John, the guy who thinks everything through, seriously hasn't considered staying (on this week's eviction versus Nathan) and never had, when he told Josie in bed that night he meant it. (SC)
JOHN: (he's made peace with this) I wasn't trying to get people to feel sorry for me or anything.. if people wanna know what I believe, then that's what I truly believe. And I know that people believe that as well.
He is more than aware that HM's are telling Seahorse that he's staying. Josie plans to tell herself that John is going so if that happens it won't come as a big shock 'and then if you stay I'll be so happy. I'll be sooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!' John is trying to take a serious tone with her in their conversation but he has to stop and allow himself a moment to laugh along with Josie's squeesssssss of glee. Then he goes straight back to breaking up Josie's party with his matter of fact-ness that he isn't counting on that and he has worked out what he's gonna do and what he will say.
JOHN: (How wrong was he?) There can't be another way round it. It'd be it woulda been like .. Rachael versus Steve. (puts on his movie commentator man voice) Who will go?
That's how clear cut he thinks it is; Josie doesn't (SC) she reminds John that they didn't think Govan was going anywhere 'and look what happened! You can't guess.' John doesn't feel that he's guessing and doesn't like talking about it really because he's not just saying that and had predicted he would be up 'and if I was up, I would go.' John knew he wouldn't have been able to do the task and even if he could - it would have been useless as there's no way he'd have been able to swap himself with another HM on the board. 'Especially knowing that Keev would have gone.'
He thinks Caoimhe's obviously had a bit of a rough time in there and as such pulled a lot of votes and will be up most weeks. (SC) John sees Nathan's role as being very important to the house.
JOSIE: Yeah which I want.
John sounds and appears noticeably upset when asking her 'do ya?' misinterpreting her intent as wanting Nathan instead of what she means because she'd like to be able to cook for the house. Josie had said that Nathan hates people stepping on his turf; John questions whether she was being sarcastic (when saying that's what she wants) but she is saying it how it is. Josie clears up that she'd like to make dinner for everyone now and again and do the shopping list so John now catches on that it isn't Nathan she wanted, but his role. Boy is he relieved, those 4 small words had shattered his soul until Josie elaborated. (SC)
One thing John has backed down with in the house is food and stuff like that because he's been courteous to other people; he's not gone in the kitchen snatching food when people haven't been around. (Long SC) This he decides is probably the only thing that he should have stepped up with but doesn't think he could have stepped up anymore with his mouth because he pretty much said everything he needed to. Josie teases 'how could you have topped that?' John believes that he's probably avoided some situations and that he would have gone a little bit more on the outside world.
JOHN: (already filled his anger quota for the series) But you guys think that I've been off the charts! There's probably a lot of things that I could have stepped in on but I didn't.
On the outside world, it is doubtful that John remained the same with Josie and reverted to his 'James' personality when in fury, thus not holding back with Josie, where he normally would have if they'd still been in BB. John knew how that Josie could 'go' before choosing to enter into a romantic relationship with her, so her yelling at him wouldn't have come as a shock to his system. (Though anytime she did in BB because he'd upset her, Josie's words always hit John like an elephant dart in the face)
Josie was used to John backing down with her almost immediately.. so how would she have handled this when he didn't in their new life together? In turn it would have led Josie to give as good as she got back; John and Josie both have a gun for a tongue and they wouldn't have argued in half measures. But when sanity and reason had been restored they were back to being lovely to one another; they would have liked each other better when they weren't angry, that's just a fact. Sometimes with John it seems that he's not stopping until he's upset everyone in the world who means anything to him.. :(
Josie mentions that every single person in there has been like that to a certain extent - where they've wanted to comment on certain things but have held back. (SC) She's realised that Nate's started being alright with her again now but he wasn't; John pretends that he hadn't already observed this 'wasn't he? Why?' (SC)
JOSIE: He was looking at me in disgust and I hadn't done nothing wrong.
JOHN: (to him there was a giant light up arrow pointing to what was 'wrong') Why do you reckon? You're a smart person, you think you know why..
JOSIE: (By George she's got it!) Cos I'm friends with you?
JOHN: (it was in no way a diss of Josie) Mm. Of course it is! (SC) Nothin'.. nothing but respect for everything that he's done (SC) like it doesn't take a rocket scientist.. I know cos I get it on the outside - people target me. Cos I'm a target.. remember how you said you try and pick faults? Same sort of thing.. just voicing it.. I got called about sex life and stuff like that..
Josie makes plain that she doesn't pick fault about stuff like that. John's thing is that Nathan wasn't insulting him because it's a personal part of his life and if he was that worried about it, he doesn't have to share it with anyone. (SC) The clip finishes with Ben and Mario talking about their skinny arms and not having very much muscle tone. Nathan really blew it there with Josie and with the public - hence 89% of voters calling to have him evicted. It's rather miraculous that things didn't get ugly over night with John and Nathan, as they easily could have done.. It was nice to have a kind gentleman in the house as John's opponent was a wild pig of filth!
'A revealing conversation between John James and Josie about John James' very strong attitudes towards relationships.'
John, the guy who thinks everything through, seriously hasn't considered staying (on this week's eviction versus Nathan) and never had, when he told Josie in bed that night he meant it. (SC)
JOHN: (he's made peace with this) I wasn't trying to get people to feel sorry for me or anything.. if people wanna know what I believe, then that's what I truly believe. And I know that people believe that as well.
He is more than aware that HM's are telling Seahorse that he's staying. Josie plans to tell herself that John is going so if that happens it won't come as a big shock 'and then if you stay I'll be so happy. I'll be sooooooooooooooooooooo happy!!' John is trying to take a serious tone with her in their conversation but he has to stop and allow himself a moment to laugh along with Josie's squeesssssss of glee. Then he goes straight back to breaking up Josie's party with his matter of fact-ness that he isn't counting on that and he has worked out what he's gonna do and what he will say.
JOHN: (How wrong was he?) There can't be another way round it. It'd be it woulda been like .. Rachael versus Steve. (puts on his movie commentator man voice) Who will go?
That's how clear cut he thinks it is; Josie doesn't (SC) she reminds John that they didn't think Govan was going anywhere 'and look what happened! You can't guess.' John doesn't feel that he's guessing and doesn't like talking about it really because he's not just saying that and had predicted he would be up 'and if I was up, I would go.' John knew he wouldn't have been able to do the task and even if he could - it would have been useless as there's no way he'd have been able to swap himself with another HM on the board. 'Especially knowing that Keev would have gone.'
He thinks Caoimhe's obviously had a bit of a rough time in there and as such pulled a lot of votes and will be up most weeks. (SC) John sees Nathan's role as being very important to the house.
JOSIE: Yeah which I want.
John sounds and appears noticeably upset when asking her 'do ya?' misinterpreting her intent as wanting Nathan instead of what she means because she'd like to be able to cook for the house. Josie had said that Nathan hates people stepping on his turf; John questions whether she was being sarcastic (when saying that's what she wants) but she is saying it how it is. Josie clears up that she'd like to make dinner for everyone now and again and do the shopping list so John now catches on that it isn't Nathan she wanted, but his role. Boy is he relieved, those 4 small words had shattered his soul until Josie elaborated. (SC)
One thing John has backed down with in the house is food and stuff like that because he's been courteous to other people; he's not gone in the kitchen snatching food when people haven't been around. (Long SC) This he decides is probably the only thing that he should have stepped up with but doesn't think he could have stepped up anymore with his mouth because he pretty much said everything he needed to. Josie teases 'how could you have topped that?' John believes that he's probably avoided some situations and that he would have gone a little bit more on the outside world.
JOHN: (already filled his anger quota for the series) But you guys think that I've been off the charts! There's probably a lot of things that I could have stepped in on but I didn't.
On the outside world, it is doubtful that John remained the same with Josie and reverted to his 'James' personality when in fury, thus not holding back with Josie, where he normally would have if they'd still been in BB. John knew how that Josie could 'go' before choosing to enter into a romantic relationship with her, so her yelling at him wouldn't have come as a shock to his system. (Though anytime she did in BB because he'd upset her, Josie's words always hit John like an elephant dart in the face)
Josie was used to John backing down with her almost immediately.. so how would she have handled this when he didn't in their new life together? In turn it would have led Josie to give as good as she got back; John and Josie both have a gun for a tongue and they wouldn't have argued in half measures. But when sanity and reason had been restored they were back to being lovely to one another; they would have liked each other better when they weren't angry, that's just a fact. Sometimes with John it seems that he's not stopping until he's upset everyone in the world who means anything to him.. :(
Josie mentions that every single person in there has been like that to a certain extent - where they've wanted to comment on certain things but have held back. (SC) She's realised that Nate's started being alright with her again now but he wasn't; John pretends that he hadn't already observed this 'wasn't he? Why?' (SC)
JOSIE: He was looking at me in disgust and I hadn't done nothing wrong.
JOHN: (to him there was a giant light up arrow pointing to what was 'wrong') Why do you reckon? You're a smart person, you think you know why..
