After being awoken by an animal sounds alarm, Josie informs John and Mario that she used to have a billy goat. She then imitates goat-like noises which amuses John. He'd been trying to discreetly pick his nose beneath the duvet but turns to face Josie sleepily.
JOHN: Was it not a normal one? (laughs)
JOSIE: No, it wasn't a normal one! Because it had fire in his eyes!
JOHN: (Laughs more) Is that why it sounded like that? (Josie bleats gruffly with her animal impressions)
10.16AM "Lying in their own beds just now chatting. John asking Josie if shes doing
washing today. He is saying something about wearing his black vest
today and getting it washed. Jose saying something about her clothes and
then says she hasn't got any trousers on just now. John is giving her the
eye!" (JJJAT)
GET USED TO THESE EYES JOHN (JAMES 32 Video):Josie is glancing over at John and chuckles to herself. John has a bad case of bed head and wants to know 'what?' she is finding so funny.
JOSIE: Get used to these eyes, John! Cos it's my turn today, to follow you around.
JOHN: (Child-like) Stop it. (giggles) I don't even feel like moving.
JOSIE: I can't have that being said about you, can I? On TV! That you follow me about all the time!
JOHN: A few people have said that you follow me, so it doesn't matter.
JOSIE: Oh, who said that then?
JOHN: Ummm..
JOSIE: (Cracks up) Um, who said that then? (Imitates John thinking about it and not coming up with a name) Ummm...
JOHN: I'm trying to think. Maybe Govan? (Josie lays back down and sucks her thumb) Huh..
JOSIE: I was so embarrassed when Shabby said that yesterday, I was so embarrassed.
JOHN: (Chuckles) Feels like um.. I honestly didn't know you's were out there.. I just go out there to look at the flags.
JOSIE: Oh, that old chestnut was it, John?
JOHN: Yeah.. and then I saw ya's sitting there.. so I thought 'oh, I'll just talk to you's while you's are out there.' So I did and then I get.. then I get sabotaged! (silence for a several seconds)
JOSIE: (Sighs) Um who was it.. did someone say yesterday, or am I hearing things.. I think I'm going a bit .. starting to go a little bit mad now.. um, you know all the animals that are painted everywhere, they mean something, they all mean something.
JOHN: Everything in here will mean something by the end of the series, everything!
JOSIE: Oh right.
JOHN: The clowns, everything.. at some point in the series.
BB interrupts to announce that the hatch is open to collect new batteries. All HM's must change their batteries and return the old ones.
JOSIE: I feel so privileged being picked for the last ever Big Brother, do you?
JOHN: Meh. (chortles)
JOSIE: I think about it everyday.
JOHN: I don't think about it everyday.. but yeah, I know what you mean.
JOSIE: Like um.. I feel a bit special! (laughs)
JOHN: Sometimes, I think 'why?'
JOSIE: Yeah, I think that all the time. Cos I don't think there's anything out of the ordinary about me (SC, she sucks her thumb)
I loved the way they used to follow one another in the house. They gravitated together like 2 magnets with a hold on the other. And it was so lovely how appreciative to BB Josie was and grateful to them for choosing her. She just couldn't see that she was EXTRAORDINARY not ordinary.
"JJ telling Ben that he was with 'Jose' until 2.30 last night then went
to bed. Saying Ife wants to sleep beside Mario now because she wants to
be close to someone and because shes got a boyfriend, she feels
comfortable sleeping with Mario. Says thats the only reason he is
sleeping in the single bed.
Just to warn you all, I think JJ might play it cool today. He does seem to be grumpy so far. I do think its cause he has just got up bur he maybe also feels a little awkward seen as they were REALLY close last night, In a normal situation, he'd probably be able to chat to her about it but, in there, it must be a different feeling" (Brit)
Just to warn you all, I think JJ might play it cool today. He does seem to be grumpy so far. I do think its cause he has just got up bur he maybe also feels a little awkward seen as they were REALLY close last night, In a normal situation, he'd probably be able to chat to her about it but, in there, it must be a different feeling" (Brit)
Apologies if any of this is in the incorrect order; I tried to figure it out the best I could.
Some pictures of John being sexy and he knows it (he works out!!) Ife wants Josie to guess what she had done last night 'you'd be so embarrassed!' I think they then talk about Josie wanting to shave her lady garden because Ife says she could hold a towel around her while she does it. Josie moans that it is too cold.
Few pictures taken from this video clip of John shaving in the garden
You will note in these screen caps, that Josie and Mario have a front row seat, to ensure excellent viewing of John's showering ;) Ben is rambling on about how if he were a Government Minister, he would install toilet paper that was essentially wet wipes in all public places!
SUNSHINE: Are you done, John? Pour the hot water on your head (SC)
Josie floats as she is spun around by the current in the spa.
JOSIE: Whoa! There's a wave machine in here today! Look at how strong the jet is today! It's spinning me around! (SC) Look how powerful the jet is today.
JOHN: I might get in! (longer SC) Washing your body is one thing but not washing your hair. I'd wait to wash my hair. (laughs) That's what I did, but I felt like a little wussy! (demonstrates how he had been ducking out of the freezing shower, as he towel dries himself off)
SUNSHINE: I tell you what, John.. tomorrow you go in the shower next to me and we'll see how silly you look!
JOHN: What you trying to say? (laughs)
SUNSHINE: I have a proper wash don't I?
Suncream nobody cares about you and your hygiene!!! And YOU are the one who will always look silly in a shower with John! :P I know everyone is buzzing about John's buff new body but I think he looked lovely as he was. Maybe too skinny and I know that made him feel insecure so I am pleased he has beefed up. He's obviously put in a lot of dedication into this, so it was something that he really wanted :) So good on him for that! And while I think his tattoo is intricate and of personal significance to John, I have never liked tattoos, so do prefer him when he wasn't inked up. His guns were gorgeous without his 'graffiti' but I know a lot of the ladies are loving it :)
11.09am Josie and John larking about in the pool. Mario is rubbing his feet against Josie's back. Some of the HM's are saying it was supposed to be the summer of love.
JOSIE: (raised her eyebrows suggestively) Yeah, summer of love, John! ;) (smiles cheekily)
JOHN: Stop it! (Josie repeats this) That's all you do! (they have a bit of an offscreen squee)
John 'swims' over to Josie's side and starts to cuddle up with her and grab hold of her legs under the water! :D John aaah's as Josie gets him back.
JOSIE: I pinched your leg!
JOHN: So I'm gonna do that! (Josie giggles at whatever he is doing to her in the pool) After some strenuous playfighting, John stops to remove his cap and adjust the position on his head. Beside the pool, Mario mentions how some HM's are never nominated.
JOSIE: Well at least I've got my one 7 year old fan!
JOHN: That's right. (comes closer to her once more) If you don't have that, what have you got?
Josie believes it was probably Govan's little sister. She sucks her thumb while John is practically sitting on top of her hip! Sound cut as John blatantly, boldly and brazenly checks out Josie's boobies ;) Then continues to push his entire body up against Josie; he can't seem to get close enough!
How ironic, that this throwaway comment from Josie in the pool (hinting towards a summer of love between her and John) soon became a self-fulfilling prophecy! Although she made flippant jokes about this sort of thing regularly before her and John' s summer of love went full steam ahead.. I don't think this is something she orchestrated or had any sinister intentions for air time. I know some of her ardent haters believe that to be the case. I just think she was attracted to John and flirty around this time, and never in her wildest dreams ever thought that anything would happen like this between them.
Now, Josie considers their relationship to have been nothing more than a Grease-style summer romance (or so she tells us! Pull the other one!!) but at least she and John had the time of their lives together for a little while. And it definitely WAS a summer of loving and laughing for all of us who got swept away in the prettiness of their 'courtship' :)
JOSIE: (Her turn to check out John's cleavage, cackles) Oh my God, look how little they are! Look how tiny they are!
JOHN: My nipples? Yeah, I've got little ones like Mars!
This has Josie howling even harder. She wants John to get up so he and Mario can compare nipple size. John does stand up in the pool and walks over to the edge nearest to Mario so the contest can commence.
JOSIE: Cor, this is a .. this is a tight call, this is! Oh Mario's definitely got smaller ones! (but bigger BALLS!)
JOHN: (Seems disappointed as he tuts) Does he? I thought I was in the running then! Yeah, you do.
JOSIE: They're tiny, Mare! (John lowers his torso back under the water)
Mario loves his 'ickle nipples!'
JOHN: Yours are just average size! I've seen 'em! (Josie questions when?) Um.. your top came down when (SC) (John's glowing smile lights up his entire face) I looked away, I was talking to you in bed (Josie laughs loudly) I didn't wanna embarrass ya.
Mario proclaims that he had a six pack like John before he came into the house. Sound cuts and Josie starts to thumb suck. John is up for a battle of the rakes doing push ups, between him and Mario. Mario finds it surprising the amount of people who don't have the upper body strength to do them. He does 3 sets of 15 daily.
JOSIE: I just do my daily jet work out!
JOHN: Are you saying we're getting a good work out? (SC) If it breaks, then what am I gonna shave it with?? (another SC) You know how Govan always said .. ahhhh! (Josie apologises, so must have hurt him accidentally) that he didn't feel quite like um.. accomplished.. like he wanted to stay here a little bit longer. (Josie knows that) I would like to hear the bird speak.. the main goals now.. well.. listen to the bird speak; I wanna find out what the bird does! (Josie may have prodded John someplace private)
JOSIE: Oh sorry, it's just the jet pushing me that way.
JOHN: I'm sure it was (!) Um.. I would like to know um.. where the um.. yeah, the tree is. Um .. and I would like to meet the intruders. I don't necessarily care if I spend much time with them, but I'd like to see.. (SC) you'd have to be in here for another good at least.. yeah, 4 or 5 weeks to see all that.
JOSIE: Whatever it is, it's a win-win situation because if you leave early you've got so many festivals and all that to go to. There's so much going on!
JOHN: What you reckon I'm gonna kick it out there by myself?
JOSIE: Oh yeah! (John copies her) My mates would take care of you.. a bit too much I think!
Mario massages Josie's scalp and promises that his friends would take John to all the gay clubs.
JOHN: (Sarcastic) BOOMER!
JOSIE: (Jokes) Don't make out you wouldn't like it, John!
Mario would like to take John himself (SC)
JOHN: (Concerned that gay guys would come onto him) Do you know what I mean? I wouldn't wanna go in there and..
Mario assures that everyone respects boundaries in the gay clubs, as they can spot a straight guy from a mile off. Josie goes to gay bars all the time.
JOHN: Uh, well alright then! Gay bar me up!
Josie goes around saying 'what a shame! What a shame!' but actually met a guy in a gay bar.
JOHN: Yeah?? (Mario says that lots of his straight friends go with him to gay bars to pull the women) Ah, then there you go!
MARIO: Because a lot of women there are unprepared for it and unsuspecting.
JOHN: Um.. I just wish that when I got out (evicted) everyone else would come out! (SC) But now at least Govan's out, I've got one good friend.
