8.06pm "Shabby has obviously decided she can trust John - she asked to leave and
was told to speak to one or more of her HM's before she decided and she
chose him." (Jaz)
"That makes me happy - in a purely selfish way I think it will do him the
world of good to think that someone has 'picked' him to talk to." (Siobhan JJJAT)
JOHN: (to Shabby) Nah, nah, nah don't! You have a couple of good friends in here, Ife and Caoimhe,
who will stick by you even if you're up every week....spend time with the
people you like and have a good time.
Shabby (looking like a Michael Jackson tribute act) really misses her friends and she
really, really wants to go. BB had
told Shabby that every HM who walks has regretted it. John mentions that he
thought about leaving due to his fight with Josie. (Day 12)
JOHN: I know why you're doing it.. to save Caoimhe.
talking some sense into Shabby who is claiming she wants to leave,
telling her that everyone's moods swing high and low and that Caiomhe is a
good friend to her. (WHATM)
8.18pm "Awww John telling Shabby he wouldnt be there if Josie wasnt there." (Brudge83 JJJAT)
"John saying if Josie had been picked instead of Caiomhe he doesn't know what he'd do and would probably walk if she went, aaawwwwwwwww." (Sofette)
John and Shabby are talking about Caoimhe possibly going, and they were talking about Dave's '2 possibilities' for the save and replace. John think Dave's other option would have put him in the same place that Shabby is in now.
"The look made it obvious he was talking about Josie. He then said "and I'd feel exactly the same as you do, I don't know if I could stay.." (Rachandgarry)
"John saying if Josie had been picked instead of Caiomhe he doesn't know what he'd do and would probably walk if she went, aaawwwwwwwww." (Sofette)
John and Shabby are talking about Caoimhe possibly going, and they were talking about Dave's '2 possibilities' for the save and replace. John think Dave's other option would have put him in the same place that Shabby is in now.
"The look made it obvious he was talking about Josie. He then said "and I'd feel exactly the same as you do, I don't know if I could stay.." (Rachandgarry)
JOHN: If it hadn't been for Jose I would have walked out.. as long as you have
one good friend.
John asks Shabby if she thinks Caoimhe would leave with her. Shabby believes Caoimhe "believes" she would do the same but thinks if it came to it she would stay. BB had quizzed Shabby if her relationships in the house had developed in the past week; she'd answered 'not really apart from John' who she has gotten to know better. Shabby contradicts her earlier statement and admits she is hurt that Caiomhe probably wouldn't walk for her when she would. She thinks Caoimhe wants to be there more than she realises. Shabby still can't believe Govan went when there were other people up deserved to go.
John asks Shabby if she thinks Caoimhe would leave with her. Shabby believes Caoimhe "believes" she would do the same but thinks if it came to it she would stay. BB had quizzed Shabby if her relationships in the house had developed in the past week; she'd answered 'not really apart from John' who she has gotten to know better. Shabby contradicts her earlier statement and admits she is hurt that Caiomhe probably wouldn't walk for her when she would. She thinks Caoimhe wants to be there more than she realises. Shabby still can't believe Govan went when there were other people up deserved to go.
John confides that he's been where Shabby is, feeling low but in the morning it changes and that neither of them might be evicted. Shabby doesn't think either her, Caoimhe or Sunshine should go. She seems sure that BB will cancel the eviction if she walks.
JOHN: You have to have friends in here, someone to trust otherwise you basically walk around the house..
Caiomhe comes in asking if Shabby is okay but Shabs just mm's so Caoimhe leaves. John understands that staying in the house without a special friend would be difficult. Shabby only realised how bad it can be in the house now that she's in there as watching it on the TV doesn't allow you to feel how it feels. John concludes that BB want arguments otherwise they wouldn't have put him in because he was clear to the producers that he argues a lot.
"Josie just came in to the bathroom, to go to the toilet and somehow she ended up answering a question (not sure if it was from Shabby or John James) how come she was using that toilet rather than the bedroom one... she said "I always use this one, I never use that other one, when have you ever seen me us that one?" he said "I don't watch your toilet visits" and she left." (Rachandgarry)
JOHN: You have to have friends in here, someone to trust otherwise you basically walk around the house..
Caiomhe comes in asking if Shabby is okay but Shabs just mm's so Caoimhe leaves. John understands that staying in the house without a special friend would be difficult. Shabby only realised how bad it can be in the house now that she's in there as watching it on the TV doesn't allow you to feel how it feels. John concludes that BB want arguments otherwise they wouldn't have put him in because he was clear to the producers that he argues a lot.
