JOHN: (Striving for greatness) Well make up your mind which one we're doing, cos you change it every time you sing it.
JOSIE: It's 40 acres in't it?
JOHN: Right, well you just said 30 then.
Steve solves the lyrics mystery that it is 30 then 'I've got 43!' Ben calls upon Josie that the song lyrics do not really make sense if you think about it. Steve says it does as Ben starts to recite them, we are spared by a SC. Sadly his smug little face and belly is still in sight.
JOHN: (not sarcastic or snide) Light bulb goes on for that one!
JOSIE: Cos that's what us West Country people do look.. we're sharing and caring!
Steve thinks that's right and Ben responds 'I see.' - the art of conversation :D
JOSIE: So Johnny boy (SC) Perfect.
JOHN: (ready to rock out) I'll get it perfect!
JOSIE: You're no longer the Australian you thought you were!
JOHN: (with slight concern) Did ya really? Did ya? (makes monkey noises)
JOSIE: (giggling) That is so (SC) (he tugs it out) Don't, because I wanna show you how long your hair is! Leave it in. (SC as she ties it back up)
JOHN: (making a humorous comment) Are you trying to make me look like a hillbilly?
JOHN: What's that I'm crashing? (seriously crushing on her as he crushes her since she was being such a pain in the ass)
JOSIE: (she's about as cozy as barbed wire) Ahhhh! Watch your boney elbows!
JOHN: (being dramatic, that's what he does!) Owww that hurts! That actually hurts at the back of..
so funny that he just let Josie do anything to him including his
hair. He's soooo close to Josie even from the very beginning and I
think he was starting to fell in love with her but... he was fighting
his feelings because he didn't want to be heart broken in case Josie
doesn't love him.” (24mahal)
“John always looks at his happiest when he is making contact with her in some way. All these little clips help make more sense of his reaction to their fall out during crabgate and why he found it difficult not being with her. He wouldn't have coped at all if he hadn't been able to touch her and the fact that she said that she would be civil to him was never going to be enough. He needed the physical bond as well.” (Jackiebunny)
“I love the way John always closes his eyes when he is close to Josie and looks so content, I've noticed it on so many occasions, his face gives his feelings away.” (Mcworster)
JOSIE: It's 40 acres in't it?
JOHN: Right, well you just said 30 then.
Steve solves the lyrics mystery that it is 30 then 'I've got 43!' Ben calls upon Josie that the song lyrics do not really make sense if you think about it. Steve says it does as Ben starts to recite them, we are spared by a SC. Sadly his smug little face and belly is still in sight.
JOHN: (not sarcastic or snide) Light bulb goes on for that one!
JOSIE: Cos that's what us West Country people do look.. we're sharing and caring!
Steve thinks that's right and Ben responds 'I see.' - the art of conversation :D
JOSIE: So Johnny boy (SC) Perfect.
JOHN: (ready to rock out) I'll get it perfect!
JOSIE: You're no longer the Australian you thought you were!
(The Australian no longer exists, he's metamorphosed into a
Bristolian) Oh.
Parton truly is somewhat of a perfectionist he practiced this with Josie until he had it to a tee. He made some minor errors in his Diary room performance but it was still superrrr and he didn't make a spectacle of himself! How badly did he always want to impress his Jose? I don't think it is a little presumptuous to assume that back then he really would have done anything she asked him to.
MOM (James 32 video):
Josie snorts with laughter and John throws a nonchalant smile in her direction. (SC) He turns all bashful, hiding beneath his baseball cap and ducking in the deck chair.
JOSIE: (taking the Officer Hardass approach) Yeah well do it with a bit of effort! You're a Bristolian now, John!
JOHN: (frolicsome) I haven't even eaten properly, now stop it.
JOSIE: Alright, I'll let you have your tea first.
Steve thanks Mom which sets off John's Govan impression.
JOHN: Thanks Moooom, Mom, Mom!!
JOSIE: (finds him delicious but not as delicious as her Parton pie) I love that Big Brother. I love 'im loooooads!
John was sat there taking in her Bristolian beauty until this comment; he closes his eyes like he's trying to squash his insane jealousy! Steve asks which BB it is, Josie doesn't know but she really likes him!
