Saturday, 18 August 2012

Day 20 HL'S

8.45am, most of the HM's are asleep. Corin sings Manic Monday in the bathroom, while outside Ife and Nathan gripe about the little things slowly starting to grate on them e.g cups being left out in the garden. Yesterday, Ife had asked Shabby to wash up if she wasn't doing anything but Caoimhe did it instead. Nathan likes Shabby but 'she doesn't do anything! I can't be arsed with her tantrums, toys out of the pram!'  

Nathan doesn't feel like she has to be that 'angsty teenage stropper' he doesn't understand what is getting them so angry as nothing is making him like that! He's had a rant about Sunshine and the crisp thing as he didn't think it was fair and it came across with a bad attitude. Ife agrees and claims to have been her 'biggest cheerleader from Day 1' when everyone was saying stuff; Ife had told them Sunshine was misunderstood. 

Sunshine's mirror obsession is incomprehensible to Nathan, he doesn't understand how she can be a medical student and carry on the way she does! He feels taking the p*ss out of her Lady Gaga sh*t is warranted as she brings it upon herself. The bottom line for Ife is that Sunshine is just an attention seeker.

 11.21am, Shabby speaks to herself in the mirror! Ben is attempting to shave his chest hair in the wardrobe but realises the electric razor isn't a long hair trimmer! Mario removes it from his hands and buzzes at the fuzz for him. Though Ben isn't very hairy, he likes to get rid of what is there; he wishes he wasn't anal!

MARIO: (lewdly) I wish you liked anal!
Out in the garden, Sunshine once told her Dad she'd changed her name to Paris Hilton and he had almost cried. But when she told him she was now Sunshine, her Dad thinks that is nice. 

JOHN: So you'd never consider changing it properly? 

Sunshine thinks for her profession, she shouldn't. John would have to agree with that; he always imagined doctors to be 'a little more.. serious!' Sunshine brushes her hair while answering that 'you can be anything, you can come from any background now!'

JOHN: But you're very.. You're not like a stereotypical doctor..if I was to see a doctor in here they'd be very um laid-back, very professional .. You are not like that. 
Sunshine had called the General Medical council to discuss being on BB, they had told her so long as she is professional on the wards and has passed her exams, she won't be judged on her personal life. Doctors are judged on their professional life and their internships.  

SUNSHINE: I'm good in the wards. I'm very serious but I try to be lighthearted .. I do wear bright clothes because I think, why shouldn't I?  As long as I'm covered up and I'm respectful in.. in my dress then um..why shouldn't I cheer people up a little bit and wear bright pink? Patients love it!

Steve bets they do! Sunshine's patients say they love her bright pink shoes, John has to squint while speaking to Sunshine IN the sunshine. 
11.39am, Caoimhe is plucking Shabby's eyebrows beside the pool and accidentally catches Shabby's skin with the tweezers! Shabby screams at her 'you f**king b*tch!' Caoimhe is so sorry, she hadn't meant to do that and checks she is okay, laying a hand lightly on her forehead.

In the kitchen, Mario excuses himself as his is a grower not a shower like Nathan's! Nathan warns that he is back in heat and wants to be a porn star so he can sh*g all the time. 

JOSIE: Is that what you wanna be when you get out of here, a pornstar? (Nathan replies no) You are, aren't you?!

Mario has been on the set of a porno movie and didn't find it that exciting. Ife asks what he was doing on set with a thousand exclamation marks after it! (x1000) Mario's friend is a dark entertainer and had invited him along, it was too bizarre for him. Nathan has no qualms getting his kit off and justifies that he'd get to sleep with super attractive women (if he were in an adult film) 
Ife opposes that not all of the women are, some are baggy and pay attention to the camera not the man! Nathan calls it just a way of earning money and he loves having sex, so why wouldn't he want to do it as he is single. Ife can't even think like that (about it just being sex) as she isn't like that! It would be perfect for Nathan if a woman came up to him, with no strings attached, didn't want a relationship and said 'just f**k me!' Ife thinks she might feel that way if she was single. 

NATHAN: A lot of lasses though, get a lot of bad press for it! (sleeping with lots of men)

Ife considers that Samantha from Sex and the City has now made it okay for women to be promiscuous. Nathan feels there is no harm so long as nobody is getting hurt. John and Nathan's views when it came to women and sex could not have been more different. Nathan was so disrespectful and objectified women constantly, sex to him was for his own gratification not to show the girl how much he cared about her and loved her. I wonder if his attitudes towards sex have changed significantly, now he has been in a monogamous relationship with Rachael for so long .. or is there still a porn star inside desperate to be released?  
12.12pm, some of the Hm's are in the kitchen. Ife and Josie are talking about John James :) 

IFE: I saw the way he looked at you today!