"Josie just came in to the bathroom, to go to the toilet and somehow she ended up answering a question (not sure if it was from Shabby or John James) how come she was using that toilet rather than the bedroom one... she said "I always use this one, I never use that other one, when have you ever seen me us that one?" he said "I don't watch your toilet visits" and she left." (Rachandgarry)
Josie sits on Caiomhe's bed asking her if she would like some make up,
Caiomhe cant be bothered. Ben and Dave are awake from their
little nap. Ben asks what the 'conference' is about; Caiomhe replies that it is
about her but
she though they had sorted everything. Ben and Josie tell Caiomhe that Shabby will want an outside opinion. Josie and Corin feel like going
clubbing; Corin wants as many vodkas as her little body can
handle. Ben wants to go to a nice restaurant. John doesn't think Shabby should
tell Caiomhe she will walk if she's evicted because it will make her
feel guilty.
CORIN: Yeah, they have a laugh, don't they?
STEVE: Does he though?
BEN: (Comments slyly) It's not proper love though, I don't think.. he sees her as a mother figure.
It's weird this fixation Ben has of Josie being 'motherly' he also gets crafty digs in sometimes calling her Pam Ferris. Did Ben deem that Josie was out of John's league?
"He knows she is self consious and plays on her weakness." (Reddress)
8.57pm, John pounces passionately like a panther on top of Josie, after she yells that she's sick of hearing it! Caoimhe is at the foot of the bed saying for Dave not to feel bad (for swapping her name with his in the Save and replace task) as it's over and done with. The two tearaways continue to toussle and tangle their bodies in a very intimate and carnal fashion on the bed ;)
JOSIE: (now ungraciously sprawled across the sheets) DON'T MESS UP MY HAIR, JOHN! (SC)
Josie succeeds in shifting the little goose off her kaboose!! :D (SC) Since Josie hoisted John from her, he has had to settle for a seat in Stevo's wheelchair. He explains that Shabby is feeling a bit low and that it'll be due to a build up from everything that happened today. (SC) Caoimhe cups her C cups with a frown on her face.
JOHN: (Wheeling around the room) feel like they've got no friends and that..
JOSIE: I've never felt like that..

9.10pm John chats with Caoimhe about the Shabby situation and how he wouldn't like if Josie was up and would want to go. Caiomhe tries to prise from John what he and Shabby had been discussing. He stays vague so as to not break Shabby's confidence but reassures Caoimhe that she and Shabby are still friends. (WHATM)
DAY 21 Video clip from MILLIEXX:
Sunshine enters the bedroom, Josie asks if she is alright. Mario amuses himself about having farted in Sunshine's face earlier in the day!!
MARIO: Did you like it?
No, Sunshine did not like anything about it! Who would enjoy flatulence in the face???
JOSIE: It's a shame Mario's gay, cos you and him would make quite a good couple, wouldn't you?
Mario accepts that they both love Lady Gaga but there's no way he could live a Vegan lifestyle. Josie thinks that must be so difficult (SC) Sunshine simply amazes herself with what a 'captivating' specimen of womanhood she is; as she's transfixed by her posey reflections in the mirror! Mario mentions that the risotto for their meal tonight has been cooked using chicken quorn pieces.
Sunshine asks Josie if it is her that can't eat pork (it is) as the quorn has been bought for Josie; but Sunshine is unable to eat any as it contains egg. Josie clearly didn't ask for its addition on the shopping list as she has to ask Sunshine what it even is! Sunshine summarises that it's an alternative to meat for Vegetarians; Josie thinks this is good of BB to do that.
MARIO: It's fungus!!
Josie then questions how it is cooked and if it can be eaten raw as she's never had it before. Sunshine's cookery lesson clarifies that quorn can just be fried up in a pan. Mario once dated a Vegetarian who was a Quorn eater and dumped him because of it! Sunshine tells Mario he's such a loser!
JOSIE: You couldn't have liked them that much, Mario.
Mario supposes this is so. Sunshine makes herself at home under the covers in John's single bed.. this is the closest she'd ever get to 'sleeping' with John! She quips that Mario and John should start a fan club for not liking Vegans! Ben comes in and asks the boys and girls what's going on; Sunshine creates a fable that they were talking about what would happen when Ben's hair needs cutting.
BEN: I think Josie will have to bite it!!
JOSIE: I've got nail scissors.. it's getting a bit long now, in't it?
BEN: I know sweetheart, but I'm not going to risk it for a couple of weeks!
Josie jabbers that she's just blown off, right at the moment Ben is burying himself beneath her bed blankets. She'd had to mask it with a cushion; I love how there are no airs and graces with Josie! :) It's almost as though she is trying to stink Ben out of bed with her as she then shares that her breath has been humming since they got there!
BEN: I know, we all.. we're all smelling like corpses!
John comes in and casually lies himself on top of Josie, much to the disgruntlement of Ben and Sunshine. Josie groans that he is so annoying and has to re-position herself while John chuckles cheekily. Sunshine surveys the liaison; her eyes bore into their skulls as they turn to a grotesque shade of spinach green!!
JOSIE: You know what you are? You're just like annoying! (they scruffle) Owww!
Ben seems alarmed that John's hand is going to behead him, as it nearly knocks his Quiff when John drapes his arm across Josie.
