Quote below stolen from JJJAT:
James' biggest character flaw is that he has an overbearing character
and can tear anyone to shreds with little effort - there's generally no
malice involved, he just doesn't see how harsh he is being... but he has
learnt, through the row he had with Josie to be very careful not to
treat her like that as she won't take it. He respects her for that.
Also, he realised that she has been hurt before, doesn't trust easily
and doesn't turn to others very much, so he hasn't pushed her when she's
dipped in and out of their chats. He has seen that she's not actually
very touchy-feely, so he is being very gentle and taking it slowly.
The HM's are all dressing up for Steve's birthday dinner after passing the puppet task. In the closet, Ben admires Josie's amazing boobs and even Mario wants another touch!!
JOSIE: You're gay, Mar!!
MARIO: Yeah, so it doesn't matter. They're quite nice actually. Josie is an effortlessly pretty girl
(has a squeeze off screen) Yeah, they're quite nice!
Something else Ben likes is big belts!! (SC) John waltzes into the closet, clearly having heard his woman is getting changed ;)
BEN: (gushes as he grabs hold of Josie) Look at you, you look like you're in Portugal!
JOSIE: (Smiling) Do I? Why?
Perhaps because she looks so effortlessly pretty, just by putting on an understated but smoking little black dress. Also it shows off her bronzed tan and pearly whites!
John has borrowed one of Mario's tops and he is also looking hot! Ben believes it is because she looks bronzed and how she reminds him of the British women who holiday there, tanning by the pool all day and putting on a dress at night 'then go and assault the waiters!' John doesn't even pretend not to be eavesdropping as he lets out a rip-roaring peal of laughter while rummaging through the drawers. JOSIE: So that's what I look like? Thanks, Ben.
BEN: It's sexy as hell! (zips her dress up then pats her on the back) Well done!
Josie walks out of the wardrobe and is met by wolf whistles (presumably from Nathan) as she WOWS the wildlife ;) Ben badgers (not in a bad ass honey badger way!) Corin to let him cadge something sparkly. HM's have to return to the bedroom. Ben commands Corin to find something blingy for him to wear with his Arab gown.
Dave has Mario in a cuddly choke-hold as he makes his love known for the Mole. John completes his ensemble with the denim jacket, when really he ought to have left it off as the top looked luscious without it. Josie bestows Ben with a bling ring for him to borrow but just as quickly changes her mind - because she wants to wear it! A second or so after she allows Mario to wear it on his wedding finger and misleads him that it is real pearl (when really it is from Primark!!) (SC)
Ben has now targeted John in the vain hope that he will bequeath him with his ring.
JOHN: You're not getting the ring, buddy! I like it though!
John wanted to wear it especially for today! Somehow Johnny very kindly surrenders and Ben scores an item of jewellery from him. John turns to face Josie and walks her way.. off screen we hear them squee at each other sexily; sending a ripple of delight through their bodies as they ogle the sight of their bodies!! ;)
Josie is hopeful that the hairdryer will be switched on. Ife thinks her outfit is too short and really wants to wear trousers underneath (as she's wearing a long top!) Mario will not permit this! Nathan looks like an East 17 boy band reject compliments Josie 'you look delightful, darlin'JOSIE: Aw, thanks Nath!
Sunshine is smearing her lips with a dreadful lipstick (looks like the skiing lip balm) which does nothing for her at all! But she selflessly lends Ife some tiny pink shorts/leggings so she feels more comfortable.
Josie applies her mascara while Nathan surveys the shade of her skin 'looking really brown, Josie Jose!' Josie puts it down to being outside most of the day. Sunshine has also acquired a tan but hers is out of a bottle!
STEVE: (To John) Take your top off, out here! Go on mate! What are you shy about? Get it off, man! What's wrong with ya?
MARIO: How can you be shy? We were in the pool last night!
JOHN: Yeah, true.. actually I don't even know why.. when you said that I was like 'yeah, why am I ..' (SC) Sorry if I'm gonna stink out your clothes, Mario! I will wash it though, don't worry. Don't stress too much!
MARIO: Things like that, don't stress me out.
JOHN: Don't they?
STEVE: No, it's if you nick his moisturiser!! (chuckles)
In the closet, Nathan continuously checks out Josie before leaving. Josie doesn't understand the point of BB switching on the hair straighteners but not the hairdryer, as she won't be able to use them without drying her hair first! BB had just turned them on to be nice, they hadn't used a token. Ife advises Josie to keep brushing her hair to dry it out in the meantime.