MARIO: What, are you gonna meet up with Rachael?
John laughs about that; Josie reckons he will get on alright with Rachael on the outside world.
JOHN: Probably, yeah. Or.. yeah.. I'd give her more of a chance. I wouldn't be in touch with her or anything.
JOSIE: Why though? Why?
JOHN: Well in here, you've gotta be around them, don't you? You haven't got the space.. on the outside someone that I (SC)
Mario poses the hypothetical question if in 3 or 4 weeks time John was to be evicted; John interrupts 'let's say 3 or 4 days time!' so Mario goes along with that for arguments sake.
JOHN: I'd go out .. I would try .. and hope that Govan would be there, probably won't. I don't know if he gets a invite to the..
JOSIE: My head looks massive! (SC)
JOHN: (Holds up two fingers, maybe indicating how many weeks he'd go home for) What the gist is with the public, depending on .. like, I'll see who's coming out. If it was someone like Jose or you, if I felt like you's were coming out, I'd stick around. If it were (SC) coming out the following week I'd stick around.
JOSIE: (So touched) Awwww.
John flashes his gnashers at Josie in both a charming and seductive manner. Ife asks if he would stay if he felt she were coming out.
JOHN: Nah.. (Josie giggles) No, no.. if it were someone like.. (SC)
JOSIE: John will just stay around to have .. like another midnight chat when we get out ;)
JOHN: No, I just.. but that's why I'm looking forward to coming back because .. so I can see you all properly.
As soon as Ife is out she just wants Terry over people she's been living with for however many weeks.
JOSIE: I get attached to people!
IFE: I wouldn't go back to Australia or anything like that!
JOHN: Oh, I'm gonna go back! It depends.. I think I'm gonna be easy with it. Cos I can't stay here for 7 weeks.
IFE: Apparently we'll need each other after.. because they say that you need to talk to people that have been through the same thing you've been through.
JOSIE: I can't.. there's no way.. NO way that I won't.. like all of you lot will probably not be answering your phones and be like (groans) 'Oh no, it's Josie again!' Cos when I've been hanging around with people for so long, I get so attached right.. that when they leave.. like my friend, when I first come in here, I don't know how many ..
BB: Could John James please return the clippers to the hatch. Could all HM's please ensure that they have returned their old batteries (SC)
It looks like John is bellowing expletives back at BB! Then he makes his way back over to the Bristolian and they both get the giggles.
JOHN: They didn't tell me that I couldn't.. UHHH! (Splashes water in frustration. Ife asks how he got the clippers in there anyway) Because they gave 'em to me! I didn't know I was.. UHHH.. (turns to the other HM's in the garden who he's heard mimicing him) You guys, uuhhh awww!
John's clippers hadn't worked on her head anyway 'I need some real ones!
JOHN: Do I have to return 'em right now?
JOSIE: When I see John James, it's like a Hillbilly!
JOHN: I don't even know why I'm friends with you! (reverses his back into Josie's body, she places her hands on his shoulders)
MARIO: (In redneck country bumpkin accent) Will John James please bring the swill bucket back to the Diary room?
Josie wraps her arms around John's body to cuddle him as compensation for her comments. Then attempts to drag him under the water as he 'screams' he gets out shortly afterwards. Ife seems to give Mario a nudge so that he will notice the simmering attraction between John and Josie.
12.32pm -JOSIE: I can't believe how yum you look today! (squeeeeeeeeeeee)
John missing his cue to return the compliment about how RAVISHING Josie looks, laughs. Josie mentions going to Ibiza for a few days and another HM suggests Corfu. John ignores all the others 'we'll have to do the Greek Islands, Jose.'
Wish we had a video clip of this :( And shame they never made it to the Greek Islands or Ibiza together (yet both went separately to those very places last month!!)
1.09pm Sunshine has discovered mouldy bread so John takes his chance to pot a shot!
JOHN: Is it still vegan if it's got mould on it, that's a living organism isn't it?
JOHN: Is it still vegan if it's got mould on it, that's a living organism isn't it?
THE LOOK (JAMES 32 Video):
Some pictures of the intense, sizzling look that John gives Josie at the kitchen sink, after checking her out in her towel sneakily. It was fleeting but very lusty towards the busty Bristolian and she seems to sense it too. John has to hurriedly look away once Nathan creeps up behind them, ruining a steamy moment.
In the kitchen, Sunshine is clanging around crankily while John explains to Steve and Dave what happened between him and Josie the previous night.
JOHN: We went under the doonas! God knows what'll be said in there! On the site or something.. (The BB website DID imply things could have been becoming steamy beneath the sheets!) cos we were under the doona covers for ages! We could have been doing anything!
STEVE: You were, weren't ya?
DAVE: And were you doing anything?
JOHN: Nah! We were just talking but we pulled the doona covers to block out the noise.
Steve quizzes if they'd had their microphones on.
JOHN: Hey? No, we weren't wearing our mics. You can take 'em off when you're in bed, yeah. We were whispering that quiet.. they must be.. if they (pointing to the mics) coulda heard what we were saying they must be super sensitive.
Steve guarantees the mics would have picked up on their conversation.
JOHN: Obviously we weren't saying anything bad! They must be really good mics! But I thought, because we were whispering that quiet.. I could only just hear what she was saying, and I was thinking.. (Steve describes the mics as FBI microphones) I was thinking um.. cos obviously they didn't whinge! They didn't say 'put your mics on cos we wanna hear what you're saying' they obviously heard what we were saying.
Sunshine scrapes her plate noisily on the work surface. Is she getting angry now??? John twiddles with his hair in the SC.
DAVE: Didn't you say, she's the type of girl you'd go for back home?
JOHN: (dodging answering the question with a real answer) Um.. it's hard to say.. because you get so close to people in here, don't ya? so.. (turns around to look out into the garden, presumably at Josie) Cor, it's gettin' hot isn't it?
I think it is fairly safe to assume that the girl in question here is none other than JOSIE! (Since they were just talking about them under the doonas) So seemingly, John had confided in Dave beforehand at some point that he was interested in/attracted to Josie. Yet when put on the spot, in front of other HM's he plays it down, acts nonchalant about the situation and then quickly changes the subject. He also appears to be trying to talk himself out of liking Josie in that way because they have developed such a tight bond already. John NEVER wanted anything to jeopardise their friendship first and foremost :(
Steve had commented earlier that the spiciness of the food was enough to make his nose bleed! Sunshine sprinkles her meal with salt.
JOHN: Ar, did you make your scrambled eggs that isn't really scrambled eggs? I woulda been interested to see had you did that..
Sunshine asks John if he wants some but he declines.
SUNSHINE: What do you think you're gonna be a rockstar, Sunshine? A rockstar! You're gonna have a vegan cookery program? No.
JOHN: You've been in here a week, come on. You think you're gonna go out there with a record deal. You've been in a week in the BB house, come on. Get with the program! (Imitates Josie) It's nuffinnnn'
Sunshine is sure that being on the show will get her a degree in medicine. She has only just completed a degree in a year (SC) She was an undergrad with BA Hons at the time. John tries to figure out who is next to nominate as he knows he's after Ifster. John tells somebody at the table (not Sunshine she is too busy squabbling with Steve about the dishes he's had to clean for her) that he writes with his left hand but does everything else with his right.
Josie is in the pool while talking to Shabby about how they both exaggerate stories.
JOSIE: Depends what it is.. sometimes I can tell a massive whopper and where I've told it so well, I believe it myself. (they laugh)
Shabby asks Josie what kind of whoppers she tells.
JOSIE: Like with me, I'll hold my hands up.. I probably am the biggest South West exaggerator ever.. ever met in your whole entire life! My mates'll be like 'how many people coming out, Jose?' I'll be like 'fifty.. about fifty of us going out!' about 3 of us turn up!
SHABBY: But they're not bad exaggerations.
JOSIE: Oh sometimes I can really exaggerate. I went to Alton Towers once and Oblivion stopped, right.. and it did stop for longer than it normally did. But I got home I was like 'YEAH, we were up there for HOURS!! We nearly DIED!' Do you know what I mean?
If Shabby's friends aren't reacting the way she wants them to, then sometimes she'll make the person (that she is talking about) sound even worse.
In the kitchen, Dave and Steve speak about enjoying that bit of curry. Sunshine confesses to Ben that she'd been talking to herself about margarine when she was opening the fridge. Ife glosses her lips in the bedroom and complains to Caoimhe that she really wants to find Josie's hamper (of her favourite things) It contains a mint nail varnish that she wants to use.
JOHN: We went under the doonas! God knows what'll be said in there! On the site or something.. (The BB website DID imply things could have been becoming steamy beneath the sheets!) cos we were under the doona covers for ages! We could have been doing anything!
STEVE: You were, weren't ya?
DAVE: And were you doing anything?
JOHN: Nah! We were just talking but we pulled the doona covers to block out the noise.
Steve quizzes if they'd had their microphones on.
JOHN: Hey? No, we weren't wearing our mics. You can take 'em off when you're in bed, yeah. We were whispering that quiet.. they must be.. if they (pointing to the mics) coulda heard what we were saying they must be super sensitive.
Steve guarantees the mics would have picked up on their conversation.
JOHN: Obviously we weren't saying anything bad! They must be really good mics! But I thought, because we were whispering that quiet.. I could only just hear what she was saying, and I was thinking.. (Steve describes the mics as FBI microphones) I was thinking um.. cos obviously they didn't whinge! They didn't say 'put your mics on cos we wanna hear what you're saying' they obviously heard what we were saying.
Sunshine scrapes her plate noisily on the work surface. Is she getting angry now??? John twiddles with his hair in the SC.
DAVE: Didn't you say, she's the type of girl you'd go for back home?
JOHN: (dodging answering the question with a real answer) Um.. it's hard to say.. because you get so close to people in here, don't ya? so.. (turns around to look out into the garden, presumably at Josie) Cor, it's gettin' hot isn't it?
I think it is fairly safe to assume that the girl in question here is none other than JOSIE! (Since they were just talking about them under the doonas) So seemingly, John had confided in Dave beforehand at some point that he was interested in/attracted to Josie. Yet when put on the spot, in front of other HM's he plays it down, acts nonchalant about the situation and then quickly changes the subject. He also appears to be trying to talk himself out of liking Josie in that way because they have developed such a tight bond already. John NEVER wanted anything to jeopardise their friendship first and foremost :(
Steve had commented earlier that the spiciness of the food was enough to make his nose bleed! Sunshine sprinkles her meal with salt.
JOHN: Ar, did you make your scrambled eggs that isn't really scrambled eggs? I woulda been interested to see had you did that..
Sunshine asks John if he wants some but he declines.
JOHN: Remember how she said she can make egg? What did you make it out of again? (mid shovelling in a spoonful)
It consists of tofu; she again offers some of her lunch to him. John doesn't want any of her bread just a little of her 'so-called egg or whatever' John tastes the piece she had passed onto his plate and looks far from impressed.
JOHN: It's probably been that long since you've tasted a real egg, that you've forgotten what egg's supposed to taste like! And it ain't like that! (she suggests he adds some soy sauce) ughh it's got a nasty taste! (shudders, flinches and gulps some water down his throat)
Sunshine isn't EGGsactly EGGstatic (yes the egg puns are back!) that John is making her cookery program less likely by the second :D
JOHN: (Half-heartedly and unconvincingly puts his thumb up to the camera) Good (!) Really good (!) SUNSHINE: What do you think you're gonna be a rockstar, Sunshine? A rockstar! You're gonna have a vegan cookery program? No.
JOHN: You've been in here a week, come on. You think you're gonna go out there with a record deal. You've been in a week in the BB house, come on. Get with the program! (Imitates Josie) It's nuffinnnn'
Sunshine is sure that being on the show will get her a degree in medicine. She has only just completed a degree in a year (SC) She was an undergrad with BA Hons at the time. John tries to figure out who is next to nominate as he knows he's after Ifster. John tells somebody at the table (not Sunshine she is too busy squabbling with Steve about the dishes he's had to clean for her) that he writes with his left hand but does everything else with his right.
Josie is in the pool while talking to Shabby about how they both exaggerate stories.
JOSIE: Depends what it is.. sometimes I can tell a massive whopper and where I've told it so well, I believe it myself. (they laugh)
Shabby asks Josie what kind of whoppers she tells.
JOSIE: Like with me, I'll hold my hands up.. I probably am the biggest South West exaggerator ever.. ever met in your whole entire life! My mates'll be like 'how many people coming out, Jose?' I'll be like 'fifty.. about fifty of us going out!' about 3 of us turn up!
SHABBY: But they're not bad exaggerations.
JOSIE: Oh sometimes I can really exaggerate. I went to Alton Towers once and Oblivion stopped, right.. and it did stop for longer than it normally did. But I got home I was like 'YEAH, we were up there for HOURS!! We nearly DIED!' Do you know what I mean?
If Shabby's friends aren't reacting the way she wants them to, then sometimes she'll make the person (that she is talking about) sound even worse.
In the kitchen, Dave and Steve speak about enjoying that bit of curry. Sunshine confesses to Ben that she'd been talking to herself about margarine when she was opening the fridge. Ife glosses her lips in the bedroom and complains to Caoimhe that she really wants to find Josie's hamper (of her favourite things) It contains a mint nail varnish that she wants to use.
Back out to the garden, John is laying in the sun by the pool side (so he can be right next to Josie) The HM's laugh at Mario's painted toenails, which were done by a shakey Ife.
JOSIE: (To Ife) Was it you that painted Mario's nails? Or have we got a 3 year old in here?
IFE: I never said that I was a nail painter! (SC) I'm not good at that kind of stuff.
JOSIE: It's cos you've got shakey hands, isn't it?
In the bedroom, Ife warns Mario that she will take a long time in the Diary room (to give her nominations) she estimates taking about 20 minutes. Mario loves Ife but jokes that she has to realise her strengths and weaknesses. Ife will have to come to terms with not being that good at nail painting!
At the kitchen sink, Sunshine informs Ben she's not a fan of baked beans and orange squash is an essential for her because she can't drink water on its own. When she travels, she mostly drinks pineapple juice but she's not a water person when she's at home. Dave leaves the Diary room with a resounding burp. Sunshine finds Appletizer really nice as it is 100% apple juice and loves apple and mango J20. Ben isn't a really big drinker for a guy, he enjoys gin and tonic, cosmopolitans and Pimms but has never been a massive drinker.
JOSIE: (To Ife) Was it you that painted Mario's nails? Or have we got a 3 year old in here?
IFE: I never said that I was a nail painter! (SC) I'm not good at that kind of stuff.
JOSIE: It's cos you've got shakey hands, isn't it?
Ife has never really painted anyone's toes, she's done her own but doesn't think they are anything special. Mario describes them as being painted in the style of Picasso. Ife plays that she is peeved that she'd gone to all that trouble, only for Mario to come out and say how 'crap' she is! Ife finds it downright rude, after she had pushed herself to touch his toes!
Josie asks Shabby if she knows The White House pub in Clapham Common. Shabby has never been there (SC) Nathan picks his nose and then proceeds to eat whatever he extracts from his nostril. Ife is sorry to bother Josie, but she really wants to borrow her minty nail varnish. Josie lets her know which drawer it is in, in the bedroom.
Josie is chatting about her friend Karla who she goes to all the festivals with 'she's so funny! She's hilarious, you know you've got those people who just make you like.. have a cramp every time you're with 'em!' Caoimhe laughs away at Josie's tales of nights out with Karla (through SC's)In the bedroom, Ife warns Mario that she will take a long time in the Diary room (to give her nominations) she estimates taking about 20 minutes. Mario loves Ife but jokes that she has to realise her strengths and weaknesses. Ife will have to come to terms with not being that good at nail painting!
At the kitchen sink, Sunshine informs Ben she's not a fan of baked beans and orange squash is an essential for her because she can't drink water on its own. When she travels, she mostly drinks pineapple juice but she's not a water person when she's at home. Dave leaves the Diary room with a resounding burp. Sunshine finds Appletizer really nice as it is 100% apple juice and loves apple and mango J20. Ben isn't a really big drinker for a guy, he enjoys gin and tonic, cosmopolitans and Pimms but has never been a massive drinker.
John is painting his nails a pretty pastel shade by the pool (the nail varnish Ife was looking for!)