JOHN: (smart as a whip) Go and play spin the bottle with him!! (rubbing his eye)
JOSIE: I don't think he'd wanna play spin the bottle with me.. but I would love to play spin the bottle with 'im!
Steve belly laughs that she'll be called to the Diary room in a minute. She might go in there later to play spin the bottle and snog the camera; Steve dares her! (SC) We do not see John's reaction to her planned besmirched dignity in her bachelorette lair :D
I think John was too preoccupied with thoughts on how to keep Josie away from Captain Hornypants aka Nathan! It is men like Seahorse who make women feel so uncomfortable, thankfully the whole world is not so sleazy!
WAS THAT!?!?! (James 32 video):
comes into the bedroom yahooing thunderously, all in the bedroom turn
their heads! John attempts to kick Josie's bum with his foot as she
walks past his bed. (SC) Josie goes into the bedroom toilet but peeks
her head back round to say 'I
hate using this toilet! Tell me if you can hear me p*ss!'
Shabby points out that now they're all really listening and Josie is still within earshot, as they all simultaneously shout back 'YEAH!' as they can hear her peeing audibly. Josie replies that she's turning the tap on.
JOHN: (pesters) We can still hear ya!!
JOSIE: (discomposed) Yeah um.. alright..
John goes right up to the door to knock and mock; Josie hollers 'DON'T!'
JOHN: Who's in there? (confusing Josie 'what?') Who's in there?
He jogs and jumps back onto the bed (SC) Josie kicks open the door, shocking everyone as she yells out 'WHO WAS THAT?' Yeah, I know.. I didn't see it coming either! Once over the fright, they all laugh loudly; John narrowly dodged a door smacking by seconds!! She demonstrates what she used to do to her ex when he used to go at her, go at her, go at her.
JOSIE: I just used to switch (then re-enacts forcefully dropkicking the toilet door SC)
Ife wouldn't like to see Josie switch and Shabby expresses that she'd be terrified! John questions why she used to do that, Josie responds that when someone used to go at you, go at you, go at you, you can only take so much (SC as she mimes lashing out!) Whiffy sniggers at her ragey reactions before a SC and stock footage plays.
IFE: I get stressed out and I cuss people. I go right up in your face and I will cuss you down with my words so much that you hate me!
JOHN: Are you dissin' me?
I gather there were times when it kicked off like the 4th of FRICKIN' July between Josie and her ex .. and no doubt Josie and John also.. but she was CRAZY about them both all the same. Like Shabby, it would terrify me to see Josie switch in person but we are all capable of switching. Different things trigger a switch in all of us and we each have diverse limits.
Josie's fuse blows, when lit by constant provocations or what she perceives to be somebody trying to get at her or wind her up (when that's not always the case) .. because she was so mistreated by her asshole of an ex - continually cheating, treading her spirits down and making her feel worthless .. she now has zero tolerance for anything she interprets as attempts to make her feel sh*t.. Understandably, she's a little scarred from previous relationships but hopefully has worked out this isn't the way to go about things. Instead, she shields her heart and automatically assumes that the way to NOT be hurt, is to maybe hurt them before they get that chance.
Only, with John she got hurt just as terribly :( he won her around with his love and she allowed herself to fall in love too.. It is scary to be in love but also wonderful and special - John and Josie had at least glimpses of all 3! And with two notorious hot heads in a relationship together, there was always bound to be blow ups (of varying degrees) .. the last resulted in all ..... *THIS* :'(
YOU WANT YOUR TEETH OR WHAT? (James 32 video):
has climbed aboard the Josie train and plunges (plunge is a lovely
word) his fingers into her face! Josie roars 'NO
while looking positively luminous at how he has her skewered like a
kebab! He hoist himself so he sits on top of Josie (his subordinate)
allowing him to overpower her. (SC)
like 50 Shades of Gray down there) Look
at those two over there!
(Pleads) No
please John, I hate this. I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry. I'm sowwy!
accidentally knocks herselff in the nose and John hops off; they are
both doubled over with whoops of laughter! They are howling so hard,
they find it virtually impossible to get a sentence out.
I've just given myself a nose bleed!