Josie wraps a turban-styled towel around her tresses. Nathan comes back in to threaten BB 'turn the hairdryer on please, kid! Or I'll unplug all your cameras one camera at a time!'
JOSIE: (softly into her mic) Big Brother, this is Josie. Please, don't be like this. Please, I beg you.
John is irritated that Ben won't let him in the bedroom toilet while he shaves.
JOHN: It's not like I've not seen someone shave before!!
John rests against the door frame watching Josie get ready while he waits for Ben to give him access.
JOHN: Yeah! I don't need to.. I just need to rinse .. oi, that's it!! (the door opens and he goes in) f**k you!!
JOSIE: I don't ever enjoy myself on a Friday anyway!
IFE: Fridays are actually really painful!
MARIO: How can you be shy? We were in the pool last night!
JOHN: Yeah, true.. actually I don't even know why.. when you said that I was like 'yeah, why am I ..' (SC) Sorry if I'm gonna stink out your clothes, Mario! I will wash it though, don't worry. Don't stress too much!
MARIO: Things like that, don't stress me out.
JOHN: Don't they?
STEVE: No, it's if you nick his moisturiser!! (chuckles)
In the closet, Nathan continuously checks out Josie before leaving. Josie doesn't understand the point of BB switching on the hair straighteners but not the hairdryer, as she won't be able to use them without drying her hair first! BB had just turned them on to be nice, they hadn't used a token. Ife advises Josie to keep brushing her hair to dry it out in the meantime.
Josie wraps a turban-styled towel around her tresses. Nathan comes back in to threaten BB 'turn the hairdryer on please, kid! Or I'll unplug all your cameras one camera at a time!'
JOSIE: (softly into her mic) Big Brother, this is Josie. Please, don't be like this. Please, I beg you.
John is irritated that Ben won't let him in the bedroom toilet while he shaves.
JOHN: It's not like I've not seen someone shave before!!
John rests against the door frame watching Josie get ready while he waits for Ben to give him access.
JOHN: Yeah! I don't need to.. I just need to rinse .. oi, that's it!! (the door opens and he goes in) f**k you!!
JOSIE: I don't ever enjoy myself on a Friday anyway!
IFE: Fridays are actually really painful!
Corin is happy that Steve is buzzing on his birthday; the girls hope that he'll get a message from his kids. Ife loves the fascinators that Sunshine wears, she thinks they're really jzushy! Josie rubs mousse into her hair before joining the HM's for their curry dinner in the kitchen.
Josie sits beside the birthday boy, himself 'ooooooh! Steve! Woooooo!' the poppadoms are passed around. John comes in from the garden and 'controversially' chooses the chair next to Sunshine. Dave offers him a poppadom.
JOHN: A what? What is it?
SUNSHINE: Like a big crisp, but not really.
JOSIE: Sunshine, you look dark now.. proper dark!
SUNSHINE: (Fibs) Yeah, the 'sun' got me! (then fesses up that she had used a fake tan brand and put Victoria's secret make up over the top as bronzer) Normally when I've had some sun I go this colour. When I came back from travelling round Europe, I was browner than my friend who's Indian!
Corin makes a grand entrance, to the approving and wandering eyes of the hot-blooded males! John mistakenly believes that Sunshine only drinks diet coke. Josie fancies a glass of coke!
In the bathroom, Ben tries to untangle and tame his mangled mane! Mario bares his buttocks after getting out of the shower. Too much mooning around, so we hot foot it back to the kitchen where Sunshine bores about how she couldn't spend so much money on bracelets. So she went to the crystal shop and stocked up on butterflies and pearls so that she could make her own; by the time she'd finished it cost about £80!!!!
Mario makes a brief appearance with his ensemble and exposes his bum; nothing they've not seen before, before leaving! Sunshine asks John if he's not drinking tonight.
JOHN: Nah! (SC he twiddles with his hair nervously, is it because Josie has gone out to the garden with Nathan?)
Nathan can be heard voicing his amazement at the lack of booze outside! John hardly utters a word while Josie is out of the room and even peeks in the opposite mirror to catch a reflection of the outside. Unable to resist, he then turns his head around to glance out to the garden, to see what his girl is doing. Starved of attention from the source he's craving, he seeks some from a desperate Sunshine as he scruffles her hair.
