9.44AM "Playfighting already guys and the lights arent even on. Josie just told John that she could even hear his voice after he went to sleep last night. John just stubbed his toe on the bed while going to the bathroom." (Brudge83)
9.54am "John certainly looks happier today, must be because he's in bed with Josie already!" (Salty Goodness)
John just doesn't understand why Ben would get serious. Ben whinnies that of course he was serious because he was half asleep and demands for John to 'accept it!' He hadn't found his bed tipping particularly funny because he was half asleep.
JOHN: (flippant) Fair enough if you didn't find it funny, I didn't ..
SUNSHINE: This is exactly what they wanted to happen and it's happening!
JOSIE: John James actually loves every single minute of this!!
John didn't find Ben being lifted from the bed funny he'd found it funny that Ben hadn't found it funny! 'You were deadly serious about it! That's what I found funny!' Ben expounds that Steve had found it funny and probably Dave too and claps to emphasise every syllable that John was the only one to repeat it over and over.
JOHN: And not once did I deny that..
Ben near bawls 'but why??????' so John has to again justify because he had found it funny! Gosh grow a sense of humour, Ben! :D
9.59am "Ben's having a right go at John... you're really small minded... who on
earth would travel 90000 miles for an audition for BB, that's just
bizarre...Nathan saying he thinks more of Ben for saying these things. Nathans face really lit up when Ben started, we know he doesn't like John and Josie's closeness. Ben's got a real bee in his bonnet with John this morning, saying he should not go on and on about things. (Witch hazel)
10.07am "What Ben doesn't understand is why John has to go on and on and on about it.
Ben says that he regards John as one of his best friends in the house but that he upsets him when he goes on and on about things.
John says for the 205th time "you don't find anything funny!" Ben pulls out a BRILLIANT impression of John - he's going on and on and on in an Aussie accent." (WHATM thread)
Ben: (frostier than the North Pole) I find things funny that you could never understand or find funny and you find things funny that I don't find funny!
10.18am "Didn't agree with Ben's comment about John crying easily! Josie gave him a rub on the back of his head/neck" (Angel07)
Ben: They did it me because I'm unflappable! If they did it to you, you'd be on the phone to your Mum by now! (Ben got so personal with John and they didn't show any of him stooping/SCOOPING according to John, to this level!)
JOHN: You could have told me to just shut up!
BEN: (with the testy bark of an old biddy) No-one can tell you to shut up!
10:23am Josie tries to make light of the argument between John James and Ben by screaming SHUT UP as loud as she can! #BB11 (from the BBUK twitter page)
10.27am, John saying Ben shouldn't bring families and personal circumstances up as he claims to be his friend. Ben tries to talk, John interrupts to say Ben has mentioned his Mum
nearly every.. Ben tells him to let him finish and calls him a 'twit!' Ben argues John talks about flying over and about his mum; Josie says only when people ask him. (WHATM thread)
MARIO: Day 51 , Ben and John have been arguing for the last 28 days straight!
10.31am "Nathan, he is looking for it to kick off between John and whoever, he
wants it to escalate. But I think Nathan is really clever, he will not
be the one who comes to blows with John even though he really wants to.
What he wants is Josie to get so fed up with him that she goes running
in his direction, very sneaky but clever." (StacyG)
10.34am Ben tells John he needs to stop the dog with a bone act and that even his best friend Josie would agree with that. John says he just finds it funny that Ben doesn't find things funny! Ben challenges that he does find things funny but that John is too small minded to understand the things he finds funny! John knows Ben doesn't find farting etc. funny!
10.44am Ben saying he was trying to be funny and John doesn't understand the British dry sense of humour. John argues that he finds Only Fools and Horses funny and that's voted Britain's number one comedy. John's family have all the "Only Fools and Horses" programmes on tape and used to play them to him.
10.49am John saying Ben mentions his mother more than he does. Ben says it's because he mentions her. John keeps repeating he doesn't think Ben should have scooped that low (instead of stooped!) It isn't about humour anymore to John, it's about morals!
10.53am John asks why Ben didn't have a go at anyone else in some cleaning
situation, Ben says as they didn't keep going on from room to room
making comments. John wonders why Ben doesn't say anything to Steve. Ben answers that Steve doesn't try to wind him up. Nathan joins in telling John to stop taking things to heart, that it was not personal. Dave says it's the kind of convo mates have all the time. Nathan calls it banter. John feels it'd be different if his mates said it but Ben doesn't know him well enough. (WHATM thread)
10.57am "Oh dear....just leave it John! For the record, I understand where he's
coming from and I think Ben is (mostly) in the wrong here, but John is
taking it too far and like most arguments that get heated people will
only remember how the argument was conducted - rather than what the
argument was about in the first place....and that's where John will come
off worst. I'm liking Shabby so much right now - she can be a bit abrasive and
irritating at times, but boy has she got principles and she doesn't half
talk some sense!!" (Siobhan)
11:02am Ife is in the Diary Room whilst Ben and John CONTINUE to argue in the Bathroom #bb11 (BB UK twitter page)
Ben defeatedly admits that he was wrong but it would never have got to that stage had John not being going on and on. Caoimhe and shabby ask them to go somewhere else if they want to carry the argument on. (WHATM thread)
BEN: I was wrong to have brought up things I shouldn't have.
JOHN: (glacial tone) I don't call that wrong, I call that stupid!
11.46am, John wants someone to ask BB what they want, rather than giving them something
they could refuse. Ife says if Shabby as a smoker, isn't giving up her hat then they shouldn't expect anything from the non-smokers. Josie isn't bothered about having the tobacco but Nathan really wants some and he cooks for everyone every day. Ife thought this group would stick together and not have a problem with this.
12.07pm Both of John's arguments are solved now. Dave just said he would only put him
up if it was between John and Ben.
DAVE: I just like to wind you up and see your face!
