Thursday, 13 September 2012

Day 21 HL's

9.32am, all of the HM's are in bed. This year, BB has installed some tipping beds! The bedroom lights are switched on and Corin is surprised that there's no alarm. Ben's single bed starts to tilt as it lifts him up at an angle, although bemused, he makes no effort to get off! The other HM's laugh as they watch the spectacle; Ife asks 'is there gonna be someone underneath it d'you reckon?' Ben leans over the bed side to look, as limp as wet seaweed!!

JOHN: (Has already hopped into bed with Josie) Look at his face! 

JJJ join in the rowdy ribbing as they giggle gleefully when he finally slides onto the floor. 

JOHN: (gabbles excitedly) Look at his face! It couldn't happen to a better bloke!

Ben, with a big bulge in his briefs, walks around to inspect what had caused this to happen. He is bleary-eyed and rubs the sleepy dust out of his eye lids. Quiffy isn't looking spiffy at this unearthly hour in the morning and hasn't managed to utter a single word yet about how unimpressed he obviously is. 
CORIN: (tickled pink) That is so funny! 

Ben lays back down in bed with the quilt on top (can't be sure if the bed has returned to its normal state or if he has jumped into a bed belonging to another HM) 

JOHN: (good-natured heckling) Are you not impressed, Benny? (Ben bleats that it's alright) You not happy about it? 

Corin chuckles that Ben is lucky he had his pants on! John jibes that Ben is the only person who wouldn't laugh about that. He makes fun of Ben's baffled expression as his bed was rising to the ceiling and then led straight back in bed afterwards. 

BEN: (Growls grumpily) You love annoying people when they're trying to sleep! You've just got to talk the whole f**king time!!
JOHN: (Jubilant) Oh, he's not happy about it! He is not happy about it!! 

BEN: You've  just got to shut up a bit more!!

JOHN: (lays back) Did you not find that funny at all?

The red rag to a bull moment arrives as Ben blasts that he has never known anybody who talks so much rubbish in their life! He squints through tiredness as he rasps that John never says anything interesting and repeats 4 words over and over again! John throws his head back and clutches his stomach in hysterics, as Ben continues that what he says is true.  

JOSIE: I know, Ben! (lying in bed next to John but can't be seen on screen)

BEN: (ticked off) You're a lovely person, but you're so stupid! 
He attributes himself as having the best sense of humour going but likes people who are witty and John is stupid! John just guffaws and scrunches his nose up at how incredulous Ben is being. Ben berates John for having a small mind (well in his peanut head there's not much room for a big one!) and has never known anyone with less wit. Ben shrugs that it's a fact after Josie tells him she finds that hilarious. 

JOHN: (notes wryly) Everyone else laughs but only I cop it!

BEN: (descends into recriminatory Punch and Judy style bickering) No one else in this room found it so interesting to repeat 9 times!! (puts on an atrocious Aussie accent without coming up for air) 'Benny went up in the air without an expression! Benny went up in the air without an expression! Benny went up in the air without an expression!' I mean you are a lovely person but I would never hire you for entertainment! 

John sees the humour in the witticisms that Ben exhibits at his expense but thinks Ben could have just smiled. Ben scoffs 'to make you happy, why?' 

JOHN: No, to make yourself happy instead of going round with a face like thunder!
BEN: (swift serpent-tongued back-hander) I am happy because I was born me and not you!! That's made me very happy!

Josie has now sat up and is belly-laughing through her thumb sucking. If Ben had been born John and his 'life was reliant on McDonald's and slap-stick humour, I'd rather kill myself! So just leave me be!' 

10.30am, Nathan and Dave are in the bathroom. Dave thinks Ben got a little personal with John because he was tired. Nathan's not being funny but if Dave thinks that was bad then he's not coming on a night out with them! He's seen his mates 'rip each other to the point of tears!'; Dave delights that he's the same. Nathan has noticed that John can't take the joke back.  

Ben and John James have been arguing for 1 hour and 7 minutes!! 
JOHN: (had thought better of unleashing vitriolic comebacks even then Ben was goading him over his personal life) I could've gone your personal life, made you look like a twat! But I wouldn't do that, cos that's just not the sort of person I am. I wouldn't take the p*ss out of your personal life. To be honest with ya, I think your life's a joke but I wouldn't say that because.. 

BEN: Well, you have now.. 

JOHN: Because there's no point! But you will go at that level and I think it was wrong. 

Caoimhe intervenes and asks if they can't just make friends and leave it? 'Cos there's just no point bringing it on and on!'  

JOHN: I just wouldn't go that low, man.. seriously.. 
BEN: (Repentant) Okay, well let's just drop it, right.. You going to shake my hand or not?  (hand outstretched to John)

JOHN: (not pacified by this) Nuh! 

Caoimhe chides John for being immature as he should just shake hands and then it's over. John refuses to shake his hand because Ben doesn't think he was wrong. Caoimhe mediates that there are some parts of Ben's humour that she doesn't understand but some she does. Mario enters the room and jokingly questions if those 2 have kissed and made up yet.

JOHN: (scowls) He doesn't think he was in the wrong! 

Caoimhe dispenses council from her bed for Ben to desist with his humour, that he thinks is hilarious and for John to stop digging and repeating. But John will admit that, Caoimhe hasn't finished her chastisement that he can say a dig but then not repeat it as that's when it gets annoying and people get p*ssed off! John can see this but REPEATS that Ben will not admit to being wrong, Caoimhe collapses back onto her bed, seeing that this isn't going anywhere. 
BEN: (contrite) I do admit that. 

JOHN: (Atones) And I'll admit that I am a dog with a bone! I understand that, do you not think .. do you think I've just worked that out in here? Of course, I know that. 

All a dejected Ben is trying to say is that particularly when people are trying to sleep, or are not at their best.. but John interrupts sighing 'if sleep is that important..' 

John must have been very tiring to live with (both in and out the house) as he can talk the hind legs off a donkey! He is such a bright boy with an obsessive personality when it comes to truth-telling and arguments. His fantastic recall for every single detail of past conversations must have been unnerving to Josie, who doesn't have the greatest of memories herself. The thing is, if John recognises that he is a dog with a bone during disputes, why won't he do something about that personality trait? Does he just enjoy the rush from a rant too much??
Shabby hollers for the dudes to quit, but if they want to carry on talking about it she asks for them to go somewhere else. John exhales and rolls his eyes with exasperation.

11.02am, later today HM's find out whose been nominated. Still in the bedroom Shabby is sh*tting herself and sketching out because even if she's not up, she can't help but feel that one of the people she's really close to will be. Caoimhe reckons even if she hasn't been nominated, she will be swapped in the task. Shabby snivels that she's been on quite good behaviour that week.

Ife has come to the Diary room, HM's ran out of tobacco 2 days ago. She folds her arms, signifying that she has serious beef with BB! Ife tells BB how she's feeling, that it doesn't bother her having hot water or food taken away from her, she also lists her independence, clothes, sleep and they can also control her like a child. 
IFE: (fumes) But don't take away the tobacco! Because that.. that is unacceptable!

She finds it unacceptable as smoking is an addiction and she isn't proud of it but is addicted to tobacco. For the last 3 or 4 days she has been distressed because all her dignity has gone out the window. BB would like all HM's to contribute a personal item of significant importance; if BB is satisfied they will be provided with 2 bags of tobacco. Ife thanks BB!

BB informs Ife that the items must include: her hat (which actually belongs to Josie), Shabby's hat, Corin's eyebrow pencil, Nathan's red and white shorts and one of Josie's dresses. BB would also like an item from every other HM and Ife must bring the items specified to BB. Ife thanks them again for being very reasonable. She returns to the house requesting to have a little house meeting in the living room for 2 minutes as it is quite important. 

She gathers up John and Josie from the bathroom. As Josie is in the shower rinsing her hair, she tells her she'll just be a minute to finish her hair. Josie pins her hair up, while Shabby supposes that what is important to their 'little anal friend', isn't necessarily what would be important to them.
She gives the lowdown to the group that she'd just had some angry words with BB and it does involve the non-smokers too. Ife explains that BB are happy to provide 2 pouches of tobacco if they all give up something significant; she recites the objects BB requested. Steve is reluctant to sacrifice any of his possessions when he won't receive anything in return as a non-smoker. 

JOHN: What from the non-smokers? The people that aren't smoking, they want something from us?

Nathan bargains that the smokers will reward the non-smokers with something they want. Shabby regards that Nathan cooks for them all everyday 'isn't that a fair deal?' Ife volunteers to massage Steve everyday in exchange for his vest top. When Shabby learns that BB want her hat she flat out refuses to surrender it 'the deal's bust because I'm not giving them my hat! That's b*llocks!!' 

Sunshine sweetly places her heart-shaped sunglasses on the table as her offering, which she does wear a lot; Mario loves her sacrifice. Dave is happy to give something up for the guys to have fags and doesn't have a problem with it. 
Hang on to your hats, chaps (if BB hasn't asked for it off you!!) as Super Cyclone Shabby is about to blow!!!!!!!!!!!!! She ventures out to the garden alone; in the bathroom Caoimhe condemns Shabby, not knowing why she does this sh*t, knowing they're all dying for a fag! Shabby stands solitary in the corner by the pool, choking back tears. 

12.27pm, some of the HM's are in the bedroom. Ife sings bright and breezy 'forget your troubles, come on get happy' Ben duets with her and Mario dances about like a dimwit! It's been 1 hour since Ife told HM's about BB's tobacco deal. John has come to sit outside and shakes his head silently, until he spots a camera zooming in on his face! As he turns to follow the camera he notices Shabby 'oh f**k! Sorry Shabs, I didn't know you were f**king out here!'

John asks if she's alright and she mumbles 'not really!' She thinks that some of the people in there are some of the most 'selfish and spiteful and cruel people' she's ever had the misfortune to come across in her life! John nods sympathetically as he listens to Shabby's woes of really struggling to work out what the f**k she's doing there!
JOHN: (empathises entirely) That was exactly what I was just thinking in here!

Even the people Shabby is supposedly really good friends with, she's starting to see sides of them that she dislikes.  

JOHN: They're all in here for themselves. You can't expect.. at the end of the day, you've only known each other for 2 weeks or whatever.. and that's what I keep telling myself, I think you kid yourself into thinking that you can trust a certain person or.. but at the end of the day, I don't think anyone can trust anyone. Do you know what I mean? 

"Awww - John and Shabby having a moment in the's just struck me that these two are a little alike in some ways...vulnerable and abrasive and painfully honest when it's really not in their own best interests. They've both also got some love interests going on that they can't be open about." (Siobhan from JJJAT)

Josie has come to the Diary room tea in one hand and toast in the other; BB asks how she is. Josie exclaims 'Oh my God, there's a fire in the hole! I woke up this morning and I'm not joking, I wanted to kill someone!! On the outside world I'm so laid-back I'm probably horizontal but.. John James is doing my nut! I'm not joking, I've never liked someone so much but couldn't stand  them at the same time. I want to wring his neck!! It's really bad!' (stops to munch on her toast)  

JOSIE: I like John James, I have a really good laugh with him! And when he's in a football kit I really fancy him but I'm not joking.. (in her John voice) 'Jose, Jose.. so d'you think anyone in here's playing a game??' I'm like 'John, I don't care if anyone is playing a game, mate. I'm just here to enjoy myself, go with the flow!' 'But Jose, Jose.. I don't like being taken advantage of!' He loves arguing, loves it! When he kept going on and on having an argument with Ben because he didn't laugh when you wanted to chuck him out of bed.. I wanted to wring his neck!!! Like proper, wring, wring his neck.. that's bad innit? 

"I don't fully believe Josie when she says she can't stand him - I think it's just that she can't stand how he's behaving at the moment. John's insecurities seem much worse than hers - he seems to crave people's approval, which is why he keeps going on and on - he doesn't necessarily need them to agree with him - but he does need to be constantly validated. Josie isn't playing this game and that's why it's not working. I'm not saying she's in the wrong or that she should be doing anything different, but I can't help thinking that most of John's rants could have been averted if she'd just given him a kiss or told him that there were more important things for him to be focusing on - i.e. her. I think if he got his validation from that source - i.e. Josie - then he'd be much more interested in cosying up to her than he would be in carrying on pointless arguments." (Siobhan from JJJAT)
If I'd had to live with either John and Josie there would have been days I'd have happily wrung their necks too!! And right now, they are both still 2 people I like SO much but also can't stand for all their silliness! Their relationship probably was the most extreme case of a love/hate relationship, as they often said in magazines. They had their soppy, loved-up phases and their destructive, despising each other dark periods too :( I think the loving each other but hating things the other said/did just became too hard towards the end and they were just constantly doing each other's nut in!

I'd like to think that there were still lots of laughs and happiness in the inbetween bits of their time together. Josie seemed to get caught up with the flow and enjoying herself until the tide turned and she realised John wasn't :( He may have felt that Josie and/or the media circus were playing a game with him or taking advantage of his emotions. Part of them may still be fond of their friend who could make them wet themselves with laughter and another part still be bitter towards the persons who would pee them off!  

12.55pm, Caoimhe is in the nest. Most of the HM's are in the living room. Shabby comes out of the bed room, approaching Josie with an armful of prized possessions: a vintage Italian army belt, 2 other hats and her photos - which she feels is surely a fair trade.

JOSIE: (Stunned) Your photos??

Shabby would rather those than the hat on her head but wants Josie to find out for definite before handing it all over. Josie and Mario make their way into the Diary room with Shabby's assets. On the sofas, Steve asks John if he's a bit insecure about this week.  

JOHN: Nah, not insecure. (yawns)

In the Diary room Josie and Mario take BB through all the items they have rounded up. Mario makes Josie smell Nathan's favourite shorts and her flowery dress, after a sniff she proclaims 'pooh' from the pong! Ife has given up a wig and Nathan has also parted with one of his hats. BB thanks them but raps their knuckles for not bringing in all the specified items as Ife and Shabby's hats are missing. 

JOSIE: Sh*t!
BB would like to give them one more chance to collect these or the deal is off. In the hut, Caoimhe is hoping that they'd got them tobacco. Shabby is quietly confident with Josie working her Bristolian charms; Caoimhe prays that it works. Josie calls out for Shabs and then kneels inside the hut. 

JOSIE: (softly, to not pressurise Shabby) I totally, totally understand that that's your Grandad's hat.. and um.. they said 'no tobacco without the hat'.. but I totally understand.. it's totally up to you. What do you reckon?

CAOIMHE: (insensitively disregards Shabby's feelings) Your Mum won't kill ya Shabby! She won't though!!

Shabby is incensed 'are you actually being serious?' Caoimhe wants them to do the list of pros and cons for delivering up her hat to dictator BB. 
SHABBY: So you want me to do my eviction without my hat? 

In her eyes, the cons of giving up her Grandfather's hat far outweigh the pros. The singular pro is that they would get tobacco. Josie sheepishly checks with Shabby what she should do. Shabby doesn't think they have to answer the question right this second but Josie replies that she's been given a few minutes. Josie leaves to get her own hat so Shabby has a chance to collect her thoughts, Caoimhe exits with her. 

SHABBY: (seethes) Do you know what? Take the f**king hat!! (flings it outside)

JOSIE: (gently) But only if you're sure, Shabs.. Shabs? 

SHABBY: (mewls as the ticking time bomb inside her explodes) Just take it!!! Just f**king take it, Josie!!
Josie allows her a few more seconds to ensure repeatedly that Shabby really wants to do this. 

JOSIE: (torn between taking Shabby's words at face value and knowing how much it will hurt her) Sure? Because I don't wanna be the one that upsets the apple cart.. (she peers round the hut door) Shall I take it? (She sees Shabby has her back to her and has started to sob) Aw Shabs, here you go mate.. 

Shabby sniffles for Josie to just take it as she can't talk about it any f**king more. Josie again asks if this is what Shabby really wants her to do as she feels in a bit of a position. So does Shabby, massively.. she can't believe what Caoimhe just said after everything she'd explained about the f**king hat. She lets rip and roars like a rampant rhinoceros as she hurls the cushions around the hut in her flip out! Josie stands back outside not knowing the best course of action and not wishing to upset Shabby any further :(

SHABBY: (screams like a banshee) F**K THIS PLACE!!!!! (weeps inconsolably up against the hut wall)
1.39pm, Steve, John James and Josie are by the pool. John asks what's up with Shabs, 'did you's upset her again?'

JOSIE: What do you mean, 'again'? I haven't upset her in the first place.. I think it's a bit more than that hat.. I think she's got a few problems. 

John asks Josie what she means. Josie feels that for someone to react like that over a hat, that Shabby's problems are a little bit deeper than the hat. John defends that Shabby only has a few items of clothes and literally nothing now. 

JOSIE:It hasn't been just the hat every time she's had a benny before, has it? 