JOHN: (with slight concern) Did ya really? Did ya? (makes monkey noises)
I just hit myself full on in the face!
went like that!
to his buffoonery, John lays himself right back into the body of his
good buddy Josie.
(joking for him to keep his strangeness away from her) Ahhh! Right that's it! John, you're gonna hurt in a minute, you carry
Do you want your teeth or what?
onto her honker) Do
you like your teeth? (he
sits up so he's no longer crushing her pancreas) I've
just punched myself full on in the nose!
Did ya really? It's not bleeding!
Yeah, what an idiot!!
in for a closer inspection, with the husband eyes) No
boogies or nothin'! No boogies. (Jose
asks if it's gone red) Nuh.
Full on, full on punched meself!!
mimics her dazy knock out and her sighs through giggles. He overhears
Mario speaking about piri piri sauce, and groans that he hates
talking about food in there as it's so scarce. He's wandered away
from the wounded leaving her in peace, right when this girl needs him to be sweet to her.
the background Josie is playing with his hair and he yelps 'ow!'
every now and again. (SC) Josie asks aloud if she should have a wash
or not. Shabby says she should have a wash, babes as they've got hot
water now. Josie has pulled John's hair back into a pony tail, which
he thinks adversely affects his appearance.
JOSIE: (giggling) That is so (SC) (he tugs it out) Don't, because I wanna show you how long your hair is! Leave it in. (SC as she ties it back up)
JOHN: (making a humorous comment) Are you trying to make me look like a hillbilly?
Aw, you look like a little girl!
JOHN: What's that I'm crashing? (seriously crushing on her as he crushes her since she was being such a pain in the ass)
JOSIE: (she's about as cozy as barbed wire) Ahhhh! Watch your boney elbows!
JOHN: (being dramatic, that's what he does!) Owww that hurts! That actually hurts at the back of..
tells him that's how long it is and sucks her thumb. John picks up a
canister of aerosol from the bed and sprays it directly into her
face. (SC) Is this the scientific equivalent of a dog peeing to mark
its territory? :P Josie questions if it was John's or Ben's and mm's
at the scent after John answers that it is Ben's.
JOHN: (still resting his back against her body) I thought I'd pass it on to someone else, so I give you a spray! (Josie is feeling something with her foot and checks what it is) That's my pocket! Get your foot out of my pocket or you're getting another wet (SC) (Preparing to go old school on his playfighting methods with a wet willy)
Ben leaves the room to wash his underwear (SC) Josie is in Ben's bed and John comments that Josie just laid in it but 'Benny gets in our beds all the time!' His use of the possessive pronoun 'our' does not go passed by by Josie.
JOSIE: 'Our' beds??
JOHN: Yeah. Yeah. He does get in my bed! Sometimes I come in here.. (Josie wants him to let her ponytail) No, you're not pony-tailing nothin'! Stop it or I won't be your friend no more! (John grabs hold of both her hands to incapacitate her from hairdressing) (SC)
purposefully elbows her in the boob) Alright,
it's nothin'.. alright!! Promise.. I swear! I won't ever do that
I won't upset my only friend! (wolf
whistles whoever walks into the room, Josie 'OH
at him like he's a juicy and succulent steak, well done) I
can see your um.. I can see your pulse like that in your neck. Yeah.
Show me where. (she
takes his hand so he can feel it too)
Shows you've got a high metabolism, in't it?
I don't know. You were telling the story. I love your.. your..
Josie's scientific facts. They should make that into a show. (in
TV commentator voice) 'Josie's
scientific facts: makes really
sense!' (they both chuckle)
John would have let Josie do anything to him, it must have been so
different to him hanging around Josie than all the girls he was used
to in oz. No wonder he fell in love with her, we all did. He
just needs to be touching her and he just has to get closer.”
“John always looks at his happiest when he is making contact with her in some way. All these little clips help make more sense of his reaction to their fall out during crabgate and why he found it difficult not being with her. He wouldn't have coped at all if he hadn't been able to touch her and the fact that she said that she would be civil to him was never going to be enough. He needed the physical bond as well.” (Jackiebunny)
“I love the way John always closes his eyes when he is close to Josie and looks so content, I've noticed it on so many occasions, his face gives his feelings away.” (Mcworster)
Josie announces to anyone in the room that she'd come up with a theory the other day, when she was off her nut. John is already laughing as she starts to theorise, that when you're a baby in the woman's womb 'your eyes start at the back of your head and then they work their way round. That is true! I went to the um.. the um.. @ museum, whatever.'