Ben and John hug it out in
the bathroom. But Ben believes John should be mindful of the feelings of others and not go on! He knows he has a sharp tongue and needs to reign that in a bit.
JOHN: I know I'm a drainer!
12.23pm, John thinks BB were testing the non-smokers not the smokers. Nathan disagrees and gives his view that the smokers were the ones being tested to prove that they don't need cigarettes as much as other things. Nathan doesn't
think they should put pressure on Shabby to give up the hat; John and Dave agree.
NATHAN: Life is bigger than tobacco!
He wants the group to work together as one unit.
12,49pm, BEN: Corin has the Winston Churchill spirit!! Puts her make up on and all is fine!
SUNSHINE: Did Winston Churchill wear much make up then?
12.59pm, John is now saying he would rather walk to either - save a "friend"or stay "true" to himself. (WHATM thread)
The live afternoon feed kicks off in the hut, Caoimhe has been hurt by a comment Shabby made to her about a hoody. Shabby didn't mean to upset her but thought Caoimhe was being spiteful for making a comment! Caoimhe contends that she wasn't and knows it is nothing compared to her hat (SC) Shabby disliked that Caoimhe was trying to make out something she hadn't meant and so had apologised and told her straight out she didn't mean that.
It had sounded like Caoimhe had made a catty remark "look what I've given up" in comparison to what Shabby had spared. They agree that each other had taken it to mean something they didn't mean for it to. Shabby asks if Caoimhe and Ife had a barney (SC) Caoimhe reclines with her head against the pillows, closing her eyes and Shabby scratches away at her nostril itch!!
Shabby's point is that it doesn't matter to those guys if BB take her hat away, as her hat is nothing to them. But she talks about it because it upset her and is she supposed to just not talk about that in there? Caoimhe confabulates that of course Shabby can talk about it but then leave it. Shabby quibbles that she wouldn't have actually kept talking about it but she'd had a multitude of people coming over to her! Caoimhe wants to just forget about it as they're cool; judging by Shabby's frenzied roll of her eyes.. I don't think she finds much about it 'cool!' She glares at one of the nest cameras, licks her lips and then exhales deeply before fiddling with her fringe.
Her slight concern is that BB will just take away all the stuff the HM's have kissed goodbye to; then call someone in later saying they hadn't given them what they'd wanted. Caoimhe asserts that they won't do that. Shabby poses the question: 'If you could go out this lunch time for something to eat, what would you have?' (as this is something they like talking about) Caoimhe doesn't even blink or think before immediately replying 'sushi!' After scraping her head adds - 'a bottle of Cools Light and 10 Marlborough Menthol fags.' (SC as they discuss cigarette brands)
This is the part where Josie calls out to locate Shabby as shown on the HL's. Josie loiters in the door way while expressing her understanding that it is her Grandfather's hat but BB aren't willing to provide tobacco without it. Josie doesn't think anyone will be disappointed if Shabby doesn't want to part with it, as they know it belongs to her Grandad.
JOSIE: (supportive) Obviously they know your reasons..
E4 then cuts to a hat-less Shabby whimpering, hunched up against the nest walls (as she had flung it out at Josie in a ferocious frisbee manner!) Although many viewers ridiculed Shabby for her over the top(hat) reaction, I take my hat off to her for.. taking her hat off as it clearly had special sentimental significance to her and her family :( And it made for very uncomfortable watching, as she is just left alone to cry convulsively; it's never the nicest thing to see somebody sobbing like that :(
Josie returns and observes the sorry and soggy state she has sunk to; we are unable to hear what she says as it is sound cut. But Josie must have felt wretched seeing Shabby's shoulders shake as she wept wildly :( More sound dips as Shabby is left to pound the walls with her fists and scream (without volume)
Out in the garden, Josie doesn't know what she should do and asks Corin to help her decide, as Shabby had shouted at her 'take it, take it!'
JOSIE: So what do I do? (she walks back to the hut and puts the hat back down) (gently) Shabs, your hat's here.. I can't take it, mate..
Dave tells Josie to go inside and let the other HM's know what's going on and that they're going to leave it. He hopes that they'll win some money to buy some on the shopping list. Josie goes into the house, Ben clasps hold of Dave's hand while he describes it dejectedly as a bad situation. (SC) In the living room, Josie is talking events over with Corin.
JOSIE: That hat obviously means a lot to her. I don't want to be the one that makes her feel like that!
It is clear to Corin that they'll just have to tell BB it's not happening. Josie wants to give Shabby a minute and keeps looking through the windows concerned about Shabby's welfare.. whereas Corin is more concerned with applying more cosmetics!! Josie thinks it is out of order after Corin informs her that Shabby's Grandad has died and she doesn't want to give it away.
The thing is, Josie doesn't know whether to leave the hat there so Shabby can have it or put it in so Shabby can have a cigarette to sort it out. Corin confirms that she wouldn't take the hat which seems to make Josie's mind up for her. Shabby is still sniffing and blubbering in the nest with her palms outstretched on the wicker walling.
She lowers to her feet and rocks back and forth like she's cradling herself as a sort of self-soother. With one hand she also clutches her scalp as though she has a MOTHER of a migraine! In the bedroom, Nathan is laughing as Josie replays her thoughts on whether she should have taken the hat to sort her out with a roll up.. as Shabby had screamed at her to take the hattttttttttttttttt!!!! Ife and Caoimhe grin that she'll be grand as soon as she has some nicotine in her, finding her toddler tantrum hilarious!!
After Josie screams some more at the top of her lungs as Shabby had, she gives further details that Shabby was chucking cushions everywhere. So Josie had thought 'ooh, keep the hat mate!' Nomadic Nate chuckles chestily before a SC.
Even John joins in the japes and uh-oh's after more cut sound; Sunshine is sewing beside him in Josie's bed - the adulterous hussy!! Caoimhe worries that Shabby is coming by to go to the Diary room.
