PLEASE NOTE: Any writing in this colour is a quote that I have directly copied and pasted from Digital Spy, so is not necessarily in line with my views. This has been done to give you more of an idea about things that happened during the day, that we do not have video clips for.
"9.49AM - Steve says to Josie he's suprised she had her Divorcee (John) in her bed again last night.
JOSIE: Yeah, but it's amicable!"
of the posters on the JJJAT got the impression that Steve didn't like
the closeness between John and Josie. They sensed this because Steve was
constantly making crude comments to John and Sunshine about them going
into the wardrobe to sort out the sexual tension.. despite hearing John
tell HM's that he didn't fancy Sunshine.
– HM's are called to the sofas to meet their puppets. There is 1 minute
and 30 seconds or more of sound cuts because a song is played into the
house, so the HM's reactions are silenced! John bounces his puppet on
his shoulders like a proud papa :) The sound returns just in time to
hear Nathan broadcast that his puppet has his hand up himself!!! Sounds
like Nathan's was spot on then! Corin is LOVIIIIIIN' it, of course :D
and Zag greet them on the plasma TV with a Govan puppet. They fill HM's
in on the task about speaking through their puppets at all times. If
successful, they could win a party for Steve as a prize. Josie looks
sad and tired.
Josie mumbles something to Ife about the football kit situation. Ife is sure they felt the same way ;)
JOSIE: I hope so!
IFE: (giggles like a 5 year old schoolgirl, then spots John) You alright, sexy?
JOHN: What's so funny?
IFE: Nothing!
JOHN: (Not buying it) What's so funny??
IFE: I just remembered yesterday.
Not happy with the answers provided by Ife he goes over to interrogate Josie.
JOHN: (off screen) What's so funny?
JOSIE: What?
JOHN: What did you say in there? What's so funny?
JOSIE: (Laughs) Nothing John!
JOHN: You bagged me or somethin'
JOSIE: Um John... (SC as he points at the Diary room) What goes on in the Diary room stays in the Diary?
JOHN: What did you say? You came out all .. you make it that obvious.. you go 'oooooh.. (mimics her bashful giggliness) What did you say this time? (making the presumption that it is about him) Did you embarrass me on the telly, again?? I'm sick of you.. I'm gonna.. (she walks away and John is blocked by Ben asking something about hot water) Hey? I didn't know we did have hot water! (quickly makes his escape to follow Josie into the bedroom) I'm sick of you showing me up like that!
JOSIE: I haven't!
JOHN: (secretly inexplicably happy) You're showing me up on telly alllll the time! I may have to put a stop to this!
10.33am - John and Corin choose to wear the same clothes as their puppets.
-"John, Dave & Shabby making comments to
Sunshine about the nose on her puppet. They may think they are teasing
but the teasing is coming across with a bite to it, Sunshine irritates
me sometimes too but I wish they'd all lay off it's becoming
uncomfortable to watch on occasion and it's also unnecessary."
10.48am - Josie, John and Dave have returned to the bedroom to lie down in/on Josie's double.
MARIO: Josie, is your puppet hung over? Look at the way she's holding her legs open like that! And look where her hand is!
WHOOOOOOOOs before a SC. Mario makes Josie look at his Mole muppet
doing her and Govan's Mooooooom
I-can-feel-the-music-but-I-can't-stop-dancing dance :D
John and Josie's puppets become frisky and engage in some lip locking!!!!!! Acting out with their puppets what they desire to do themselves ;)
JOHN: (having a perve at her chest) What's going on down there? Your boobs are looking big today, Josie!
JOSIE: Thanks, John :)
JOHN: (saccharine sweet) That's alright.. 'stop ittttt! Stop it!!!'
JOSIE: Stop it John.. I mean Becks! (long SC)
JOHN: (Announcing Ben's quiffy arrival) Here comes the bloke off the Titanic! Look at his hair! (laughs) What's wrong with your hair? Looks like a hair beehive! (SC) That's my beard! You leave my beard alone!
BEN: I think you're even more attractive with poo round your mouth! (SC)
SUNSHINE: (sucking up John's bum hole) I personally think he looks alright. (Ben WHAT's as nobody had been acknowledging her existence) I think he looks alright. (SC) (SHE WOULD!!!)
11.26am "Sunshine asking Mario to ask John if he fancies her. Mario asks John."
SUNSHINE: Do you fancy me, John?