JOHN: See what goes around comes around!
JOSIE: (lists all John's transgressions) Since you've.. right, do you know what you've done? He's elbowed me right in my ear hole, right.. I've nearly lost hearing in one ear! He's smashed my head off the back of the thing..
JOHN: (cozying up) Do you remember when I elbowed your tuppence?
JOSIE: He elbowed my tuppence, he just never stops!
Ben and Sunshine are sat either side of John and Josie wearing sour expressions on their faces, while John distracts Josie with flattery.
JOHN: (Ogles the boobs) Oh, they're massive aren't they? They're like pillows, aren't they? (uses Josie's bosom for a pillow, her mammoth-sized mammaries always got his motor running!!)
JOSIE: They're almost as big as your peanut head!
JOHN: (Scoffs and grabs hold of her hand) 'Peanut head!' Hey just cos you've got a big dirty meat head! You're up there with Benjy's head!!
As John turns over onto his front, he injures Josie and takes the wind out of her!
JOSIE: You've got a peanut head, haven't you? An ant head!!
JOHN: What do you mean? No, you've just got a big head! No, you've got a big head! (Josie makes an unhappy sound) Ah, so it's alright for you to say I've got a peanut head but when you.. (giggles and Josie sucks her thumb)
Less than 1 minute of JJJ being in bed together and Sunshine is up and off, nauseated by their detestable (to her) dalliance! Ben wonders if there's any sign of the hut opening up; John doesn't understand why he can't say Josie has a big head.
JOHN: (cutesy) Are you saying I've got a peanut head? (Josie hm's so he repeats his question)
JOSIE: It's tiny!
JOHN: (removes the hood from his head to try and prove his point) It is not, it's big!!
JOSIE: It is a peanut head! A peanut David Beckham!! (she chortles) A peanut David Beckham!!
JOHN: (shoves his elbow in her face) I don't even know why I'm f**king friends with you! (SC)
They have another flirty fumble and fondle as they clutch faces and hands, sniggering away jovially! (small clip skip) Josie makes gleeful sounds as she is tickled by a charismatic Aussie who just can't keep his hands off her!
JOSIE: (Through laughter) I'm so sorry! That hurts!!! I'm sorry, Ben.
He says it's alright but he had been budged out of the bed by their boisterous banterings and he's not happy about it!
JOSIE: (can barely speak from lack of oxygen) That hurt.. that hu.. that hurt my hand more than it hurt your shoulder!
Ben takes sanctuary in the arms of his brother David and bores us all about how bored he is! I can make out the muffled voices of John complaining again about Josie showing him up.
JOSIE: (teasing) Don't start crying!
They bicker in the background about taking the covers, making them sound like they've been married for 50 years! Josie then insists that she didn't touch anything ;)
JOHN: (spoofs Josie) Jog on!
But because Ben is blurting too loudly with Dave about how he's now doing what Dave advised him to do ages ago, we neither get to see or hear much of John and Josie's chattering. Ben has decided who his friends are and to be himself.
John starts oooh ooh oooooh-ing at Josie off screen, frisky fella! Yet the babblings of the quiff-headed bloke are apparently of more importance (!!)
JOHN: (Mesmerised) You've got blue eyes, don't ya?
Instead we hear the witterings of the wit-less who thinks he and Shabby only get on on a superficial way and they'll never see eye to eye. John seems to be complimenting Josie on having blonde hair and blue eyes but doesn't rate her pumpkin head :P (something she takes umbrage to)
JOHN: (feigns incredulity) Uh ah, it's okay for you to call me a Peanut head for no reason!!
Josie mentions having freckles but John doesn't think they can even be seen. They laugh after Josie describes something as being massive!! (think it is a bogey) Ben deems that Dave had made the right decision earlier; the only one Ben would have gone for would have been Shabby.
JOHN: Did you want me to flick it on the floor?
From the little that is audible JJJ appear to be having bogies banter in bed.. maybe it wasn't shown as the nose-picking was too gruesome!
John talked about how very competitive he is and doesn't want to lose but if he
were in the Save and Replace position he wouldn't do it.
JOSIE: (Looks at Ben's bed nest barnet) You look like you've just been electrocuted!!
Dave wants support when he does the task as everybody has to do it. He doesn't think he should have people grilling him on why he chose Caoimhe. Ben is of the mindset that BB is a game show and you choose who would make your life more tolerable. John's view is that they shouldn't be over friendly to the people they are less friends with. Ben and Dave get up to go for a walk.
DAY 21-3 Video clip from Milliexx:
JOSIE: Shall we go for a walk in a minute? JOSIE: (Looks at Ben's bed nest barnet) You look like you've just been electrocuted!!
Dave wants support when he does the task as everybody has to do it. He doesn't think he should have people grilling him on why he chose Caoimhe. Ben is of the mindset that BB is a game show and you choose who would make your life more tolerable. John's view is that they shouldn't be over friendly to the people they are less friends with. Ben and Dave get up to go for a walk.
