This may appear extraterrestrial to some, but Corin likes to get so p*ssed that her face goes numb! Caoimhe had got the spins last night and was really annoying Shabby, as ever time she dropped off Keevil would roll over and whisper sh*t in her ear. Then she's started speaking to Shabby in the language they talk in (Gibberish) but she was too tired to understand what the f**k she was saying!
SHABBY: Every f**king minute there was something new! And I'd no idea what you were blabbing on about, to be honest with you.
Caoimhe gets all chummy with Corin, detailing how she'd had a spat the night before with Nathan about how he should be farting on the f**king toilet. His nocturnal omissions had her turning into a hysterical woman as Seahorse kept bandying around swear words back at her!
She admits she can't even remember what she'd said but she was a bit drunk, trying to numb the pain of her foul mood. Corin wants them all to have more alcohol and then get in the pool for an extra dash of fun!! Quaver wants to be drunk when she's happy not in a rebellious mood; Corin's only once seen Caoimhe in a bad mood and it was that day. She had been raging but is never in a bad mood ever on the outside!
I've seen a bad side to me today, that I've never seen before.. I was
f**king (SC) (I find this impossible to believe considering she's
such a b*tch-on-wheels!!)
In the living room, the spinning bottle has landed on Johnny James and he's not happy that it's him again, as he's already done his so chooses Steve.
JOSIE: Have you not got another embarrassing story?
John doesn't have many, Josie calculates that she's got about 4. Mario instructs that if it lands on somebody who has already shared then they should select someone else. (SC) Steve begins to narrates what I presume would be a saucy tale about a girl he'd liked for a long time, on holiday at the pub but hey presto the sound is muted!!!
So we are back to bum chums Corin and Caoimhe, while I imagine 20 ways to remove the sound men's heads from their bodies!! Corin is stuck listening to Caoimhe sounding off about what an insignificant housemate she is and that she believed she was going yesterday 'because why would people want me here? I haven't done anything!' We know.. we know, you hate the world yada yada yada!
Cozza counter-claims that they do and she has a laugh, today she had a temper tantrum 'people love to see that!' When they'd viewed Ben being given his task, she'd gasped that she wasn't shown thinking others would perceive her as sitting on the fence and doesn't say anything. Corin doesn't argue with anyone unless it's brought to her like an instance with John James.
Mario is about to give the goss about the second guy he was with, when he was in his 20's he'd just started doing things with guys but he's cut off!!
Sometimes when Corin sees an argument going on she thinks it's so minute! When she was with Alex (the man she married, who died tragically young) and they were together almost 7 years she was the happiest she could be. She'd walk around thinking 'I am IT! I'm in love!' If what happened to her hadn't, she'd have kids now and be looking for a house. So for her to see people get stressed out and argue over a packet of crisps is getting a little pathetic.
Caoimhe fawns that she thinks that's absolutely amazing and doesn't think anyone in the house has been through the pain that Corin has. Corin can't even imagine how bl**dy difficult it must have been for Sunshine to have lost her Mum at 17.
CORIN: And Steve is probably the strongest person I've ever met! The guy fought for the country and like lost his legs, an eye.. almost lost his arm like pfoo.. he's gone on to have 8 kids, been married twice like..
(too liberal with the word amazing) But you're so upbeat and
it's amazing!
She confesses that she'd been wondering how Corin was that upbeat all the time and couldn't understand it. Then she had a chat with Ife who'd told her 'that girl just wants to live her life and have an amazing time!' (But does Corin mask her past pain with over excessive cheeriness?) Corin does and as her Mum is her world, as long as her mother is happy so is she. (SC) Shabby comes back from the Diary room.
After Mario's immoral memoirs, Jose and Ife ask how he got out without feeling total shame. He didn't, he left his shoes and socks there and basically had just enough (SC) Ife has started a scandalous story, John clarifies 'oral sex?' She'd been short of breath and told Terry she doesn't know why it feels good but something feels up (SAY NOTHING!), like there was tiger balm on her. It got so hot and hot and hot (SC)
Caoimhe is discussing her boyfriend Dave and how he does lots of temp work as he has no confidence in himself. (SC) Corin hopes he's found something good and that watching Caoimhe on the show has given him some confidence. Keevil is the eldest (has a sister) and finds it so difficult trying to hold the family together.
CAOIMHE: If you tell stories about your family, do they air it?
and Shabby have no idea. Corin's the youngest in her family, her
sister is 12 years older and her brother just 1 year older and her
parents divorced when she was 18, totally out of the blue! Cut back
to the end of Ife's BJ blunder, Nathan has to tell her 'that means
it's going good!' Ife hadn't known what to do with herself;
Josie's in a fit of over the top laughter so loud that I can't hear
what Ife is confessing.
It is indecent and mortifying enough, that John has to cover his eye and hug a disgraced Ife. She felt so embarrassed and dirty but she's so glad she let it out because it's been killing her!
MARIO: So basically you were a whoopee cushion!
JOSIE: (chortles) You picked the right place!
Mario makes out that sometimes when he's in bed with Ife he can hear fart noises. Ife retaliates that has never and will never happen to her again because it was so embarrassing! Steve smirks that it'll keep her pelvic muscles working, she asks Nathan if it's ever happened to him before and what he thinks. It has, 'have a giggle and pound away!' Thank you for that foul-mouthed smut Seahorse, you're a real 'Prince!'
In the background, Josie confirms this has also occurred to her but years ago - YIKERS! Not so long ago Nathan liked this girl who was absolutely fit as f**k (John talks over that he was seriously crying - from Ife's torrid narrative?) and had his sense of humour 'perfect, brilliant!' (SC) They snuck into a curtain stall in the village which was sealed at night and were having a beauty of wild sex, rolling around naked..
Josie couldn't look less gripped by his whorey story.. They were discovered and kicked out by a security guard, giggling as they went (SC) Josie puts in a cordial chuckle for Nathan's benefit, as he continues that there was added pressure as this girl meant everything to him. But he could not get an erection and he's never had problems, but the 1 time he needed it.. we are excused from the debaucherous details by an ad break!
By the carousel, Josie cites to Caoimhe that 'my sense of humour and your sense of humour's quite sick!' Keevil grants that hers is gross. Josie finds that people with freckles share the same sense of humour - another of her science with Josie makes really sense theories? The weird thing about it is this friend who she thieved her theory from looks just like Caoimhe!
Josie told hardly anyone she was coming in BB, not even her brothers who will 'have the shock of their lives!' Caoimhe seems to have made several promise and swear not to say that she might be going on BB!
NATHAN: Did you say 'I told a few blokes that I was getting off with that weekend?'
JOSIE: Yeah because I do like a little kiss now and again.
Into the nest (also known as The Gentlemen's club), Ben and Dave are laughing amongst themselves about their encounters with Mike Hawke. Holy bagels, Ben is so bowled over by one of Dave's anecdotes about having to groan Ben's name during his press ups, that he hugs Dave's leg!! John swings by for a little 'chat' and Ben asks 'Johnny, how did you find us?' John knew they'd be there.
DAVE: Look at him all dressed up! Check him out!
BEN! (moon over the man like morons) You look amazing! You look fantastic!
Dave declares that he can't sit there listening to all their embarrassing sexual stories, pegging up their dirty washing! Ben agrees with that but calls him lucky for missing Mario's (which was deliberate on Dave's part) about golden showers. He seriously did not want to hear about it purposely took out all the cans and rubbish during Mario's!
For John, Dave recites how Hawke was a nasty piece of work who'd told him he was picking up the pieces for his cowardly friend. Ben had been told he had no guts but Ben belted back that he thinks it takes a lot of guts to stand up to bullying. Dave expects that John would still be in there now being drilled! (SC)
BEN: (to John) You're being vain in the mirror!
JOHN: I don't like my hair. (longer SC)
In the lounge, Shabby says to Steve that if he doesn't win he'll be in the final.
SHABBY: They won't boo a war veteran. Not on my f**king watch!! (Steve doesn't know) They wouldn't dare! The rest of us are fair game..
Ife doesn't think people could bring themselves to do that. Shabby is certain that the nation will appreciate what he's done serving our country but Steve doesn't think they can be sure about that. Whiffy has enough faith in the British public that nobody could do that as it would make Britain and the human race look really bad. Shabby would deem it an utter disgrace if Steve was booed.
SHABBY: (throws an arm around him as she adulates) You're our resident hero, Steven!
She asks him if he wants to be called Steve or Steven because when he came in his trunk said Steven. He opts for Steve (SC and stock footage) Ife calls Steve - Steven when he annoys her and John, Johnathon. She likes to use full names like her Terry is Terence. Shabby requests that she use her full name 'Shabadabadingdong or Shabarama!'
SHABBY: Shabbalicious, that's when people fancy me!
Ife wonders if they should call Josie, Josielene or Joselyn, Shabby doesn't think so because Josie is her name! Shabadabadingdong leaves to wee her brains out (as she so conservatively puts it!!) she wants to get up to some mischief. She summons Ife as a smoker who will appreciate what she offered BB in the Diary room. Her offer was that in return for some alcohol she would give back the tobacco she received today, let them keep her black hat for the series and her photos.
SHABBY: And Charlotte said, 'Shabby, Big Brother will not be providing any more alcohol tonight.' And then I asked her out on a date!! She said 'Shabby, if there's nothing else the Diary room door is now open.' I embarrassed myself, I said 'you sound gorgeous! Are you gorgeous? Oh you won't answer that. I'm thinking you, me, cheeky bottle of wine.
Charlotte's response again was that the Diary room door is now open. Mario moderates that she was playing hard to get! In the outside world, Shabby feels like a reasonably eligible bachelor but in there feels like a monstrosity! Ife calls back that BB wasn't interested, Shabby likes Mario's way of looking at it more. (SC)
Shabarama would take someone called Daisy over Caoimhe for sure but Caoimhe is there and Daisy's not. Mario quizzes if there was anyone she'd seen in the line up that she'd thought 'damn, she's hot!' There was a friend of Caoimhe's who had a boyfriend but fancied Shabby.
Natedog has joined the Jack Russell terriers in the nest, talking politics. Basset hound Ben believes in everyone enjoying themselves, Doberman Dave woofs that the Baron had smashed Ben on the political front.
NATHAN: (bites) Back to pen-pushing because you've just been f**king de-throned! Back to the Job centre management job, pal.