JOHN: You look like Cousin It!
SUNSHINE: You look like Lurch!!
John doesn't even suppress or attempt to disguise his enormous yawn, after having to listen to Sunshine yakking on and ON! John enjoyed the sauce which Steve describes as a 'mango minty thing!' Sunshine praises Dave's nice clean shirt 'is it its first outing in the house?' It is, but the shirt is an old one Dave managed to get past customs ;)
Sunshine has sensed that something is wrong with John as he's not talking and asks if he's alright.
JOHN: Yeah, I just don't like wine!
They toast a cheers to the birthday boy. John waits for Ife to find a cold can of Lager to pass to him. Mario and Ben are still preening in the bathroom.
JOHN: I went to sleep and when I woke up, I was like 'did that really happen?' (regarding England losing versus Germany)
Josie comes back into the kitchen and pretends to thwack Nathan over the head.
JOSIE: Imagine that!
John shakes his head miserably, clearly saddened and frustrated at Nathan and Josie flirting right in front of his eyes!! Then he announces that he'd wanted to put guy liner on; so Sunshine is all over that like a Josie on a jaffa cake! This snippet captures Josie's perception before she returns to pouring wine.
John asks Sunshine where guy liner goes as he nearly pokes himself in the eye with his finger.
JOHN: At the bottom? I don't wanna get a whacking off Steve! (SC)
SUNSHINE: It's really attractive! You wore it! (to Nathan)
JOHN: What was it like?
Nathan excuses that he had worn it when he was dressed up as a prostitute for their Jerry Springer show.
Sunshine really likes guy liner and Ife adds that Russell Brand can pull it off!
JOHN: Yeah, I might save that for another time!
Nathan really fancies his chances with Josie and keeps perving down the front of her dress!! Didn't he know her cleavage was reserved for John's eyes only??? Dave reminds Corin that she owes Steve his massage - 20 minutes with the Orgasmatron. John constantly looks over in Josie's direction and agrees to sing a song with Steve at karaoke.
BB reminds HM's to wear their microphones; Josie clutches her chest and realises they are referring to her!
JOHN: I wonder if Maggie May will be on there! (SC) I didn't say nothin'! I just sit here and agree and you whack me every time!
SUNSHINE: That was a tap! (longer SC)
Ben comes in clad in his Arab gown, brushes Steve's cheeks with an air kiss. Josie returns with her mic around her neck. Nathan serves up the curries and naan bread, hot from the oven. Shabby requests some of the Rogan Josh as she doesn't really like creamy stuff.
BEN: (Boorish) Oh, I love creamy stuff!
STEVE: You are terrible, Ben!
IFE: Every opportunity to be vulgar, Steve's in there.
John asks Josie if she wants to split some with him; she points out that it is Saag Aloo.
JOHN: So that's out!
JOSIE: It's got spinach and stuff in it! (SC amidst the clanging of cutlery)
The HM's are happy that they have been given loads of Indian take away, so they can all have a bit of everything they want. Ife asks John to pass her an onion bhaji but he doesn't know what one is!! Ben prefers onion bhajis to the main meal; Sunshine won't even have a vegetable bhaji because she has a whole pizza to herself!
JOHN: Not happy with it?
Sunshine is just waiting for her meal to be warmed up. (SC)
JOHN: I don't know the difference between all of them! Is there one without spinach in it? What one have you got there, Stevo? What's that?
STEVE: Chicken tikka, mate.
Sunshine screws her nose up as she thinks it looks really tomato-ey! Ife puts a spoon of everything on her plate (like her style!!)
SHABBY: Happy BARON-Day! :)
HM's dig into their spicy suppers. Dave offers John a sample of his food but warns that it contains spinach.
JOHN: Ah, p*ss that off! (SC, John laughs and unfortunately Sunshine's bottom sticks out behind him, as she stands on her tip toes checking her pizza in the oven)
BEN: Steve, this is wonderful, thank you!
Steve thanks Big Bro as they provided the food, not him! John throws a few daggers and scowls in Nathan's bearings, while Seahorse dishes out more curry. Tikka Masala is Steve's favourite Indian dinner but he doesn't know why. They gladly gorge themselves on their good, quality nosh; Dave acclaims that BB have been good to them lately.
Ife works out that the next birthdays are John and Sunshine. John laughs that he'll be home by then 'I'll probably be watching ya's on TV! But don't worry about that!'