JOHN: (HAS to laugh about this) They always have that sort of information in an art museum!!
Shabby sits down on the next bed, riveted as Josie corrects John (she hadn't said 'art' at all) 'no, @ Museum - Bristol@.'
super nerdy, I did some googling
to see if Josie is correct but lots of this is lost on me but read if
you feel so inclined: "The
earliest stage of eye development is the formation of the paired
optic vesicles on either side of the forebrain. These growing
diverticula expand laterally into the mesoderm of the head and
develop a stalk-like connection to the main portion of the
rudimentary central nervous system.
In humans, this process begins at about 22 days of development; as the vesicles continue to grow, their connection to the brain becomes progressively narrower and more stalk-like. As facial structure develops, the eyes that began to form on either side of a human embryo's head are carried forward."
JOSIE: (to John) This is my story, stop interrupting! So I've come up with this theory, that people who were born premature, yeah? So people who were born early..
JOHN: (unbridled guffaw) In case you didn't know!!
JOSIE: (with her scientific brain and killer blue eyes, how could you ever be bored?) Have got eyes further apart, than people who were born later! And my friend Mia, (as an aside) who I think John looks a bit like, (SC) Were you late or early?
JOHN: That makes really sense!
Josie claims that John was mega late because of his eyes (SC) John elucidates that the eyes are going to roll around together, as one.
JOHN: (he didn't come to help, he came to mock) So if you're born really late, you're suggesting that their eyes are further apart? (Shabby clarifies closer together) Well that means that your eyes will just be further around your face, still together! Doesn't mean that they're gonna seperate! Oh once they get to a certain point?
Josie exhibits how she believes the eyes move around when the baby is in the womb. Shabby and John are in creases as John wisecracks 'like they're orbiting!!' Josie and John then bicker as she thinks she can tell he was born late as his eyes are close together; he's adamant that he wasn't!
JOHN: They're not!! (SC) Well I'm glad that I was late then, if yours are classified as normal!
Josie has another one that she swears is proven as her mate told her this. John is poking fun at 'Josie's facts!!' and Shabby's sides are splitting. As she doesn't spit it out, John jokily rolls his eyes towards Shabby then whistles and fake snores.
JOSIE: (keeps them entertained) Shut up! I find it impossible to tell a story with you around!! (John puts her off her trail of thought by staring searchingly towards her, there was lingering) Um women.. you better (SC he gets off the bed - was he banished?) Right women in England, yeah.. the reason they got darbies, yeah.. right? And the reason why their darbies can be a little bit bigger than say like you know some of the hotter countries, yeah? Is because we need our darbies to protect our organs from the cold.
Is this complete and utter fiction? I did not research into this theory but I think it is generally true for mammals so could also be for humans.
JOHN: (Lays back down next to her) We're humans not bears!! We don't get an extra layer of fur just to adapt to the climate!!
really likes the idea of this new Channel 4 programme - Science with
Josie: makes really sense. (Sadly this was never commissioned!)
4 at 9, the lightbulb is coming on!' The
three of them chuckle but Josie wants them to agree that it is true.
(forcefully) NO
it's not! (SC)
the um.. fattest nation in the world.
counters that it is America but John ah ah's her (SC) 'So
there you go! And they've got a warm climate and so does America -
depending on which part of America.' Josie
sucks her thumb, John leans on his arms and lowers his gaze so that
he is eyeballing Josie in a what could be described as besotted way.
JOHN: (he's got a cheeky little evil streak) So how's that theory going down?
JOSIE: Alright, I'll give you another one! (laughter erupts, SC. It is glaringly obvious that Josie gets slightly shy from John's unnerving gawping) But this day I was like on a roll. I was proper coming out with them and everyone was like (SC)
JOHN: (I'm detecting that he's in a playful mood) Did you all go to the same school?
She tries to ignore him and between sound breaks informs them all that she gets proper, proper intelligent when she's on one. (Just maybe not intelligent in the sense of Merriam Webster dictionary definition)
JOHN: (mickey taker) As you do (!)
I guess he doesn't believe that her friends all exclaim 'OMG Josie! How did you know that?' her tone gets sharper with John as she tells him that she is really intelligent. (SC) John sniggers silently to himself and continues to try and rile her, making her turn to the thumb. He realises she is miffed so tells her he wants to have a listen to her new theory but she says 'don't worry.' (SC)
JOSIE: (gets a little testy)Well all my theories about you have been right, haven't they? (SC)
(tyrannising her theories) You've
got lobes that could fit dinner plates inside 'em! What's your theory
on that.. what's your scientific theory on that?
I got them from my Grandad! (they
both chortle)
(looking like crap) looks on issuing JJJ with a glare so deadly you'd
think she wanted them to be eaten by lions; John is amused that this
is Josie's theory. She has exactly the same ears as him 'and
do you know what they never stop growing!' John
jokes that they'll be touching the ground and Josie thinks she could
use them as her floats in the event of a plane crash.
runs with this opportunity to act out a plane evacuation using
Josie's earlobes but the sound is cut. Josie asks if he's ever seen
the squirrel from Ice Age, John replies that he floats down!
Everybody says I look like him! (John
buries his face in his arm convulsed with chuckles)
must have never laughed so much with a girl than he did and does with
Josie. She always gives him laughter, and that is part of their
partnership, along with the love." (Mamajean)
saying that spin the bottle is not going to work, there's only one
single girl...'poor old Josie is going to get pounced on!'
7.47pm, HM's gathered at sofas and plasma screen on exposes Ben and outs his
lies. DAVE: So basically you just couldn't be bothered to do anything!
JOHN:That's the easiest task! (s/c)
Ife is furious and demands to know why Ben made it up as he squirms in his seat.
BEN: (Sheepish) They had me in again and they didn't show that bit!
helping Ben here she says she would never have believed him about the
school arm wrestling champ.
Josie calls Ben a big liar and Ife seethes as she really
wanted her suitcase back.
BEN: (looks uncomfortable) They're just doing this to cause trouble. Nathan, why are you looking at me like I'm some form of leper. Johnny you look confused, what are you thinking about?'
BEN: (looks uncomfortable) They're just doing this to cause trouble. Nathan, why are you looking at me like I'm some form of leper. Johnny you look confused, what are you thinking about?'
JOHN: Do we get food?!
in the garden, Josie is checking her appearance by peering into a
mirror, then she and John mess around in the garden showers.
JOHN: (super smiley but bashful) Yeah..
JOSIE: What's the matter with you today? (He asks why?) It's just Josie, Josie, Josie, Josie mad!!
JOHN: There's nothing to do!
He then makes like his mates the kangaroos and hops away. John was always around Josie faster than fleas on faeces, so it isn't surprising that frankly flirting with Josie sounds more fun than anything else! And who wouldn't want to be around Josie, she can make everyday seem like a party :)
8.25pm, Ben says none of the tasks have been his kind of tasks. John says the puppets weren't his sort of thing and more sort of Ben's but Ben wasn't a fan of that either. Ben saying the tasks have suited John more than Ben.
JOHN: I think you can do it, you just don't want to do it!
8.36pm, WHAT is going on in the background? I can hear Josie squealing and laughing and just now she said 'GET OFF, NATHAN!'
8.45pm, The first love of Mario's life was a penniless actor, he does find power
attractive though. Josie and John sitting at the bench talking about
rent etc. John is always very interested in her life.
Caoimhe and Shabby are in the nest; Keevil reckons John hasn't had that much
experience. She says she is definitely the best kisser in the house.
Shabby admits she's one of the biggest b*tches in the house.
8.57pm, JJJ sneak a hug when the shopping arrives; all scoffing crisps.
9.14pm, Josie telling the sweet gang not to feel
pressured to share their sweets
and that she thinks they've all been amazing over them spending £ on
fags. Josie and John bond over liking bananas on toast and on cereal.
Josie and Mario laugh at John stuffing his face with biccies.