JOHN: This is the first time I've even really spoken to Shabs. 
JOSIE: I don't think she can handle her emotions in here.. and how she's actually feeling about a certain somebody. 

This is what Steve puts Shabby always storming around down to.  

JOSIE: But imagine if.. you fell in love with someone in here..and then you had to spend every day with them, knowing that they didn't feel the same way.. 

JOHN: (quietly) Uh.. I've never been in love.. so I can't comment on that.. 

JOSIE: Yeah, well it's horrible..
John may be able to cover up his feelings through his words but his emotions were almost always exposed all over his face! When interviewed he relayed that he was losing control of the way he felt about Josie in the house towards the end.. which is why it seemed like he had his finger on self-destruct in his final week. I don't expect he masqueraded any of his moods outside the house and that Josie would have been on the receiving end of the full brunt of his anger.. but also been worshipped with John's immense love for her. The stars were aligned in BB for John and Josie's love to grow and it was more beautiful than any fairy tale I've read.. just a shame it didn't have the happy ending lots of us hoped for.

I'm not sure if falling in love with Josie was something that crept up on John slowly or if it sprung up on him and knocked him out of his socks!! Either way, he hadn't been prepared to go onto a TV show and meet a woman who he could feel so strongly and deeply about - least of all that he would actually LOVE her. Maybe he didn't even recognise it for some time, having never been in love before even in his 2 year relationship with an ex-girlfriend. He'll now understand how horrible love can be after having it all fall apart so horrifically with that certain somebody :(  
Outside the Diary room, Shabby flaps around the hat irately that BB 'so desperately need' in their life! Caoimhe approaches her trying to hug her and placates for Shabby not to give the hat if she doesn't want to. Shabby shrugs her away icily as it clearly means that much to them. 

SHABBY: (Sardonic as the door opens to let her through) Because tobacco is very, very important and we must have it (!) F**k morals! (throws the hat to the floor and BB asks her to sit down, Caoimhe comes in with her)

Shabby doesn't get it as when she and Caoimhe were on there own, Caoimhe had said she understood. Caoimhe doesn't want her to get angry but had it have been her hat she would have let them have it. Shabby snarls 'it's my lucky hat!!'  Caoimhe knows but she thinks she would have relinquished it for the groups sake; this sends Shabby over the edge and she screws up her photographs savagely. 

She then kicks them away as she screams 'b*llocks to the group! You said you understood, Caoimhe!' Caoimhe keeps calm that she does understand it is a sentimental thing to her and it means a lot to her, but that it could be a chance for her to not hide behind things. Shabby doesn't want her to try and make out that it will be beneficial to her; she hopes they enjoy their tobacco and that it's worth it!
Caoimhe bets Shabby needs a cigarette to calm down and she's just trying to get her to f**king lighten up! Shabby feels like a tw*t for what happened in the nest but she didn't have a choice! Caoimhe assesses that she could have walked away and taken a deep breath; she feels maybe the tobacco won't be worth it if they have to deal with more of that (Shabby's barbaric behaviour) For Shabby, the tobacco has never been worth it but feels that it's irrelevant and then makes a big song and dance of letting BB have her hat. 

SHABBY: So here you go.. enjoy! I hope that you're very, very pleased with yourselves! (drops it down once more) 

BB thanks her for the hat, which Shabby lashes out at with her foot before BB opens the Diary room door. BB will be delivering tobacco to the house later on. Caoimhe doesn't leave as she cannot deal with the f**king house anymore. The crouching tiger, hiding dragon, Shabby wails in the bathroom by herself 'f**king b*tch!' she cries that she would have done anything for Caoimhe but has been made out to be selfish. 

SHABBY: (shrilly shrieks with all her lung capacity) You're f**king selfish!! You're f**king selfish!!!!! (stomps inside the toilet and lets out a blood-curdling scream)
 1.56pm, Ife, Corin and Josie are at the carousel. This is the moment Josie's mouth  imparts one of her most memorable, classic catchphrases.

JOSIE: (deadpan delivery of one of the most quoted BB one-liners) Do you know, whenever I feel a bit low.. I always think about that woman who got her face ripped off by a chimpanzee!

Corin aww's as Josie confirms that the woman's face was ripped off by a chimpanzee.

JOSIE: (her serious tone makes it all the more comedic) And whenever I'm feeling a bit low, I think I could have been that woman who had her face ripped off by a chimpanzee!
Although thinking of this FACE OFF frightens the fudge out of me, I think it's great that Josie has something she can always bring to mind to make her remember how blessed she is. Josie has been through some very tough times in her life, that a person who wasn't as strong as her may not have been able to cope with. Despite all her past heartaches and tribulations, she somehow manages to.. manage and be grateful for the things she has. Family is so important to her and she has close relationships with all her siblings; they are likely to have been her life-line when life has gotten lamentable. 

Josie picks up the pieces and just carries on where others could not and she does so with a bright smile on her face. That smile is probably largest at the times when she really doesn't feel like smiling .. and those who are lucky enough to meet her and feel of her warm presence, have some of her positivity rubbed off on them. I really admire her ability to endure through times of hardship and affliction and wish that I had this quality within me.
Shabby and John James are in the bathroom talking about Caoimhe. John listens attentively as he sits at the sink while Shabby lets out her sorrows, chucking in a few supportive 'I know's' in all the right places. 

SHABBY: (her bathroom sink drama runs on, with tear-stained cheeks) Does she really think I have a choice in the matter? Does she really think I wanna do this? Why would anybody want to feel this angry?

JOHN: (warm-hearted) I understand 100%, I really do.. 