JOSIE: Maybe if you say something .. Cos I don't think he like.. 

IFE: I think he knows that I know .. Cos I caught him looking at you.

JOSIE: If you say something to him it might make him feel uncomfortable to talk to me.

IFE: So maybe I shouldn't. But I caught him looking at you, and he saw me catching him .. So then I said 'I'm very observant! 

JOSIE: What do you mean? 
IFE: He was looking at you..

JOSIE: He does it to everyone! I've seen him - even does it to Sunshine!

IFE: (whispers) He said 'I love you!' (Josie "huh?") He said last night he said erm 'I love you Jose' and you went 'huh, you too'" 

JOSIE: Yeah I went .. (Shows Ife the I love you sign) 

IFE: I wouldn't say anything to him though.

JOSIE: Erm don't get me wrong, I fancy him in a football kit but I don't ..I don't think I fancy him when he's not in a football kit, and plus, look at him and look at me! Come on! 
IFE: What? That's your.. I think that's your own..

JOSIE: Let's be realistic about the situation.

IFE: Nah I think that's just your own personal thing!

Josie walks away exclaiming that curry's just gone straight through her! I liked the friendship Ife and Josie used to share; Ife seemed to be the first HM to squee over JJJ! Josie clearly enjoyed Ife's thoughts that John did like her that way but didn't allow herself to entertain it in case they had got it completely wrong. 
Josie was afraid that he would back away from her altogether if the HM's told John of their suspicions of how he felt towards Josie.. and that was the last thing she wanted! Ife really was observant, as she was one of the first to recognise that John did look at Josie in this way.. and John even admits this to Josie later in the series.

It always made me so sad, that she couldn't see what a catch she was to any guy! She really didn't feel like she was a worthy match for John so always played it down when Ife pointed John's feelings out to her. I think Josie had to convince herself that he couldn't possibly like her because of the different league crap.. and tried to talk herself out of being attracted back to him! But in the end, she couldn't keep using the only fancying him in a football kit excuse when it became obvious to herself, that her feelings were much stronger than being purely physical.. and not only that, they were reciprocated by a little bit of a handsome Aussie! ;)
Today HM's will nominate for the 3rd time; Ben is the 1st HM to nominate. 


BEN - (opts for a wild card that will shock everyone) Nathan (he finds his iron-fist control over the kitchen difficult, doesn't give them choice about what to eat and he has been in trouble for eating the odd morsel from the fridge without Nathan's permission) and Shabby (for all of her special qualities, he does still consider her to be a devisive character and her presence makes it difficult for Caoimhe and Ife to prosper as individual characters)  

CAOIMHE - Dave (she's getting sick of his voicing of his opinions, as if he's trying to promote religion. She also doesn't like lickarses and think it's false) and Sunshine (she thinks she's an attention seeker and thinks everything should revolve around her and is mean!)  
CORIN - John James (she thinks he should control his temper a bit more sometimes as a little thing can annoy him and you don't know if he might just switch! *imitates him* 'Oh I'm getting angry, I'm getting angry! I'm gonna get annoyed you better be quiet or I'll get annoyed!") and Mario (it annoys her that everything he talks about seems to be sex, bums, balls and nipples. She's sick of hearing about it and doesn't want to see his ball and the thought of pubic hair flying about makes her feel sick!)  

DAVE -  Shabby (he finds her moodswings difficult to deal with and the atmosphere changes quite radically when she's around! Then sometimes she'll burst in swearing with no explanation, which is difficult for him to cope with as they're not sure what's upset her) and Caoimhe (as she's another one that can flip at the turn of a switch and would freely gossip about people, without caring who is around to hear it) 
IFE - Dave (she'd heard reports that Dave had commented they were 'knocking them off one by one' and just doesn't trust him!) and Sunshine (because the incident with the potato crisps made her feel small and felt Sunshine had been insensitive and that annoyed her)  