JOHN: (he concentrates so that his painting is meticulous) Why am I doing this before going in there? Ah, this is a hard one to paint on.. that's hard! (wipes it off on the towel) I can't .. (Josie has a go using it on her finger nails) that's really hard that one! (he leans in to watch closely) It's all watery! It's getting hot out here now.. (SC) You.. you're really good at it!
JOSIE: Yeah, I know. (think she says she was good at colouring)
JOHN: I was good at colouring! I can go really fast without crossing the line.
JOSIE: I was quite good at art at school. (John blows her nails to help them dry) Thank you, John.
JOHN: It's a bit streaky but..
SHABBY: (Off-screen) That's skipping! That's jumping over a rope!
JOHN: Did someone just call me Skippy?
Caoimhe is trying to skip using the tie pull from a dressing robe. Sunshine broadcasts to the garden that there is a mouldy load of bread! John joins in a game of catch with his Nathan, Dave and Steve. Shabby and Caoimhe make believe they are going out for a coffee and ask if any of their HM's need anything while they are out.
Corin - a curly wurly
Sunshine - a pen
Dave - a bounty trio, some credit for his Orange phone and a can of Coke
Others asked for: Stamps, a double bacon cheeseburger and their phones.
Josie would 'love a bit of hair dye.. a bit of ice cream' (SC) She later adds, that she'd like a box of Ferrero rocher and a coffee too, while re-painting Mario's toenails for him (after Ife's shoddy job!)
Mario - Ben and Jerry's maple swirl and a box of 10 chicken nuggets
Steve plans to make a basketball player out of John/Nathan (can't see who is throwing) but Dave thinks he has more of a Darts throwing stance. Sunshine questions Corin if she is really going to start showering without her top on (SC - see hl's blog later) Sunshine won't get topless with Corin (because of her profession) but encourages her to do what makes her comfortable (regardless of her surgery scars)Josie asks Sunshine if she reckons that one of the carousel horses look like her.
SUNSHINE: No! You're beautiful!
Ben entreats Josie to do his toenails later but she has no acetone. Sunshine allows him to borrow hers. Josie has a bit of a boogie in the pool. In the kitchen, Caoimhe plans to do some more skipping when the grass cools down.
SHABBY: You're not very good at it though!
Caoimhe clenches her teeth that the rope just wasn't correct for her height; she claims that she does more boxers skipping. Ben ranks feet as the most unattractive part of the human body, as he bronzes bare-chested with his buddy Mario. (long SC)
NATHAN: (Baby voice) Josie Jose! You know I'm your favourite guy!
JOSIE: (goes along with the baloney) Alright..
Mario classes Ben's armpits as being hairier than his but Ben compares Mario's as curlier! John talks with Caoimhe and Shabby while standing against the kitchen counter drinking. (SC) Sunshine irritates Shabby when she bitches at Nathan about food as nothing is ever good enough. John seriously thought that Sunshine was cooking her own meals; he couldn't believe that Nathan has been having to cook separate meals for her!
Caoimhe criticises Sunshine for telling Nathan exactly what to do. John laughs as he had heard her one day and asked her if she didn't cook her own meals. Sunshine had replied 'no, no.. he does it for me!' (SC)
In the background of the garden, Nathan and Josie can be heard having a flirt. Nathan aww's at Josie Jose. JOSIE: Getting a bit carried away, aren't I? If I had a pool in my house, I'd just stay in it.. all the time!! I'd love it!
Nathan urges her to get out and do something. Ben suggests Josie buying a pool that is raised off the ground because they are 'only cheap!'
JOSIE: Um because I've got about minus um.. minus (SC)
In the kitchen, Shabby has elbows on the table lamenting about still thinking the same things about Friday nights - even though she's getting on with everyone.
SHABBY: Really? GOVAN? Out of those four?! REALLY??
Dave had told her the previous night that she had to understand Govan was involved with all these incidents and that it probably didn't look good. John is shaking his head in disbelief. What she takes from that, is that Dave believed Govan was in the wrong during those incidents and they were in the right (and the public had agreed with them) Shabby doesn't think anybody was in the right particularly 'it was just a clash!'
JOHN: Yep, it was no more than what I'd done or..
SHABBY: What I'd done.. or a few people in this house have done!
John totally agrees; he thinks Govan spoke his mind and respects him more for doing that, than holding back. (SC)
JOHN: Act how I would normally act.. and approach the situation how it comes, rather than beat around the bush in order to face them. Because at the end of the day, you've got to respect their decision .. but they don't know what the situation is in here! So unless you're in the situation in here, your comment means absolute (SC)
By now, a great deal of previous JJJ supporters have now chosen a 'side' between John and Josie. So for those amongst us who have not, it is difficult to witness John and Josie still having these clashes (albeit very few and far between now) I shake my head in disbelief on a very regular basis more at those who have sided with John or Josie exclusively. Some of their behaviour only antagonises the conflicts and I actually believe a handful of these people get off on it!
In my eyes, neither John nor Josie have been particularly right in things they have said and done over these past nearly 18 months! Yet, I don't perceive either to be vindictive, evil monsters either.. they are merely 2 people who were once together and in love, who now (for whatever reasons) are not! Some will swear blind allegiance to Josie, others to John and to you, they can do no wrong! The opponents will most likely see things in the exact reverse way because they have allied themselves with the other J.
I respect John and Josie's decision not to be together and to not be friends (at this time) and if circumstances change, I will respect that too. I don't like their disrespectful behaviour towards one another in the slightest, however .. and will say so, if I see fit. But like John says above, NONE of us know what their situation was at the end of their relationship.. none of us know their situation now (unless they tell us) so STOP PRESUMING YOU DO!! Our comments and opinions mean diddly squat!