SUNSHINE: We'll celebrate our birthdays together, on the outside!!
WILL YOU, HELL!!!!!! John was too busy being smoothed right over and over and overrrrrrr (during a 10 hour sex marathon keeping up the Chelsea football team if the Daily Star are to be believed!) by a beautiful Bristolian, to even bother seeing his life-long friends!! (Much to their disgruntlement!)
John palms her off that he's not sure if he'll hang around, 'might go out with Govan, my little friend!' They reckon he will be home in Leicester with his mates. John twirls his hair more after Nathan commends the 'lovely selection of Indian dishes!' (SC) JJJ share a sniggle off screen about singing. (further SC's)
Shabby supposes that the songs will be their favourites, which Josie thinks would be nice. Josie doesn't think there will be any songs played from a band name that I can't catch.
JOHN: I'll be good at that one, I'd be alright! (First time his face lights up and his lips launch into a 250 watt smile - all because Josie spoke with him!!!!) :)
JOSIE: And me! (they giggle)
JOHN: Oh, I'm terrible! Don't worry about that! (SC) I said, can my present to Steve be - you not doing karaoke!
STEVE: Yeah, you're not doing Lady Goo Goo! (SC)
Now it is Josie's turn to look put out by John's banter with Sunshine. After another sound dip, John decides he does want Sunshine to sing as it would be funny but she's not going to now! He continues to amuse himself ripping into her :D (SC) JOHN: One piece of it and she found it! That was almost a Diary room entry for that, wasn't it? There it is! There it is!! Show it up to the camera, let him know.. let him know! (he holds up a piece of pizza and shakes his head disapprovingly and sarcastically) Yeah, she's going in.. you gotta let him know about that! You can't be putting up with that! (holds it up higher with an emphatic finger point!) What are you gonna do for that? You're gonna need another packet of crisps for that! Who do they think they are, putting that on a pizza? (SC) It's still got no cheese on it!
JOHN: (Doesn't trust her) You cut me a new piece and I'll see. Yeah, I wanna see a new piece! (Sunshine groans as he shoves it in his mouth)
JOHN: Someone can have my alcohol, if I can have um.. a can of coke!
Sunshine also wants one as she doesn't like the lager or cider. Ben pulls some out of the fridge, Sunshine smiles up at John thinking she will be sipping some of his saliva 'are you sharing this with me?'
JOHN: Ah, I would rather have a normal Coke! (quickly asks Benny to share with him and goes to grab a glass)
Josie fixes the front of her dress, seems like she has spilled something down it. Ben accidentally takes Sunshine's drink and has to give it back.
JOHN: (teases) How dare you take Sunshine's coke!! (points out to Ben the Coke he poured out for him SC) Can I sense a Diary room entry coming on or are we happy with that?
SUNSHINE: John, remember when I was crying earlier and you said 'sorry, I won't do it again!'?
JOHN: Yeah, I was faking it! (laughs after he scoffs food)
He wants her to give him a signal if she is getting upset which she felt she had.
JOHN: You're so fun to wind up though! It's hard to resist. (video skips about 15 seconds) Are we.. is it.. ah, she's got that face! Big Brother knows you're coming as soon as you pull that face!! Come on, what you doing. What's your problem with the crusts? (Sunshine doesn't usually eat them) Why don.. I have to know why you don't eat crusts?
SUNSHINE: Its not as nice as the pizza, is it?
JOHN: Do you have a problem with the mirrors? (shows her that she is always looking into them) You are constantly focused on that mirror!
She tries to make out that her eyes had been on him! Corin returns from the Diary room. Josie leans right across the table to collect one of the containers.. had a certain person wanted they could have had a direct view down her cleavage!! (Can't tell if he saw or not as he wasn't on camera) Josie now says that she's not really a fan of Coke and offers it up. Every now and then John looks over to Josie, the boy just can't help himself! (SC)
Corin and Baron could go to bed they feel so bloated from their spicy curries! Another SC, Corin feels better now she has burped!! An uncomfortable Josie leaves the kitchen, to remove her black dress in the bedroom. She unzips it immediately and ties her hair up, the cameras respect her privacy by returning to the kitchen after she whips the dress up past her midriff.
Steve almost burns his tongue on an ultra spicy madras but then his taste buds declare it to be quite nice :D Nathan goes through many bottles of hot piri piri sauce a week. Ife's stomach is burning and Mario is coming out in a sweat from the fiery sauce. Ife is called into the Diary room; Josie has come back to the kitchen after changing into her creature comforts of leggings, vest top and jean jacket.