JOHN JAMES - "This isn't as easy as I thought it was gonna be um.. Alright for my 1st nomination I'm gonna nominate Ben. Sunshine was in his group and um it came out a couple of days ago that he had .. Um nominated Sunshine and um I lost a lot of respect for him in that way and um more importantly than that, I lost a lot of trust in him. Its very hard to spend time with someone that I can't fully trust. ... I'm gonna have to nominate Dave - he's just saying some unsettling things and when Govan was evicted um he made numerous comments to the fact that um.. The public were on.. on his side and stuff like that .. And that doesn't bother me, if the public are on his side that's fine, I feel as though if he's worried about the public then he's not being himself in here. We're not in here to be liked, we're not in here to be hated - we're here to be ourselves.. but if you're worried about something else then .. and you are trying to be friends with everyone and telling everybody that you love them, when really you might not.. that's just not being true to yourself."
Not only have John and Josie lost respect for each other, it seems they lost total trust too. Trust is imperative to John, so once that has all but dissipated, I'm not sure if that person would ever be able to regain John's trust fully.. and trust and respect are two of the most vital ingredients in sustaining a loving relationship.. I think a lot of comments John has read about himself or Josie would have been unsettling for him :( He did seem to believe for some time that the public were 100% behind Josie and more 50/50 in their liking for him. From his sarcastic mocking of Josie being the British rose, perhaps he had been under the impression that in the break up, the majority would side with Josie.  

Also when they mentioned how the fans would react if they split up (while arguing) maybe John felt Josie was more worried about how she/they would be perceived.. than actually resolving the issues between them.. and having to brush aside rows with a smile stuck on their face in public (to keep up appearances) may have seemed insincere to him; as though they were acting falsely.
JOSIE: "First of all I'm going to nominate Dave becaaaause, Shabs overheard a conversation that he was having in the bathroom saying 'the Lord is looking after us um Govan's gone and you know we're taking them out 1 by 1!' Or something along those lines and Shabby got really, really funny about it and I don't like things like that. And another thing he keeps going up to Nathan 'alright Nathan? When are you cooking the dinner? X3' I'm like if you're hungry go make yourself some dinner it's not up to Nathan to cook you your dinner! Um 2nd nomination that would have to be Sunshine because (laughs) the other day Sunshine knew that she had a packet of crisps in her top drawer in her bedroom and she wouldn't think to get them! Now if that was me, I'd have those crisps out in a bowl sharing them with the rest of my housemates, cos that's what it's all about.. working as a team in here and yeah she didn't get em! It took everyone to moan and moan all day for her to share her crisps and I don't like that. So for the sheer fact that Sunshine is tighter than a ducks ass she's got my vote."   

MARIO - Corin (he doesn't receive any kind of intellectual stimulation from her. At the banquet of intellectual nourishment, he is left starving) and Shabby (so mercurial with her temper, one minute they can all be having a really good time and she'll jump up and storm out of the room. She leaves a ripple of everyone being left slightly uncomfortable but sometimes her rages are amusing. He just never knows how she's gonna react to anything!) 

NATHAN - Sunshine (irritates the sh*t out of him with the constant posing and always acting up for the cameras! It does his head in big time!) and Dave (he doesn't know the context of his conversation about same sex marriages but it really annoyed him. He finds that such a dated view and it p*ssed him right off. Little things also irritate him such as the constant'when's the food?' He just needs a break from him, do you know what he means?)  

SHABBY - Sunshine (because she's really greedy, selfish and a bit tight-fisted. If she was given the bag of crisps she'd have shared them even if it did have her name on! She found Sunshine's attitude really stinking in a house like that!) and Dave (she isn't religious at all but considers him to have basically created his own religion where his God gets him drunk and helps him out on reality shows. She would be massively offended by Dave's religion if she was Christian. And it still peeves her that he said gay marriage was immoral!)
 STEVE - Caoimhe (constantly rulebreaks and he believes she doesn't put in as much effort in tasks as she could. Some that she has taken part in she gave up before she needed to. ) and Shabby (lack of cleanliness in kitchen, she is quite willing to eat but then wanders off leaving the mess for everyone else to clean. And the temper tantrums when she's storming round the house with really no need!!)  

SUNSHINE - Caoimhe (for calling her tight, if those comments where from someone she has a friendship with it could be considered a joke. When she does it, it gets to her because she's being serious and Sunshine doesn't think it is very funny as it hurts.) and Shabby (made me feel like I was the worst person in the world over the crisps, Shabby had judged her and she just doesn't think it is nice to put words in somebody's mouth and then not allow them the chance to explain!)  

Dave received 6 nominations. Shabby and Sunshine each received 5 nominations Ife, Josie and Steve all received no nominations!!  
1.55pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. Corin encourages Sunshine to go topless with her but Sunshine can't. Corin would love it if her Doctor went topless but Sunshine is sure she wouldn't. She then thinks better of it, knowing that BB will probably show close ups of her scars 'it's not a good look!' 

SUNSHINE: You can't even see them, hun. I don't know what you're worried about, you've admitted to having a boob job. You're proud of it, you're not ashamed of it.. and if they focus on the scars then they do that but they're not big.. and you've already made it clear you've had a boob job so.. 