DAVE: (barks) Parliment wannabe!
He'd even be owned by Josie, who took him off the bottom rung of the ladder. Ben is proud that he stood his ground despite Nathan saying he'd been hammered!
Dave deciphers that Ben is now showing his true colours because he wants parlimentary members to have the best suits, wages and grand pianos.
NATHAN: While the working man f**king crumbles!
Ben feels a little persecuted as he becomes sensitive about these accusations. He wants the Baron to have the best legs that money can buy and has never said otherwise. He believes in keeping things in perspective and if our political system is compared to any others around the world 'we're the cheapest, we're the most cost-effective and we're the least corrupt!' which he thinks ought to be remembered.
Nathan and Dave feel Ben's talking tripe as hundreds of MP's had just been exposed (at the time) for swindling money, when Great Britain is supposed to be an honest society! Seahorse seethes that they should all be jail, as he would be if he had done the same. Interest is lost in this story so we are re-directed to the main house.
Shabby is shocked that new HM's haven't been sent in yet as they are nearly a third of the way through this series. This makes her think that they must be doing reasonably well because if they were really sh*t, new people would have been sent in by now. She's after Mario's analysis as he's watched more BB than anyone in there. In his mind, they've done very well because there hasn't been a lull and every day has had some drama. And great TV was had by all! :)
She perceives that nobody seems to hold back in the house and when f**ked off, they kick off over the smallest thing! The only thing she thinks they're missing is real action but things could be edited like her and Caoimhe, Mario and Ben.. (SC)
Posh preaching alert!!! Ben is given a 'since the dawn of time' speech about every person in a position of management in any company, will in someway get perks from their job. Nathan agrees they do get food allowance, put in a hotel for free and travel expenses and that's it. Ben knows for a fact that it is cheaper to pay the Politicians mortgages!
NATHAN: Get f**ked!
Ben accounts that they are looking at about £150 a night for hotel fees (this is why he thinks a few thousand pounds a month mortgage is less expensive) but Nathan and Dave remind him this is not the case in Travel lodges. He argues that they cannot get a tube to stay outside London as it stops running at 12.30am; Nathan retorts that they could get taxis and it is still cheaper.
Dave works out that Ben likes the fact that they were milking the system and is proud of it. Ben's sermon prolongs that he considers us to have a politically uncorrupt culture. Nathan finds this unfreakin'believable as the list of MP's who had their hands in the till was colossal. He asks Ben how many are honest out of the 659 parliamentary members; Ben estimates about 600. Nathan confutes this but does not begrudge them an evening meal or a maximum of 6 new suits a year.
Ben's whole point is that some of these men represent us abroad. Dave and Nathan are pretty much wiping the floor with Ben, as nobody checks the labels of the clothes! I dislike David Cameron intensely so for once I'm completely behind Nathan on this.
the ad break, Josie calls John out of the snug and he changes into
the Briz is the shiz t-shirt for their joke. John James goes for a
JOSIE: (hanging on to the door handle) Oh, please don't make us wait around for ages! (John ehs?) Please don't make us wait around for ages.
JOHN: (Approaches her) You're not happy tonight, are ya? (gets closer to stroke her hair and goes in for the hug but she tries to duck it)
She pretends that she is happy but reluctantly shushes and submits to the cuddle and rubs his back tentatively. There's no fooling Johnny and he isn't about to let go of her without a battle.
JOHN: Tell me.. why? Awwwwww. (ruffles her hair with affection)
JOSIE: (trying to remain awfully chipper) Yeah, I am happy.
How could she not be having a snuggle with her little man? :D John doesn't believe her 'no, you're not happy' but releases her from his reverent restraint. She admits that she's not happy about the little Nathan comment.
JOHN: (Sighs) F**k off, you were unhappy before that. (Josie says she wasn't while John is cupping his hand to check the scent of his own breath and is revolted) Hey?
would literally crawl through smashed glass naked to hear that happy
'hey' again! Jose can't compute why John is smelling his breath when
hers smells like a fag factory!
(silky soft) You were unhappy before that. Hey? (Josie
drunkenly replicates his hey's) I didn't mean to embarrass ya, I
didn't know. You've embarrassed me loads of
times anyway.. that's the first time I've ever said anything bad and
it wasn't even bad.
JOSIE: (personally didn't care for it) It was.. to me, it was.
JOHN: Why? Why?? (Cos it was she replies) What's the big.. what's the difference between you rubbing in Sunshine? And you did!
JOSIE: (resents this insinuation) No, I never!
JOHN: (quibbles) Yes, you did.. to her, to her face. You give.. (has a sip of his beer through the straw)
Josie asks Shabby why they always let her in the Diary room and not them. Shabby responds that she has a little flirt and they know what she's asking. Jose communicates to her cleavage 'come on Big Bro, come on don't be like this! Come on, you know you love the Brist..' Shabalicious wonders if Josie and John are going to ask the same thing as them but Josie is there to do her little thing.
JOSIE: (the booze hound picks up her microphone to flirt) It's Josie! Come on, you know we've got a special thing! (giggles) I've never been this woman that presses a buzzer all these times, do you know what I mean?
JOHN: (picks up where they left off, laughing) And yes you did! Infront of her.. um I forget.. you used to just get on the wagon with everyone else. Everyone used to bag me for it and you just got on the wagon. (Josie refutes this) Everyone was like (childishly)'ooh Sunshine, ooh Sunshine!' and you used to go 'ooooh ooooh!!' (She again insists she never) Oh okay (!) (And again 'no I never!') Oh okay..
All the while smiling shyly back up at Josie. Josie thought that scenario with Sunshine was sweet. John calls for Big Brother to roll the tape 'roll the replay!'
JOHN: (puts on his sexy face) That was the first thing I even said and it wasn't even bad! They just said 'What can Big Brother expect from tonight's thing?' and Mario was like 'I reckon me and John will get it on!'
Josie keeps trying to avoid this conversation by pleading through her mic 'Big Bro man, it's Jose! It's not one of those people that wanna come in all the time. It's only once in a blue moon that I ring the buzzer this many times! Come on, man - it's a Bristolian!!' John finds this funny but is determined to get to the bottom of the matter.
JOHN: And why, why.. Oi! Why you getting cut anyway? (She asks about what?) Why'd you get angry for?
She says she's not getting angry, John snickers 'is this what you get like when you're drunk? Is that why? Cos you're like this.. (parodies her sloshed state) 'are you angry Jose?' 'No.' 'Are you sad, Jose?' 'No, noooo!' She laughs for him to shut his mole.
JOSIE: (Mrs Bossypants) Come on, it's me and John James now, come on! (he chuckles) Come onnn, (silly tipsy voice) don't be silly, don't be shy, give us a try!!
JOHN: (watches on grinning as he drinks through his straw) You are drunk! You f**king dipsh*t! (she protests that she's not) Yes you are!
JOSIE: No I'm not, how can I get drunk off that? (SC)
Cuts away momentarily to the garden, when we're back Josie is now wearing Shabby's grey flat cap. Josie is exclaiming how she never rings the buzzer like that, ever and John sits back beguiled by everything she does.
Are you going in looking like Tiger Woods?
on the behalf of all womankind) URGH,
I hate that cheating b*rstard!!! (John
can't restrain his enthrallment, SC)
She wants to show Caoimhe what she's taught John James, as he's no longer the argumentative Australian he used to be! She walks his way and John puts his foot up pretending he's going to kick her in the face :D
JOSIE: What a powerful woman I am! You're a changed man! (turns coy)
JOSIE: (You can't find a card that says that! But there are ones about lube and champagne!!) Alright don't come in your pants! (snortles)
JOHN: (doesn't really know how else to respond but is not horrified) Alright!
Caoimhe wants to check with Josie that when she tells stories about her family, they can't be aired. Over to the Political crew in the nest but it is totally silenced before handing back over to Josie etc. Josie is continuing to show her frustration, calling 'Come on!' and pressing the button more. John is engaged in humdrum chitchat with Caoimhe, he doubts that BB will be allowed to air the story and asks what she said that she's worried about.
John could always see straight through Josie and knew when she put on the pretence of being that four-lettered word FINE. He loved her fiercely and sometimes seemed to know her better than she knew herself.. they both had this instant connection. Did she ever embarrass him during their relationship? Or is it just now that he cringes that he was ever with her because of some of Josie's public behaviour?
John could always see straight through Josie and knew when she put on the pretence of being that four-lettered word FINE. He loved her fiercely and sometimes seemed to know her better than she knew herself.. they both had this instant connection. Did she ever embarrass him during their relationship? Or is it just now that he cringes that he was ever with her because of some of Josie's public behaviour?
This night was probably John's first experience of a slightly sozzled Josie.. and he has been very outspoken of her boozy antics. It was entertaining for him to experience on BB but maybe not living with Josie alone when he barely drinks alcohol. Perhaps he just couldn't handle Josie's world of shenanigans on top of the media circus.
Now maybe they wish they never laid eyes on each other and view their ex as an egotistical, big-headed, garbage dirtball.. and they didn't get to enjoy that lifetime of bliss and happiness together as they'd hoped.. but isn't that the trouble when you fall in love? They take your heart and grind it into pieces!! Josie maintains that she'd sooner sh*t in her hands and clap than ever speak to John again.. but in John she met her match.. and it's like the match isn't over yet.. I don't think either are dying inside everyday about being apart, but maybe there's a small space inside them, that wants nothing more than to hear each other's voice one more time..
To alleviate Caoimhe's concerns, John reassures that out of 24 hours only 1 goes on the HL's and it won't be shown on that. Josie informs Corin that her and John James have a wicked joke they want to do for BB and have been rehearsing for 2 days.
JOSIE: They're being a bit w*nkerish about it!! Who do you think you are?
CORIN: (Parrots nasally and presses the buzzer again for them) Who do you think you are?
Then it is John's turn to recite the phrase but he sounds like an arrogant American!! Corin leaves them to it in the hunt for any left over pizza. Josie clutches her head in her hand defeatedly as everyone else goes in the Diary room every night of the week. Caoimhe calls to ask her what she's doing, Josie lifts her face too quickly and gets a headache.
JOSIE: I wanna ah, I wanna ooh!
John goes to brush his teeth beforehand (not because he worries about smell-o-vision) Josie asks why and he tells her that he is getting ready for bed. What is fascinating in the den of dragons? Nothiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!! But we're transported there all the same.
