Sunday, 1 July 2012

Live night 18 Part 2

Finally the cameras bestow upon us the bedtime buddies :) Although we have missed about 30 minutes of their cozy chat so goodness knows what lovely/funny/sweet things we didn't have the chance to watch!

JOHN: I don't know how either! I just keep talking and talking and talking and talking..  

JOSIE: If you wanna have a row, I've always gotta have the last little.. 

 JOHN: Yeah, that's why I .. Me and you would never stop because ..  

JOSIE: I know.. so don't row because (whispers something which makes John smile) 

JOHN: Alright! (They chuckle, John strokes her hand)  
I honestly feel they didn't ever want to row with each other.. they just didn't know how not to in certain situations. Neither of them could stop once one started, John always wanting to argue the point like a dog with a bone until a resolution he was happy with was reached.. and Josie would just get more and more frustrated so blow her top, being unable to articulate what she wanted to say about her feelings, she seemed to shout out nasty things she didn't mean.. neither prepared to back down, so they were in argument limbo!
JOSIE: You've got Grandad hands, haven't you?  (as John has clasped hold of her hand)

JOHN: (Moves his hand away so she sticks her thumb in her mouth) Ow! F**k off, f**kin' b*tch! (He holds his hand up) 

JOSIE: What, did that hurt, did it?  

JOHN: Nah. (Then he moves his hand back to Josie's so she can take hold of it and squeeze it. They laugh)

JOSIE: Go on then!  

JOHN: What? (Josie laughs as he grabs it)  
JOSIE: I'm quite stong really!  

JOHN: You're as weak as p*ss! 

JOSIE: Yeah, because that's my weak wrist!  

JOHN: Well give us the f**kin' other! (Just looking for another excuse to hold her hand! She refuses) I can't even go to f**kin' bed! Ife stole my f**king spot! I might go to the Diary room, check out what's happening. What else am I going to f**kin' do? (Josie looks sleepy) I'll see if he's up for a chat. I'll speak to you in the morning. Good night (starts to climb out of bed) 
Cut to girls in bathroom. They want to believe Dave; Caoimhe wants to see the good in everyone! She feels bad for being such 'a f**kin' b*tch' the last few days and losing the plot as she doesn't do that on the outside! She doesn't react that way, on the outside she and her sister fight; her sister kills her and throws shoes and hair straighteners (bet John's glad it was only a lipstick and hanger Josie threw at him now!) at her but she just takes it! Shabby thinks it's so difficult NOT to react to these things.

Back to see John's behind leaving the bedroom. Ife and Mario snuggle and compliment John for being a lovely guy and very good looking :) Caoimhe loved wearing her Irish football kit, so did Shabby strangely. 
SHABBY: Everyone looked well sexy!

CAOIMHE: I know! Josie was like 'I literally wanted to rip John James' costume.. kit off him!' She's like 'I don't see him like that normally, but today when I saw him, I wanted to rip his clothes off!' 

Shabby realises Josie has said that twice now, once when he was wearing the referee kit during the horn-blowing task and today. She had overheard them earlier laying in Josie's bed and Josie had told John 'you really just need to not wear football kits in here again, because you won't be safe!' They laugh about how funny Josie is and John is growing on them so much. Caoimhe doesn't look at him that way either but really wants to talk to him properly as he's so funny. She loves that he's so close to his mother 'it's so cute isn't it? Really cute!' 

Caoimhe feels so content and Shabby feels tonight was 'lush!' and those are the times she remembers 'This is why I came here!'  They had a wicked dinner and everyone was such a pleasure to be around that day. 
SHABBY: It's like some kind of  hippy love-in around here tonight, man!

Shot of Josie sucking her thumb trying to get to sleep. Caoimhe chinwags with her chum in the bathroom; Shabby has NOT a clue about who will be up for eviction on Friday. Caoimhe thinks she could be after her behaviour, which of course Shabby doubts. Shabby is sure it will be a surprise as everyone has been 'so bl**dy charming!' 

It still freaks Shabby out that there's a 24 hour live stream. Caoimhe doesn't think they can hear everything 'surely they blur out a lot!' Essentially Shabby realises that the owls: 'was Govan, Josie, you, me and Ife .. and sometimes John James, but not really.. he's not a proper owl .. like for a long time, we're the only ones up .. so they're gonna hear a reasonable amount of our conversations, but probably only the boring bits.. because when we talk about anything fun it's usually something we shouldn't be talking about!' 

Shabby lists the numerous occasions BB would have to mute them for: talking about friends and family, singing, speaking about brands, famous people, their pasts because it involves people that didn't sign up for the show. Having watched the show and now experiences Shabby has noted that most conversations seem to take place in the bathroom or the bedroom) Shabby reckons the most time spent in the bathroom is by her and Corin; Shabby goes there to sketch out. 
SHABBY: I absolutely LOVE Corin! 

Caoimhe wishes she had her clothes to show her personality and who she is! 'I've got amazing sh*t! My chaperone was like "omg this is so cool, where did you get it?' Josie is angel-faced as she sleeps soundly in bed. Shabby is jealous that Caoimhe just got the most amazing booger out of her nose. She shoves a finger up each nostril and hates it when you think the bogey is going to be hard but it comes out with a trail and gooey bit!Shabby grosses me out 'when you were picking my spot, I really enjoyed looking at your nose hairs!'  

Both Caoimhe and Shabby both love and miss kissing. 

SHABBY: Kissing's my favourite!

Shabby 'kissings my favourite!' They both use minimal tongue and enjoy biting and sucking their partner's lips. Shabby has no doubt that Lucy will not be there when she gets out so she won't have anyone to kiss. (ad break after they talk about personal things) Caoimhe has the perfect girl for Shabby as she is 'f**king hilarious, really hot, loves singing and plays her guitar all the time!' Shabby isn't sure if she could date a musician and describes Caoimhe as a very obscure person for her to fancy as she's not the normal sort of girl she goes for. Caoimhe claims Shabby is missing out on this striking girl as even she'd fancied her. 
More shots of Sleeping Beauty in her bed - awwwww :) Caoimhe can't believe she fell for the bullsh*t of this guy she fancied so much. His girlfriend had found them in bed together but he used to say to Caoimhe that one day he'd make an honourable woman of her!

SHABBY: Well, you know.. if things don't work out between you and Dave, you'll be able to find me in some hovel in London, I have no doubt! Probably with no shoes on. 

CAOIMHE: Cool! I'll come looking for you. 

Shabby exclaims that coffee makes her p*ss like a racehorse and I can vouch this to be the case as Shabby can be heard as she pees!! They go to make a snack in the kitchen. Caoimhe reads back the memo BB had sent them 'it has become clear to Big Brother that you are a very musical household' which she loves. Shabby reckons they sing a stupid amount in this house, even the people who can't sing! There are times Caoimhe has to walk away when Corin sings in the morning as it is so loud. 
They head out to the garden for a smoke.  They complain about getting slightly tanned as they like to be pale, so now feel they have gone too far down that route and need to top up their tans. The girls gush about how gorgeous Josie is :)

CAOIMHE: Josie's so beautiful-looking isn't she? So attractive! 

SHABBY: I can't believe she can't see it!  

CAOIMHE: Mm.. Well not many people do .. See their attractiveness!  

SHABBY: And I guess if they do, then you don't find them so attractive any more! And even more than her being .. like having such an attractive face, she just has such a friendly face! You know what I mean?  

CAOIMHE: Her eyes are piercing! Beautiful!  

SHABBY: What an amazing colour! (Softly) Ohh Josie ..  

They think at the rate HM's are being given suitcases back some won't get them for weeks. And that the more they want it back, the less likely they are to be given it! 
SHABBY: Hasn't this gone on quite long enough?

The bathroom beckons and John comes out of Diary room. Shabby teases him over what he's been b*tching about now. Sunshine had told him 1 of the cuts on his ankle was going to get infected so he has to get anti-bacterial wipes and apparently there's some in the supply cupboard. He hadn't realised there were plasters in there either.

JOHN: Why are you still up? What's the time?  

Shabby doesn't know but they're not really tired so stayed up chatting. John goes into the toilet hunting for plasters and wipe. We overhear Shabby oooh at her pants smelling 'lush!' They look bemused when entering bathroom as they can hear John speaking to BB through his mic 'um.. There's none in there!' 

Shabby whispers 'who's he talking to?' and asks him when he opens the door. 

JOHN: Big Brother! (laughs) I was saying there's no band aids in the storage. 

Shabby is shown the 'scab' that he's referring to, which normally he wouldn't worry about.. but because Sunshine was (he puts on a whiny voice) 'like wah, wah, wah!' Caoimhe announces that she has scabs all over. John hadn't even thought anything of it but because Sunshine kept pointing at his feet he went to see BB.  
John chats with Caoimhe about how his legs got all bruised like hers before when he played football. They test the tap to see if they have any hot water but they don't. John calls them night owls after Shabby says how nice the house is at night! John leans against the door and presses them on whether they know anything about the tree; they don't know enough for Shabby's liking! (ad break)

Dave comes to the toilet. In John's opinion the Tree of Temptation is in the bathroom and apparently they can physically touch it. 

JOHN: (hand on hips) We can touch it! I don't know what the f**k it is, I don't know where it is! I thought it was that.. I thought it was what that bird's sitting on!!' 

Amusingly, Keevs and Shabs play along pretending they don't know the tree's whereabouts. Shabby professes that potentially it could be anywhere if the voice comes through a tannoy.  John remembers Mario saying back when he was the Mole, that he'd been getting instructions from the bathroom!' Dave offers to make them all a hot, milky drink but the girls want a black coffee with a half a spoon of sugar. John wants his white with 2 sugars (opposed to his usual three!) Caoimhe tells John not to let it get to him too much. 
JOHN: I got up at 2 o'clock in the morning. I was like 'I've gotta find it!' It's in the house.. somewhere, definitely not outside the house.. And you can touch it! And apparently all of us have probably touched it before without even knowing it! It's gotta be in here! (SC)  

Shabby points out 2 places that she had been b*llocksed for touching. Shabby was convinced that the set of drawers were sealed shut but because of the way it is attached it could open. Mario had told John 'it's a tree, a tree looks like a tree!' John checked with him that it wasn't a sticker. John points out the tree behind the wall and notices pictures on the wallpaper that could represent temptation like the stereo.  There are a lot of pictures on the walls that Shabby doesn't understand. She gets the surveillance cameras, the people and the paparazzi 'but what the f**k is that UFO about? And that ghetto blaster?' There is also an overturned trolley and high rise tower blocks

JOHN: And then I thought that temptation was like.. You see how the girl and guy are always sitting near a tree in every picture? I'm spinnin' about this sh*t!  
Shabby says most of the wall art is supposed to have relevance to past series'. Such as the plane when Cameron went to South Africa in series 4 and the chickens from series 1.  John comes to the conclusion that the bathroom is the only room in the house 'which is based on trees.' and is covered in 'plants and trees and sh*t .. and chickens and f**kin' crap like that!'  

JOHN: But how can you miss it? He says it's obvious!

Caoimhe suggests Mario may be playing them as well. John asked him why Mario was only telling him 'have you been given a task to see if you can trust me?' Shabby informs him that Mario had told them stuff too. Shabby is absolutely convinced Mario is still on a task. John is called to the Diary room, Shabby fears he could be in trouble for looking for the tree.

JOHN: Oh, you're a legend! (When he is let in the Diary room)

If Shabby meets the tree in person, she'll give him a piece of her mind. Dave tells the time as 2.20am and Shabby fills him in that Sunshine has made John paranoid about the little cut on his foot being infected. 

DAVE: She's so clinical, isn't she? Goodness me!

SHABBY: She's growing on me like a bad mould!
Shabby didn't gel with her at the start but she does feel sorry for her sometimes 'as much as she grates on me!'  She views Sunshine as being a little picked on even if she does bring some of it on herself. Shabby can't now imagine the house without her 'this thing that runs around looking in the mirror, with that manic grin that she does and talking absolute sh*te!' 

DAVE: And singing in that voice that sounds nothing like her talking voice! It's like she turns into some robotic flippin' sing-a-long machine!  

Caoimhe clamours that she feels so bad about it but 'She wrecks my head!! The crisp thing f**king wrecked my head' but it's fine when they're all happy and concedes that she is funny) 'But I couldn't understand .. Couldn't get my head around the crisp situation!'

John thanks Big Bro for the band aids as he leaves. What wound Caoimhe up is when Ife went out to Sunshine, all weak and sweet and pleaded for crisps as they were starving.. and Sunshine wanted to do her nails first. Caoimhe just wasn't brought up like that. John had asked BB if they were allowed to talk about the tree but they didn't give him an answer. He was told if they continue to upset the Tree of Temptation they will feel its wrath! As long as they are allowed to talk about it, John couldn't care less.

JOHN: Maybe it's just the mirror? I know we can physically see it though. But what have we touched that remotely looks like a tree.. That isn't that tree?! 
SHABBY: A chest of trees can be turned into wood also. That's why this chest of drawers keeps dragging me in!

John found it f**king funny when Josie called Sunshine a 'tight cow' 

JOHN: Apparently it goes pssst pssst! (BB confirmed they would feel the Tree's wrath if they wound it up) I said 'I'm not scared of your tree!' Why's this mirror split into 2?!  

Shabby has a sneaking suspicion that Mario is STILL in his role as the house mole because he craps on about having a secret and famous parents. Shabby suspects him becoming the mole was pre-determined while John paces around the bathroom examining the walls. John found it unusual that Mario legged it to the Diary room (for the Science stickiness task) and how he doesn't bother getting up as he knows he'll be beaten. 

The morning of that particular task, Mario had asked BB for a special task but they wouldn't give him one. So when BB called for a HM he ran to the Diary room before anyone else had a chance and was then gone for 2/3 hours. Shabby discovered a box labelled 'scientist' in the Diary room which was for Mario.  She takes it further that perhaps BB had wanted her to see the box and planted it there as BB are so thorough and knows Shabby's an absolute gobsh*te! (so BB would have expected her to blab to the group that Mario was being the scientist but she didn't!)

JOHN: AND he was allowed to keep the glasses!  
Which Shabby cites 'never happens'; she thinks there's a little more to Mario's story than they're seeing. 'How trippy would that be, he comes in dressed as a mole, but we think he's not a mole.. then it turns out he is a mole and he gets de-robed but actually secretly he's still a mole!'

SHABBY: I do think there's a little more to Mario's story than we know. 

When John had a conversation with him Mario was speaking very, very quietly to him. John was curious as to what difference it would make as the viewers would still hear. John told him they could stop talking but Mario had said it was alright. But now Mario was claiming he got in trouble for talking about the tree and John wonders if he really had. if he was going to get in trouble. (SC) Shabby recalls Mario announcing to the group 'hey guys I'm not allowed to talk about the tree anymore!'

John had woken Mario up one night when the others went to the spa to say the tree was in the bathroom. Mario hadn't confirmed or denied it but John went on to question if he was the only one who knew about the tree and been told yes.  

JOHN: So no one knows about this tree thing? Not even Benny? I said why have you told me? Just because I sleep in the same bed as ya? (Then asked him that afternoon if he'd been given a task to tell him and see if he'll tell anyone else) 

Two days before that, he had overheard Shabby and Caoimhe trying to determine the tree's location in the bathroom. He'd walked in to cryptically reveal that they were very close but 30 seconds after BB called over the tannoy for them not to tamper with fixtures. John agrees there's something dodge going on then. But then John wonders if they would have even 'exited' (instead of evicted) Mario if they had all picked him as the mole or are they convinced he's working for them. 
The crazy conspiracy theories fly around and Shabby conjectures whether he even went up for eviction this past week when she replaced herself with him. They don't know that BB put Mario's number up so people could vote him out 'if he's been a Mole this entire time, he's going to be immune until his task is over!' John hadn't pushed him on the whole parents thing or asked any questions. Mario proclaimed it had nothing to do with his parents but the tree. Mario was rolling on with it when John asked where it was but he couldn't tell him. 

He had told John that he'd met the tree in person (same as he'd said to the girls) and that John had probably touched it too. All he could say is that it was inside. Shabby throws in that the Tree is a Cockney geezer! John had quizzed Mario if he was the Tree after Mario explained it was just like them but he'd answered no. Caoimhe theorises that he may have a twin.  The weird thing Shabby has with Mario is that she really likes him but from Day 1 there's been something that she hasn't quite got to grips with. She'd considered this to be because he can be so mysterious.

SHABBY: Sometimes he's great and other times he's a right cagey b*stard!  I swear he's on a task and has been from Day 1.

Then she queries 'who's to say the raffle thing even happened?' she'd been stood next to him on launch night. John expresses that it couldn't have been left to chance because there were potential HM's who were physically unable to do what Mario had to. 

CAOIMHE: Oh, it was totally rigged!
When Shabby was told on the phone that she was one of the 80-90 people they mentioned that one of the HM's had a secret. Dave wants to know what the crack was with the secret supposed to come out on week 6. That was a rumour Shabby had heard! It seems so weird to her that Mario had told John James today that nobody else knew, knowing full well that he and Caoimhe did. John plans to question Mario about that; Shabby isn't so sure that's a smart move 'I don't want him to know we're onto him yet!'  

JOHN: I just went and asked him about it right then. When I went in there t grab the band aids I said 'what's the deal with the tree of temptation, are we allowed to talk about it?' and he said 'if you continue'.. she said it like in a poem, she's like 'if you continue to p*ss it off or.. keep looking for it, or whatever you's are doing, you will feel its wrath! I said 'I'm not bothered really.. if he does as much as Bob Righter that's 2/5ths of f*ck all really in't it! I said 'I don't really care about the trees wrath!' And I said 'are we allowed to talk about this?' And she said 'if that's all..' So I went 'alright then' so she didn't say we weren't allowed to talk about it.

John had seen Mario talking to the perch Davina McCaw is on and questioned him about that too. He'd replied that he was just saying goodbye to the bird and he'd confirmed that he'd tried to get the T of T to talk to him, but it wouldn't. Mario confirmed it wasn't the tree in the living room. 
JOHN: That's the only f**king thing that resembles a tree in here! He said it was 3-dimensional and you can touch it! I'm definitely convinced that he was rigged! He was not picked by chance.  

They all agree not to say anything but to keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviour. Shabby is concerned that Mario may be worried that they are catching onto things and already know he's a good actor as they totally fell for it when he was a mole. Shabby feels it is a difficult situation and that if they don't catch him out or get some concrete evidence they'll be punished 'but if we do, does that mean he'll be kicked out. Cos I don't want him kicked out!' Caoimhe orders them to keep an eye out but keep schtum and if they notice anything, they'll share it between the 4 of them. Dave speculates that the tree could be a hologram. 

JOHN: There's f**king grass in there for f**ks sake! He said he's touched it and we have touched it.. that we've probably touched it before. 

SHABBY: Are we sure he's not the tree? (John even asked him this earlier) It's a living person apparently, that we've all touched.. we've all touched Mario! Big Brother, is Mario the Tree of Temptation? Imagine if he's a really amazing actor who can do a stunning Cockney accent. This is why I came on this show! (Caoimhe just doesn't know)  I love it! I love this sh*t!  
JOHN: He's not gonna risk his place in the BB house for me! He's not gonna tell me a sneaky little secret when he thinks BB aren't listening!

Cut to an open-mouthed sleeping Mario! Shabby stresses that the crowd will already be aware of what Mario is doing. 

JOHN: For a hoax for us? (Davina calling out Mario's name because if she hadn't the HM's would have immediately known Mario wasn't ever facing eviction) 

Shabby announces that a lot of things are starting to add up about Mario now. She hopes that when it is revealed that Mario knows they don't hate him for doing this sh*t. 'It's part of the game and it certainly makes my time more interesting!' Shabby's not sure Mario is a real HM and counts up that there are 13 seats around the table and 13 places to sleep excluding the hammock. 

Also Caoimhe distinctly remembers a floor manager answering Davina's question 'how many have I got?' with 13 not 14! Then suddenly they did the lottery thing and Mario who was so perfect at being the Mole walks into their lives dressed as one! 
JOHN: But in saying that, he got real f**king upset when he was up! 

Shabby points out he also had when they did the getting to know you quiz and they were jeering that he was a mole, so he cried then. Shabby shrugs that he's a good actor as she acts professionally and couldn't have kept that sh*t up for 3/4 days. She totally believed him but considered they could be being double-bluffed; then she bought it as he'd become so upset. 

JOHN: Why's that camera facing there? And why have all the other cameras gone on the mirror?  

SHABBY: I always get worried when I see the cameras do sketchy things like that.  

JOHN: Maybe the tree's gonna talk. (All 4 of them taunt for the Tree to talk) Talk, d*ckhead! We know you're in here..  Why the f**k has the camera gone to the mirrors?

Caoimhe conceives they're trying to freak them out as they haven't seen the cameras do that before! Shabby is freaked out and Caoimhe has butterflies in her tummy. John was warned by BB that if they push it they'll face the Tree's wrath. 
SHABBY: We've basically pushed it as far as you can push it! (they all laugh as they haven't stopped speaking about it since BB told John this)

Dave determines that Mario was never one of the 80-odd and was always going to be brought in for this purpose. (SC) Caoimhe and Shabby leave to have a smoke and ask the lads to keep watch. They want them to wink when they come back if the Tree has spoken. Shabby has a real feeling something will happen with those 2 while they're out as the Tree won't talk to them again 'Not after the balls up I made of it last time!' 

They stop and turn back as though they've seen something; then say they will go back on hands and knees. Shabby was enjoying spending time with the 2 guys and liked that they saw things from their point of view. They inhale the very summery smell of the garden, which they soon spoiling by smoking at the bench.

CAOIMHE: I love how John James and Steve call me Keevs .. It's cute!  

Shabby has a feeling it's going to be another late night as it must be 3 o'clock-ish already. 
JOHN (to Dave): The girls think it's that (about the chest of drawers) And there's a reason why that mirror's cut in 2 and I wanna know why! Why's that mirror cut in 2? Why isn't it 1 solid mirror? It's cut in 2! See how there's a crack up here! (stands to show Dave) Why? Why's it like that? Because surely they can afford a mirror that goes the whole way up!

Dave demonstrates that it part may slide up or down and John shows that only 1 side is sealed, the other side's seal has been broken. John figures out it is cut in 2 to slide down so that something could go in the back of the drawers. BB reminds them not to tamper with fixtures.  

JOHN: (Retorts) Well tell us where the tree is then! See, they don't like you playing with that! They get angry! That's gotta be it! It's in here, that's what it is! That's gotta be the tree! (the chest of drawers) Yeah it is.. and the diamond.. what's the diamond? That's not gonna open until week 6.. That'll be the secret! And 1 HM is in here with a secret.. he hasn't come in here with the secret; they've told him the secret! And the secret is, that's the tree!
Shabby comes back in so John shares his thoughts with her. As BB had just piped up after they'd touched it and there's no other reason (he can think of) why that mirror should be cut in 2.
JOHN: And the backing doesn't need to be there! It's not part of it. There's something seriously dodgy going on here! It's got to do with that.. whatever it has got to do with that.. They pipe up every time you touch it (Shabby concurs she has been told off a million times for touching it too) They told us off just then .. And it's not exactly the best set .. the best set of drawers going around, isn't it? It's on the p*ss! 

As Shabby brushes her teeth she surmises that the diamonds could be symbolic of temptation. John continues to summarise why he feels the mirror will be coming down later in the series.

JOHN: Look how dodgy it is here! They wouldn't do that! It's the f**kin' Big Brother house for f**ks sake! That's cracked and that's not even sealed! As if they'd f**kin' do that in Big Brother house! 

Dave also notes that the tiling doesn't go all the way down. John bets the Tree is in the location because it is a sort of hiding place, so it is hard to see a HM speaking there as it's in the gap. (ad break) Shabby summons them all to only share anything suspicious with each other and then decide how to approach it. Because as much as she doesn't want to get Mario evicted, she doesn't want to be fooled into thinking he's someone he's not. John totally agrees
SHABBY: We may be being paranoid or overthinking things but something doesn't add up with him. And a lot of things are looking quite sketchy!
She has no doubt Mario is a genuine, lovely guy. John thinks he is working for BB in some form as he had no reason to go along with the pretence that he has famous parents. John believes Mario has normal parents but was happy to go along with this if it takes them off the temptation scent! You might say he was glad they were barking up the wrong tree.. if you were punny like me :D

Shabby finds it really weird that Mario had told them he'd be living off soup.. and how his Mum would be furious and want to give him money if she knew! (SC)

SHABBY: And he's here with his flashy shoes and his clothes!

John thinks it's a fair effort. Caoimhe reckons Mario has had ex-partners who are very wealthy. When he had been speaking about famous parents he pointed at Shabby to say 'When you find out you will really spin out!' She thinks it has b*gger all to do with his parents but more to do with him knowing she's 'theory girl!' She'd asked him if she'd ever been bang on or close with any of her theories and Mario replied 'yes!'

Caoimhe describes Mario as very clued up. They've all spotted him coming out of the Diary room then not discussing it; while the rest of them spill to someone what was said.  

JOHN: I think he's been told to stir the sh*t!  

He was going to keep what Mario told him a secret as he felt sorry for him as he didn't have anyone else to talk to 'until he came out of the diary room and started rattling out about the tree of temptation! I'm like well, if everyone knows.. may as well have a chat about it!' (when John thought he was the only one who f**king knew) Shabby and Caoimhe don't think it is in Mario's nature to do it off his own back . Dave decides 'the tombola thing is a bunch of crap!'  
Shabby comments that there was no sign of the tombola on the podium just the wardrobe where Mario got changed. When they showed the video clip on Launch night of the 80 or so potentials during lockdown, Mario had turned to the girl the other side of him and told her not to worry as most of the people shown won't be going in. (As he wasn't in the video but Shabby was so she was furious) Dave wasn't on the video but John and Caoimhe were and Ife. (Cut to Mario in the bedroom then boomerangs back to the bathroom)

JOHN: He's got the f**kin' Big Brother chair in his house for f**ks sake .. From Big Brother f**kin' 7 or something!! He's got it in his house! Cost him 6 grand! (Caoimhe's jaw drops) Maybe they thought he was the right man for the job cos they knew he was clued up on BB.

They list the qualities that make him the ideal candidate for the role: willing to do anything on the show, BB super fan,  very bright, brilliant at acting, been all over the world, has an amazing photographic memory,'experienced f**king everything there is to experience.. But you wouldn't pick him cos he's the nicest bloke you'll ever meet in your life!' 

Dave asks if they are saying he's a HM who has been selected for this task, or if Mario is working for BB totally and is not a HM. Because he came in last none of them will actually know what happened. Everything is starting to spell to Shabby that he was NOT and is not a proper HM and that the public definitely know that. 
Caoimhe calls good night to them all and heads off to bed. Shabby spits out that Nathan flipped out at her for mentioning that Mario could be a mole. Shortly after she went to BB to vent which is when she stumbled upon the scientist box. Shabby has the feeling that something strange is about to happen because the cameras keep spinning around to the mirror. 

JOHN: They want us to find something!

They analyse the positioning of the mirrors and what the cameras are pointing at. They survey their surroundings trying to scout out more conclusive proof. Shabby finds the way the cameras are acting to be really creepy.

JOHN: Unlesss they're just being funny f**kers and want us to do this sh*t! (which Shabby thinks is likely)

They are startled by a noise by the camera directly in front of the T of  T. BB reminds them once again not to touch the mirrors. They laugh that they didn't touch them and hold their hands up in a I-Surrender stance!! :D The troublesome trio are certain they've got it and agree to keep this to themselves.

JOHN: In the morning I'm gonna grab Sunshine's sewing kit and measure it with the tape! (Shabby sings that he'll definitely be told off for tampering but this is what they have to do) That's not tampering, it's measuring!! :P 
John tells Dave he doesn't need to tell him about the tiling, wooden panelling and Mario's tag as he's onto that sh*t. Shabby doesn't think her idea is right about it being a door that opens because the drawer is glued closed. She's not sure if BB want them to find it or not because they keep being b*llocked! John thinks they would have stopped Mario speaking about it if they'd wanted him to shut up, as he'd had a half an hour conversation with him about the tree. 
JOHN: They're telling him to release certain information. 

Shabby ponders if this could all be a cover up for something bigger; getting Mario to leak certain things about the tree so that's all they're thinking about.. when really it is something else. 

JOHN: Is that even his f**kin' real name? It sounds like an odd name to me! Mario?  

A few days ago Shabby had said to Caoimhe she wasn't entirely sure his name was Mario either. (ad break)

JOHN: Are we even sure he's Italian?  

Shabby says they can't know for sure and the camera zooms right in close up to her face. They don't think a HM would be allowed in the British BB unless they had a British passport. John knows they've had problems with this in the past and Mario has proclaimed that he doesn't have one and nor does he want one! It had definitely said on their contracts if they had to have any form of a Visa 'no dice!'  Dave informs him that as Italy is part of the European Union, England's doors are open to him. He doesn't look Italian to me!  
Dave doubts that Mario's surname Mugan is Welsh as he's never heard of any. Dave delightfully declares 'I'm going to try and curl one out!' John and Shabby hypothesise that the T and diamond handles on the chest of drawers stand for 'tree of temptation.'  

SHABBY: Are we crazily over-thinking things here? 

JOHN: I don't think we are! How many other handles have you seen for a f**king wardrobe shaped like that? And the drawers on the p*ss and it doesn't even open and it's here for absolutely no reason whatsoever! 

SHABBY: And we get b*llocked every time we touch it!

They suss out that BB don't wanna risk these drawers being opened in any shape or form! But they don't think there's actually anything in there. Shabby is desperate to know what's going on! Lots of HM's have asked her why she wants to know beforehand but Shabby just doesn't operate like that. 

Shabby thinks it will look suss if she starts grilling Mario and that John and Dave are most likely to find out about 'Mario-gate!'  She finds it strange that Mario had confided in her and Caoimhe about the T of T when he's only close to Caoimhe. Shabs is flummoxed as to why Mario would say he had famous parents if he doesn't! 'For all we know, his flashy clothes are a front!' 

DAVE: Maybe Mario's like the offshoot of the tree! The offspring of the tree!  
SHABBY: Maybe the tree's his Dad! Did you ever think a year ago, that you would be sat in a bathroom in the BB house discussing whether someone was an actor and where the f**king tree lives? I've never been so concerned with such small matters in my entire life!

John swears to God that the Tree had not spoken to them while Shabby was out of the room, when she questions them. They think it would be trippy if Mario came out into the bathroom right then. Mario scratches his face in his sleep! 

John thinks Mario had to have an ear-piece during the quiz in case anyone else answered correctly. Shabby is so glad she's not the only one thinking this way as she thought she was going 'mad!' 

DAVE: He is like a BB encyclopaedia! He's right into the game, he gets right into it! 

SHABBY: Which is totally at odds with his nature! 

JOHN: That's the f**kin tree! It's the tree! It's definitely the tree!! There's nothing else in the house it could be. (Points at the chest of drawers and explains his reasoning for the 26th time 'pretty much telling us it's the T of T in disguise!' and how he reckons in due course the mirror will slide down and reveal a tree behind a clear panel and they'll be able to talk to it!)  

He doesn't think it will be revealed until week 6. John doesn't believe Mario knew the secret before he came in but found out in the house and isn't allowed to reveal it but BB wants them to start talking about it. 
JOHN: I think he applied just like everybody else.. I don't think they found him, I don't think he's part of the production team .. But I think they've come up with the idea that they were looking for someone who could do the job and he fits the criteria! There was no tombola.. and if there was, it was fixed!
Dave rubbishes the prospect that there were different mole outfits to fit all the prospective moles of the remaining 80. He brands it as bull that the outfit happened to fit Mario perfectly and he came in with a mic with his name on. Shabby had searched the forums beforehand and posters thought it was crap and not a twist having 80 HM's on launch night. She concludes 'it was planned all along and it was ALWAYS gonna be Mario!'  

Without seeming too obvious over the next few days she wants to get out of Mario what he knows about the working of TV shows .. as they both know a lot about editing but she works in that industry. So she is unsure why a fashion designer would know so much. At the moment she is veering towards the fact that he did apply but knew for a long time what he was sent in there to do. 

DAVE: I pretty much knew I was coming in without actually being told that I was coming in! (Shabby had a sneaking suspicion too. SC so we don't find out that some of the HM's were scouted out)  

SHABBY: If it comes out that we are right about this, I've gotta give that guy a round of applause, man!  
The conspiracies revolving Mario are STILL being discussed to death by Shabby, Dave and John in the bathroom!! Mario had told Shabby and Caoimhe he had a secret which was doing his head in, knowing that Shabby would hound him about it. (ad break)
JOHN: they would have given him a STURDY warning 'do not f**kin' mention anything about the T of T or anything.. as long as you're in the house! But he hasn't, he's let out little bits of secret!!  We've got to remember, we think we know his secrets but we don't! Because everything we say, is going straight back to them, they can hear everything!

Shabby wants they to think back to the day they were lined up suspect style.. as she thinks BB knew they wouldn't choose Mario as the mole as they loved him (and that they wouldn't put his name down in the majority as he would be evicted) She confirms with them if BB had told them that the Mole would be evicted before and after - Dave decides it was before. 

SHABBY: They knew that we were gonna put Sunshine.

This is why Dave was a little bit peeved with Govan, as he'd made him believe it was Sunshine so he wrote down her name too. BB knew they wouldn't evict him 'as he's such a lovable chap' and because 'he was turning the tears on!'  Dave was right onto it but he and others were told to back off because they thought he was upset. Shabby had a go at him for crying in the quiz thinking he was making them out to be bullies. Then Mario had apologised to her and cried again

SHABBY: I may be a b*tch but I haven't got a heart of stone!  
They genuinely believe that Mario's sweet nature is real. But John still surmises that he is on a big task and has been told to leak certain info to particular people.  

SHABBY: Who are the nosiest b*stards? Probably me and you! 

JOHN: Probably :D 

SHABBY: As soon as we get a sniff of .. We're all over it!  

JOHN: And, me and you are the most interested in knowing .. especially what's going on! So he's been told.. and maybe he wasn't told to tell you directly.. because it would have been too obvious if he had've gone to you and then to me.. it would've been obvious that he'd told the 2 people.. but he didn't, he told Caoimhe knowing she would tell you and then he told me directly.  Cos I'm the only 1 probably in the whole house who didn't question him about his parents. Never ever! Nothin' not 1 word! It's only because I'm sleeping in his bed.

SHABBY: So he wouldn't feel the need to explain anything to you. 

JOHN: No, I didn't ask sh*t! I said nothing.. not a word.  

Shabby would love to know what this task is leading to as it has to come to a conclusion at some point .. and has a feeling it won't be very nice.

JOHN: What IS the tree of temptation? What do you do with it?!  
From what Shabby can gather, it tells you to do things and she wants to know if they have a choice. Dave thinks they do because in the previous Celeb series the Tree wanted them to put salt in food and they refused but there was always a nasty consequence. Shabby thinks they'll be feeling the wrath soon.  

JOHN: It can't give us any f**king wrath if we don't talk about it.. if it doesn't f**king talk!

Caoimhe comes back in with her head spinning! Everything she has ever been through in the house just flashed before her eyes and she's getting heart palpitations. She is scared about the conversation she had with Shabby in the garden about her family history. She thinks she shouldn't have said anything.

JOHN: They won't air that sh*t!  (because she had mentioned names)

John stands up after Shabby thinks it is between 3.30 and 4am and tells them they'll continue this tomorrow and heads out. Dave follows suit, John tells him he's gonna 'suss him without making it look obvious!' They realise it is 3.35am, John doesn't think it's that bad and BB had pretty much told him that time was correct.  They go to bed!! 

The girls are still in the bathroom wired from too much coffee. They think they are idiots for continuing with the sponge task but they must have burned an unbelievable amount of calories. Caoimhe certifies that she HAS gone nutty! Both of them are starting to trip out big time. They decide to go to the Diary room to declare that they have actually gone mental. When they come out they want toast 'as that's what nice people do, they have toast.. and then you feel better!' but settle for swigging down water. In the bathroom, Caoimhe discovers weird, flaky sh*t on her nose. End of E4 feed.

1 comment:

  1. Haha BB housemates and conspiracy theories:DGot dizzy reading that,i can only imagine what their head was like:eek:

    I always thought Shabby & John had few similar character traits,short fuse,tantrums,curiosity,loyalty,and dry sense of humour:p

    Reminds me of this year's and last year piss poor BB:(