JOSIE: She's proper, proper upset (longer SC)
JOSIE: (after showing the Diary room door for about 20 seconds) I did quite like the Preston look!
Caoimhe had tried to convince Shabby that BB wouldn't keep her hat forever! But she feels that if they're going to have 'this' every 5 minutes if she doesn't have the hat, maybe it isn't worth it. Nathan comes over to the single bed Josie is leaning on and sing songs 'what've you got there, Josie Jose?' She'd been holding some leaf, stemmy/shrub thing, which she says is a plant she found in the garden.
SC as Caoimhe presumably slags Shabby some more. Josie gets all girly and giggly with Nathan in the background as they have a little bit of a flirt. In the garden, Benjy is doing some impression of some person I cannot identify but it tickles Dave's funny bone all the same. He later reveals it is Onslow from Keeping up Appearances which I'd never have guessed and I watched that show quite regularly! :S
Dave may get the album of a female Artist he had seen some of at Glastonbury but finds her a bit loose, as she puts it out there and is very seductive. But he quite likes her songs! We can all guess the only Glastonbury surprise appearance Ben tuned into 3 years ago (would have been in 2007) - Shirley Bassey but she wouldn't walk on the mud so they put up special platforms for her and she wore pink wellies with DSB encrusted in gold and diamonds!!
BEN: Do they still love her in Wales?
Dave discloses that there's not a huge furore right now as she doesn't do much but there is still love for her. Tom Jones still creates a stir and fans sing his songs at Rugby matches; Shirley would have been a massive icon there 20 years ago, but Dave doesn't think it's quite like that now. Ben believes that Dame Bassey is seen as more of an International star whereas Sir Jone is a Welsh star (despite no longer living there!)
Ben quotes the exact years that Shirley moved abroad (1967) and went into tax exile (1968) but estimates when 'good old Tom' ventured out to America. Back in bed, Josie has one hand on Nathan's neck as she closely inspects something (SC) she eurgh's as he accidentally spits his peanut out at her! (SC)
Nathan may wish to recruit Josie into shaving his shoulders later; Josie can't understand why. He reasons that they get really hairy like his chest!! John exclaims through SC's that BB were going to do the same thing to his bed (as they had to Benny's!) but moved to Benny's as they thought he'd be the next, best option! (maybe they originally planned to tip John out of bed but he had jumped into bed with Josie before the lights and morning alarm even went on!!)
JOSIE: (laughs) That was the best option!! (SC)
John had spotted the camera behind his bed and Stevo saw it as well; Josie asks Sunshine to make a hem on the bottom of her top, which she is only too willing to assist her with.
JOHN: Ahh, so they were going to do it to my bed? Wish they did!!
If Mario was one of the producers, he'd tilt one every 15 minutes so all day long they were constantly shifting people out of the beds! Sunshine would happily sleep in one of the single beds.
JOHN: (stakes his claim on Josie's bed) Don't be yeah-ing, Jose cos if that's happening I'm getting in here! (SC, then he and Jose laugh at his bed brazenness) You pretty much said that you didn't want to talk to me again! (She says she didn't!) Cheeky.. 'I love you but, I can't talk to you but I can't talk to you no more!' Oh..
JOSIE: No, I didn't say that!! (John giggles to himself)
Ben and Dave survey the damage in the nest. Ben 'oh well's' as BB have their bit of footage for the day!! :D (SC as Corin sashays across the garden) Back to the bedroom where Josie is discussing with John how he drains her.
Ben and Dave survey the damage in the nest. Ben 'oh well's' as BB have their bit of footage for the day!! :D (SC as Corin sashays across the garden) Back to the bedroom where Josie is discussing with John how he drains her.
JOHN: Maybe, I think that they uh.. oh cheers (!)
JOSIE: No, I said 'I love him, I really do. I think he's amazing but..I've never known anyone ..
John reckons when he goes in the Diary room, that they go to sleep, leave for a bit and come back and he's still going!!
JOSIE: (clipping up her hair) I said 'he's such a nice kiddy but.. (SC) (they laugh) at the same time! I told them I want to strangle you!
JOHN: (fiddles with the string on his hoody) Cheers (!) You've just shown me right up (but he sees the funny side and chuckles along)
Who was Josie trying to KID here: BB, viewers, herself or all of the above? I don't know if John could ever change his draining ways but it would be great if he has mellowed out now and doesn't take everything so so seriously. If he is still that wearying whippersnapper from the World of Wallabies, I'd bet his poor Mama bears the brunt of it!
It really isn't worth getting your boxers in a bunch over life's trivialities; I hope John has learned some lessons and realised this. I'm sure there were occasions too were John wanted to (metaphorically) strangle Josie but still loved her to bits..
It really isn't worth getting your boxers in a bunch over life's trivialities; I hope John has learned some lessons and realised this. I'm sure there were occasions too were John wanted to (metaphorically) strangle Josie but still loved her to bits..
A solemn Shabby vacates the Diary room, retrieves the hat where Josie left it for her on the steps to the hut, and heads back into the house. When she walks into the kitchen John asks 'are you alright, mate?' Shabby can't believe they asked her again! (SC) and questions why they would do that 'are they trying to rile me up?'
John mollifies her that some people just don't understand as they don't have certain values but some people do.
JOHN: I think that's pretty much all it comes down to Shabs.. they obviously want cigarettes more than anything else right now and ..
Which tells Shabby they care more about cigarettes than her, so she's going to give them the hat! (SC) John doesn't agree with it that Shabby should have to do that but she's entitled to do whatever she wants.
JOHN: (folds his arms and sighs) Don't.. don't do anything you don't wanna do! (longer SC to eliminate John's cursing?) Like they can obviously see how much it means to ya! I don't.. I don't understand getting a friend that upset when you can see how much it means to someone, but that's just me..