Mario laughs.
JOHN: How could I ever fancy you with a big snoz like that?
SUNSHINE: (semi-seriously) I'll get surgery!
JOHN: (jokingly) Let me know when that's done and we can talk.. cos right now the mole has more chance than you!
She reveals that she was booked in to have a nose job 2 years before but had to cancel it. It is nice that Sunshine can laugh at herself sometimes.
I have a huge complex about my nose as it is masssssssive so if John, Dave etc made those comments about my nose (even though they were only winding her up) I probably would have left the house in Sunshine's position!
11.31AM - IFE: You have the most beautiful eyes Josie, they are really piercing!
11.55am "John says his hand is getting very sweaty already!"
12.28PM JOSIE: (to John) Will you just take your bloody top off?!
1.36PM "Shabby wants the housemates to put on a production of
Oliver Twist. Shabby says Josie would suit the role of Nancy. She has
cast herself as The Artful Dodger and Steve as Fagin. Ben would love to
be Oliver but they are ignoring him.
1.55pm "Sunshine and John chatting in the bedroom about whether Sunshine is girly or not. Dave having a go at Sunshine for not doing the washing up. John agreeing with Sunshine. John saying it's weird cos even though Sunshine annoys him and whinges a lot he seems to get on with her well. Nathan chips in with "it's cos you fancy her" (like a stuck record)"
1.55pm "Sunshine and John chatting in the bedroom about whether Sunshine is girly or not. Dave having a go at Sunshine for not doing the washing up. John agreeing with Sunshine. John saying it's weird cos even though Sunshine annoys him and whinges a lot he seems to get on with her well. Nathan chips in with "it's cos you fancy her" (like a stuck record)"
2.02pm, "John, Dave and Sunshine chatting in the bedroom, on separate beds.
Think Nate might be in there as well. I actually like their sensible
chats, she's articulate and it is nice to see. What made me laugh is
that she was saying that she fancied John, then the subject changed to
food she said "I didn't know that I was that annoying" and John said
"you're not annoying I find it funny. I was saying to Jose last night.."
then it tailed off. LOL rub it in why don't you, hehe, poor Sunshine (insert
evil laugh here). She is very bad at reading body language and
interpreting silences - John is being very patient with her thus far but
she needs to leave it now."
"2.10pm Josie asks Ben if he was being funny when
he said he nearly died in the sticking task. He says 'no' but he's glad
he made them laugh."
NOW I LOVE HIM (James 32 Video)
Josie and Ben speak through their puppets in the garden. Ben is telling Josie that she irritates absolutely no one (in the house).
JOSIE: I do.
BEN: No!
JOSIE: I have irritated people more than you probably think.
BEN: The only person you've had a big argument with is John..and you guys sorted that out.
JOSIE: Now I love him!
Ben believes that Josie has always loved John, even during the argument.
BEN: The thing about John, is he's the most wonderful, warm, fun person.. he's a lot more neurotic than he thinks he is.. so it's like.. you know the way he teases me sometimes, he's like 'Benny, why are you getting upset about this? Why are you getting upset?' He actually gets more upset I think than any of us, true? But you and I can see (SC) .. little smile. Well, I'm not one of those people that goes round with a big grin on my face and that is true.. as I said, I'm quite Roger Moore like, in that I keep my emotions in a bit. But he's the same! If you actually watch him on the sofas, he pouts most of the time too!
Ben considers John to be exactly the same in that respect and thinks this is why John likes him. 'He sees a lot of himself in me!'
JOSIE: I like him.. I like him! I don't know what it is.. there's just something about him.
BEN: Mentally, he's a really decent guy. He's fun, he's witty and ..
Josie admits that after they'd had their argument, she didn't trust John and had thought 'oh right! He's basically going round.. (SC) Quick cut to John in the bedroom exclaiming how he loves the hoody on his puppet.
"Sunshine seems to have one objective atm and that's to get John to
say aloud that he fancies her. She's desperate to have an admirer in
that house and poor old John's the one. Sunshine says John has not upset her. Mario asks who has. She says no one. They are going to the wardrobe to talk."
John just came out to the garden and told Josie and Ben, Sunshine was upset
because they'd been teasing her too much about the big nose on her
puppet . Josie told John she'd thought some people had taken it too far,
John said 'do you mean me?' 'Yes!' replied Josie. John said he didn't realise she
was seriously upset about having a big nose because he didn't think she
had one just her puppet. Josie told John to go in and apologise and give
her a cuddle so John and Mario have gone in to do that.