JOSIE: (By George she's got it!) Cos I'm friends with you?
JOHN: (it was in no way a diss of Josie) Mm. Of course it is! (SC) Nothin'.. nothing but respect for everything that he's done (SC) like it doesn't take a rocket scientist.. I know cos I get it on the outside - people target me. Cos I'm a target.. remember how you said you try and pick faults? Same sort of thing.. just voicing it.. I got called about sex life and stuff like that..
Josie makes plain that she doesn't pick fault about stuff like that. John's thing is that Nathan wasn't insulting him because it's a personal part of his life and if he was that worried about it, he doesn't have to share it with anyone. (SC) The clip finishes with Ben and Mario talking about their skinny arms and not having very much muscle tone. Nathan really blew it there with Josie and with the public - hence 89% of voters calling to have him evicted. It's rather miraculous that things didn't get ugly over night with John and Nathan, as they easily could have done.. It was nice to have a kind gentleman in the house as John's opponent was a wild pig of filth!
'A revealing conversation between John James and Josie about John James' very strong attitudes towards relationships.'
Unfortunately throughout this chat the birds cutting the sound hear more of what is said than we do - take the first 35 seconds which are dipped for starters!! (SC) When girls talk to John they automatically assume that he has a girlfriend so he tells them he doesn't, leading them to ask 'then why do you walk around like you do?' (under the presumption that his aloofness is brought about by arrogance and conceit) John pressed them for what they meant by that and is answered that he doesn't look at anything or anyone (when he is out) so they conclude that he is already in a relationship. Josie would never approach a bloke in a club anyway 'I definitely would never approach anyone like you.' (SC) John bites his inner cheek.
JOSIE: (her interest is piqued) You're a wanted man in Australia, are you John?
It's not that but Josie is savvy that women want what they don't/can't have, informing John that this is really his pick up thing. But for him it's not a game despite being in the knowledge that there are men out there who try and use it to play hard to get.
JOHN: (these women wonder where he gets off acting all morally superior) Which makes it even worse.. because when they realise that I'm not playing and I'm not using it as a tool and they realise that I am for real..
Josie begins to bet that there's so many women.. (SC) but John believes that if they knew what he was really like they would understand where he was coming from. Josie explains that the thing is women hate rejection; John knows that.
JOSIE: It's horrible! Everyone hates rejection .. not just women, everyone hates rejection.
JOHN: (is he wired wrong?) Exactly. Which is why I never put myself in a position where I can be rejected. Ever. EVER in my life would I ever do that. I'd rather die alone than put myself in that position. Cos I don't think.. I've not been attracted to anyone enough, to put myself in that position. (SC)
Josie says that she is too busy having a good time; John replies 'same as you with me.'
JOSIE: (aww does she want me to start crying?) But I think I'm alright with rejection.. because I've been sorta rejected all my life really :(
John doesn't get what the difference is between himself and Josie then as she said she'd never chat a bloke up and he would never chat a girl up. Don't get him wrong, he talks to girls if he's standing at the bar and the girl sitting next to him looks his way but he won't be speaking with her to chat her up. So he'll speak to them and then say 'alright, I'll see ya later' and he chuckles that they look at him like WHAT??? Josie wouldn't do that, she'd take their phone number; John is of the opinion that if the girl wants it they can ask him.
JOSIE: (reproaches) What do you mean 'they can ask?' That's what I mean - they, they, they, they!!!
JOHN: (this is because he hadn't met the girl of his dreams until Josie came into his life) Well that depends who wants it more. And no one will ever beat me at that because they will always want it more than what I would because I don't care.. You know how you don't care about certain things in life? Well I don't care about having a girlfriend, I don't care about attracting women. I couldn't give a sh*t! I don't care if I ever, ever have sex ever again. I don't care if I never kiss a girl ever ever again .. I don't care. Because if you let yourself become in the position where do you care, then someone has power over you and I'm not willing to let that happen.
JOSIE: No there's something wrong with you. I'm like that but I'm not like that. Like one day I wanna settle down and have a family.
JOHN: Yeah and I will too but not yet.
When they find those people, I hope they are everything they are looking for. But Josie does care whether she'd ever have sex again and kissing. He's had heaps of girls that have come up to him before asking 'who the F**K do you think you are?'
JOSIE: (jokey) They've used Josie's line on you?? No way!!
They tell him he thinks he's God's gift to women but he answers back that he doesn't think anything, he questions 'why? Do I think that just because.. because you're attracted to me and I'm not attracted to you?' He doesn't see it as a form of arrogance and if they knew who he was and his reasons then they'd understand; the women reckon he knocks them back as John thinks he's too good - but it's not that at all.
JOHN: (he's not one to whore around) If I'm not attracted to someone, I'll be friends with them but I just don't care. I don't see the point.
Josie beckons for John to cover his mic a minute, he puts his face up to Josie's box so she can whisper to him while the sound is UNSURPRISINGLY cut!! It seems that she was checking John wasn't gay because otherwise she'd like to take him out on that scene.
JOHN: (alright keep your pants on!!) No, I'm not. 100%, why would I lie? I don't lie. I don't lie. If you know nothing else.. when I leave on Friday, just know the one thing I don't do is - lie. If nothing else. The person that I would have as the best man at my wedding (SC) the first thing he will say about me is 'he'll never lie!' I might be wrong one day, like when I said I thought you rolled your eyes or something like that.. I might have been wrong, cos it would've been on camera but I don't lie. Like if you ask me a question, I will tell you the truth. Cos I hate.. I hate liars, that's why I'm so argumentative! Cos I hate liars.
Josie wants him to hold on because what she had been inferring wouldn't have been him lying (but him in denial of his sexuality) she motions for him to lean in again (SC). From what I can make out she may be confiding in him about Govan (SC)
"I bet he cares now . . . . . and I'd say she has power over him now!!!" (JJJforever)
"I definitely definitely think all John's feelings stem from losing his Dad. He was scared to let anyone in. Didn't want to love or care for someone and risk losing them. The Fire Escape Day missing conversations said it all. I think that caring for Josie meant more to him than anything else. In the garden after FE day he said he was scared that they wouldn't feel the same outside the house but the fake environment of the house made him doubt what they felt for one another. He's said since coming out the BB house that he was losing control of his emotions and that he thought he was losing her. I sure wish he'd been a bit clearer to start with, my nails wouldn't have been bitten to the quick!!" (sbyres25)
"That John has since committed to Josie is a massive deal and I applaud him for taking that risk and I am sure that she appreciates the magnitude of this." (jjames1)
"I think his attitude to sex could be in some way linked to the fact he cheated on his girlfriend. He said quite early on in the programme that he had to break up with her because of what he had done. Maybe at the time of this clip he associated sex as a bad thing because of what it cost him? He said the girl he cheated with was a lot older than him, worked with him, left the company then returned some years later and kept calling him. Maybe he felt flattered by her interest in him? Maybe that girl just wanted to use him for sex, maybe after they had slept together she moved on and he felt used by her, guilty for cheating on his girlfriend and disappointed in himself for being unfaithful. Loyalty being one of the things he says is most important to him." (Khyra Kitten)
Even in BB, John did put himself in a position where he could have been rejected and in a very public setting and manner. Yes he waited until he was confident that Josie really liked him in *that* way but she still could have knocked him back on live, National TV. So as he said, he'd never been attracted to someone enough to do so.. he must have found Josie as smokin' hot as a pile of doody in August!! :D When he realised that the love and admiration he had for her was stronger than friendship and that it was completely requited with Josie.. he let go of those reservations and it was full steam ahead!
The fact that he contacted Josie so openly recently (like Josie did way back when she told him she was sorry hadn't meant it and still loved him) means that he was willing to look like an idiot and could have been rejected. And that he wanted people to know he wanted to speak to her.. I admire that he's put himself out there on the line like that and will forgive all his pricky nonsense of late. Of course Josie was going to be cautious and suspicious about it, as all their dealings beforehand had been nasty and not even civil.. and John would have been more than aware of this. It's not like he'd have been expecting Josie to take him back with open arms.. hopefully he'll have shown her that he's serious and will do what he needs to in order to prove that he means it. (Presuming he has attempted to initiate a truce or to patch things over between them after all this time)
It would have taken a hell of a lot of pride swallowing for him to have set communications in motion. And it must have come as such a relief to him that Josie was so gracious and open to hearing him out.. I doubt we'll ever find out what he had to say but surely it's a positive sign that he wanted to talk and that Josie gave him the chance to say his piece. Is it really that ridiculous to hope for a thaw between them? I know people label us all as head-in-the-clouds romantics but really what is so terrible about wanting two people, who once cared SO much about each other to repair their friendship? I'm not trying to get them married off or back together but they had some h'amazing times together and it's not worth being bitter forever. Knowing is always better than wondering.