DAY 21-3 Video clip from Milliexx:
JOHN: Do you wanna go for a walk? Have you been for your daily exercise?!
JOSIE: Nope.. we'll go in a minute..
JOHN: Wha.. I didn't say I was doing no daily exercise!
JOSIE: Aw, come on! It's not all about you.. it's about us now, John! (she titters)
JOHN: (Flops forward onto Josie and brings out his inner Bristolian) 'Stop it!' 'You're lucky you're my mate.. I know you're my mate, but .. you're on your last warning!'
Josie 'whatever's John and the clip shuffles slightly. John knows that Josie hates talking about that kind of stuff but takes a stand that people come to him 'in case you haven't noticed!' But Josie re-iterates that John goes on and on and on and on.
JOHN: Well they obviously wanna hear that.. or they wouldn't come to me, would they? They'd be like 'oh, I'm not asking him a question, he'll take f**king 4 hours!' But they obviously.. value my opinion to a certain level. I don't think that I'm stupid, I think that I'm smart when it comes to that sh*t! (raises his eyebrows before lowering his head into the pillow)
JOSIE: I think I'm smarter than you.
JOHN: (humours her) Yeah, alright.. Mrs I-don't-analyse-nothing and don't.. you wouldn't know if someone was playing you, if they slapped you across the face! (lies back down face-first)
JOSIE: The thing is I don't..
JOHN: (finishes her sentence) 'I don't care'?
JOSIE: If they're playing me, obviously I do care.. I do.. I would like to stay here with my friends but.. I wouldn't care if someone was playing a game, cos if they wanna carry on and play their stupid game, let them carry on and play!
JOHN: (Springs back up) I agree with that! As long as you're picking up on it, that's fine.
JOSIE: But no one in here is playing a game, John!
JOHN: (contorts his face but then concedes) Well I'm back to square 1 again, I'll admit that. I don't think anyone is either now..
JOSIE: (Cracks up) So what the f**k are you going on about? (smooshes his head with a pillow)
JOHN: I was wrong, I admit that I was wrong, I apologised.. what more do you want? (sits up) I admitted I was in the wrong, what more do you want? What more..
JOSIE: Jooooohn, don't touch me in that place!! (giggles)
JOHN: 'Stop it!' What more do you want? What more do you want from me? (stretches to mess up her hair, so she grapples him back) Stop it! You were..
JOSIE: Stop messing up my hair!!
JOHN: You were about to say 'is that all you got?' I've got.. okay! Is that all I've got?
JOSIE: (Leans forward) You've obviously seen me sit and do my hair over there for a whole f**king hour, and all you can think to do is come over and be like (pays his back by giving his hair a good, hard scruffle!) Who do you think you are?
John bounces up like Tigger then turns into a lustful lion lunging onto her loins, prodding Josie in the ribs and mangling her mane once again. Josie owwww's and screams pleading 'pleaseeee John!' he allows her some air.
JOSIE: This took me a whole hour, you w*nker!
JOHN: That took you an hour?? Did you sue 'em?
They wrestle wantonly between the sheets, embracing the chance to tackle and grasp hold of each other's hand <3 Both rough and ready for .. a lot more ;)
JOSIE: Get your Peanut head off me!! Ahhh!! (they shriek and roar as they roll around raunchily)
JOSIE: You're quite strong, aren't you?JOHN: (not releasing her wrist) Yeah!!
JOSIE: I've just knocked my head again! You're really strong, aren't you?
JOHN: Yeah!
JOSIE: (in awe.. almost) I didn't realise you were that strong!! (they chuckle)
JOHN: B*tch! 'Peanut head?' Stop f**ing, stop insulting..
JOSIE: (makes him turn his back) Come here, you've got something!! (pesky trickster pinches him)
Giving them another opportunity to touch one another up, under the guise of a flirt fight! It's like watching the horny pair have a literal session of slap and tickle without any of the sexual antics (although there are suggestive undertones throughout their hot and heavy hustling!)
You can't see where their hands are roaming under the duvets but from the desirous squeals from Jose, the hands aren't any place she doesn't enjoy them being!! ;) Being a hot-blooded male, John maybe finds their impassioned eroticisms arousing as he urges Josie to let go! It feels perverted to play this clip as some of the sounds are verging on pornographic!!!!
JOHN: Let go.. let go or the top's coming down! The top's coming down on National TV! (his hands make a play for that part of her anatomy but he has to settle for more hair harassment)
The flirtations are shameless and their laughter unrestrained, neither quite wanting to surrender so that their horniness has to come to a halt.
JOSIE: Alright, just don't mess up my hair!! (cackles)
JOHN: Let go then, let go! (it's like the classic 'You hang up, no you hang up' technique) Tried to give me a f**king wedgie!!