Corin pulls down her bikini top to look how large her scars appear but is too embarrassed to take it off. Mario's magician group is in Southend that day; he's always wanted to be a magician. Ben asks if he likes Houdini but Mario doesn't think he really did anything spectacular. Ben wants to know the difference between a conjurer and a magician but Mario says there is none. 
 BEN: You're quite sort of spiritual, aren't you? 

 Mario responds that he is but in a non-religious way; be believes in fate and definitely in karma and hopes there is re-incarnation. Ben turns around to a robed Josie and requests 'darling, come and sit with us!' Mario is perturbed by him starting to chat to other people but Ben doesn't like him always telling him off! 

JOSIE: Oh, sorry! Have I interrupted summat? 

Mario's point is proven completely and utterly that Ben doesn't listen to him because he wasn't even talking about conjurers or spiritualism! Ben gets there in the end after 3 guesses and remembers they were just speaking about re-incarnation. Mario just doesn't like people who don't pay attention and wonders why he bothers talking. Ben protests that he remembers all the important stuff!
JOSIE: Are you two having a lovers tiff?!

BEN: We're not having a lovers tiff at all, we're just having a tiff!

MARIO: There's no more love in this .. It's slowly growing to hate!

Ben acknowledges that Mario is better at appearing interested in a wider range of things than he is! Mario snaps that he IS interested, he doesn't appear to be but Ben failed every science exam he ever took and is more interested in people. 
Shabby and Caoimhe chat in the kitchen (see previous blog Live Day 20 P1 about Shabby thinking Caoimhe now cares more about the game than she thought!) Caoimhe wanted to avoid confrontation as she knows it would have kicked off with her and Sunshine. Shabby would stand with her in any argument she was in, as she has for her but she cannot condone some of  the comments she's made to Sunshine. 

CAOIMHE: Yeah, but she p*ssed me off!

Shabby feels that Sunshine is picked on enough and Caoimhe isn't the only one who does it! Caoimhe convulses that Sunshine is a complete attention seeker, John has joined them at the table. 

CAOIMHE: That's what she wants! She wants people to f**king dote all over her.. well, I'm not gonna do that! 
John agrees as Caoimhe's frenzied fireworks of fury continue to explode 'and if she p*sses me off, I will tell her to her face that she's p*ssing me off!'

Shabby thinks that is fine but finds that sometimes Caoimhe is spiteful with Sunshine just for the sake of being spiteful! Caoimhe is certain that Shabby is being blind to her as the things Sunshine said the other day had disgusted her! Shabby can see that in regards to the crisps; Caoimhe carries on with her vehement wrath about Sunshine being spoilt. It p*sses her off so much that Sunshine is reluctant to share her belongings. 

Shabby checks if Caoimhe is totally p*ssed with her now but she confutes this and asks if Shabby understands her better now or what. Shabby guesses so, very half-heartedly! Caoimhe was under the impression that this was the aim of their conversation, for Shabby to understand Caoimhe more. 
5.40pm, For today's task, Steve is the barman and  Nathan is the resident darts player in the BB Boozer! The rest of the HM's must attempt to drink 1/2 a yard of 1 of BB's brews in 90 seconds. For every half yard successfully downed, darts player Nathan will take 1 step closer to the dartboard. Once all HM's have attempted their drinks, Nathan will throw a dart at the board. Each point scored, wins 1 drink for this evening.

Mario is first to approach the bar and ask for the usual, he does a prancy dancy as he skips across the lawn.

JOHN: Come on, hurry up! Who's drinking the fire water? 

JOSIE: (Instantly) Not me!!
Mario strips off his shirt which has John questioning "what do you have to do, take your shirt off?" (as he wouldn't have been game for that) Mario just didn't want to spill the drink all over himself! The big(b*llocked) boy starts guzzling back his non-alcoholic beer after the sound of the mooing cow. He bows with a burp upon downing the contents to rapturous applause. 

Dave takes his turn and Steve is over-egging his barman's role as he hands over the Grande cappucino yard of fail. It contains coffee and marmite and is topped with soya milk. He chugs away on the concoction of the foustiest stuff he has ever tasted in his life.
When Shabby steps up for her usual non-alcoholic beer, she overshares her concerns that it may come out the other end! She courtesies upon completion, punctuating her success with a colossal belch!
Ife necks down another non-alcoholic beer and itches at her tongue after
Poor Josie is handed her Fin and tonic by the barbaric barman! The disgusting drink she has to down is made of thai fish sauce, fish stock and water. After several sickening swigs, she can stomach it no more and spits it back up. John tilts his head forward to ensure that she is okay whilst she chokes!