2.28pm Susnhine finally realised that John likes Josie "he doesn't like me...he
likes Josie..." It finally clicks! FFS Mario telling Sunshine that John fancies
her, Sunshine says no he fancies Josie. Sunshine and Mario are talking in the
wardrobe right now. She's saying that John has upset her (even though it
was Dave just as much but she's forgotten that bit!) and Mario said it
is because he fancies you.... Sunshine replied very strongly "no he
doesn't he fancies Josie."
"She then said that he was talking to Josie
about her last night and saying how annoying she is and how much she
whinges but he still likes her (SS). I think she might have finally got
the message! Actually when I think on it, that's what I really dislike
about Sunshine. She has just said seriously to Mario that she thinks John
fancies Josie, yet she still pursues John at every opportunity she gets.
She goes on and on at him asking if he fancies her, when she knows he
doesn't cause in her opinion he likes Jose. So why keeping doing what
shes doing unless its a deliberate way of trying to come between them?"
"MARIO: I'll go have a word with John...don't get stressed about it. It's just boys being boys, but I will have a talk with him."
"John got
to know Josie first because he slept near her and he only got to know
Sunshine because in the early days she was always with Ben, Dave and
Mario. John was genuinely upset after his row with Josie and I think that he has high regard for her."
has just foisted herself on John and it started a long time ago. John said
that he felt sorry for her in week one. I think that he is now getting
tired of her because she acts like a besotted schoolgirl and keeps
talking about weddings and wedding cakes. That would frighten any man
off. imo"
Live feed starts on E4 -
Sunshine and Mario are now in the kitchen she whispers asking whether she can have some porridge. Mario tells her to have some unless she wants to wait and see what comes with the party. She points up to one of the shelves wondering if the vegetable and minestrone soup is vegan.
SUNSHINE: You should get them down so we can have a look! (WOULD A PLEASE OR THANK YOU, MARIO HAVE KILLED HER???)
Josie and John are out in the pool alone together; leaving their puppets to sunbathe.
JOHN: (edging closer towards Josie) Say if it was someone I liked.. someone I really cared about, I'd just give it all to them. But if it was someone (can't make out what he says) I'd give half to them. (Possibly discussing John giving away the prize money if he was to win the series?)
JOSIE: But someone like you's got loads of money anyway, haven't they?
John grabs hold of Josie's hand but lets go just as quickly. Was this accidental or deliberate?
JOHN: I don't doubt that .. you girls.. well .. girls will do um.. like magazines and that! (seems to be referring to lad's mags - not the OK magazine deals that he ended up starring in alongside Josie)
JOSIE: Oh hardly! Come on!
JOHN: Yeah, definitely! 100%!
JOSIE: Corin and um.. (tips her head back into the water in quite a minxy mermaid manner)
JOHN: I don't doubt whether Rachael's already done one! (as it turns out he was correct on that count!!)
JOSIE: She was attractive, wasn't she?
JOHN: Yep. (cuts to Ife leaving the Diary room)
Sunshine scrunches up her snoz at Ife's suggestion of a banana sandwich. Mario plans to munch on more apple pie for his lunch. Ife reviews that whenever she makes food BB gives them more food! Mario is disappointed that Ife hasn't cleaned up today; Ife is annoyed that it is impossible to wash up (with the puppets on their hand!) Sparkles wonders if washing up is the same as cooking so they could take their puppet off. When Nathan cooked, he was allowed to take the puppet off but not permitted to speak.
Mario reminds Ife that it would include no singing! Sound cut whilst Sunshine surveys herself in the mirror. Straight back to the pretty pool pals giggling away.
JOHN: Well that makes two of us now, cos I think it's funny! (SC)
Josie sucks her thumb briefly and John glances over to check her out while her back is turned slightly away. (another SC) Josie is sure that it wasn't said that HM's couldn't chat in the pool.
JOSIE: But obviously if they tell us now that we can't chat in the pool, we'll have to get out. How come you're so brown, Becks? I don't understand it! You don't ever.. hardly go out in the sun!
John scans his chest to behold how brown his body is.
JOHN: I'm not brown! (SC)
Josie spies something on John's chest and has to brush his body in order to show him. He says that it is a scab but there's nothing in it, while she continues to touch up his torso!!
JOSIE: But how can you still stay that brown? I don't understand it.
JOHN: I don't think I am.
JOSIE: You're browner than me!
JOHN: That's different.. (cuts to Corin waiting to be let in the Diary room with her mini me. Then back to the pool) just normal..
JOSIE: What??
Ben chats to Caoimhe about his very impatient, totally opposite to him, father but then becomes impatient having to move his puppet's lips!
BEN: It's like a badly dubbed French film!
He then recounts a story about being in a bar ordering a Bloody Mary. He and his Dad had to wait 5 or 6 minutes for the barman to return with the tomato juice .. and the punchline is blanked out!!!! But it has Caoimhe throwing her head back with laughter.
Ben purports that he gets all his diplomatic and people skills (not that they'd seen many of them the past few weeks) from his father. BB cuts Ben off when he continues to praise his Papa's compassion etc.
Mario is not merry about the maturity of the bananas! Ife offers him some more but they are not ripe enough for his liking. He presents a little factoid: The darker the banana is, the more potassium it has.
Sunshine questions where the potassium comes from. Mario doesn't know but explains that it is a chemical reaction in a banana. For further information please see John's favourite website:
Sunshine starts to remove the petals from the table as they are dead and starting to stick to it. Earlier in the morning, Corin had used petals to spell out 'Harry birthday Stevey' (SC) Nathan walks in and Ife offers him half of her banana sandwich; he knocks it back. Although he does add that banana in brown bread is nice! Ife mentions that Mario and Sunshine had been telling her how disgusting it was - not that Mario has ever tried it!
Nathan slices up some apple pie for himself and Mario. Mario asks if they know how weird it is having to do everything with one hand.. I'm fairly sure they do since they are all in the same boat!!! (ad break) Ben comes into the kitchen to have some pie too, though he may actually have his cool.
John stands up in the pool, seemingly trying to sniff up a bogey/ spray out water that has gone up his nostrils! Josie laughs which makes him laugh too; he then moves nearer to a mirror so that he can have a closer inspection. He has to get out of the pool to have a dig up his nose before re-entering for another dip.
JOSIE: Had a late one for the first time in your life last night, John! (SC) Let yourself go a little bit last night, didn't you? Stayed up til.. (SC then she giggles)
They both now have their hands up their puppets bottoms and are speaking through them.
JOHN: I'm not .. I'm up the same time as you! Don't pull that face at me!
JOSIE: Pull what face?
John demonstrates her sucked-a-sour-lemon bitter face.
JOHN: Where's Benny?? Did he go via Darwin or something? (he's currently chomping on apple pie!) How long's it take? (laughs and cuddles into his puppet. SC - then overhears Ben so yells out) Hey BENNY!!!
Ben's blabbing on about how Caoimhe has amazing stories about her Mum.
JOHN: But she said.. she just announced that we have to hug our.. we have to.. (turns to Josie) What'd she say? We have to have our puppets on at all times! She announced!
Corin confirms 'but not in the pool or shower!' Josie checks they can still speak, to which the answer is yes.
JOSIE: Wicked! (Corin clears up that she'd just been in to ask BB) Oh thanks, Corin.
JOHN: Yessss! Ah, she made an announcement while you were in there 'this is a reminder that all HM's must.. cannot talk without their puppets in their mouth!'.. (corrects himself) in .. in their hands! (SC)
They continue to oooooh with elation and share some steamy hugs of happiness in the pool. John couldn't be quicker to get his arm around Josie even if he were Flash! Now Corin has become paranoid that she hadn't said that. She went in to clarify that when the HM's are in the pool and shower they don't have to wear their puppets and can still speak - and BB had confirmed this was correct.
JOSIE: That's it then!
JOHN: You can't get more clearer than that! Yeah, that's fine.
Corin voices if she should go back and ask. According to John, it turns out BB made an announcement and 'Nathan came out and had a go at us!.. because we didn't have our puppets and was talking!' Corin turns back round to double-check but John believes her.
JOHN: Alright, we won't talk until you get back.
JOSIE: Er.. your puppet's so ugly! (cackles, SC)
JOHN: It looks like M.. it looks like Miss Piggy!
JOSIE: (Throws head back giggling) Yeah, but I do look a bit like Miss Piggy!
JOHN: (Vehemently) No, you don't!