Caoimhe finds that a really good point, as the HM's have no idea what is being shown. Cuts to the garden and Ben blasting society for having no humour collectively. Back to the kitchen, where Shabby honestly doesn't think she has done anything in the house that she regrets. Ife comes in (after supposedly being in there '12 hours!') after her intense ordeal; she was in there so long as she hadn't decided who to nominate beforehand. She changed her mind 3 times, asked for cigarettes and was basically told 'NO!'
Ife wants tobacco NOW; Shabby thinks the longer they keep on about it, the longer BB will wait to give them any! John's called into the Diary room to give his nominations, he breathes heavily as he runs in with his microphone inside his mouth!!
Ben's darling girl, Ife goes outside to sit with him and Mario. They deplore at how ghastly nominating was today because it isn't about who they like and dislike now. When Mario moved back to the UK, he didn't want to live in London but wanted to be close by and chose to live near the sea (why he picked to settle down in Southend) It is very important for him to live near water because he's a water sign (horoscopes)
Ben would love some gold/copper coloured nail varnish. That lovely day would have been Ben's ideal day, had he not been in the BB enclosure. Dave and Steve continue their sock throwing competion. Mario discusses his belief in karma but not miracles, as he has yet to experience one. He hopes there is re-incarnation if there is any kind of after life as he doesn't think there is a heaven or hell.
In the kitchen, Shabby doesn't want Caoimhe to get upset with her and tells her she means this as her best friend in the house. It seems to Shabby that Caoimhe is more into the game than she had thought she was, and that after the eviction she hasn't wanted anyone to dislike her. Caoimhe isn't making a conscious effort to make people like her as she knows it isn't going to happen. She understands she was a bitch to Sunshine but doesn't want her HM's to continue thinking she is a bitch because she isn't always one.
Caoimhe's character change has come about because she doesn't want a confrontation. Even on the outside she doesn't have many girlfriends. Shabby acknowledges that Caoimhe can be a bit of a bitch at times but checks she isn't upset. Caoimhe doesn't care if people don't like her, which is what Shabby had thought was the case. But because the past couple of days, it has felt like Caoimhe cared, Shabby wasn't sure if it was to save her own ass.
Shabby interrogates whether Caoimhe is spiteful to Sunshine for the sake of being spiteful. Caoimhe shouts childishly that Sunshine behaves like a spoilt little child in there! Caoimhe thinks Shabby is being blind to Sunshine and that (Sunshine) is totally immature and the things she'd said the other day about the crisps disgusted her! Must have been an ad break because John is now seated at the table again while Caoimhe lets rip in SC's.
John agrees with Caoimhe 100% but he's had a dip at her on more than one occasion and she seems to get over it.
JOHN:If she cracks it, she cracks it but.. if you have a go at her, she takes it on the chin.. if she didn't take it on the chin, I'd be quite happy not to talk to her. But because she (SC) 100%, but you know you are.. so, as long as you're willing to admit that.. (Caoimhe asks if Sunshine does know) Oh, she'd have to know! Surely? She'd have to know! You can't sing in front of a mirror for 45 minutes and not know you're an attention seeker!
This, makes Caoimhe's skin crawl! John can't watch that, he has to walk away. Shabby isn't disagreeing with any of what they are saying (SC) but what she thinks she's been missing is that she wants to believe Sunshine isn't really like that and that there's another Sunshine underneath! John had thought that but now thinks that is the real her! He'd first considered that she was just doing things to fit in but now truly believes she is like this; he doesn't have a massive problem with it. (SC while Caoimhe seethes)
JOHN: As long as she's willing to take the criticism, like with the crisps.. and I said to her about the crisps, about how she gets spoilt with the vegan food and that.. as long as she's willing to listen and understand, then I don't have a problem with that.
Shabby guesses that her issue with Caoimhe and Sunshine is that sometimes things get taken too far. Caoimhe tries to cut her off but then lets her continue. Shabby feels that the only good thing with her own rage is that she brings it all out in one go.. and it isn't a constant barrage of comments. She stresses that she's not having a go at Caoimhe but she operates differently to her, so she's trying to understand why.
Caoimhe agrees she had taken it too far the other night but sometimes when she says things they come across sarcastically, even if she genuinely doesn't mean for them to. John asks what she had said; Shabby answers that they were little digs as Caoimhe can't even remember.
JOHN: I'm a victim to that, I go her for like half an hour!
Shabby doesn't think that makes it right either and John knows it doesn't. Caoimhe tries to take the heat off herself and argues that Josie had called Sunshine a tight cow to her face! Shabby laughs at this which irritates Caoimhe as she doesn't understand why her comments weren't funny to Shabby. John agrees that Josie had been 100% serious. (SC) Caoimhe's voice becomes shrill and icy so Shabby defends that she'd just said it wasn't just Caoimhe!
John doesn't want Shabs to feel bad, as she has a different way to approaching it to everyone else. (SC and then a stoney silence) Shabby just wants to understand Caoimhe better 'why do you have a moody, mardy little face on?' (SC after Caoimhe protests she hasn't!) Caoimhe feels that Sunshine crying about things is just drawing more attention on herself 'and that's what she wants!'
Out in the garden, Josie and Ben have opposing views of the penal system. Josie thinks Ben would feel differently towards it if he had children.
JOHN: Um.. electric chair isn't exactly an easy way out!! Don't look at me, as if you're ready to go this!