Shabby is especially upset with Caoimhe, as out of everyone, she knew the most and when Josie came back out to her again, Caoimhe had scoffed that her Mum won't kill her! She literally couldn't believe her ears, John is the same so he's not having a go at her but says she expects too much.
JOHN: (shows incredible insightful understanding) You're expecting to trust people that you've only known 2 weeks.. and I'm exactly the same as you .. I truly believe that.. and talking to you, your morals are very much where mine are. And um.. I can't understand either, I just can't.. cos I trust people very, very quickly and I just expect people to do for me what I would do for them.. that's just what I expect! And I probably expect too much..
This is exactly what Shabby had just said in the Diary room; John thinks it is probably his fault but it's not something he can control but he tries.
JOHN: But I just can't.. I can't control it. That's just the way I feel and ..
Shabby's problem is that she believed people in there who claimed to be her best mates (SC) but when it really matters they'd sell her up the river for tobacco!
JOHN: Yeah.. and when it really counts and when push comes to shove (SC) and for their own.. their own personal benefits and I don't agree with it..
Both Josie and John rate loyalty so highly in their relationships.. that if there was even a glimmer of a moment of disloyalty, that could have significantly lessened the trust they held in each other.. Josie has spoken out a lot about being let down because she trusts too easily; this is a trait that John had too and saw as a flaw in himself. Are they now much more cynical and distrustful of the people in their lives?
I think John does have huge expectations from everyone he associates with because he is willing to do so much for them. So did he expect too much from Josie as a girlfriend and possible life partner? More than she was able to constantly live up to, under his relentless scrutiny? His morals are exemplary in today's society; there are not a great deal of guys who share his integrity, sadly..
Is John now able to control this? (or is the gym an outlet for him?) Has he managed to lower his expectations of people? Did John feel Josie would sell him up the river in order to personally benefit herself?
I think John does have huge expectations from everyone he associates with because he is willing to do so much for them. So did he expect too much from Josie as a girlfriend and possible life partner? More than she was able to constantly live up to, under his relentless scrutiny? His morals are exemplary in today's society; there are not a great deal of guys who share his integrity, sadly..
Is John now able to control this? (or is the gym an outlet for him?) Has he managed to lower his expectations of people? Did John feel Josie would sell him up the river in order to personally benefit herself?
Shabby's friends in there had told her they wanted to help her control her rage and do when it suits them. But today when it didn't suit them she was becoming more and more angry (SC)
JOHN: (waffles on) To the point where I'm becoming a loner in here, because I don't.. I haven't come across.. (points outside to where Ben is sat) Benjy, he talks about loyalty (SC) like just.. how can you trust someone like that? How can you honestly look me in the eye and expect me to trust you, when you've gone and pulled certain acts like that? (as Ben had admitted to nominating Sunshine) I just can't! I'm sorry, I just can't.. I want to be able to trust .. I want to be able to, that's an ideal world for me.. I'd love to be able to trust everybody in here but you just can't! (longer SC) I wouldn't do that to somebody else and as soon as I get the hint that they would do that to me.. or I get a little bit of a sniff that that's maybe how they are.. (loooooong SC for what looks like effing and blinding)
That's just the way he looks at it but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Josie comes in at this moment while John is rinsing something in the sink; she exits just as quickly as she'd entered putting her earring back in. (SC)
It would make me very sad indeed if John had returned to being a loner back home.. I hope now he is back in Australia, that he feels more secure in himself and content with what life has to offer him there. Lots of people seem to be worried that John isn't himself because he has not been on twitter to express thanks for his birthday wishes.. John has never been the most prolific tweeter so it doesn't mean something horrible as happened to him or that he's in a dark place because you haven't heard from him in so long! I just don't think he has anything left to say (at this moment in time anyway) when he has, you can be sure he'll make it known!
Does John feel Josie pulled certain acts making her an untrustworthy companion? Were there little hints he detected and nose sniffs about Josie which sounded alarm bells for him? There is NO such thing as an ideal relationship surely John couldn't have thought that existed (unless he was deep down a die hard romantic?).. was he too forceful in wanting to regain that 'perfect' status (in his eyes) they once had in their BB bubble of bliss?
Does John feel Josie pulled certain acts making her an untrustworthy companion? Were there little hints he detected and nose sniffs about Josie which sounded alarm bells for him? There is NO such thing as an ideal relationship surely John couldn't have thought that existed (unless he was deep down a die hard romantic?).. was he too forceful in wanting to regain that 'perfect' status (in his eyes) they once had in their BB bubble of bliss?
JOHN: I am literally finding it very, very hard to be in an environment like that.. because my friends aren't like that (Shabby's aren't either) and I wouldn't be friends with them, if they were like that! (SC) That's why you with your friends and me with my friends.. that's why I got so upset with Benjy cos I was like 'finally I've.. (SC) Do you know what I mean? Like, exactly what you said last night! There's certain things you won't do in here and I'm exactly the same. I'd walk before I had to do that! And that's the way I felt..
Shabby blows her nose on a paper towel as she listens on to John. When he'd heard what Ben did to Sunshine he doesn't know how he's meant to trust him! (SC - Lipreading John mouths that he can't) but then it gets to the point that he's gonna have no friends at all (another SC) John wondered if maybe he's applied for the wrong show because this is a game, so how can he be cross at someone for playing it? But he knows that's not why he is there! Shabby honestly thinks they are the ones that have got it wrong.
JOHN: I think we have too. I think you're right in what you said!
I don't think the media lifestyle was one that John was very suited for. He probably enjoyed the popularity that came from it at the start (certainly seemed to anyway!) but soon the novelty wore off and he quickly tired of the environment and all it's trappings. Celebrity was never going to be the easiest adjustment for such a private person like John, with fans wanting to know his every movement! He maybe wised up to the sharks swimming in that tank long before Josie and wanted to cut ties and harpoon the predators!