JOSIE: I've got a piggy nose, look!
JOHN: No, you d.. (teeters) No you don't!
JOSIE: In fact when I was getting ready to come in here, we had this boy (Sam Pepper!) in our group ..
JOHN: Are we continuing to talk? (Josie huhs?) Are we continuing to talk??
Short change of scene to the kitchen but it is sound cut so we spring back to the pool.
JOSIE: I didn't.. I was so unprepared, I didn't bring nothing! I would have brought my hair extensions and all that, do you know what I mean? Made myself a little bit presentable.
JOHN: Yeah..JOSIE: And uh.. so this girl had to just curl my hair for me (which we learn later in the series was Keeley) and he says (puts on a camp voice) 'going for the Miss Piggy look, are you?' (they chuckle)
JOHN: Was he Australian?
JOSIE: No! No he was just.. but.. he was fu.. and I wet myself laughing! Obviously because I can .. (from my limited lip reading abilities it looks like 'can take the p*ss out of myself in the SC) and he turned round and I think Mario had something on.. and he goes to Mario 'that is horrible! Is that your evi... um.. is that your going in outfit??' And Mario was like 'why don't you.. (SC) I'm not like that! I always tell you that you're good looking!! (SC)
"They look sooo smiley and happy in those
pics... those aren't just 'friends' actions...but those from two people
whom have mutual admiration!! And is it just me or has John always seemed a
bit uncomfortable about getting in the pool with his shirt off etc up
until now. Even last night he looked a bit uncomfortable in there but he
seems pretty alright now."
Cut to the kitchen where Corin comes back and is offered some pie. Corin, Caoimhe and crew exchange exaggerated nasal and squeakily irritating 'are you alright?' Which soon descends into a chorus of fake American accents. Corin clamps Ben's head and rests it in her breasts!!! ;)
Steve brings to attention that John and Josie are talking and giggling outside! Corin comes to their defence by informing Steve that she had been in to see BB and they are allowed to do so in the pool. This announcement from Steve seems to send Sunshine into a table-scrubbing frenzy. Nathan shouts out to the group that the plasma has switched on for the match.
BEN: (calls through the kitchen doors) Johnny, your football's on!
Ben then checks with 'sweetheart' Caoimhe if she isn't bothered with the football that they can chat in the garden or do a mixture of the two. Sunshine squawks that she loves football! BB opens the store room for HM's to collect their football supplies; all HM's must gather immediately to the sofas. The store room supplies include: paraphernalia, crisps, nuts and lager.
CORIN: What's paraphernalia?
SUNSHINE: Like hats and stuff!
Corin keeps blowing the piercing football whistle and loves the England earrings. Dave comes into the cupboard to ask Sunshine if she is still friends with him. He sincerely tells her how sorry he is 'I'm just playing with you' he wraps a puppet-arm around her and vows not to mention her dietary requirements ever again.
DAVE: If you're gonna forgive me, you've gotta talk to me Sunshine.
SUNSHINE: I couldn't because I had flags in my mouth!
DAVE: You've got to be nice to me. I'm gonna be nice to you!
Sunshine relents that Dave can joke about her diet, but he knows that deep down she had taken it to heart. Sunshine wants BB to make an announcement to let her know if she is able to have the cashew nuts (which she pronounces as ca-shoo) and tortilla chips. Ife senses that Ben isn't a football fan; he concedes that he will be in and out of the living room. She persuades that he will want to watch the goals! HM's are again asked to gather on the sofas - John and Josie are nowhere to be seen.
SC as the HM's assemble and England-ify themselves! John and Josie finally emerge from the murky waters of the spa. Nathan has an ogle at Josie as she struggles with her towel, much to her amusement.
NATHAN: I'm like the all-seeing eye! I know everything! Am I the Lord? Am I channeling the Lord through me?
JOHN: You're like the second Big Brother!
John comes to sit next to Deity.. also known as the Yucky Yorkshire-man! He stands back up to considerately ask if they are allowed to start eating, not realising most of them are already tucking in! Nathan doesn't think it matters. Ben brands the pie as tasting even better today and wouldn't mind eating it in a couple of days too (despite Nathan saying that he wouldn't!)
BB broadcasts that England vs Germany live from South Africa will begin shortly. 'For legal reasons, BB is unable to play in any audio. HM's are not permitted to provide their own commentary but should.. ' (SC)
Dave and Sunshine agree that football without commentary and crowd noise is weird. Mario comments that they could just play the crowd noise from eviction nights so they feel like they're there.