John was and always is a bit of an enigma to me.. probably because what he said before getting together with Josie didn't always coincide with his behaviour.. so I never took what came out of his mouth at face value. Would he really rather die alone than be rejected? I hope not because that would make for a very lonely existence and I'd hate for that to become his life.. yet perhaps he is so scared of putting himself out there again and being burned again, that he'll never allow any sort of relationship to heat all the way up.. Is he having to ward off all randy mares coming his way? Has he stopped kissing and having sex altogether? Working out could be an alternative source for obtaining that same rush but it's not about being a Monk in your twenties!!! If he hasn't had that physical intimacy - does he care? Does he miss it? Or was he talking crap??
Sometimes you fall for someone you'd never expect. Neither of them went into the house with any appetite for starting a romance.. much less having no expectation whatsoever that they would meet someone that they'd love and leave BB in a new relationship. It was so beautiful and made us and them so happy :) Did Josie truly have that much power over him? I say yes. Not in a way that she manipulated John or forcefully controlled him.. it couldn't be helped - he loved her so much and that was that. John may not have been willing for it to happen hence his initial resistance but it was futile because you 'cannot stop the rhythm of two hearts in love.' (Hairspray)
He obviously liked Josie thaaaat much that he couldn't help but fall for her (thus handing over power on a plate) but he was ready to stop being a 'me' and start being a 'we' - with Josie Gibson. Making it that much more precious that he went with his heart and took a chance on love and a new life together.. It was destiny, see! And they were such cutie pies :) As for lying, we all know his stance on lies but from where I'm sitting it is JOHN that has been the biggest Pinocchio after the end of their relationship. He may spin it that he hasn't told an outright lie but he has been very vigilant and finicky with his words and lax with the truth.
The fact that he contacted Josie so openly recently (like Josie did way back when she told him she was sorry hadn't meant it and still loved him) means that he was willing to look like an idiot and could have been rejected. And that he wanted people to know he wanted to speak to her.. I admire that he's put himself out there on the line like that and will forgive all his pricky nonsense of late. Of course Josie was going to be cautious and suspicious about it, as all their dealings beforehand had been nasty and not even civil.. and John would have been more than aware of this. It's not like he'd have been expecting Josie to take him back with open arms.. hopefully he'll have shown her that he's serious and will do what he needs to in order to prove that he means it. (Presuming he has attempted to initiate a truce or to patch things over between them after all this time)
It would have taken a hell of a lot of pride swallowing for him to have set communications in motion. And it must have come as such a relief to him that Josie was so gracious and open to hearing him out.. I doubt we'll ever find out what he had to say but surely it's a positive sign that he wanted to talk and that Josie gave him the chance to say his piece. Is it really that ridiculous to hope for a thaw between them? I know people label us all as head-in-the-clouds romantics but really what is so terrible about wanting two people, who once cared SO much about each other to repair their friendship? I'm not trying to get them married off or back together but they had some h'amazing times together and it's not worth being bitter forever. Knowing is always better than wondering.
John was and always is a bit of an enigma to me.. probably because what he said before getting together with Josie didn't always coincide with his behaviour.. so I never took what came out of his mouth at face value. Would he really rather die alone than be rejected? I hope not because that would make for a very lonely existence and I'd hate for that to become his life.. yet perhaps he is so scared of putting himself out there again and being burned again, that he'll never allow any sort of relationship to heat all the way up.. Is he having to ward off all randy mares coming his way? Has he stopped kissing and having sex altogether? Working out could be an alternative source for obtaining that same rush but it's not about being a Monk in your twenties!!! If he hasn't had that physical intimacy - does he care? Does he miss it? Or was he talking crap??
Sometimes you fall for someone you'd never expect. Neither of them went into the house with any appetite for starting a romance.. much less having no expectation whatsoever that they would meet someone that they'd love and leave BB in a new relationship. It was so beautiful and made us and them so happy :) Did Josie truly have that much power over him? I say yes. Not in a way that she manipulated John or forcefully controlled him.. it couldn't be helped - he loved her so much and that was that. John may not have been willing for it to happen hence his initial resistance but it was futile because you 'cannot stop the rhythm of two hearts in love.' (Hairspray)
He obviously liked Josie thaaaat much that he couldn't help but fall for her (thus handing over power on a plate) but he was ready to stop being a 'me' and start being a 'we' - with Josie Gibson. Making it that much more precious that he went with his heart and took a chance on love and a new life together.. It was destiny, see! And they were such cutie pies :) As for lying, we all know his stance on lies but from where I'm sitting it is JOHN that has been the biggest Pinocchio after the end of their relationship. He may spin it that he hasn't told an outright lie but he has been very vigilant and finicky with his words and lax with the truth.
John yields that he has been with girls (in the past) that are arrogant before which staggers Josie.
JOHN: (his good looks are a blessing and a curse) Yeahhh of course. Because they're the ones that I attract!
She queries if that is because he is arrogant himself - he's not but these women are under the false impression that John is, so they chase him. I'm sure he thanked them for the interest in his body and the ego boost that they provided but it wasn't what he was searching for in a meaningful relationship. Josie must have been SUCH a refreshing change of pace for him after all the previous girls he'd been with. Doubt he'd have wanted to score chicks based purely on the way he looked or be pursued by those who had their heads up their own arse! He'd have been scornful of some cocksure, egotistical narcissist skanktron types presupposing that he'd wanna tap that!
JOHN: (these ladies may be hot but that doesn't make them interesting to him) But that's not my fault.. that doesn't mean I like girls like that. Sometimes I haven't got a choice and then quieter girls won't approach me at all because they think that.. do you know what I mean?
JOSIE: Which is what you want - a little librarian or something. (In a way, yeah he does) Yeah all men want that.
From John's perspective, men more often want the prize 'they want the girl that's gonna look mint on their shoulder!' Josie's ex said he wanted a little librarian, quiet girl 'not a loud-mouthed thug like me!' John has a way of saying it without saying it, he lets Josie know he has been with loud mouths as well and was really into her, a lot! He doesn't really have a type and he's not looking for anyone or anything in particular.
JOHN: (he's outgrown this part of his life) See if a girl was arrogant because she had a loud mouth and spoke her mind, I don't care about that. Just arrogance about what you look like that's all.. don't.. like be good looking (SC)
"Gotta love John for dropping a subtle hint about his feelings towards Josie as she describes herself as a "loudmouth" and John says"I've been with a loudmouth too...and I was really into her. " (smileybabe_1)
This supports the hypothesis of why he didn't get on with many females in the house as John believes that Rachael was arrogant in terms of her appearance; Josie seems unsure that was the case. She then puts the video title question to him - 'have you ever had an ugly girlfriend?' He admits immediately that he had, she wasn't his girlfriend but he was seeing this girl that was not attractive. Josie picks up that for him to even say whoever this was had been unattractive, was a form of arrogance. She is joking but John knows what she's getting at - he had thought she was attractive but (seemingly his friends did not - SC)
He didn't feel the girl was bad-looking but because she didn't look like girls he'd been with in the past, he copped it off his mates. Though this had been the girl he had just mentioned that he got along really well with 'but because.. yeah..' Josie checks out that what he's saying is, he is not arrogant.
JOHN: (opens her brain tank) No. I'm the number one person whose against that. I'm arrogant.. not arrogant, but when it comes to sport - I wanna win. So that's where I release, that's where I wanna be the best. I'm not interested in being the best looking, I don't care about that .. that's not something that you can control.
He'd rather do/like something that he can have control over which is why he didn't like modelling.
JOHN: (hit the genetics jackpot) Because I didn't earn it.. I was just given.. looks. Like okay, people say 'you're good looking' or whatever.. obviously I have said that in the past.. never said it unless.. I said it on the questionnaires on entering here.
Josie wants a reminder of what he'd put down as his rating (for looks) he thinks that it was 7 or 8 but can't remember. (SC) Josie had only given herself a 3 or 4 for the same category but John didn't want it to look as though he had low self-esteem or anything, so he answered the questions as truthfully as he could.
JOSIE: (a girl who giggles when she's ill at ease) But I think I've got a personality to back me up, thank God. (laughs self-consciously) Joke. Who do I think I am?
John tries to ignore her idiocy but has to hide a smile as she continues 'look at me, look at me, me, me, me, me, me!!' He breaks down that he just has a real problem with people being arrogant about what they look like. It's not even that he's arrogant thinking he's good at sport, but he wants to be good at it and tries hard.
JOSIE: When I see pretty girls, I think 'if you've got it flaunt it!' Cos if I had it, I'd be walking around with nothing on!!
Big Brobot cuts in asking all HM's to gather on the sofas in the living room right away. John hasn't finished his piece so carries on that it's difficult to describe but his friends know how he is as they've seen it in real life. (Long SC) Clip draws to an end with Mario suggesting that they should nominate Ben for whatever the next task is; John is down with that.
"Why does everyone say something about Jose being ugly? Am i the only one who doesn't get why Jose would ever be classed as ugly? She's stunning, it just seems too shallow because she's not a size zero she's "ugly" she's gorgeous, she's a natural beauty and her size doesn't matter to John, so why anyone else?" (marhearsyou)
I get the distinct impression that a lot of John's Loys were exceedingly shallow and definitely didn't share John's viewpoint on arrogance and appearance. Did his friends mock Josie behind her back (but to John or amongst each other) for her size and the way she looked? Did they make fun of John for loving her and staying with her? I can't see John standing for it if they made personal attacks about his girlfriend directly to his face.. but if they made the odd unkind remark about her - did he start to feel ashamed that he was in a relationship with someone they perhaps didn't consider attractive?