JOSIE: Ready to go? (John laughs nervously)
JOHN: Electric chair is not an easy way out! Lethal injection is not an easy way out.
Ben asks him when the death penalty was abolished in Australia, John thinks it has been a long time.
JOHN: I believe in capital punishment if you can be 100% .. but when .. the argument is, whenever can you be 100%?
JOSIE: Yeah, but the thing is.. (SC)
JOHN: I want a pet monkey!
Of course, Sunshine has to state that she wants one too and how she will get him one! In the kitchen, Caoimhe there's a list of things she could say, that were different about her and Shabby. (SC)
The debate in the garden carries on, as Ben believes if Josie's Grandad had done something terrible when she was 14 (SC) Mario thinks a person can be re-habilitated from drugs and alcohol but if a person is a rapist they generally always will be (as so many re-offend when they are freed from prison) (long SC)
John asks Benny when Elvis died and he quotes the fact 'Elvis died in 1977 aged 42' John chuckles knowing he'd have the answer! Dave joins the debate and has thought about it both ways. The way his thinking has come around is, that killing someone who has killed almost brings you down to their level. Josie's not on about that (long SC) Steve thinks Ben would beg to differ it were one of his children! (SC) Ben isn't saying he is against the death penalty.
In the kitchen, Shabby tells Caoimhe she has a way of talking that is a bit intense but she's grown used to it now. She does realise that most of the time this is just how she does talk. Shabby just doesn't trust Mario and never has done but wants to because he is this lovely, sweet little thing - but that is what makes her distrust him! 'He's too nice!' Every person who has been in her life (like Mario) has ended up not being that nice so this is why she wants to believe he is a mole. Caoimhe just sees him as genuinely nice but his full personality has not come out yet.
Caoimhe only wishes he were more upfront as she can see he gets irritated by Sunshine at times. He had told Shabby early on that he would never want to say anything to get on her bad side. She isn't saying Mario is a horrible person, just that he's not her kind of person. She guesses she doesn't see in him what they do or what she sees in Ben either. Caoimhe appreciates Ben's awkwardness and can see a lot of herself in him in a lot of ways (but sometimes needs to walk away as he talks too much) Shabby can see when Ben disagrees with her because it flashes over his face but he won't say so. She'd rather he voiced his disagreement as she wouldn't slap him!
Ben also irritates her because he finds a shared interest with each HM and then will only discuss that with them. Like he and Corin just constantly talk about Coronation Street and Corin doesn't want to talk about that all the time. Shabby doesn't dislike Ben or Mario she just doesn't trust them.
SHABBY: Josie's my kind of person! Govan's my kind of person.
You were looking smokin yesterday (James 32 video):
In the garden, John is about to paint Ife's toe nails and points out that one of her toes are 'horrendous!'
JOHN: That one, go on have a look at it! (Ife thinks it's quite nice) You've just splashed that one on, didn't ya? What about that little one? What's going on with that one? That's not even painted! That's just a dollop!
John, Josie and Ife laugh as Ife had gotten distracted.
JOHN: Give me that little one!
JOSIE: Here, if I go on Friday, I know what I'm gonna wear now, right.. you know my dress? (SC, Ife asks what dress?) You know my blue one, that's got a hole in it. (Ife hasn't seen it) The blue floral one.
Ife asks if it is navy blue and in her drawer. Josie replies that it is light blue and she had worn it on Govan's eviction. Ife doesn't seem too enthused with her tepid 'oh yeah.' Josie plans to cut it up, then tuck it into a pencil skirt with a belt.
IFE: And what are you gonna do with the leftover material? Do an Erykah Badu?
JOSIE: Do you reckon?
IFE: No, you look lovely with your hair down. You don't wanna hide your blonde hair!
JOHN: You were looking smokin' yesterday!!
Josie just stares at him stunned. Corin also comments that she would wear what Josie wore the day before too.
JOHN: (can't even look up from Ife's toenails) I don't know what you had on, but yeah, you were lookin'.. lookin' real good!
JOSIE: (Beams like a Cheshire cat) Aw, thanks John James.
JOHN: That's alright. That's what I do.
Ife casts a knowing look at Josie and they start to giggle between them. Ife questions if Josie can see what she sees now.
JOHN: What's your problem? What's the problem? (SC)
Josie asks John if he drinks tea, John replies 'nah' so Ife checks if he drinks coffee - he doesn't.
IFE: Okay, I'll just be grateful. I've got such ugly feet, look at that!
IFE: Okay, I'll just be grateful. I've got such ugly feet, look at that!
I think John's appreciative reaction to her appearance the previous day, really threw Josie. She was so flattered but maybe had never been told something so complimentary by a guy as attractive as John. Those few words must have made her self-esteem sky rocket, to hear that a good looking man had found her as hot as she considered him to be!
Josie's nervous laughter however is probably why John didn't dish out these compliments to her willy nilly. It would have taken him a lot to put it out there that he'd found her so smoking, only for her to laugh back at him. I know it wasn't Josie's fault, she just didn't know how to respond as she wasn't used to being told such positive things about the way she looked.. but it maybe wounded John's ego a little. I do think it surprised John that she couldn't see how gorgeous she was and he probably wanted to tell her how good she was looking all the time.
loved it!!!!! well done oh cheeky one xxx
ReplyDeleteWow,what gorgeous pix of Nathan you posted,his finger in his nose,ravishing stuff:p
ReplyDeleteJohn looks 10yrs younger what he's clean shaved lol
I love the font you're using now for your input:)
What is it with guys and nail varnish?Happens in every BB series,must be boredom surely lol