Shabby now considers Caoimhe to be horrible and feels like such a fool as she liked her so much! 'I f**king fancied her, man.. like I liked her so much!!'  And she has to be honest with him, that she believes Caoimhe has been using her the entire f**king time because now her and Josie are good mates. 
SHABBY: (resentful of their developing friendship) She's following Josie around f**king everywhere! (John bites his nails) You know.. she's had what she needs from me now.. like the being fancied by a lesbian thing's not fun any more!

JOHN: (sympathising) Whatever you do, don't make any rash decisions based on the heat of the moment! And really, really think about this. 

Shabby has to get out of the bathroom but John lets her know if she ever needs someone to talk to .. seriously. She appreciates this from the man so much!
"Both John and Shabs are so similar in temperament. Both idealists who have these strong belief systems that they judge themselves and everyone else around them by. If something doesn't gel with those belief systems even slightly they immediately start to question and mistrust the person concerned. In some ways they set impossible standards for people to live up to so will ultimately end up disappointed and angry. The massive flip out and sobbing session in the nest by Shabby was much more to do with feeling like Caoimhe cared more about cigarettes than Shabby herself than anything I think as she then starts questioning her whole friendship and feelings where Caoimhe's concerned instead of simply seeing it for what it was, a difference in opinion and the importance different people place on different things. John's the same, he simply cannot understand how Josie genuinely cannot care about the things he does to the same extent that he does so he ends up feeling frustrated, misunderstood and friendless much the same as Shabby and that turns into mistrust and rejection (Aella from JJJAT)

I really feel that John and Shabby could have been kindred spirits in that house, had she stayed. If Shabby hadn't done a runner approximately one week after this date, I believe their friendship would have become stronger still and they'd have had each other to turn to throughout the series. 
Ife has been called to the Diary room. She shakes her head crossly at BB, who tells her on the chair she'll find the tobacco provided for HM's. Ife dances straight outside and holds up the treasure triumphantly 'OH YEAH BABYYYYYYY!!'  Nathan, Josie and Caoimhe are pleased and whoop away but Shabby who was sat with them slinks away sadly.

Josie thinks the first one deserves to go to Shabby and then continuously sticks her tongue out at Nathan making silly noises! Caoimhe recognises that Shabby is going to protest now and won't smoke, as she has gone to lie down on a sofa. 

JOSIE: She's making me feel like I don't wanna.. I'm frightened to talk to her now cos she.. you don't know if she's gonna snap at you, so I'd just rather not talk to her. Which is horrible cos I really like her. 
Nathan doesn't think there's anything they can say to her at all! Shabby stalks back outside. 

JOSIE: Why don't you have one of these, Shabs? Serious.. come on!

NATHAN: Blaze one up!

JOSIE: That roll up tastes beautiful, seriously. 

She thinks it is because they are thinner; Shabby sparks up - her roll up this time, not her temper!    
3.51pm, All of the HM's have been gathered in the Living room for the results of this week's nominations. The nominated HM's are announced in no particular order: Dave, Sunshine and Shabby.

DAVE: (mock shock) Nooo, not again!!

SUNSHINE: (also pretends to be stupifed) Me?? ME? I'm in complete shock, I am in so much shock (!!)

JOHN: (clowns) She shared her crisps!!
Shabby is silent when her name is read out. However, nominated HM's now have to take part in a task and the winner of the task will save themselves from eviction. Corin wishes them good luck but Shabby walks away into the bedroom, taking herself away from the rest of the group. Dave laughs that they're going to keep plugging away at them until they break down. 

Ben buries his head on Dave's belly buoying him up to try and win the task. Shabby sits on the bed all on her lonesome sipping a hot drink. 
4.43pm, all of the HM's have been gathered in the garden for this week's save and replace task. Nominated HM's Dave, Shabby and Sunshine are fighting for survival. HM's must complete the 'your face on TV' puzzle. The first HM to complete their puzzle will be exempt from eviction and must choose a fellow HM to replace them. Who will save face and themselves? 

The klaxon blares and the non-nominees watch on and call out the occasional word of encouragement. Dave determines that it is hard and Sunshine too is puzzled by her puzzle figuring out she has done it wrong. Shabby looks lost and as though she has given up the will to live, Josie wills her on 'Come on Shabby! Come on!!' but she shrugs that she can't do it. 
JOHN: F**king hell!!

JOSIE: That is really hard, in't it? 

JOHN: (emphatically) Yeah!! 

Josie exclaims 'Oh my God, you've done it Shabs!' as her puzzle pieces appear to be in the correct position but Shabby hasn't finished. On the HL's the tension is unbearable with the orchestral music heightening the competitive atmosphere. In the end, Dave had the fastest fingers and pips his opponents to the post. 
Dave apologises instantaneously upon his win; Shabby scoffs for him to shut up 'you love it!!' Shabby and Sunshine have to take their seat on the bench and Dave is told he must now replace himself with a HM of his own choice (who is not currently facing the public vote) Once he has picked, they will then be up for eviction. John seems a little nervous that Dave may swap himself with him (after his joke the previous evening), to wind John up Dave takes hold of his card as though he is going to but then switches with Caoimhe. 

He says sorry for the twentieth time and Caoimhe through gnashing teeth replies it's okay, she knew it! 
CAOIMHE: (caustic) It's funny how you told me you loved me the other day, in the store room! Very f**king funny (!) 

She stomps to the carousel for a cigarette while Shabby complains 'both of us? I know you had to, but really?!!' Joining Caoimhe at the bench, they laugh about having a good last week there. They scheme to leave together, have a blast and break all the f**king rules! Dave didn't see what else he could do; Nathan tells him to relax as it's done now. 
5.02pm, all the HM's are in the garden. Shabby strops that Friday is going to be 'so whack! I can't believe it!' Ife may not even get out of bed. Caoimhe, the brittle little acid drop of a woman, curls her lip 'it just proves what a two-faced, f**king little pr*ck he is! Sorry, but it does!!' She doesn't give a f**k what she says anymore, as now her true feelings can come out. 

She continues callously that she thinks Dave's a total f**king weirdo and hopes the Lord comes through for her Friday. She's going to ask the Lord to look after her on this reality TV show as it seems to have worked for Dave! Dave is sat amongst his friends but looks very distressed at the decision he's just made.

JOHN: (lying on his back on the grass, rubbing his eyes) What a f**king sh*t house game!! Make people do that! This show annoys the sh*t out of me sometimes.. I know it's part of the parcel but.. f**king hell! We don't know each other f**king well enough yet to make decisions like this! It's f**king wrong! Every week I go on about it's f**king bullsh*t that you have to do that!

Ben agrees but as John had said to him before that's what they'd all signed up to do. John knows but doesn't think it makes it any easier 'I didn't have to do it but f**king hell!' Ben throws an arm around Dave in a vice-like grip and tells him that he'll be there for him.

Mario approaches Caoimhe to see how she is and she smiles that she's fine. He's pleasantly surprised that she's taking it way better than he did the week before. She admits to having a little rant there but she's okay and will now take it with 'elegance.' Caoimhe requests a stiff drink and Shabby would like some absinthe; Corin kindly offers up her cold can of lager in the fridge. 
6.38pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. (John, Josie and Steve) Josie comes clean to John that she went into the Diary room and said 'I don't know what it is!! I said, I really like him he's a really nice bloke but .. I wanna strangle him!' John reaches out to ruffle her hair. He is every inch the soppy git throughout the conversation, as his eyes are transfixed upon his Beloved with such lovey-doviness Guss would be nauseated! 

JOSIE: (pushes his hand away) Get off, you're messing up my hair all the time!

JOHN: (Banters but completely beguiled by the Bristolian) Stop trying to show me up on TV all the time! I hate how you do that!
I had respect for Josie confessing to John whenever she had said something about him that he might not be pleased about. While I didn't like that Josie would first mouth off behind his back, instead of taking her issues up with him - it shows that she had enough of a guilty conscience to own up John. He'd usually forgive her happily, more often than not it was as though he was just joyous that she would mention him when he wasn't in the room!!

And I don't give a damn what the Court thread says, John adored every fibre of Josie's body! I would consider it serendipity if some day, I met a guy who gazed at me, the way John was endlessly enthralled by Josie. Although, Josie's sense of humour was a big part of her attraction for John and he often took it in good spirits.. I think he may have felt 'shown up' by her on the odd occasion. Every now and then he would joke about it, as it was maybe something that actually was niggling him but he'd try to laugh it off instead.
Caoimhe, Dave and Sunshine are in the kitchen. Dave places a hand on Caoimhe's back as he tells her sincerely that he's so sorry. Caoimhe is dismissive of Dave giving him the cold shoulder, who hopes she understands that he had to pick someone and is gutted. She doesn't get why he is gutted; she's grand although was p*ssed off before. 

Dave explains that he'd narrowed it down to 2 possible people and could very well have made a mistake. Caoimhe completely understands that it's a difficult, difficult situation 'just don't lick arse!' Dave feigns that he's certainly not doing that but it's the public's show and they'll keep in who they want. Caoimhe brushes off that it honestly doesn't matter and doesn't mind being up at all; she just doesn't like to think that Dave is being fake with people. 

CAOIMHE: Telling people you love them one minute and then putting them up for eviction the next minute!

He doesn't know what he's supposed to do as he doesn't dislike anyone in there. Dave professes to have genuine love for people, that's who he is and why he was brought in the house - he can't change that. He has great compassion for people; Caoimhe tells him not to worry as he's still here because 'the Lord saved you (!) so you're cool!'
6.51pm, some of the HM's are in the bedroom. Nathan has nestled up beside Josie in her bed while she talks to John across the room. 

JOSIE: When do you reckon we're gonna get some new HM's? 

A nail-biting Nathan doesn't know if they will but John is straight in there with 'week four!' which I believe is a spot on prediction. 

JOSIE: How do you know all these things? 

JOHN: Just by all the like.. research that I've done on the previous series. They normally come about week 4.. I reckon it will be about week 4. Once the beds.. 

John hazards a guess that they'll probably put in about 3 and that'll be it. John's initial hunch comes to pass but then then they put in an additional 3 and finally Sammy Pepper. 
JOSIE: Oh! (only half-listening, having lost interest in her own question as she reaches over for her leggings to put them on under the sheets. She'd been sitting in bed only in her top and knickers!!)

JOHN: What do you mean 'oh?' That's a fair few people, 3 people!

JOSIE: Oh sorry, I wasn't even listening.. what did you say? (Nathan laughs with her) 

JOHN: Oh sorry (giggles) f**k .. she asks a question, that's what she does! She asks me a question, looks all interested and then I answer it and she's like 'what?' 

Nathan teases that she can't keep her mind on anything for more than a couple of minutes. Josie knows, she had 72 driving lessons!! 
I can envisage this being quite a regular occurrence between John and Josie. Him chatting merrily away, one hundred miles an hour and Josie either quickly becoming bored with what he's saying or had already heard it 48 times before!! So it would have been simple for it to become routine for Josie to tune John out, either: deliberately through lack of interest or unintentionally because she is easily distracted. 

So when John would cotton onto the fact that Josie had stopped listening to him, if it was something of importance to him he'd more than likely hit the roof! If it was meaningless chit chat then he'd maybe just tease her for having a dreadful attention span!! Half the time Josie is in her own little fairy world, not because she resolves to be rude but that's how her brain functions! As such, it doesn't take much for her to lose enthusiasm and become preoccupied with something else. Must have been aggravating for John when he needed to have a serious discussion, get something off his chest or talk something through with his partner. 
Shabby has come to the Diary room. She politely requests to leave so BB asks her to explain why she is feeling like this. Shabby has had a wicked time even though it's been really difficult and she just doesn't want to be around some of the people in there. She doesn't like the way she is in there sometimes and is sick of having dramas all the time. She expresses again that she really didn't want to give her hat back, but even she is astonished at how much rage she exhibited, as she could not control it. 

SHABBY: That's not right.. I'm kinda starting to doubt some of my friendships in the house.. the thing with Caoimhe again, I was actually horrified at the way she acted today! And I'm trying to forget about it but I just can't.. I'd probably feel good if I wasn't being nominated every single week - it's crap! But I'm literally the least popular female person in the house. What have I done? What, I'm being punished for being myself? 

She doesn't think there's anything she can do if the HM's don't like her and that she'll be booed the sh*t out of anyway. 'They are going to hate me!' She guesses that she's gained a new friend in the house this week in John James but didn't really speak to him before. 'And he's lovely!' Shabby thinks she needs to go and have a cigarette and then talk to John. 
7.47pm, John James and Shabby are at the carousel. She confides to him that she has just asked to leave in the Diary room. 

JOHN: (identifies how she's feeling) No, no, no, nuh! And I know why you're doing it.. you're doing it to save Caoimhe and it's the wrong.. 

SHABBY: Partly.. 

John had a feeling that she might think about that. Shabby is sick of just all the drama all the time and she can't stop it, she's basically involved in as much drama as one could possibly ever be involved in. She really wants to see her friends and misses her life. 

JOHN: (taken saddle on a carousel horse) You'll.. you will f**king regret it! I would rather see someone like you continue on with the programme than someone that was fake as f**k. And I think you'll regret it.. And I think you are what.. 
Shabby sizes up that people clearly like fakers and doesn't know if she can dig that! Corin and Josie come over at this moment, Josie feels like she has a thorn up her ass. Shabby compliments her 'babes' on how nice her hair looks, as it has just been straightened. 

JOSIE: (flattered by Shabby's sweet-talking) Thanks, it's like a little bit of heaven! May sound funny to you, but cor it's lovely!!

Shabby says that she looks so different with her hair straightened. 

JOSIE: Do I? I am still Josie, mind.. 

Upon seeing Caoimhe walking over to them, Shabby leaves making the excuse that she wants to brush her milk taste out of her mouth. Caoimhe turns to Josie and asks if she's okay, sensing that Shabby is a bit p*ssed off with her.  John follows inside shortly after.
JOSIE: Yeah, and I reckon John James is loving it! 

Caoimhe isn't here for all that f**king drama but thinks she's done something. Josie assesses that John and Shabby are both quite similar in the sense that they love a bit of drama. Keevs is peeved that they're loving the fact that they're so similar. Josie cracks up and asks if she's getting a bit jealous. Caoimhe's not at all 'he can feckin' have her! F**k them!!' 

JOSIE: Yeah, go on!! Have each other! 

Caoimhe laughs about them going to have a little b*tch and doesn't want Shabby to come running back to her. John and Shabby have resumed their interrupted conversation, in the bathroom. 
 JOHN: You've not told, Keev? 

Shabby supposes she may have an inkling because she was in the Diary room for ages; she thinks Caoimhe thought she'd gone. 

JOHN: I think as long as you've got 1 good friend you can trust then.. I'll keep on.. obviously Keevs up as well but you have got Ife.. I don't know how.. like I don't know if you're still that close to Ife or not but.. 

Shabby loves Ife to bits but the deal was if Caoimhe left on Friday, that she was going to leave at the same time.  

JOHN: Do you believe that Caoimhe would do the same for you? 

Shabby doesn't and it upsets her that she doesn't think Caoimhe would do the same for her, because there's a time where she thought she would. But in the nicest possible way, coming from somebody that loves her, she thinks Caoimhe cares more about the show than she thinks she does. John agrees. 
John was so brilliant with Shabby here, acknowledging her concerns rather than spitting platitudes. He demonstrated just how sensible, sensitive and softly-spoken he could be by helping Shabby rationalise her predicament. I'd gather that he had experienced similar worries in there himself after his first fight with Josie, so could fully sympathise with Shabby. 

He really is such an astute young man when it comes to some matters of the heart and is the opposite to Josie when it comes to listening. When a person comes to him for advice, he gives them his undivided attention and thinks through carefully what he considers to be the best solution. So who did he have on the outside when he needed someone to turn to when the rows with Josie got too much for him? JJ? I'm sure he could rely on him a lot but he had a life of his own too, so couldn't have been there absolutely all the time that John could have done with a trusted friend. That must have been a lonely time for John and quite suffocating too. 

I don't doubt that he would have given up everything career-wise for Josie .. and when it came to the crunch he walked away from it all. But it may be that John didn't feel that Josie would do the same for him or to save their relationship?

8.52pm, Shabby is sat with Sunshine, Caoimhe and Corin at the bench in silence. She gets up and moves away into the hut to be alone; Caoimhe stays where she is sat with a face that's been slapped with a single fish!! (shout out to Maureen!) 

In the bedroom John is wheeling around in Steve's wheel chair while chatting with Josie. 

JOHN: It's weird, isn't it? 

JOSIE: What's weird, John James? 

JOHN: (entrusts Josie with how he feels inside) I get a bit emotional, I think.. but I don't know why. I wish I could turn it.. I wish I was one of those people who could just turn it off and not give a f**k! 

JOSIE: You're not emotional on the outside world, are you? 