He must have become so upset with the way of life and wasn't prepared to stay in such a materialistic, corrupt and cut throat industry. There were lots of work requests for John such as the naked photo shoot that would have completely compromised his morals. To an extent, he may feel that he peed over some of his principles with some of the things he did sign up for.
John signed up for an agent as soon as he left BB (as is standard procedure for most HM's) and his magazine articles began and continued throughout the course of his entire relationship with Josie. He can't be cross with Josie for continuing with this route when he was the one who initially made similar contracts for himself. What I don't think he liked was the level of exposure and invasion of their privacy..
He must have become so upset with the way of life and wasn't prepared to stay in such a materialistic, corrupt and cut throat industry. There were lots of work requests for John such as the naked photo shoot that would have completely compromised his morals. To an extent, he may feel that he peed over some of his principles with some of the things he did sign up for.
John signed up for an agent as soon as he left BB (as is standard procedure for most HM's) and his magazine articles began and continued throughout the course of his entire relationship with Josie. He can't be cross with Josie for continuing with this route when he was the one who initially made similar contracts for himself. What I don't think he liked was the level of exposure and invasion of their privacy..
Shabby rubbishes how at the start everyone had said they were there for the 'experience!' In yet another SC, John nods along with whatever Shabby is raging about. She just feels like she operates really, really differently to everybody else; so does John. More sound is cut as Shabby scowls as she speaks mutely. This is why John has respect for people like that; he would respect her a million times more than he'd ever respect anyone that.. (SC) John swears like a sailor while Shabby dabs at her smudgy eye make up.
Josie and Caoimhe step into the kitchen and John leaves them to it with Shabby. BB had told Caoimhe that they do not negotiate (SC) Josie walks around the room sucking her thumb and staying out of it; Caoimhe chews at her finger nails. Shabby reminds Caoimhe that she'd said she understood; Caoimhe had but was thinking about it then and doesn't know.
SHABBY: (thinly veiled contempt) Do you know what? Seriously, if it means that much to you.. just take it! (throws it onto the dining table) I'm being serious (SC)
Josie is scrubbing at the other end of the table (ad break) as she is now out in the garden sorting the washing with Ife. Ife worries that the top she is putting on will be see-through so removes it with a groan! (SC)
JOSIE: (goes over to sit next to John by the pool) Alright Becks? Are you off your high horse?
JOHN: I was never on a high horse! (SC)
Corin thinks once it has calmed down (i.e Shabby's tornado of terror) BB will reveal this week's nominations. John gah's heavily before another infernal sound cut! John had gone in the Diary room telling them to put everyone up, followed by moreeeeeeeeee cut sound :(
JOSIE: They're out of order, mind.. aren't they? They're out of order!
Steve is sure Shabs would love her fags; Seahorse starts to make a statement but is silenced by the sound men! Caoimhe comes out of the Diary room hitching up her trousers, try wearing a belt! She stalks straight out to the garden to divulge how she was going on and on in there but couldn't get a sentence together (SC)
JOHN: I was never on a high horse! (SC)
Corin thinks once it has calmed down (i.e Shabby's tornado of terror) BB will reveal this week's nominations. John gah's heavily before another infernal sound cut! John had gone in the Diary room telling them to put everyone up, followed by moreeeeeeeeee cut sound :(
JOSIE: They're out of order, mind.. aren't they? They're out of order!
Steve is sure Shabs would love her fags; Seahorse starts to make a statement but is silenced by the sound men! Caoimhe comes out of the Diary room hitching up her trousers, try wearing a belt! She stalks straight out to the garden to divulge how she was going on and on in there but couldn't get a sentence together (SC)
Ife enforces that she will get stressed out with BB as she has to remind herself that it is a game. Josie checks that she's not angry with any of them; Ife isn't or with BB really. Nathan rationalises that there's no point being annoyed with BB (SC) and describes Ife as paranoid today. Ife is going to move everyone's clothing for them to help themselves to what is theirs. She doesn't want to go round and put their laundry on beds as she doesn't know them all that well!
Josie and Corin realise they are both wearing their cowboy boots today and have dressed for winter. Steve is sure that the young lady (Ife) would have no interest in his underwear and sniffs that he's old enough to be her Dad (SC) Those watching are moved into the bedroom, as Ife explains that she hasn't put the socks together but they are dry. Ife hasn't done the washing and won't pretend that is something she's very good at when she's not.
Ben wants to know what the plan is for the day and if they're all having lunch together in a little while. Nathan is preparing baked potatoes for them to eat in an hour or too; Ben wonders if they should just help themselves if they (meaning HE!) are hungry now. The resounding response is YES, Caoimhe doesn't ever want them to feel awkward about going into the kitchen. Dave is going to have some sort of sandwich; Ife would like some cereal but they don't have any milk.
Josie and Corin realise they are both wearing their cowboy boots today and have dressed for winter. Steve is sure that the young lady (Ife) would have no interest in his underwear and sniffs that he's old enough to be her Dad (SC) Those watching are moved into the bedroom, as Ife explains that she hasn't put the socks together but they are dry. Ife hasn't done the washing and won't pretend that is something she's very good at when she's not.
Ben wants to know what the plan is for the day and if they're all having lunch together in a little while. Nathan is preparing baked potatoes for them to eat in an hour or too; Ben wonders if they should just help themselves if they (meaning HE!) are hungry now. The resounding response is YES, Caoimhe doesn't ever want them to feel awkward about going into the kitchen. Dave is going to have some sort of sandwich; Ife would like some cereal but they don't have any milk.
Ife compliments Ben on the 'well cool' jeans he is wearing which belong to Mario. (ad break) We rock up in the kitchen where Ben is bitching to Nathan about John pushing him everyday and 'he needed to be taught a lesson!' Nathan has noticed that John doesn't like losing an argument when that morning wasn't even an argument but banter. (SC) Nathan is amused that the emotional impact things have on John made them all laugh even more! (SC)
DAVE: Put John in a room by himself, he'll have an argument!