John and Josie's attraction was instant and undeniable to anyone who wasn't dead inside or blind .. so wouldn't John's mates want to see him happy (no matter what the girl looked like)? The irony being that now, they would be likely to find Josie a tasty slice ;) she is exactly the kind of woman (I generalise but..) that their group seem to go for - blonde, big-boobed, beautiful and she likes to squat (work out!) I hope they weren't a bunch of vultures who ruthlessly picked apart the every flaw of Josie :(
Mario has to help extract Josie from her bed! Dave tells John that all the cameras were on him & Josie for ages and not one camera was on them nor did they get told off for discussing previous BB series!! (FROM WHATM)
All HM's are now in the living room waiting to receive further instructions. In the background of the video, John says he has a white version of an item of his clothing and Josie hints that she would love to have it in white. (SC) John takes her through an inventory of all the clothes he is leaving for her - 2x American Apparel jackets.
JOSIE: (chuffed) What for me??
John's not going to wear that sh*t on the outside; Dave wants to give him some money so John can get him some of the caps he wears. Caoimhe hollers over everyone, demanding if the label Flux can be bought over the internet as his L'Avenir hoody is beautiful. It can but it would have to come from Australia; Josie also wants a hat and laughs that he'll be left with nothing. He hadn't heard her so giggles when seeing what she wants.
JOSIE: (jesting) I want.. I want everything!!
John won't be able to fit a lot of it in his suitcase so he lets her know that he'll sort out what he's going to take, as a lot of the stuff he wouldn't wear on the outside. Josie calls this wicked and wants John to come see her after (with all his cast offs) 'hold on! You can't just take stuff I'm number one here!!' Mario chides her that she's supposed to be saying 'I am a robot!'
JOSIE: (absent-mindedly) Oh. I am a robot - I'm number one! (SC)
The only thing is John doesn't know how long he will have to stay in the country, so he might need some clothes! Josie LOL's that they should get shopping.
JOHN: (satirises her impertinence) Oh? Just go shopping, just for you? So I can leave all my clothes here, for you to wear!
He relents that later they will go through all his stuff, after asking what she wants and she squeals with excitement that it'll be like going shopping. (SC) Josie will give it all back when she leaves the house.
JOHN: (kids) You think I'm waiting 3 months for you to get out? (SC until the video ends)
WHATM: Housemates have 60 secs to decide
who's going to take part in an epic battle of smoothie making.
Caoimhe chosen. Robot gets a blender, to make smoothie, Caoimhe must
make by hand. John thinks Ben might as well be made a robot now, to
avoid Ben being in the final battle and deciding he doesn't want to
do it! Nathan agrees, he says Ben has said as much himself.
DAVE: So is Caoimhe.
John and Josie sit next to each other waiting for their food, giggling that John almost lost his hand because of something Josie did - she's sorry!! (SC) Laughingly, she hopes that when John gets out someone copies her impression of John wiggling their finger at their groin in place of his widger, saying 'do you know what it is yet?' John pretends to be unhappy that she's showing him right up!
Nathan serves up their disgusting looking dinner as Josiebot notices a mopey Mario, she asks if he's alright and gives him a sorely needed kiss and hug. He thinks she looks hot in her costume and Ben mistakes the giant burger drizzled in melted cheese (made by Nathan's icky hands) for a meal of meatloaf. John messes some more with Josie putting something in her box face but she stops him so that she won't have hair in her dinner.
Josie cheers Mario with the promise of them having a nice chat after they've eaten. Ben observes that Corin has had a mastectomy - I'm presuming the funnel cones have fallen off her robot outfit. (SC) Ben and Caoimhe enlighten all that they'd had an interesting conversation about religion in schools; she feels so lucky to study where she studies.
John licks his finger but Josie spots it coming a mile off and cuts it out before he can stick it in her ear socket.
JOSIE: Don't John! I hate wet willies!! (realises how her declaration sounds)
JOHN: (doing his Josie-isms) How dare you? Who do you think you are? Stop it, stop it!!
JOSIE: Mr I-don't-like-sex!!
He lives for the taunts and shoves his finger into her mouth to badger her further. John praises Dave for how he fills the tea right to the rim, giving them their money's worth; Ben announces that it is fantastic and Dave has learnt from him, John sniggers. Then he's right back to making fun of Josie at how she blows to cool her hot beverage, then sucks up nothing and faked it 'I saw ya!'
John chortles his head off as Josie tells him to look as she sips up the tiniest measurement of tea through her lips.
JOHN: (mocks) What was that?? That wasn't even worth lifting up the cup for!!
The grub is passed around and Nathan is thanked for cooking for everyone. Ben will see how he goes with his serving or he'll become the size of a house! John is handed the salt and douses down his dinner with splatterings of salt, telling Josie during this process that 'I never use salt, ever!' but he now uses heaps.
To reach for the (Sam) Pepper to speckle his burger with, John leans directly over Josie near-flattening her as he does so. John comes to a conclusion that he wondered why he didn't use salt and pepper 'cos you can't put that on McDonald's eh?' Josie likes the meatloaf (it's a BURGER) and goes as far as to describe it as 'beautiful!' John nods along in eager agreement.
"He's so close to Jose he's nearly on top of her lol" (marhearsyou)
"He just loves being near her, and him being turned on with her robo outfit was just too much to ask for." (mamajean)
3.45pm, ouch...Ben says Mario is a
pale weedy little scrote......not saying it to be horrible.. Does Ben
think prefacing his bitchiness with wtte 'I don't mean to be
horrible' makes it not horrible? Big Bro-bot calls Caoimhe to the task
room. Robot makes Caoimhe jump in the task room. She has a pile of
fruit and a potato masher! That's something I don't think I ever
expected to see - a robot picking up a bunch of grapes as delicately
as possible to drop them into a blender. Caoimhe mashing away. She says
she doesn't think he is very sexy. Titan - negative, negative,
negative, negative The robot drops the tray Caoimhe asks Titan if he
has a girlfriend.
It squirts her with water through his eyes she screams. Blender falls to floor - Caoimhe has a whole peach at the bottom of her glass but wins.
It squirts her with water through his eyes she screams. Blender falls to floor - Caoimhe has a whole peach at the bottom of her glass but wins.
4.05pm, BEN: John James and Mario are
both having pot shots at me now, do you know how it feels to have a
whole group of people telling you that they want you to do the next
task so you can fail? Mario is a very unhappy
DAVE: So is Caoimhe.
Ben tells Dave he needs to step in and
support him when John and Mario have a go at him.
4.09pm, Mario in bed, looked fed up.
John just gave him a comforting rub on the arm! Mario tells John and
Nathan that he doesn't have a feeling either way which one of them is
going to go on Friday. Nathan and John agree that it's better to go up
and see what the public think rather than hiding away and trying not
to get noticed.
4.15pm, John joins them in the nest.
BEN: You don't sit somewhere private without closing the door.
JOHN: Private from who?
BEN: You don't sit somewhere private without closing the door.
JOHN: Private from who?
John says that he likes Mario & Ben
says he also likes Mario & always has. John thinks Ben's flirting
with Corin is the cause of Mario's annoyance. Ben saying he likes
Nathan but not as much as these 2. Despite saying loads of times in
the last few days he wants him to stay over John.
Caoimhe joins Ben, John and Dave in the nest. She asks what they're talking about, Ben says he's whinging. John hates being called crab eyes.. he won't let it drop! John likening Sunshine's pursuit of him to Mario's pursuit of Ben - just as annoying he said.
Caoimhe joins Ben, John and Dave in the nest. She asks what they're talking about, Ben says he's whinging. John hates being called crab eyes.. he won't let it drop! John likening Sunshine's pursuit of him to Mario's pursuit of Ben - just as annoying he said.
4.32pm, Ife massaging an unsuited
Josie's shoulders. John tells Ben that Mario has been backing off from
him though. Ben states he has done so in a snidey way. John bringing Ben back to reality reminding Ben about Mario standing by
him when everyone was against him. Ben accepts John's point & says
he knows that Mario has supported him.
Ben says to John to be careful about the volume of his voice in case someone hears them talking; John thinks it might look like Ben is taking advantage of Mario. John tells Ben just to speak to Mario about his problems and get them out in the open. Caoimhe agrees. (Ben annoyed with Mario as he offered Dave an apple and not him)
4.48pm, JOHN: I'm sorry in that situation no one is buzzin'.
Ben says to John to be careful about the volume of his voice in case someone hears them talking; John thinks it might look like Ben is taking advantage of Mario. John tells Ben just to speak to Mario about his problems and get them out in the open. Caoimhe agrees. (Ben annoyed with Mario as he offered Dave an apple and not him)
4.48pm, JOHN: I'm sorry in that situation no one is buzzin'.
Caoimhe and JJ both claim to be good
judges of character. John just said Thursday is his last night.
5.18pm, John out of the nest and now
talking to Ife about people swapping beds. Because Ife was
complaining about the men resting in her bed and getting crumbs in it
which give her an itchy back. Sofa gatherage, Caoimhe helping Josie to
get back in to her robot costume.
PUT YOUR FLAP DOWN JOSE (James 32 video):
Throughout this entire clip John is making googly eyes at Josie in a way that is full of gorgeosity!! Steve supplicates Josie to put down her flaps (the cardboard parts at the back of her costume are lifting) she was speaking with John and tries to flatten them. John is all giggly that it just keeps going back up 'put your flap down, Jose' - nothing sexual is intended here but then again.. ;)
There was something about Josie's robot suit that really turned John's crank ;) I don't know if it was because John has Sci-fi fantasies and was into Star Trek sex and the like but either way John was definitely kinkier than a garden hose :D I love looking back on these moments where John lit up like a glow stick just watching Josie.. oh how I want to go back to that cute place - where they only wanted each other.. More so in photos of John (and I know people will just say I'm reading too much into it) that have made their way into our hands, the light has gone out of his eyes.. they used to twinkle more than little stars whenever he was with Josie :(
WHATM: Ben's got to cut one of the other housemate's hair - it can't be Ife or Steve or one of the robots. Nathan volunteers himself to have his hair cut by Ben. Dave steps in to lose his mullet.
PUT YOUR FLAP DOWN JOSE (James 32 video):
Throughout this entire clip John is making googly eyes at Josie in a way that is full of gorgeosity!! Steve supplicates Josie to put down her flaps (the cardboard parts at the back of her costume are lifting) she was speaking with John and tries to flatten them. John is all giggly that it just keeps going back up 'put your flap down, Jose' - nothing sexual is intended here but then again.. ;)
She then deliberately hoists up the fold above her bum so they can get the full, beautiful effect as she shouts for them to stop looking! (SC) John's eyes follow Josie as she wanders off camera, he scrunches his nose up exaggerating the funniness of big, old filthy pig Nathan WOWWWWWing at Josie in a screamy voice. Just as suddenly as he nose-scrunched, John becomes sombre of face like he is trying to refrain from socking one to Seahorse. (SC)
One of the many things a JJJ-er detested about Nathan were his lecherous dealings with Josie and as such these caused all this hatefulness towards him. But I didn't mind hating him one little bit so long as we got him out and our John stayed :D I would have been so mad at the entire UK if we hadn't joined forces and kicked his ass out. No matter how hard Nathan tried to purposely rile John, John always acted pleasantly and decently with him.
Josie intends to go to the Diary room and ask for an optician as she is getting headaches (SC) John laughs at something he catches Josie doing off-screen; Mario tells Dave and Corin how he has been inside The Great Pyramid in Egypt and that it's incredible.
"Love the way you can tell exactly where she is in the room by watching is face! :O)" (fishntaty)
"John's face soon dropped when Nathan comes in the room and starts to flirt with Josie." (mamajean)
There was something about Josie's robot suit that really turned John's crank ;) I don't know if it was because John has Sci-fi fantasies and was into Star Trek sex and the like but either way John was definitely kinkier than a garden hose :D I love looking back on these moments where John lit up like a glow stick just watching Josie.. oh how I want to go back to that cute place - where they only wanted each other.. More so in photos of John (and I know people will just say I'm reading too much into it) that have made their way into our hands, the light has gone out of his eyes.. they used to twinkle more than little stars whenever he was with Josie :(
WHATM: Ben's got to cut one of the other housemate's hair - it can't be Ife or Steve or one of the robots. Nathan volunteers himself to have his hair cut by Ben. Dave steps in to lose his mullet.
5.33pm, Ben not happy with John and
Caoimhe cos they didn't agree with him re Mario. Dave not happy with John and Caoimhe cos they would prefer to ignore people they don't like
rather than ar@e lick them.
DAVE: They (Caoimhe and John) are
the cloud of doom.
5.41pm, BB-Bot: Ben and chosen victim
to the robo-room.
Titan is intoxicated by the lord. Dave's worried now about being near Ben with sharp implements. Ben says he never liked robots & says Titan is ugly.
Dave simply repeats "Watch my ears!"
BEN : Deliah to Dave's Samson!
Ben wins over the robot and Ife cuts Dave's hair to make it look better.
Titan is intoxicated by the lord. Dave's worried now about being near Ben with sharp implements. Ben says he never liked robots & says Titan is ugly.
Dave simply repeats "Watch my ears!"
BEN : Deliah to Dave's Samson!
Ben wins over the robot and Ife cuts Dave's hair to make it look better.
5.55pm, Corin decides to join Josie in
the pool. The looks Nathan gave Josie there. Really leery and creepy.
He's not happy she isn't giving him any attention back.
John flings a cushion onto the surrounding pool area; Caoimhe sends a slightly inappropriate flirtatious comment John's way 'you can't leave your two.. cos you have two wives now.' He simply scoffs and pays no heed because his attention is too consumed by spotting Josie sporting something fetching ;)
JOHN: (comes closer, undressing her with his eyes) Are you getting boobs out?
JOSIE: (He's been GIBSON-ed) Better believe it kid!
JOHN: (TITillated) Wooooo!
JOSIE: (makes male mouths water) That's what happens when you stick around! (SC)
John admits that he will be sad a little bit and is practising his exit; Caoimhe enquires what he's going to do at the top of the stairs. He laughs that she already knows but she makes out that she didn't realise he was going to do The Rock. (SC) Dave hasn't seen what Dwayne Johnson does so John stands to show him what he has planned for when the doors open. Josie is in stitches as he replicates the signature Rock moves, as he poses with his head facing the sky, eyes closed and nose upwards, ending with a shoulder shuffle and raised eyebrow.
The degree of booing depends on how long John will hold that position for - the more boos the longer he will take. If they REALLY boo then he's going to come back for a second time and soak it all up. Caoimhe claims that she's beginning to er.. understand John but also something else which is sound cut - it seems that she said she finds him hot, which John thanks Keevs for with a peace sign.
Josie plays 'he's alright!!' and John pretends to get bashful; Caoimhe thinks he'll have all the 16-22 year olds' votes and even those aged 25. Josie tips her head back into the water, enabling John a better look at her boobs while saying that John will be 'the serial snogger of the UK!' (SC) Had she not heard that he was no manwhore?
John's anticipating louder boos than Govan got and is confident that Govan has the record for this so far. (SC) Josie gets another knock back for a kiss from him even though his lips are saying yes as he puckers up, his words say no. Dave pushes him (non-physically) to kiss his 'sister' as Josie doesn't want to be left hanging. John just laughs that's he's having flashbacks of Sunshine, he moves away and sits himself on the grass next to Ben.
Although I'm sure I was yelling 'KISS HER SUGAR' to my TV at the time - I'm glad that out of respect for them as a future couple, he refrained.
JOSIE: (after a brief thumb suck) You just actually hurt my feelings a little bit there.
But Caoimhe has started talking about Nathan discussing stories that would have been in the papers (SC) she's adamant they'll have nothing on her as she's a very pure, innocent young girl! That picture does not compute with me!! I never knew I could hate something so much but part of me is angry that she walked out as it deprived the crowd of BOOING the crap out of her!
The burning question is: Should George marry Josie? A clip is shown of Josie proposing to Georgie boy in the Diary room (right after Caoimhe has to her boyfriend) she says that she will look after him and cook him dinner, wash his whites and massage his feet. The crew think he should but George shakes his head.
The behavioural expert on the show said Caoimhe feigned tears and sobbing when she plunged into Josie's shoulder but was panicking inside. It is also her suspicion that Keevil has chosen Josie (George comments 'my new wife') as her new ally as she is very popular. Zig and Zag ask Michelle Bass what she thinks of pretty boy John James, she liked him until he opened his mouth and now hates him and can't watch as she's going to strangle him so much! He needs to know himself and NOOOOOO he's not under the table material for her :P Her early prediction for a winner is Josie.
On the breaking news, George announces the first kiss of BB11 between the newly transformed Bristol bot whose lips were magnetically drawn to hunky humanoid John James. Emma asks Nathan from Celeb Hijack how he thinks JJ should deal with his temper - Nathan thought of the things he loved: music, football and girls. Emma says that John has done a lot of BB research and asks if this could be part of a game plan; Nathan thinks it is regular to survey what's going on and has heard him reference what usually happens in week 2 etc. He thinks John has a blatant game plan because he is saying these things and he's backing his namesake to come good and stay.
Only 22% of viewers feel that George should marry Josie (the rest must be Triple J fans) Emma questions if George is going to and he replies 'DAMN RIGHT' and walks away arm in arm with a Josie bride, as wedding music plays.
6.05pm, Ben says John won't be out as he
will get the boy band vote.