JOHN: (touching) Yeah.. I'd do anything for my mates. 

JOSIE: Yeah, but so do I!
JOHN: (means it with all his heart) I'd take a bullet for most of them.. 

JOSIE: The thing is, the only person you upset when you're angry all the time is yourself! (Hot wheels is performing a balancing act, up on the back wheels only) How can you get out of here and say that you've had a good time, when all you've done is talk about whose playing the game, whose loyal rar rar rah? And twisted your own head up in here!

JOHN: (defensive) How can you be positive to f**king people, that do certain things that you've only known for 2 weeks? How can I be positive about a situation like that?!

JOSIE: If you picked up more on a positive thing, than you did on a negative thing, you'd be a really happy bloke!
I view Josie as a person who would much prefer to keep her emotions under wraps; she is so guarded that only special people are able to break through her walls. She is much more skilled at hiding how she really feels than John as his emotions over spill even when he doesn't want them to. If I remember correctly, their Day 12 argument would have been the first time Josie had seen John emotional and cry over her. Could she have hoped this was just a reaction to being inside the house and that he wasn't really this vulnerable and thin-skinned? 

Has John now finally been able to turn into one of those people he wanted to be like? Does he NOT give a f**k about Josie or the loss of their love? I know they would do anything for their friends but maybe their friendships were another cause for contention. Did they put their muckers and loys before their significant other? They are both quick to become angry and in doing so, it is feasible that they upset themselves just as much as they were hurting each other. The media and all its terrors may have contributed to twisting their heads.. it's actually a wonder they lasted as long as they did with it! It is mind-screwing as it was not an environment they were accustomed to and their management and acquaintances would have taken full benefit of this!

Maybe John is now a really happy bloke back in Oz having fun in the sun? He may feel that he has rid himself of the negative influence in his life and that there's nobody raining on his parade now. Josie could now feel that she has surrounded herself with positive people who share her attitudes towards positivity and her sunny outlook on life. Or can they now see that the grass looks greener back on the other side? 
Caoimhe goes into the hut to see Shabby; she checks if she is okay and asks if she has done something as she knew she was talking to John James. Shabby informs her that basically she has requested to leave because she doesn't want to be there anymore. Caoimhe whispers that she doesn't want to be there either; Shabby perceives that she does. 

Caoimhe pleads for her to just wait until Friday as she has a feeling she'll be voted out, because she's not been a very significant housemate. 

SHABBY: You've been the most significant to me!

Back in the bedroom John is still wheeling around in Steve's chair. 
JOHN: I think it was very.. I think it was pretty obvious that I wasn't happy .. I was very very um .. surprised that.. 

JOSIE: Me and Mario are having a conversation now! (Mario snickers but John carries on regardless)

JOHN: That Ben had done what he did! (Josie tries to talk about going in the Diary room earlier) And I'll be honest with ya, I do I do.. (Josie laughs that he continues all the same) I did lose a bit of trust!

JOSIE: (breezy bickering) There's just not room in this relationship of mine and John's.. for John! (she and Mario chuckle)

JOHN: I did lose a bit of trust, but I told him that!! 

JOSIE: Or is there no room for me?
JOHN: Do you know what I mean? I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I told him!! At least I didn't f**king.. 

JOSIE: (Shouts suddenly) NO ONE CARES!!! (Mario doubles over laughing)

JOHN: (light-hearted name calling) Mario does! F**king b*tch! No more serious chats with you in the room! Or.. but you got involved in that! I never asked you.. 

JOSIE: You can have a serious chat with me, John but just.. when you've said what you've gotta say, there's no need to jhh.. do you know what I mean? You're like a bit of pastry, like you only need that much pastry but you're roll it and roll it and roll it out.. until the bit of pastry's too thin to put on your f**king pie!

John sighs wearily and spins the wheelchair around; as the credits roll, so do John's eyes!! :P 
Not a soul could argue that John and Josie were not the most significant people to each other in that house. Well they could, but they'd just be WRONG!!! It is apparent to me from their reactions to breaking up that neither were particularly pleased with the outcome.. they did want a more romantic resolution but just couldn't see a way forward.. yet I'd speculate that they couldn't have been especially happy together either or they wouldn't have gotten to that shuddersome and shameful stage or now loathe one another. 

Did their trust for each other dissolve faster than an alka-seltzer in water? Was there really room for each other as well as themselves, agents and a huge fanbase in their already rocky relationship? Would Josie get frustrated of John being serious with her all the time? In turn, could John have become upset when Josie did get involved in the more major matters and then make out that she didn't care? In the end a piece of John pie could have just become too bitter and unpleasant for Josie to swallow/stomach.. and a mouthful of Josie muffin may have turned into something that was unsavoury and no longer appetising for John.. what was once so sweet and delicious changed into something sour and destructive after their initial bedazzlement with each other gradually wore off :( 

That member of the opposite sex who was missing from their life, fell into it, captured their heart and became the better part of their world. For a while life was beautiful.. and the scars from their love just might remind them regularly that.. they nearly had it all :'(


  1. loving your analysis cheeky. very profound. but i hope they dont loathe each other, as that just breaks my heart over & over :(

  2. Liked *Aella* posts on the JJJAT:)

    Shabbs and John were the ones i liked earlier on,and was sad when she left:(

    Although i agree John is so draining,and he knows it all too well,i do empathise with the fact he can't seem to help that,it's like something stronger than him lol

    He just wanted to talk about the situation with Ben,get is out his chest,even though both Jose&Mars were not interested,Jose in particular seems only interested in fun and parties,and more fun,but life isn't about all that,and John over things things,but he needs to just learn to let go and not give a fock at times.:)But no one is puuurfect:p

    Nathan's hand seemed glued to his manhood,and that for a cook,ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