NATHAN: (stirring the tea and the sh*t) Definitely! (threatens) Don't go crazy on the cheese, Ben!
As he doesn't know what people want on their baked potatoes or what is in the store cupboard. He lists that they have tuna, beans and chopped ham so he's not really worried. (SC) Dave offers Ben a cup of tea, which delights him as he hasn't had a cup in ages! He promises to wash up the plates if Dave stays to chat to him.
DAVE: Put John in a room by himself, he'll have an argument!
NATHAN: (stirring the tea and the sh*t) Definitely! (threatens) Don't go crazy on the cheese, Ben!
As he doesn't know what people want on their baked potatoes or what is in the store cupboard. He lists that they have tuna, beans and chopped ham so he's not really worried. (SC) Dave offers Ben a cup of tea, which delights him as he hasn't had a cup in ages! He promises to wash up the plates if Dave stays to chat to him.
Ben blabs that the Baron is loving the controversy as it makes him feel authoritative! Dave pours some of the soya milk into their cuppas; Ben thinks they'll end up finishing the pie as there is only a small portion left. He is willing to share it with Dave as it would be overly greedy of him to have it all to himself! Ben is serious that he doesn't know what he'd do if Dave wasn't there 'I'd crack up!'
Dave is in agreement that they always have a good time together which is nice! Ben crunches away at his toast then takes some salsa out of the fridge. He thinks he's going to have some with his cheese, after it passes his sniff test! In the bedroom, Ife and Sunshine realise they would have been in the same school year even though she's 11 months and 8 days older than Sunshine. Ife is called to the Diary room but wants to know what they want to do with her; she's suspicious that they'll try to mess them up! She'd told them that she wasn't going to come in but wants to be wished luck (SC)
The cameras stay on the Diary room eye door for far too long for anybody's liking!! As shown on the HL's this is where Ife returns to the garden clad with 2 packets of tobacco; somebody imitates a Red Indian brave! Ife is completely tactless as she hoops and hollers bringing out the baccy!
Josie asks Shabby if she wants a cigarette which Shabby politely declines as she's walking away. SC's are rife amongst the trouble and the strife! Nathan takes charge and orders that each pack will be split into 3 and then the smokers can do what they want with their own allocation of tobacco. Caoimhe thinks it is nice of BB to have given them skins.
Nathan saw the funny side of BB's banter 'BB does not negotiate!' he thought it was proper funny!! (SC) Josie is a bit frightened to talk to Shabby now as she doesn't know if she'll snap at her.
JOSIE: She's my mate.. but it makes you feel like you don't wanna speak because you're worried if she'll snap at you or not..
NATHAN: It shouldn't be like that, love!
He believes the fundamental thing is that they're all different (SC) 'Caoimhe though darlin' she does rage every day!' Caoimhe now knows she didn't see it for a while as she's very slow to pick these things up. Nathan loves Caoimhe's accent! (another SC) Josie totally understands what it's like to get your period 'it's a nightmare!' as she'd had a massive row with John James. (SC)
Nathan saw the funny side of BB's banter 'BB does not negotiate!' he thought it was proper funny!! (SC) Josie is a bit frightened to talk to Shabby now as she doesn't know if she'll snap at her.
JOSIE: She's my mate.. but it makes you feel like you don't wanna speak because you're worried if she'll snap at you or not..
NATHAN: It shouldn't be like that, love!
He believes the fundamental thing is that they're all different (SC) 'Caoimhe though darlin' she does rage every day!' Caoimhe now knows she didn't see it for a while as she's very slow to pick these things up. Nathan loves Caoimhe's accent! (another SC) Josie totally understands what it's like to get your period 'it's a nightmare!' as she'd had a massive row with John James. (SC)
Shabby comes back out into the garden asking if they hadn't brought the other stuff out of the Diary room. Another long SC ensues, so we move along to the kitchen where Corin enthuses about how much she loves tuna! More plentiful sound gaps in between John checking if the kettle has just been boiled and Dave asking if John is alright now. Corin thanks all the guys in the room for giving up something and the afternoon E4 feed finishes.
2pmish is when John and Shabby have their heart to heart in the bathroom (as shown on HL's)
2.36pm John, Sunshine and Dave talk about Shabby's friends making her give up her hat. They are not impressed. Nathan divides up the baccy to the divvies. Viewers hoped he'd washed his hands after picking his nose and fondling his crown jewels!
2.48pm Factoid of the day: "vegan scrambled eggs" taste like porridge. Ben, the human dustbin tastes it after two bowls of apple pie, his breakfast, nibbles with Dave, and anything else laying about.
2.57pm Ife has given up giving up smoking after saying she had quit earlier.
CORIN:Can anyone else smell dog... crap?
JOSIE: How you gonna get doggie doos on you shoe in the BB house?
3.07pm Josie chats with Corin and Ife about not feeling that anybody in the house has a bad heart. She gives an example of a person with a bad heart trying to steal her positive energy from the outside world. Corin hasn't had a bad day in the BB house yet and doesn't know that she will as she can't be bothered to argue, as life is too short.
3.08pm (article from Digital Spy) Josie has said that John James is starting to grate on her. The Bristonian admitted to Ife earlier in the bedroom that he was annoying her. Meanwhile, John James was sitting on the sofas chatting to the other housemates, unaware of the girls' conversation.
3.08pm (article from Digital Spy) Josie has said that John James is starting to grate on her. The Bristonian admitted to Ife earlier in the bedroom that he was annoying her. Meanwhile, John James was sitting on the sofas chatting to the other housemates, unaware of the girls' conversation.