JOSIE: I can't! I'm so sorry guys!

Sunshine gulps back at her Bloody Awful Mary (made of ketchup and water) as though it were really Ribena!! 
When Sergeant Steve serves up John's yucky Yard, John near keels over on the bar top! He is soon revived and ready to heroically conquer the Fire water, which is a mixture of wasabi, chilli sauce and water) 

An impressed Josie WOOOOOOOW's John as he drinks it up like it's DYNAMITE (that's a shout out to all my JJJAGGERS!), pride scribbled all across her face, for her little man!

JOHN: That's burning! (he hunches over, wincing and almost hurling it all back out as he wheezes)

JOSIE: (Cackles) Do you know what it is yet? (Sunshine finds this a hoot as her mouth hole enlarges in an exaggerated manner)
JOHN: F**k you!! (Mario has to rub his back as he shudders and groans painfully from the flames in his throat!)
Ben boozes with his beer beverage. Caoimhe also chugs her brew thirstily. Corin trombones her tipple and the remaining drops she shakes above her head, land on her nipple! And OMG she CAN'T believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mullet Man takes his stand, coughs chestily before throwing his dart. He scores 16 points which receives feeble hand clapping and faint praise. Though Josie does try extending congratulations'well done Nath! Cor, well done! 16 beers, WOW!!' 
7.59pm, some of the HM's are in the garden. JJJ are circling each other playfighting teasingly with their undies! (KINKY!) Instead of undressing each other OUT of their underwear, they must settle to whip it and whip it goooood (When a problem comes along you must whip it!) at their anatomies (most likely the places they desired to touch) with their lingerie! Ooooh I say (or I probably would if I were Dot Cotton/Branning)

JOSIE: I  can smell your panties from here!!

John had misheard Josie, so stops BRIEFLY (underwear pun) to check his breath against his hand, self consciously. 

JOSIE: (Entertained by John hearing a different insult) No your panties not your breath!!
JOHN: (Has a whiff of his panty pong) They smell nice.

Josie can be heard in the kitchen making comedic war noises as she cavorts with John outside. Sunshine comes over all DELICATE as she listens to the pain in the ASSES, PANT around the garden (while they could but wish they were IN each others pants!) 

JOHN: (Being a gentleman) I coulda got you in the face but I didn't wanna get you in the face!

JOSIE: Oh sh*t! I've dropped my sword!! I've dropped my sword!
John the rascal, retrieves it only to give Josie a battering hits her with both 'weapons' before returning it. Josie falls to the floor unable to keep ABREAST of the battle. 

JOSIE: (BUMMED out) You've just totally humiliated me on the TV!

JOHN: I was willing to call a truce!

JOSIE: You've just totally showed me up there, John! Who do you think you are, yeah?!

JOHN: (impersonates her) Who do you think you are?!!
JOSIE: I'm cooler than a cucumber and you've just made me look wet like a hamburger!

Sunshine skulks out of the kitchen; Nathan had observed her stony face! He casts his suspicions of Sunshine's jealousy over Josie and 'thing' (which I take as a loose translation of John)  to Corin, but she had not noticed. He can't be sure but urges her to keep watching.  

Could Nathan have picked up on Sunshine's JJJ jealousy because he too was resentful of their blossoming relationship? John had sensed Nathan was envious of the time he spent with Josie already by this point but I'm not sure if he had cottoned onto Sunshine's too. 
By the pool side, Caoimhe and Shabs serenade Josie with an unrepentantly rude ditty  (to the tune of what shall we do with a drunken sailor) 

The rambunctious lyrics: 
What shall we do with Josie Gibson? What shall we do with Josie Gibson? What shall we do with Josie Gibson early in the morning? Chuck her in the bed with John James Parton (Caoimhe has to check his surname), chuck her in the bed with John James Parton, Chuck her in the bed with John James Parton early in the morning. Ooh yay and up she rises, ooh yay and up she rises, ooh yay and up she rises, just like his willy! 

Josie was joyfully jigging along to the song until they reach the line about John and she yells 'NO!'  
JOSIE: This is a form of bullying, isn't it? 

SHABBY: (Sweetly) We just want you to be happy, Josie.

JOSIE: Big brother I don't know if you can hear this but I'm being picked on!!

Caoimhe continues to croon uncouthly "then he parks the car in the garage" Shabby then chimes in with the chorus and claps as she sings. So it seems that Shabby and Caoimhe were well onto John and Josie's impending romantic liaisons!

JOSIE: I'm being singled out and picked on!
8.21pm, Sunshine shares her fears with Steve that she will be up again this week because of the crisps. Steve really thinks it could be anyone! 