JOSIE: (places a hand on his shoulder) Look, I don't..
JOHN: (Pelvic thrusts) I'm tangled all up now!!
JOSIE: (Eyes have a gander towards his groin region) I don't go around messing up your mullet all the time, do I?
JOHN: (Chortles breathlessly) Why've you gotta insult me all the time, make a show of me on telly? Why have you gotta call me a Peanut head and say I've got a mullet? (leans over the side of the bed)
JOHN: There's an M & M down there!! You've been hiding your f**king chocolates down there again, have ya? (still trying to regain his breath)
JOSIE: There's an M & M? Where did the M & M come from?
JOHN: Are you gonna f**king eat it? (sniggers and rubs his eyes) You were thinking about that!! (keeps flicking her hand away, as Josie has outstretched it so that he can pass her the choc!)
JOSIE: Of course I was! An M & M!! It's not something you find under your bed every day, is it?!!! (John laughs harder) An M & M! (John grumbles goofily and incoherently) I can't believe you've just mashed up my hair!!
JOHN: You mashed up my mullet! Like I put a lot of time into that (SC)
John gazes so alluringly at his very gorgeous friend, his eyes glitter provocatively as he day dreams about the unspeakable things he'd like to do to Josie ;)
John even at this stage in the show clearly had 'unhonourable' intentions to have his way with Josie ;) I'm not sure if this is something he already knew and couldn't bring himself to express his true feelings for Josie.. so had to mask them and use every chance to playfight with her a way to justify getting closer and more hands on with her. Or was he even oblivious to the yearnings of his heart?
I think he probably knew he found her attractive and just LOVED being around her as he always had the most fun with her.. but I don't know that he recognised these growing emotions within him - as they were stronger than anything he'd ever encountered before! He was starting to fall in LOVE which was something he'd only ever felt platonically before in his relationships.
John and Josie are breathing heavily and rapidly as they lay their heads back on the pillows. They realise that they look and sound like a couple in the after glow of making love and they play up to this.
JOHN: (steamy) Was that good for you?
JOSIE: (her chest still rising and falling) That was.. that was memorable John! (they teehee like teenagers)
JOHN: Memorable? Who says that?
JOSIE: I've got more moves than Shakira!!
It is so good to watch these clips and remember their silliness and how much they just totally enjoyed each other!! They couldn't get enough! And they didn't have anyone else in the house who shared their love for laughter or who embraced their eccentricities. Having someone who is on the same wacky level as yourself, who can just brighten your day so freely and instinctively .. those special people are few and far between! There are bound to be days when maybe they miss this part of their relationship.. maybe a joke or a memory comes into their head and they share it with someone and it's just not the same.. could it be then, they wish they were still in contact? Knowing Josie/John would 'get it' because they 'got' me...
Nathan broke up the boogie by announcing their dinner was ready, they were laughing all the way to the kitchen. Sunshine had a small sulk in the living room, since it was starting to sink in that John had the hots for a hottie.. but it was NOTTIE her!!
JOHN: (steamy) Was that good for you?
JOSIE: (her chest still rising and falling) That was.. that was memorable John! (they teehee like teenagers)
JOHN: Memorable? Who says that?
JOSIE: I've got more moves than Shakira!!
JOHN: No, you don't ..you (chuckling as he rolls his fists into balls) you dance like a f**king penguin! (stands up for this bit of action) You're like this.. I've seen the way you dance! (he shimmies and bum wiggles as he parodies her happy feet while resembling a man camper than Christmas!)
JOSIE: No it in't like that!! Yeah, but that's not my real dancing! That's taking the p*ss dancing, that's why!
John pfffts and then pats down his privates through his pockets. But as that doesn't get the job done he has to physically put his hand down his boxers to prevent his penis giving away how turned on he is!!!
JOHN: I've seen you dancing!
JOSIE: No, it's not! You don't know how I dance!
Josie gets out of bed with her game face on to have a dance off with the boy from Down Under.
JOSIE: Don't mess with the best!
JOHN: Show me your dance!
Josie accepts the challenge and cuts some shapes as she booby and booty shakes with all of her might. John tries to mirror the moves she's busting, but after some groin gyrations and hip circling he quits and watches Josie as he giggles. She asks 'what what?'
JOHN: I reckon that's how you dance in real life! (gets his groove on again) What an idiot!
JOSIE: And I got this one! (shows him another one of her trademark dance steps, which is more focused on wobbling her womanly wonders!)
JOHN: (Chortles) What the f**k's that? (they leave the room) Shakira would not be happy about you saying you've got more moves than Shakira, dancing like a peanut like that!! It is so good to watch these clips and remember their silliness and how much they just totally enjoyed each other!! They couldn't get enough! And they didn't have anyone else in the house who shared their love for laughter or who embraced their eccentricities. Having someone who is on the same wacky level as yourself, who can just brighten your day so freely and instinctively .. those special people are few and far between! There are bound to be days when maybe they miss this part of their relationship.. maybe a joke or a memory comes into their head and they share it with someone and it's just not the same.. could it be then, they wish they were still in contact? Knowing Josie/John would 'get it' because they 'got' me...