"I can't stand his voice," she laughed. Ife joked that it was as if the honeymoon period was over."Its
not! Honestly I don't know what has happened but I just wanna wring his
neck!" she replied. "He just goes on and on and on and on and I just
wanna go over and go, 'Shut up!"
Later, Josie laughed as she
told John James how she has got to the point where she wants to wring
his neck. "It's just your voice," she said. Seemingly not
offended by her remarks, John James laughed and said: "I understand.
It's not the first time I've been told. My mum says it every day."
3.23pm John says people have been up for eviction for the entire run of the show
and have won it. He doesn't know about the UK BB but says it's happened
in Oz.
Josie observes that a lot of people in there have prior TV links.
Dave says he has had a documentary for some sort of minor TV channel. (WHATM)
15.30pm John's moved closer to Josie; she's stroking his leg again (Jaz JJJAT)
3.38pm John credits his argumentative skills to his incredible memory.(WHATM)
3.42pm John has noticed that his jacket smells of Josie because she wears it all of the time! Awww :) (JJJAT)
3.46pm John calmed down chatting to Josie about how she hates being ignored. Josie thinks walking is selfish as there were 60 odd people out there dying to get in. Ben, John James and Shabby disagree. Josie loses respect for them as they should be grateful for the opportunity. Gathered at the sofas for Nom results at 3.57pm (WHATM)
4.00pm "They stopped arguing and he said "I love you Jose" <3 I think it's
funny that they are arguing, they are like an old married couple,
winding each other up, but he always strokes her leg or has some contact
with her so you know they are only messing." (Miss Button)
"See, if you don't like someone (in THAT way), you don't look at them like that, or put your hand on their knee like that. Equally, if you're on the receiving end, you are not as comfortable as Josie definitely is with it!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeee" (Mintcar)
"See, if you don't like someone (in THAT way), you don't look at them like that, or put your hand on their knee like that. Equally, if you're on the receiving end, you are not as comfortable as Josie definitely is with it!!!!!! Squeeeeeeeee" (Mintcar)
"Just before the noms were announced to the HM's, they were sat in the
lounge very close, and she was saying that she puts on a brave face a
lot of them time and she gave examples of their argument - she said "It
looked like I didn't care, because that's what I wanted you to
think....but deep down I did care." (RachandGarry)
4.05pm After the HM's have learned their fate, Shabby just shakes her head; she's the only one peed off by the results. She retreats to the bedroom.
4.14pm Dave winds John up that he's made up his mind "you naughty boy, you naughty boy!" Dave jokes that he's got good support out with the public. Shabby plots her revenge on the buggers who dared to nominate her, despite her having nominated others!
4.19pm "Bloody hell John is saying to Mario if she picks you I'll take your place, noooooooooooooooooooo!!!!" (Alicat1965)
4.20pm Dave pretends to speak to BB asking if they'd meant to announce: Steve, Nathan and
Corin rather than Dave, Sunshine and Shabby. He asks if they can they have a recount
4.29pm The nominated trio can't get back into house as BB haven't unlocked the living room entrance door. Shabby is absolutely terrible at that sort of thing i.e. puzzles but promises not to put up Caoimhe. Caoimhe doesn't mind if she does knowing that Dave or Sunshine will swap her picture if they win. Blatant nomination talk - Shabby says the people up with her are ones she nominated before and the other one (Mario) she can't choose two weeks in a row. They collect their shiny, red all in one suits from store room that BB has a fetish for and their TV antennae hats!
4.47pm Josie picks fluff off John's hoodie. Aww they just had their heads resting on each others and Jose was stroking his head, cuuuute! (JJJAT)
4.49pm Shabby isn't happy about being likened to Nikki Grahame "Why do people keep talking about Nikki Grahame in reference to me?? I'm nothing like Nikki Grahame!" after Ife basically tells Shabby that the people in BB7 didn't like Nikki but the public did. Shabby vows not to put Mario up again if she wins.
IFE: Maybe it would be better if you don't win, so you don't have to go through that again. (WHATM)
IFE: Maybe it would be better if you don't win, so you don't have to go through that again. (WHATM)
4.55pm HM's go out to the garden for the Save and replace task. The nominees have to re-arrange 8 puzzle pieces of their own faces, upside down in the fastest time.
JOHN: Sunshine's is the hardest one.
Shabby can't be bothered and doesn't concentrate so stands around like a lemon. Dave wins which leaves Sunshine looking like the sun has been stolen from the sky. Dave pretends to be sorry he won.
SHABBY: Does this remind you of week one at all?
SUNSHINE: It's kind of a bit reminiscent...
Sunshine asks if it's bad she still wants to play with this, they all shout for her to carry on. (WHATM)
5.13pm Dave puts his hand on John's picture to wind him up again - the twonk! (Jaz)
Dave chooses Caoimhe, who is upset even though she knew it was coming. John says it sucks that Sunshine is up; Dave decides it just sucks. Ben is just happy he has Dave for another week and a half, as he couldn't cope without him and Mario.
BEN: Dave and Mario the best friends I could have ever wished for in the world!John really thought Dave was going to put him up in his place. Dave maintains that he had a choice of two but John certainly wasn't one of the two.
JOHN: Every week I go on about it but... (the sound cuts preventing us from hearing him go on about it)
Shabby demands an explanation as to why Dave had chosen Caoimhe. Which is rich considering that both her and Caoimhe nominate him every bloomin' week! Dave describes it as a crap part of the game and that there's no one in there he dislikes; some he just gets on with better.
Shabby lies on her stomach on the floor in dramatic fashion complaining that this is the worst day! Bens laughs that Shabby looks like the 'offspring of a Gremlin and Spiderman!'
SHABBY: I'm a disgruntled, shiny worm! (WHATM)
SHABBY: I'm a disgruntled, shiny worm! (WHATM)
On BBLB the burning question was will John and Josie get it on? Emma squeeeeeees that YES THEY WILL ;) Then John and Josie's puppet alter-egos engaged in some tonsil tennis!! George ooooh's that it is is hotting up in there! George wonders if there is a Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog situation occurring between JJJ? Which is ironic as John and Josie sometimes joked about themselves being like that famous MUPPET pairing!