John, Josie and Ben are in Josie's bed together; Ben has perceived that John is very perceptive and beholds this to John. 

JOHN: What does that mean? 

BEN: (Tickled) For someone so sharp in some ways, your vocabulary is the worst I've ever known. I had to explain to him what complex was the other day.

JOHN: Oh my vocabulary is sh*t! I've never met anyone that knows the words that you know!

Ben points out that Mario knows them all. 
JOHN: Yeah but he doesn't use them like you use them .. You can't say a sentence without saying them!.. (Ben brands 'complex' as 'hardly a difficult word!) (poshly mimics Ben) 'Complex is a very difficult word!' You can't talk in that accent and that tone of voice without throwing in a few cheeky big words!

Josie sucking her thumb suddenly pipes up with "I think people are only fancying people in this house cos there's nothing else to do!!" Ben thinks that is probably true. But John is baffled by this manifesto from Josie's mind as it has seemingly sprung out of nowhere. 

JOHN: (staring at her like a stunned mullet) Huh? What? (Josie repeats her theory to him) Why? Who's fancying people? 

JOSIE: Well everyone's fancying everyone a little bit..
JOHN: You just become like a family, don't ya?  You just become.. Everyone's close to everyone really.. Well to a certain degree.

JOSIE: Why do you have to disagree with everything I say?

JOHN: (Tuts) Oh .. Well .. Finish your sentence then!

I think John's dismissive brush off of Josie's comment stung her; she appeared hopeful that he would voice his agreement and reciprocate her feelings.. but he didn't in front of the small audience.. he pandered away from the subject and presented back to her that it was because they had all gotten so tight-knit as a group. NOT the answer Josie was searching for! She was giving him an opening to signal something that would indicate to her he felt the same.. and that Ife wasn't reading too much into looks she had seen John give Josie.
Mario pulls Ben out of bed so Ben can go for a pee and he can shower. Mario makes out they are going to share a golden shower (what a golden opportunity!) Mario asks if they can hold hands but Ben rebuffs him 'no, but you can take my arm, I don't mind.'  

MARIO: Do you want an emotional axe to plunge into my head as well?  (like the emotional axe John ground into Josie's heart momentarily!)

Ben and Josie kiss cheek to cheek with a bemused John watching on from the bed. Josie gets back into the top part of the double next to John. 
JOHN: (Chewing his mic wire) Um.. I think me and Benjy are are totally different people, ey? (Josie asks 'who?')Benjy. Yeah. Well I was really supportive of him at the start and he was probably one of my best mates at the start ..

JOSIE: Yeah, you and him have had a bit of a disagreement today, haven't you?

JOHN: He's starting to annoy me .. A LOT!

JOSIE: Oh, why? If he's starting to annoy you, then just don't hang round with him.

JOHN: Because I don't trust him.. because I just don't know if it's legit or not.. (Caoimhe enters the bedroom and crawls onto the bed beside them) I'm talking about Benjy if you have to know. I'm not 100%.. 
I have contemplated at great length that John and Josie may have accredited their break up to being totally different people. Towards the end of their relationship they could have conceived that this person they were living with was no longer a carbon copy of the one they fell for in BB. Changes in circumstances will always bring out various sides of a person's character and perhaps they weren't crazy hot about the 'changes'.. 

John and Josie were always supportive of one another in and out of the house (y'know except for when they weren't) until they broke up.. and first and foremost they were each other's best mates before hooking up.. that is one of the greatest shames about 'this' - their friendship has been forsaken and consigned to oblivion :( I'll always believe that this loss will be one they live to regret if they neverrrrrr make amends. 
Maybe their disagreements just became too constant, too caustic and too cruel.. Little things that once only peeved each other could soon have become massive causes of contention to provoke one another. And if this was starting to be the case, they possibly didn't want to be around each other very much.. and feasibly could have begun to feel they were better off apart. They also might have had doubts creeping in their heads about whether the other loved them and if they loved them in return.. were they each being legit? 

Caoimhe asks if he thinks Ben's playing a game but John doesn't think that. Neither does Caoimhe,  she thinks he just puts his foot in it. 

JOSIE: I think John James just thinks he's a bit sly and obviously we know he's a bit sly because of what he did to Shabby but just .. Allow it! 
Could they now regard each other as these sly game players? I know Josie has spokenly openly about considering John to be manipulative (and much much more besides!) And they have definitely each put their foot in things, particularly on twitter! Making it all the more obvious that they still SEE what the other is up to. My favourite was when John replied to someone who tweeted Josie's timeline (and hers alone!) which revealed that he scoured over her twitter mentions!!