6.19pm, John hears BB getting Chaserbot
ready so foils them by telling everyone - cue mass panic as everyone
rushes to the house leaving Josie in the pool alone. John James
saying he thinks the very short man is coming in, as the sink is
very low in the toilet.
7.05pm, John chatting to Mario about
Ben. Mario looking deep in thought. John's opinion of Ben has changed
since the start - calls him manipulative, but says he can be
manipulative himself. John saying he wished Shabby and Sunshine were
still in the house. Sunshine annoyed John at times but he could see the
impact she had in the house. John continues to explain to Mario that he
gets on better with some HM's than others & that the exit of
Govan has made him spend more time with Josie. He adds that you don't
appreciate a HM's influence and impact on the house until they leave.
Big Bro-bot says the garden is out of bounds for a while.
7.17pm, Ife asking Josie if she
overeacted about her clothes being thrown on the floor. 'when you go
out there could you tell him I'm sorry.'
At the sofas, Josie moves to sit with John asking if he wants to put the mascara on her. He agrees right away (it being impossible for him to say NO to Jose) but asks what he has to do; she answers that he should put it on her eyelashes for her. It takes him a little time to unscrew the top of the mascara wand and Josie reconsiders this melon-headed idea when John stares at the brush, not knowing what to do with it.
JOSIE: But don't get it all over my face though.. Oh, you're not going to be very good, are you?
JOHN: (it wouldn't have been pretty) No. I've never done this before. (She says for him not to worry about it) I've never done this before.
He doesn't think he's the best to experiment on and that she should give someone else a chance to; she lets him know that she's just had a shower. Out of nowhere, he brashly brings up Josie's skill that she imparted upon her HM's on the first night 'I haven't got many talents but I'm good at giving a blower!' while getting a load of her in a somewhat way hot manner. John throws himself up against her, Josie tells him that the only good and wicked thing about wearing her costume is that his bony elbows can't dig into her tuppence or darby anymore!
To hack her off, John's hands keep migrating to her face, Josie swats his fingers away but they return to stroke her nose. (SC) John finds himself funny so Josie tugs hold of his hood to cut him off (SC) this lasts for all of 5 seconds because as soon as she lets go, they flit back up to her head. The way that he gazes up at Josie with deep, long, soulful John eyes is off the charts adorable!
He messes around putting on a helium voice to mickey take Josie 'let me out, let me out!' She must check and MATE him in the playfighting department - I can't see how she pays him back but hear John's impetuous quibbles of 'stop it, stop it, stop it or I won't be your mate no more! And I'm the only one you've got as a robot.' Josie says 'yeah right' and sucks her thumb before the next (SC).
Josie sits up and tries to tempt him to a kiss (which should solve all disputes) as she presses her lips together for a peck - they each giggle but Josie doesn't want to be left hanging. (SC) Yet again, John doesn't oblige her although he reciprocates in principle because it is still not the right moment for them. She boldly asks for John to 'come on!' as she holds the kissy face, her lips await a top notch soft touch.
They receive a smacker alright but in the form of John's fist, leaving Josie to have never felt like a bigger jackass.
JOSIE: (he roundhouse kicked her right in the heart) Oh, I can't believe you left me hanging like that!
He comes back to sit himself upon her robo lap in a way to make up for turning her smile upside down. John leans right up against her with his heart full of joy as he squishes and squashes Josie; she asks how much he weighs. (SC) They share a slight strangly snuggle and John takes hold of Josie's wrists to pull her arms around him tighter, he nibbles at her knuckles - so she wipes his slobber back onto his neck.
John doesn't even hide the fact that he wants to crush that (the that being Josie!!) ;) The playfight presses on as they make out they are being choked by each other - though not in the way that Nigella Lawson's husband strangled her (he's the devil!!).
"I agree there had to be something between them already or she wouldn't be asking for kisses in public even jokingly. Wish I could see all those early whispers and actions. James you're a star. Love you x" (lambbah)
There was a connection of special-ness between them .. it grabbed us all by the throat as Josie grabbed hold of John's heart and she never let go. I get upset sometimes just watching this loveliness as it saddens me that they could let what they did have slip right through their fingers.. It was so beautiful and we were all so happy (and THEM at the time) The prospect of them perhaps never seeing each other again is just CRAP ON TOAST!!
I'd love so very much for the boy and girl to make nice with each other, now that the hard part has happened - John has reached out.. If only one of them had been able to do so sooner, it could have saved them a lot of hurt.. instead of it eating away at them and stopping them moving forward completely. Though "sometimes in finding the light, you have to pass through the deepest darkness." (The Lucky One)
JJJ are still in the middle of a bizarre tug of war as the play fight continues. John is in a snuggly mood; Josie's not as he carries on winding her up with a jovial nonchalance as he annoyingly prods her in the face.
JOSIE: (riled that John is being impossible) DON'T JOHN! Keep doing that to my face .. it's like me doing that (returns the favour) you hate it, it's so annoying!! (he hurts her back) Ahhhhh!!
JOHN: (counterclaims) It's not a wise move to be attacking me while you're in there! (she laughs with him) You got no place to go, Lobey Lobe!! (SC)
John sticks his arm straight down her face hole; Josie is savaged and screams for him to go away through her OWWWWWWWW!! (Long SC) John is looking pleased with himself as the fun is infectious, he gets up briefly only to catapult himself back onto Josie's body with his secret weapon 'The People's Elbow' which is really one of The Rock's wrestling moves. She screeches which only serves to make John laugh harder; not quite finished with her yet he hounds her more by hurling himself right on top!
He must have magic fingers as they are continually being drawn back to fiddle with Josie's ahem.. buttons ;) Josie seizes the perfect opportunity to pinch John's nice, firm heiney as his hind quarters are in such close proximity to her finger tips.
They grapple throughout another SC and the camera attention is diverted to Caoimhe and Ben, who is no doubt being snobby again. Still their yelps, calls for help (from Big Bro) and raucous laughter penetrate though the room! Steve sticks his beak in for Josie to pull her trousers up, she needs to change them as she doesn't have a belt. (Long SC)
JOSIE: (though she has not) I look like I've been crying!
John thought she'd got soap in her eye; he's taking immense enjoyment in her suffering and can barely breathe for burbling and howling with hilarity at Josie's expense. She needs some new jeans; John crows 'you need more than that!' with his tongue stuck out at her. He starts to make silly faces mocking her and waggling his tongue but stops in his tracks when she comes towards him.
The other HM's seem oblivious to the horsing around going on in the living room but Josie wants to call a truce with John now. He is distrustful of her intentions and is right to be as she goes in for another playful tap, he makes his getaway calling her cheeky! Josie coughs in John's direction without closing her mouth repeatedly to keep him away.
JosieBot is severely dented and in danger of ripping apart, due to John's roughing her up. Their laughter rains down like April showers as they spin each other around and then John shoves Josie onto the sofa, before thudding the sides of her cardboard head like a drum.
JOHN: (rips on her) Who tries to cough on someone as a defence?!! (imitates her wheezy coughs)
Josie quits, retiring and out of their game. She stomps away shouting back to John that she's going and has 'had it up to the ceiling with you, John James!' He banters back that he's had it up to here 'who do you think you are?' Josie hasn't been gone 1 second and KEEVIL is already moving in on John trying to seductively tell him that he's been a very, very naughty boy. She sinks her clutches in to him to spark off a scuffle between them but John is not being flirty back - not on your sweet life!!
He can imagine Caoimhe gets right into that (her trampy SLUTness) and bets she has done so once or twice; she pretends to be outraged 'what are you talking about? I am pure and innocent!' Oh shut your stupid bitch face you attention-seeking cow!! We don't believe it and neither does John. I would take great pleasure in making her weep. I think this was a pivotal moment when Caoimhe's jig was up for me and from then on I well and truly had her number. (clip ends)
"Loved the clip until "she" sloped in and tried to take Josie's place playfighting with John!" (janpirret)
"Keeva tries hard re the flirting, but it just doesn't work on John, he soon turns away to look for Josie. Didn't realise she was so blatant that early on." (JafCakes)
"I'll just note that after the clip ends, John James leaves the couch after maybe 20 seconds, so he doesn't stay with Caoimhe very long." (James32_)
John and Keeva chasing each other round the bedroom. Steve is holding Keeva upside down while she is giggling.
At the sofas, Josie moves to sit with John asking if he wants to put the mascara on her. He agrees right away (it being impossible for him to say NO to Jose) but asks what he has to do; she answers that he should put it on her eyelashes for her. It takes him a little time to unscrew the top of the mascara wand and Josie reconsiders this melon-headed idea when John stares at the brush, not knowing what to do with it.
JOSIE: But don't get it all over my face though.. Oh, you're not going to be very good, are you?
JOHN: (it wouldn't have been pretty) No. I've never done this before. (She says for him not to worry about it) I've never done this before.
He doesn't think he's the best to experiment on and that she should give someone else a chance to; she lets him know that she's just had a shower. Out of nowhere, he brashly brings up Josie's skill that she imparted upon her HM's on the first night 'I haven't got many talents but I'm good at giving a blower!' while getting a load of her in a somewhat way hot manner. John throws himself up against her, Josie tells him that the only good and wicked thing about wearing her costume is that his bony elbows can't dig into her tuppence or darby anymore!