9.23pm, Josie just said to Mario "was it nice sleeping in my bed last night?" Mario replies yes and for Josie "it was lovely having you in my bed."Awwww :)
MARIO: I'll leave you jelly babies.
JOSIE: I couldn't get the stains out of your clothes..
MARIO: I'll leave you headless jelly babies
9.26pm, John eats another pack of crisps, Mario tells him they are meant to ration these things.
JOHN: F**k that sh*t!
John is so hungry he's just eaten 4 packs of walkers crisps one after the other. Mario reckons John is like a locust the way he's putting away his crisps!
YOU CAN SHARE MY CHOCOLATE WITH ME, IF YOU WANT (James 32 video): MARIO: I'll leave you jelly babies.
JOSIE: I couldn't get the stains out of your clothes..
MARIO: I'll leave you headless jelly babies
9.26pm, John eats another pack of crisps, Mario tells him they are meant to ration these things.
JOHN: F**k that sh*t!
John is so hungry he's just eaten 4 packs of walkers crisps one after the other. Mario reckons John is like a locust the way he's putting away his crisps!
In between dips in sound, John is discussing how much McDonald's he eats in comparison to the pieces of toast with jam on in there. It's peanuts! He has also just demolished 5 packets of crisps! Josie assesses that he just has a massively high metabolism and she wishes she did.
JOHN: You can share my chocolate with me, if you want.. cos I don't eat it!
"Flipping hell John, somebody needs to get that boy some chat up lines
JOSIE: (immediately cheered by the thought) You're joking!
like chocolate but might eat the jaffa cakes as they're alright but
won't be able to eat it all! (like all magnificent things Jaffa cakes
are very simple) It's a mystery how John manages to eat the amount of
crap he does with its obscenely calorific consumption and still has
skin like a baby's ass!! This is one thing I hate about himmmmmmmm.
raises a wanton eyebrow and suggests that they keep it underwraps.
(SC) Dave is dumbfounded that John doesn't like chocolate, as am I ..
BUT this does mean that if I make out like a bandit with cioccolato,
I am merely consuming John's portion. Doing my bit for the planet!!
After today's experience of watching Ben on the TV, Josie never wants to watch even her best bits! John was so scared that he was gonna open his mouth (on the video shown earlier) as he knows he sounds 'guff on TV! I sound real bad!' JOSIE: I won't even be able to watch my best bits .. that's how bad it is!
JOHN: I haaaate my voice on TV.. ughh.. I hate my voice anyway but I don't have to listen to it.
jokes that makes two of us (that hate his voice) but John continues
to talk over her that he was hoping they wouldn't show him opening
his mouth. Josie loves his voice apart from when he's arguing 'I
hate it then!' Dave thought John had spoken
on there but John had watched to see if he did.
John imitates himself with a screechy nasal eghhh!! Jose repeats that she loves his voice except when he's rowing and gives her own impression. Dave jibes that he doesn't stop when he gets going and that when John's on a rant 'you can't shut him up!'
JOSIE: (beams with pride) Hasn't he been good though? (Dave agrees he has) Past two days, honestly he's like a new guy!!
JOHN: (doesn't dispute that) Yeah, I'm going alright..
JOHN: (giving Ben way too much credit) And I still consider him to be one of mine so .. I just had a falling out with him cos he p*ssed me off so.. but he tries hard to still be your mate. So therefore if he puts in effort, then I will as well.
So if they both hated watching themselves back on TV then they've probably not looked back on any videos of them together, since they split (other than TSAJ) .. In an argument, I expect John wasn't the only person who wouldn't shut up.. but mostly because he wanted to understand where Josie was coming from.. We saw evidence of them ripping into each other in a row too .. feelings of the person you're rowing with don't tend to be at the top of your list of things to give a crap about..
But do they still consider parts of their relationship to have been some of the best times they ever had? Yes they p*ssed each other off and fell out catastrophically but they had some magic moments too! If John had felt Josie was willing to put in an effort to maintain a friendship after the split, would he have too?
10.09pm, STEVE: Where is this Spin the bottle then?
JOHN: I saw it on the Simpsons once....but it can't work there's only Josie thats single...
STEVE: And you, and Nathan...