JOHN:(Turns directly to Josie) He kisses a lot! (reallllllly what John means here is that Ben gets to peck Josie's cheeks and he'd love to stick his own tongue down Josie's throat! But since they were still in the flirty friend zone at that point he couldn't have made that move)
This p*sses Caoimhe off and she had to move away from Ben on the bench because she doesn't like it. Josie also can't stand it but just does it!

JOHN: Oh .. well I feel better then! I thought I was the only one that had a problem.

JOSIE: NO, no it does my head in because I'm not like that.

JOHN: Oh I feel much better .. that's alright then.

JOSIE: I just let him ..cos it makes him feel better, I suppose.

JOHN: Oh well, I feel better then. I thought I was the only one. There we go. 

And POURQUOI did John feel better? Because he discovered that Josie doesn't return Ben's ardour for his amorous kisses!
10.29pm, Shabby has come to the Diary room. She feels uncomfortable that 'women are bl**dy awkward.. bl**dy awkward' Shabby discerns that Caoimhe is avoiding her for some reason or another and 'one minute she's hot, one minute she's cold what are you gonna do? She's a woman!'
Some of the HM's are in the nest.  John has fallen asleep while the others talk amongst themselves. Mario asks Steve how soon he was back on artificial legs after his healing and recuperation, from his accident. The legs did exist back then but they were nowhere near as good as they are today. Steve would say 10 or 11 months before he was walking again. 

Corin comes in offering 2 biscuits for grabs. Ben asks if Steve could have had a prosthetic leg that looked like an actual limb. According to Steve these are very expensive and the only way around it on the NHS, is with a piece of foam moulded into an egg shape with a tight on it. It looks naff, rips and tears so he doesn't see the point in them! Steve thinks it is more interesting for people to see the metal as they can see how things work and approach him to ask about it. 
Ben believes it must have been great for his children to have grown up with this as they don't think it is abnormal. Not long before Steve had been to see his twin's in a school play and some of the children had been asking if their Dad was half man half machine. 

STEVE: What is he, the Terminator? What happened to him? Why's he like a robot? 

Steve's children think nothing of it and just say in passing that he just got injured in the war.
11.33pm, Ife, Caoimhe and Shabby are in the bedroom. Caoimhe is complimented on being really good at lesbian hairstyles by Shabby, as Caoimhe is combing her coiffure.
Each day, BB gives Dave access to his Bible for 30 minutes. John is sat next to him on the sofa ridiculing as Dave turns the pages.

JOHN: (Derides) How can you read that f**king sh*t? It don't even make sense! Sh*t going everywhere! It's like a ..

DAVE: I know you're on my side, John. I know you're on the Lord's side.

JOHN: (Jeers) Whoever wrote that must have the most creative, bullsh*tous mind! It's just a bunch of f**king myths all rambled together, aren't they?

Dave heee heee hee's like a caricature of the laughing policeman on helium!
JOHN: Look, what's this sh*t?! I could have wrote it better than that!

DAVE: (gives John a ragging back) I can't wait to see your face tomorrow when I go over to that wall and be like 'I'm sorry, Johnno I've gotta pick someone, there's gotta be someone, there's gotta be an unlucky one' and just rip that picture straight off! Sir Davey's face up on the safe side .. stick you over with the nominated few!

JOHN: (Rattled, raising his eyebrows) I don't know if I'm happy about this!

Dave laughs "the Lord will not be mocked, John!" 

JOHN: What's he done for me lately? Nothing!!
12.01am, Dave has been reading his Bible for 28 minutes. He is hammered 'drunk' and loves his Lord!

John goes out to glower in the garden as his white hot fury begins to boil over. 

JOHN: (Blazes) How's that prick?

JOSIE: What prick are you on about?

JOHN: (with indignation) The prick that I think you think is a prick .. He's like 'I'm gonna be up tomorrow' he, himself .. He goes um 'I think it's your turn to go up, so when I win the task tomorrow, I'm putting your name up on the board.
JOSIE: (chuckles) Is that what he just said?

JOHN: Just straight up! How's that cheeky prick? How's that not talking about f**king nominations?!!

JOSIE: You know if your name goes on the board, you know who's gonna be responsible for that? (points heavenwards) The Holy Spirit!

JOHN: How's that prick, to actually tell me.. before? One he's telling me he's gonna be up. Two, he's telling me he's gonna f**king win the task and three, he tells me that he's f**king gonna put me up!!

Shabby vows to ensure Dave doesn't win the task as SHE is going to! Josie sucks her thumb.