BB reprimands Josie to ensure that she wears her microphone at all times, so she toddles back to the bedroom for it. Most of the HM's appear to be experiencing great discomfort, after stuffing their stomachs with such mountainous meals; Stevo can't stop belching! Nathan wants the dishes to be left as it is a party night!
John turns to catch sight of Josie while swigging his can.
JOHN: (Smiles cheekily) Easy Josie, easy!! (though not sure what caused him to respond this way as we couldn't see Josie)
Ben plants a peck on Josie's cheek and seems to whisper to check she is okay. She continues to clean away at the table but laughs at John's reaction to a spoonful of curry. How funny would it have been in Mary Poppins if the song 'Spoonful of Sugar' was replaced with 'Spoonful of Curry' The lyrics could be: 'Just a spoonful of curry, sets your stomach on fire, your stomach on firrrrrre, stomach on fire! Just a spoonful of curry sets your stomach on fire - with the most excruciating pain!' :D
JOSIE: Chicken tikka masala isn't that spicy!
CORIN: How come you got changed, Jose?
JOSIE: Oh, I wasn't comfortable! After eating all that, you don't wanna be sat there in a dress! (Corin doesn't feel comfortable either) Comfy, comes first!
Corin plans to only eat cereal and fruit the next day. Josie catches John staring at her and asks 'what?' He mumbles something back having been caught in the act, red-faced!! (SC) Out in the garden, Nathan chats with Caoimhe and Shabby at the carousel, Josie comes out to see them.
NATHAN: I like birds who spit and swear! Josie spit and swear with me! (SC)
Nathan is blanked!!!! John helps with the kitchen clean up and banters Ben in the process.
JOHN: You happy with that? You approve of that? As long as you approve!
JOHN: You happy with that? You approve of that? As long as you approve!
In the garden, Josie sits beside Nathan at the bench while drinking. Ben tightens his grasp around John in a constrictor squeeze, which could be mistaken for a quickie cuddle in the kitchen. Ben and Dave laugh at the Baron reclining like a noble figure on the sofa.
DAVE: He's going to have a Knighthood when he leaves here!
BEN: It would be great if he actually was made a Baron.
Shabby requests some tobacco. Nathan would like a copy of Mayfair magazine and 10 minutes in the wardrobe. John offers to help Dave wash and dry up but is told to go sit with the Baron.
8.51pm - John and Josie were lying beside each other in the garden chatting. A little later Ife tells him she doesn't understand why he didn't stay in bed with Josie. John also admits to having an erection for the first time in the morning, that morning!
John joins Josie and the others in the garden. Shabby makes a wry observation 'one follows quite quickly after you turn up' (though this can only be heard as the camera is on Dave in the living room) this has Josie howling with laughter.
JOSIE: Which one? What these two?
SHABBY: Nathan was already here, to be fair to Nathan. But you came out, John's like 'do you want to take a little stroll?'
JOHN: (Yawns) I didn't want to be inside.
NATHAN: John's confessed his undying love for her!
Both John and Josie beam so brightly they could illuminate all the stars in the sky. Josie begins to giggle self-consciously but no denials are forthcoming. The J's are rosy-cheeked and both become coy amongst their company OMG-ing and whooping!
JOSIE: That's the power of a Bristolian, ey? Do you know what I mean?
SHABBY: Brizzle truly is the shizzle!!
CAOIMHE: Would you, John? Would ya?
JOHN: (Bashfully) No, not like that..
SHABBY: You would as well though!
JOHN: (keeps laughing shyly) Oh, would I?
JOSIE: (Joshes) That's not what you told me the other night!!
Corin ooooooh's! Shabby had overheard a conversation between them in bed, where Josie had said to John 'you're gonna have to stop wearing football kits around me! You won't be safe!!'
JOSIE: Yeah, I know. (John buries his head in the carousel horse) I went to the Diary room about it (John looks up) I said 'you're gonna have to keep those football kits away!' I do say it about every one, by the way. Ife drops her in it that it was more aimed at 'these two!' (Nathan and John) Josie admits it, and that she'd told BB she turns into 'such a randy mare!' Ife doesn't think anyone can honestly not have looked at them both and thought 'phwoaaar!' Shabby can honestly say that she didn't but Caoimhe did!