JOHN: I wouldn't kiss a girl like that anyway. Its stupid, its like something 4 year olds would play, I don't think it will be that game anyway.
STEVE: (something blah blah blah)
JOHN: 50% of them aren't straight so that only leave me Jose and Nathan and no offence, I don't want to kiss Nate.
JOHN: I saw it on the Simpsons once....but it can't work there's only Josie thats single...
STEVE: And you, and Nathan...
JOHN: I wouldn't kiss a girl like that anyway. Its stupid, its like something 4 year olds would play, I don't think it will be that game anyway.
STEVE: (something blah blah blah)
JOHN: 50% of them aren't straight so that only leave me Jose and Nathan and no offence, I don't want to kiss Nate.
Dave has won back the remaining suitcases :) but Ben's is empty!! John
was so cute running across the living room with his suitcase! Josie
tries on John's leather jacket already (like an American high school)
10.38pm, In bed together now, hes wearing a lovely shiny new outfit.
JOSIE: Not looking honest John!
11.07pm, Mario just said, of John, 'here comes Jeff Brazier'..... Ben wants to borrow John's clothes (but he's not too keen) asks if he has any polo shirts. Nathan brushes his teeth hoping to get lucky in Spin the bottle (wishful thinking)
"I think John is hiding in the BR cause he knows him & Josie are going to get teased into kissing tonight. I don't think its that he doesn't want to kiss her, I just think he doesn't want to do it in front of everyone for the first time. He's bascially told Steve that he wouldn't kiss a girl in that situation anyway cause its stupid." (Brit JJJAT)
John seems very nervous. Hot stuff's knocking back the lemonade. Josie saying she up for a right boogie tonight!
11.35pm, John stroking Josie's hair and saying 'aw I'm sorry' as she pretended to be offended. Its something to do with what he said in the diary room. He says he was only mucking about. He drinks from her cocktail.
11.07pm, Mario just said, of John, 'here comes Jeff Brazier'..... Ben wants to borrow John's clothes (but he's not too keen) asks if he has any polo shirts. Nathan brushes his teeth hoping to get lucky in Spin the bottle (wishful thinking)
"I think John is hiding in the BR cause he knows him & Josie are going to get teased into kissing tonight. I don't think its that he doesn't want to kiss her, I just think he doesn't want to do it in front of everyone for the first time. He's bascially told Steve that he wouldn't kiss a girl in that situation anyway cause its stupid." (Brit JJJAT)
John seems very nervous. Hot stuff's knocking back the lemonade. Josie saying she up for a right boogie tonight!
11.35pm, John stroking Josie's hair and saying 'aw I'm sorry' as she pretended to be offended. Its something to do with what he said in the diary room. He says he was only mucking about. He drinks from her cocktail.
"Did no one else hear her say to John just before the spin the bottle game
started 'can you not say that again?' and see him reach over to touch her
shoulder and say 'aww' as in sorry, it was just after that there was a
two to three foot gap between them on the sofa, with a cushion held on
her lap between them and a disappointed look on her face, if he was
stupid enough to say something like the 'mom' comment again that would
explain things since then, I've no idea what he said but my guess is
it's something like that to make her feel sexually unattractive as a
woman. I'm starting to feel like John may be more or less a virgin when
it comes to women , maybe not technically but certainly when it comes to
real intimacy and experience with them. Poor Josie, she needs a man to
make her feel beautiful and what she's got at the minute is Peter Pan." (Aella JJJAT)
JOSIE: I wonder if they got a remote control in that? (in the bottle?)
JOHN: No I already checked it!
JOSIE: I wonder if they got a remote control in that? (in the bottle?)
JOHN: No I already checked it!
Truth or Dare started: John chooses a truth - what is the most embarrassing sexual experience you have ever had? He was caught w*nking by his Mum!!!
BEN: What's batting off?
CAOIMHE: Having an old Tom Hank.
CAOIMHE: Having an old Tom Hank.
John horrified by Caoimhe's story about an affair she had and was caught by the gf in her undies.
11.47pm, JJJ sitting down drinking lager together while the others dance (John's has a straw in) He shoulder shuffles and Mario falls off the sofa. They are talking like an awkward couple in a night club. Steve laughs at John and his straw!
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