JOHN: I think he's high on the Holy Ghost right now, so he's probably f**king ..he's laughing about it..but I think he's being deadly serious!
JOSIE: But yesterday I um.. walked past him and he goes 'oh Jose, I love you!" And I just walked past thinking no you DON'T, I hardly ever talk to you!! So how the bl**dy hell do you love me?

Shabs says he said the same thing to Caoimhe the other day. 

JOHN: I can't believe I didn't see this f**king sh*t when Gov was here!

JOSIE: The night before nominations!

JOHN: (vexed) I'm f**king spewin' about that! I hope I'm up! Cos then I'll f**king WHOP his arse in the task!!' 
John strolls through the living room and Steve asks Johnny if he's alright, while he waits to be let in the Diary room.

JOHN: Yeah, I'm alright, mate. Haven't you finished reading that sh*t yet?!

Steve spots that Dave is f**ked and John apprehends that he is getting high. Dave prays that the Lord will plague John with dreams and visit him in the night. 
JOHN: (gives Dave a dressing down) Don't  f**king give me that sh*t when you're f**king putting my name up on the f**king board, you ..

Dave displeases John as he harasses that he'll see how big John's mouth is when he rips his face off the board. 

JOHN: I'm not sure if I like that.

Dave calls after him aggravating that it is about time John had a turn, as it can't be him every week!!
John unleashes to BB in the Diary room - "Davo just had an interesting conversation with me (giggles) he says .. he thinks he's gonna be up tomorrow um.. Which is probably likely and he says that when he wins the task he's gonna put my face up on the eviction board, the cheeky git!! People have been saying that Davo's been playing a game and I've stuck up for him the whole time like um.. thinking that he was legit and um.. that it was all about the Lord and the glory. He's very, very smart! But I didn't come out of a lemon tree. so.. I reckon he would put my name up. I seriously do! It will be interesting to see what he does if he does win tomorrow's task and he is up .. It will be interesting.. it will be interesting to see. (Nods solemnly) very very interesting!!"  
Dave is amused that they tried to make him go to rehab and he said no, no, no! Dave strongly feels that he ain't going nowhere if the Lord wants him in there! Steve sniggers about the all-seeing eye, which Dave says Steve has 'you don't miss much!'  

1.09am, most of the HM's are in the bedroom. In the kitchen, Shabby asks Caoimhe (over their cups of coffee) if she heard what Dave said to John James. Caoimhe hadn't, so is enlightened that Dave blatantly believed he will be up for eviction the next day. And how he would put John up for eviction when he wins the task as he thinks it is John's turn!

CAOIMHE: F**k off! He did not say that!

Shabby comments that even though Dave had been laughing, John knew he wasn't actually joking. Caoimhe considers that Dave has issues! Shabby knew the harmony in the house wouldn't last long.
Mario communicates with BB about how John is now suspicious of Dave. 'As soon as the seeds of suspicion are sown, it can spread just as easily!' Mario doesn't want there to be awkwardness between John and Dave as that will transpire as a ripple effect onto him and Ben. He thinks John will confront Dave about it as he doesn't deem John to have the self-control to drop it and put it to one side. He can foresee it turning into an argument with other HM's airing their views on the whole subject matter. 

In the bathroom, John rants to Steve while a sleepy Jose lays at his side. 
JOHN: I think he was f**king legit about what he said out there.. about swapping the names! I reckon he was' f**king serious about that! I don't know if I.. I don't know how to take that.. You don't wanna talk about it? I don't care but don't  go around f**king telling me that you love me and that .. and then f**king go and do that! I don't care .. I'm not scared, I'm not scared of being up, don't get me wrong. I'm not scared of being up. 

STEVE: Yeah, I'm with you..

JOHN: But don't .. don't tell me.. don't p*ss on my back and tell me it's raining! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Chopsy:)

    So who's waiting in anticipation for Nathan's porn debut,if it ever kick start?:pSure he's a nice guy,but he revolted me!

    Lol,wonder if John had diarrhea,after drinking that chill drink?:p

    Awww Sunshine was a bit jealous of the play fight between John&Jose:(

    John sometimes can dish it but cant take it,Dave was winding him up,i remember John got criticised on the main board for his views on the Bible,deary me,never seen so many catholics on the board that night!DS lol...I guess when you lose someone in that cruel manner,you start questioning the lord and the glory:/

    Lol,when i was watching the first time,and Mario came out with that reply "Wish you liked anal",i actually spit my drink out!eeeek :D

    Sometimes i think maybe going on BB wasn't a good idea for John after all,he has some serious trust issues,and going on a game show was always gonna make him extra paranoid!But on a selfish reason,glad he went in:D