To hack her off, John's hands keep migrating to her face, Josie swats his fingers away but they return to stroke her nose. (SC) John finds himself funny so Josie tugs hold of his hood to cut him off (SC) this lasts for all of 5 seconds because as soon as she lets go, they flit back up to her head. The way that he gazes up at Josie with deep, long, soulful John eyes is off the charts adorable!
He messes around putting on a helium voice to mickey take Josie 'let me out, let me out!' She must check and MATE him in the playfighting department - I can't see how she pays him back but hear John's impetuous quibbles of 'stop it, stop it, stop it or I won't be your mate no more! And I'm the only one you've got as a robot.' Josie says 'yeah right' and sucks her thumb before the next (SC).
Josie sits up and tries to tempt him to a kiss (which should solve all disputes) as she presses her lips together for a peck - they each giggle but Josie doesn't want to be left hanging. (SC) Yet again, John doesn't oblige her although he reciprocates in principle because it is still not the right moment for them. She boldly asks for John to 'come on!' as she holds the kissy face, her lips await a top notch soft touch.
They receive a smacker alright but in the form of John's fist, leaving Josie to have never felt like a bigger jackass.
JOSIE: (he roundhouse kicked her right in the heart) Oh, I can't believe you left me hanging like that!
He comes back to sit himself upon her robo lap in a way to make up for turning her smile upside down. John leans right up against her with his heart full of joy as he squishes and squashes Josie; she asks how much he weighs. (SC) They share a slight strangly snuggle and John takes hold of Josie's wrists to pull her arms around him tighter, he nibbles at her knuckles - so she wipes his slobber back onto his neck.
John doesn't even hide the fact that he wants to crush that (the that being Josie!!) ;) The playfight presses on as they make out they are being choked by each other - though not in the way that Nigella Lawson's husband strangled her (he's the devil!!).
"I agree there had to be something between them already or she wouldn't be asking for kisses in public even jokingly. Wish I could see all those early whispers and actions. James you're a star. Love you x" (lambbah)
"When she told Corin on the bench they had kissed, Corin asked when did they first kiss. Instead of saying a couple of days ago, she said ages ago, which implied they had kissed much sooner!!!" (jjjenny)
"It couldn't have been more obvious that he was attracted to her. How cute was that when he kissed her hand!" (xxDaxxwn)
"She didn't call him Australia's biggest perv on the quiet for nothing. lol "I've not many talents, but I am good at givin a blower" John you cheeky boy. He is! The more I watch these, the more I notice John's cheeky/naughty side..haha! Definitely not the innocent he tried to have us believe. Loving these vids...better than tv most nights!"(freedom0415)
There was a connection of special-ness between them .. it grabbed us all by the throat as Josie grabbed hold of John's heart and she never let go. I get upset sometimes just watching this loveliness as it saddens me that they could let what they did have slip right through their fingers.. It was so beautiful and we were all so happy (and THEM at the time) The prospect of them perhaps never seeing each other again is just CRAP ON TOAST!!
I'd love so very much for the boy and girl to make nice with each other, now that the hard part has happened - John has reached out.. If only one of them had been able to do so sooner, it could have saved them a lot of hurt.. instead of it eating away at them and stopping them moving forward completely. Though "sometimes in finding the light, you have to pass through the deepest darkness." (The Lucky One)
JJJ are still in the middle of a bizarre tug of war as the play fight continues. John is in a snuggly mood; Josie's not as he carries on winding her up with a jovial nonchalance as he annoyingly prods her in the face.
JOSIE: (riled that John is being impossible) DON'T JOHN! Keep doing that to my face .. it's like me doing that (returns the favour) you hate it, it's so annoying!! (he hurts her back) Ahhhhh!!
JOHN: (counterclaims) It's not a wise move to be attacking me while you're in there! (she laughs with him) You got no place to go, Lobey Lobe!! (SC)
John sticks his arm straight down her face hole; Josie is savaged and screams for him to go away through her OWWWWWWWW!! (Long SC) John is looking pleased with himself as the fun is infectious, he gets up briefly only to catapult himself back onto Josie's body with his secret weapon 'The People's Elbow' which is really one of The Rock's wrestling moves. She screeches which only serves to make John laugh harder; not quite finished with her yet he hounds her more by hurling himself right on top!
He must have magic fingers as they are continually being drawn back to fiddle with Josie's ahem.. buttons ;) Josie seizes the perfect opportunity to pinch John's nice, firm heiney as his hind quarters are in such close proximity to her finger tips.
They grapple throughout another SC and the camera attention is diverted to Caoimhe and Ben, who is no doubt being snobby again. Still their yelps, calls for help (from Big Bro) and raucous laughter penetrate though the room! Steve sticks his beak in for Josie to pull her trousers up, she needs to change them as she doesn't have a belt. (Long SC)
JOSIE: (though she has not) I look like I've been crying!
John thought she'd got soap in her eye; he's taking immense enjoyment in her suffering and can barely breathe for burbling and howling with hilarity at Josie's expense. She needs some new jeans; John crows 'you need more than that!' with his tongue stuck out at her. He starts to make silly faces mocking her and waggling his tongue but stops in his tracks when she comes towards him.
The other HM's seem oblivious to the horsing around going on in the living room but Josie wants to call a truce with John now. He is distrustful of her intentions and is right to be as she goes in for another playful tap, he makes his getaway calling her cheeky! Josie coughs in John's direction without closing her mouth repeatedly to keep him away.
JosieBot is severely dented and in danger of ripping apart, due to John's roughing her up. Their laughter rains down like April showers as they spin each other around and then John shoves Josie onto the sofa, before thudding the sides of her cardboard head like a drum.
JOHN: (rips on her) Who tries to cough on someone as a defence?!! (imitates her wheezy coughs)
Josie quits, retiring and out of their game. She stomps away shouting back to John that she's going and has 'had it up to the ceiling with you, John James!' He banters back that he's had it up to here 'who do you think you are?' Josie hasn't been gone 1 second and KEEVIL is already moving in on John trying to seductively tell him that he's been a very, very naughty boy. She sinks her clutches in to him to spark off a scuffle between them but John is not being flirty back - not on your sweet life!!
He can imagine Caoimhe gets right into that (her trampy SLUTness) and bets she has done so once or twice; she pretends to be outraged 'what are you talking about? I am pure and innocent!' Oh shut your stupid bitch face you attention-seeking cow!! We don't believe it and neither does John. I would take great pleasure in making her weep. I think this was a pivotal moment when Caoimhe's jig was up for me and from then on I well and truly had her number. (clip ends)
"Loved the clip until "she" sloped in and tried to take Josie's place playfighting with John!" (janpirret)
"Keeva tries hard re the flirting, but it just doesn't work on John, he soon turns away to look for Josie. Didn't realise she was so blatant that early on." (JafCakes)
"I'll just note that after the clip ends, John James leaves the couch after maybe 20 seconds, so he doesn't stay with Caoimhe very long." (James32_)
"How false was the 'trying too hard' flirting from the odious Keeva. John looked really uncomfortable and he soon went in search of Josie." (xxDaxxw)
"I.Really.Hate.Her. I hate how she's on so many of these videos as well :|" (xmmccx)
"OMG as soon as Josie walks off Keeva tries to flirt !! He looks soooo uncomfortable ;)" (Emii_babes)
"Why has her boyfriend stuck by her she is the biggest flirt going I cannot stand her." (motiondailyomg)
"Notice Keeva leaning towards John I swear she fancied him from the start. Remember that game they all played and she picked to share a bed with someone and she picked John." (JohnJamesNJosie)
"Arghhh!!!! Keevils is quite frightening really isn't she?!" (kellyw123)
John and Keeva chasing each other round the bedroom. Steve is holding Keeva upside down while she is giggling.
7.41pm, John searching for a word - he
says 'epitome is it'? John says 'if you've done that you've probably
done everything else.' Josie's response is inaudible but John questions 'you don't like
it?' Sounds as though it's to do with sex. Keeva and John talking about
kissing techniques.
7.57pm, Robot in garden chasing John, Ife
and Caoimhe - the robot hits a cushion and falls over. The robot's on
its back, John righted it, it's chasing them again.
8.28pm, John gets into bed with Josie
again and crushes her hand, lol. Josie used to visit lots of old
castles with her ex, she loves Tenby.
LF NIGHT 29 1 (Diddiddidi video):
John informs Josie with his eyebrows raised hornily that he reckons 'you could have sex in here.. I think.'
JOSIE: (well paint her flattered) What, with me?
He cracks up but he just meant as a generalisation; Josie voices that she doesn't think she could. Who could copulate under those conditions??? John seems surprised when questioning 'you don't think you could?' Was the sensuous animal in John hoping to provide Josie with endless waves of pleasure? ;)
JOSIE: (suddenly in the mood for something hot) I'm a bit of a randy mare, John! (he re-asks the exact same question with a serious look of consternation) I'm a randy mare.