Nikki Grahame was one of the guests and speaks about John liking to moan and having outbursts out of nowhere - she puts him half way on her moan-o-metre! They play Big Brother's Blind date with their spunky hunk sweetheart John saying that he is looking for love. But which of these Sheila's will he take Down Under: Sunshine or Josie? Their VT montage shows Sunshine has heated things up a bit. 'But will he didgeriDOo or didgeriDON'T? Stay tuned!'
George and Emma speak to John's Mum Helena, live and direct from Australia 3am Oz time!! She rebukes Lamb Chop for mimicing her accent as she doesn't speak like that! She's following the show as closely as she can but jokes that she's not getting the £30 a day for it! :D George says that John's taking the UK by storm as tons of people are messaging in such as: John James is so fit, if he was a chocolate cake I'd eat him whole!!
George asks Mrs Parton 'how's he going to cope with being a pin-up, my love?' She giggles that she thinks he'll be alright and that the geezers will enjoy throwing pins or darts at him. From what she can gather the guys aren't real big fans of him :( Emma asks what John was like as a child and his Mama gushes that he was gorgeous!! A few childhood snaps flash up on screen - such a cutie!! :) George particularly likes the white gloves John wore to his prom; this was John's Dad's doing.
Helena reveals that John has always been popular with the ladies but not so much at school as he was short. Emma wants it cleared up once and for all so asks who she thinks John would go for: Josie or Sunshine?
HELENA: Go for as in? Boyfriend/girlfriend? Josie!! Josie yeah..
George gives John's Mum a quote from Ben about John needing to find a girl like his Mum 'do you think you're like Josie?'
HELENA: Yeah, in personality probably.. we don't see much that much of her so it's hard for us to tell, we only see the video clips that are provided to us .. so it's a bit hard to tell but yeah I'd probably say he sees a bit of me in Josie, yeah.
EMMA: She's very lovely, Josie! If you haven't seen much of her, she's a very cool girl.
HELENA: So am I though.
George flirts that he can see that from her photo ;) Dave Schneider wants to add his views on the Sunshine-Josie-John dilemma. He thinks the only sure-fire way to know is by putting their names together. With John and Sunshine it is disappointing with results such as: Johnshine, Junshine, SunJames, SunJohnJames. Whereas with Josie he gets: Jo Jo, Jo-John, Jo-Jo-Jay, Triple J, Josie James. For him the winner is John James and Ife as the outcome is: JIFE!
He pretends to be shocked at what John and Josie were up to in bed on the show the night before. He tells the audience to be safe if they are going to indulge in that kind of sexual activity and to always wear a hat!
78% voted that Josie and John will get it on!! Emma cheers especially loudly as she can't wait for them to get it on and wants them to while in the house :D
6.13pm John feels he owes Dave an apology for thinking he really was gonna put him up. Dave does his usual 'I love you, you're one of my mates' and that he was goofing around.
"I think the problem with John is that he is so paranoid about everyone and
everything, that he doesn't know how to trust people and form proper
friendships. He can believe he is friends with someone, but one tiny
look or whisper in his ear, turns his entire thinking upside down and he
convinces himself they are the enemy." (Mirage)
6.25pm Josie lets John know that he could be seen as two faced by talking to dave. John tells her and Caoimhe that he'd had to apologise to Dave as he
couldn't have lived with him otherwise. He can't slag someone off
and then not tell them. John didn't mention to Dave that they want him to drop the 'I love you's' but he is going to.
JOSIE: I always tell John I love him!
JOHN: That's because you do though! ;)
6.45pm "John talking about the Diary room asking him about Josie and he wasn't sure if they meant in a sexual way or as friends. He said he's not the type of guy to say neither in or outside the house 'I want to get naked with her in the spa.' He's such a gentleman, but H'obviously trying to give her a little signal!" (Sofette JJJAT)
JOHN: That's because you do though! ;)
6.45pm "John talking about the Diary room asking him about Josie and he wasn't sure if they meant in a sexual way or as friends. He said he's not the type of guy to say neither in or outside the house 'I want to get naked with her in the spa.' He's such a gentleman, but H'obviously trying to give her a little signal!" (Sofette JJJAT)
6.52pm "They're play fighting in the garden AGAIN!! So cute! Sunshine powerwalking in the background with Corin and tries to invite him to join them but 'he's not in the mood' so gives her the brush off!" (Sofette)
6.58pm "Even after he was play fighting with Sunshine in the garden (she gave him a
wedgie) he said he was going to tell Jose cos she would have to wash the
skid marks off of his underwear." (Brudge83)
SUNSHINE: He is good looking but unfortunately I also have the gift of hearing!
SUNSHINE: He is good looking but unfortunately I also have the gift of hearing!
7.08pm "John just said she has to watch it cause she doesn't want her nipple to
hang out like that before going in the Diary room, and gave her his cute little grin." (Sofette)
7.45pm "Steve has spoken , we now know he likes , ginger nuts and digestives , but feels rich tea are no good for dunking! Really good insight into Steve's world there" (Shefair WHATM) Steve and Corin wonder if you get hedgehogs in Oz; John replies that they do. John asks what you call it when you put a biscuit in some thing like hot milk; they inform him it's called 'dunking'. Corin thought John was on about Tic Tacs when he was speaking about Tim Tams.
7.53pm Ife saying that Josie is in denial. There's definitely something there. It's okay to be afraid. Ife has picked up on the attraction between them, said Josie is denying
it to herself that she likes him...Josie said we'll talk outside (Missbutton JJJAT)
7.56pm JOHN: (To Josie) You should be used to kneeling! 
