Saturday, 29 October 2011

LIVE FEED NIGHT 1 (part 1)

*John muses whether they have to cook for themselves!! 'Do we get dinner? Do we have to cook our own meals or what?' Whining that he hadn't eaten properly since lock down as all they had was canteen food. John tells Rachel that he will be sleeping on the floor as there aren't enough beds for all HM's. Rachael bets they won't let him as she twirls her hair flirtatiously. John 'well, get another bed then! Cos I'll be sleeping on the floor and he'll have to work it out. Cos they literally haven't provided enough beds!' He doesn't mind 'I don't care though.' (first appearance of his forthright, 'I couldn't give a rip' attitude?)

*When the door opens to wait outside the Diary Room John says 'I seriously just wanna ask a question.. can you open the door so I can ask a question, or what?' The Diary room chair has been broken away by some of the HM's in their first visit (Shabby supposedly). John asks 'what do you have to do, knock or something?' He is reluctant to leave when BB gives a stern announcement for the HM's to return to the house (as he wants a chat) and imitates BB to Corin and Rachel - who lap up his every word.

*Josie is the first housemate to predict a surprise eviction that night because 'they're EVIL!!'

*Josie asking Ben and Mario 'why aren't there enough f---ing beds??' Ben supposes it is because BB are seeing if they are 'kind enough to share.' Josie then proceeds to offer Mario a top and tail arrangement in the double bed she has bagged.

*Ben insisting he needs total darkness in order to sleep. Josie claims hilariously 'I could sleep on top of a volcano, mate!' 

*Ben compliments Josie as he likes her Bristolian accent but Josie thinks 'I'd pull a lot more if I was more well-spoken!' Ben believes it to be the reverse and Mario says it adds to her character. 

*Josie: 'I was buzzin' so much I can't remember what I did!' (about her name being chosen) She informs them that she hardly packed any clothes as she didn't believe she would get in and only came with 20 cigarettes "I don't wanna be that scumbag who's like 'got a fag?'" She had resolved to give up smoking if she got in but all her friends didn't think she could. 

*Changes the subject in her Josie style "OMG I've just realised all this s**t on the wall!! Well not s**t .. I don't mean to be disrespectful" (upon noticing the bizarre and creepy paintings on the wall) Mario likens it to the Circus of the Damned. 

*Another Josie classic 'In't Davina really sexy??' Shabby voices her agreement on Davina being 'buff!' Mario chastises Josie for swearing after she yells about the cameras 'the fact that we can f---ing hear them, gives it away!' .. as moments earlier she had voiced how she couldn't get over how quickly she had forgotten about being filmed - UNTIL she remembered to declare this!

*John chats with Steve at the sofas about his legs and what actually charges. Steve explains to him about the vacuum unit and how they will hear vibrations from it. He is borrowing the leg as a trial and only got it the Friday beforehand. John compliments Steve's trainers 'real good shoes' and is impressed that Steve does yacht racing. 

*After the break, Mario is showing his Mole hole to Josie (that sounds dirtier than it is!) JOHN: Is that legit dirt or fake dirt? 
*Sergeant Major Steve suggests sitting round the sofas and introducing themselves so they can 'get an idea of who we are and what we are.'John not wanting to be second in the group intros on the sofas and shyly asking for them to go clockwise instead so he would be last. He votes for the wizard as he does't want to go next.
*During Dave's turn he mentions how he has is now the 'wizard - named by our Aussie friend.' Caoimhe clarifies that there is no alcohol involved when Dave gets intoxicated off the love of the Lord (she was in lock down with him so has already witnesses him trancing out.) Josie creases up when John asks Dave 'is it like jungle juice? Like the MaRINjuana?' (love how he pronounces that) after Dave has told a stunned group how he gets high off the Lord. 'So what you're trying to say is, you smoke weed?' clearly failing to understand how Dave's slosh fests work. 

*When Rachael talks about how viewers could be watching live feed - John says how he'd hate to be watching right now 'but then again, they got to find out how a girl pees standing up .. writes her name .. digits and everything! Around here and this is what you do, right in the peehole!' (as he demonstrates how Shabby had described her bathroom antics) 'We had a full half an hour session on jungle juice!' He banters with Dave that his speech would have lasted the entire episode of Big Mouth!
*Sunshine expresses how Josie probably doesn't know them as much as she didn't get to see anyone else's VT's being first in (is this a disadvantage?) Josie laughs that Davina told her to 'shut up' so she could listen to her VT as she was gabbling 'what am I doing here?!' On Josie's turn she reveals for the first time 'I haven't really got a talent or anything I'm good at.' 
*The others jump in with attributes she demonstrated in her VT which makes her exclaim 'I'm quite talented really aren't I? Lying b***h!!' Rachel says possibly the loveliest comments that I heard her say in her entire stay - when she gushes 'Gorgeous' to Josie's list of good things about herself and that she could be 'first one in last out.' Josie reckons she 'made a right prat out of myself!' RACHEL: You look great, babe! Josie thinks hers was 'really sh-t!' Caoimhe complains that she didn't get a clap when Josie is applauded.
*During Rachel's self-intro she remarks 'it's an experience we can all take with us, tell our kids about' how VERY TRUE 