Nathan broke up the boogie by announcing their dinner was ready, they were laughing all the way to the kitchen. Sunshine had a small sulk in the living room, since it was starting to sink in that John had the hots for a hottie.. but it was NOTTIE her!!
In the snug, Ben poisons Dave's mind about John, saying Shabby had only stuck up for John
because he was arguing with Ben.
BEN: John is woefully insecure, he is someone who I would have considered a close friend but now he finds me amusing but he doesn't care about me. He just cares about and wants to muck around with Josie. Josie is a safe option for him he doesn't find her sexually attractive.
He finds it a weird thing that John has with Josie going as now he never wants to talk to Ben "I'm the only one who knows about Australia!" (WHATM)
"Can't believe Ben was slagging John off saying that Josie's just his security blanket and that John's not remotely sexually interested in her, I think he must just be jealous because he was forced out of bed!"(Sofette)
BEN: John is woefully insecure, he is someone who I would have considered a close friend but now he finds me amusing but he doesn't care about me. He just cares about and wants to muck around with Josie. Josie is a safe option for him he doesn't find her sexually attractive.
He finds it a weird thing that John has with Josie going as now he never wants to talk to Ben "I'm the only one who knows about Australia!" (WHATM)
"Can't believe Ben was slagging John off saying that Josie's just his security blanket and that John's not remotely sexually interested in her, I think he must just be jealous because he was forced out of bed!"(Sofette)
10pm John makes a cutting remark to Sunshine about being book smart but not
knowing what's going on in your life. John messes up Josie's hair as they tuck
into Nathan's self-labelled 'f**king bangin' quorn risotto. It supposedly
tastes like chicken but looks minging!! (WHATM)
Josie and Nathan join Shabby at the smoking area. Nathan tells
Josie that she looks like his first girlfriend.
Shabby then speaks to John about leaving; JJ thinks it's
irrelevant what anyone else thinks as long as Shabby knows she's true to
herself, that's all that matters. He agrees that they both do/say things
in the heat of the moment.
Shabby describes her hips as 'f**king huge!'
JOHN:You're going a little bit blind as well are you?
JOHN:You're going a little bit blind as well are you?
10.40pm Mario warns John that he has two women chasing him around and considers it must be tiring having them vying for his attention. Sunshine cautions him to be more careful around ladies! John chases her into the kitchen and Steve turns stomachs with his vulgarity 'get her in the cupboard and sort her out!'
When Mario was hiding in the cupboard with Sunshine
he thought it would be the perfect place for "a quick hand-shandy!"
11.37pm Mario discusses the Saw films; a squeamish Ben bawls 'why the hell would someone want
to watch that?' after Mars goes into graphic details! Then ironically, Mario mentions the movie 'Misery' and Ben randomly brings up Coronation Street as he is obsessed with the soap!
11.45pm Shabby runs around the house looking for the marbles she has lost! She's losing the plot a la Vanessa Feltz!
E4 LIVE FEED STARTS (at midnight)
In the garden Shabby gossips with Corin about how she'd thought Ben being tipped out of bed was hilarious! She'd have liked her bed to have tilted and had actually heard a rumour about hydraulics under the beds before she'd come in. She has the assumption that they must only be on the singles as those beds are higher than the doubles.
Shabby hadn't seen Ben's bed until it was fully upright; she laughs that someone could tumble right out if they were dead asleep! Corin chuckles that it was being raised really slowly and then does an impression of Ben. Shabs wishes that she had opened her eyes in time but she was too busy hiding under the duvet. They agree that it was better than the alarm.
SHABBY: I really want someone to fall out!.. Not to hurt themselves but maybe a little bruise or something!
She makes her excuses to dash as she has to attend to her bowel movements; checking with Corin that Josie and John are in the bathroom before doing a runner. As she enters the bathroom, she's met with the tinkle of JJJ laughter (SC) John is laying on his side in front of the bath tub with one foot touching Josie's trotter!
JOSIE: (messing up his motto) Right, that's it now!! What is it? (he reminds her what it really is) 'I'm getting angry now!! I'm getting angry now! I'm getting angry now!' And then on your best bits it'll just be 'I'm getting angry now! Getting angry now! Getting angry now!' 'Wah wah, Josie called me crab eyes! Wah wah!' 'Getting angry now, getting angry now!'
In the garden Shabby gossips with Corin about how she'd thought Ben being tipped out of bed was hilarious! She'd have liked her bed to have tilted and had actually heard a rumour about hydraulics under the beds before she'd come in. She has the assumption that they must only be on the singles as those beds are higher than the doubles.
Shabby hadn't seen Ben's bed until it was fully upright; she laughs that someone could tumble right out if they were dead asleep! Corin chuckles that it was being raised really slowly and then does an impression of Ben. Shabs wishes that she had opened her eyes in time but she was too busy hiding under the duvet. They agree that it was better than the alarm.
SHABBY: I really want someone to fall out!.. Not to hurt themselves but maybe a little bruise or something!
She makes her excuses to dash as she has to attend to her bowel movements; checking with Corin that Josie and John are in the bathroom before doing a runner. As she enters the bathroom, she's met with the tinkle of JJJ laughter (SC) John is laying on his side in front of the bath tub with one foot touching Josie's trotter!
Josie is taking the p*ss out of John as she pretends to cry 'Josie called me crab eyes!!' John wonders if they'll do a word count and if he'd be up there with that.
JOSIE: (messing up his motto) Right, that's it now!! What is it? (he reminds her what it really is) 'I'm getting angry now!! I'm getting angry now! I'm getting angry now!' And then on your best bits it'll just be 'I'm getting angry now! Getting angry now! Getting angry now!' 'Wah wah, Josie called me crab eyes! Wah wah!' 'Getting angry now, getting angry now!'
JOHN: (takes it all in good spirits) How funny was Ben this morning? What was he repeating over and over again? I had to laugh! What was he saying? He went off this morning!
Josie thinks John had gotten really sh*tty about it! John counters that he copped it for the first bit and Josie agrees that it wasn't right for Ben to bring John's family into it.
JOHN: And he kept doing it! I was laughing at the start, you know I was!
Shabby tells them that her and Corin were just laughing about it outside and how Corin did a really good impression of Ben being lifted in bed. John and Josie then do their own impersonations with the sticking out ears. John doesn't know how Ben did it and was amused that Ben looked in the mirror on the way down.
JOHN: How can you not find that funny? (Josie is laughing away)
SHABBY: He didn't find it amusing even for a second!
JOHN: No, he didn't even crack a smile!! (helps with the washing in the bath) And then he started on about wit and f**king God knows what else! I was like what the f**k has that got to do with you falling out of bed? (Josie and Shabby crack up)
Shabs is sad she didn't get to see any of it as the lights were too bright!
JOHN: He didn't even hop off the bed! He waited, he was up there for ages.. he waited til the bed got to the point where he had to.. he had to slide off! He didn't even bother.. he was like a doll!!
Josie loves how all their impressions of Ben involve the ears!
JOHN: But he doesn't find it funny at all, like he can't..
Shabby muses that the funnier Ben doesn't find it, the funnier everyone else does! Josie thinks Ben is aware of that.
JOHN: No, he doesn't know that! You were p*ssing yourself laughing and only I cop it! I copped everything!!
JOSIE: Ah sh*t! Right John, right swirl now. Come on, spin cycle now!! (her newly domesticated hubby lends a hand)
John hadn't even realised that Ben was taken the p*ss out of the way he said something. Shabby had really shouted at Ben for that; if it hadn't been for her John wouldn't have even picked up on it. In the middle of their argument John had said 'AV it!' and Ben had snootily sneered 'it's have it, John James!' Shabby had fumed as it is so below the belt to correct the way somebody says something in a dispute and she was like 'f**k you, man!' Up til that point she had mainly kept out of it.
JOHN: I saw you firing up! I could see the steam coming outta your ears!
Back in the bedroom Ben can see a man walking in the camera runs. The cameras scoot back over to John, Josie and Shabby. Josie 'dodoodaladoo's as she mickey takes John blowing his own trumpet. John is not deterred because he does think he has a good sense of humour! Shabby liked it when Ben said that he and Caoimhe had excellent humour, basically implying theirs was just sh*t!
JOHN: I laugh at a whole range of things! He's like (puts on Posh toff tone) 'you think farting and burping is funny, I don't!' I'm like 'I don't think that's.. what are you talking about? You don't know me at all, if that's what you think!' (continues with the spin cycle)
Josie requests for John to wring out an item of clothing as she can't be bothered any more. Shabby entreats them to be on toilet duty for her as she's got to curl one out (her words, not mine!) John and Josie laugh about Ben commenting about Edison inventing sound or something.
JOSIE: And Mario piped up and went 'how dare you! I think we discovered sound when we could speak!' (they snicker)
JOHN: Ben hates being corrected! He hates it bad! He gets real sh*tty!!
Just as John's about to treat us to another Ben sound bite we move over to Ben in the bedroom briefly.
JOHN: Oh, who walked in on the toilet when I was in there?
JOHN: How can you not find that funny? (Josie is laughing away)
SHABBY: He didn't find it amusing even for a second!
JOHN: No, he didn't even crack a smile!! (helps with the washing in the bath) And then he started on about wit and f**king God knows what else! I was like what the f**k has that got to do with you falling out of bed? (Josie and Shabby crack up)
Shabs is sad she didn't get to see any of it as the lights were too bright!
JOHN: He didn't even hop off the bed! He waited, he was up there for ages.. he waited til the bed got to the point where he had to.. he had to slide off! He didn't even bother.. he was like a doll!!
Josie loves how all their impressions of Ben involve the ears!
JOHN: But he doesn't find it funny at all, like he can't..
Shabby muses that the funnier Ben doesn't find it, the funnier everyone else does! Josie thinks Ben is aware of that.
JOHN: No, he doesn't know that! You were p*ssing yourself laughing and only I cop it! I copped everything!!
JOSIE: Ah sh*t! Right John, right swirl now. Come on, spin cycle now!! (her newly domesticated hubby lends a hand)
John hadn't even realised that Ben was taken the p*ss out of the way he said something. Shabby had really shouted at Ben for that; if it hadn't been for her John wouldn't have even picked up on it. In the middle of their argument John had said 'AV it!' and Ben had snootily sneered 'it's have it, John James!' Shabby had fumed as it is so below the belt to correct the way somebody says something in a dispute and she was like 'f**k you, man!' Up til that point she had mainly kept out of it.
JOHN: I saw you firing up! I could see the steam coming outta your ears!
Back in the bedroom Ben can see a man walking in the camera runs. The cameras scoot back over to John, Josie and Shabby. Josie 'dodoodaladoo's as she mickey takes John blowing his own trumpet. John is not deterred because he does think he has a good sense of humour! Shabby liked it when Ben said that he and Caoimhe had excellent humour, basically implying theirs was just sh*t!
JOHN: I laugh at a whole range of things! He's like (puts on Posh toff tone) 'you think farting and burping is funny, I don't!' I'm like 'I don't think that's.. what are you talking about? You don't know me at all, if that's what you think!' (continues with the spin cycle)
Josie requests for John to wring out an item of clothing as she can't be bothered any more. Shabby entreats them to be on toilet duty for her as she's got to curl one out (her words, not mine!) John and Josie laugh about Ben commenting about Edison inventing sound or something.
JOSIE: And Mario piped up and went 'how dare you! I think we discovered sound when we could speak!' (they snicker)
JOHN: Ben hates being corrected! He hates it bad! He gets real sh*tty!!
Just as John's about to treat us to another Ben sound bite we move over to Ben in the bedroom briefly.
JOHN: Oh, who walked in on the toilet when I was in there?
Josie admits she thinks she's done an impression of John in the Diary room as well.
JOHN: Oh you didn't go 'eeh eeeeh!!' Did ya? (she giggles with guilt) Ah, you f**king did! Ya b*tch! You didn't go like that and hold your nose as well? F**king hell! (they wring out the hoodie as she lets him know she didn't) It's worse?
JOSIE: No, I just did an impression of you going on! And they were like 'why do you want to wring John James' neck?' and I was like (in her Aussie accent) 'because he just goes on and on and on and on and on!!'
John shows that he does indeed have an excellent sense of humour as he sees the funny side of this!
JOHN: Look Benny walks round in his jocks!!
Josie laughs that she can see everything through them; John concedes that Ben may as well not be wearing any! Josie has never seen John in his pants.
JOHN: Nah, I'm not like that!! (still wringing the hoodie dry)
Josie seems surprised and maybe miffed that he wouldn't ever walk around in his boxers. He says that he doesn't even do that on his own, walking around at home in his bedroom by himself! John wears soccer shorts to bed but wasn't allowed to bring any in as they all had labels on; so he's been wearing his jeans.
JOHN: Yeah, well I've got nothin' else do I? I've got nothin' NOTHIIIIIIN!
Josie reminds him he has his Peter Pan shorts. John enthuses that he loves Peter Pan.
JOSIE: That is you! That is you, Peter Pan innit?
JOHN: That's the secret! I can really fly!!
Shabby has performed her ablutions but utters aghast 'dear sweet Lord!' urging them not to go in the toilet! John and Josie think she was really quick; Shabby gives FAR too much information that 'it' was just sitting on the edge! She thinks BB should provide some sort of room freshener.
JOSIE: You're quite strong on the quiet! I was quite surprised how strong you are! (John asks 'why?') I didn't think you were very strong! (SC) She's beautiful and she's got a lovely personality to go with it!
John wants Josie to look at Ben who's given him a belly laugh over the way he tilts his head. Ben is informing Shabby how he has a good day once every 7 days and the others are crap. Shabby's day was heinously sh*t! Ben watches Corin's display of him being tipped out of bed and gives a head nod and a single hand clap for entertaining him.
Shabby heads into the hut proudly pronouncing to have had 'the smelliest
smelliest crap the world has ever seen!' Dave had thought she was drunk! She cautions them all not to go in the main toilet for a while as it still stinks even though she used half a bottle of bleach! Dave tells her she looks weird without her hat and wearing 'the red ding dong!' She takes it with humour that she can't believe he brought that up at such a time in the evening, laughing that she looks like a washer woman!!