JOHN: So you do think or you don't think? I think if you were in here for..
JOSIE: (outrageously flirts) Wanna build a fort? (they get the giggles)
Originally John was like 'no way! She'd have to be.. she'd have to be.. what you were looking for.'
JOSIE: What? Just like me? (has a chuckle)
JOHN: (gushing as he goes along with it Yeah, just like my Josie Jo. (turns contemplative again) But like you'd have to really like.. I don't know..
JOSIE: (provocatively) Shall we do it?
JOHN: (saucily in an Irish accent) On our last night together!! (they laugh away)
He'd already promised Mario that he'd sleep in his bed tomorrow night. John should have rejected Mars like a bad organ transplant!
JOSIE: (sportively screws with him) Yeah but it'd only last about 30 seconds anyway!!
I really think the robo suit was the ultimate turn on for John and he kept returning to the sex topic because he hungered for their bathing suit areas to mush together!! ;) John James was a passionate, animalistic stud on the quiet and he did well to keep this side of him hidden from the other HM's. Although we, he and Josie were loving the dirty talk - I am so so SO glad that those 2 bawdy bees didn't get bzzzzzzy in the house and act on their libidinous impulses.
Had they gone all Geordie Shore on us and had sex in the house, I think it would have made them less special and have cheapened what they had together. I was loving their loving so wouldn't have wanted them to take that step on National TV - when something that wonderful and intimate should be in total privacy, for only themselves to enjoy.
Things between JJJ got hotter every day so it must have been tremendously difficult for them to have held back.. especially lying right next to each other in a bed sleeping snuggled up, night after night .. just longing to be outside the house and start their new life together.. John even said himself how hard it was but that they were so close that it never came to that. Although they often got hot and heavy or became all suggestive, I don't think they'd have liked giving in to these urges before millions.. though saying that another 2 weeks in BB and I don't think they'd have been able to resist.. leading them to possibly walk.
"Isn't it funny the day before when taking about Nathan in the bathroom, Josie basically says to John she doesn't like talking about sex and that with Nathan and it's almost like John's testing her here because she will with him. I think it shows trust towards him on her part. I think we forget sometimes John had the highest IQ in the house." (joanne19852010)
"This was random questioning. He spoke about sex in the house on a few occasions later on each time Josie says she would never have a bonk in the BB house." (Lorweir)
LF NIGHT 29 1 (Diddiddidi video):
John informs Josie with his eyebrows raised hornily that he reckons 'you could have sex in here.. I think.'
JOSIE: (well paint her flattered) What, with me?
He cracks up but he just meant as a generalisation; Josie voices that she doesn't think she could. Who could copulate under those conditions??? John seems surprised when questioning 'you don't think you could?' Was the sensuous animal in John hoping to provide Josie with endless waves of pleasure? ;)
JOSIE: (suddenly in the mood for something hot) I'm a bit of a randy mare, John! (he re-asks the exact same question with a serious look of consternation) I'm a randy mare.
JOHN: So you do think or you don't think? I think if you were in here for..
JOSIE: (outrageously flirts) Wanna build a fort? (they get the giggles)
Originally John was like 'no way! She'd have to be.. she'd have to be.. what you were looking for.'
JOSIE: What? Just like me? (has a chuckle)
JOHN: (gushing as he goes along with it Yeah, just like my Josie Jo. (turns contemplative again) But like you'd have to really like.. I don't know..
JOSIE: (provocatively) Shall we do it?
JOHN: (saucily in an Irish accent) On our last night together!! (they laugh away)
He'd already promised Mario that he'd sleep in his bed tomorrow night. John should have rejected Mars like a bad organ transplant!
JOSIE: (sportively screws with him) Yeah but it'd only last about 30 seconds anyway!!
I really think the robo suit was the ultimate turn on for John and he kept returning to the sex topic because he hungered for their bathing suit areas to mush together!! ;) John James was a passionate, animalistic stud on the quiet and he did well to keep this side of him hidden from the other HM's. Although we, he and Josie were loving the dirty talk - I am so so SO glad that those 2 bawdy bees didn't get bzzzzzzy in the house and act on their libidinous impulses.
Had they gone all Geordie Shore on us and had sex in the house, I think it would have made them less special and have cheapened what they had together. I was loving their loving so wouldn't have wanted them to take that step on National TV - when something that wonderful and intimate should be in total privacy, for only themselves to enjoy.
Things between JJJ got hotter every day so it must have been tremendously difficult for them to have held back.. especially lying right next to each other in a bed sleeping snuggled up, night after night .. just longing to be outside the house and start their new life together.. John even said himself how hard it was but that they were so close that it never came to that. Although they often got hot and heavy or became all suggestive, I don't think they'd have liked giving in to these urges before millions.. though saying that another 2 weeks in BB and I don't think they'd have been able to resist.. leading them to possibly walk.
"Isn't it funny the day before when taking about Nathan in the bathroom, Josie basically says to John she doesn't like talking about sex and that with Nathan and it's almost like John's testing her here because she will with him. I think it shows trust towards him on her part. I think we forget sometimes John had the highest IQ in the house." (joanne19852010)
"This was random questioning. He spoke about sex in the house on a few occasions later on each time Josie says she would never have a bonk in the BB house." (Lorweir)
John and Josie sit next to each other waiting for their food, giggling that John almost lost his hand because of something Josie did - she's sorry!! (SC) Laughingly, she hopes that when John gets out someone copies her impression of John wiggling their finger at their groin in place of his widger, saying 'do you know what it is yet?' John pretends to be unhappy that she's showing him right up!
Nathan serves up their disgusting looking dinner as Josiebot notices a mopey Mario, she asks if he's alright and gives him a sorely needed kiss and hug. He thinks she looks hot in her costume and Ben mistakes the giant burger drizzled in melted cheese (made by Nathan's icky hands) for a meal of meatloaf. John messes some more with Josie putting something in her box face but she stops him so that she won't have hair in her dinner.
Josie cheers Mario with the promise of them having a nice chat after they've eaten. Ben observes that Corin has had a mastectomy - I'm presuming the funnel cones have fallen off her robot outfit. (SC) Ben and Caoimhe enlighten all that they'd had an interesting conversation about religion in schools; she feels so lucky to study where she studies.
John licks his finger but Josie spots it coming a mile off and cuts it out before he can stick it in her ear socket.
JOSIE: Don't John! I hate wet willies!! (realises how her declaration sounds)
JOHN: (doing his Josie-isms) How dare you? Who do you think you are? Stop it, stop it!!
JOSIE: Mr I-don't-like-sex!!
He lives for the taunts and shoves his finger into her mouth to badger her further. John praises Dave for how he fills the tea right to the rim, giving them their money's worth; Ben announces that it is fantastic and Dave has learnt from him, John sniggers. Then he's right back to making fun of Josie at how she blows to cool her hot beverage, then sucks up nothing and faked it 'I saw ya!'
John chortles his head off as Josie tells him to look as she sips up the tiniest measurement of tea through her lips.
JOHN: (mocks) What was that?? That wasn't even worth lifting up the cup for!!
The grub is passed around and Nathan is thanked for cooking for everyone. Ben will see how he goes with his serving or he'll become the size of a house! John is handed the salt and douses down his dinner with splatterings of salt, telling Josie during this process that 'I never use salt, ever!' but he now uses heaps.
To reach for the (Sam) Pepper to speckle his burger with, John leans directly over Josie near-flattening her as he does so. John comes to a conclusion that he wondered why he didn't use salt and pepper 'cos you can't put that on McDonald's eh?' Josie likes the meatloaf (it's a BURGER) and goes as far as to describe it as 'beautiful!' John nods along in eager agreement.
"He's so close to Jose he's nearly on top of her lol" (marhearsyou)
"He just loves being near her, and him being turned on with her robo outfit was just too much to ask for." (mamajean)
Josie has lost track of the time and asks what today's date is; she's told that it is Wednesday 7th July and that they have been in there exactly a month now. Because of this answer, she implores John to stay in England for Global Gathering.
JOHN: (sarcastically) Oh yeah.. I'll just rock it on by myself!
Josie says that all her friends will go so he wise cracks 'that'll be alright, I'll just walk around with a sign saying "where are Josie's friends?"
JOSIE: They will find you.
He's not too keen on just rocking up to one of the biggest music festivals in the world and not knowing anybody. Josie doesn't think it's really that big; he believes it must be because it's called 'Global Gathering' for a reason. She reasons that Govan will go with him; John asks if she reckons and Nathan checks when it is on - 24th/25th July.
Josie wants to take John to loads of parties when she's out and doesn't think he'll be out of here until November.
JOHN: (scoffs) Who?? Do you reckon I'm sticking round here til November? Doing what? Scratching my ball bag?! What am I gonna do for 3 months? (blows his tea) I'll fly down.. I may come back depending on when you get evicted. I'll have a look, suss it out cos if I have to come back for the final anyway.
Aww how cute to say that as even then he knew he couldn't live without her!!
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