JOSIE: But at least I'm honest! I couldn't wait for them to get their kits off!
NATHAN: Kits off? Or kit on?
JOSIE: (eyes twinkling like sapphires) Kits off! ;)
Ife is surprised the men hadn't noticed she was acting strangely in their presence. John isn't really taking the conversation in or trying to act aloof - which Nathan even notes 'look at John James acting all coy!'
JOSIE: I was getting giddy!
Nathan loved it and 'couldn't stop looking at myself!' Ife and Caoimhe had been stunned by their sexiness; Ife didn't like feeling like that and neither did Josie. Josie tries to pluck an ingrown hair out of Nathan's shoulder after he shows her; John isn't pleased.
Shabby found them all very handsome in their football kits 'it just didn't get me going!' Josie impersonates herself walking past the lads and giggling like a school girl. Ife had been speaking to Josie on the bed and actually believed Beckham had walked in. Nathan untastefully delves 'did John James give you a stiffy of the body?'
CAOIMHE: Did he make ya wet?
Ife spills that he had; as the conversation is too crude for the cameras, we are taken to the sofas. Quote nabbed from DS " JJ has hardly been able to take his eyes off Josie....I feel quite giddy - and a bit sad - cause it's so obvious he's fallen for her and he can't seem to get over his nervousness to do anything about it!! His little face staring after her walking out the garden really says a lot doesn't it. I get the impression he is actually debating with himself on whether he should say something. I think its got to the stage where its starting to get to him more and more."
Shabby, Josie and John walk back out to the garden. Josie claims she will not be smoking any more of that 'sh*t!'
JOHN: What sh*t?
JOSIE: All that rubbish! That's not a cigarette you know. (John repeats his question) You know what we've been smoking? It's just dog ends.
JOHN: Nah. Just what? I don't know what that is.
JOSIE: Basically, it ain't nice!! Remember that sex education video.. did you ever have that sex education video at school, he goes (gruff voice) 'Your bits, ain't nice!!' (Josie spots the frothy head of her drink) John, there's a time and a place, yeah.. and it's not in my drink! (John giggles with embarrassment) Like, who do you think you are?
JOHN: I put a little bit of yellow in the middle of it!
Scene swap to Sunshine prancing about in her serial killer wig, singing soundlessly thanks to the SC! She tries to be sexual with her moves, but she's about as sexy as salmon! Back to the outsiders who have seen Sunshine writhing about through the window.
JOHN: Ah, I don't know if I can go in and watch that!!
JOSIE: Don't lie!
JOHN: I think I'm in a.. at a safe distance! F**k! (Shabby and Josie crack up in hysterics too) F**king!
Josie laughs at herself for laughing toothily and goofily. Shabby and John mimic her.
JOSIE: Who did I think I was?? Ben?
JOHN: (Parrots) Who did I think I was?
Josie compliments Sunshine's nice dress; Shabby agrees she looks very nice apart from the wig. Josie can't believe she's a doctor!!
JOHN: That's what she said to me.. she goes 'have I come across as not being um.. professional in here? Do I come across as not looking like a doctor?' I said 'what, do you f**king reckon??' I said 'have a look at ya! Look at what you f**king do all day!' Look at her! Don't worry about f**king changing your name to Sunshine .. sort your act out first! Don't worry about that sh*t!
JOSIE: (through laughs) John, why are you so horrible?
SHABBY: He loves her really.
John stares at Josie intently and Josie turns around to see him doing so.
JOSIE: What's the matter with you?
JOHN: Nothing.
JOSIE: (smiling) Yeah, there is something..
Josie is sure something is irritating John. According to the JJJAT, John made out it was to do with Govan and a change in the atmosphere; people are annoying him and he can't deal with any more speeches.
Later on, Mario also observes to John that he'd looked really intense earlier. John shrugs it off that he'd just been p*ssed off that England lost the match.
Awww they were a good much that year,watching BB13,made me realise how nice and funny BB11 was,there was bitching and arguments,but no where near nasty as this year:(
ReplyDeleteSteve & co had no idea how conscious and shy John was about his skinny body,no wonder he didn't wonder topless.
I always thought John wanted Jose's attention exclusively for himself,and got a bit weird,when that wasn't the case.
Poor Sunshine,she had it bad:oLol at the vegan who doesn't eat vegetables,made me lol every time he told her,and still does:D