NATHAN: They've brought shame upon our country.
Ben attributes this to us now having a bad politician. Dave wants people who are passionate about the nation serving it, not those who just want the stack of perks! Ben is squirming that they are misunderstanding him, which is entertaining to watch. He wants the best person for the job and for them to be rewarded for doing it. Nathan voices an opposing view, that when you apply for a job you know what you're signing up to and don't take extra when you want!
Cheery Corin is optimistic that they'll come to a grinding halt to play karaoke - no such success! Nathan does not sanction the leeway of expenditure and Dave agrees it does not require a grand piano and £200,000 of fixtures and fittings. Seahorse calls for equal wages for Politicians and standard Vauxhall Vectra car and if they don't like it they can f**k off!
and Josie are brushing their teeth in the bathroom, he leaves her to
gargle water down her throat. It looks like Josie is talking to
herself when the camera returns to her as she complains about BB
letting everyone else into the Diary room every f**king night 'and
you just forget about the Bristolian in here!' (SC)
Caoimhe now queue jumping has her claws clutched around the door frame desperate for BB to let her in.
JOSIE: (through the mic again) Just stop being horrible, man! I feel like that person in PE again, do you know what I mean? When you're the last person picked!
Of course, Caoimhe knows exactly what she means! Josie tosses off the w*nker fist shake at a camera 'I've always been respectful to you but tonight you're being w*nkers!' And we all laugh so very much :D
(pointing her finger in the face of a lens) I've always been
respectful to you, right.. I've always given you the benefit of the
doubt, I've always said every cloud there's a
silver lining but tonight Matthew you are being such a (Caoimhe
cuts in 'prick!') w*nker!!
I guess that confused look is just Caoimhe's face but why does it have to get in on the action? 'We just wanna come in and f**king have a chat!!' NOOOOOO John and Josie just want to go in and sing their song. (SC)
Corin and Nathan don't think it should matter if a suit is Primarni or Armani as long as they are 'clear, smart, representable and what comes out of your mouth isn't bullsh*t, you command respect.'CORIN: (she's one stick short of a lolly) Nathan, you're so intelligent! Aren't ya? No, you really are!!
Nathan argues that Ben contradicts himself and has forgotten what he said 2 hours ago.. and is now back pedalling 'like all politicians do when you come under fire by f**king truth! FACT.' Ben bleats his belief that it is impractical for Politicians not to be chauffer-driven just because of security reasons.
NATHAN: B*llocks Benjamin. You're just a classic f**king politican, Ben.
Wow these guys really know how to party on!! Seahorse informs Ben in a rather disgruntled tone that times have moved on from the glory days (of the 60's and 20's ala Ben) and that they have to think of the future.
BEN: Just because the times have moved on, doesn't mean that we shouldn't have excellence?
The next part of the debate is shown on the HL's and John and Josie are called into the Diary room finallllyyyyy, much to Josie's joy!! 'Thank you, thank you, thank youuu!'
While they were waiting on the DR just now, John was asking why
she was unhappy. Josie said cause of the Nathan thing and John said how
is it any different to when you went on about Sunshine to me (when he obvs
wasn't interested). She didn't answer but he kept asking. I think he
wanted her to say 'Cause I don't like him I like you!!!!" (Brit JJJAT)
Nathan is het up about the theft because it is stealing from good people like Steve who can't afford it. Ben bites his finger itching to scurry along away from the argument. Corin makes a fair point about those who care for their mothers and get no money. (SC) In the bedroom, Mario asks Shabby if she could only pick one person to contact, who would it be - she answers her best friend.
She'd love to send messages to some people to say she sees things differently now (as BB has allowed her a lot of thinking time) and sorry for being a jerk. Ben and Nathan come to blows over Tony Blair as Nathan believes Blair did more for the country than Cameron. Being away from people has made her realise how much she appreciates them in her life and has now become a soppy b*stard! She'd like to stay but from here on in wouldn't be devastated to be evicted as she is excited to do things she's put on hold in order to be there.
Shabbadabadoo has a lot, a LOT going on in her life but she's glad she didn't quit everything (like some) in the hope of getting in on Launch night. She'd arranged with her best friends to ask if certain things could be put off but not cancelled. She knows fo' shiz that she won't be there for the final and would have been a lot of quieter than she has been if she'd wanted that. Also she feels that she's now had the full BB experience - highs, lows and going without food, booze and tobacco, has had arguments and love-ins.
SHABBY: I think it's been amazing in a strange, deranged, slightly unenjoyable at times kind of a way.
MARIO: It's like all the aspects of life squeezed into one.. experience.
They had expected it to be crazy but not this crazy, considering they do nothing most of the time but still experience highs and lows they don't in real life. Mario is 95% loving it and it was so important for him to get in on Launch night, as his life was at a real pivoltal turning point. Ife and Caoimhe coming in breaks up the chatter.
Nathan is still strongly expressing his stance that they should man up, chin up, represent their people and stop whining about not getting the perks (particularly when millions are saving lives and not getting f**k all - the forgotten, trodden, swept-under-the-carpet people). Seahorse is just trying to help Ben understand things he clearly doesn't. Ben still tries to present from the inside of the job but Nathan wants Politicians pay cut and standardised across the board (which would still be very substantial funds).
All their voices amalgamate into a babbling hullabaloo of words but I make out Mario telling Corin he learned to speak Italian before English but it gets rusty now. Corin is getting a bl**dy headache (from all the hollering) so requests that they go for a fag. Before leaving, Nathan gets one final thing off his hairy chest, that he comes from the underclass ghetto and has liven in council estates but lives in a very very well-respected area. Yet he understands what goes on in life.
One thing Ife can say from this experience, she knows how to roll (a cigarette) and shows Nathan a sample of how much better she's become. Steve and Nathan are relieved to have a reprieve outside from the f**king politician b*llocks. People like Ben f**king wind up Steve but Nathan now thinks that some of what he's said has sunk in with Ben.
Corin leaves the nest to retrieve Ben's army vest. Ife indicates that BB had confiscated some of her Primark tops but allowed Corin to keep the exact same ones but then tells herself to shut up, and goes out to smoke. Ben didn't expect to get caught in a rant over MP's at 1.30 in the morning but did sorta love it!
"Sorry, but I'm getting just a little fed up of them disregarding her in this sense. She is far more gorgeous & sexy than Sunshine or second-hand Beyonce. Shes a 'real' woman and her personality is absolutely banging compared to the majority of the girls in there." (Brit JJJAT)
She'd love to send messages to some people to say she sees things differently now (as BB has allowed her a lot of thinking time) and sorry for being a jerk. Ben and Nathan come to blows over Tony Blair as Nathan believes Blair did more for the country than Cameron. Being away from people has made her realise how much she appreciates them in her life and has now become a soppy b*stard! She'd like to stay but from here on in wouldn't be devastated to be evicted as she is excited to do things she's put on hold in order to be there.
Shabbadabadoo has a lot, a LOT going on in her life but she's glad she didn't quit everything (like some) in the hope of getting in on Launch night. She'd arranged with her best friends to ask if certain things could be put off but not cancelled. She knows fo' shiz that she won't be there for the final and would have been a lot of quieter than she has been if she'd wanted that. Also she feels that she's now had the full BB experience - highs, lows and going without food, booze and tobacco, has had arguments and love-ins.
SHABBY: I think it's been amazing in a strange, deranged, slightly unenjoyable at times kind of a way.
MARIO: It's like all the aspects of life squeezed into one.. experience.
They had expected it to be crazy but not this crazy, considering they do nothing most of the time but still experience highs and lows they don't in real life. Mario is 95% loving it and it was so important for him to get in on Launch night, as his life was at a real pivoltal turning point. Ife and Caoimhe coming in breaks up the chatter.
Nathan is still strongly expressing his stance that they should man up, chin up, represent their people and stop whining about not getting the perks (particularly when millions are saving lives and not getting f**k all - the forgotten, trodden, swept-under-the-carpet people). Seahorse is just trying to help Ben understand things he clearly doesn't. Ben still tries to present from the inside of the job but Nathan wants Politicians pay cut and standardised across the board (which would still be very substantial funds).
All their voices amalgamate into a babbling hullabaloo of words but I make out Mario telling Corin he learned to speak Italian before English but it gets rusty now. Corin is getting a bl**dy headache (from all the hollering) so requests that they go for a fag. Before leaving, Nathan gets one final thing off his hairy chest, that he comes from the underclass ghetto and has liven in council estates but lives in a very very well-respected area. Yet he understands what goes on in life.
One thing Ife can say from this experience, she knows how to roll (a cigarette) and shows Nathan a sample of how much better she's become. Steve and Nathan are relieved to have a reprieve outside from the f**king politician b*llocks. People like Ben f**king wind up Steve but Nathan now thinks that some of what he's said has sunk in with Ben.
Corin leaves the nest to retrieve Ben's army vest. Ife indicates that BB had confiscated some of her Primark tops but allowed Corin to keep the exact same ones but then tells herself to shut up, and goes out to smoke. Ben didn't expect to get caught in a rant over MP's at 1.30 in the morning but did sorta love it!
determines that Ben did well under Nathan's barrage; the boys agree
Nathan is highly intelligent. Mario ascribes this to Nathan's private
school education background. Dave tells Mario it is good to have him
back on top form, after the departure of Sunshine they needed the
Mole back. They laugh that they'd have had to spend £10 on Sunshine
for her dietary requirements (she couldn't have had their jaffacakes
which contain animal gelatine) and so thanks to her eviction they got
7 packets of jaffas!!
They've noticed that as the group has got smaller, the atmosphere has become better so they'll probably bang newbies in to stir it up! Steve rundowns the location of HM's in the house - that Josie and Johnnyboy are in the Diary room. Nathan thinks Shabby and Caoimhe must have gone in with them too; Steve speculates that they are begging for booze but ain't gonna get it! (SC)
decides that out of the 67 remaining hopefuls, BB need to put in an
extremely attractive single girl to stir the boys up. Dave agrees
that one is needed to take Rachael and Sunshine's spot - UM WHAT
ABOUT JOSIE???????? She's gorgeous and doesn't need to show what
she's got-a-goin'-on!! Mario suspects that a vixen who knows how to
use her looks to get men to do what she wants should be thrown in to
stir up Ben, Nathan and John!