In the background Ife sweetly asks 'are you alright, Josie Jose?'
JOSIE: Alright, love? Yeah. (she adds that shes not really into it)
IFE; Yeah, but it's England, babe. Once you start watching it, you'll get into it! You don't wanna miss a goal!
She then turns her attentions to Shabby and questions if she was upset and about to get angry earlier. Shabby had just woken up! I suppose the football has started on screen because John asks the lads if one of the players is Joe Cole.
BEN: (To Shabby) Darling girl, I think against all the odds, you and I will be on cleaning duty.
SHABBY: I'm not doing any cleaning!
The SC's are frequent to try and prevent the HM's from breaching any legal thingamawotsits! Ife audibly admires how fit one of the players is; Josie chimes in that he is 'absolutely beautiful!'
CAOIMHE: What's his name?
IFE: Don't care! (Josie laughs)
Nathan fills her in that his name is Glen Johnson and he normally plays for Liverpool. Which is why Ife states she has never seen him. Sunshine scowls as she scrutinises the list of ingredients on the salsa jar; Josie enjoys her apple pie and custard. John gasps and ohh hoo hoo's at some shot on the TV. He turns round to Nathan, who also appreciates the good save.. so much for NOT giving their own commentary! :D
Dave determines that England have a very unconventional midfielder. John labels the goalie, 'the most unpredictable goal keeper in history!'
JOSIE: There's um.. Nathan! (as she recognises John Terry on TV) Cos I don't understand it, I can't ever work out what's going on!
Mario's not a huge follower of footballer but loves things like the World Cup and supports his local team Southend (says they used to be in Division 1) Ife says her family are football people and even her Mum is a fanatic! Sunshine thinks everyone knows the old manager of her team Peterborough; but Dave has to ask and be told Barry Fry!
JOSIE: I've got a Man United t-shirt which says Gibson on the back!
Josie's brother (I'm guessing Harry) knows lots of footballers because he plays for a deaf team. He was in the newspaper because they really took an interest in him and he was going to have a trial for Everton.
JOSIE: But because he's deaf, his other senses are like.. amazing!
JOHN: That's a foul! Give it back! Oooh! Go on Rooney! Give it to him! Give it to him!
Josie wonders how many lagers they have been given. Nathan answers about 10 but he's put them in the fridge to cool as they gave them warm ones. Ife and Josie admire another beautiful player.
JOSIE: Whose team is he on? Ours?
IFE: No. Yeah! He is - he's our goalie!
JOSIE: WOWWWW! I think me and you have the same taste in blokes, If!
Dave observes that the Germans are looking sharp. Mario hopes that they play like the German BB HM's had yesterday! John queries if a player is Heskey or Defoe but they can't see. Whoever he is, Mario finds him cute!
NATHAN: He is a big luscious lump of man! Has he been at the back about 7 times yet? (response is no) Well it can't be Heskey then!
Ife had met him in real life and promises to show Josie some pictures when they get out. Ife describes him as having a nice smile and being polite 'he weren't cocky at all!' Josie notes that Ife has met a lot of famous people. Ife puts this down to seeing a lot of celebrities watching X Factor and corner them in the corridors asking for a picture. Ife knows it looks good but they don't know her name.
Small spell of silence and sound cuts. Josie inquires if Sunshine can eat the nuts. Sunshine can eat the crisps and peanuts but she still isn't sure about the cashews. Mario assures her they must be fine as everything else says 'contains milk.'
JOSIE: Bloody good that they've let us watch this match! Brilliant, isn't it?
Ife goes all 50 Shades of Grey on her puppet alter ego, spanking her tukkas! No photographic picture will be provided as it is verging on the pornographic :P Sunshine wonders if Cheryl Cole is watching .. the match that is, not Ife's puppet porn!!!!
NATHAN: I hope Cheryl Cole's watching me!
Dave and Steve dispute that England haven't had a good goalie since Shilton and Clemmence, though Seaman was okay. Dave commentates that the team are getting caught on the way forward. Ben comes in to serve pie to the footie watchers.
DAVE: Oh you are a good boy, is what you are!
The garden is closed to the HM's dismay and BB aren't letting them in the Diary room. Corin reckons it might be because they want them all to sit together as a group. Nathan wows at 'Josie Jose' as she gets up from her seat then insults Sunshine for looking about 100.
SUNSHINE: Good! Age equals wisdom!
Ife hopes that when they started watching the game was when the rest of the world did as BB had told them it was live.
DAVE: I love you Sunshine. Please don't take my sunshine away.
SUNSHINE: I'll try not to.
Their puppets pucker up for some pecks after Dave professes he'll never say those things again as he loves her. The HM's plead with BB to switch the air con on and open the garden door so they can go for a smoke. Mario makes out he's used his special mole powers to unlock the door, as one of the doors has been left open for HM's to go outside.
DAVE: We know you've got a lot of weight in here, Mario.. since you're not in here as a HM but as one of the BB team.
Mario whimpers that his statement is not true at all! Ife leaves the room for some fresh, cigaretty air and to reveal the score (currently 1-0 down being beaten by Germany) Nathan WOW's once more as a resplendent Josie walks by in one of her pretty floral dresses. Corin chuckles as Josie ducks her head down as it doesn't even cover the screen.
A dejected Dave demands to know why they keep replaying the German goal.
JOHN: (His swearing slips through the net as he scoops up salsa) Cos that's the only thing that's f**king happened, that's why! (SC) Why would they contain milk? (Sunshine replies that it is in the flavouring)
Corin is loving her tan line IN her tan line! Steve appeals to the England team to spread themselves. The boys debate whether Beckham is on the bench but agree that he'll be there as an Ambassador and adviser. The nose of Nathan's puppet has nose-dived into a perilous place on his nether regions :S
Steve is angry as he sees better football on a Sunday down the park! John shakes his head furiously (ad break) John joins Ben in the garden and lays down on the lawn beside him for a chat. Ben describes John as the sort of person, that if he were a soldier he would run into battle to his death without even questioning why they were going into battle.
JOHN: Yeah, I would.
Ben would think why he was doing it before-hand and turn around if he didn't think it was a good idea. This makes John belly-laugh.
JOHN: You are right about that! I would do that..
Ben categorises himself as being guilty of selfishness and John guilty of stupidity.
JOHN: But the thing is.. I wouldn't.. I wouldn't be in the army if I wasn't prepared to go to war.. and I wouldn't be coming in the BB house if I wasn't prepared to play as a team. So you have to make that sacrifice before you come into the house, I think. If you wanted to work as an individual, then go on The Price is right or something. (Josie cracks up at this comment off camera) Like why don't you play gold instead of football! Here, you have to work as a team.
BEN: Quite! (John creases up) I've got Colonel Blimp over there giving me a hard time!
JOHN: (Sits up slightly) I just asked you to put the puppet on your hand! Guh!
BEN: But you loved it! 'Benjy!' (SC) But he was meant to be watching the football!
JOHN: Ahh! Why do you make up an excuse for everything?! You can't just say, 'yeah, sorry. Stevo saw me with one eye.. that I wasn't wearing..'
BEN: I'm not the one that was responsible for poor little Sunshine running into (SC)
Cut to Ife and Steve in the lounge dissecting for what reason the linesman would have disallowed England's goal. Steve says he just hadn't been quick enough to see it. Ife feels that linesman will have to be careful on his way home then quickly adds 'I didn't mean it like that Big Brother!'
IFE: See even a throw away comment like that can be really misconstrueded, (that is the way she mispronounces it) can't it?
Steve continuously blows his whistle much to the agony of my earlobes! Out to the garden.
JOHN: HONKKKK! I can't believe that goal was disallowed! (Lampard's)
Neither can Dave as it was 3 feet over the line.
JOHN: (stands up) Don't even worry about it. I'm gonna be bleeding, if they lose for that! (berates Ben) Let it go! You can't even control your own puppet, so don't worry about mine! Come on! (treads on Ben's head with his blue nail-varnished toenails!)
Ben banters John about his puppet being sabotaged because his Master (John) is too stupid to think.
JOHN: No, if you don't want to go to war, then don't join the army! (SC) Don't start! (SC)
Ben and Corin try to persuade Josie to go and collect her Magnum and enjoy it. Josie sighs that she'll have it another day as she's already eaten a big bit of apple pie. The live feed ends with Nathan mimicing Josie stammering 'a lot .. a lot.. a little'
Josie and Ife had an whispery conversation as they relaxed in the pool.