*When Ben explains that he has been on reality shows before and appeared in many episodes of Ladette to Lady, John says that his friend Jess was in the Australian one (which apparently Ben was involved in too) He asks if it was Ben that had snogged her as she snogged someone during it!!
*On John's intro "My name's John James but you don't have to call me that as I feel like a tosser." He says that he hates being called JJ but will 'allow it' when the group suggest that as an alternative (ironically his best male buddy ends up being called JJ!)
*John modestly didn't feel like he was getting in the house - he was convinced he'd be used as a publicity stunt to show how desperate some people were to get in (and that he'd be out on BBBM to look like a tosser!)
*When John describes his Great Dane Ele (short for elephant as she's fat) Josie asks him if it is a harlequin and he seems pleased that she is interested and pleasantly surprised that 'you know about them!' Ele is a Boston and they have another called Dana. John also reveals that he had auditioned for an Australian version but his Dad had died in a work accident in 2008 during the process. He's not sure if they threw him out 'because I was probably unfit at that time to go in the house .. I'm not sure if that's why I was not allowed to .. I'm not sure .. you never know..' (break)

Friday, 28 October 2011

Episode 1 HL's

*Josie kisses Steve's bald head when he enters and gives another famous thumbs up to Ben.
*John explains to Ben that he doesn't work but used to be a welder (vehicle body builder) and that he applied for UK BB 
as the Aussie one was axed. 
*John announces his amazement to a surprised Steve and Ben that when he lined up for the auditions he'd never seen it 
snow and be sunny at the same time. 
*John says that he's not phased about how long he lasts in the show whether that be '2 hours or 2 weeks' but he would 
like to be in til the end of the series and knows he won't win as he's from Australia! 'How would the whole of the UK 
feel if their last Big Brother was won by a foreigner?!' Ben says he doesn't have to worry about that as he 'isn't 
French or German!!' John wanted to 'experience it with 16 or however many out there people and see .. 
how you go!'
*Mario is hot in his mole suit and struggling to pour a glass of champers with his mole claws so Josie tells him he should 
'put a bit of ice on your head, Mario!' 
*Govan asks Josie and Rachel (while in the bathroom) if they can believe that their friends will be at home watching now. 
Josie 'No, I can't believe it!' and then is horrified to discover (according to her) that she's 'having the worst 
hair day in the world!' (Slight exaggeration as we saw muuuuuuch worse when her roots nearly reached her lobey 
lobes - John LOVED her sex hair look .. not so much the 'scarecrow' look!) 
*John is going over the names of HM's in the garden with Govan and Nathan. He clarifies that 'Corin is the really 
tanned girl?' And asks how to pronounce Shabby's name 'shabu???!' he is corrected that it's 'Shabby.' 'Shabby? 
Shabby?! Is that not an offensive word here? You're looking a bit Shabby..' He gets Govan to spell it out for 
him and then decides that's 'easy!' Govan answers his query about the Irish girl's name but John struggles with this too    
*The HM's rush to take a peek at Mario's abode as BB broadcasts that the Mole hole is now open for Mario. John 'surely 
they're not gonna make him sleep in there.. surely?' Josie is concerned for Mario when he shows her the mole 
hole 'Mario, it's cold in here mate! It's really cold in there! Aw, mate .. are you sure you're gonna be 
alright in there?' Mario promises he'll be fine and that he would 'endure far worse to be in here.'
*John claims that he can 'pee sitting down' after Shabby boasts that she is able to pee standing up. 
                                          *More of the HM's getting to know each other snippets in my live feed night 1 blog. 
John leans forward so that he can have a better view of Josie talking. 
*John's first broadcasted visit to Diary room “At first I thought you'd put in the worst housemates in history 
(so did I initially!) .. but then you get to know everyone in a pretty short period of time.. cos an hour in 
here is like 5 anywhere else!” he's so glad that they put in the 'wizard! I knew straight away he's a 100 %er! 
He's a good bloke. I like him a lot' He also thinks Benji's a really good guy and Mario 'he's probably the least 
person I would have put in there (the mole hole)' He tells BB he's been calling Davo 'the wizard' since he met him 
(when BB asks for confirmation on who he is referring to) he thought Dave had a Jedi cloak and 'wouldn't be 
surprised if he whacks out a wand from that treasure chest!' 
*John likes Nathan but doesn't get the impression that Nathan likes him; as he looks angry all the time 'that might 
only be because he's got 1 eyebrow! So he constantly looks like he's angry like *does angry noise*' he 
goes on to say that Nathan has 'this frown when he looks at me like he thinks 'I'm a tosser! Or that I'm just 
some Skip from Australia that thinks he's .. thinks he's .. the sh-t and .. and that's not how I'm like at all, 
I don't think.'
*The HM's are puzzled at the discovery of the beach ball that Mario planted. John tells the guys that it said favourite on it 
(Mario had written Josie!) and is suspicious that BB set it up 'maybe he threw it over!' (pinning it on the mole)
*The highlights end with my favourite quote of the episode - JOHN: It's seriously.. seriously  morning 
out there, isn't it?

Wednesday, 26 October 2011


                                                    A few screenshots from Josie's VT and her during the audition process:


A few screenshots from John's VT and him during the audition process: