in the house. Corin castigates that they are only crisps and that when the other HM's were provided with pizza, nobody was in bed crying for Sunshine not having food.
SUNSHINE: But Josie went to the Diary room and asked for food for me.. and I didn't when..
This is from the BB website: In the Garden tonight, Ife and Josie had a brief private chat about John James, who was just mere metres away by the Carousel.
Ife crept her head towards Josie's and whispered: 'Josie, open your eyes! He seriously does have a thing ... He likes you!'
The forever coy and modest Josie joked that Ife should 'shut up' and made it clear this wasn a conversation she is prepared to have. 'I've kept quiet for long enough', Ife carried on.
'Just don't push him away' Ife warned her, 'that'll hurt the most'.
Josie appeared to get quite defensive, telling Ife that she was 'putting things in people's heads'. Just as the conversation was getting good, who should walk over, but the stud muffin himself, John James.
JOSIE: I reckon they've just twisted all what I've said in the Diary room now.
Ife investigates what Josie said that could have been twisted.
JOHN: Oh yeah.. don't worry about asking her, she doesn't f**king tell ya. She's a rude b*tch! (Ife smirks) She goes in there and talks about ya and then when you ask, she doesn't give ya nothing!
Ife enunciates it is because Josie is embarrassed.
JOSIE: It's not that. It's when they ask me a question, I go into a giggling school girl like .. (imitates herself)
JOHN: They never ever ask me to go in there ever!
IFE: (squees dreamily) Oh, I love it! It's like I'm watching a film!!
JOSIE: No, 'so Josie, if John James was in a football kit, how would you like him to look at you Josie? (they all chuckle)
JOHN: Did you have to do an impression?
JOSIE: No, I said uh.. 'like Victoria Beckham!' (laughs loudly)
Ife doesn't think it can be denied and just thinks John needs to know this 'you looked HOT in that football kit. I'm not gonna mince my words, you actually looked like David Beckham! And you just need to know that so then we can just move on from this.'
JOHN: I was moved on!
But Ife doesn't think she's made it clear enough because she's always loved David Beckham; Josie hasn't. Ife admits to being in awe for about 10 minutes before realising that John's not David Beckham.
JOHN: Ah, cheers (!)
IFE: And you proved that when you missed the penalty! (she guffaws with glee and Josie cackles with cheerfulness)
JOHN: Don't give me that sh*t!
JOSIE: Oh they called me in now, I got called in. 'Can I just remind you Josie, that only tobacco is permitted to smoke in the Big Brother house?'
Ife is inspired to take her banana smoke in to show BB.
John comes to find Josie in the bedroom after having a snooze in the nest. Josie is tying up her hair in the closet as she potters about.
JOSIE: Um guess! Same thing I'm always doing. (John hey's) Same thing I'm always doing! (John wants to know 'what?') Putting my hair up!
JOHN: Don't get smart! (groans as he lays on the single bed besides Josie's) Are you not happy?
JOSIE: Yeah!
JOHN: Are you sookin'? (he gazes at her with his hazel eyes)
JOSIE: Er no.. f**ks sake! My f**king hair!! What's poppin' John James? (smile sparkles as she approaches him and joins him on the single bed)
JOHN : Nothin'! (sighs and closes his eyes sleepily)
JOSIE: Don't blow off, mind cos otherwise I'm gonna feel the full.. I'm gonna eat your sh*t particles!
JOHN: (through laughter) Sh*t particles!!
JOSIE: (Ife brings her in some alcohol) Aw thanks, mate! (Ozzie voice) Beautiful, beautiful! Are you having a lager, John?
JOHN: Nah! (yawns) What are you doing, Sunshine? (she doesn't reply so he talks to Josie instead) Cool (!) What are you doing, you going out for a smoke?
JOSIE: (Applying eye make up in the closet) You talking to me? (He is!) We ain't got nothin' to smoke!
JOHN: Yeah, they're smoking bark or something.
JOSIE: No. I got told off for that! What are you doing, John James?
JOHN: Nothin' they were f**king talking in the hut, I just fell asleep!
JOSIE: (Chuckles) What serious conversation are you gonna have tonight?
JOHN: Um, I'm not up for any more serious conversations (stretches)
JOSIE: No? Thank f**k for that!!
JOHN: (Giggles) They're just talking about sh*t!!
JOSIE: Yeah, I know.. but I'm.. I'm brilliant at talking about sh*t!
JOHN: (wearily) They were talking about.. I don't know what they were talking about, couldn't have been that interesting cos I fell asleep! (Josie asks what they were talking about) I don't know. I seriously fell asleep before the convo even started.
JOSIE: Are you having an early night tonight? (he doesn't respond) Do you want me to make you a head band?
JOHN: Make me a headband?
JOSIE: Yeah, like mine!
JOHN: What did you make it out of?
JOSIE: I.. I started cutting my clothes up.
JOHN: (Surprised) Did ya?!
JOSIE: Yeah, so what I was gonna do.. you know my long dress, the blue one? Well it had a hole in it, didn't it? So I cut the top off and I was gonna wear it inside a pencil skirt but it didn't look right.. it looked so stupid, for my eviction outfit! It looked ridiculous! (shakes her head and rolls eyes) Do you want one?
JOHN: Yeah, alright.
JOSIE: (Sizing up the fabric) You seem.. you seem a bit depressed.
JOHN: Nah, not depressed I just don't.. (Josie comments 'you're just bored, aren't you?') Yeah!! (she asks him to hold the material) But why but.. I don't understand..
JOSIE: Come on! Hold this.. no, you've gotta hold it. No.. oh, I just..
JOHN: I'm bored as f**k!
JOSIE: I potter around, see.. so I rarely get bored. I got bored earlier on but otherwise, I just potter around see. (John questions what she means) I just .. I potter, I'm a potterer.. I potter around all the time. Like, you know I told you that I move onto one job.. and then I move onto another job and then I move on to another job? (John yeahs as she trims with her scissors) If I was you know, do you know what I mean? I'd sort all that out down there.. and what I purposely do in here, I purposely make a giant mess, so then I've got something to do.. something to clean up.
JOHN: Nah, f**k that sh*t! Um.. I'd rather interact with people and do fun sh*t! But they're just f**king talking all the time! But Gov used to talk about funny sh*t!
JOSIE: (Hurt) Oh, thanks (!)
JOHN: No, you're alright but you do your own thing..I'm not interested in doing sh*t just to..
JOSIE: Come here then! (whistles, SC)
Scene cuts to the garden and Ife bemoans the novelty of her wig wearing off, then back to the bedroom. Josie is wrapping the matching floral head band she has made for John around his scalp. They are doing their Rolf Harris 'do you know what it is yet, mate?' impressions.
JOHN: I f.. I feel like I'm not really connecting with anyone in here anymore..
JOSIE: (his words wound her) What about me??
JOHN: No, but I'm really feeling like that.. you don't give a f**k, so it's different for you.
JOSIE: (Tying the bandana) What, you don't feel like you're connecting with me?
JOHN: Yeah, but you do like stupid sh*t! Ah, are you cutting off the circulation on my head? (Josie sniggers) Am I not having a head yet? Yeah, but..like..
JOSIE: Do you want a serious conversation? Is that what it is? (strokes his hair)
JOHN: Nah!! Nah!(Josie wants a look) Well that looks f**king ridiculous! (removes it)
JOSIE: Let's have a look!
JOHN: Let me make it look good!! You're f**king sh*t!
JOSIE: Mine looks good, doesn't it?
JOHN: (Amused) 'Mine looks good' well, as long as yours looks good, that's the main thing, isn't it?
JOSIE: Yeah! I don't think it goes with what I've got on..(sucks her thumb for a nanosecond) the thing is cos.. with a girl, I can potter around and do my make up and things like that.. and with a boy, you can't. Can you?
JOHN: (Tying the head wrap back round his head) I feel like I'm being um.. boring..
JOSIE: Oh God, I've felt like that loads of times! I have felt like that.
JOHN: Not that I really care! But..(Josie again stresses that she's felt this way loads of times) Did ya?
JOSIE: Yeah, loads! Loaaaaads. I'm not feeling this head band actually! (looking at herself in a mirror)
JOHN: I'm feelin' mine.
JOSIE: I just think I liked it, cos it got rid of my roots for a bit.
JOHN: I'm gonna go talk to Big Brother for a bit, see what's f**king crackin' (lays on Sunshine's bed but gets off a split second after) What are you doing Sunshine? (she is still under the covers) Far out, your head is like an oven!! Feel this bad boy, Josie! Feel the top of her head!
JOSIE: (compliments) That does suit you actually! (feels the temperature of Sunshine's forehead) Oh my God, you're hot as f**k!
John is concerned because Sunshine is burning up and checks that she's alright. She mumbles that she is, so John and Josie leave the bedroom.
JOSIE: Why don't you go for a skinny dip in the pool or summat?
JOHN: Ahh, I'm f**king sick of doing noothin'!
Josie detects a stinky smell in the living room which hasn't gone unnoticed by John either.
JOSIE: Have you pulled down your pants again? (laughs)
JOSIE: (giggling) Have you pulled your pants down again, John?
JOHN: (Banters) You listen when I speak! (she apologises) And then f**king .. and then I go in there and say it's f**king boring as f**k in here.. and he goes (deep monotonous voice) 'only boring people get bored' I'm just f**king over f**king..
JOSIE: But they copied my line, do you know that?
JOHN: I'm f**king over having conversations about sh*t! Like if it's about something that's going on in here, I'm all ears.. do you know what I mean?
Corin wanders past them at the couches and catches sight of Josie's floral head band and oooooh she 'loves it!'
JOSIE: Come and have a moan to Auntie Jose.
JOHN: He gives me nothin'! (rests an arm on Josie's shoulder)
JOSIE: (soothes) What are we gonna do, eh? What are we gonna do? Who do we think we are? (Josie motions to the camera in front of them, that she is watching it!)
JOHN: Oh, you could do that thing where you go.. (stands behind her and they move their head to the left and right in opposite directions, though Josie struggles with the synchronicity) There's gotta be somethin' to do!!
JOSIE: Oh, stop f**king moaning!! (they go out to the garden)
JOHN: (dissents defiantly) No, I'm not gonna stop f**king moaning! There's nothin' to do in here!! Its so f**king boring in here!!!
Cuts to Corin consoling a crying Sunshine over the crisps. The coin has now dropped that she should have shared them sooner; Corin urges her not to beat herself up about that. Straight back out to the garden, Shabby was asked by BB to list 5 things she would do in the house if she could.
JOHN: Oh, did you go in there cos you were bored? Oh, that's just what I said!
BB had asked Shabby loads of questions and kept her entertained for about 5 minutes. John is over having conversations about sh*t!
JOHN: I like talking about sh*t that's going on in here.. but there's nothing happening in here.. so there's nothing to f**king talk about! Do you know what I'm saying?
JOSIE: I know you're having a moan cos you're bored and that .. but I've gotta be honest, I've only been bored a few times in here.
After this clip ends, Sunshine explains to Corin that she is upset as John told her he was disappointed in her. She realises she has been the most selfish person in the house. Corin castigates that they are only crisps and that when the other HM's were provided with pizza, nobody was in bed crying for Sunshine not having food.
SUNSHINE: But Josie went to the Diary room and asked for food for me.. and I didn't when..
This is from the BB website: In the Garden tonight, Ife and Josie had a brief private chat about John James, who was just mere metres away by the Carousel.
Ife crept her head towards Josie's and whispered: 'Josie, open your eyes! He seriously does have a thing ... He likes you!'
The forever coy and modest Josie joked that Ife should 'shut up' and made it clear this wasn a conversation she is prepared to have. 'I've kept quiet for long enough', Ife carried on.
'Just don't push him away' Ife warned her, 'that'll hurt the most'.
Josie appeared to get quite defensive, telling Ife that she was 'putting things in people's heads'. Just as the conversation was getting good, who should walk over, but the stud muffin himself, John James.
loved it cheeky. see how sunshine tells corin that jos asked BB for food for her, yet she's been pretty nasty about her since they split.
ReplyDeleteand notice how he pretty much ignores her in the bedroom & only speaks & answers josie...yet now they're bosom buddies..what with skyping & visiting her. i know he was mates with her, but they were never that close, otherwise he would have spent more time with her in the house imo.
as usual cheeky brilliant ,look forward to it cos it brings it all back when it was good times luv ye xx
ReplyDeleteright Cheeky it's me again i forgot to tell you your class xx
ReplyDeleteHope you're having as much fun writing this,as i am reading it;)x
ReplyDeleteHave to say that i didn't like them embarrass Jose like that,it was like school ground behaviour imo,not to mention the mother comparison!Nice...Not.
At times i wished someone will put a sock in John's mouth lol