"Sorry, but I'm getting just a little fed up of them disregarding her in this sense. She is far more gorgeous & sexy than Sunshine or second-hand Beyonce. Shes a 'real' woman and her personality is absolutely banging compared to the majority of the girls in there." (Brit JJJAT)
He is inhabiting desperate city for a good-looking gay guy to come in too - regardless of his relationship status because he can 'work on that!' (SC as they discuss the remaining potentials from the 67) Nathan's takes us through his plans for the next day: wake up have a couple of cups of coffee, 3 cigs, a run, make breakfast, chill out for a bit and then smash dinner. (He truly believes his mere presence seamlessly pulls everything together!) Steve is SOOOO gonna eat his words, as he believes tomorrow will be a f**king great day! (The first half is but wait for the evening fireworks)
As they haven't had any so far, he takes this to mean that they're giving good entertainment 'just by being ourselves!' (because new HM's are added when things get stale according to Mario) Dave incorrectly calculates that they are going into their 28th day tomorrow and wonders if it is normal to not have any by now. Mario contemplates that for all they know, there could be 5 new HM's living in a secret part of the house.
Apparently the crowd noise was played into the house for much longer than usual for Sunshine's eviction. If Mario had to hazard a guess it would be because new HM's were put in a secret room and they won't see them for another week. And that it wouldn't just be 3 it would be 4 or 5! Corin comes bearing pizza now clad in her Corinised army clobber. I hear Johnny boy which means JJJ are out of the Diary room (after about 20 or so minutes) and then we see him in the kitchen.
He is in a veryyyyyyyyyy jolly mood, jumping down and springing up like a jack-in-the-box going cuckoo for the camera!! :D On his way out to the garden, he passes by Shabster and gruffly calls 'Shabadabadoo!' (SC) Ife informs Ben that Jade came fourth in series 3 but was cheered like she won. She believes what kept her in til the final was how close she got with PJ and they'd got a bit freaky but the next morning he'd cussed her (been cruel and acted like it had never happened), which made the nation feel sorry for her.
John goes into the nest and pulls his beanie off Ife's head and positions it on his own. Ife wishes BB had given her hat back as it's really cute! John thinks it looks good on Ife, she says she has a similar one but it's not as nice as his one. Ben and Dave are in a steamy cinch with Ben on top.. that WAS awkward! Dave pats his back in understanding that Ben's not a team player.
Ben feels the need to tell Johnny that he's not wearing underpants.
JOHN: Aren't ya? Are you really not? Show me! (I crap you not Mr Duncan pulls out his .. anaconda .. kinda - for John's personal viewing) He got his pubes out!!!!!
And with that the flasher is off to bed after giving John a kiss on either cheek. John's body visibly tenses as he wants Ben and his ballbag to stay the hell away from him :P They follow him out of the hut, like rats after the Pied Piper. Caoimhe has been called to the Diary room.
Under the carousel, Josie is sitting between John's legs and he puts his arms around her face - before lowering them to cup underneath her chin. She tells Ben that no matter how much of a liar he is he'll always be her number 1 'no.. number um.. five!'
BEN: Number 2 after him! (referring to John then it lighbulb goes off) Number 5?!!! (she says joke but he is sincerely ticked) Who the f**k are the other 4?!!!
John laughs loudly and cuddles up closer to Josie, giving her a little kiss on her hat. Aw he's the cutest! He is tickled that 'Govan's still in there!' You'll always be my number 5!!' Jose cracks up watching Ben skip to the bedroom.
Corin caterwauls to Jerry (Ben) and exclaims her love for him and how he makes her laugh. Bitchy though he could be and do-lally certainly - he also made me laugh very much in the house.
JOSIE: And me.. and me! After what he done the other night, I've got so much respect for him.. so much respect for him. He wasn't funny until he mentioned the vegan thing and then I wet myself! I didn't understand any ..
John makes fun of her not understanding anything else (emulates wind going over her head) 'whoosh! The lightbulb was not on.'
Our John is looking very fetching in the new leather jacket he is sporting and he's being openly affectionate to Josie. She's rubbing his trouser legs and tells John that they are the perfect material 'did you know? Did you know about that?'
JOHN: No, I didn't actually (has a feelski) oh yeah yeah.. (SC and John walks away) You're about.. you're about to see a show! (fiddling with his flies)
Something that Dave has been throwing around has got stuck on the roof, he and John try to formulate a plan to get it down. John tugs at foliage attached to the wall and gauges that it is strong enough to hold him. (SC) Dave elects himself to give John a boost up onto there but John stands back to survey it all.
Steve suspects that BB will say to get down! In the background, Josie is filling someone (Corin?) in on their funny Diary room entry and how she'd been showing John up. Spiderman starts scaling the wall like Jack on his beanstalk, the cameras close in and zoom onto his face. He gives a cheeky thumbs up before raising himself higher.
John loosing his footing, slips but luckily is not injured or hurt (to Dave) 'alright, so with you I do not trust boosts!' Steve urges him to get down as he's miles away but Dave lifts him onto his shoulders. He doesn't have a hope in hell of BB allowing him to ascend the building; John assesses 'there's no way' and comes down. But then changes his mind and wants to be raised onto Dave's shoulders again.
Mario comes out to make them aware that BB had announced (inside the house) for him to get down immediately.
JOHN: Did he really? We want our ball back!
Steve bets somebody will chuck it down for them and Corin declares she can get the socks from up there! Dave asks how and she says for them to let her have a think about it and she'll get them. 'All we need is a ladder!' This entertains John no end but he could get up there anyway but BB bans them from doing so.
Defiant Dave disobeys and drags the mangle across the lawn, not listening to BB. Corin calls that he will fall and she's getting a bit worried. BB reminds HM's that they are not permitted to climb, Josie thinks she has a nice voice.
JOSIE: I wonder if you can only be part of the production, if you've got a nice voice!
Ife has literally attached herself to Mario like a limpet as he gives her a piggy back ride. She has to hold onto her hat as he dizzily spins, which feels like a roller coaster to Ife! Whiff wants to give Mario a piggy back now but he doubts she can carry him. She is irked that people underestimate her strength as she could carry Dave, so he hops on and manages to whirl him around with relative ease.
Josie points out her unusual big toe to Ife before she begins to paint her toenails. (SC) John was thinking how good the Clooney hairstyle is and tomorrow may put a bit of wax in it 'it'll be real sweet!' More SC's ensue as Mario shows Dave how he'd have to do a run and jump in order to reclaim the ball.
Dave expects that BB will want him in the Diary room for climbing on things! (he'd also attempted to mount the nest) *Sigh* as cheesy dancing ensues.. you can watch the clip or look at the pics to decide whether that's a good sigh or a bad one :D I love their little dance offs, Josie busts some dodgy moves to display to John how he dances.
JOHN: (the only thing that could have made this hotter was if he had any rhythm) No I don't. I give a bit of an Elvis! (wriggles his hips)
JOSIE: This is you John James! (shaking that ass flailing her arms in the air)
JOHN: Well sorryyyy if there's no thumbs up with the jacket! (proceeds to cut a rug with that very patented Gibson dance step)
The sound is cut as he hunches his back and boogies like a Bristolian; Josie joins in showing him her swagger. Oh yeahhhhh they got the moves like JJJagger they got the mooooo-oooooh-ooooooh-oooooh-moves like JJJAGGER! :) I like their weird wallypop-ness, it pleaseth me mucheth. More of an extensive sound cut as they sit down side by side on the bench.
John loosely takes Josie's hand and she pulls away but keeps her arm linked with his, as he leans against her leg. Whiffy is wigged out that her wig gets so hot! Where Josie hasn't washed her hair in so long it is starting to get itchy, so is Caoimhe's. John doesn't think there's anything to do so may as well go to bed but shows no signs of leaving Josie.
Steve spreads the word that the bathroom stinks, but Josie and John laugh that it is because of people having a crap not their clothes! Josie adorably lays her head on John's shoulder, closes her eyes and sucks her thumb. It is only brief because she then has to chuckle at Ife who had been boiling their bikini instead of just rinsing it.
JOSIE: (Ife shows them the difference of colour inside) But Ife, why did you boil a bikini?
She thought it would get rid of all the dirt; John asks 'what did it turn it white?' It had originally been orange with blue polka dots but has now lost all the colour and is white with blue spots. Ife doesn't even know the word to describe Mario for trying to indicate she has crabs, when she's in the middle of an emotional breakdown!
IFE: No one will understand how I woke up and found I had scabby skin!
Josie answers that she will because of the scabby moustache she had gotten and had to keep her hoody up.
JOHN: (instigates this perverse conversation) Oi Mario, cos I know you're not scared of a story.. how many others guys have you done that to?
MARIO: (is this his one shining moment?) What let them come on my face? Pretty much all of them.
JOHN: Really?! And they're all into that? That's like a full porno! Have you ever had that happen, Jose? (not quite the question to ask your next future sexual partner live on television!!)
JOSIE: (giggles and ruffles her own hair) No.. I haven't got skin like this for nothing, yo!
JOHN: Have ya, have ya? (she replies 'no not at all')
A pointless cut to the kitchen where Shabby and Caoimhe are jamming with Corin as their audience. Mario educates John that a lot of gay men like that which astounds Ife as it is so filthy! (SC) Ife tips that if men eat pineapple it tastes better but John couldn't have that done to him. Mario crudely categorises the many filthy flavours of semen - that with smoking men it is bitter and tends to be sweeter with non-smokers. 'Not that I'm a semen connoisseur!'
Both John and Steve wince as they try to banish the mental images from the evening's sex education class. Ife winks that now Steve knows his wife likes him better now he doesn't smoke! (SC) John thinks Ife has put herself in jeopardy talking about the old come job on her face. She's not had it on the face but has had a pearl necklace, which she indicates with a finger to her chest. (SC)
In the kitchen, Corin enthuse that Shabby could sing on the radio as her voice is mint! (SC) Back to the bench where Mario revels in his own impropriety and everyone wishes he wouldn't be graphic.
JOHN: (doesn't want Mario to say it again in ENGLISH) Oh, no wayyyy! I've never even heard of that!!!
He confirms with Mario if he's done (something depraved) to someone or had it done to him (SC - maybe the only time I've been grateful for one when John and Josie are on screen) The kitchen chicas are also SC greatly too because they keep singing. John is groaning queasily at the sordid spawn that is Mario 'argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f**king hell, Mario - f**k!!'
Mario embargoes talking about this stuff now as it is inappropriate conversation. John knows that Mars loves talking about that sh*t which is why he asked 'cos I know you've got a sick sense of humour!' He may have know and have done many things but Mario doesn't do them anymore because he's been celibate for months.
JOSIE: So have I.. (John the admiring male, turns around so fast he could have gotten serious whiplash injuries.. and totally ignores Mario's statement) I haven't had sex for about .. 8 months..
JOHN: (muchus sexy in his state of surprise) Haven't you really?? WHY?!!!!!!!
Josie just can't be bothered, Mario wants the limelight back so captures Josie's attention that he hasn't had proper sex for 6 months. He isn't really met with a response because John is devouring her captivation.
JOHN: (gets a little foxier) F**k, you'll be going off once you get outta here!! There'll be blokes lining up!!!!
Did he know he'd be first in the queue for the chance to do the horizontal cha cha with her? :D Josie rubbishes this and tells John that when she's with someone that she's comfortable with she's not shy at all but otherwise she's really shy.
JOHN: What sex-wise?
Josie mm's that she has to be really comfortable with them. Mario again lowers the tone with his interjections 'What for the backdoor shenanigans? The anal intrusion!! In lockdown, she said she loved it!!' (If I was some judgmental chick EW would be something I would say!!) John eyes her inquisitively to appraise her reaction.
"I love that bit Mario: 'I haven't had sex for 6 months' Josie: 'nor have I' Johns head swung around to her quicker than lightening 'WHAT?' he was literally gagging for it that night! Notice how John is constantly checking Josies facial expressions? just every 20-30 seconds he checks how she is feeling." (Muddy)
JOSIE: (recalls no such unspeakable incidents) No, I didn't Mario! Can you stop lying? Saying I did this, that and the other when I never!
John then changes the subject as though that conversation never happened - to BEN and how he'd had it pretty easy today, considering. Mario thinks it may not be over and could continue the next day. If the breakfast had landed on John's head, he'd have been well f**ked off!!
JOHN: Poor Jose is gonna have to bleach it and get all the stains out and that! I wouldn't be.. I wouldn't be having that!! (chuckles and covers his face)
John's never seen anyone as happy as Corin before in his life ever! Even when they've got no food 'Oh I'm buzzin' me!!' and they have to get up (makes the morning alarm sounds) 'Oh I'm lovin' it, me!!'
JOHN: Everything! It doesn't matter what it is - buzzin' or lovin' it!
Josie sticks up for the big shimmering ball of positive energy that is Corin - as people who have had it really hard are normally like that. John asks 'has she had it that hard, has she?' (SC) John feels it is a good trait to have and Josie explains that Corin goes back to bad times (when she feels low) and thinks it can never be that bad.
John believes that Corin is like Mars in the sense that she's wanted this (to be on BB) for a long, long time. Josie feels really guilty when she hears that (probably because she got in on her first try and only went to the auditions to support a friend!) Mario would put up with any task or punishment BB throw at him and never think about walking - even if they wanted him to shave his head. (SC) He will see it through to the bitter end, to the day he is evicted.
Josie asks Mario what he means by 'worked? You got lucky, you didn't work!' Mario had got to his Saturday audition at about 8am and only had about 1000 people in front of him.
JOHN: I was number 53.
This surprises Josie and Mario, he confirms this was to get his stamp and sticker. (SC) Josie had a hangover and wasn't even going to go and her friend Karla had been like 'shall we go?' Josie was thinking 'f**k this and then we both turned around and looked at each other and went "nah f**k it, we haven't got anything else to do!"
MARIO: And aren't you glad you did?
JOSIE: Yeah! I just went with the flow really.
Shockingly Mario is still not being lewd but is being unintentionally disregarded so is a complete ass hat, when they don't hear what he says. The J's turn a deaf ear to their friend parce que Josie is gawping at John with a smile.
JOHN: Bullsh*t! F**k!
Dave and Ben decide Steve should be on Parliament which allows them to return to their earlier lively debate - how Ben would fit in so well with the dodgy Politicians milking the system. (SC) BB again requests that a HM inform those in the garden that it is now out of bounds (due to it being a residential area) Ben had no idea that houses were the other side. He plots with Steve 'how can we get the monk to go to bed?' (SC)
BEN: (Josie must walk past) There's Pam Ferris again!
John runs and dives on top of Ben and says how they'd been singing some song from f**kin All Saints or something. Dave spanks John's bum a couple of times!! John doesn't think they were that loud really but Steve - the stickler for the rules from the army points out about the houses being so close. Dave teases that the Baron gets passionate when it affects his belly!
BEN: Is the Baron a parish councillor?
In the lounge, Corin labels the strawberry jam as 'fit!' During the ad break, Ben asks Steve and Dave if anything will happen with 'Croc Dundee and Josie?' They don't think so.
Ben: She fancies him, but he sees her as a mother figure.
Ben feels the need to tell Johnny that he's not wearing underpants.
JOHN: Aren't ya? Are you really not? Show me! (I crap you not Mr Duncan pulls out his .. anaconda .. kinda - for John's personal viewing) He got his pubes out!!!!!
And with that the flasher is off to bed after giving John a kiss on either cheek. John's body visibly tenses as he wants Ben and his ballbag to stay the hell away from him :P They follow him out of the hut, like rats after the Pied Piper. Caoimhe has been called to the Diary room.
Under the carousel, Josie is sitting between John's legs and he puts his arms around her face - before lowering them to cup underneath her chin. She tells Ben that no matter how much of a liar he is he'll always be her number 1 'no.. number um.. five!'
BEN: Number 2 after him! (referring to John then it lighbulb goes off) Number 5?!!! (she says joke but he is sincerely ticked) Who the f**k are the other 4?!!!
John laughs loudly and cuddles up closer to Josie, giving her a little kiss on her hat. Aw he's the cutest! He is tickled that 'Govan's still in there!' You'll always be my number 5!!' Jose cracks up watching Ben skip to the bedroom.
Corin caterwauls to Jerry (Ben) and exclaims her love for him and how he makes her laugh. Bitchy though he could be and do-lally certainly - he also made me laugh very much in the house.
JOSIE: And me.. and me! After what he done the other night, I've got so much respect for him.. so much respect for him. He wasn't funny until he mentioned the vegan thing and then I wet myself! I didn't understand any ..
John makes fun of her not understanding anything else (emulates wind going over her head) 'whoosh! The lightbulb was not on.'
Our John is looking very fetching in the new leather jacket he is sporting and he's being openly affectionate to Josie. She's rubbing his trouser legs and tells John that they are the perfect material 'did you know? Did you know about that?'
JOHN: No, I didn't actually (has a feelski) oh yeah yeah.. (SC and John walks away) You're about.. you're about to see a show! (fiddling with his flies)
Something that Dave has been throwing around has got stuck on the roof, he and John try to formulate a plan to get it down. John tugs at foliage attached to the wall and gauges that it is strong enough to hold him. (SC) Dave elects himself to give John a boost up onto there but John stands back to survey it all.
Steve suspects that BB will say to get down! In the background, Josie is filling someone (Corin?) in on their funny Diary room entry and how she'd been showing John up. Spiderman starts scaling the wall like Jack on his beanstalk, the cameras close in and zoom onto his face. He gives a cheeky thumbs up before raising himself higher.
John loosing his footing, slips but luckily is not injured or hurt (to Dave) 'alright, so with you I do not trust boosts!' Steve urges him to get down as he's miles away but Dave lifts him onto his shoulders. He doesn't have a hope in hell of BB allowing him to ascend the building; John assesses 'there's no way' and comes down. But then changes his mind and wants to be raised onto Dave's shoulders again.
Mario comes out to make them aware that BB had announced (inside the house) for him to get down immediately.
JOHN: Did he really? We want our ball back!
Steve bets somebody will chuck it down for them and Corin declares she can get the socks from up there! Dave asks how and she says for them to let her have a think about it and she'll get them. 'All we need is a ladder!' This entertains John no end but he could get up there anyway but BB bans them from doing so.
Defiant Dave disobeys and drags the mangle across the lawn, not listening to BB. Corin calls that he will fall and she's getting a bit worried. BB reminds HM's that they are not permitted to climb, Josie thinks she has a nice voice.
JOSIE: I wonder if you can only be part of the production, if you've got a nice voice!
Ife has literally attached herself to Mario like a limpet as he gives her a piggy back ride. She has to hold onto her hat as he dizzily spins, which feels like a roller coaster to Ife! Whiff wants to give Mario a piggy back now but he doubts she can carry him. She is irked that people underestimate her strength as she could carry Dave, so he hops on and manages to whirl him around with relative ease.
Josie points out her unusual big toe to Ife before she begins to paint her toenails. (SC) John was thinking how good the Clooney hairstyle is and tomorrow may put a bit of wax in it 'it'll be real sweet!' More SC's ensue as Mario shows Dave how he'd have to do a run and jump in order to reclaim the ball.
Dave expects that BB will want him in the Diary room for climbing on things! (he'd also attempted to mount the nest) *Sigh* as cheesy dancing ensues.. you can watch the clip or look at the pics to decide whether that's a good sigh or a bad one :D I love their little dance offs, Josie busts some dodgy moves to display to John how he dances.
JOHN: (the only thing that could have made this hotter was if he had any rhythm) No I don't. I give a bit of an Elvis! (wriggles his hips)
JOSIE: This is you John James! (shaking that ass flailing her arms in the air)
JOHN: Well sorryyyy if there's no thumbs up with the jacket! (proceeds to cut a rug with that very patented Gibson dance step)
The sound is cut as he hunches his back and boogies like a Bristolian; Josie joins in showing him her swagger. Oh yeahhhhh they got the moves like JJJagger they got the mooooo-oooooh-ooooooh-oooooh-moves like JJJAGGER! :) I like their weird wallypop-ness, it pleaseth me mucheth. More of an extensive sound cut as they sit down side by side on the bench.
John loosely takes Josie's hand and she pulls away but keeps her arm linked with his, as he leans against her leg. Whiffy is wigged out that her wig gets so hot! Where Josie hasn't washed her hair in so long it is starting to get itchy, so is Caoimhe's. John doesn't think there's anything to do so may as well go to bed but shows no signs of leaving Josie.
Steve spreads the word that the bathroom stinks, but Josie and John laugh that it is because of people having a crap not their clothes! Josie adorably lays her head on John's shoulder, closes her eyes and sucks her thumb. It is only brief because she then has to chuckle at Ife who had been boiling their bikini instead of just rinsing it.
JOSIE: (Ife shows them the difference of colour inside) But Ife, why did you boil a bikini?
She thought it would get rid of all the dirt; John asks 'what did it turn it white?' It had originally been orange with blue polka dots but has now lost all the colour and is white with blue spots. Ife doesn't even know the word to describe Mario for trying to indicate she has crabs, when she's in the middle of an emotional breakdown!
IFE: No one will understand how I woke up and found I had scabby skin!
Josie answers that she will because of the scabby moustache she had gotten and had to keep her hoody up.
JOHN: (instigates this perverse conversation) Oi Mario, cos I know you're not scared of a story.. how many others guys have you done that to?
MARIO: (is this his one shining moment?) What let them come on my face? Pretty much all of them.
JOHN: Really?! And they're all into that? That's like a full porno! Have you ever had that happen, Jose? (not quite the question to ask your next future sexual partner live on television!!)
JOSIE: (giggles and ruffles her own hair) No.. I haven't got skin like this for nothing, yo!
JOHN: Have ya, have ya? (she replies 'no not at all')
A pointless cut to the kitchen where Shabby and Caoimhe are jamming with Corin as their audience. Mario educates John that a lot of gay men like that which astounds Ife as it is so filthy! (SC) Ife tips that if men eat pineapple it tastes better but John couldn't have that done to him. Mario crudely categorises the many filthy flavours of semen - that with smoking men it is bitter and tends to be sweeter with non-smokers. 'Not that I'm a semen connoisseur!'
Both John and Steve wince as they try to banish the mental images from the evening's sex education class. Ife winks that now Steve knows his wife likes him better now he doesn't smoke! (SC) John thinks Ife has put herself in jeopardy talking about the old come job on her face. She's not had it on the face but has had a pearl necklace, which she indicates with a finger to her chest. (SC)
In the kitchen, Corin enthuse that Shabby could sing on the radio as her voice is mint! (SC) Back to the bench where Mario revels in his own impropriety and everyone wishes he wouldn't be graphic.
JOHN: (doesn't want Mario to say it again in ENGLISH) Oh, no wayyyy! I've never even heard of that!!!
He confirms with Mario if he's done (something depraved) to someone or had it done to him (SC - maybe the only time I've been grateful for one when John and Josie are on screen) The kitchen chicas are also SC greatly too because they keep singing. John is groaning queasily at the sordid spawn that is Mario 'argghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh f**king hell, Mario - f**k!!'
Mario embargoes talking about this stuff now as it is inappropriate conversation. John knows that Mars loves talking about that sh*t which is why he asked 'cos I know you've got a sick sense of humour!' He may have know and have done many things but Mario doesn't do them anymore because he's been celibate for months.
JOSIE: So have I.. (John the admiring male, turns around so fast he could have gotten serious whiplash injuries.. and totally ignores Mario's statement) I haven't had sex for about .. 8 months..
JOHN: (muchus sexy in his state of surprise) Haven't you really?? WHY?!!!!!!!
Josie just can't be bothered, Mario wants the limelight back so captures Josie's attention that he hasn't had proper sex for 6 months. He isn't really met with a response because John is devouring her captivation.
JOHN: (gets a little foxier) F**k, you'll be going off once you get outta here!! There'll be blokes lining up!!!!
Did he know he'd be first in the queue for the chance to do the horizontal cha cha with her? :D Josie rubbishes this and tells John that when she's with someone that she's comfortable with she's not shy at all but otherwise she's really shy.
JOHN: What sex-wise?
Josie mm's that she has to be really comfortable with them. Mario again lowers the tone with his interjections 'What for the backdoor shenanigans? The anal intrusion!! In lockdown, she said she loved it!!' (If I was some judgmental chick EW would be something I would say!!) John eyes her inquisitively to appraise her reaction.
"I love that bit Mario: 'I haven't had sex for 6 months' Josie: 'nor have I' Johns head swung around to her quicker than lightening 'WHAT?' he was literally gagging for it that night! Notice how John is constantly checking Josies facial expressions? just every 20-30 seconds he checks how she is feeling." (Muddy)
JOSIE: (recalls no such unspeakable incidents) No, I didn't Mario! Can you stop lying? Saying I did this, that and the other when I never!
John then changes the subject as though that conversation never happened - to BEN and how he'd had it pretty easy today, considering. Mario thinks it may not be over and could continue the next day. If the breakfast had landed on John's head, he'd have been well f**ked off!!
JOHN: Poor Jose is gonna have to bleach it and get all the stains out and that! I wouldn't be.. I wouldn't be having that!! (chuckles and covers his face)
John's never seen anyone as happy as Corin before in his life ever! Even when they've got no food 'Oh I'm buzzin' me!!' and they have to get up (makes the morning alarm sounds) 'Oh I'm lovin' it, me!!'
JOHN: Everything! It doesn't matter what it is - buzzin' or lovin' it!
Josie sticks up for the big shimmering ball of positive energy that is Corin - as people who have had it really hard are normally like that. John asks 'has she had it that hard, has she?' (SC) John feels it is a good trait to have and Josie explains that Corin goes back to bad times (when she feels low) and thinks it can never be that bad.
John believes that Corin is like Mars in the sense that she's wanted this (to be on BB) for a long, long time. Josie feels really guilty when she hears that (probably because she got in on her first try and only went to the auditions to support a friend!) Mario would put up with any task or punishment BB throw at him and never think about walking - even if they wanted him to shave his head. (SC) He will see it through to the bitter end, to the day he is evicted.
Josie asks Mario what he means by 'worked? You got lucky, you didn't work!' Mario had got to his Saturday audition at about 8am and only had about 1000 people in front of him.
JOHN: I was number 53.
This surprises Josie and Mario, he confirms this was to get his stamp and sticker. (SC) Josie had a hangover and wasn't even going to go and her friend Karla had been like 'shall we go?' Josie was thinking 'f**k this and then we both turned around and looked at each other and went "nah f**k it, we haven't got anything else to do!"
MARIO: And aren't you glad you did?
JOSIE: Yeah! I just went with the flow really.
Shockingly Mario is still not being lewd but is being unintentionally disregarded so is a complete ass hat, when they don't hear what he says. The J's turn a deaf ear to their friend parce que Josie is gawping at John with a smile.
in a way that deeply offends Mario)What
now? What you gonna tell me is wrong now?
(focuses back on Mario) Sorry
nah she f**king.. sorry Mario she looks at me like that all the
f**king time, it's annoying! Yeah, go. (She
asks what he means) He's
trying to tell a f**king story and you're looking at me like I've got
a massive boomer of a boogie
f**king some f**king hair coming out of a freckle.. yeah anyway go
Mario.. sorry..
Mario replies never mind but John tells him that he wanted to hear obviously and recaps what he had heard. Josie says she didn't do anything and John snaps for her to let Mario tell the f**king story. Mario relents that he didn't even get a stamp when they were in groups of 10, telling their story. Josie has walked away while Mario finally gets to tell his tale. His friends wanted to go home but he was undeterred and re-joined the enormous queues at lunchtime and queued for another 8 hours to be seen again and then got through.
JOHN: Bullsh*t! F**k!
from Australia didn't even think you could go back a second time and
doesn't know if he would have. Dave and Ben are cuddled up in Ben's
single bed bantering about ordering a Domino's pizza through Steve's
leg. Back at the bench, Josie calls John a peanut head and John
laughs back 'it's just cos your head's like Shrek's, I've already
told you that!' Supposedly on Mario's second (in the same day)
try out, he was the only one they spoke to in that group and only he
scored the stamp.
It makes Josie feel a bit special to know they are here out of all the thousands of people. John agrees 'when I hear stories like that, definitely' he'd been f**king jetlagged on his. In the bedroom Ben is boring Dave about an MP he'd met from Newport; the HM's sing in the garden. (Long SC's)
Ben is very tired and wants their chat to draw to a close but Dave has other ideas believing Ben to be boring going to bed at 2am! They laugh that today Dave's popularity has soared as he got their suitcases back and was the one to suffer the Tree's wrath, more than Ben. BB asks for a HM to go to the garden and get the HM's to keep the noise to a minimum. Dave does the honours to shush the singing HM's! (SC)Dave and Ben decide Steve should be on Parliament which allows them to return to their earlier lively debate - how Ben would fit in so well with the dodgy Politicians milking the system. (SC) BB again requests that a HM inform those in the garden that it is now out of bounds (due to it being a residential area) Ben had no idea that houses were the other side. He plots with Steve 'how can we get the monk to go to bed?' (SC)
BEN: (Josie must walk past) There's Pam Ferris again!
John runs and dives on top of Ben and says how they'd been singing some song from f**kin All Saints or something. Dave spanks John's bum a couple of times!! John doesn't think they were that loud really but Steve - the stickler for the rules from the army points out about the houses being so close. Dave teases that the Baron gets passionate when it affects his belly!
BEN: Is the Baron a parish councillor?
In the lounge, Corin labels the strawberry jam as 'fit!' During the ad break, Ben asks Steve and Dave if anything will happen with 'Croc Dundee and Josie?' They don't think so.
Ben: She fancies him, but he sees her as a mother figure.
Ben: She has big breasts!!
Sadly there is an HOUR missing between this and Dave's chat with Shabby - so here are a few gaps filled in from JJJAT.
2.05am, LOL John takes down his trousers to change for bed, Josie looses the power of speech. how giddy did she get then when he was putting his shorts on?! lol "Erm, Erm, what's that?!"
2.07am, John topless alert - is he hanging around to see if he gets an invite to her bed LOL at Jose rubbing her breasts when asking John about the exfoliating glove in the closet.
2.14am, John and Josie in BR discussing which part of her body has been scrubbed. "Have you had your wash? Did you get your ginie out?!"
2.21am, Awww....he said...'love you Jose' again
2.24am, JOSIE: I'd be able to sleep quicker if the room didn't smell as though someone's just taken a massive s**t.
“I think he has a lot to learn about intimacy say compared to sex.” (Reddress JJJAT)
“John now knows that Josie has to really trust and feel secure before she has a relationship, so will take his cues from her as he has been doing. Josie is telling him more and more personal stuff which is giving him an insight into how Josie ticks. As he said yesterday he will only get in her bed to sleep when she invites him. With these two slow and steady wins the race. They have a bond already and now each just have to feel comfortable and secure enough to take the next step, they are not looking at it as a fling they have their emotions already invested in this.” (Melhock JJJAT)
“Or he's just to scared of embarrassing himself cause he thinks he might not be able to control himself if he's in bed with her. Maybe he wants to keep the slow burner going til he's out the house, but he's gotta be careful or Josie might give up and ultimately feel like an unwanted woman.” (Sofette JJJAT)
BACK TO E4 FEED, Dave joins Shabby who is cleaning the dirty bathroom, she asks why he is still up. A high as a kite Dave accounts that he's on every buzz going - sugar, coffee and maybe nicotine too even though he doesn't smoke. He asks if there's been any voices from the chest of drawers but there's been nothing, they are ready for a task and won't f**k it up!
Shabby wonders how they select who the Tree will speak to; Dave doesn't think Ben's initial task was even hard. Shabarama wouldn't have even noticed if Ben had used words like 'innit' as some people use those words and she wouldn't put anything past Ben. She concurs with Ben that everyone should have personal boundaries but it's not like a arm wrestling competition would have hurt anyone.
Dave reasons that Ben can't back out of everything; Shabby doesn't get that Ben is in Big Brother yet wants no part in the BB experience. She is chained to the bathroom sink, cleaning because she's bugging out a bit and can't sleep. Shabby feels it necessary to take on this role as she flat out refuses to do any washing up as she detests it; the sight of crusty pots and pans stacked up, gives her nightmares!
They believe they will be the standard two up for eviction on Monday which would be their 4th week in a row. Shabby is honest with Dave that it's getting to her a little bit. Dave takes a defeatist attitude not knowing if he'll try to win, as there's only so many times you can shovel yourself out of the crap!
Shabby analyses that no matter who they pick someone would get p*ssed off but say they're fine until they or their friend is chosen. Dave is glad Caoimhe didn't go as he didn't want her blood on his hands after Rachael went. Shabby asks why they keep getting picked and are the least popular HM's. Dave doesn't feel he's fitting in with some people and a lot of it is to do with really missing his family. (ad break)
Sunshine is missed by them both and they ponder the possibility of them being easy targets for nominations as the HM's will use the same excuses week after week. Shabster feels she'll get even more this week as she doesn't even feel close to anyone now; she can tell even Caoimhe is starting to get p*ssed off with her lack involvement.
SHABBY: I just don't care enough.
In a way, she wishes it was her who'd gone yesterday because she's desperately trying to enjoy this but everyone's getting on her t*ts! They are enclosed with a group of people that naturally they wouldn't bond with in a confined space. Dave's difficulty is being away from his family because his whole life is based around his wife and kids and has been for 18 years. He doesn't even feel he's adjusted to the continual daily battle of being there. Cut to a shot of Josie, Ife and Caoimhe all sleeping in her bed.
Dave holds back sometimes as he can feel people trying to get his opinion out when he's not there to dish out his beliefs - he's there to love! Shabby is half massively offended at being nominated as she can't help but feel some who are 'close' to her are doing so too. She has been quite true and honest with her nominations and doesn't think others are.
Shabby knows Dave understands how she has struggled since the start over missing her LIFE! She wants the thoughts that have been forming in her head to stay between him and her - but she doesn't even feel now that she can trust those she thought she could in there. The cool group make her feel like the loser kid who is quite funny but can't really be arsed with. Dave knows that John thinks a lot of Shabby and said to him that he relates to her and is glad she's still there and sees a lot of himself in her.
DAVE: For John to say that is a massive thing cos he's got major trust issues. He's got all his personally stuff he's dealing with.
Shabby loves John and people like him are really growing on her. She sat with Caoimhe earlier and had absolutely nothing to say to her! Dave tries to rationalise how in lockdown she kept on about how love she was with her boyfriend and now maybe regrets some of her actions in the house. Shabs feels slightly pushed away by Caoimhe which she feels could be down to Keevil realising how their friendship relationship could be portrayed, to put them both in a bad light.
She's not going to beg Caoimhe to be her friend because she doesn't need any and is happy to hang out in the bathroom. Dave thinks that 90% of the people may have felt like walking out due to some lows in the house even if they've not verbalised that. Even Steve would have walked if the chickpea food had continued as he couldn't handle it. Dave has been to some crazy places but has never experienced the intensity of that house!
Shabby is questioning WHY she is even there as she didn't come to win or with a message. She feels like her time is going downhill and feels lonely. Dave's had days where he'd have been knackered if Ben wasn't kicking around because he has felt like people are against him, whispering and talking. He doesn't want to become paranoid but the reality is that those people don't connect with him.
It's not nice for him to think of his family who DO love him, outside grieving and hearing what is said about him. Shabby agrees that it must be horrible for the people who love them as she guarantees they'll all have been bitched about by somebody and it will be shown. She knows she's given people reason to b*tch about her, but she's a nice person! What annoys her is that some get p*ssy with her for kicking off when she's one of the fairest people in there.
SHABBY: I don't join in with gang mentality. I don't pick on somebody with the rest of the group and I've seen it happen loads of times here.
Outside at the smoking area with Josie, Ife, Caoimhe etc. Shabby had felt like Josie had blatantly ignored her when she'd responded to a question Josie asked. Then it felt like the circle had closed and there had been nowhere for her to sit so she stood alone to smoke. Dave knows it is awful but the producers want to see these groups forming. Shabby knows that the key to survival is to be in the core group but she won't sweat her b*llocks off to be liked!
She doesn't want to blow her own horn but outside she's one of the outgoing, gregarious leaders but in there feels like an absolute loser! Dave has 50 really close friends and ministers to thousands of people who look to him for support and guidance but in there feels the same as Shabby. (ad break) Dave feels that some of the stuff that goes on comes from a place of malice; Shabby wants to believe that these people aren't really like that in their day-to-day lives.
Shabby doesn't like it and feels really dodgy and has had a crap week and would have left when she asked if BB let her! But they'd told her to go and speak to John as he's been through it before and he'd told her she'd regret it.. but she doesn't know if she will. Dave really believes that Shabby has a following outside and if she leaves it will be sad for them but she has to do what's right for her.
Dave knows the public will be disappointed if she leaves as she's been cheered. She just doesn't want to spend her days there knocking about in the bathroom and doesn't enjoy talking to people now. Her relationships with friends has changed as she's starting to see a group mentality with them that she doesn't like or agree with.
SHABBY: It's like the 'in crowd' at school and I want no part of that!
Her friends on the outside aren't like that they are a bunch of misfits; this is why nearer the end she stuck up for Sunshine and understood her not fitting the mould. She feels like the others could have been more understanding of who Sunshine was. Shabby feels that Sunshine has got to be given her dues for maintaining who she was the entire time whether people hated her or not. She respects that and is surprised they weren't better friends and has kind of grieved her not being there.
Shabby has not really enjoyed being there since Govan left 'maybe I'm just an ungrateful mare!' She wants to be outside and see the sky (but the garden is still locked) and is saddened by Dave's discovery that the girls are in Josie's bed whispering and goofing around. Shabby is sure that Caoimhe will stay in there and 'have a great old time!' she misses who she thought they were. She desperately wants to play guitar, do something creative and put pen to paper.
When the girls want to be supportive they are but most of the time can't be arsed with her. She doesn't want to sleep in the bedroom and wishes they were allowed to sleep in other places. Dave empathises with Shabby feeling pushed out; she doesn't feel she can rebuild those friendships as she views them in another light now. Dave knows what she means.
Dave deliberates that maybe Shabby is going through these motions because she's getting ready to leave. Whereas Sunshine had been so shocked and was totally freaking thinking she'd be there a few more weeks but Dave is ready to go every week. Shabby was uber prepared to leave on Friday and her heart sank when Sunshine's name was called. Sometimes it's tough for Dave to just get through a day and needs to get drunk on the spirit just to get through it.
Monk tries to give her words of encouragement that she would appeal to a lot of people and that what's been written in the press is working for her. He thinks the fact that Govan was evicted but was one of the most popular people in there - and they stayed, says something. It's encouraging to know that twice people have cared enough to vote to keep them there.
Shabby remembers how gutted everyone was when Govan left but when she was saved Friday she felt like nobody could have given 2 f**king sh*ts! She realises that half of that is down to her ostracising herself but cannot get involved with the bullsh*t as it makes her want to poke her own eyes out! She is tired of these people and wants to see her best friend's face.
DAVE: How do you think I feel? I don't hang out with sinners.
But then has to listen to people sharing their worst sexual experiences live in front of millions. He doesn't even think that way or go down that road as he's in a new creation. The massive test for him is if he can be as comfortable around this as he is at home. So what he's saying is, if he can do it so can she as it's a much bigger challenge for him.
He doesn't feel he has anything in common with the HM's, so has to look at them through the eyes of the Lord and see that they were made in the image of God and are beautiful. His fellowship don't consist of anyone like those in the BB house which is one of the reasons Dave wanted to come in because it saddens him that some Christians can't be at ease around non-Christians. His group of people don't do this stuff.
Shabby doesn't think the HM's are open and swears that half of what comes out of their mouths is bullsh*t, said for the cameras.. to make them come over in a certain light or to achieve a goal. And she just doesn't think that way and it drives her up the wall! (ad break) Some of her history has made her who she is but some of her is just this way 'like it or lump it!' They both find that things change so much in there on an hourly basis sometimes.
Dave gives the example of Ben being the hero yesterday (with the stand up) and the baddie today with everyone ripping him for not doing the task. He feels that you can be Mrs Popularity then boom the next day everyone hates you! So he wouldn't worry about it.
She leaves to lay one and spin out in the dark, thanking Dave for the pep talk. Dave is left to crimp one out! Shabby goes to bed alone and Caoimhe-less (E4 feed finishes)
2.05am, LOL John takes down his trousers to change for bed, Josie looses the power of speech. how giddy did she get then when he was putting his shorts on?! lol "Erm, Erm, what's that?!"
2.07am, John topless alert - is he hanging around to see if he gets an invite to her bed LOL at Jose rubbing her breasts when asking John about the exfoliating glove in the closet.
2.14am, John and Josie in BR discussing which part of her body has been scrubbed. "Have you had your wash? Did you get your ginie out?!"
2.21am, Awww....he said...'love you Jose' again
2.24am, JOSIE: I'd be able to sleep quicker if the room didn't smell as though someone's just taken a massive s**t.
“I think he has a lot to learn about intimacy say compared to sex.” (Reddress JJJAT)
“John now knows that Josie has to really trust and feel secure before she has a relationship, so will take his cues from her as he has been doing. Josie is telling him more and more personal stuff which is giving him an insight into how Josie ticks. As he said yesterday he will only get in her bed to sleep when she invites him. With these two slow and steady wins the race. They have a bond already and now each just have to feel comfortable and secure enough to take the next step, they are not looking at it as a fling they have their emotions already invested in this.” (Melhock JJJAT)
“Or he's just to scared of embarrassing himself cause he thinks he might not be able to control himself if he's in bed with her. Maybe he wants to keep the slow burner going til he's out the house, but he's gotta be careful or Josie might give up and ultimately feel like an unwanted woman.” (Sofette JJJAT)
BACK TO E4 FEED, Dave joins Shabby who is cleaning the dirty bathroom, she asks why he is still up. A high as a kite Dave accounts that he's on every buzz going - sugar, coffee and maybe nicotine too even though he doesn't smoke. He asks if there's been any voices from the chest of drawers but there's been nothing, they are ready for a task and won't f**k it up!
Shabby wonders how they select who the Tree will speak to; Dave doesn't think Ben's initial task was even hard. Shabarama wouldn't have even noticed if Ben had used words like 'innit' as some people use those words and she wouldn't put anything past Ben. She concurs with Ben that everyone should have personal boundaries but it's not like a arm wrestling competition would have hurt anyone.
Dave reasons that Ben can't back out of everything; Shabby doesn't get that Ben is in Big Brother yet wants no part in the BB experience. She is chained to the bathroom sink, cleaning because she's bugging out a bit and can't sleep. Shabby feels it necessary to take on this role as she flat out refuses to do any washing up as she detests it; the sight of crusty pots and pans stacked up, gives her nightmares!
They believe they will be the standard two up for eviction on Monday which would be their 4th week in a row. Shabby is honest with Dave that it's getting to her a little bit. Dave takes a defeatist attitude not knowing if he'll try to win, as there's only so many times you can shovel yourself out of the crap!
Shabby analyses that no matter who they pick someone would get p*ssed off but say they're fine until they or their friend is chosen. Dave is glad Caoimhe didn't go as he didn't want her blood on his hands after Rachael went. Shabby asks why they keep getting picked and are the least popular HM's. Dave doesn't feel he's fitting in with some people and a lot of it is to do with really missing his family. (ad break)
Sunshine is missed by them both and they ponder the possibility of them being easy targets for nominations as the HM's will use the same excuses week after week. Shabster feels she'll get even more this week as she doesn't even feel close to anyone now; she can tell even Caoimhe is starting to get p*ssed off with her lack involvement.
SHABBY: I just don't care enough.
In a way, she wishes it was her who'd gone yesterday because she's desperately trying to enjoy this but everyone's getting on her t*ts! They are enclosed with a group of people that naturally they wouldn't bond with in a confined space. Dave's difficulty is being away from his family because his whole life is based around his wife and kids and has been for 18 years. He doesn't even feel he's adjusted to the continual daily battle of being there. Cut to a shot of Josie, Ife and Caoimhe all sleeping in her bed.
Dave holds back sometimes as he can feel people trying to get his opinion out when he's not there to dish out his beliefs - he's there to love! Shabby is half massively offended at being nominated as she can't help but feel some who are 'close' to her are doing so too. She has been quite true and honest with her nominations and doesn't think others are.
Shabby knows Dave understands how she has struggled since the start over missing her LIFE! She wants the thoughts that have been forming in her head to stay between him and her - but she doesn't even feel now that she can trust those she thought she could in there. The cool group make her feel like the loser kid who is quite funny but can't really be arsed with. Dave knows that John thinks a lot of Shabby and said to him that he relates to her and is glad she's still there and sees a lot of himself in her.
DAVE: For John to say that is a massive thing cos he's got major trust issues. He's got all his personally stuff he's dealing with.
Shabby loves John and people like him are really growing on her. She sat with Caoimhe earlier and had absolutely nothing to say to her! Dave tries to rationalise how in lockdown she kept on about how love she was with her boyfriend and now maybe regrets some of her actions in the house. Shabs feels slightly pushed away by Caoimhe which she feels could be down to Keevil realising how their friendship relationship could be portrayed, to put them both in a bad light.
She's not going to beg Caoimhe to be her friend because she doesn't need any and is happy to hang out in the bathroom. Dave thinks that 90% of the people may have felt like walking out due to some lows in the house even if they've not verbalised that. Even Steve would have walked if the chickpea food had continued as he couldn't handle it. Dave has been to some crazy places but has never experienced the intensity of that house!
Shabby is questioning WHY she is even there as she didn't come to win or with a message. She feels like her time is going downhill and feels lonely. Dave's had days where he'd have been knackered if Ben wasn't kicking around because he has felt like people are against him, whispering and talking. He doesn't want to become paranoid but the reality is that those people don't connect with him.
It's not nice for him to think of his family who DO love him, outside grieving and hearing what is said about him. Shabby agrees that it must be horrible for the people who love them as she guarantees they'll all have been bitched about by somebody and it will be shown. She knows she's given people reason to b*tch about her, but she's a nice person! What annoys her is that some get p*ssy with her for kicking off when she's one of the fairest people in there.
SHABBY: I don't join in with gang mentality. I don't pick on somebody with the rest of the group and I've seen it happen loads of times here.
Outside at the smoking area with Josie, Ife, Caoimhe etc. Shabby had felt like Josie had blatantly ignored her when she'd responded to a question Josie asked. Then it felt like the circle had closed and there had been nowhere for her to sit so she stood alone to smoke. Dave knows it is awful but the producers want to see these groups forming. Shabby knows that the key to survival is to be in the core group but she won't sweat her b*llocks off to be liked!
She doesn't want to blow her own horn but outside she's one of the outgoing, gregarious leaders but in there feels like an absolute loser! Dave has 50 really close friends and ministers to thousands of people who look to him for support and guidance but in there feels the same as Shabby. (ad break) Dave feels that some of the stuff that goes on comes from a place of malice; Shabby wants to believe that these people aren't really like that in their day-to-day lives.
Shabby doesn't like it and feels really dodgy and has had a crap week and would have left when she asked if BB let her! But they'd told her to go and speak to John as he's been through it before and he'd told her she'd regret it.. but she doesn't know if she will. Dave really believes that Shabby has a following outside and if she leaves it will be sad for them but she has to do what's right for her.
Dave knows the public will be disappointed if she leaves as she's been cheered. She just doesn't want to spend her days there knocking about in the bathroom and doesn't enjoy talking to people now. Her relationships with friends has changed as she's starting to see a group mentality with them that she doesn't like or agree with.
SHABBY: It's like the 'in crowd' at school and I want no part of that!
Her friends on the outside aren't like that they are a bunch of misfits; this is why nearer the end she stuck up for Sunshine and understood her not fitting the mould. She feels like the others could have been more understanding of who Sunshine was. Shabby feels that Sunshine has got to be given her dues for maintaining who she was the entire time whether people hated her or not. She respects that and is surprised they weren't better friends and has kind of grieved her not being there.
Shabby has not really enjoyed being there since Govan left 'maybe I'm just an ungrateful mare!' She wants to be outside and see the sky (but the garden is still locked) and is saddened by Dave's discovery that the girls are in Josie's bed whispering and goofing around. Shabby is sure that Caoimhe will stay in there and 'have a great old time!' she misses who she thought they were. She desperately wants to play guitar, do something creative and put pen to paper.
When the girls want to be supportive they are but most of the time can't be arsed with her. She doesn't want to sleep in the bedroom and wishes they were allowed to sleep in other places. Dave empathises with Shabby feeling pushed out; she doesn't feel she can rebuild those friendships as she views them in another light now. Dave knows what she means.
Dave deliberates that maybe Shabby is going through these motions because she's getting ready to leave. Whereas Sunshine had been so shocked and was totally freaking thinking she'd be there a few more weeks but Dave is ready to go every week. Shabby was uber prepared to leave on Friday and her heart sank when Sunshine's name was called. Sometimes it's tough for Dave to just get through a day and needs to get drunk on the spirit just to get through it.
Monk tries to give her words of encouragement that she would appeal to a lot of people and that what's been written in the press is working for her. He thinks the fact that Govan was evicted but was one of the most popular people in there - and they stayed, says something. It's encouraging to know that twice people have cared enough to vote to keep them there.
Shabby remembers how gutted everyone was when Govan left but when she was saved Friday she felt like nobody could have given 2 f**king sh*ts! She realises that half of that is down to her ostracising herself but cannot get involved with the bullsh*t as it makes her want to poke her own eyes out! She is tired of these people and wants to see her best friend's face.
DAVE: How do you think I feel? I don't hang out with sinners.
But then has to listen to people sharing their worst sexual experiences live in front of millions. He doesn't even think that way or go down that road as he's in a new creation. The massive test for him is if he can be as comfortable around this as he is at home. So what he's saying is, if he can do it so can she as it's a much bigger challenge for him.
He doesn't feel he has anything in common with the HM's, so has to look at them through the eyes of the Lord and see that they were made in the image of God and are beautiful. His fellowship don't consist of anyone like those in the BB house which is one of the reasons Dave wanted to come in because it saddens him that some Christians can't be at ease around non-Christians. His group of people don't do this stuff.
Shabby doesn't think the HM's are open and swears that half of what comes out of their mouths is bullsh*t, said for the cameras.. to make them come over in a certain light or to achieve a goal. And she just doesn't think that way and it drives her up the wall! (ad break) Some of her history has made her who she is but some of her is just this way 'like it or lump it!' They both find that things change so much in there on an hourly basis sometimes.
Dave gives the example of Ben being the hero yesterday (with the stand up) and the baddie today with everyone ripping him for not doing the task. He feels that you can be Mrs Popularity then boom the next day everyone hates you! So he wouldn't worry about it.
People are fickle .. so fickle. I mean don't get me wrong, I hate
people one minute, love them the next.. but I generally find my
reasons are better. Maybe that's just because their my
She leaves to lay one and spin out in the dark, thanking Dave for the pep talk. Dave is left to crimp one out! Shabby goes to bed alone and Caoimhe-less (E4 feed finishes)
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