As other housemates were consoling themselves after England's defeat,
Ife and Josie got onto the subject of boys - and one boy in particular:
John James of course!
'I think I fancy him sometimes' the Bristolian blonde, 'but I know he's
not even considering it'.
Ife tried to convince Josie otherwise, saying that she can see something
between the pair, adding 'Don't you think it's nice having someone to
get you through this?'. Josie agreed, but reiterated that they were
nothing more than friends, concluding 'I know he doesn't look at me like
Ife and Josie chatting in the pool Josie just said "with Nathan you'd
be another notch on his bedpost, but with John James it isn't like that
he's not all about the sex"... I think Josie was saying to Ife that she
is a bit worried that John is gay or bi, as he is always flirting and
touchy-feely with the men. Ife said that it was because there were no
ties that way. John is so handsome and Ife thinks he'd be loving. Josie
says even Govan noticed. Josie said when she saw John in footie kit she
went all giddy!
JOSIE: OMG, I made a right show of myself when we were in the football kits! I don't know what came over me!
JOSIE: OMG, I made a right show of myself when we were in the football kits! I don't know what came over me!
IFE: I know I was really embarrassing..
(Ife kept sneaking looks too)
"Every time she looked at John she felt giddy.
She clearly has feelings for him but it's so much easier to
make a few odd comments here and there about how attractive she finds
him - rather than just come straight out and admit it.....I think the
whole Nathan element is just a red herring....she doesn't get giddy in
any way when he's around or when he talks to her - or when she's talking
to him....she just makes references to him a a cover.....least that's
what I think/hope. Maybe Josie is just insecure about her looks and
can't believe that someone who she perceives that is as good looking as
John would fancy her does, so she is saying and doing all this to protect
Just going by the comment to Ife of "He can have anybody."
just asked Ife if it looked like she was flirting I think, and Ife said
no it just looks like you're having a laugh and Josie said "oh thank God...". I do think they have a strong spark and a great attraction for
each other. You don't share a bed and be that close in a pool if you are
not interested in the other person - unless it was brotherly/sisterly,
which it isn't. The smile on John's face, says quite a lot - Josie is keeping
an 'arms length' distance emotionally, 'just in case'. I think all the
housemates actually realise what is going on..and no-one is pushing it.
Or making fun of them like the Sunshine/John thing. Just nature taking its
course - hopefully!!!!!"
honestly think she is trying to talk herself out of fancying him. We
know she's been in a bad relationship, that she's never got the guy she
really wanted before, she feels she's never been loved before and to cap
this it's all playing out on national TV! I mean maybe she's wondering
why this time should be any different. She knows something's there...but
she doesn't know for sure what it is. They're developing a strong
friendship and she can get away with the flirty banter within's
where it goes from there. I think she's afraid of a) Messing things up
with them in case she's wrong b) Looking stupid. c) It all happening in
the house.
I think really she'd like him to make the first move..but he reckons he
never makes the first they're stuck. Whatever happens I'm just
enjoying watching the relationship evolve. I love how they're not afraid
to take the piss out of one another and have a laugh and yet can be so
sweet to each other as well."
JOSIE: That is a beautiful lolly, in't it?
IFE: Yeeeeeah.
JOSIE: That tastes better than having sex!
Josie has an orgasm over her
Magnum!! :D
JOSIE: I could literally have made love to that ice-lolly! It's
made we well happy.
"Bless her nothing taste better than chocolate when your on your period.
Josie says she feels unsure of her feelings it's been so long, she
doesn't think he feels the same. Josie has never lived with rules in
her life she says it's quite nice having them in the BB house."
Matt Littler and Darren Jeffries tell Emma how much they like Josie and want her to win! Emma says John seemed torn between Josie and Sunshine 'which way should he go?' the boys both think Josie. One of the lads jokes that if John was to go with Sunshine she would stab him as she's not right in the head! 'Josie definitely!'
Some pretty pictures of Josie receiving her 'favourite things'
Pmsl at John's face watching the footie,serious or what?eeek
ReplyDeleteSunshine just wanted some attention from him,think she had a big crush on him,felt sorry for her that day,i thought Dave & John were insensitive towards her,not sure if they knew she was insecure about her nose?
Have to say i enjoyed the banter between John & Jose,when things were not that complicated:)
Also,i think Jose looked so so much better than she does know.
Ben so smarmy yikes:D
Lol at Corange:D